Energy Group

Chapter 1342:

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Section 1342 Energy Group Economic Warfare

On June 22, the Chinese government announced that the squadron had expanded again. On the same day, China announced that the head of state will visit Russia, France, Germany, etc. soon. The war has long been uncontrollable. At the beginning, Li Cong could still rely on his own influence to start to influence. At that time, it seemed that he no longer had that ability, and the Chinese government began to fall into a kind of war madness. , And the Japanese can be defeated by anyone, even if the people in the country can't eat, they definitely cannot be defeated by the Chinese at that time.

On June 23, Japan announced the import of weapons and equipment from the United States, and several newly-built military factories have been put into production, and the lack of equipment in Japan will be resolved. On the same day, the United States announced that there was danger in the battlefield between Taiwan and North Korea. The United States was considering sending special forces to help the Japanese resist Chinese attacks. The Chinese government has expressed serious protests, saying that the United States will not help anyone by doing so, it is sending its own people to death, and that China will expand the organization of special forces accordingly. This kind of special forces battle is the least feared by Li Cong. At that time, he still underestimated this kind of battle. Since the beginning of the war, more than 570 members of the Thunder Team have died on the battlefield. The direct economic loss is every At least 1.1 million U.S. dollars in training expenses for individuals, which is absolutely similar to that of American pilots.

On June 24, the Chinese delegation arrived in Latin America and began its visit to Latin America. On the same day, both China and Japan on the North Korean front were gathering forces, and a new battle was about to break out. At the same time, Li Cong also let the Burmese Army drew another 20,000 troops into North Korea. For nothing else, one of his own bases is there, and the flames of war must not be burned on his territory. In fact, this is Li Congduo. After thinking about it, if Li Cong had a military base, he should be worried. At that time, such an energy production base would definitely not be a problem.

On June 25, the Chinese delegation ended its visit to Argentina. Argentina agreed to provide China with all assistance from food to strategic materials, and expressed its permanent support for China's war of unification. And China also said that it will help Argentina build a new-style air force and improve its air defense force. In fact, Argentina is just a statement now. China can't run out of its own things. This is a heavy blow to the Skull and Bones. America that has been cleaned up now seems to be divided again.

On June 26, the first batch of US special forces arrived in Taiwan and invested in reconnaissance and sabotage in the rear of the People's Liberation Army. After protesting, the Chinese government decided to increase the number of special forces in Taiwan. After receiving help from the central government, Li Cong also dispatched a new group of more than two hundred special forces into Taiwan.

On June 27, a delegation of Chinese head of state Wang Lieying arrived in Moscow and began an official visit to Russia.

On June 28, China and Russia reached a new military deal. Moscow agreed to sell to Beijing the production technology of the newly developed su-45 fifth-generation fighter. Moscow and Beijing stated that this was to deal with the Japanese F-22. At the same time, a contract was signed for the purchase of 2 Severodvinsk-class nuclear submarines and the production of 12 patents. There are also a large number of contracts for weapons and equipment. The total value of the contract has reached 12 billion US dollars. The biggest military deal. After signing the military contract, the Chinese head of state also visited St. Petersburg. In fact, Li Cong was very enthusiastic about this arms purchase. Although he had too much technology, it was better not to expose himself so much at this time.

On June 29, the new battle between China and Japan in North Korea has ended, and both sides can launch new offensive operations at any time.

At 2 o’clock on June 30th, the fifth battle broke out on the Korean battlefield. The Chinese and North Korean troops launched a large-scale offensive against the Japanese defense line, and the Japanese army was also ready for defense. The two sides entered the battle of fortifications, and they were all competing for strength and morale. . On the same day, the Chinese head of state ended his visit to Russia and arrived in France, and began his official visit to France.

On July 1, the Chinese and North Korean troops successfully broke through the Japanese defense line. The Japanese army shrank back to prevent being surrounded. Now the area controlled by the Japanese army is only the southernmost part of South Korea's territory, which accounts for about 1/4 of the area of ​​South Korea. The army's siege of Seoul is also completed. The Chinese People's Liberation Army also launched a round of attacks in Taiwan. At that time, with the support of US and Japanese aircraft, the Japanese defense line did not receive much damage.

The Chinese head of state arrived in France and began a two-day official visit to France. During the period, he signed with France to purchase 200 Rafale fighter jets and 2 production lines for Rafale fighter jets. At the same time, he also purchased the m-88 III used by the Rafale. Engine manufacturing technology. In fact, this is completely taking care of Li Cong's face. Otherwise, you will definitely buy the production line directly. Is your production much better than ours?

As for the navy, China continues to introduce French radar and short-range air defense. The Army also expressed its intention to purchase French Leclerc tanks. Wang Lieying then visited the French Louvre, the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe and other landmarks in Paris, and inspected the French new type of suspension train production plant and expressed willingness to introduce French technology to build a new Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway line. After visiting Dassault, he said that China will develop new passenger aircraft together with Dassault. This is also the first positive response from a national leader after Li Cong proposed cooperation.

On July 2nd, with the support of American special forces and air support, the Japanese army launched a counterattack against the offensive of the Chinese and North Korean troops. The first wave of attacks by the Chinese and North Korean troops stopped after 20 kilometers, and the Korean battlefield was deadlocked again. . On the Taiwan battlefield, the Chinese special forces once again fought life and death with the American special forces. The two sides chased me in the complex terrain of the central mountains of Taiwan. He hesitated the help of the Thunder Team. The Americans suffered a greater loss. None of the elites participated in the war, so Li never wanted to anger the Americans too much. On the frontal battlefield, the squadron had to temporarily stop offensive operations due to too much air suppression.

On July 3, the Chinese and North Korean troops withstood the Japanese counterattack, and then launched another offensive under the newly arrived volunteer troops. The Japanese troops also stubbornly resisted the Chinese and North Korean attacks with the support of the newly arrived troops. On the Taiwan battlefield, the Chinese Air Force and the U.S. and Japanese air forces fought a fierce battle for air supremacy. The air battle between the two sides lasted until dark, and in the end they both withdrew from the battlefield regardless of the outcome. The Chinese head of state ended his visit to France, flew to Berlin, and began a two-day official visit to Germany. During the period, it signed a production patent contract with Germany for the purchase of the "Leopard"-2a7 elephant tank, and purchased the technology of the German mut supercharged diesel engine. At that time, under the obstruction of the British, the plan to purchase the "Typhoon" fighter was forced to shelve. The navy has also ordered a contract for two Type 214 submarines, and has bought enough manufacturing patents to prepare 10 more submarines in China. At the same time, China also expressed its recognition of the position of the new Europe headed by France and Germany in the world. At the same time, I hope to see that a unified Europe can play a more important role in world affairs. This is obviously to instigate the relationship between others. Li Cong also agrees with this statement. Europeans are originally better than Meizhou people. , Why listen to them? It just so happens that France and Germany have been fighting for independence for a long time.

On July 4, the Chinese Air Force once again fought a fierce battle over Taiwan with the U.S. and Japan air forces. Both sides vowed to seize the air supremacy over Taiwan. In the end, both sides withdrew from the battlefield without getting decisive, and the battle on the ground also At the same time, the Chinese People's Liberation Army focused its offensive in the southwest, while the Japanese counterattacks in the north. Both sides did not make much progress after the loss of great troops and equipment.

On the Korean battlefield, the Chinese and North Korean troops still maintained a fierce offensive momentum, and five newly established artisans in Japan were preparing to go to the Korean battlefield. On July 5th, the Chinese head of state Wang Lieying ended his visit to Germany and set off to return home. The first batch of 56 F-22 fighters from the United States as aid equipment arrived at the Okinawa base and was delivered to the Japanese Air Force. Japanese Air Force pilots also returned to Okinawa after completing their training in the United States. These new fighters were immediately put on the Taiwan battlefield. On this day, with the help of newly arrived fighters, the US-Japan air forces seized local air superiority over Taiwan, and the Taiwanese war situation developed in a direction that favored the US-Japan interference forces. However, just when the Japanese Air Force wanted to continue to achieve results, an energy group's air force arrived, and it was dangerously defending the line of defense. The air supremacy still needs to continue to compete.

On the Korean battlefield, the offensive of the Chinese and North Korean troops has reached its peak. In order to avoid giving the Japanese a chance to counterattack due to the lack of logistics, the Chinese and North Korean troops stopped the attack. On July 6, the equipment aided by the United States arrived in Japan one after another, including 120 f-22 fighters, 240 f-35 combined fighters, 540 m1a3 tanks, 600 m2a4 infantry fighting vehicles, and a large number of ammunition. After receiving preparations from the United States, Japan immediately formed five new artillery divisions, including two heavy armored divisions and three light infantry divisions. At the same time, the energy group's assistance to China is basically in place, and they are all large-scale army equipment with the appearance of Type 99 tanks. Even the people in the military factory are very surprised. How do the energy group people produce it? Improvements have been made in some places, but this time is obviously not about this time, how to send these things to the front line is the most important thing.

The Chinese head of state returned to Beijing to protest against the aid of Japan from the United States, and said that if the United States wanted to go its own way, China would have to expand the scope of submarine warfare. On the same day, China announced that it would purchase army equipment from Russia for five divisions, including three tank divisions and two mechanized infantry divisions. The Russian president only smiled bitterly when he saw this. Just say how many things you bought in total. In fact, the things I sold you can’t even equip a division?

On July 7, the U.S. government stated that its military assistance to Japan would not stop and that it would send a U.S. **** fleet to **** the fleet to Japan. On the same day, China announced that it would engage in submarine warfare against any American ship bound for or departed from Japan. I also hope that other countries will strictly abide by the sanctions against Japan and not help the Japanese to disrupt world peace and order. On the same day, two new field troops from China entered North Korea, replacing two field troops with severely reduced personnel. More than 8,000 soldiers of the energy group also retreated to the country. Their treatment was much better than that of the soldiers of the People's Liberation Army. It can only be blamed on their bosses who are wealthy and directly sent them to coastal cities by plane. The house price is three weeks. , And then they will become the elites of various military departments and start an expansion of the energy group military departments around the world. For those who come down on the battlefield, Li Cong is a treasure.

On July 8, China announced that the "Yue Fei" had successfully completed its patrol mission in the South China Sea and returned to Guangzhou. While the "Yue Fei" formation was patrolling the South China Sea, the Washington battle group of the United States had been monitoring from a distance, but did not launch an offensive hastily. The declassified information 20 years later showed that the "Yue Fei" was not equipped with the latest laser close-in defense system of the "Han Xin" at that time, but was just an ordinary military-shen-class aircraft carrier, which made the United States gritted its teeth. This is also because such a high-end East-West Energy Group can never hit you everywhere.

The successful completion of the patrol of the "Yue Fei" battle group in the South China Sea indicates that China's hegemony in the South China Sea has been established. Several countries that had always claimed sovereignty in the South China Sea before, after the arrival of the "Yue Fei", withdrew their small navy from the South China Sea, and the most courageous Vietnamese navy ships received Chinese carrier fighter jets only when they went out of the territorial waters. After turning around on the open sea, he immediately retreated back to Jinlan Bay.

On July 9, the first batch of air force equipment purchased from Russia arrived in China. This batch of up to 200 aircraft included 40 of the latest su-45 fighter jets. The pilots of the Chinese Air Force also completed short-term training in Russia and immediately drove the new fighter jets to the Taiwan battlefield. The first batch of 24 aircraft took off directly from Russia and reached the Taiwan battlefield after two air refueling. The ongoing battle for air supremacy. The arrival of the Chinese Air Force fighter jets immediately changed the situation over Taiwan. In the end, the United States and Japan had to draw two squadrons of new fighters from the Korean battlefield to strengthen their combat effectiveness over Taiwan.

On July 10, the submarine force of the Energy Group attacked a merchant fleet escorted by 12 frigates on the Pacific Ocean 500 kilometers northwest of Hawaii. 68 merchant ships were sunk and 54 ships were sunk, and only one ship escaped intact. The call of death. This merchant fleet is mainly loaded with heavy equipment capable of equipping 5 army heavy divisions, 5 mechanized divisions and 10 light infantry divisions. This is a huge blow to Japan's war capabilities. On the same day, the United States issued a report on China’s attack on its merchant fleet and stated that it had sunk as many as 15 Chinese submarines in subsequent operations. At that time, the Chinese government only admitted that it had lost 3 submarines. He also recorded a collective special attack on a submarine brigade performing this mission, and the three submarine officers and soldiers that were sunk were listed as national heroes. In fact, the Americans and the Chinese are not allowed to say that these ships are Li Cong. The squadron’s submarine force did not have that capability. In this battle, Li Cong lost more than five submarines. It can be said that his submarine force suffered the biggest loss since the war began.

On July 11, the Chinese and North Korean troops carried out the fiercest attack since the fifth battle against the Japanese defense line. In the face of the fierce attack, the Japanese troops were forced to retreat by 50 kilometers. The situation in the Korean battlefield became increasingly unfavorable for the Japanese troops. . On the same day in the Taiwan battlefield, the Chinese Air Force also launched an offensive operation to contain the air power of the United States and Japan.

On July 12, the Chinese head of state announced the establishment of the Lingyan Pavilion in the Forbidden City in accordance with the etiquette of the Tang Dynasty to enshrine the heroes and martyrs who have made great contributions to the country and the nation since 1840. The captain of the three sunk submarines. This action of the government means that China will never forget those great generals who sacrificed their lives for the country in the country's rejuvenation. And outside the Lingyan Pavilion is the Hero Pavilion dedicated to all the fallen soldiers. China’s move made the whole world call China’s new Great Tang Dynasty again. Of course, Li Cong would not forget those five people on the submarine. In fact, Li Cong wanted to enshrine five of them. It was just because the domestic propaganda department had said three before, and it is not easy to change. This makes Li Cong It was a bit awkward with the government. Li Cong directly announced that the families of the officers and soldiers on the submarine could work directly into the group, and the group that could not work was raised. This may be more practical than the establishment of Lingyan Pavilion. .

On July 13, Lingyan Pavilion held a meeting to open the cabinet, and the latest three spiritual positions were put in under the **** of six majors. At the same time, China announced that for the new pension system, it will increase the care policy for the families of martyrs. On the same day, the Yasukuni Shrine in Japan was hit by a bomb, killing 12 people who were visiting the shrine. The Japanese government announced that it suspected that the Chinese did it and said it would take retaliatory action. At the same time, the Chinese government said that if the Chinese did it, it would not be a bomb but a hydrogen bomb.

On July 14, the Japanese Red Brigade announced that they had done it in the jungle of the Philippines in order to combat Japanese militarism and rescue Japan from the abyss of war. On July 15, a new merchant fleet set off from San Francisco, USA, and headed for Japan under the protection of 24 frigates. This merchant fleet was loaded with enough for Japan to form 5 armored divisions, 10 mechanized divisions, and 10 The equipment of a light infantry division. The Chinese government stated that all US assistance actions to Japan will end in failure. On July 16, the Chinese and North Korean troops had forced the Japanese troops into a corner of 100 kilometers around Busan, South Korea. Now the Japanese troops have no way of retreating. There is only the Sea of ​​Japan behind them. After the Japanese troops contracted their positions, they appropriately concentrated their forces and blocked the Chinese and North Korean troops’ offensive. However, the Chinese and North Korean troops also stopped their offensive due to the length of the front. On the Taiwan side, due to lack of supplies, Taitung has already appeared. The danger of losing ground, the U.S. military finally stabilized the situation in Taitung temporarily by airdropping supplies.

On July 17, the US merchant fleet arrived in the waters of the Aleutian Islands. After completing the handover with the Japanese convoy, the US convoy returned home.

On July 18, the Chinese and North Korean troops launched an offensive on Busan after receiving logistical subsidies. The Japanese army finally resisted the fierce attack by the Chinese and North Korean troops after receiving close support from the US and Japanese air forces. At that time, they also suffered huge casualties. On the Taiwan side, the Chinese Air Force has been vying for air supremacy with the U.S. and Japan air power, and ground forces have also launched attacks to contain Japan’s military power. On July 19, the transport fleet escorted by the Japanese frigate arrived 500 kilometers northeast of the Kuril Islands and was attacked by the Chinese submarine force. At that time, the Japanese frigate was supported by the air anti-submarine aircraft, and the Chinese submarine did not break through. The Japanese frigate's cover finally withdrew to the battlefield after losing 3 submarines. Those who pay close attention to the war can see it. The submarines in the squadron are not so powerful anymore, and some people doubt who did it last time.

On the same day, the United States announced that in view of the rampant activities of Chinese submarines in the Pacific, it will build a first-class light **** aircraft carrier for Japan. On the same day, the Chinese government stated that the Chinese submarine force would not allow American arms to reach Japan smoothly. The submarine warfare and anti-submarine warfare between China and the United States have reached a peak. On July 20, the transport fleet arrived in Japan, and Japan immediately transferred the new army equipped with these weapons to South Korea to save the raging war. At the same time, the Chinese army launched the sixth battle codenamed "Coastline". The purpose is to knock the Japanese into the sea.

On July 21, in Seoul, which had been under siege and had not been attacked at the time, the South Korean government announced its downfall. The North Korean government announced that South Korea is officially like North Korea. On the same day, the South Korean puppet government in the United States was announced. The United States, Japan, Britain and other countries all expressed that they did not recognize North Korea's annexation of South Korea, but recognized the South Korean government in exile in the United States. On the same day, China refused to recognize the South Korean government in exile.

On July 22, while fending off the offensive of the Chinese and North Korean forces, 15 new Japanese artillery divisions arrived in Busan, which immediately changed the situation on the Korean battlefield. In the Taiwan battlefield, the People's Liberation Army on the Taiwan battlefield mainly adopted a defensive situation due to preparations for an offensive on the Korean battlefield. The U.S. and Japan air forces are still competing with the People’s Liberation Army Air Force for air supremacy over Taiwan. Although the Air Force of the energy conglomerate had helped in the Great Air War, the two sides still lost more than 120 various aircraft at that time. Such losses in one day exceeded billions of dollars. Big countries like China and the United States cannot afford it either.

On July 23, with the aid of 10 artillery divisions, the Japanese army launched a counterattack. However, the Chinese and North Korean troops were forced to carry out a counterattack because they could not get supplies even if the new squadron did not reach the front. After a partial retreat, the situation of Japan on the Korean battlefield was temporarily improved. On the Taiwan battlefield, the US and Japanese air forces also launched a larger offensive to contain the squadron.

On July 24, the first batch of equipment purchased in France arrived in Guangzhou. Including 60 Rafale fighter jets, and the pilots who were trained in driving in France also returned to China at the same time. Secretly, Li Cong discussed with Dassault and expanded production to achieve the speed of producing one aircraft per day. At the same time, the second batch of equipment delivered by Russia arrived in Shenyang. China's equipment problem has been resolved to a certain extent. The Chinese and North Korean troops launched a partial counterattack on the encircling front to weaken the Japanese army's offensive momentum.

On July 25, new fighters joined the Taiwan battlefield, and the issue of the PLA’s air superiority over Taiwan was resolved to a certain extent. The five newly formed volunteers also arrived at the front line of the Korean battlefield. After counterattacking the offensive Japanese army, they finally controlled the front line. The Japanese army was still besieged in a corner centered on Busan.

On July 26, China immediately deployed new troops after stabilizing the Korean battlefield and launched a fierce attack on the Japanese positions. The Japanese army was in danger again. The Japanese cabinet announced that Japan would expand its troops again to adapt to the changes in the battlefield between North Korea and Taiwan. Over the battlefield in Taiwan, China has basically controlled the air supremacy after acquiring new Russian and French fighter jets. The situation of the Taiwan war has turned to China.

On July 27, the U.S. financial community issued a warning that major problems have already occurred in the U.S. economy due to the war. If timely adjustments and changes are not made, the U.S. economy is in danger of going backwards. At the same time, it warned Japan that the Japanese economy had completely entered the war-time system, and Japanese economic entities at that time could no longer support more troops.

On July 28, the world's attention turned to the economic crisis that broke out in the United States. Under the operation of external forces, the US stock market was severely hit. Within a day, the Dow Jones Index fell by 2,000 points, erupting the biggest economic crisis of the 21st century. Declassified data 20 years later showed that energy groups purchased a large number of American stocks in Germany, France, Russia and other countries, and then sold them together through Hong Kong's financial copywriters. This caused the collapse of the US stock market, and China was also affected. China eventually won the Taiwan and Korean War.

This was also the most desperate attempt by the Chinese government at the time, because China's economy was also in danger of collapse. However, the Chinese are better than the Americans because they have allies like energy groups.

On July 29, the fronts on both sides were basically stable. Under the influence of the world financial crisis, no one had the energy to launch a new offensive. On July 30, another matter that changed the situation broke out. An American war correspondent reported that the Japanese soldiers captured local personnel and took cruel revenge. Many of them were eaten alive by the Japanese, including 10 Russians. A captive volunteer pilot. Countries around the world immediately condemned Japan's actions. Russia also stated that it would severely punish the Japanese for what they did. At that time, when the world economy was facing collapse, this incident quickly disappeared from people's sight!

On August 1, the Chinese People's Liberation Army Army Day was not affected by the economic crisis that broke out from across the ocean. A grand military parade was held in Beijing Square. The four Chinese armed forces-the army, navy, air (space) army, and strategic rocket army all displayed the latest weapons and equipment. In addition to the newly introduced new weapon systems from Russia, France, and Germany, there are also weapon systems developed and produced by China. , Including Type 09 battle-assisting tank (on the basis of Type 99, many shortcomings found in the war have been improved, which is the model produced by the Energy Group), Type 08 infantry fighting vehicle, Type 08 military-grade 300mm self-propelled rocket launcher, 06 Type 155mm self-propelled howitzer; J-14 fighter, jz-15 high-altitude fighter reconnaissance aircraft, H-8 (imitation and improvement on the basis of Russian tu-160) strategic bomber; "Military God" class aircraft carrier model, "Provincial capital" class cruiser model, "Jianghe" class destroyer, Type 095 (improved on the Russian North Devinsk class) attack nuclear submarine, 096 class strategic nuclear submarine, the most notable in the navy is the "Marshal" class arsenal ship, which is entirely used as a naval control The battleship is designed to be much more advanced than the American dd-21 class destroyer, and of course it was also helped by the energy group; the df-41f strategic ballistic missile. Foreign countries are most concerned about the electronic equipment on these new equipment. A knowledgeable person will know that Chinese electronic equipment has completely separated from the Russian style and has established its own electronic system. Although many people suspect that this has something to do with the energy group, people would not have thought that a civilian enterprise would have so many military products.

China’s military parade gave the world a real understanding of China’s military strength. Although many of its equipment was newly developed and did not have a large number of troops, no one dared to underestimate the PLA’s combat capabilities after being equipped with these new weapons.

The world once again exclaimed that it was deceived by the Chinese, and the Chinese threat theory once again had a market. At that time, the Chinese government did not oppose these boring arguments. Instead, it stated that the squadron was fully capable of defending the peaceful reunification of the motherland with its own strength. Any enemy who dares to challenge the PLA will end in failure. And China’s military parade on the Founding of the Army’s Day also gave China’s morale a boost. Those who still suspected that China’s actions on the battlefield between Taiwan and Korea were wrong immediately changed their views. The timetable for the demise of the enemy in North Korea is now.

On August 2, the economic crisis spread to Europe, and several major European stock markets began to fall at the same time. Among them, because the United Kingdom and the United States have the closest relationship, the London stock market fell as if discouraged when the market opened. The British government announced that its intervention in the stock market had failed after using tens of billions of pounds of reserve funds. It fell to a stop when it fell. The French and German stock markets have also been affected accordingly. At that time, several major French and German arms companies had a large number of contracts with China, so they gave a boost to the weak stock market. After the French and German governments intervened, Finally stabilized the stock market.

In addition, the Italian and Spanish stock markets, after barely supporting the meeting, also fell to the bottom with the United Kingdom. Following the collapse of the stock market, a large number of unemployment occurred in Britain, Italy, West and other countries. Many large companies immediately announced continued layoffs in order to stabilize the financial income of the companies and enterprises, which further aggravated unemployment. These countries have fallen into a vicious circle, and France and Germany, with the support of arms companies, barely controlled the unemployment problem. On August 3, the Japanese stock market also began to collapse. The Japanese government immediately intervened. As Japan had already spent too much financial resources on the war, the government’s intervention did not have any effect. The Japanese domestic market shrank. Layoffs in large companies add to the financial burden. In the end, the Japanese government announced that the intervention had failed, and the country experienced a setback. At this time, the Japanese seemed to remember that the Japanese economy was dominated by the energy group. It was only because of the war that people were driven away. Now they want to get people back. Is there such a good thing?

On August 4, the Russian stock market also experienced a crisis. The Russian President announced that the government would temporarily take over the stock market and prohibit all malicious buying and selling activities. Under the intervention of the Russian government, the Russian stock market basically had no major problems. At that time, it was affected by the world economy. , Russia has also experienced a lot of unemployment. Finally, Russia announced the expansion of military production to meet China's arms orders, and finally Russia's economic crisis passed safely. Li Cong also appropriately helped Lao Maozi. How can I say that people are very cooperative with his own arms, and Li Cong is not so upset. From an economic point of view, Li Cong wants to destroy whom, That country or blocking is really unable to resist.

On August 5, the Chinese government announced the devaluation of the renminbi, and China’s stock market was not seriously affected due to its small scale. At that time, the global economic crisis severely affected China’s exports and domestic investment decreased. At the same time, China announced to increase investment in infrastructure and national defense construction, and raise wages. China finally stabilized its already unstable domestic economy temporarily by raising its currency.

On August 6, the Chinese government announced that it would increase imports of raw materials and energy from countries such as Africa, Central and Southeastern America, in order to help these countries stabilize their economies. China’s exports to these countries will mainly consist of exports of labor services and exports of manufactured products. This is the first major economic power in the world to announce an economic assistance plan for underdeveloped regions. This action was immediately praised and supported by the majority of countries in Africa, the Middle East, and South America. At the same time, these countries expressed their desire to increase economic ties with China. , Expand imports from China, and tide over economic difficulties with China.

On August 7th, under the pressure of the Chinese and North Korean troops, the Japanese defenders’ line of defense was once again compressed to the Busan area. At that time, due to the impact of the economic crisis, the Chinese and North Korean troops were unable to attack the Japanese until they received new supplies. Up. In the direction of Taiwan, the two aircraft carriers in the US Washington battle group returned to China for overhaul. The US air support to the Japanese troops on the island of Taiwan was weakened, and the Chinese People’s Liberation Army special forces had already achieved a certain degree in the mountain warfare with the US and Japanese special forces. Advantage, the Japanese army on Taiwan Island is already at stake.

On August 8, the economic crisis in Western countries led by the United States further aggravated. The US government announced that it would abandon the US dollar exchange rate control. This is mainly in response to the EU’s policy of **** the euro to the US dollar in order to deal with the economic crisis. This approach of the United States was immediately criticized by the whole world, and it was entirely because of the life and death of oneself, regardless of the actions of others. The world economy continued to fall in tears.

On August 9th, the Chinese government resisted pressure from all quarters and stated that the renminbi would stop depreciating, but this did not bring much to the world. Until Li Cong appeared and announced that the energy group’s settlement currency was still renminbi, the renminbi could have replaced The U.S. dollar has gained its place in the world, and the Chinese economy has begun to rebound due to increased investment in military industry and domestic infrastructure.

This approach of China and the energy group immediately gave many people who hold the US dollar who is depreciating wildly see hope. Everyone has thrown away the US dollar and bought the yuan. Although China’s approach is harmful to its own economy, the renminbi has become one of the world’s common currencies since then. Although the Chinese government issued a large amount of renminbi, a large part of it went to foreign financial markets at that time. At the same time, China bought many bonds issued by the US government. Of course, Li Cong's loss is not small, reaching hundreds of billions of dollars, but Li Cong doesn't care about the money anymore. As long as Taiwan is his own in the future, what is the money? No matter what currency is used in this world, as long as you have energy in your hands, the world will soon be its own.

On August 10th, after receiving assistance from the rear, the Chinese and North Korean troops launched an offensive against the Japanese army, and the sixth battle reached its peak. The area currently defended by the Japanese army is less than 200 square kilometers. On the Taiwan side, the Chinese Air Force launched a new round of battle for air supremacy after the US air power was weakened. The situation where the Japanese and US air forces previously completely controlled Taiwan's air supremacy was broken.

On August 11, the Chinese government announced the purchase of US government bonds. The U.S. government was in a hurry. It immediately stated that U.S. government bonds would not depreciate and hope that everyone would not sell the bonds in their hands. At that time, this was no longer trusted. Finally, the U.S. government began to buy bonds at 120% of the original value of the bonds. At this time, the Chinese government dumped a large amount of US bonds in its hands, and immediately recovered the previous losses of RMB appreciation. And the U.S. government couldn't help it after it suffered a dark loss, only holding these paper-like bonds and crying secretly.

On August 12, the U.S. retaliatory action began. Several large American ransackers successively purchased RMB in several large foreign exchange markets and sold US dollars. After the RMB reached an unreasonable price, they began to sell large amounts of RMB income in US dollars. In order to stabilize the domestic market and stabilize the price of the renminbi, corresponding actions have to be taken. From time to time, the two major powers of China and the United States have become increasingly fierce in the international financial market. Although the Americans made a lot of money, they knew that everything was still like this when Li Cong didn't make a move. What if that guy made the move?


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