Energy Group

Chapter 1343:

On August 13, political news broke out again on xxx. **** announced that the country had entered military control. xxx’s new military cabinet came to power. The new prime minister was Army Secretary Shinno Nara. This person has always been a hawk in the **** army. His coming to power is a sign The **** has completely entered the militarization. At the same time, the new government of **** announced that the 10 divisions stationed in the mainland will be urgently transferred to North Korea, and xxx’s third army expansion will officially begin. The army has expanded from 2.5 million to 3.5 million. The establishment of the air force and navy is more affected by equipment. Large, so it has not been expanded temporarily. The United States was already exhausted when dealing with its own affairs, and finally the United States expressed respect for the "democratic" choice of the **** people. The reason why **** became like this is that the investigation department of the Energy Group has made it very clear in the investigation report to Li Cong. As the saying goes, there are no good people in the island country, and the poor and the bad rivers have spoiled the people. They must solve themselves through war. Internal conflicts, this is their only way out.

On August 14, the Chinese government stated that in response to the **** military movement, five mechanized troops stationed in Beijing were transferred to the Korean battlefield, and then two light troops from the Chengdu Military Region would be transferred to Taiwan. The world's attention was once again drawn to the battle that is about to break out between China and Japan. The General Department of the Energy Group also made adjustments. Because the Army was only for learning, and the current war is very unfavorable to its own side, it has prepared tens of thousands of people on the front line to retreat, but it is worth tens of billions of dollars. The equipment was directly given to the XXX team free of charge. Li Cong also sent the 30,000 people who had just formed an army from the South American military to the Korean War. They had never experienced the war, and this war was considered eliminated, but The result of failure to eliminate is death.

On August 15th, Russia announced that it would expand its military and reduce the price of iron ore to restore the national economy. Russia’s approach immediately issued a major price cut for iron ore in the world, and the world resource market is sluggish, but environmentally friendly oil and electric power are still rising because of the war.

On August 16, the United States announced that it would continue to deliver the weapons and equipment it had ordered to xxx. On the same day, a new batch of fighter jets arrived in Okinawa and Tokyo. After the militarization of xxx, the United States still only exported money for its own sake, which has been condemned by countries all over the world. This time the British government did not express support for the US approach, but expressed its disapproval very tactfully.

On August 17, the new Chinese troops arrived at the front line of the Korean battlefield, and the **** new troops also arrived in Busan. The last war between the two sides on the Korean battlefield was about to begin. Both China and Japan were exhausted at this point, and both sides wanted to use it. A decisive battle to end this war, otherwise the economies of both sides will be dragged down in the war. This is why both sides have transferred their most important troops to the front. Regarding the transfer of its elite troops from the energy group, there is a rift between the central government and Li Cong, but Li Cong believes that his contribution is proportional to the return, but for the tens of billions of military equipment. , The two sides did not have much friction.

At 2 o'clock on August 18th, the seventh battle of the Second Korean War broke out. China, North Korea and Japan invested a total of 1.5 million troops, including 600,000 **** teams, 10 armies, 10 tank divisions, and 10 mechanized units. Division, 10 infantry divisions, 700,000 **** army, 25 divisions, including 10 tank divisions, 5 mechanized infantry divisions, and 10 light infantry divisions. The forces of both sides are basically equal. The battle was mainly carried out in the Chinese and Japanese armies, and the remaining armies of the Energy Group were mainly responsible for battlefield cover and logistics transportation.

At 4 o'clock on August 18th, after one and a half hours of artillery preparation, the Chinese **** team broke through the weakest Japanese defense line between Yongchuan and Puxiang in only half an hour, and then 1 tank division, 2 A mechanized commander drove down, trying to run to Ulsan, directly threatening the North Gate of Busan. The army in the central part also contained the main force of the Japanese army. In the west, two tank divisions and two mechanized divisions finally disrupted the Japanese defense line after spending 2 hours and marched on Busan without stopping at all. . The goal of the Chinese **** team's operation is obvious, which is to directly smash Busan, threatening the back of the Japanese army, and then shut down the Japanese army. After the Japanese found that both the north and west positions had been breached, they immediately mobilized 5 divisions and deployed them on the Mashan to Gaoling line, and organized the second western line of defense. The density of such troops deployment is surprisingly large, and **** people know it. If it falls again, Busan will have no place to defend. In the north, the four Japanese divisions also prepared a second line of defense from Haasiri to Dongsangdong north of Ulsan. After these actions, the Japanese defense line in the central area has formed a prominent part.

At 2 o'clock on August 19, the volunteers from the northwest arrived at the second line of defense of the Japanese army. One day's fighting had already reduced the combat effectiveness of the troops a lot. After several tentative attacks on the dense Japanese line of defense, the volunteers stopped. In order to advance, a defensive position was built on the opposite side of the Japanese defense line. At the same time, one tank division was drawn out and started to move towards the middle protrusion of the Japanese army. The **** team has changed its style of play. Now it is necessary to surround the protruding Japanese army, eat it and then play inside.

At 8 o'clock on August 19, the Japanese army discovered the abnormal actions of the Chinese **** team. After understanding the Chinese **** team's campaign plan, they immediately made corresponding military mobilizations. However, the action of the Japanese army was still a step late. In the end, only 2 divisions of the Japanese army in the protrusion withdrew out, and the 13 divisions that were the main force had been surrounded. The biggest siege after the Sino-Japanese war began.

At 10 o'clock on August 19th, the encirclement of the Volunteers was officially completed. The troops in the southeast were 1 tank division, 1 mechanized division of the 39th Army, 1 mechanized division of the 42nd Army, 1 infantry division, and 4 divisions. A total of less than 60,000 troops had to block the 400,000 troops of the 13 Japanese divisions surrounded by their backs. The battle started at 10:30. The Chinese **** team has been here for 7 days. They withdrew from the battlefield only after knowing that the entire encircled Japanese army had been wiped out. In the end, no one could walk off the battlefield by himself, 4 Three of the division commanders died, and one was seriously injured. The officer casualties reached more than 95%. After completing the mission, the 60,000 troops had only less than 10,000, and they were all wounded and lifted from the battlefield by brothers. Down. Later, a soldier who experienced this battle wrote his own feelings into a book "The Darkness Before Dawn" and won the first World Military Literature Award. This battle is also the basis for China to drive the Japanese out of North Korea. It should also This is recorded in the annals of history. At the same time, Energy Group President Li Cong announced that he would provide commercial pensions to all soldiers who sacrificed in this battle, totaling a staggering 120 billion yuan. This made the government's pensions seem a bit too inconspicuous, and for a time domestic people praised them. Energy Group’s approach.

From 10:30 on August 19 to 22:00 on the 26th, the Japanese army organized several breakout operations against the volunteers’ blocking positions, but they were all beaten down by the volunteers. At 8 o’clock on the 26th, when the volunteers’ offensive troops were about to arrive, the Japanese army After the final breakout operation, the Volunteers' blocking troops were unable to conduct blocking operations. In the end, the soldiers on both sides dropped their rifles that had run out of bullets and fought hand-to-hand with all the weapons they could find, including teeth, daggers, and engineering shimbles. At the most critical juncture, the aided tank troops arrived on the battlefield, and they shattered the last hope of the **** people.

Many Western military strategists did not understand the fighting method that the Chinese and Japanese troops tried in the East, but this battle was also remembered by all Chinese and **** people with its cruelty. When the fighting on the Korean peninsula was in full swing, the XXX team in Taiwan also launched an offensive, mainly to contain the combat effectiveness of the Japanese army.

On August 27th, the Japanese army's breakout by the besieged forces ended in failure. There was a huge movement in xxx. The **** government announced that it would continue to send troops into North Korea to stabilize the domestic mood. Now the **** people think that there is no Japanese army activity in North Korea. The 700,000 Japanese troops in North Korea have been annihilated by 400,000 at a time. The remaining 300,000 troops can be withdrawn under the momentum of the Chinese and North Korean troops. **** is already satisfied.

On August 28, the **** government’s intervention in North Korea failed and hoped to negotiate a ceasefire on the Korean Peninsula with the Chinese North Korean government. At the same time, the **** government announced that it would invest 15 divisions in Taiwan, and they could no longer lose on the Taiwan battlefield.

On August 29, the North Korean government in Beijing issued a statement stating that **** was not qualified to initiate negotiations, and that the Japanese troops carrying out aggression in North Korea would eventually be eliminated. The Chinese government subsequently issued a statement stating that it is unrealistic to negotiate a unilateral ceasefire in North Korea. China will only negotiate a ceasefire on two battlefields in North Korea and Taiwan at the same time, rejecting xxx's request.

On August 30, **** announced a unilateral ceasefire in North Korea and began to withdraw its troops from North Korea. In order to avoid their own casualties and the responsibility of the international community, the Chinese and North Korean troops only encircled the Japanese troops in Busan. The victory of the Korean War was imminent. On August 31, China inserted several major combat troops from North Korea, preparing to enter the Taiwan battlefield. The war has moved rapidly towards technology!

On September 1, the three main armies of the Chinese Volunteers Aid to North Korea have withdrawn from North Korea and are preparing to go to Taiwan. On the Korean battlefield, the main task of encircling Busan was the North Korean army, and the three volunteer light forces. The number of Chinese and North Korean troops on the South Korean battlefield was reduced to 400,000. Countries in the world are predicting the end of the Second Korean War. On the same day, the People's Liberation Army on the Taiwan battlefield also launched a full-scale offensive against the Japanese army. Under the influence of the morale of the Korean battlefield, the PLA's offensive was wave after wave.

On September 2, the Investigation Department of the Energy Group discovered an astonishing incident. From the mainland, **** was looking at Busan's transport fleet, which was preparing to carry the army back to the country, to reach Busan. But the situation has changed. All the cargo ships are not empty, but full of new Japanese troops. **** cheated the whole world with the excuse of evacuating the army. On the same day, Chinese reconnaissance satellites discovered an abnormal situation in Busan and immediately stopped the three main armies that had arrived in Xuzhou from going south and returned to the border between China and North Korea.

On the same day, on the Taiwan battlefield, the PLA continued to attack, but with the solid defense of the Japanese army and air support, the PLA's progress was not smooth. On September 3, China had discovered that **** did not withdraw its troops from the Korean battlefield, but was increasing its strength. China announced the actions of the Japanese army and stated that the vile practices of **** people would not win them the victory, but would only bring them into a dead end. The abyss. On the same day, we continued to dispatch three major legions to North Korea, but it was too late in time. On the same day, the main force of the North Korean army was transferred to the south, and the three Chinese light forces in North Korea also stepped up to build front-line positions. On the Taiwan side, the People's Liberation Army continued to exert pressure on Taitung and Hualien even when it suffered heavy casualties in order to contain Japanese forces in North Korea. The war was a bit skewed towards xxx. Of course, Li Cong’s bottom line was that **** people failed. Without the above request, Li Cong ordered military planes from all over Asia to immediately lift off and directly bombed xxx’s homeland. According to the CIA The news from XXX showed that at least tens of thousands of people were killed in the bombing, and 20% of the domestic strategic transportation routes were destroyed. This was also the biggest bombing of **** after World War II.

On September 4, the Japanese army had transported as many as 450,000 troops from 15 divisions to the Korean battlefield. The comparison of forces between the two sides was immediately reversed. The Chinese and North Korean troops on the siege mission were less than 300,000, and the encircled **** army had already Up to 750,000. After research by the General Staff of China, the three main armies that re-entered the DPRK were 150 kilometers south of Seoul and deployed a second line of defense from Pyeongtaek to Tieyanli. The North Korean army deployed a line of defense on the first line of Seoul. The Chinese and North Korean troops in the southern part of the siege mission should try their best to block the Japanese breakthrough. When they can no longer resist the Japanese breakthrough, they should preserve their strength and return to the second line of defense. Great changes have taken place in the Korean battlefield. The secret actions of the Japanese army have left the Chinese and Korean forces in a passive situation, and the world's attention has once again been drawn to the Korean Peninsula.

The report of the Investigation Department of the Energy Group indicated that the actions of the Japanese army were perfect in terms of tactics and battles, but the consistent mistake of the **** people was that they had good tactical training, but lacked strategic vision. The Second World War’s sneak attack on Pearl Harbor is a good proof. It was very successful in tactics, but did not consider strategic issues. **** fought a war with the United States without being able to attack the United States. Even Yamamoto Fifty-Six, who made the plan, knew that the war potential of the United States was incomparable. Instead, they wanted to commit suicide. The Japanese operation on the Korean Peninsula is undoubtedly another Pearl Harbor operation. Although it can give them a temporary victory, the war potential of **** can't be compared with China at all. The final defeat is doomed!

On September 5, China announced that in view of the actions of the Japanese army, the Chinese submarine force would increase its activities in xxx. On the same day, the Japanese army in Busan began to break through. When the 300,000 Chinese and North Korean troops faced the 450,000 offensive troops of the Japanese army's No. 1 bō, the defense line had been breached, and the Korean People’s Army began to retreat, while China’s three light forces were behind. In order to obstruct the action of the Japanese army, delay the attack speed of the Japanese army, and build a position for the rear to win time. At the same time, China's three main armies reached their positions and began to build a second line of defense. On the Taiwan battlefield, the Japanese army launched a counter-offensive. The People's Liberation Army had consumed too many weapons and troops due to a large-scale attack some time ago. In the face of the Japanese counter-attack, the People's Liberation Army carried out a tactical retreat and stabilized after retreating 20 kilometers. Line of defense.

On September 6, the Chinese submarine force attacked a Japanese transport fleet bound for the Korean battlefield in the **** sea. Although it paid the price of hitting 8 more submarines, it sank 78 cargo ships in the entire transport fleet with missiles. 75 of these ships are loaded with ammunition and other materials urgently needed on the front lines of the Japanese army, so the significance of this operation is huge. At the same time, it also made **** feel that the sea of ​​xxx is no longer safe, and has restricted the use of a large number of **** troops and war materials in anti-submarine warfare.

On September 7th, the Chinese and North Korean troops disperse from North Korea and the two armies disperse their establishments. They were in the rear and were guerilla missions. They all withdrew to the second line of defense. The Japanese pursuit troops then attacked the second line of defense, but in China’s three main armies. In front of us, the Japanese offensive was quickly disintegrated. At this time, the Japanese army had been short of ammunition, and the Japanese army was forced to stop the offensive and began to build defensive positions. On the Taiwan side, the battlefield was basically calm except for a few confrontations between the two air forces.

On September 8th, three newly dispatched troops from China entered North Korea, preparing to launch an offensive against the Japanese army. Another transport fleet of **** set off from **** to provide arms and ammunition to the **** army in North Korea. Due to the lack of ammunition in the North Korean and Japanese army, After a certain degree of defensive line contraction, both of them cannot withstand another failure. They are both cautiously adjusting their strategic deployment. On the Taiwan battlefield, the Japanese Air Force and the new U.S. air force stationed in Okinawa seized air supremacy on the Taiwan battlefield. The Chinese People's Liberation Army Under the air defense pressure, the opposition line was contracted. The Chinese and North Korean troops have completed their offensive deployment. The Chinese and North Korean forces have invested 1.2 million on the front lines of the Korean battlefield, including 1.1 million Chinese Volunteers, 100,000 Korean People’s Army (Energy Group New Army), and Japanese troops increased to 850,000. Prepare to meet new challenges.

On September 10, the Japanese transport fleet smashed the attack by the Chinese submarine force under the **** of the aircraft and the **** fleet, arrived at the Port of Busan, and received supplies from the Asahi Japanese army. On September 11, the **** government announced a nationwide rationing system, with an average daily grain ration of 1,000 grams, while restricting the use of cars, electricity, water, and gas to support frontline battles. xxx’s strategic reserves have almost bottomed out. On the same day, the United States announced that it would increase exports of oil and food to Japan, and several other countries that continue to want to export oil and food to **** also said they would increase exports to xxx. The war potential of **** has reached its limit. With the world economic crisis not getting better, the economy of **** has shown signs of retreating again.

At 2 o'clock on September 12, the Chinese and North Korean troops launched a full-scale offensive against the Japanese. Supplemented by the continuous supply of materials and ammunition from the rear, the offensive intensity of the Chinese and North Korean troops did not weaken, and several Japanese defense lines have appeared. After the loopholes, the Japanese army in North Korea is facing tremendous pressure. At the same time, the People's Liberation Army also launched an offensive on the Taiwan battlefield. After being supplemented, the People's Liberation Army Air Force regained part of its air superiority.

On September 13, the Chinese and North Korean troops had advanced 50 kilometers. The Japanese army did not replenish in time. In order to prevent being surrounded, the first line of defense collectively retreated and entered the second line of defense. On the Taiwan battlefield, with the support of Japanese and American air forces, the Japanese stabilized their positions outside Taitung and Hualien City.

On September 14, North Korea and the Japanese on the battlefield of Taiwan made a tenacious resistance, but in the face of a powerful offensive, they had to shrink the line of defense. At 8 o'clock on September 14th, a magnitude 8.5 earthquake erupted in **** Tokyo. The affected area reached hundreds of square kilometers. Several large strategic grain and environmental oil reserve bases in Tokyo were destroyed, and xxx’s food and energy crisis intensified. The victims in the earthquake reached 3 million, and hundreds of thousands were killed and injured. The **** government announced a reduction in the daily food supply per capita during the disaster relief, and the nationwide sī people’s vehicles were stopped to ensure the supply of materials to the front lines of the battlefield.

On September 15, all countries in the world expressed their humanitarian assistance to civilians in **** disaster areas. China and the Energy Group each provided 10 million U.S. dollars in humanitarian assistance. At the same time, countries all over the world call for **** to end its military operations in North Korea and Taiwan and resolve domestic problems.

On September 16th, a student demonstration broke out in the Eastern Economics of **** to protest that the **** government continued to fight overseas despite the lives and deaths of the domestic people. The **** government urgently dispatched troops to suppress it. In the crackdown, 500 students were killed or injured. The intelligence agent of the Energy Group spread the news to the world. This action of **** caused unanimous condemnation of the world public opinion. This time, the US government expressed its expression on the behavior of the **** government. dissatisfied.

On September 17, the offensive of the Chinese and North Korean troops achieved results. The Japanese army had retreated to the third line of defense built by the Busan guard when domestic support could not be reached in time. The front lines of both sides returned to the situation on August 31. The Chinese and North Korean troops also stopped their offensive against the Japanese because they were unable to obtain adequate supplies of ammunition and materials consumed in the previous offensive. On the battlefield of Taiwan, the Chinese People's Liberation Army, with the support of the Air Force, has completed the siege of Taitung, and the Japanese army retreated to Taitung City.

On September 18, the first batch of international humanitarian aid arrived in **** Tokyo, and rescue operations for **** disaster areas began. The **** government stated that it will not withdraw its troops from North Korea and Taiwan. On September 19, the US government stated that it would help **** in its post-disaster reconstruction. At the same time, the US military transport plane carrying the first batch of relief supplies landed at Tokyo Airport. On the same day, the U.S. government received xxx’s explanation for the Tokyo student parade. It stated that the United States would still not change its support for xxx, and that it would increase the investment of US special forces in North Korea and Taiwan to help **** military operations. On September 20, after receiving supplies, the Chinese and North Korean troops began to attack the third line of defense of the Japanese army. The Japanese army had to shrink the line of defense to keep the line of defense tidy. On the same day, the Chinese People's Liberation Army attacked Taitung City, Japan, and launched the second urban war on the Taiwan battlefield with the **** army. On September 21, the **** government suddenly announced its willingness to negotiate a ceasefire with China and North Korea on the war between North Korea and Taiwan.

At 14:00 on September 21, the Chinese government issued a statement saying that it would not accept xxx’s ceasefire negotiations, because **** had already broken its trust once. Since then, the North Korean government also said that it would not accept xxx’s ceasefire negotiations. North Korea will resolutely eliminate all on the Korean peninsula. **** invaders. On September 22, the **** government transferred to the United States, hoping that the United States would come forward to negotiate a ceasefire. The United States finally sent an invitation to China and North Korea to negotiate a ceasefire through the Italian government. Both the Chinese and North Korean governments indicated that they would not accept the ceasefire negotiations between the United States and Japan. On September 23, the governments of France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Russia all sent representatives to visit China and North Korea, expressing their hope that China and North Korea can accept the ceasefire negotiations, and they all expressed their willingness to act as intermediaries and conduct adjustment activities.

On September 24, the Chinese and North Korean troops compressed the 500,000 Japanese troops into an area of ​​less than 200 square kilometers in the Busan area. The urban war in Taitung has also ended, liberating Taitung City. Under the mediation of France, Germany, Italy, West, Russia and other countries, the Chinese and North Korean governments expressed that they can accept ceasefire negotiations, but they must first meet a few conditions between China and North Korea. First of all, the negotiations are not only about ceasefire negotiations with xxx, but should also In addition to the United States and Britain, secondly, the negotiating parties are China, North Korea and the United States, Japan, and Britain. The third negotiation venue is chosen by China. Fourthly, during the negotiations, the two sides temporarily ceasefire and cannot send new troops to the theater.

On September 25, the United States, Britain and Japan agreed to accept China’s views, but hoped that with the addition of South Korea’s **** government, both China and North Korea expressed opposition. In the end, the United States, Britain and Japan had to make concessions and fully accepted China’s preconditions for negotiations. On September 26, the two sides announced a temporary ceasefire. During the ceasefire, both sides temporarily implemented a ceasefire. On the same day, representatives of China and the DPRK arrived in Paris and officially started negotiations with representatives of the United States, Japan and Britain. On September 27, China and North Korea formally negotiated with the United States, Japan and Britain. China’s condition was that the troops of the United States, Japan and Britain must completely withdraw from Taiwan and North Korea within the prescribed time limit, demanding public hearings for **** war criminals, and Japan and the United States are required to pay indemnities for the war between China and North Korea, **** withdraws from the sovereignty dispute of xxx, and returns to the Ryukyu (Okinawa) Islands of China, the U.S. and British troops withdraw from the Western Pacific region, the **** military government resigns, and the civilian government is in power. However, the United States, Britain and Japan did not expect that China's demand would be so high, so they all expressed their disagreement. Their demand is that the actual line of control between the two sides should be used as the ceasefire line, and the Japanese and US troops should not withdraw from North Korea and Taiwan.

On September 28, at the request of French mediator representatives, the two sides continued the negotiations, but no progress was made. Both China and North Korea announced the suspension of negotiations, and they will use actions to get everything they deserve. On September 29, the Chinese and North Korean troops launched a full-scale offensive against the **** army. Due to the increased defensive density of the **** army, it also received a large amount of material assistance from the rear, and the Chinese and North Korean troops only achieved a lot of results. On the Taiwan side, the People's Liberation Army also completed the siege of Hualien City and occupied the last port controlled by the Japanese army-Hualien Port. The countdown to the demise of the Japanese army in Taiwan has begun. On September 30, the Japanese army counterattacked on the Korean battlefield, and the Chinese and North Korean troops also held their positions tenaciously. Many positions changed hands several times during the day, which shows the tragic degree of the Korean battlefield. The U.S. and Japan Air Forces also carried out short positions in Hualien City. Their combat troops bombed the People's Liberation Army surrounding Hualien, and the situation of the Japanese troops guarding Hualien improved temporarily.

October 1, China National Day, the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, is also the first anniversary of the outbreak of the Taiwan War. All chapters are that the whole China is now in a state of war, but this major festival is still warmly celebrated. Beijing held the **** military parade again after the military parade on August 1. The whole of Beijing was immersed in the sea of ​​red, and celebrations were held all over the country. On this day, the Chinese have forgotten the pain caused by the war and the suffering caused by the economic crisis. Now the people of the whole country are using their actions to help complete the reunification of the country and fight the invaders. China's morale reached unprecedented heights after the National Day celebrations. The Chinese government also announced that no matter how many years, how much cost, how many sacrifices, we must defend the unity of the country and the security of the motherland, and will not succumb to the powers. China is no longer the China of 1840. China must It will stand proudly as the East of the world, and the world will certainly recognize China's due status in front of China's strength. On the same day, the XXX team in North Korea and Taiwan launched the eighth battle for the final annihilation of the Japanese army. The officers and soldiers all expressed that they would use their actions to repay and defend the motherland. China's reunification war, the war to aid Korea has come to an end. As a special guest, Li Cong, the president of the Energy Group, visited the entire military parade at xxx. The position is standing with the general xxx. For a businessman or a Chinese businessman, this is already at the top.

On October 2nd, on the Korean battlefield, the Chinese **** team had completely replaced the energy group army with insufficient combat effectiveness and took on the attack task against the Japanese army. The Korean People’s Army was mainly responsible for protecting the logistics line and fighting the Japanese and American special forces in the rear. . The offense of the **** team also made the situation of the Japanese army huddled in Busan more and more difficult. On the battlefield in Taiwan, the area controlled by the Japanese army has shrunk to around Hualien City. Now the supply problem is solved entirely by air transport between the US and Japanese forces. The Hualien Airport has been given priority attention by the People’s Liberation Army. The end of the Japanese army in Taiwan is approaching. On October 3, Japan, the United States and Britain relaxed their negotiation requirements. China, North Korea, Japan, the United States and Britain once again returned to the negotiating table, and the war between North Korea and Taiwan temporarily ceased fire. This time, Japan, the United States and Britain agreed to some of China’s requirements, expressing their willingness to withdraw their troops from North Korea and Taiwan, and **** abandoning its claim to **** sovereignty. But in the **** military government, war criminals, indemnities, the ownership of Ryukyu, the United States and Britain did not show concessions on the issue of the withdrawal of strength from the Western Pacific. The Chinese government has also made certain concessions, mainly by lowering the standard in the amount of compensation. But the gap between the requirements of the two parties is too great.

On October 4, the two sides continued to negotiate a ceasefire. Representatives from both sides bargained at the meeting. In the end, the North Korean representative and the **** representative almost started a fight. In this case, the French mediator announced a temporary adjournment. On October 5, the two sides conducted another round of negotiations, but they were unwilling to make concessions. Finally, the ceasefire negotiations were adjourned. Both China and North Korea stated that they would use actions to obtain everything they could not get at the negotiating table. October 6. At 2 o'clock, the Chinese **** team launched a full-scale offensive on the Korean and Taiwan battlefields at the same time, while the Japanese army also carried out a difficult position defense. The two sides ended the battle after sacrificing a large number of personnel.

On the same day, the Chinese government expanded its navy and announced a series of lists of ships being prepared and under construction. Including 8 "Military God" improved large aircraft carriers, of which 3 are under construction, and 24 "improved cruisers" are planned to be built in the next 10 years, including 4 under construction, which are planned to be built in the next 10 years 20 ships, 32 "Jianghe" improved class destroyers, of which 8 are under construction, 24 are planned to be built in the next 10 years, and 24 are 095-class attack nuclear submarines, of which 3 are under construction, and 21 are planned to be built in the next 10 years. There are 8 096-class strategic nuclear submarines, of which 2 are under construction, and 8 are planned to be built in the next 10 years.

The shipbuilding plan announced by the Chinese government immediately aroused outrageously in the international arena. Although the threat of these data is greater than the actual meaning, the discerning person knows that the Chinese government is so vigorously engaged in an arms race in disregard of the current economic crisis. American and Japanese. This is what China says you can't get at the negotiating table and you can only get it yourself. If the Chinese government really completes this plan, then the Chinese navy will immediately become the largest naval power in the Western Pacific, and even the entire Pacific and Indian Ocean. This cannot be underestimated. In order to target China’s plan, the United States and Japan will definitely make corresponding plans to make up for their lack of military strength. This has dragged both countries into the abyss of an arms race. Under the circumstances that the current economic crisis has not passed, any country will In other words, any arms race is unbearable, so the political significance of China's move is more than military.

On October 7, on the Korean battlefield, the Chinese **** team further compressed the Japanese defense line, and the Chinese artillery firepower was able to cover the entire Japanese defense area. At the same time, China carried out continuous artillery bombardment on the Japanese army, and artillery shells roared and fell on the Japanese army’s head every moment. In this small area, there were about 300,000 Japanese army. Such a high density also made the Japanese army very dense. It is difficult to resist the shelling of the **** team. On the Taiwan battlefield, the People's Liberation Army stopped the offensive after besieging Hualien City, and then agreed to release hundreds of thousands of civilians from Hualien City out of the city. At the same time, they shelled Hualien City. During the previous two siege battles of Taipei and Taitung , The city war caused a large number of casualties of the People's Liberation Army, so in order to avoid casualties this time, the People's Liberation Army prepared to use artillery shells to solve the Japanese army in the city.

On October 8, the XXX teams from Taiwan and North Korea continued to bombard the Japanese, but they had no intention of attacking. On the same day, the **** government’s shipbuilding plan for xìng was also announced, but compared with China’s large-scale approach, the **** people’s approach is more real. Their plan is not exaggerated, mainly 3 aircraft carriers and 8 cruisers. , 12 destroyers, 8 conventional submarines, etc. This is something that the **** government can do. The military significance of xxx’s shipbuilding plan is even more important.

On October 9th, the U.S. government also announced a new naval plan. The U.S. Navy is preparing to use the four Forester-class aircraft carriers that have been retired and entered the reserve service to respond to the current emergency needs, and prepares the size of the fleet in the next 10 years. Expanded from 354 large combat ships to 570, including 15 aircraft carriers, 8 deployed in the Pacific portion, 7 deployed in the Atlantic portion, 34 cruisers, 56 destroyers, 15 arsenal ships, 15 amphibious assault ships, and 54 Attack nuclear submarines, 16 strategic nuclear submarines. The US plan is also clearly aimed at China's naval expansion. Many of the equipment in the United States only needs to be improved to meet new operational requirements. Therefore, the United States does not have many new shipbuilding plans. The actions of the United States once again show that it is the strongest naval country in the world.

On October 10th, the **** government requested to re-negotiate the ceasefire China and Japan separately negotiated on the asking price of the war ceasefire. **** agreed to pay a certain degree of war compensation to China and North Korea, but did not accept war criminals, the government, Ryukyu and other issues, and China also expressed concessions and expressed its willingness to abandon the demand for punishment of Japanese war criminals. However, the gap between the two parties could not be made up, and finally the two sides had to end the negotiations. On October 11, representatives of the Chinese and American governments held secret negotiations in Berlin. The United States expressed its willingness to support China's request for the resignation of the current military government of xxx, but requested China to cancel its request for the withdrawal of US military power from the Western Pacific. China agreed to the conditions of the United States, but required the United States to hand over **** war criminals to China after the war, and support China's request on the Ryukyu Islands. The United States agreed to the requirements of the war criminals, but the request of the Ryukyu Islands could not agree with China. The government, but said it can set up a Chinese military base on the Ryukyu Islands. Finally, China and the United States reached an agreement.

During the war, Li Cong also felt that he had only the air force, not the embarrassing type of the navy. If the flying warship is taken out now, it is a bit too powerful. It is better to take one step at a time. Li also started his own. The shipbuilding plan, but for large things like aircraft carriers, he doesn’t need it. What he values ​​most is the arsenal ship with huge strike capability. A shipbuilding plan of the Energy Group is to build more than 50 arsenal ships, and Five arsenal ships will have the combat effectiveness of an American aircraft carrier group. The cost of an arsenal ship is similar to that of an American aircraft carrier. Of course, those carrier-based aircraft are not counted. So this plan will cost Li Cong thousands. Billion dollars. ! .

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