Energy Group

Chapter 1347:

On September 3, the New European Union issued a serious warning to Croatia about the re-emergence of guerrillas attacking the new European Union army patrol, and requested Croatia to hand over the chief of the guerrillas to the Swiss International Court of Justice. (Croatia immediately rejected the request of the new European Union and stated that all this has nothing to do with the Croatian government.

On September 8, a special unit of the new European Union army arrested the second figure of the brigade, Cook, in the "Croatian National Brigade" 30 kilometers away from Croatia. And in the ensuing interrogation, it was discovered that this guerrilla group was completely adapted by the Croatian government forces, and the Croatian government has been providing assistance to it.

On September 15, 2005, the New European Union announced the results of the trial of Cooke, and accused the Croatian government of disgraceful behavior, demanding Croatia to dismiss the guerrillas, or the New European Union will retaliate against Croatia.

On September 16, the Croatian government announced that the trial of the New European Union did not prove that the Croatian government had any relationship with the "Croatian National Brigade" and would not dissolve the guerrillas, because it was not within the jurisdiction of the Croatian government. And Croatia will not fear the threat of a new European Union. On the same day, Croatia entered a state of emergency.

On September 21, the New European Union, after failing to obtain satisfactory replies from Croatia several times, began its strike operation against Croatia, which began with the bombing of the air force. In the first bō attack, Croatia’s radar, command, and air defense systems were all hit hard, and Croatia had already lost its national air rights.

On October 15th, the new European Union basically destroyed Croatia’s armed installations with its air force, and with military capabilities, ground forces formally joined the war.

On October 28, the new European Union had captured the Croatian capital Zagreb, and the Croatian government went into exile in the United States. On the same day, the new Croatian government supported by the new European Union announced its establishment in Zagreb. The new European Union’s military operations against Croatia have come to an end. However, the guerrilla warfare launched in various parts of Croatia continued until a year later. When the new European Union provided large-scale economic assistance to Croatia, helped the new Croatian government develop the economy, and the living standards of the whole Croatian people have been greatly improved, guerrilla warfare was only possible. Without the soil for survival, the situation in Croatia will be stabilized.

The Croatian War was the first war fought since the establishment of the New European Union. Although it suffered a lot of setbacks and losses, it finally successfully solved the Croatian problem and also solved the European gunpowder barrel problem in the Balkans, which was fought after the occupation of Croatia. The aid measures show that the new European Union has found a means to solve Europe’s internal problems, laying the foundation for the future peaceful reunification of Europe. The military action also shows that the new European Union is mature and has the ability to deal with its own internal problems. After successfully solving the Croatian issue, the New European Union has begun to formally establish its international military status. No one will doubt the ability of the unified Europe.

In fact, there is more or less the shadow of the energy group in this chaos. The emergence of such a powerful force is definitely not what the energy group wants to see, but it seems that it cannot be resisted now. Of course, the energy group will not be stupid enough. Those who go to the front desk will let the Americans be in front. Things in the world are like this. Maybe we are enemies now, but we will be friends later. There are no eternal friends, only eternal interests.

However, the world has not been tossed over by the new Europe. A new situation has also appeared in Russia, and a new Russia is about to appear.

In the Kremlin, the new President Shepchenko convened all Russian government officials above the ministerial level and held a significant meeting with the responsible officers of the four major military services and five military regions. This meeting determined the development direction of Russia in the next 20 years.

At this point, we must first introduce the current situation in Russia. After the great changes in Eastern Europe, the Soviet Union disintegrated, and the present Russia was born at this time. Russia has begun to develop rapidly in the past few years when Putin was the second president of Russia. Russia, which had no economic status in the world before, has also begun to show its strength in the economy. However, the third Chechen War that broke out in 2006 took a serious blow to Russia’s already recovering economy. The Russian government spent a lot of energy in dealing with the Chechen War and dealing with Chechen terrorist attacks on major cities in Russia. , And due to the rampant terrorist activities, foreign countries have withdrawn their investments in Russia. As a result, the Russian economy, which continues to invest in foreign countries to revitalize, can only be sustained by exporting raw materials such as arms and oil. It can be said that Russia during the Third Chechen War from 2006 to 2007 was the most vulnerable time. After Russia successfully defeated the Chechen rebels in 2007, Russia's economy began to develop. But the perennial weakness cannot be recovered for a while. During the Taiwan and Korean War, China ordered a large amount of weapons and equipment from Russia, which made Russia's arms industry a huge profit. Just by directly exporting weapons, Russia obtained at least 100 billion U.S. dollars in foreign exchange from China. This money is really sending carbon in a snowy day to Russia, and the Russian economy has since started to develop by leaps and bounds. But the good times did not last long. Russia was happy to get a large amount of foreign exchange when the economic crisis that hit the world broke out. At this time, the funds originally intended for economic development had to be used to make up for the losses suffered by the economic crisis. The dream of Russia's economic take-off was once again shattered.

Now Germany and France have begun to oppose US control in Europe. This is a perfect opportunity for Russia. The topic of this meeting is how to use this European country to rise up against the hegemony of the United States to bring benefits to Russia and let Russia. Achieve economic take-off. And the meeting this evening was of course also top secret, and it has not been made public until now. One can imagine the significance of this meeting at the Kremlin and its impact on future generations.

On September 20, Russian President Shepchenko visited Belarus. The President of Belarus reached an agreement on the reunification of the two countries in Minsk.

Russia and Belarus joined the alliance as early as the end of the 20th century, and the two sides have been working towards the formal unification of the two countries. However, both Russia and Belarus have internal problems that have not been resolved. Russia has spent too much energy on resolving the Chechen issue. Therefore, the reunification process between the two sides has gone on for more than 10 years but there has been no progress. This is also very confusing for outsiders. Now that the world’s economic crisis has ended, all countries are working hard to recover their economies, and Europe also announced that it will leave the control of the United States at this time, so Russia and Belarus also took this opportunity to begin the formal reunification process.

On October 15th, Russian President Shepchenko was invited to attend the Central Asian Summit in Almaty, the capital of Kazakhstan. The heads of state of Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan and other countries attended the meeting. Chinese head of state Wang Lieying was also invited to attend the meeting. The meeting mainly discussed some of the problems faced by Central Asian countries, the most important of which is the security issues of Central Asian countries and how Central Asian countries can develop their economies after the economic crisis. Originally, the Chinese government thought that this was something the old Soviet Union should not come in, but Li Cong felt the huge crisis in it, so Li Cong hurriedly flew to Beijing. As for how to make it this is not Li Cong. I just need to provide information. The people in the central government are all human beings. Do you still have to think about such things?

China agreed to the Central Asian countries’ request for China to provide economic assistance and help the Central Asian countries build infrastructure. Of course, energy groups will also provide economic assistance. He Chaoxiong, Minister of the Asian Division, also participated in the meeting and promised to help the Central Asian region. It has invested more than 50 billion U.S. dollars, but it also requires 100,000 troops to be deployed in Central Asia. It is under discussion. But China also demands that Central Asian countries step up their attacks on the terrorist organization "East Turkistan." China is now winning the war with the United States, Japan and Britain, and the United States has begun to shrink globally. He is already too busy with things in Europe. How can he be in the mood to take care of Central Asia, a place where birds do not shit, so China Asian countries readily agreed to China's request.

As for the requirements of the energy group, countries were not very happy at first, but in the end they were also eager for the investment of 50 billion US dollars, and finally nodded and agreed. Kazakhstan even gave up one of its abandoned military camps.

Since Russia has never seen its economy, it is helpless in providing economic assistance to Central Asian countries, but Russia has provided Central Asian countries with security guarantees and provided them with a nuclear umbrella. The Central Asian countries will also guarantee Russia's position in Central Asia, and Kazakhstan will continue to provide Russia with the right to use the Baikonur space base. Other countries have expressed that they will provide Russia with military bases when necessary.

The achievements China and Russia have achieved in Central Asia have basically driven the United States out of Central Asia. Now the United States only retains a 5000-man military force and two military bases in Afghanistan, but in Central Asia In terms of resources, American companies have basically been squeezed out by energy groups.

On December 11, the merger negotiations between Belarus and Russia formally ended, and Belarus joined Russia as a franchise republic. The President of Belarus is now the President of the Union Republic. The Belarusian Armed Forces were merged into the Russian National Defense Forces and reorganized by the Russian National Defense Forces. They will assume the role of Belarusian security defense mission within five years. After five years, the Russian military will assume the responsibility of Belarusian security. Both Belarus and Russia have inherited militarily. With the Soviet system, there are no major difficulties in military integration. The consolidation of the entire merger plan took 2 years to complete. Russia has also provided a series of economic assistance to Belarus to help Belarusian economic system and Russia's economic system complete the integration. Since Belarus and Russia were both joined republics of the Soviet Union in those days, although after so many years, the economies of the two countries have not achieved significant development, so economic integration is relatively easy. The most difficult thing to do is to integrate politically, but with the cooperation of the high-level institutions of the two countries, it is not difficult to solve the political problems of the two countries. Compared with the political integration in Europe, it is very simple. This is also the benefit of top-down unification, and Europe basically started from the economy, a bottom-up merger of countries, which is much more difficult, and this is also caused by two different political patterns.

Li has long felt that there is an irreversible force in Russia. Now they have finally emerged. The energy group was considered powerful in Russia before. Now it seems that it is incomparable with others. Li Cong can only be Internally, it was announced that Russia’s political ministry plan had failed, because everything that had been developed before was not supported by other people’s hands for a few days. This super organization may not have a reputation in the world, but their control of Russia is not. Li can compare with their more than ten years of background.

On December 20, China sent a protest to the five Central Asian countries that did not follow the agreement to continue to cover the activities of the "East Turkic Death Tank" movement within their borders. In fact, the five Central Asian countries do not have a high level of military literacy, and the domestic economy has not been developed. How can they be able to combat these desperate terrorists? In addition, the five Central Asian countries are all Islamic countries. If the "East Turkistan" organization that is Islamic in nature is over-attacked, it is easy to cause turmoil in the country. This is also their unspeakable concealment. At most, a few countries drove their own terrorists to other countries, which is considered to have completed the task on their own, and the terrorists also discovered this, so they moved back and forth within a few countries without major losses. In the face of Chinese protests, although the governments of the five Central Asian countries also want to eradicate terrorist organizations in the country, after all, this is not good for the stability of their own countries, but they will also offend China for this. But it was also powerless.

On December 25, Chinese Premier Li Tansen and the prime ministers of the five Central Asian countries held a meeting in Shanghai. The main issue was the fight against the "East Turkistan" terrorist organization in the five Central Asian countries. After learning about the difficulties of the Central Asian countries, the Chinese government decided to solve the problems simultaneously from three aspects. First of all, on the economic side, China will help the five Central Asian countries build infrastructure in education, medical care, and health, and increase economic investment in Central Asian countries to help Central Asian countries develop their economies as soon as possible and improve people’s living standards. Cut off the space for terrorist activities and the soil for growth. This is a long-term plan, a plan to completely eliminate terrorist activities in Central Asia. Then there is assistance to the military in Central Asia. Chinese military instructors will help the five Central Asian countries to train their troops to meet the needs of the war on terror. Now the military of Central Asian countries cannot meet the needs at all, and their equipment and systems are not even comparable. Terrorist organization. Of course, this is not something that can be achieved in a short time. It can only be a supplement and help to the next plan. It is a mid-term plan. Finally, the Central Asian countries agree that China’s counter-terrorism forces will enter the five Central Asian countries to fight against terrorism. Of course, the Central Asian countries have to provide corresponding assistance to the base of operations. The governments of the five Central Asian countries have basically accepted China’s request in the face of such generous conditions. However, on the last point, the governments of the five Central Asian countries have stated that they can only secretly open some bases to China, as well as secretly respond to them. Chinese special forces provide assistance. This is because they consider the feelings of the domestic people, so the Chinese government also accepted their opinions. Finally, the two sides signed the "Agreement on Cooperation between China and the Governments of the Five Central Asian Countries on the War on Anti-Terrorism" in Shanghai. China began to truly enter Central Asia and began the war on terrorism.

On January 25, Russian President Shepchenko visited Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and other five Central Asian countries. The purpose is to prevent the expansion of China’s forces in Central Asia. If Latin America is the backyard of the United States, then Central Asia is the backyard of Russia. Therefore, Russia cannot tolerate other countries taking over Russia’s position, even if It’s because China and Russia are not in the mì month period! On this issue, Li Cong fully supports the Chinese government. After all, this area will still have its own 100,000 garrisons in the future. It is much better for the Chinese to come in than the Russians. This area will invest tens of billions of dollars. , It can bring me tens of billions of dollars in return every year, so I have to be responsible for my investment.

On January 26, Russia and Kazakhstan reached an agreement to open two large bases to Russia for joint use by the Russian-Kazakh army. Russia will be responsible for the operating costs and maintenance of these two bases, as well as the maintenance costs of the other three large bases in Kazakhstan. Originally, Russia wanted to prevent Kazakhstan from opening military bases to Chinese special forces, but Kazakhstan received a large amount of aid from China, so it could not accept Russia’s request. Finally, it has signed an agreement. If Russia can complete China’s cooperation with Kazakhstan If Stan’s promise, then Kazakhstan will be able to agree to Russia’s request. Now Russia has spent a lot of money to merge Belarus. If you have money to invest in Kazakhstan, a place where birds don’t shit, even if there is no problem with Belarus, Russia I also know that he cannot compare economically with China!

On February 5th, the Russian President ended his visit to the five Central Asian countries. Although it did not achieve the expected goal, it also achieved considerable results. The five Central Asian countries all opened military bases to Russia, but they all blackmailed Russia at the same time. For one thing, Russia’s plan to drive China’s military power out of Central Asia did not succeed, because the five Central Asian countries have received a lot of assistance from China. If the five Central Asian countries break the contract, they will suffer huge losses. Their current national economy cannot afford it.

On March 5th, the Prime Minister of the Russian government started a visit to the three countries of the Caucasus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. The purpose of the Russian Prime Minister's trip is to unite with the three Transcaucasian countries to deal with Chechen terrorists who have begun to make trouble again. Of course, it also brought a series of aid plans for these three countries.

On March 12, the Russian Prime Minister ended his visit to the three Caucasus countries and returned to Moscow. The visit was basically successful. The three countries have agreed to work with Russia to deal with terrorists and are willing to provide military assistance to the Russian counter-terrorism forces. Originally, the three Transcaucasian countries have been harassed and dragged down by the Chechen terrorists. The economies of the three countries have never been seen. Foreign investors have not dared to invest here because of the rampant terrorist activities in the three countries. Not to be developed. This time Russia not only asked them for help in counter-terrorism, but also brought a package plan to revitalize the economies of the three countries. Of course, this is a great thing for the three countries that are in an economic downturn. It can not only solve domestic problems from China. The issue of terrorist activities in China can also drive domestic economic development. So the three countries readily agreed to Russia's request. This is also the basis for the subsequent merger of the Transcaucasus and Russia.

On April 15th, in view of the revival of Chechen terrorist separatist activities, Russia launched a new round of military operations in Chechnya. The main targets were Chechen terrorist separatists, and the three Transcaucasian countries also carried out attacks on their own Chechen terrorists. Up the crackdown.

On May 4, World Youth Day, a large parade was held in Moscow Square to celebrate World Youth Day. But unfortunate things also happened on this day. Just as the parade was going to the Gao Chu Dynasty, at 2:12 noon, a car bomb with a charge of 200 kg exploded in the parade. On the spot, more than 200 people were killed and more than 500 were injured. In the end, more than 190 people died of serious injuries, and the total death toll reached 413. The Moscow police expressed suspicion that Chechen separatists were responsible. And will launch a full investigation. Russian President Shepchenko also ordered the Ministry of National Security and the Ministry of Internal Affairs to intervene in the investigation and must find the murderer.

On May 5, the day after the Moscow Square car bomb incident broke out, the Chechen Independence Movement leader Mashadov announced that the incident was the responsibility of the Chechen Independence Movement. At the same time, many other small Chechen* armed forces have expressed responsibility for this matter. They are so rushing to take the responsibility for nothing more than to make their own fame, but they don't know what will be the end of waiting for the real murderer, Russia has been completely angry. Moreover, the entire Russian nation is already in grief. Although the previous acts of robbery of cars and attacks on remote areas have been rewarded, they have not aroused Russian anger. Now they openly challenged the Russian state authority on Moscow Square. This is something no one can bear.

On May 11, the chief police chief of the Russian Ministry of State Security and the Ministry of Internal Affairs stated that the results of the investigation unanimously pointed to Mashadov, the leader of the Chechen Independence Movement. The Russian President announced the arrest of Mashadov.

On May 25, with the help of the three Caucasus countries, Russian special forces carried out a surprise attack on the secret stronghold of Mashadov in the border city of Barisaho in Georgia. The terrorist’s stronghold was swept out in one fell swoop, and the second mission of the Chechen Independence Movement, Maskhadov’s nephew Kuryakov was arrested. But that night Mashadov did not return to this stronghold as planned, and fortunately escaped the attack by Russian special forces. Of course, this luck is also problematic. Don't think that Russia's special forces are paperless. The future secret information proves that this is related to the energy group.

On June 5, Russian special forces carried out a surprise attack on Mashadov’s stronghold in the border city of Zakatare in Azerbaijan. However, Mashadov's actions to deal with the surprise attack of Russian special forces have become very secret. Although this operation captured many senior officials of the Chechen Independence Movement, it still allowed Mashadov to escape.

On June 11, Russian special forces once again carried out a surprise attack on Maskhadov’s secret residence in the Armenian city of Spittak. The Russian government is determined this time to capture Maskhadov. This action was finally not in vain, and he was successfully captured in Mashadov’s secret residence. At this time, he really enjoyed the family happiness with his wife and two children, but he didn’t know those arranged by him. The families of people whose lives were taken by a car bomb will never be enjoyed anymore, but will be shrouded in the shadow of grief for many years.

On June 12, after successfully capturing Maskhadov, the Russian Defense Forces and the troops of the Ministry of Internal Security launched a full-scale encirclement and suppression operation against the Chechen Independence Movement. After losing its leader, the Chechen Independence Movement was forced to withdraw. Chechnya moved out of the Caucasus, but at this time the Georgian and Azerbaijani National Defense Forces, which were cooperating with the Russian army, were already waiting for them to get online on the border. This operation basically eliminated the Chechen Independence Movement Organization, the largest terrorist organization in Chechnya, and the terrorist activities in Chechnya were temporarily suppressed.

On June 15, the Moscow High Court began a formal trial of Maskhadov. Mashadov was charged with as many as 20 charges, but Mashadov refused to admit any of the charges.

On June 25, after 10 days of trial, the Moscow High Court announced that Maskhadov was guilty of all 20 charges and was hanged for treason. In fact, one crime of treason was enough to get him on the gallows. Although Maskhadov did not recognize his trial by the Moscow High Court, he did not say the above, because he did not recognize that Russian law had a sanction effect on him. On the same day, several large Chechen* organizations announced that if Maskhadov is executed by Russia, then they will avenge Mashadov.

On June 27, Russia ignored the threats from Chechen terrorist organizations and executed Maskhadov. The arrest and execution of Maskhadov greatly encouraged the determination of Russia's counter-terrorism operations and suppressed the arrogance of the Chechen* armed forces. This is also a huge victory for Russia in anti-terrorism operations and maintaining national unity. Of course, Russia will face retaliation from the Chechen* armed forces. But on the whole, Russia has already achieved victory in the Chechen issue at this stage.

On July 5th, Russia and Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan signed a mutual security treaty in Moscow. The main content is that Russia will be responsible for the defense and security issues of the three Transcaucasian countries, helping the three countries to fight domestic terrorist activities, and in the event of a foreign invasion of the three countries, Russia is obliged to help the three countries resist foreign aggression. The Transcaucasian countries will be responsible for helping Russia to fight against the country’s separatist terrorists, and provide facilities for Russia’s military operations, and will participate in Russian military operations when necessary. In fact, this is already an alliance treaty. In addition, the three Caucasus countries have formally reached an alliance treaty with Russia. The energy group feels that Russia’s expansion is speeding up, and it also began to contact the three countries. In the end, it exchanged for a garrison plan of 20,000 people. It was afraid that the treaty would not be signed after joining. The 20,000 people will be like a sting .

On July 15, Russia's special forces tasked with counter-terrorism officially entered the three countries of Transcaucasus. Russia has deployed 1,000-strong rapid-reaction special forces in the three Transcaucasus countries. Its main operations are to take charge of the activities of eliminating terrorists in the three Transcaucasus countries and to support the anti-terrorism operations of the Transcaucasus Three* team. Russia's start to station troops in the three Transcaucasus countries has aroused serious concern in West Asia. West Asia is exclaiming that the polar bears have begun to move south. In particular, Iran and Turkey reacted the most because they are all bordering the three Transcaucasian countries. If Russia wants to go south to the Middle East, then it must be their two countries that will suffer first. And they also knew that in the face of the torrent of steel in Russia, their small army was completely unable to resist. At the same time, the United States also expressed its great concern for Russia's new military deployment. The United States has provided some military material assistance to Turkey as a symbol of xìng. But these are all equipment that the United States has retired from service. Turkey is very dissatisfied, and what the United States has done in the near term has also disappointed Turkey. The United States has offered quite generous terms to Greece in order to retain Greece, but it has not offered it. Turkey provides similar assistance, and Greece and Turkey have always had disputes, which has made Turkey quite dissatisfied. So now Turkey is completely disappointed in the United States.

On September 20th, a military coup took place in Georgia, and President Georgia was forced to go into exile in Russia. After receiving the order of the Russian President, the Russian rapid reaction force stationed in Georgia immediately controlled all access to the capital of Georgia. The new government established by the Georgian rebels immediately negotiated with Russia. There was no conflict between the two parties.

On September 30, the Georgian rebel government stated that it could re-elect the country and stated that if they are elected as the new president of Georgia, Georgia is willing to follow Russia in order to achieve greater development. Georgia’s statement did not receive a positive response from Russia. This is because Georgia is completely trying to incorporate Georgia into Russia. Although this is a great thing for Russia, Russia must also consider its influence in the world, and now it dare not rashly agree to it.

On October 1, the President of the Georgian government-in-exile left Moscow and arrived in London. He also issued a statement that the Georgian government (in exile) will not recognize any actions of the rebel government, and accuses the rebel government of betraying Georgia and the interests of the Georgian people and is a traitor to the country.

On October 11, the President of the Georgian government-in-exile was assassinated in London. He was rescued and died. The consensus of world opinion is that the Georgian rebel government did. On the same day, the Georgian rebel government denied that they did it and stated that the Georgian people’s choice was correct. The declassified information 20 years later learned that this was instructed by the Russian government, and the coup in Georgia was also operated behind the Russian government.

On December 30th, the new general elections in Georgia ended, and the rebel leader General Radavi won. Russia first recognized the legitimacy of Georgia's new general election and sent a congratulatory message to General Radavi. Subsequently, the New European Union, China, the five Central Asian countries, and some third world countries all issued congratulatory statements.

On January 1, the Georgian government-in-exile elected Raspussin, the son of the former president of Georgia, as the new Georgian president (in exile) in London, and refused to recognize the legal status of Georgia's newly elected President Radavi. Hand-playing chapters of the novel] Western countries, led by the United States, Japan, Australia and other countries also expressed their continued recognition of the Georgian government in exile in London, and expressed doubts about the legality of Radavi.

On January 5, Radawi announced that Georgia would conduct formal negotiations with Russia on Georgia’s accession to Russia and become a member of Russia’s republic. The venue of the negotiations will be Moscow.

On February 14, the negotiations between Georgia and Russia formally ended. Georgia announced its accession to the Russian Federation and became a member republic of Russia. The merger of Georgia into Russia has made the other two Transcaucasian countries feel threatened, because it has been discovered from various things that Russia and the Georgia incident are absolutely inseparable. The Georgian coup went smoothly. The Russian troops stationed in Georgia did not attack the coup forces. The Georgian president in exile died bizarrely after leaving Moscow and arriving in London. Then the public opening of the new elections in Georgia and the merger negotiations between Russia and Georgia all indicated that Russia has assumed considerable responsibility in the Georgia incident. But no conclusive evidence can be found, and it can only be limited to speculation.

On March 15, the Azerbaijani government announced that it would start consultations with Russia on Azerbaijan’s integration into Russia.

On March 20, the Armenian government also stated that Armenia will also discuss the issue of merger with Russia. The leaders of Azerbaijan and Armenia know that the situation cannot be delayed. Now they take the initiative to subscribe to Russia. It is better than Russia plans a military coup later and then annexes the two countries through spokespersons. At that time, they were not only not benefiting. If you say it badly, you will get the same fate as the Georgian president in exile. So they were very obedient and started discussing with Russia on the issue of attachment. The huge changes in Transcaucasus shocked the world. Everyone knows that Russia is no longer a polar bear with bruises, but a polar bear that has passed the winter, has walked out of the nest, and started to hunt for food. Of course, China and the New European Union are not surprised, because these are all expected. A stronger Russia will definitely not be content to keep its part in this dynamic and restless world.

On March 25, the United States announced that it would send a 5,000-man troop to Turkey to help Turkey maintain security. However, the 5,000-man troop can only serve as a comfort in recent times when Russia has been forced to the door.

On March 28, Iran also announced that it would deploy five new main divisions to the area north of Tehran to protect the security of the Iranian capital Tehran and to cope with the US military deployment in Turkey. Although it is to deal with the Americans, outsiders know at a glance that Iran is also responding to the huge pressure from the north. The 5,000-strong force transferred by the United States does not need five main divisions to deal with it!

On April 25, the merger negotiations between Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia formally ended. After Belarus and Georgia, the two countries formally became Russia’s republics. The presidents of the two countries still serve as the presidents of the two republics. The two teams are returned to the Russian Defense Force Adapted, and the Russian Defense Forces are responsible for the security of the two countries. UU Reading Russian troops officially stationed in the two countries. At the same time, the diplomatic institutions of the two countries in other countries will be handled by the Russian embassy. On the same day, both China and the New European Union sent congratulations to Russia. Western countries basically remain silent.

From this time on, Russia has officially begun its path of external expansion, and its Greater Russia plan has already begun. Transcaucasus has become Russia's strategic frontline.

On May 4, bō Luo Dihai collectively announced that Russia had begun negotiations on joining. The attitude of the Three Kingdoms of Luo Dihai further accelerated Russia's development plan. In the final analysis, it is also because the United States has lost its dominance on the European continent, and NATO, which the three countries originally joined, has also been disbanded. So now these three small countries have no support. But now there are only two choices in front of the three countries of the bō Luo Dihai, either to join the new European Union or to join Russia-led Greater Russia. Although the new European Union has the upper hand in the struggle with the United States, the Shuanghuan Group is now fighting a trade war, and joining the new European Union now does not bring benefits to these three countries.

The New European Union mainly believes in Catholicism and Protestantism, while the three kingdoms of bō Luo Dihai believe in Orthodox Church in history, and there is a gap with the New European Union in belief and religion. The three kingdoms of bō Luo Dihai are basically the same country as Russia in history, so they have an emotional intimacy with Russia, although the disintegration of the Soviet Union has widened this distance. ! .

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