Energy Group

Chapter 1348:

However, the recent excellent performance of Russia in the international community has won Russia a lot of reputation among these three countries, and it has achieved certain success in dealing with the economic problems after the merger of the three Transcaucasian countries. This is exactly bō The biggest problem facing the three Luo Dihai countries now, if they can find a partner who can immediately revitalize their domestic economy, then only Russia is. In other respects, Russia has clearly shown that it wants to rejuvenate the Russian Empire, and the three kingdoms of bō Luo Dihai have historically been part of the Russian Empire. This is also something that Russia must walk through on the road to revitalization, and it will be annexed by Russia. , It’s better to take the initiative now, it will be even more beneficial for them. Combining these various reasons, it is also understood why the Bō Luo Dihai three congresses chose to join Russia at this time.

On June 13th, the negotiations between the three bō Luo Dihai countries and Russia ended smoothly. The three bō Luo Dihai countries, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia formally announced their integration into Russia and became Russia's joining republics. China and the New European Union and energy groups have all sent congratulations to Russia.

On July 15, Russian President Shepchenko held talks in Moscow with German Chancellor Klossen, the visiting president of the new European Union this year. The main content of the talks is the issue of mutual security and trust between the new European Union and Russia. After bōlan joined the new European Union, Russia has already bordered the new European Union, and it is necessary for the two sides to reach trust. The talks were smooth and fruitful.

In the end, both the New European Union and Russia stated that the two sides must trust each other and promise not to engage in any armed provocation against each other. The nuclear weapons of both sides will not aim at each other’s targets, and no military units (out of the border patrol) will be deployed within 100 kilometers of the border of the two sides. Of course, the range of this one hundred kilometers cannot be a vacuum. At this time, Li Cong I just joined in, and I don't know how this guy did it. The two sides even agreed to station 50,000 soldiers of the energy group within this 100 kilometers, which surprised the world.

If there is a military movement to pass through this area, it must be notified to the energy group that 20 kilometers on both sides of the border line is a demilitarized zone. High-level leaders of both sides and senior military officers will exchange visits regularly to promote military cooperation and exchanges between the two sides. The two parties should help each other in anti-terrorism activities and provide support to each other when necessary. and many more. The significance of this security agreement between the New European Union and Russia is enormous. Both sides can mobilize troops for other directions, and its significance is only inferior to a military alliance.

The countries headed by the United States have expressed concerns about this kind of military cooperation between the two sides, believing that the actions of the New European Union and Russia will break the regional balance. However, both the New European Union and Russia refuted the United States, stating that the military cooperation between the New European Union and Russia is a guarantee of regional stability and peace, and will only promote regional development and peace, and will not pose a threat to any third party. After the New European Union and Russia reached this cooperation, the border areas of the two sides have maintained peace and development for as long as 20 years, which also promoted the great economic development of the New European Union and Russia. China and many third world countries have welcomed this kind of mutually trusting cooperation between the New European Union and Russia.

On August 10, under the promotion of the Energy Group, representatives of China, Russia and the New European Union signed a tripartite security trust treaty in Berlin. China, Russia and the New European Union established a new security trust mechanism. The main content is that the security and confidence treaty between Russia and the new European Union has been partially modified for China. The three parties have announced that they will not target their own nuclear weapons at the other two parties, and will increase cooperation in international anti-terrorism. The military cooperation mechanism between China, Russia and Europe was formally established. The cooperation between major powers resisting the United States has officially begun, and China, Russia and Europe have begun to jointly confront the United States' global hegemony policy.

The signing of this agreement is obviously aimed at the Americans, but there is no other way. The Americans have the most powerful weapons in the world. If they don’t unite, confronting them will be really fruitless. of.

On October 8, Russia announced the establishment of the Greater Russian Federation on the basis of Russia, Belarus, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, and Russia officially began its revival. The establishment of Great Russia has re-emerged Russia as a new world pole beyond the United States, Europe, and China. Although Great Russia is not comparable to the United States, Europe, China, or even Japan in terms of economy, it has enough weight in terms of land area, national resources, military power, and international political power. Its land area is this size. The largest of the four major national organizations, its military power is also stronger than any other country and organization except China, the United States and Europe, and its possession of weapons is second only to the United States. The influence in international politics is also greater than that of any country outside the three parties.

The establishment of Great Russia is also a sign that the world has officially begun to fight for hegemony. In the past, international struggles were mainly between China and a group of countries headed by the United States. The establishment of the New European Union only balanced the balance of power between China and the United States, but it cannot change the United States’ dominance in international politics, military, and economics. . The addition of Great Russia has fundamentally changed the position of the United States in the world, especially Great Russia and China. The new European Union has formed a tripartite joint confrontation with the United States, which has made the strength of the United States lower than the overall three parties. strength. The U.S. can no longer gain any advantages in its military, political, and economic status in the international arena, although the U.S. is still powerful for any of China, Russia, and Europe.

At the same time, Russia's actions have also promoted other countries and regions that have not yet begun to integrate. The countries and regions that have merged have begun to reunify, because everyone has seen that the world has begun to enter a situation where the world has begun to compete. If it cannot strengthen its own strength , Then the result is tragic. Many small countries either unite to form a new party force, or merge into a large country or group of countries to protect themselves. The world is no longer a quiet world, but a world full of opportunities and challenges. If you want your own nation to develop independently, then you have to keep striving for self-improvement, develop yourself all the time, and seductively annex the weak and weak nations, or expand your living space since the eradication.

Although the establishment of Great Russia is very beneficial to China and the energy group in the international arena, the energy group does not want him to appear if possible. Li Cong and the people in the central government know the truth that no one can allow others to snore on the side of the bed, but now There is no other way but to abide by their regulations. After all, the world is beyond their control now, but it is necessary to keep a close eye on this polar bear.

On December 9, Russian President Shepchenko visited Ukraine and carried out the most difficult diplomatic event to promote his Greater Russia plan. Ukraine has historically been a part of the Russian Empire, but during the great changes in Eastern Europe in the 20th century, Ukraine separated from the Soviet Union and became an independent country. The relationship between Ukraine and Russia is not very good due to various reasons. The two sides often clash on economic and military issues. Therefore, it is indeed difficult to convince Ukraine to join Greater Russia headed by Russia.

On December 15, Russian President Shepchenko ended his visit to Ukraine and returned to Moscow. Although this visit has reduced Ukraine’s hatred and hostility towards Russia, it cannot fundamentally resolve the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, and of course it cannot allow Ukraine to decide to join Greater Russia.

On December 20, the Prime Minister of the Ukrainian government began to visit Berlin, Paris, and Rome. Visit to the new European Union. Ukraine's purpose in doing so is nothing more than asking Russia to increase the price of Ukraine's participation in Greater Russia. This is because Ukraine did not understand that the new European Union and Russia are now in the mì-month period, and the new European Union will definitely not risk offending Russia and absorb Ukraine. If Ukraine wants to survive in this chaotic world, it has to rely on Russia. If Ukraine refuses to agree to join Great Russia, it will definitely be a matter of iron heels in the end with Russia’s national temperament. Therefore, Ukraine is only raising its own value in order to win more benefits for its people.

On January 2, the Greater Russia government announced last year’s national economic situation. The gross national product increased by 8% over the previous year, reaching 1.2 trillion U.S. dollars, the per capita national product reached 4,500 U.S. dollars, and the national income was 3,000 U.S. dollars, an increase of 5% (mainly because the economies of the newly joined countries are still adjusting However, it reduces the speed of development). Although on the surface it is not as fast as China and the New European Union, China announced 14% and 11% respectively, while New Europe announced 9% and 7%. But this is already the fastest growth in Russia after the economic crisis is over. Compared with the world, there are still many countries whose economies are in retrogression. Even the US economy has advanced zero growth, and the Japanese economy has shrunk by 20%. So Russia has achieved results. Is great. The government budget last year was 300 billion U.S. dollars, the actual government expenditure was 330 billion U.S. dollars, and the fiscal deficit was 30 billion U.S. dollars. This is quite acceptable. When economic development requires a lot of funds, the fiscal deficit is controlled at 10%. Miracle. And this year's fiscal budget is 350 billion U.S. dollars, of which military expenditure is 35 billion U.S. dollars, and there are 15 billion U.S. dollars in special government subsidies for newly joined countries. The actual budget is 365 billion U.S. dollars. The new budget has been submitted to the upper and lower chambers of the Great Russian National Assembly for trial. It can be said that after Russia has reached an economic alliance relationship with China and the New European Union, the domestic economy has developed rapidly. Although Russia’s current economic scale cannot be compared with the New European Union and China, the GDP of the New European Union reached 10 trillion U.S. dollars in 2012, China also reached 55,000 U.S. dollars, and the United States 90,000. 500 billion U.S. dollars and Japan’s 3.5 trillion U.S. dollars, but the rise of Russia is only a matter of time.

On January 25, Russian President Shepchenko visited Ukraine again, and it was an imperative for Russia to join Greater Russia. This time Russia came to Ukraine with a new advantage that the country has basically got rid of from the economic crisis with its great economic development. Although Ukraine still has not stated that it will join Greater Russia, it has been loosened. Ukrainian President Nevsky has decided to return to Moscow in two months.

On March 1, the Prime Minister of the Great Russian Government visited Kazakhstan for the lease of the Baiknur Space Center, but anyone with a glance knows that the purpose of this visit by the Prime Minister of the Great Russian Government is not so simple. Now Russia is reunifying in Europe. The action is coming to an end. Although Ukraine has not yet indicated that it wants to join, Ukraine’s attitude is somewhat relaxed. When Ukraine cannot find a suitable helper, joining Greater Russia is only a matter of time, so the focus of Russia’s work should shift. Central Asia is now, and Kazakhstan is the largest of the five countries split from the former Soviet Union in Central Asia. If Kazakhstan can be successfully secured, it will be the true purpose of the trip to deal with the problems of other countries. !

On April 2nd, Ukrainian President Zevsky arrived in Moscow and began a visit to Russia. This time, Russia has offered many conditions to help Ukraine solve its economic development, and promised that after Ukraine merges into Greater Russia, it will forgive all Ukraine’s debts to Russia. It is not easy for Ukraine to continue to drag on, because the Russian military has already expressed its impatient attitude. The President of Ukraine agreed to conduct bilateral negotiations on Ukraine's accession to Greater Russia.

On April 25th, Ukraine and Greater Russia held formal negotiations on joining conditions in Moscow. The meeting did not go very smoothly, and Ukraine’s request was beyond what Russia could accept. The talks reached a stalemate after 2 days. On April 30, the Russian Defense Forces began to conduct military exercises in Russia, 150 kilometers away from Ukraine, although they were testing the combat capabilities of the Russian Army to ensure the safety of Greater Russia. . But everyone understands that this is Russia’s warning to Ukraine, stating that Russia would not hesitate to use force in extreme circumstances to complete its annexation of Ukraine. Ukraine is now the flesh of Russia's mouth. Li Cong also understands that it is not something he can do to provoke a rising power at this time, and his own power in Russian politics is not good for helping him.

On May 5, the day after the end of the Great Russia military exercise, the two sides returned to the negotiating table. This time Ukraine has drastically lowered its requirements, and Greater Russia has also increased the treatment of Ukraine accordingly, expressing the hope that Ukraine can join in peacefully. The two parties basically reached an agreement on the conditions for Ukraine to join, and only the details were left.

On May 20, Ukraine officially announced that it accepted the invitation of Great Russia to join Great Russia and became the new republic of Great Russia. The Great Russia government also allocated 10 billion US dollars to adjust Ukraine’s economic and administrative system to adapt to the new need.

On July 25, Moldova announced that it would join Greater Russia. Russia's operations in Europe and the Caucasus were successfully completed, unifying the regions of the former Soviet Union. Russia also ended its operations in Europe. Its expansion has officially begun to shift to Central Asia.

On August 5, 2013, President Shepchenko of Greater Russia started an official visit to five Central Asian countries. The first stop of the Novel House arrived in Almaty and paid an official visit to Kazakhstan. Russia and Kazakhstan first discussed the use of the Baiknur Space Center, and Kazakhstan agreed to lease the Baiknur Space Center to Great Russia for another 20 years. In the secret talks about Kazakhstan joining Greater Russia, the President of Greater Russia Shepchenko did not make substantial progress. Kazakhstan only stated that it would consider joining the issue, and tactfully rejected the request of Greater Russia to join in time. invite. Kazakhstan’s situation is actually very delicate. In the current world, if Kazakhstan wants to develop and survive, it must choose between China and Great Russia. Otherwise, under the squeeze of big powers, Kazakhstan will surely become The big powers are pierced in the flesh. Central Asia, a strategically important but at the same time a resource-poor region, has no redundant future and can only survive by relying on other big countries. If Kazakhstan rashly joins China or Greater Russia, it will inevitably offend another country. Both China and Russia have their own strategic interests in Central Asia, and they also have their own requirements for Central Asia. So any one Central Asian countries will face many difficulties when considering the issue of ownership. This is also the main reason why Kazakhstan does not dare to rashly agree to the request of Great Russia. At the same time, Great Russia also understands that China has its own strategic interests in Central Asia, and it will not exert excessive pressure on these countries. If it does so, it will definitely push Central Asia to China. It's no good. This is also the reason why Greater Russia first solved the European part of the problem and then solved the Central Asian region. Therefore, the settlement of the issue of regional ownership in Central Asia is actually mainly a matter between China and Great Russia.

On August 8, the President of Greater Russia Shepchenko arrived in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, and began his visit to Uzbekistan. Before Kazakhstan did not express its attitude, Uzbekistan only gave Greater Russia a vague answer. On the same day, Chinese Premier Li Tansen began his visit to five Central Asian countries and arrived in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan. China's diplomatic actions at this time clearly indicate that China will not give up its strategic needs in Central Asia, and the visit of the Premier of the State Council instead of the visit of the head of state also shows respect for the strategic interests of Great Russia in Central Asia.

The energy group’s garrison in Central Asia has reached 80,000. The Russians understand that even if they get this area into their own hands, they will not be so comfortable afterwards, so their top leaders have disagreements, but although there are Disagreements, but most people still agree to take the Zhouya region, but there are some ideas on how to take it. As for how to achieve it, it depends on their problems. Of course, the Chinese government will not be idle.

On August 17, the President of Great Russia ended his visit to the five Central Asian countries and returned to Moscow. Although this operation has yielded some gains, it has not made substantial progress. Great Russia also understands that the Central Asian issue must be resolved. We must first handle the strategic requirements of China and energy groups in Central Asia, otherwise the problems in Central Asia will not be perfectly resolved. Now China and Great Russia are in the mì-month period, and both sides have common strategic interests in the world. Both parties are working to restore their own economies. After China defeated Japan, the United States and Britain, its military strength has been confirmed. Any military challenge to China, Great Russia understands the consequences. Moreover, the economy after the outbreak of the war is not something Russia can afford, although China does There is no way to bear it, but with Li Cong, the God of Wealth, money can really solve many problems. Therefore, it is absolutely unrealistic to use force to solve the Central Asian issue. On August 20, Chinese Premier Li Tansen also ended his visit to five Central Asian countries and returned to Beijing. China's diplomatic efforts in Central Asia have basically controlled the emotions of the five countries in Central Asia. Now the five countries in Central Asia must carefully consider which side they support before deciding on their ownership. And China also understands that Russia has a natural advantage in Central Asia. Not only from the perspective of religion, but also from the mentality of the people, the five countries in Central Asia are biased towards Greater Russia. Therefore, if China wants to maintain its own interests in Central Asia and gain advantages, it can only work on the economy. The energy group has shown that it can bear the heavy burden of the Central Asian economy, so the favorable conditions that China can offer are that Russia cannot. Accepted. And at this time, although the Chinese * team can be said to be invincible, the country’s war wounds have not been healed, and the national economy has been severely hit by the war and the global economic crisis, although China’s powerful government has effectively controlled the economy. China’s recession, and achieved great economic development last year, but China is now impossible, and there is no need to fight a life-and-death with strategic allies in Central Asia.

On September 15, representatives of China and Russia held the first Central Asian Conference in Shanghai, and the five Central Asian countries also sent representatives to participate in the meeting. But the main two sides of the problem are China and Russia, and representatives from the five Central Asian countries almost come to listen. This reminds people of the same negotiations between Germany, France, Britain and Italy in 1938. But the qualitative difference is completely different. First of all, the world structure is completely different now. The whole world has begun to merge with weak countries and then become stronger, in order to gain a foothold in the world, and weak countries Because of being able to merge into the strong deficiencies, great development has been achieved and the lives of the people have also been improved. Secondly, China and Great Russia have no intention to solve the problem by force, and the five Central Asian countries also know that this is an important meeting to determine their future. They must merge into China or Great Russia, otherwise they will not find it in the international community. gain a foothold. Of course, they also understand that merging into these two world-class powers is beneficial and harmless to improving the current domestic economic situation and improving people's lives.

On September 20, the first round of negotiations on the status of China and Russia, the five Central Asian countries, ended. The two sides had great differences. Greater Russia requested a referendum in the five Central Asian countries to determine the issue of ownership. China certainly opposes, **** one, this is not good for China, because Russia's position in the hearts of the people of Central Asian countries is unmatched by China, and this is Russia's natural advantage. The second approach is also not feasible. The negotiations between the two sides are still in writing, and it is not suitable for a referendum within the country. This will have adverse consequences for the national stability of the five Central Asian countries. The opinions put forward by China are distributed according to the strategic interests of China and Great Russia in Central Asia. Of course, Russia will not agree, because under these conditions, Russia will lose control of most parts of Central Asia.

On October 5, the second round of negotiations on the status of China and Russia, the five Central Asian countries, was held in Moscow. Although the two sides have narrowed the gap, the main problem is that they cannot reach an agreement on the distribution of power in Central Asia, but both sides said that they have made great progress. Greater Russia agreed to China's proposal to determine the ownership of Central Asia in accordance with the strategic interests of both parties in Central Asia. However, in the definition of specific strategic interests, the two sides did not achieve any results due to huge differences.

On October 20, the third round of negotiations on the status of China and Russia, the five Central Asian countries, was held in Beijing. This time, the two sides affirmed the sincerity of the negotiations, and both made certain concessions in the definition of strategic interests. But there is still a gap in the village. The main problem now is the division of land in the five countries of Central Asia.

On November 5, the fourth round of negotiations on the status of China and Russia, the five Central Asian countries, was held in St. Petersburg. The two sides formally determined the boundary delimitation of the five Central Asian countries. China will occupy 40% of the territory of Central Asia and 60% of the territory of Great Russia. However, there is no agreement on population handling and resource allocation. . This is also what Li Cong suggested, because the 40% that China occupies is basically the area controlled by Li Cong. It can be said that the central government is now helping Li Cong to secure territory.

On November 20, the final round of negotiations on the status of China and Russia, the five Central Asian countries, was held in Chengdu. The focus of the two parties this time is the handling of the people in Central Asia, the allocation of resources and other details.

On November 21, the seven heads of state of China, Great Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan jointly announced an agreement on the distribution and merger of the five Central Asian countries in Shanghai. The main content of the agreement is as follows: Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan merged into Great Russia to the west of the Amu Darya, becoming the Republic of Great Russia, accounting for 60% of the total area of ​​the five Central Asian countries. Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and the rest of Uzbekistan were merged into the People’s Republic of China, becoming China’s 33rd provincial administrative region (the Ryukyu Islands is China’s 32nd provincial administrative region), accounting for the total of the five Central Asian countries 40% of the area. The people of the five Central Asian countries can freely choose whether to join China or Great Russian nationality within 2 months of the merger period. China and Great Russia are obliged to provide housing, work, etc. to citizens who choose to join, and enjoy the same treatment as their own citizens. In terms of resource allocation, China will hold 60% of the mining rights in the five Central Asian countries, while Great Russia will hold 40%. For all other resources, China and Russia have the same right to exploit the grounds, and each holds 50%. Then the Energy Group also signed a memorandum with the central government. The Energy Group provided 800 billion US dollars to buy all the rights and interests of the central government in Central Asia. This was mainly because the civil war had just ended and a sum of money was urgently needed for stability. Otherwise, Li It never took advantage of this. Of course, the Central Asia region was also jointly managed by the two parties. Li Cong took out 50 billion US dollars worth of weapons in exchange for the designations of several PLA armies to allow his soldiers to enter Central Asia. .

China and Great Russia’s method of distributing the spheres of influence in Central Asia has only been supported or not opposed by the New European Union and some third-world countries that have good relations with China and Russia, while other countries, especially the United States, have opposed China and Russia. The partition of Central Asia expressed severe accusations, saying that this was a new fascist country re-partitioning the world and trampling on world freedom and democracy. Of course, the entourage of Japan, Britain and the United States also immediately protested. However, the leaders of the five Central Asian countries all came forward to criticize the actions of the United States and other countries, saying that when the five Central Asian countries were in economic crisis and the people were eating and sleeping, why didn’t the United States come out to help them, but China and Russia offered the Central Asian Five China has extended a helping hand. Now that the five Central Asian countries voluntarily join China and Great Russia, the United States has come to oppose it again. The actions and accusations of the United States are entirely self-interested, regardless of the life and death of others, and they completely distort the facts. Now that the governments of the five Central Asian countries have already expressed their views, the clamoring attitude of the United States has not been recognized by other countries, and it has made the world see the true face of the United States more clearly.

On December 20, the merger of the five Central Asian countries had been going on for a month, but it was not smooth. On this day, the national independence movement broke out in Kazakhstan. Although suppressed by the rapid reaction force of the energy group, it did not cause any serious consequences, nor did it have any impact on the work of Central Asia's integration. But this also shows that it will be a long-term process to properly handle the Central Asian issue, especially in dealing with the unique ethnicity of Central Asia, the Chinese and Russian governments must make tremendous efforts. The United States also used this incident to publicize the international situation again, but with the previous failures and the Central Asian merger process has progressed to the high dynasty, the United States only expressed a protest, and then began to deal with its own free trade in North America. Problems within the district organization. On January 20, one year after the signing of the treaty, the merger of the five Central Asian countries was successfully completed, and the administrative agencies of China and Russia have begun to formally implement the management of the new region. Among the 60 million people of the five Central Asian countries, 50 million chose to join Greater Russia, and another 10 million chose to join China. Li Cong understands that it is impossible for people to choose this way. Their living habits are similar to Russia, and they are also a country in history.

On January 25, China's 33rd provincial administrative unit, China's Central Asian Islamic National Autonomous Region was formally established. The Chinese central government has also provided a large amount of financial assistance and huge economic assistance to the newly established Islamic National Autonomous Region of Central Asia. The financial assistance provided by the Chinese central government is as high as 50 billion U.S. dollars, and everyone in the autonomous region has been allocated 5,000 U.S. dollars. Financial aid, of course, the money is from the energy group, which is higher than China's per capita income in 2014. On the economic front, the central government has also helped local governments build a large amount of infrastructure and strive to improve people's living standards. The changes in 2014 have shown that the living standards of the people in this region have improved more than in the past 10 years. The central government’s financial assistance has lasted for 10 years. Although this is not a small burden for the energy group, it also allows the world to see China’s attitude towards newly incorporated countries and people, and establishes a foundation for the future establishment of Greater China. A good image. China's move was also to stabilize the local national sentiment, and the national sentiment that appeared to be active in the region has quickly stabilized. At the same time, the energy group has also transferred a large number of high-quality and highly-educated talents from various places to the autonomous region to help the region develop its economy. By 2020, after 6 years, the mainland of China has transferred at least 15 million high-quality talents to the autonomous region. In the development of the country, these people helped the rapid development of the place, and of course also changed the population structure of the place by the way, successfully solving the "East Turkic Movement" that has been unable to completely solve for many years.

On January 26, the part that was incorporated into Greater Russia also became a member republic of Greater Russia. In order to stabilize the local order, the government of Great Russia also provided a lot of assistance to this newest republic. But those 50 million people who choose to join Great Russian citizenship do not have the happiness of choosing to join China at the 10 million people here. The Central Government of Great Russia has only allocated 20 billion U.S. dollars to aid local development, and the per capita is only 400 U.S. dollars, which is only 8% of China's. But this is the greatest effort the Central Government of Great Russia can make. Now the entire territory of Russia needs funds for development. It is very difficult for the central government to allocate 20 billion US dollars to invest in this resource-poor region. In this great Russia, I also understand that they really need to make progress too much economically. In terms of human resources and infrastructure construction, it cannot be compared with China’s investment in Central Asia. Many people in Greater Russia are simply unwilling to go to this difficult place to develop work. At this time, China’s huge population resources seem to be Become a good thing, maybe this is the only benefit! These gaps have also caused a large number of population losses in Greater Russia in the region. By 2020, the local situation has basically improved. A total of 8 million people have entered the opposite Central Asia region managed by China through various methods. The main method was still smuggling through the gaps of the Sino-Russian Free Trade Agreement signed later. Of course, China did not expel these people, but gave them good resettlement. This is also one of the factors that China can quickly succeed in the region. Moreover, Li Cong formed an army of more than 50,000 people out of the millions of people who came from here. They provided soldiers, so do they still need a trunk?

Now that China has obtained important resources in Central Asia, it has also promoted the development of the national economy. Therefore, China's investment in the region is not in vain, but has received good returns. The distribution of power between China and Great Russia in the region also determines the development of the region. The path of Great Russia’s expansion to the south is blocked by China. Now Great Russia can only expand in the Caucasus and Europe, which also brings these regions. There is pressure, especially Iran and Turkey, because the good relations between Great Russia and the New European Union have restricted his expansion in the European region. Now the only way out for Great Russia is the Caucasus. After acquiring the Central Asian region, China has directly bordered the Islamic world. This has created a foundation for China to make better use of international forms and to develop relations with the Islamic world in the future. It can be said that the solution of the Central Asian region's problems will bring more benefits to China than to greater Russia. China's space for international activities has been expanded for the first time, and since then, China has also begun to move towards world unity.

On February 20th, the territory of Great Russia has basically taken shape, and Great Russia is already ambitiously preparing to show off internationally and domestically. The gunfire from the Caucasus once again hindered the progress of Great Russia. This is the first time since the establishment of Great Russia. Once and for the last time, after the Great Russia solved the problems of the Caucasus, it has gone to the world and started a global competition. However, this crisis has caused Great Russia to lose too many opportunities and also determines Great Russia. In the future world competition, he can only play a supporting role. Although this is something that Great Russia does not want, and I have tried hard to be the protagonist several times, the facts determine everything. From then on, the status of Great Russia in the world has been determined.

The Caucasus issue can be said to have been planned by Li Cong. For a country like Russia, Li Cong always feels that he does not believe them. Therefore, when they are united, they should be given some eye medicine. The central government is not good at expressing its position. Yes, but the local National Security Bureau has been ordered to cooperate fully with the energy group. Although such a small-scale war can not hurt Russia, but at least it can hold back their upcoming economy. This is already a great value for Li Cong. For Russia, this may make them lose an opportunity to become the strongest in the world. Not to mention the hopelessness of Russia, they have also been glorious back then. ! .

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