Energy Group

Chapter 1475:

Now Mike is not pleasing to the eyes of Miss Bahrain at all. How pleasing to his eyes when he liked this woman at the beginning, but now? This woman doesn’t look at herself at all. When she finds something about her, this woman will always have one or another reason. She is also very helpless about this matter. Although she is the president, the woman behind her I can’t touch everything by myself, maybe I’ll have trouble, but there’s no problem doing some things within my power, such as replacing him by myself, so that this woman is not so eye-catching. , Let the people in the whole organization see clearly that he is the biggest person here. This time he thinks is the biggest confrontation with Miss Bahrain. He wants to see how much support he can get within the organization. There are more people who support yourself or more people who support this woman. M (just read the novel)

"Miss Bahrain is wrong to say this. What does it mean? Is there no confidence in our organization? Our organization is indeed far from the Skull and Bones and Energy Group, but we are all working hard. We will close this gap when we encounter something. Just like now, why our intelligence organization is not as strong as Skull and Bones? It’s because they dominate the state apparatus, if it is in this state apparatus. Are there our forces in it? We can also know the things they know in the future, and they are in the light, we are in the dark, maybe we know more. I think everyone is clear about this. So this We must not lose the opportunity, and we cannot stop doing it because we are afraid of failure. This seems not to be the purpose of our organization." After being the president for such a long time, Mike does have many supporters of his own, and what he said It is really reasonable and well-founded. The average person really has no way to refuse. Many people are starting to lean towards Mike again at this moment. After all, they risked confrontation with the biggest power in the area and wanted to become the biggest power. There is one that can make themselves here. How can we give up opportunities for rapid development?

"Mr. Mike is right, but I want to know that we must continue to move forward when we fail. This does not seem to be the purpose of our organization. These words of mine are not aimless. When did similar things happen in Guantanamo prison in the past? What? Why did this happen shortly after the energy group’s fleet arrived there? I hope everyone can see, what is our current power? We just can hide in the dark, and cannot go to the foreground Yes. If either of these two forces wants to deal with us, neither of us will have a chance to live.” Miss Bahrain still said, she didn’t want to talk when she saw Mike, waiting for this guy to fail. Maybe she is the president, but now, she still speaks out, the main thing is that there is too much of her attention, and she doesn't want these people to follow Mike this idiot.

"Miss Bahrain, it seems that you are responsible for organizing the contact with the energy group recently, and as far as I know, your relationship with Li Cong of the energy group is very good. Have you heard anything about it? If it is true If there is something, we still can’t participate in this matter.” Mike’s confidant said, on the surface, he was talking about this matter, but in fact he was telling everyone that Miss Bahrain seemed to have something like Li Cong, especially this guy. When it comes to "personal relationship", it accentuates the tone, and the individual can think of what's going on.

Miss Bahrain looked at these people helplessly. When is this still a matter of internal intrigue, the family's participation in this organization really failed to the end. If it were in the Skull and Bones, there might not be such a thing. "I have nothing to say. If everyone thinks so, I don't think there is any need to stay here. Our Morgan family is very disappointed with the organization. We hope that there will be opportunities for cooperation in the future." Miss Bahrain It is also very wrong to do things, and she understands things like retreat for advancement. Sure enough, immediately after this woman had said these words, many people became restless, and the organization has today's situation. The people of the Morgan family can be said to be indispensable. Right now, the organization still needs help from others. The Morgan family can be said to be a major force in the Three Ds. If it is lost like this, the loss will be too great. Up.

Mike's face also changed. He couldn't help but glared at his confidant, just asking you to run on Miss Bahrain. If this girl is driven away, our Three Ds will lose at least 10%. Yes, this loss is astonishing. It's like they have 4 million party members now, and 400,000 died all at once. What is this concept? If there was a similar organization, they might have been lifted up directly. If the Skull and Bones used this opportunity to attack them, they might be dead, and such a thing would not be impossible.

Originally, the people on Mike's side also wanted to stop it, but Miss Bahrain's movements were too fast. This girl went out directly, and there was no opportunity to speak to everyone. Everyone was staring, mother. At the time, I thought it would be a cheap one. The bargain of this person didn’t get it, but I broke up on my side first. Everyone couldn’t help looking at the guy who just talked with a little annoyance, if it wasn’t you asshole. How could this be the case now when speaking, but these people are also some elites, and they will not complain everywhere.

"If Miss Bahrain really quits on behalf of the Morgan family, how much we will lose." Mike also thought of a most practical problem now. This is the most important one. No problem can be solved by complaining. The Morgan Consortium is not headed by this woman. There may be new special planes. After all, such a big family will not be so arbitrary in doing things. Suddenly thinking of Mike here is a cold sweat, won't it be so arbitrary? In other words, this is something they have planned for a long time. Their family recognizes this matter?

"President. Let’s calculate that our organization needs the Morgan family to provide more than 7.5 billion US dollars in direct or indirect funding each year. This amount is not very large, but since we recently joined the Energy Group, the size of this funding has been large. It’s a lot. If they cut our connection with the energy group, then our annual loss will be an astonishing amount, and our current development speed may slow down. [Reading the novel will arrive~] "Soon the internal chief of the organization Those in finance thought of this. Although what he said could not be said to be 100% accurate, it is not much worse now.

"President. Do you think that the Morgan family saw the huge profits of cooperating with the energy group, and then they cooperated with the energy group? Our cooperation with the energy group is mainly about the Skull and Bones, those things the Morgan family Although they can’t act for all of them, they can do at least 60% of the things. What should we do? We need a plan to deal with it.” An old guy said worriedly, his Worrying is not unreasonable. At this moment, most people are wondering if the Morgan family is too short-sighted.

"Hmph, a bunch of useless things will talk about people behind their backs. If the Morgan family really say the same things as you, I can guarantee that their ancestors will not be so brilliant. The heart is like a gentleman. Let’s think about how to bring Miss Bahrain back, Alt. It was you who said your doubts just now. Now we are not going to be held accountable, but to do things, or you go and get Miss Bahrain. Please come back, or you are going to disappear from us, President, do you say my opinion is correct?" said a fair-skinned young man next to Mike, his identity is also very promising, he is American history A direct descendant of the third richest man in Shanghai, Tang Te? Vanderbilt.

At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, the "gilded age". Vanderbilt is undoubtedly one of the representatives of billionaires. He is a well-known shipping, railroad, and financial magnate, the third richest man in American history, and his wealth far exceeds Bill Gates. He is also the prototype of the computer game "Railroad Tycoon".

Cornelius Vanderbilt (uslt, May 27, 1794-January 4, 1877). Nicknamed "The Captain" was born on Staten Island, New York. His father owned a farm on Stanton Island, standing on the farm overlooking New York Bay. His father supported a large family and was not very ambitious. In Vanderbilt's early life, his mother was the most influential. He was very strong and lively when he was born. At the age of 6, he nearly drowned his own horse in a match against the child slave of the next door who was two years older than him. Although racial discrimination was quite common in that era, Vanderbilt was definitely not a snob, let alone a racist. In his later years, he was already the wealthiest man in the United States, but when he met his childhood playmate again, he invited this friend who had become a Methodist to his home and treated him kindly.

Although he himself is very smart, he is very tired of those abstract theories, especially those that are very common in the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. Although he stayed in school for 6 years, which far exceeds the time most of his peers spend in school, he still cannot master the cumbersome English grammar and spelling. Later, he became famous for severely criticizing this educational model many times.

When he was only 16 years old, he was eager to start his own business. Once, while selling sail barges in the Port of Richmond, he saw an opportunity. Before the appearance of the steam engine, the sail barge introduced by the Dutch was the main means of transportation in New York Harbor. The flat-bottomed double-mast sail barge can reach up to 18 meters in length and 7 meters in width, with enough space to load cargo. Because of their shallow draft, they can almost sail freely in New York waters.

Vanderbilt borrowed 100 dollars from his mother to buy a sail barge, which was not a small sum in 1810. His mother had a very demanding deal with him, and her mother told him that if the 3.2 hectares of uncultivated land could be cleared before his birthday and plowed to plant crops, she would give him money. It was only four weeks before his birthday, but Vanderbilt organized some neighbor children to complete the task in time.

Vanderbilt recalled in his later years: “When I set foot on my sail barge for the first time on that bright morning in May 60 years ago. I raised the sail and put my hand on the tiller. There is a real sense of satisfaction that is even stronger than when I later earned $2 million in the port of Haarlem." Vanderbilt’s career has been transporting passengers between Staten Island and Manhattan. At the beginning, he soon became recognized as the most reliable captain in this port. At the end of the first shipping season, he not only repaid his mother 100 dollars, but also gave her an extra 1,000 dollars.

The war of 1812 ensured the success of Vanderbilt's cause. The military needs suppliers they can trust and rely on to deliver supplies to the fortresses defending New York Harbor. Although Vanderbilt’s offer is not the lowest compared to other offers, they still signed a contract with him. But most of the time, New York's transportation business is not obtained by contract. More precisely, it is to see who grabs the business first and then tries to keep it. Vanderbilt quickly proved his strong and powerful, he is 1.83 meters tall. Much higher than the average height of his contemporaries, with broad shoulders, he had tremendous strength until middle age. When he was 50 years old in 1844, he led Henry Clay’s supporters along Broadway, and became the "Yankee" Sullivan (a tough guy from Tamuni and the best in New York at the time). When the boxer grabbed the reins of his horse, an angry Vanderbilt jumped off his horse and beat Sullivan mercilessly.

By the end of 1817, Vanderbilt had already had $9,000 and had a considerable number of sailing ships, but he was always watching any changes and opportunities that appeared. [Just read the novel~] He soon saw his future in the ship. He sold his sailboat. Started working for Thomas Gibbons and became the captain of a steamboat named "Stottinger" (nger) by Gibbons. Due to its small hull, the steamship was nicknamed "Mouse Ship" and sailed between the three ports of New York, New Brunswick and New Jersey.

At the time, Gibbons faced a huge problem. The New York State Government granted the monopoly right to operate steamships in New York waters to Robert Livingston, who has inextricably linked with them (he invested in the construction of the first steamship successfully commercialized-Robert Fur "The Claremont"). The legislature also arrogantly included the coast of New Jersey into the waters of New York. Needless to say, everyone is dissatisfied with this monopoly legislation. As a genius ship designer, Vanderbilt persuaded Gibbons to build a larger steamship based on his own design, and named the ship "Bellona" Bellona is Rome The name of the goddess of war, the New Yorkers at the time knew history well. I immediately understood the meaning.

On the one hand, Vanderbilt drove the "Bellona" every day to use his infinite talent to avoid the pursuit from Livingston, on the other hand, Gibbons fights for his own rights in court. Livingston once tried to bribe Vanderbilt. Promise that as long as Vanderbilt changes his position, the company will give him a high annual salary of $5,000 per year. But he refused. He said "I will always accompany Gibbons through the storm." Although Vanderbilt is often offended by others, and when others betray him, he is even more ruthless, but he himself has always been a person who cherishes his reputation and speaks for himself. A contemporary wrote: "He did what he said. , And his intimidation and threats must also be done."

In 1824, Gibbons won the final victory. Chief Officer John Marshall, on behalf of the unanimous Supreme Court, declared Livingston's monopoly unconstitutional, because only the federal government has the right to adjudicate interstate commercial matters. This case, historically called the "Gibbons vs. Ogden case" is undoubtedly one of the most important decisions made by the Supreme Court, because it ensures that the US economy develops in the direction of the common market. Although the concept of "Wall Street" barely existed at the time, Vanderbilt and others had unconsciously promoted the development of Wall Street and even the entire country in the pursuit of private interests. This was Adam Smith's "invisible hand" The best example in real life.

Vanderbilt worked for Gibbons until 1829, after which he also owned a steamship. His first steamship was named "Caroline" after his sister. The most famous thing about this ship was that it ended its voyage by falling from Niagara Falls. But that was long after Vanderbilt sold it. In that era when the steam engine was famous for "massage of humans." Vanderbilt has never lost a ship due to fire or shipwreck. By 1840, Vanderbilt was already the largest shipowner in the United States. His contemporaries called him "Captain" by the American Business Daily (e), and people in history also called him that way.

In 1873, in order to make up for the trauma caused by the Civil War in the South, Vanderbilt donated one million US dollars to establish Vanderbilt University named after him (now often called Vanderbilt University by Chinese).

The American capitalist was engaged in shipping and railway construction. At the time of his death, he accumulated a fortune of 105 million US dollars. According to estimates, the ratio of GDP at that time was 1:87. The Vanderbilt family, like the Rockefeller family, is a large family with deep American roots. The huge consortium under its name has a history of more than a hundred years. The family immigrated to New York's Staten Island as early as the 17th century to run a farm, and its miracle of getting rich happened in 1810, when Cornelius Vanderbilt, who was only 16 at the time, borrowed $100 from his mother. , To create a New York Bay ferry business. Within a few years, his business soared, the routes continued to increase, and the number of vessels expanded to more than 100. Then, he invested in the railroad industry that had just emerged at that time. About 50 years later, he became the biggest giant in the US railroad industry.

Cornelius Vanderbilt was the king of American railroads in his time and the richest self-made man in the world. He lives in a relatively ordinary house in the comfortable downtown downtown of Washington, and leaves Fifth Street to his children and grandchildren. but. He still couldn't completely refuse the temptation to make his name last. In 1896, he built a new warehouse in Lower Manhattan for his New York and Hudson River Railroad Company. He also prepared a huge monument for himself as an integral part of this building. This is just an autobiography of him, engraved with 100,000 pounds of copper. The gable of this building is 30 feet high and 150 feet long. It is full of descriptions of himself, using high-level reliefs to illustrate Vanderbilt's work experience in shipping companies and railway companies. These are located on both sides of the central statue of the captain of his fleet, which is 12 feet tall. It weighs 4 tons.

Even before its unveiling, the surprised "New York Herald" commented: "Although it is not as huge as the pyramids, not as magnificent as the colossus of Rhode Island, it will do it." (Ah. Vanderbilt The special monument also suffered the same fate as the statue in "Osimandes". Today, only the statue of Central Central has survived and is placed in front of Central Railway Station.)

Fortunately, it was a normal death. Vanderbilt used bronze statues to express his self-esteem, which was a special case among the rich in the 19th century. In addition to building a statue for themselves, most wealthy people associate their names with something huge and useful. These things serve the public and show the vanity of their creators. New York City alone is full of things like this: Carnegie Hall, Cooper Union, Rockefeller University, Perry Park, and Whitney Guggenheim Museum are everywhere.

Some people say that if the ancestors are smart, then their descendants are definitely not fools, just like the people in this house. Most of them started from scratch, but they all made a mistake now, that is, they are too jealous. Now, the descendants of the Vanderbilt family, which was the same time as the Morgan family, did not think about this. Maybe they are the rich second or third rich generation. Now his words may not be recognized by many people, but most of them It is very clear that what this person said is correct. It is better to find Miss Bahrain first.

Mike glanced at this guy a little displeased. When Li never showed up, there was this guy who pursued Miss Bahrain. As the president, he didn’t make it clear to Miss Bahrain because he wanted to coordinate here and there. Now that you have brought it up, I will tell you to do it.

"Mr. Tant's words are very reasonable, but the relationship between our people and Miss Bahrain is not very good. You have seen the situation just now. I think it is better for you to come." Mike said with a smile. It was easy to lift the ball. He thought that Tang Te would refuse, but he didn't expect this guy to agree with it cheerfully. And left without stopping for a moment. This made Mike and some of his confidants a little bit confused, and this guy didn't get any good things, how could he go there happily.

Mike ended the meeting indiscriminately. He felt that his organization was no longer the same as before. Everything now seems to be falling apart, first the Morgan consortium, and then the guy Dan. Although Tang Te did not show it, he felt it. This guy probably won't come back if he goes out. Is he going to lose his two assistants?

Cuba, the naval base of the energy group, and the internal affairs of the Three Ds soon came to Li Cong's ears. He frowned. To be honest, he didn't want the Three Ds to cause too much trouble at this time. After all, in the entire United States, or in the entire area controlled by the Skull and Bones, Li Cong is still very powerful. Although he wants to weaken them, he doesn’t want to solve their mystery in this way. The price is too great. If he is useless, what is the use of unlocking his secrets by himself? As a result, the loss is still self. Thinking of this, Li never picked up the phone unconsciously and dialed a number. The person who answered the phone was Miss Bahrain who had just walked out. She received a call from Li Cong before she got home.

"Hehe, I really don’t know if fate is at fault? Every time I have something wrong, I can get your call, Mr. Li, is your message a little too smart? Anyone who is smart can make me a little bit more informed. I feel scared, it doesn't correspond to you at all." In Miss Bahrain's heart, maybe the person who accompanied him to the antique shop couldn't connect with the world's first person. But knowing the content of a top-secret meeting so quickly, it is estimated that only the Energy Group and Skull and Bones can know this ability, but now the Skull and Bones do not know, only the Energy Group knows.

"Miss Bahrain, I am also concerned about a friend. Sometimes this concern is not necessarily wrong, as it is now. I feel that I can't get out of there. The influence of your Morgan family is not so much in the entire United States. It’s powerful, so you have to be careful. It’s better to have a brand like that on top of it, but it’s better than to bear the wind and rain on your own.” Li Cong doesn’t know what’s going on, why there’s no city at the moment. Now, I have said this. I would never remind myself before, especially for such an unfamiliar friend.

"Thank you Mr. Li for your concern. In fact, this idea has been put forward many times in the upper echelons of my family. The Three Ds are different from the original. At the time, they were all ideal people who wanted to overthrow the skeletons. It’s oppressive, but now it’s completely different from before. Now they have their own wealth and power. Although they also want to deal with the Skull and Bones, their actions are too radical, especially if you cooperate with us. In the future, with your money to support them, they will be even more unscrupulous. They even think that they can directly intervene in your fight with the Skull and Bones. This is absolutely impossible. If we continue to follow them, that will be our destruction. At the beginning, our family followed but did things behind the scenes. We would not do this kind of foolish behavior that walked to the front desk." Miss Bahrain walked on the road and called. From a distance, she was just like a lover. The little **** the phone didn't see anything on the face, but what she said was a big thing that could affect many people's lives.

Li Cong pondered for a while. It would be easy to understand for this reason. This also solved a mystery in Li Cong's heart. In the past, Li Cong thought that the Three D parties should be a very deep one, but he didn't know. What's the matter, I have been in contact with them for a while, and I can see that the people inside are very arrogant. At the beginning, I thought the president Mike was a personal thing, but now it seems that this guy is also a waste, because Women gave up those things of their own, and became so irrational, and even wanted to destroy the Great Wall by themselves. It takes more care to cooperate with such people, but I think about it again. Back then, I even became a woman. The child's impulse to commit suicide is even more excessive than others. It's just that you have better luck. Otherwise, you are a lonely ghost now and regret it.

"Mr. Li?" Hearing that there was no news from here, Miss Bahrain over there asked aloud, how could she know that Li Cong would have thought of a long time ago. She also wanted to listen to Li Cong's opinion very much now. The important thing is that she needs Li Cong's support, which is Li Cong's diamond trade.

"I'm sorry, Miss Bahrain, I thought of some other things. Maybe your way is right. There are many things in this world and there are many forks. You may avoid failure by taking this one, but it may also lead to failure. , I will support you, but my cooperation with the Three D parties will continue. Do you need my help?" Li Cong said with a smile. From a rational point of view, the forces of the Three D parties Much bigger than the Morgan family, I still need them. But from a perceptual point of view, Li Cong feels that Miss Bahrain will bring more benefits to herself in the future, so it is necessary to help her at this time. It is regarded as a preliminary training. Maybe there is no gain at this time, but it will definitely be Is huge.

"Thank you, Mr. Li. In fact, my family is just like what you said. We don’t have much ability. We need your diamond trade, but we don’t need too much. You can provide us with 5 billion goods every year. In return, I can cooperate with all your actions, whether it is within our ability or outside our ability. I know that when Mr. Li likes to do things, he will look at each other's ability. I don't know what we want to achieve. What about such a requirement?" The profit of working with Li Cong is very objective, but if you want to become a partner of Li Cong, you must also show your own abilities. Everyone knows that Li Cong has no waste in his account.

"Hehe, I may have been rumored to be too unkind by others, Miss Lin, in fact, even if you are not from the Morgan family, I will cooperate with you. I think family power is one aspect, but there are so many Why don’t I cooperate with them? Personal ability is also very important. Of course, I would be more happy to have a partner like you with outstanding personal ability and very powerful family power. Five billion US dollars of goods are no problem. Yes, if you need it, I can supply it at any time, as long as I need some help from you in the future. By the way, my cigar industry in Cuba has also started. If needed, I can give you the franchise, although only 10% of the profit, but I think you will make a lot of profit in the end." Li Cong said, Miss Bahrain is very clear about the cigars Li Cong made in Cuba. In just two months, hundreds of billions of renminbi have been credited into the account. If this continues, it is estimated that it will reach hundreds of billions of dollars soon. What happened to 10%, so that there will be more than tens of billions of dollars in income a year. Yes, the Morgan family will not give up on such a deal.

"But I have to add one more thing. My public partners in the United States are people under the Skull and Bones. Cigars may not be smuggled. If you want to cooperate with me, you must get this contract from the Skull and Bones. , Otherwise they will suppress you in the future." Although Li never said that there is no need to test, it is necessary to look at the ability of partners in some small aspects. A talented person must have him show it. , If it doesn’t show up, it’s useless. I don’t have a charity shop here, so I don’t need to continue to supply it.

"Mr. Li really knows how to do things. Just rest assured. I promise that there is no problem. In fact, the Three Ds in Central and South America also have many industries under the management of our Morgan family. Now we are withdrawing. If Mr. Li intends to take over, I can help. The total amount is not very large, but there are about seven billion US dollars. I won't charge for these. Mr. Li will treat it as my meeting gift." This woman Although I have a good impression of Li Cong, when it comes to business, he will still be very serious. Just like this, I use other people's things to help me be a good person. Anyone will do this kind of thing, but she Li Cong's kindness came to the point that Li would not be able to send it out from here, and Li Cong was not the one taking advantage.

"Hehe, I will consider this matter. If there is nothing wrong, I will hang up first." Miss Bahrain has nothing to do, and the two of them hung up the phone. Now she returns to her home and needs to talk to the people at home. After talking about how their path will go, she clearly knows that after she leaves, many forces will follow her to leave that place, just like Tang, their family has always been with the Morgan family. , So they will leave too. This time is definitely a big hit for the Three Ds. It is definitely a situation that Mike had never thought of.

However, Li Cong is not so easy. After confirming the news in Miss Bahrain’s mouth, he must do something. Although the Three Ds are still useful, they are definitely not very useful. The skull and bones bled once, so Li Cong quickly contacted Mike.

"Mr. Li, you must know what we are here. It doesn't matter. I don't think our cooperation will change if it is missing, right?" Mike was still very scared when he asked this, and he was scared. Li has never said that he is only working with Miss Bahrain and has nothing to do with the Three Ds.

"Hehe, this is natural. I can see Mr. Mike's ability very clearly. I have two things when I call you this time. One is to give you a reassurance. No matter when our cooperation is It will not change. Another thing is to tell you the news that my people have found dozens of agents in the coastal area of ​​Cuba. There is a survivor in UU reading www.uukā that they are going to prison, but in the middle After being robbed and killed by the military, maybe this news will be useful to you." Li Cong said indifferently. He believed that this news would definitely be useful for the next step of the Three Ds, but Li Cong said it. But he wasn't at ease, he just wanted to make this matter a little bit bigger, and then it wouldn't be the Skeletons who wanted to stop.

"Haha, is it true? Thank you very much Mr. Li. I think the cigars you sent are really good. If we can cooperate in this aspect, I think we will still have a lot of trouble in the future. Mr. Li means Really?" Mike said, smoking the premium cigar in his hand. The energy group only sent a few boxes, which is not enough for their senior executives. If they go out to buy, the price is really too high, right? The root cost 30,000 US dollars. If you own one a day, it will cost one hundred thousand US dollars a month, which is impossible.

"This matter is okay. I don't have time for this period of time. Let's go for a while. If you like it, both the eastern and central regions can be done by you. If you have money, everyone earns is my rule." I agreed first. Now, Li Cong didn't know if this guy could survive this catastrophe, maybe this was the airdrop check he wrote to this guy. ! ~!

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