Energy Group

Chapter 1476:

This guy was very happy with Li Cong’s promise, and he immediately promised Li Cong that he would make things vivid, but he did not hear the other meanings in Li Cong’s words. Li Cong felt that this should be This is the last time I have cooperated with them. They have to fully integrate into this. It is estimated that someone will come to the door soon. Very often it is such small things that expose them. From this time, Li is still actively making his own Luxury stores are better. This is the most important thing. As for the group’s joint exercise, Li Cong asked Li Er to go on his behalf. After all, the leader of the group will belong to the kid. He needs to do more. In front of him, he must work hard. m【】【】

Fifteen days later, the first major event in the world was that the Skull and Bones ordered a thorough investigation of all incidents in Guantanamo Prison. The result was a war of words between the military and the military. Anyway, no one said it was their own fault and they were killed. My own reason said that this was the other party’s cause. This allowed the intelligence department inside the Skull and Bones to fully intervene, but the final result surprised them. They discovered that there was such a powerful department under their noses. This is not a trouble. What they were playing with, they could feel that this matter was not so simple. On the same day they arrested hundreds of officials and soldiers involved in the entire incident, and then they discovered that a quarter of these newly joined people were It has something to do with that mysterious organization. At this moment, the grandson of former American President Carter came to the compound of the Skull and Bones, and he handed over all the information of this organization. A great change is about to begin.

James Earl Carter (arter) is used to call Jimmy Carter. Born on October 1, 1924 in Plantes, Georgia. From 1941 to 1943, he studied at Southwestern University in Georgia and the Polytechnic Institute. In 1943, he entered the United States Naval Academy in Maryland and received a Bachelor of Science degree in 1947. He served in the US Navy from 1946 to 1953. When his father passed away in 1953, he retired from military service in his hometown to operate Carter farm, Carter warehouse and other businesses, and engaged in political activities. Served as a deacon of the Christian Southern Baptist Church and a Sunday school teacher.

From 1955 to 1962, he served as chairman of the board of directors of Sumter County Schools in Georgia, and from 1962 to 1966 as a senator of Georgia. During this period, he served successively as general manager of the Plains Development Company, Sumter County Development Company, the Georgia Midwest Planning and Development Committee, and the Chairman of the Georgia Improved Crops Association. From 1970 to 1974, he served as governor of Georgia. In 1974, he served as chairman of the Democratic National Committee Member Campaign Committee. In 1977 he served as the thirty-ninth president of the United States. In 1980, he was re-elected and lost. The skull and bones of this president is very clear. Back then, the people of the skull and bones destroyed the previous president and got him up. The descendants of this guy have not appeared in a long time, and I didn’t expect to be with this organization. It does matter, but it is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that they cooperate with the Skull and Bones. This is the most important thing.

"Dear child, we can't give you the same treatment as your grandfather. The only thing we can help you is to pave a golden road for you in the future. You can get everything you want." This is the skeleton Will give him the promise that soon this guy moved into a mansion worth at least tens of millions of dollars. At the same time, the members of the Three Ds nationwide were visited by people from the American security department. Ordinary people naturally finish their education in a while, but for some senior officials, their nightmare has just begun. Some children need to know from these people's mouths if they haven't provided clear information. In fact, the Skull and Bones A long time ago, Li had a series of suspicions when he destroyed the squid base. Only now have they figured out what is going on. It turns out that there is such a thing inside them. The forces of the Three Ds have been devastated across the United States. Nearly thousands of people have been drawn directly to the suburbs. He was shot, and tens of thousands of people entered the concentration camp specially set up by the Skull and Bones in the desert. These people are simply some people who cannot be saved.

Another major event in the world is that Li Cong’s luxury store finally opened. Energy Group Noble Flagship Stores have been opened in 30 cities around the world. Anyway, I don’t know what name to use, Li Cong directly started "Noble". "This name, the things sold in it are some of the most treasured things in the world. Various products of the Energy Group have also launched the "Noble" series of products, but their prices are definitely not cheap. In front of the flagship store in New York, Li Cong saw Miss Bahrain and Tang Te, everything Li Cong It is very clear. They must have done this, and now their partners in the United States have collapsed. See what they mean, they want to make up.

"Hehe, Miss Bahrain's visit is really brilliant. You can take whatever you see today, but I chose this item for you. Please accept it." Li walked over to a man with a height of over 1.7 meters. The lady of etiquette took out a diamond brooch, which was made by senior craftsmen from the Energy Group according to the style decades later. This brooch carved from aqua blue diamonds directly amazed the audience as soon as they were taken out Miss Bahrain also has a lot of diamond jewelry, but this one really makes her unable to remove her eyes. Li Cong saw a lot of people around and gave her a look.

"Everyone, this is a variety of our group's "Noble" series of diamonds. There are only one hundred such diamond brooches on the global market this year. All of them are made of the highest grade diamonds. You can still enjoy a 20% discount. There are sales in it." Some men can slowly finish listening, but some women are no longer standing here. What a joke, there are only 100 in the world, but there are 30 shops in the world, even if The store in New York is a first-class store, and there are not many. In the end, the cost for Li Cong was only a few thousand dollars and sold for millions of dollars.

"It seems that this one of mine is a little different from that of others?" The careful Miss Bahrain quickly noticed the difference between her own and others'. 【】【】In the front, everything is the same. It’s just that there seems to be something extra from Miss Bahrain’s in the back. It’s a purple stone, but there’s definitely no such thing in diamonds, but it looks very expensive, so I just asked Li Cong. As you can imagine, Li Cong wouldn't just give her something worth only one million dollars, which is a bit inconsistent with Li Cong's worth.

"Hehe, Miss Bahrain's eyes are still okay, this is the purple eyes in the jade. The price is much higher than the diamond in front." Li Cong said with a smile, Miss Bahrain is still clear about the price of the purple eyes When I asked a senior Chinese to do something, he wore a jade ring with purple eyes in his hand. He told himself that the price of the ring should be at least tens of millions of yuan. There are not many purple eyes in the world. The one Li Cong gave to himself is much larger than his one. Li Cong The shot is really extraordinary.

Although Tang Te knows that the person in front of him is Li Cong, and he also wants to establish a good personal relationship with Li Cong, he also knows that some things cannot be so impulsive and should be done slowly. At this moment He knew very well that if people didn't express anything to him, he could not be dissatisfied. After all, it was the first time I met someone at this moment, so I shouldn't have any extravagant expectations.

"This is Mr. Tang that Miss Bahrain said. It's really extraordinary. This diamond brooch is for girls. I also have the best for men." Li Cong snapped his fingers and came over immediately. A beautiful girl came over with a box of exquisite gifts. Tang Te glanced at it and saw that it turned out to be the most advanced cigar. Such a "noble" series also just started today. There are only five in a box. of. But the price of each one is as high as 150,000 US dollars. Li Cong's shot can also be used. When Tang Te used to hear that Li Cong's shot was extraordinary, now I saw a real person. This Li Congbi The legendary is also generous. Tang Te left after a few casual conversations, knowing that he still had no right to know some things. It's better to stay aside and talk to the so-called social elites. This is a two-person world.

"It can be seen that the followers of Miss Bahrain are everywhere." Li Cong said while looking at Mr. Tang. He saw that the people were interesting to Miss Bahrain, but it seemed that Miss Bahrain was still unresponsive at all. This woman is a little too unkind.

"Hehe, existence is the truth. Do I have to agree to everyone who likes me? If that's the case, I don't know how many times I will split up in my life." Miss Bahrain is all about her charm. Don't hide it, but she does have everything that makes people like it. At this moment, Li Cong looked at her and fell into a state of chaos. This feeling has not appeared for a long time. The beauty of Qin Youer is the same as that of Bahrain. The young lady is not a kind of beauty. Qin Youer is undoubtedly better in terms of looks, but in all manners, Qin Youer is not as good as the beauty in front of him.

"Go over there and sit down. Actually, there are not many guests I need to entertain today." Li Cong pointed to a lounge above, which was specially prepared for large customers. Miss Bahrain nodded, and the two of them After walking in, the waiter delivered twice the coffee and then went out. It was a fragrant coffee. This kind of goods is not seen in some high-end pastry shops. If it is outside, it will cost hundreds of dollars. A cup of it, but it’s free here, as long as you are us or as long as you are likely to become my client, you can drink it.

"Mr. Li's luxury point is really luxurious enough. If I am not mistaken, the decoration cost of this small room of less than 20 square meters will definitely not be less than 50,000 US dollars. Mr. Li is very big." Miss Bahrain Approvingly said, in fact, it should look like this when making luxury goods. Although your initial expenses may be very large, as long as you have customers and sales, these things will come back soon. Now many luxury brands are In the shift to civilianization, the civilianization has brought them a lot of customers, but they can't afford such a high service, such as this cup of coffee, if everyone comes in with a cup. It is estimated that Li Cong could not afford it. Some shops did not pay attention to this. Everyone delivered coffee, but the delivery was not of any grade. Some wealthy people saw civilians buying things with them, so they couldn’t change the grade at all, so naturally they would not patronize again. Over there.

“Actually, I don’t really understand the luxury store, but I still have a bunch of guys who are not wine and rice bags. All of this is done by them. I can see that today’s turnover is still good. Hundreds of millions of dollars." Li Cong said, looking at the bustling crowd below. These people usually buy something after entering. The turnover of hundreds of millions of dollars is still a bit modest for Li Cong.

"It can be seen that Mr. Li doesn't seem to be losing money no matter what business he is doing. So my family told me that Mr. Li must be stopped. Although the top three D parties have not been arrested yet, I think They don’t have much abilities. I don’t know if Mr. Li's affairs in the United States can be handled by us? This is the approval that Mr. Li needs." Miss Bahrain took out the things from her bag, that is, the Skull and Bones. The approval of their family to be able to specialize in Cuban cigars, which can be obtained in a country that is so hostile to Cuba, is enough to prove their ability.

"Hehe, this is definitely not a test. I said that it can be given to you with or without this. Let's make a fortune together." Li Cong touched the cup with Miss Bahrain. This is not an assessment, Miss Bahrain completed very well, Li Cong will naturally not fall into account, happy time always passes very quickly, unconsciously one day passed, Miss Bahrain will also go back. Li Cong sent to the gate and watched Miss Bahrain’s car slowly move towards the distant street. The two of them were familiar with each other during the day, especially Miss Bahrain. If we continue to talk like this . (Just read the novel.) It is estimated that this girl will definitely agree with her body, and Li Cong seems to have a little meaning in her heart.

Just when Li Cong was about to turn his head, something went wrong with the convoy less than a hundred meters away. A huge garbage truck slammed into Miss Bahrain’s car. The security guards of the two cars at the front and back immediately Get out of the car. It's just that they were pointed out one by one before they had any reaction. Everything came too suddenly. All the eight bodyguards were killed, and they were all headed, good guys. A blocker with this quality is not an ordinary organization.

The people on the street are definitely more determined than the people in the country. It is probably the reason why they are usually exposed to guns. They were just surprised. The walking people quickly hid in the nearby shop, and the driver immediately took the car. Stopped to the side of the road, then raised the glass and started calling the police. This quality is really different from that in China. Li knew what was going on from the first glance. He just wanted to come and rescue him. I felt as if I were being targeted. It seemed that these people were not only going to Miss Bahrain, but one of them flied away from the previous position, and then several snipers in the shop found that they were aiming at Li Cong. The guy's position, the guy who aimed at Li Cong five consecutive shots immediately went to build a god.

"Look at the store." Li Cong only had time to say so, and then rushed towards Miss Bahrain's car in the distance, but the length of more than 100 meters was not so easy to let Li pass, Li Cong left When I dodge to the place, I could only see Tang and Miss Bahrain being pulled into another muscle car.

The term muscle car appeared in the 10s of last century, especially used to refer to the American sports car with a large displacement V8 engine, strong horsepower and muscular appearance that was active in the 1960s and 1970s. It is also used today American economy sports cars and super sports cars equipped with V8 engines are currently on sale. The muscle car is the representative of a generation of American spirit. The Ford Mustang, Chevrolet Camaro and Dodge Charger we are familiar with are all typical muscle cars.

This car is very powerful. In an instant of effort, it rushed into the distance under the protection of several Hummers. Li never saw a policeman on a motorcycle approaching not far away. He didn't have time to explain and sent the policeman. I pulled it down and got in the car and passed in that direction. In fact, it is a peak period of traffic jams. Motorcycles are definitely the best means of transportation. There is absolutely no problem in catching up with those cars. .

Li Cong's ability to ride a motorcycle is also very tough. It seems that the person in the car in front also knows Li Cong's ability. He has never shot Li Cong. Because he knew that Li Cong could pass more no matter how he shot. But although he didn't shoot at Li Cong, he also blocked Li Cong's advancing speed. Otherwise, he would have caught up with Li Cong's speed. The object he shot was Li Cong's surrounding cars. This guy killed him. A driver will immediately have a car to change the original track and hinder Li Cong from going forward. Don’t say that this method is still very effective. At least the distance between them and Li Cong is getting farther and farther. There are many roads on the road. In the past, but Li never dared to make a detour, and no one knew where they wanted to go. Li Cong was also afraid that he would lose it by accident. Miss Bahrain was also her friend, so he could not cause trouble. This is what Li Cong thought.

Within a minute after it happened. The U.S. branch of the Energy Group Investigation Department immediately assembled a 50-person rapid response team, because it is impossible to be fully armed on other people’s homeland, but it still rushed towards Li Cong’s position in a dozen cars with weapons. They have the latest satellite navigation system, so it is easy to find Li Cong. Several private civilian helicopters are also ready on the outskirts of the city. As long as those people get out of the no-fly zone in the city, they will immediately. You can launch an attack from the air. I have to say that the New York police are too slow.

"R, we found that they are going to Fifth Avenue." Li Cong thought of such a voice in his headphones. Damn, it's getting more and more prosperous.

Fifth Avenue is the central street in Manhattan, New York. On both sides of the road are tall buildings with shiny glass curtain walls. Men in suits and leather shoes and women in fashion, holding briefcases, enter and exit high-rise buildings, presenting an elegant and stylish picture of modern American life. It is synonymous with "highest quality and taste", and its respect and luxury originated from the fact that wealthy New Yorkers chose the residence at the southern end of a country road at the beginning of the 19th century. Today it is already the commercial center of New York. Residential center, cultural center, shopping center and tourist center. Few streets can pack so many well-stocked and beloved shops like Fifth Avenue. Many of these stores have multiple branches and are world-renowned. Almost all imaginable famous shops can be found on this street, and almost all imaginable products can be found here. Rich products, complete brands, and high-end quality have become the characteristics of Fifth Avenue in the United States, and the operation of the brand has become a prominent feature of Fifth Avenue, where every inch of land is rich. In addition, Elizabeth Arden's Fifth Avenue perfume is produced with Manhattan skyscrapers as the side line of the bottle. It is said that its faint floral fragrance just expresses women's self-confidence, modernity and wisdom, intellectual and elegant side, and interprets the elegance, magnificence, taste, fashion and vitality of New York's Fifth Avenue, making the perfume fanatic have an urge to drink her. For more than 100 years, Fifth Avenue has been at the pinnacle of success, and people have no reason to doubt that Fifth Avenue cannot continue to be successful for another 100 years.

Originally, Li Cong's store was also chosen here. It's just that there is no vacant pavement and you can only go to a nearby street. There are indeed a lot more people here. The car is also going slower and slower, but those cars didn’t stop. If you don’t go here, you can just turn to the other side. Almost the entire Fifth Avenue will make these cars miserable Now, although several policemen appeared on the road, they were basically killed by the people in the car with submachine guns.

Li accelerated from the front of the car and saw that Miss Bahrain in the car also resisted, but the people inside didn’t know what Lianxiangxiyu was, and they stunned Miss Bahrain with the butt. They also went to the New York Public Library at this moment. The traffic flow of Li Cong is very dense, not to mention their cars, even Li Cong’s motorcycles can’t move. Li Cong has seen a lot from the movies.

The New York Public Library is the largest public library in the United States. It was formed by the merger of Astor Library, Lennox Library and Tilden Trust Company in 1895. The main source of funding for the museum is donations. The palace building completed in 1911 has a neoclassical style. At the end of 1992, the library had 16.47 million volumes, including 4.1 million books, 20,000 periodicals, and 10 million manuscripts, maps, and pictures. The collection contains the earliest editions of English and American literary masterpieces, manuscripts of well-known authors, and other precious ancient books. The library is also the central research library of the New York Public Library System. It governs 3 research libraries and 84 branch libraries in 3 districts of New York. The total collection of books in the branch library exceeds 3 million.

People like them saw that they couldn't drive at all. They cursed secretly one by one. The plan was not as big as the change. Several people dragged Miss Bahrain, Tang Te and another person and went into the library. There were also police officers around, but they didn’t dare to move. There are hundreds of people in it. If they take these hundreds of people as hostages, it would be a big trouble. Li Cong doesn't care about the life and death of these people. All he cares about is the Miss Bahrain, so he dashes away. Past. The two gatekeepers at the door were naturally not his opponents. Li Cong raised his hand with two shots and solved this guy. Although the people inside did not know Li Cong, he could see the guy's ability. Most of the people shot at Li Cong.

At this time, Li Cong didn’t care how shocking his skills were. If he didn’t hurry up at this time, Miss Bahrain would be in danger of life. Those thugs didn’t know what Lianxiangxiyu was. What Li thought was in his mind. To save her, throw away her own, picked up a submachine gun underground and shot at these people. It's just that Li Cong's shots were different from those people. There were no more than a dozen submachine guns at Li Cong. The bullets hit Li Cong within half a meter of his side, but Li Cong's shots hit the enemy one after another, but here was shot with a submachine gun. Hundreds of bullets are ejected every minute. Every bullet is not missed. This is not something ordinary people can do. At least no one in this world can do it. Go to the top of the building. The red-haired guy looked at the dozen or so people below who were so dead, and screamed for an idiot, but their mission was also completed. At the moment they have a helicopter on the top of the building. Miss Bahrain and Tang have already boarded the plane. Now, their task has been completed, but at this moment they can't let go of their hearts. The main reason is that Li Cong was too powerful just now. They threw all the bombs in the cabin of the plane. As a result, hundreds of people were injured and killed, and the roof of the library, a landmark building, also appeared. A big hole.

Li Cong's body style is no problem soon, but many people studying here are miserable. One by one, they either lost their lives or were injured. Fortunately, the rescue team from the United States came very quickly. And the helicopter that flew away was also spotted. They were named terrorists by the New York police. After leaving, Li shook the dust on his body and looked at the helicopter that was going away. I don’t have the ability anymore. I can’t show my flying skills here. Li Cong picked up the phone and ordered, "The off-white helicopter took off from the library and went to the west. Stop him. If it doesn’t work. , You can follow along."

"Sir, we can't take off anymore. The plane has all been taken over by the New York police. They requisitioned it, and it was used to chase down the helicopter." The person in charge over there had to call Li Cong to say this. It's a matter of course, but Li Cong heard that they were also here to chase, so he didn't say anything. He just told them to use it. He just got into a taxi and drove out. The traffic seemed to be relieved by the explosion just now. Few, most people know that if something like this happens, strolling on the street is definitely going to kill you, stop the car on the side of the road, find a shop and go in, and call your other friends not to go there. The area comes, so there are no people on the road.

"I said this gentleman, there are terrorists on that plane. I will not chase them. I will be responsible for my life." said a twenty-something black guy in the car. He didn't want himself. This customer of is a person with a very strong sense of justice. You don’t care if you lose your life. We have the young and old at home. We really can’t underestimate our own heads. We must keep them well.

"Take it, catch me with that plane. This is yours." Li Cong casually took out a large handful of dollar bills from his pocket and threw it over. This is at least several thousand dollars. How long does he usually have to do it? This is the only reason. Thinking about the life of his own family, the black man also understands the principle of seeking wealth and wealth. He nodded and carefully collected the money. As soon as he fueled the gas, he went to the side road. Li never had himself. This is the reason for driving. How can I know such detailed roads? These taxi drivers all know them, and they don't usually go here easily. After all, the more such dark corners, the more things will happen. Things like robbery will happen. But this time, for the sake of money, I have to try everything. Originally, the car chasing the plane is a difficult thing. If you can't use the housekeeping skills to catch up with the plane, the customer may ask for the money. Going back, a few thousand dollars is not a small sum.

Li Cong threw his cell phone to this guy, which clearly marked the location of the plane. At this time, the driver looked at Li Cong in awe. It turns out that this guy is not a righteous person, nor is it a reporter who doesn’t know life or death. . It turned out that this guy turned out to be a member of the country's powerful department. He just didn't know whether it was A or someone from some special organization. He himself was helping the country in disguise. I don’t know if the federal government will give me a medal or something in the future, but I thought that this guy would give money. I guess it shouldn’t be the people from the powerful department. Those people never give money. No matter what, as long as there is money to be made.

Miss Bahrain at the moment is not very good. She knows the people above. Tang Te looks at these people in awe. Tang Te is also considered a person who has practiced. There are also good skills, but when the guy came up, he was knocked out with a punch. These people are not ordinary people. Tang Te doesn't know these people, but Miss Bahrain knows them. She knows these people are in the Three Ds. The most elite blood angels. These people have been trained for more than ten years. Their combat capabilities are definitely not weaker than those of the SEALs. If Mike uses them, it means that the relationship between Mike and Miss Bahrain is completely broken. What Mike didn't expect was that Li Cong would follow. Moreover, they also exploded the roof of the library, and the things brought about by this suddenly became bigger. This caused the Skull and Bones to directly target them. Although the energy group is not very strong in the United States, But if you want to cause them some trouble, there is no problem. After losing the support of family forces like Miss Bahrain, if Li Cong also cut off their economy. The three D parties may really be caught in an economic crisis. For such a huge organization, it is absolutely a disaster if there is still not enough money.

"Miss Bahrain, I'm really sorry. We were all together before, but now you have betrayed our entire organization. I can only take you back in accordance with the president's order. Don't worry, wait for your family to sign with our organization again. After signing the contract, you will go back safely. As long as we don’t cause trouble to us, we will certainly not offend you, but if you are not honest, or if your person is not honest, then it is difficult to say what we will do. "The person who spoke was flying the plane. He was the top leader of the organization. His name was blood. No one knew his real name. This person crazily believed in a cult. According to what Miss Bahrain knew before. The news, this guy believes that human flesh can purify the soul, especially the flesh of a virgin. When he looks at Miss Bahrain, the look in his eyes is very scary.

"Blood, I always thought you were a brainy person. Your performance today really disappointed me. Do you know who the person you shot just now is? He is the high-level of the energy group. You made such a big deal. Quiet, the whole Three D Party will be killed by you. Do you think he will keep you after you return to Mike? You pushed the entire organization to the forefront, and the Skeletons will not let us go , All of this is caused by you, Mike will not bypass you, now you take me back is simply looking for death, if you can release me and Tang Te, with the strength of our two big families, protect you There is no problem with safety, and we are also forming our own troops. If you can come over, I promise you will have a better future than in the Three Ds." Miss Bahrain knew that if she really arrived at Mike There won't be any good results there. In the past, this guy made no secret of his greed for himself. Now that he has torn his skin, he will no longer have any restraint, so he has to rely on himself.

"Miss Bahrain, I admit that my actions were too big today, but I only know to complete my task. As long as I hand you over to the chairman, I think I will be fine, because the blood angels are all mine. Even if the president wants to kill me, I will resist. What will happen if I follow you? Will you give me a chance to purify my soul? No, you used to say that I was a monster in the organization. , I often say that people like me can’t keep it. Sooner or later, something will happen. Tell me to go to your place. How could it be possible? I went to your place but nothing will be left. Miss Bahrain’s words on the brain I must be I can’t keep up with you, but I’m not a fool. Sometimes I will think about it. I advise you to shut your mouth honestly now. Don’t do something meaningless here. If you continue to say, I Don’t mind eating yours first, you know I think you’re my food for a long time, I’m looking forward to Mr. Mike’s gift to me, haha." Negotiating with such a devil is nothing. Yes, the other Blood Angel members felt very scary when they saw this guy. Although they were with this guy every day, many times they couldn't understand this guy.

"Boss, there is a military helicopter in front, and the radio asks for it to come in." Another pilot pointed to the helicopter in front and said, they could not rush out. There were dozens of helicopters circling on the road in front of them. UU reading can they rush out? impossible.

"Come on, I want to see what these **** want to do, and pass the two photos of them. These two people are worth hundreds of billions of dollars. If they don’t care about the life and death of these two people, they will open fire at us. If you have an idea, just tell them to get out." Xue said arrogantly, but he had done the kidnapping many times. This kind of thing is absolutely very skilled.

"I don’t know who your commander is. I just want to tell you that I have two very important hostages in my hands. They are more valuable than your library. In front of you, otherwise I can’t guarantee that one of them will be thrown away and let us leave. This is the last chance. I will give you one minute in one minute. If after one minute, you will still If I don’t leave, I’ll let you know how capable I am.” Blood said as soon as he was connected, he didn’t give the other party a chance to speak. It’s not giving the enemy any chance to speak, that is, not giving them a chance to state conditions, so that their minds will not be disturbed. (To be continued...)


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