Energy Group

Chapter 1477:

At the moment in the west of New York City, dozens of helicopters are hovering, and there are hundreds of police cars and military vehicles following the helicopter in the sky. New York has always been a place where news comes out. Because the UN headquarters here has more news. Although there are not so many now, the number of reporters here is also very staggering. At this moment, there are at least a hundred or ten reporters violently facing the helicopter in the sky. Shoot, but this is only on the surface, secretly they want to find the identity of the hostages and the hijackers above. The ability of reporters is very powerful. In half an hour, they understood the above things. The Three Ds and Morgan The family was also out of the water, and the gangsters of the Skull and Bones were directly shocked. M

They were already going to be destroyed, but how could there be such a powerful squad that didn't find it? If they were not inflicted this time, they might not know that they still have such skills. The Skull and Bones executives directly gave orders to the military personnel below. The people on the plane above must not die. They must be found at all costs. Everything in this organization must be wiped from the earth. This is why the army below dared not open fire, not because of fear of the people above. Media and people all over the world are also watching the United States. In his next move, Li Cong never expected such a thing to happen. A hijacking incident pushed the United States to the forefront of the storm. These uncrowned kings are really powerful. When things are small, the Skeleton Society may be able to control the media. Yes, but when this matter is infinitely magnified by the camera, it will not work. They have no choice but to cover up.

"Sir, we have found out that the person above is from the Three D Party. Do you want to contact them?" Li couldn't get in after he got there. They were all blocked by the military and police. He also found several intelligence personnel from the Energy Group here, and got on an intelligence vehicle that looked like a Mercedes-Benz RV.

Sure enough, Li said to Miss Bahrain long ago that we should not be so radical in dealing with the Three Ds. This is not a good thing. Rabbits will bite people if they are anxious, not to mention such a huge organization. In fact, if it was before, Mike might not be so aggressive. Only after Miss Bahrain and the others left, the Three Ds were immediately pursued across the country, which caused them heavy losses. He believed that this was done by Miss Bahrain. So there were only a few days, but he didn’t expect that the blood angels would be so arrogant in the downtown area of ​​New York. Originally, the Skull and Bones didn’t want to do it against the Three Ds. Now it’s up to you to kill yourself. , I would be too sorry for you if I didn't move you.

"Don't contact them anymore. Contacting them now will cause trouble for the upper body. If I didn't guess wrong, it is estimated that the Skull and Bones guys will do it soon. The people above should be fine. They can't get out either. There may not be too much oil. As long as they land, there will be a way." Li Cong's idea is good, but he underestimated the blood angel's ability. Just when Li Cong finished talking, he threw a person from the plane. That person was Tang Te. Originally, the police in New York listened to the Skull and Bones. They wanted to catch alive and didn’t negotiate with them. They just waited for the fuel on it. They can implement their rescue plan when he is dead. Blood is not a fool. Of course he understands what those people think. They can’t get close to themselves in the sky, but if they’re on the ground, it’s not a joke. , I can’t always watch them without sleeping for 24 hours, because there are too many defensive loopholes.

Fuck off, Li Cong cursed secretly, that guy actually dared to throw people down. This is no small matter, it's really a bastard. If the military is not satisfied with them, it is estimated that the next person to be thrown down will be Miss Bahrain, Li Cong can’t be the same as before. He needs his own energy, otherwise the Skull and Bones people might really abandon Miss Bahrain. After all, Miss Bahrain has nothing to do with them. The forces behind Miss Bahrain are the forces they cannot control, and these must be killed. It’s just a matter of time. Now someone has helped them solve it. They are welcome too late. It’s just that it’s not easy to explain to the people. The people will feel that the government doesn’t care about their life or death, and just let the terrorists kill them. .

Li got some news from the inside. It’s impossible for the old beauty and the Skull and Bones to take care of Miss Bahrain’s life and death. They are ready. If he does not kill Miss Bahrain, they will wait to implement their plan. , But if Miss Bahrain is also thrown down, it is estimated that the missile will kill the plane directly. After all, if both hostages are dead and there are no hostages on it, it will be a bit unreasonable if you don’t do anything. Those reporters will Why did you send more than 100,000? At that time, it was estimated that someone in the cabinet would resign again. Now we must avoid this situation. After all, everyone who can mix to that level is not a fool. A lot of it can be implicated.

"Is there any way we can talk to the people above?" Li Cong looked at the people in the car. Since the American branch sent them over, they must have a way. At this time, he is No way, could it be that he flew up and staged a farce of saving the princess from the prince? Then it is strange that I am not regarded as a monster, and I will not have a good reputation for the group in the future.

"We have already contacted Mr. Mike. The guy we got news is the boss of their violent organization, Blood Angel. If we contact him directly, there may be no results. Talking to Mr. Mike will be fine. Yes, we found that this guy had a very bad experience recently. This way, the forces of the Three Ds in the United States can basically be said to have collapsed. In the past, he could continue to work hard with the remaining forces, but now It would be nice if he could escape his life. We can take advantage of this." said a guy with big eyebrows and big eyes.

"Connect me to him, I'll talk to him." Li Cong thought for a while and said, the other people went down with their cameras immediately after they were connected. On the surface, their identities are all reporters. If they don't go out and take photos hard at this time, many people will feel strange to their behavior while in the car.

"Mr. Li, I really didn't expect you to be able to contact me at this time. Presumably you know my situation now. I can't do anything for you, but in the end I will definitely die. I will let that bahrain. Give what she deserves." Just when the phone was connected, there was a voice like this from the other side. Li could easily feel that this guy's brain is actually crazy. At this time, this guy can do everything. Coming out, what Li has to do from now on is to calm him down. After all, this guy is the only one who can stop the blood angel above. If I give up this place too, then Miss Bahrain will really not live long.

"Hehe, Mr. Mike, I think you are a bit too nervous. I saw Miss Bahrain because I wanted to persuade her to go back. I didn’t expect things to turn into the way it is now. I think the Skull and Bones guys must be deploying right now. You all planned it all in one fell swoop. Now, doing these things has no effect. I think it’s better for Mr. Mike to think about how to leave here first. I have my power in Cuba. I don’t know what Mr. Mike thinks there. If Mr. Mike wants to leave, I can try." Li Cong said with a smile, the atmosphere is still very relaxed. Just don't want Mike to feel his tension, if he can. He will make more demands.

Indeed, leaving here is now the most important thing for Mr. Mike. Although my organization has disappeared, I have been the president for more than ten years. I have spent trillions of dollars in funds through my own hands over the years. It is impossible to say that I am not greedy for ink. In front of the number of people, a little bit of it is enough for him to live happily. Now he has more than 30 billion U.S. dollars in the Huaxia Bank and Swiss Bank accounts. Although it is not a lot, for him, as long as If you can go to a country that has no extradition regulations with the United States, you can live comfortably, but now there is only a blood angel left in your power. I originally thought that I could go to Mexico by relying on the blood angel. Yes, and then moved from Mexico to other places, but now the blood angels, the **** have done something like that. It’s impossible for them to rely on them, but they don’t have any other forces in their hands. Do you really want to do things in the western desert? That's not what I want.

"Huh, it is not enough to just let me go. I know that Mr. Li wants to put a nail in the United States. The woman in Bahrain may be the nail that Mr. Li wants to put in. Now Mr. Li will definitely pay for your nails. Yes, let’s do that, I need Mr. Li to transport me out safely, and I have to take the blood angel people out to me, of course not the ones on the plane. It’s impossible for those people to take it. There are more than a hundred Personally, they also want to go out with me. Mr. Li must also ensure that he will not do anything to us after leaving the United States. In return, I will not let Mr. Li work in vain. Over the years, we also have huge assets in the United States. It adds up to a staggering number. How about I sell it to Mr. Lee at half the price?" Mike felt distressed when he thought of the huge real estate of the Three Ds in the United States. He just saw it before the accident. The party owns more than 400 billion U.S. dollars in real estate in the entire United States alone. The stocks of major groups also have tens of billions of dollars. It is not difficult to roughly estimate that it is not difficult to have an asset of two trillion dollars. I can sell it to Li Cong in exchange for one trillion dollars. Even so, I will suffer a lot. Some transactions are very profitable. If it is a normal transfer, it will not be difficult to sell for four trillion dollars. Now it is 1 trillion. Li Cong was all cheap in US dollars, and he cursed Li Cong vigorously when he thought of this, and you would take advantage of the cheap.

"Hehe, Mr. Mike's abacus is really good, but do you think that the Skull and Bones will be so easy to let me take over? Half the price risk is too high, impossible, I will only spend 20 billion In US dollars, 20 billion US dollars is already an astronomical figure. If Mr. Mike wants to, we can talk about this transaction. Of course, the safety of Miss Bahrain must be guaranteed. If it doesn’t work, then I’m sorry, I I can tell you that in this world, you can spend $20.2 billion at a time and know you there can be no second person besides me, and my credibility is still very good. If you change someone else, you can trust it. Isn't it?" Li Cong was not the one who took a lot of money. He also checked their assets. The total amount was about 4.5 trillion U.S. dollars. However, hundreds of billions of dollars have been lost in the elimination of the Skull and Bones. If the Skull and Bones dig deeper this time, there may be even greater losses. It would be good if you can keep four trillion dollars. The Skull and Bones can work against the Energy Group. Mike is now a bereavement dog, giving him more than 20 billion dollars. This guy still wants to talk to Li Cong for a deal. He really doesn't know how far he is. Such a person, Li Cong, would not be able to respond.

"20.2 billion U.S. dollars, is there something wrong with my ears? Mr. Li, don't be too cruel. If it's a big deal, I will ask my people to kill Bahrain. Don't think I can't see it, Bahrain treats you It is definitely not as simple as a chess piece, she is very important to you, otherwise you will not actively contact me, a woman is too easy for you. If you have feelings for someone It is estimated that that person will definitely rush over, but Bahrain is different. You can see how you feel about her. The price is one hundred billion dollars. Otherwise, I will let everyone get nothing." Actually this At that time Mike also knew that those assets were destined to be lost, but of course it would be better to get more money for himself. If you can't get it, you can only forget it, but the price of 20 billion US dollars is unacceptable, and the gap is too big.

"Forget it, Mike, I admire your imagination very much. What I value to Bahrain is her ability. I'm sorry. I can't afford your price. Even if I can pay the money, I can I won’t give it to you, 102 billion US dollars is too much. I will pay 20 billion US dollars at most. If you think it is possible, I will trade with you. If not, I think you will come to Cuba soon. , But you are going to Guantanamo Prison. You broke up your organization because of this incident. I didn’t expect you to return to that place in the end. I’m so happy for you. There are so many things that belong to you. Unexpectedly, I wish you a happy time there." Li Cong hung up the phone after speaking. An intelligence officer in the car looked at Li Cong anxiously. What is this? It was so easy to contact this guy. If it breaks down like this, I guess Miss Bahrain won’t have to pick it up. It’s nothing to the intelligence personnel, but where did Li come from?? Is it really the same as the boss said? A pawn?

Li Cong smiled and shook his finger. He knew the Mike very well. This kind of person’s favorite thing was his own life, and he had enough money. Mike had the right, but he was not sure. Now he doesn’t need those anymore. What he needs is to find a safe place to live a good life. He doesn’t lack money. If there is too much money, he just needs to feel at ease. He can’t spend so much money on his own. Yes, the call came before Li had finished drinking the coffee in the cup. It was Mike’s. At this moment, it’s only ten minutes before the helicopter in the sky has no fuel. "Call our people to be prepared. There may be an asset review." Li Cong said in a low voice. Mike said that how much those things are worth is not his or his own. He must use facts to speak. If it is correct, This time I'm going to make a big profit.

"Mr. Mike, is there something wrong with the call so soon?" Li Cong said with a smile. This Mike seems to have reached a dead end, otherwise he won't be so fast.

"Mr. Li, my attitude was wrong just now, but Mr. Li must save me. I heard from the government that the Skull and Bones had decided to deal with me. I have no way back. They were a few minutes ago. Kill the Rockefeller guy. He gave everything out when he died. Now I don’t need a penny. As long as Mr. Li can guarantee my safety, I will gather all our property. Originally I was going to run away, but now I am going to dedicate it all to Mr. Li. If we finish the call, I will immediately order the blood angels to land." Mike is really scared now, now He doesn’t look like a leader anymore. How can I say that this guy is also the boss of a big organization. At the moment, he seems to be a useless guy. It seems that Rockefeller’s arrest has really hit him too much. The Rockefeller guy helped Li Cong destroy the octopus base, and that guy must have no good end. It's like that now. He has done a lot more than what he has done. If he is really caught, it is estimated that there will be no good results. He would die miserably, and what kind of prison would entangle him like a curse.

"Hehe, Mr. Mike is really refreshing. I am not a stingy person, and I will never get into trouble with Mr. Mike. I always do things very well. Tell me where you are. My people will pass soon. Yes. But whether they help you or not depends on your performance. You can give them all your assets. I will arrange for you to go to Cuba when I check everything and I can confirm that Miss Bahrain is safe. After you get there, you are willing to go to other places and I will not stop it. But you must never promote your theory on my site, otherwise I will definitely kill you." Li Cong thought of this guy Those qualities that have to be exhorted, this guy is considered a cult.

"Okay?? OK, please rest assured, Mr. Li, I will definitely not have any other problems here. Now no one can help me except Mr. Li, I will definitely do things well, you can rest assured, but Mr. Li You must move fast. I heard that they already know my hiding place, I want to run quickly." Mike said incoherently. This guy was really scared at this time, and he didn't want to live in prison for a lifetime. Besides, I have done so many things that offend the Skull and Bones. It is impossible for me to want a good death. The Skull and Bones will not let me go. Now only Li Cong can save myself. The whole world except Li Cong dares to save myself. Not many people offend the Skull and Bones.

Five minutes after Li Cong hung up the phone, the people of the Blood Angel stopped the plane, but the people above, including the boss, committed suicide. Tang Te has become a pile of rotten meat not far away, Bahrain. The young lady couldn’t help vomiting when she saw it, and she climbed onto Li Cong’s shoulder and started crying. Although the policemen over there wanted to take Miss Bahrain to the police station to make a transcript, they saw the couple next to her. The cars of the energy group think it’s better to wait first, and don’t offend people by doing things indiscriminately.

"Okay, okay, the matter is over. You used to be a strong woman, but today you are crying." Li Cong said with a smile. He had never seen such a real Miss Bahrain before. It came out. In fact, Miss Bahrain was also a girl, and she was also a little girl. Although she saw a lot of murders, but how should this matter have something to do with her, and Tang Te’s death made her extremely scared. Now, although she is a bit more "expensive" than Tang Te, those people will give up Tang Te or they may abandon themselves. At the beginning, she thought she was safe, but after Tang Te died, she felt that she was also possible. Will die, those people dare to do anything.

It took Li Cong at least half an hour to send Miss Bahrain back to the people in her family. Although they don’t know why these people released Miss Bahrain, they are not fools, and they all understand it. What's going on, there must be something else in it. After thanking Li Cong, they drove away. This time is different. There are more than a dozen cars in the front and back, and there are helicopters in the sky. After that, they must take it seriously.

"Send me to our secret base." Li asked the driver to drive away since he got in the car. Now he is going to have a good talk with Mike, because he feels that there must be more important things in Mike's body. This guy has been mixed for so long. Although his organization has collapsed, there are still many useful things. For example, this guy knows that the Skull and Bones is about to do something against him. Li Cong doesn’t know the news, Li Cong It was based on my own guess. This guy knows so clearly now, which means that this guy’s information is much better than himself, so I can’t waste this cheap one. I have the money, but I need other things. You have to ask for things.

Li Cong ran in the car for six hours before reaching their secret base in the United States. At least two satellites above were watching them, making sure that no one was following them, and all the people were after they arrived at a hotel. They only went in for the inspection after changing their clothes, so that they could check that there was no tracker on or off their bodies, plus the scanning of the human body. This was done for the insurance of the secret base. Then they came out from the back door of the hotel and walked slowly A small abandoned railway station, of course, they are going to be a train. It's just that this train is not on the ground. There is a railway under this small train station. His destination is the secret base, which is the largest base of the energy group in the United States.

No one knows how long the train has been running. Anyway, Li Cong only got to the base after he slept and woke up and watched another movie. This place may already be fifty meters underground. Here Li Cong saw Mike who just got off the car. They came from another one. The directions indicate that this base has several exits, and it must be far away. It is absolutely impossible for Lao Mei to catch it all at once. Li Cong looked up and saw that it was at least tens of meters high. hall. There is another such base in the United States. The cost of the entire base is as high as 65 billion U.S. dollars, and the entire base needs 30 million U.S. dollars to operate every day. This is definitely a money-burning thing. But without this thing, the energy group would be at an absolute disadvantage in the United States. This is still necessary. For example, if Li Cong comes in more, he can't get in even with nuclear weapons. Moreover, the food in the base can be used for ten years, and it can definitely be maintained. Everything in the base is self-sufficient.

"Stand up?" A colonel shouted in a long tone, and hundreds of people from all walks of life in the square straightened their chests. The things that the former president came to inspect were not likely to happen once in a lifetime. This time their luck came. They also don't want to stay in this dark place, they must have political achievements if they want to go out. Now is a great opportunity. If you can let the former president appreciate yourself, it will definitely be a great opportunity for you in this life.

"I'm here to do something. What should everyone do? You don't need to engage in such a scene. I thank you for everything Dadao has done for the group over the years." Li said a few words briefly and went to the back. I went to meet with Mike. In Li Cong's opinion, these awkward things are useless. It is important to improve my work ability.

At this moment, Mike is not what he was when he met Li Cong. The current Mike is almost like the beggar on the street. The Energy Group wasted a lot of effort to **** him out of the Skull and Bones. Fifteen energy group agents gave their lives in this operation, and more than 20 people died on the Skull and Bones. The other party must have known that Li Cong did this. They have always known the three D The party has contacts with the energy group, and there will definitely be various connections between the two parties, but they did not expect that Li Cong would confront the Skull and Bones for such a guy. In their opinion, this is impossible. Li Cong is not a fool. , Soon they thought of the huge assets of the Three Ds. They only checked one hundred billion dollars at the beginning. The Skull and Bones is the most clear about the amount of assets accumulated by a century-old organization, but these The assets are definitely in the hands of the senior management, and there are even some things that are hidden from the senior management. Although they are working hard, they don't get a lot.

Li Cong glanced at a few trucks over there. There were some important contracts and documents on them. These things were worth trillions of dollars. Now they are all Li Cong's, and Li Cong has thousands of them. People are going all out to accept these places, and some even Li Cong felt surprised. The penetration of these three D parties in the United States is really extraordinary. In the past, they needed to use these assets to support millions of people. The daily expenditure of these millions of people is an astronomical figure, but now Li never needs to raise those guys, so the money is a huge asset for Li Cong, and Li Cong will never give up these things. Yes, in Li Cong’s opinion, if he doesn’t expose himself, he can keep at least 60% of them. Now that he has been exposed, he must make sure that he is ten percent. Li has never seen Mike just want to put this guy’s last bit Also dig it out, and then start negotiations with the Skull and Bones, just like his own diamond mine, it would be impossible if he didn't get any cheap.

"Mr. Li, you are finally here. I have been waiting for you for a long time. When shall we go? I don't want to stay here for a moment. The people here can't speak, you look at them one by one. It looked like I was about to eat me. When I looked at them, I felt cold all over. I have completely followed Mr. Li’s statement. I don’t have anything. Now I have a little money left for myself. I’ve been here for the rest of my life, and I don’t ask Mr. Li to take my people out. My people are dead and clean. I don’t need Mr. Li to take them out. I’m alone. Things should be easy. Right?" Mike has no dignity at this moment. It’s just like a trash. Li Cong doesn’t even want to get too close to this guy, because he knows that this guy actually peeed his pants when he was chasing. His people were indeed all dead in the battle just now. Although the blood angel's combat effectiveness was good, it was compared with the Skull and Bones. The gap is still not small, only twenty minutes. Their task is to insist on the arrival of the energy group, but in these twenty minutes, hundreds of them have died. At that time, Mike was scared of his courage. He thought his blood angel was good, but it was a pity that he was far behind the elites of the two big groups.

"Haha. Don’t panic, Mr. Mike, as you know, this is our secret base, which has been established for twenty years. In these twenty years, the Skull and Bones have always wanted to find what was ruined for me, but Look now. Isn’t he okay? I also took the risk to bring Mr. Mike here for Mr. Mike’s safety. Look around. All of them are reinforced concrete work. As long as the door is not opened inside, outside You can’t get in even with nuclear weapons. Just rest assured.” Li Cong smiled and pressed this guy on his seat. He had already smelled a smell of urine in the air. In the past, only eunuchs had this smell. Unexpectedly, he appeared on this guy now.

"Really? Mike glanced around in disbelief, but now it's no longer for this guy to think around here. He doesn't have the right to imagine. Now he looks at Li Cong with some guilty conscience, but he didn't have this. One step, saying that he will be sent away immediately after the inspection is completed, but now? It seems that there is no such thing.

"Mr. Li, we have an agreement. Although it is verbal, Mr. Li is a person who abides by the agreement. Didn't we say that I can leave after handing in these things? When shall we leave?" Mike looked at Li. From a glance, when I called just now, I was equal, but now Mike feels like a dog in Li Cong's eyes.

"Haha, it's nothing, but I have a few subordinates who are idle. They said that the assets controlled by Mr. Mike don't seem to be so small. I read the list and all the items on it are worth about seven or eight hundred billion US dollars. There seems to be something wrong with the money." Li Cong said with a smile, and he deliberately turned the trillions of assets into hundreds of billions of dollars.

"Impossible, Mr. Li, these are all our assets. Your subordinates must have made a mistake. I am here except for my own 20 billion U.S. dollars." Mike said loudly. He was not. He would care. He knew that Li Cong was definitely not interested in the 20 billion dollars in his body. The only assets he could really use were these.

Li Cong frowned. He originally wanted to swindle this guy, but it seems that there is nothing left on this guy. Isn't this kid so real? Li Cong glanced at this guy with his slanted eyes, and it was this look that played a key role. "Mr. Li, I?? I said, our Three D parties still have a lot of assets abroad, but I don’t have those things now. The methods to mobilize were all from our foreign leaders. If they knew that I was dead, they would definitely run away with those assets." Mike is not a fool, he can't let Li kill himself with a single shot. , He still had to describe himself as a useful talent, which is also a windfall for Li Cong.

Li Cong talked a little more with Mike. Knowing that their organization still has nearly 602 billion US dollars in assets abroad, it is natural that people will take him to complete these tasks, and finally send this guy to Cuba. What the guy wants to do is his own business, and that is not his own business.

"Sir, the person in charge of the Skull and Bones has been waiting for you for a long time. This time they have changed again, replaced by an older man. We also searched for this person's information. This person is not People in our database.” A senior executive on the side handed a piece of information to Li Cong. In recent years, the people in contact with Li Cong in Skull and Bones have been rotating almost all the time, and Li Cong also knows why. In fact, they just want Li Cong to not know the personality of this person, so what they want to do in the future will not let Li Congwei know in advance. All these things are done very well, so now Li Cong For his opponent, he was a fool, and he didn't know what he was doing.

"Hehe, no matter how they change, we are going to eat this fat this time, and we won't give them any benefit. Give me the signal." The signal came after Li Cong said it for a minute. This is also because The reason why Li Cong was in the secret base. If the Skull and Bones wanted to track down this location, it would need to search hundreds of millions of computers around the world, because the signal of this secret base is buried in these hundreds of millions of computers. The Skull and Bones is It is impossible to find this thing with the strength of milking.

"Hello Mr. Li, let me introduce myself. I am the commissioner sent by Skull and Bones this time. You can call me An old guy in his fifties appeared on the screen.

"Hello, Mr. Michael, I don’t know what your skeletons are looking for this time. I am very busy. If you talk nonsense, I don’t have time to listen." Li Cong looked at this old guy. Knowing that it must be an old fox, but he has no time to mushroom with him, it is better to get into the topic quickly.

"Hehe, I also like to go straight like this. A few hours ago, Mr. Li’s people exchanged fire with our people. Both of us had casualties. But in the end, Mr. Li’s people won. For example, Mr. Li’s people directly attacked Mike. It was taken away. We also wanted to catch that guy. We all know that guy represents one trillion dollars. I believe that now Mr. Li has received the money. We hope that Mr. Li can give us an explanation." This guy spoke out bluntly. They said that there was a problem with their intelligence and only said that there was only one trillion dollars. Li Cong smiled. It would be better if you didn’t figure it out. This cheapness seems to be done, but I have to teach you a lesson. Otherwise, if I get rich in the future, you will have to come and take a hand. It's okay. This time, your own well-informed accounted for the big advantage, but if you are not so well-versed next time. What about the news? Half with you? impossible things. (To be continued...)



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