Energy Group

Chapter 1901:

"To be honest, I have been paying attention to the development of your Cao family firm in the Western Empire. In my opinion, you should have completed a series of transactions with Tuoba, although many people think that Tuoba’s All the property was confiscated by the emperor, but I don’t think so. I don’t believe that a huge family has only a few trillion dollars in assets, and there will definitely be more money. I don’t know where to go. I think you can give me this answer.” Dai Lin’s words surprised Li Cong. You must know that this acceptance plan must be carried out under extremely confidential conditions, and those people did not have the opportunity to report this news. If it was revealed, this guy can know the answer with some guesses. It's really a great guy. It seems that he has really found the right person. This guy will bring him good income in the future.

"Hehe, if someone asks me about this, I will definitely say that this matter has nothing to do with me, but you are not the same. You are the person in charge of my Cao Family Commercial Bank in the Western Empire in the future. I can tell you directly, I He has received tens of trillions of assets of the entire Tuoba family, including 10 trillion silver of commercial assets, which will be handed over to you in the future." Li Cong said with a smile, as if talking about a household thing. , There is nothing to hide.

"Frankly speaking, I am very shocked. I think I have a very high vision, but I am still very surprised to hear such a number, but I have to remind you that this Tuoba's asset should not There are so few, they must have hidden a part of themselves." Li Cong is also clear about what Dai Lin said. In the past, Li Cong thought he and Tuoba were already friends, but Cong Tuoba refused to let himself. It can be seen from the base that, in fact, the Tuobas did not regard themselves as friends. They belonged to them when they were in danger, but not when they were not.

"This is not something we should take care of. You don't have to give you how much money people have at home." Li Cong felt very uncomfortable when I mentioned this matter. Tuoba also got his friends from Li Cong's list. Was deleted.

"Hehe, there is a deep grievance in this. But I feel that it is not a simple thing to be seen, I understand." Dai Lin said with a smile, although the time he knew Li Cong did not How long, but I still know Li Cong very well, at least on the surface it looks like this, Li Cong also smiled and nodded.

"Don't mention these unhappy things. I'm not in the mood to mention it. Today I dug up your big fish. In a good mood, you are a big fish yourself, but as far as I know you wear There are still a lot of small fish in the house, why? Bring it with me?" Li Cong also has a lot of business talents from the Dai family, which is also good.

"Haha, you kid, I heard it from other places, you just say that Manga said it, we are all a family. You kid, it's really slippery, this girl can tell the most about family affairs. Well, before our Dai family, business was also a very important part of our Dai family, but you also know that the business we did at that time was completely different from that in this city. We did business in the Warcraft Mountains. One of them is profiteering. There is not even one-thousandth of the money there. Of course, the cost will not be that much. I am a little worried. They are definitely talents. Only in middle age, they will have a lot of time, energy and ability, but I am worried that they may not be able to adapt to the current situation. I need a certain amount of time. Not only do they need time, but I also need time. Everything needs to be learned slowly." Dai Lin knew that some of his subordinates were also idle at home at this time. Some of them are from the Dai family, and some are not from the Dai family, but they have been serving in the Dai family for a long time. At this time, it is very easy to find them.

"This is no problem. I will have many branches in various places. At the beginning, they can be used as deputy positions. What I need most now is senior management talents. If all of you are willing to join, this is really true. That’s great, but I have to say something ugly. It’s not the time when you are in the Warcraft Mountains. I don’t have that much salary for you.” This point must also be made clear. This brother has to Clearly settle the accounts, not to mention the unreliable relationship between the two people. How can the treasurers of the Dai family earn one hundred thousand silver after working in the Warcraft Mountains for a year. It is impossible here. Even if the shopkeepers in some shops around here can earn a hundred and ten taels of silver each year, it is not bad. Even if Li Cong runs a profiteering industry, they understand that it is impossible to make such a high profit.

"This is natural. They are not fools and understand. In fact, they are just like me. They don't need money. How much can one eat in a lifetime. In the past, they had their own money. They can I spend the second half of my life well, just like me. In the past, my most hoped day was to rest here honestly, and just live so leisurely every day. But now, I really feel free to be free. Don’t mention how uncomfortable it is. I will arrange their salary levels, which are as large as the shopkeepers of the surrounding merchants." Dai Lin understands this very well. No matter how profitable things are, this mainland business cannot follow. It's the same as the Warcraft Mountains, and there is another one that you don't have to worry about your safety here. In the Warcraft Mountains, you will be killed by Warcraft at any time.

"Of course, you can't help but give them a little sweetness. You can tell them that I have some longevity pills. Although there is no guarantee that people will live for a long time, the life span of several years is still no problem. Those who express it can get it." Li Cong said with a smile. This Yannian Dan can be said to be obtained by Li Cong himself. In fact, this material is the kind of fruit from the hidden immortals on the earth. This thing is the same in this world. It is useful, but it can only be useful to ordinary people. Those warrior magicians have adapted their physical state because of their own skills, and this thing is of no use to them. This is what Li will prepare from the future. Some of the good things launched can return a lot of funds.

"Haha, what ordinary people want most is to extend their lifespan. This thing is simply a boon for ordinary people. By the way, if you keep eating this thing, wouldn’t you be dead? What about people? Wouldn’t it be like an old monster? This population is already very large, which is not a good thing for the entire empire.” Dai Lin suddenly thought of another question, which is indeed a question worth considering. . This thing is difficult to handle.

"Hehe, do you think this thing came out in vain on the street? It's impossible. Not everyone can eat this thing. It can only be eaten by the rich. I think 10,000 The price of two silver coins is okay. According to my estimation, the first one can be eaten for three to five years, but the second lesson is half of it. The next one is a quarter, and then One-eighth. In the end it's useless at all." Li Cong said.

"Well, it's not bad. Your price is quite reasonable. In this county town, there are people who can have hundreds of thousands of dollars. It is estimated that there are dozens to 100, and they all offer this price. As for the common people, I don’t think so. They don’t have the money, and they can’t adapt the total population much.” This guy was relieved when he heard Li Cong say that. The main thing is to see how to launch the next step. This thing. Going straight up and telling people that the effect is absolutely unbelievable, and there must be a favorable evidence. This guy quickly entered his role.

"By the way, do you have anything to do with the upper echelons of the Western Empire? Although it is said that the most despised officials are the businessmen, but the businessmen are very important to the officials. Political and business forces do not separate their families. , I don't know how far you have achieved this?" If the Dai family had upper-level forces, the situation should be opened up. It's a pity that they did exist. Now the Tuoba clan is gone. It's good that they haven't suffered any damage, let alone the development, so they can only stay honestly within the scope of this county, otherwise, There are times when you suffer.

"This point of our development can only be regarded as general. You know, we were not in the Western Empire, plus some of my relationship with the Tuoba clan. People here know a little bit more or less, and they protect themselves. If you don’t, you won’t have much contact with me. Right now, I have a good relationship with Prince Magnolia, who is in charge of the southern occupied area, but I think this guy should have no say in national affairs." Li Speaking directly.

"Well, your estimate is pretty good. Although this Prince Magnolia has the seat of Prince, it can be said to be the last in the Prince's ranking. This power is not very good, and this kid is not very good at life. This is everywhere. They are all arrogant and domineering. If it weren’t for the emperor’s favor, this guy would have been killed long ago. This empire doesn’t have many friends. On the contrary, this guy’s enemies are everywhere. It was time to hear that this guy had offended the Imperial Household Department Shangshu again. It turned out that the rations in the occupied area were all the responsibility of the younger brother of the Household Department Shangshu. Suddenly it was spared. Interests can't be like this.” Unfortunately, Li Cong did what Dai Lin said. Li Cong felt a bit hot when he heard Dai Lin say this. He didn't expect that he did this thing so recklessly.

"Hehe... um... that, in fact, this thing is what we did, and the rations in the occupied areas will be ours." Li Cong said with some difficulty. It seems that Dai Lin really doesn't know the specific situation. Look at him. The expression will know.

"Well, I really didn't expect this. To be honest, the Western Empire is a little different from your Northern Empire. The Western Empire's grain output has always been the largest among the four empires. The grain merchants can also be said to be There are many, but most of the grain in the Western Empire has been sold to your Northern Empire and the other two empires. The grain in your own territory is not very cheap. I don’t know what price you are selling?” Dai Lin is not ashamed. It is a business wizard who knows this very well.

"Haha, twelve wen per catty." Li Cong said, the price is already very shocking.

"My God, I can only say that Prince Yulin earned too much this time. The price of twelve texts is really low in the Western Empire. No wonder you can win this project, but I have to tell you. Yes, although this project belongs to you, you have to be more careful. The family of Hubu Shangshu belongs to the traditional Liang family. The dozens of provinces are not a small number anymore. Recently, you are still a bit more peaceful. Well, don’t let the civilian use go. The food of the tens of millions of people in the army is not a big deal for them. But the civilian use is completely different.” Although Dai Lin has not been in the Western Empire for a long time, But some things are always better than Li Cong.

"This is natural, and I also know that some things can't be so excessive. I also asked my people to send a good gift to the household of Shangshu, I believe they will be satisfied." Li Cong also does things. It won't show up.

"What kind of gift can impress them? You have to know that you have robbed people of their business. This is like killing parents. I think this thing should not be easy to complete." Dai Lin was a little worried. Said. In the past, these things had nothing to do with me, but this time it was different. I'm going to take office soon, and these things can be said to be my own business soon, so I still need to understand it well.

"Haha, I know that although the household of Shangshu's household is engaged in food trade, they are just middlemen. They also need a lot of food. I will sell them 1.5 billion tons of food for nine cents. You say this Is it a big gift? I think they will be happy for this, and the freight is very small, and they are the price of twelve cents. I promise to send them to the large warehouse specified by them. "This is what Li Cong thought of temporarily. The food that Li Cong has on the planet RTY can be said to be three-cooked a year, all of which use large-scale mechanized operations. The cost can be said to be unnecessary. No matter how much the price Li Cong gives, these grains are okay, and the amount of grain Li Cong gives out can further hit the homegrown farming on this planet, so that the cost of food merchants can be lowered and their selling prices can be lowered. When the landlords feel that the price of food is already unprofitable, they will naturally not put their money on this. Maybe there will be more ways out. At that time, the price of land will also be reduced. Li Cong could buy the land. Li Cong was the biggest landlord at that time.

"1.5 billion tons, your handwriting is really not small. I really don’t know where you got so much food from, but it’s certain that 1.5 billion tons of food can definitely impress them, maybe in the future. You will become their supplier. Their costs in all aspects are certainly not low. Food trading is not a lucrative industry, but if the profit is bigger, it will be a lot. They will definitely use your food to buy other products. All of the grain merchants were killed." Dai Lin will soon be able to see the near future. Such a person is really what Li Cong needs. Li Cong feels more and more that his original decision was a correct one. Such a person joins the Cao's House of Business, which will definitely develop rapidly.

"It's just these? What's next?" Li Cong deliberately wanted to test whether this guy could see his future plans.

"You must not be so kind. Asking others to do all the good things. You are a hero behind the scenes. I think you are going to destroy the entire Western Empire's homesteaders. All the food trade will come to you at the end. In my own hands, at that time, I think you have more things to control. Although the plan is good, this goal can also make me excited, but to be honest, I think this is not easy to achieve, you must know the royal family. There is still a lot of land in their hands. They can’t possibly not produce food. The royal family also has the most slaves. It can be said that their food has nothing to do with the outside. If they really take out all the food, you will occupy it. The market may shrink sharply." Dai Lin’s words also made Li Cong start thinking. Indeed, the royal family has too much land and many slaves in the hands of the royal family. The land and population are just a part of food production. The biggest constraint is that the royal family does not lack these two things.

"I don't have such big ambitions to eat the entire empire. If that's the case, it is estimated that the royal family will attack me before I develop." Li Cong said with a smile. Certainly sober, in the era of the supremacy of the emperor, it is better to be honest, otherwise you may die very...

"By the way, food and trade are your two basic industries. In fact, what I want to know is how the airship business is going. That is a very good business. I feel that if I do well, it will definitely surpass food. There is no competition for you, why don't you do that?" Dai Lin also knows that.

"The airship transportation industry is also developing, but because of various restrictions, it is not that simple to start quickly. The number of these things first put into use is not very large, and most things take a certain amount of time. At present, I want to put the main energy of this thing on the side of the Warcraft Mountains, where the profit is the largest. As for the human population, there are no more than two hundred at most, and all of them are placed In terms of long-distance transportation. I think there are two routes between the Western Empire and the Northern Empire, and it takes ten days to have one back and forth. What do you mean?" At present, these two routes are still doing very well. Yes, although the one-hundred-thousand-dollar ticket is a bit expensive, there are still many people who can take it. It can be completed in a few years in more than a month, and they will still choose to save time.

At present, one route from the Western Empire to the Northern Empire is in the south, and the other is in the east. The southern route is from the southern big city of the Western Empire to Jiangning City. If you usually rely on walking, it will take six months. , The carriage is possible in one or two years. It may not be possible to walk for ten or eight years. The airship needs 37 days. The price is 1.7 million taels per person. At present, the attendance rate can reach 100%. The express service is also very good. The eastern route The price is slightly cheaper, one person is 1.2 million taels of silver. It’s also because it’s closer. Many rich and aristocratic people like this thing very much. Most of them sit and go sightseeing.

In addition to the business of using airships, Li Cong also thought of another transportation business, that is, civilian transportation. Many such civilian transportation kings on the earth make very good profits. Li Cong found that although many people here are not very good Far door. But there are also many people who need to go to other places. It is estimated that this can be done with a small amount of money. The preliminary idea has already come out, but this has to be carried out in the Northern Empire. After all, the foundation there is a bit thicker.

Li Cong did a market survey and found that a county in the Northern Empire had good connections with the seven or eight counties below. At least tens of thousands of people traveled to and from various places every day. They must either go to work or visit relatives and friends. On the way, they are either in their own car or take someone else's car. What Li Cong wants to earn is the money of those who take someone else's car, and then only his own I don’t worry about them not coming here. First of all, I’m here with an absolute price tag. It’s not like some small merchants who transport people. It’s the same price when you get in the car and throw it halfway. After that, you have no place to reason, and the price is not fixed. Today is the price and tomorrow is the price, and it is not an accurate time. They leave when they want.

Li Cong's plan is to use that kind of mule to pull the cart. This thing is powerful and cheap. There are more things like this in the countryside. You can get a lot of them casually. Cars are also divided into several grades. The rich and distinguished people naturally ride in separate carriages. This kind of price is a bit more expensive. The ordinary people make it like that kind of bus style, and they also have their own independent seats. The lowest class is the kind of convertible. Just find a place to stay. It usually only costs more than a dozen yuan. Of course, the speed of this kind of car is not very fast, but there is only one. The advantage is that it is cheap.

"For the airship, I mean to vigorously develop it, but the traffic and network things you mentioned are very interesting. I can also try it on a small scale. I am very interested in this project. The power of our Dai family in this county is still okay. Why don't I give me a year to experiment on a small scale here. I have a cousin. I recommend him to do this business. I have the energy to go. Do other things.” It turned out that the hero saw the same thing. This guy quickly saw the profit in the transportation industry. Now people don’t have that habit and naturally they haven’t started yet. Wait until people have that habit. Things will also become a profitable industry.

"Really? Nothing is going on today anyway. Why don't you talk about the plan first, so I can test you and see what kind of salary is given to you." Li Cong said with a smile, and the transportation plan itself I don't have any clues, mainly because I don't know much about some things here. Looking at Dai Lin's plan, it may be of great help to myself.

"Hehe, this is a test for me, I may not say very well. You also know that this plan of yours is not known to me before. It is inevitable that there will be some omissions in such new things. I was fired because of some mistakes." Dai Lin said with a smile, and Li Cong also nodded. It is already superior to be able to have ideas so quickly.

There is a county seat and twelve county seats in the county town where Dai Lin is located. Dai Lin's plan was to first link these twelve county towns with the traffic between the county towns, even though there are all roads through them. However, due to the terrain or other reasons, it is impossible to run on a large scale. This requires more and more frequent departures every day. As for the communication between the county seat and the county seat, it is not uncommon. Yes, the first half of the year is to make contact between the county seat and the county seat.

The distance between the county town and the dozen or so county towns is only about 30 kilometers, and the farthest is about 90 kilometers, which is not very far. However, from the northernmost county seat to the southernmost county seat, there is nearly 200 kilometers. This is not a very short distance. Now people are on the road. If you use fast horses, you can have 300 kilometers a day. If not, It’s not bad to travel forty kilometers a day with a horse-drawn carriage. Dai Lin meant to establish connections with these county towns that can be reached on the same day. It is always not safe to walk at night. Even the Dai family dare not say that the bandits around are not coming up to look for trouble.

In this way, only five county towns meet the standards. Basically, every county town has thousands of liaison personnel with the county town every day. Some of them use their own means of transportation, some of them just take a ride. Dai Lin Think of the three kinds of cars. One is an independent carriage. This speed is fast. The price is 50 kilometers per person. If less than 50 kilometers, the fee is 50 kilometers. This is mainly for those who are still rich. Ten cars can be made in each county and fifty cars in the county. This number is a bit risky at the beginning.

This second class is the kind of carriage that sits in the upper row. This Li Cong has already thought about improving the current carriage and striving for a carriage that can hold twenty people. These people may be faster than The fastest one is half the slower, and it's okay. The price is only one or two silver and fifty kilometers away. The rest is a third-class car. In this way, the seats are removed and the double-layer board is added. , Draw a square like this, one grid per person, the price of three hundred and fifty kilometers should be no problem, when the car is lengthened, there must be at least 60 people in each car, and eight mules are used to move forward. , This number should be the largest, most people still want to do this thing, the biggest reason is to save money.

Dai Lin himself also said that maybe they felt that the price was a bit expensive when the plan first started, but for some people who are in a hurry, the price is not very expensive. If this can be an **** in the future, If the two sides can be safe, the price can be even higher. The empire preached that there are no bandits, but robberies everywhere happen. Insecurity on the road is also the most worrying issue for most businessmen.

Li Cong himself has the same idea. Some details are not the time to discuss this. Moreover, Li Cong has already been here for a long time. This is what Dai Lin said are considered very good. It’s enough to perfect it. Li Cong is considered to have approved Dai Lin’s plan, so that Dai Lin will gather the old ministry within half a month and prepare to start taking office. This Western Empire matter will also be handed over to Dai Lin. Yes, of course, Bai Er will stay here as his deputy. Bai Er’s brain may not be very good, and he feels a little powerless about some things, but Bai Er’s loyalty does not need to be considered, Dai Lin, this person Li I have never dared to let it go completely. It’s better for someone to look at it. Dai Lin also knows this, so he is also very cooperative with what Bai Er left behind. There was a huge gap between the two people before, and now they can do things together. Dai Lin did not have any disdain, which shows that Dai Lin is a person who can do big things.

From the beginning of the matter until now, Lu Manjia has not come forward. He is waiting for Li Cong in an inn in the county town. She still has feelings for the Dai family. Although his mother is no longer there, he sees so many people from his family. I still feel warm. This is also the reason why Li Cong helped Dai Jia. If Dai Jia killed his wife’s mother, the following things would not be so easy to talk about. Fortunately, Dai Tian had already admitted his mistake. Now Li Cong is also I'm going to visit my father-in-law.

Dai Tian has just visited the Warcraft Mountains recently, and his health is not good recently. I still look the same every day, still studying those things. In the past, because of his existence, no one in the small town of Dai's family dared to look at it. Now that the Dai family can continue to survive at this level is directly related to this guy. , If this guy does not have a ninth-level fighter, it is estimated that many people will come up with their mouths open. Such good opportunities are not always available.

"Mr. Dai is really amazing. Your breath was not so strong when I saw you last time. It seems that there should be some adventures in this period of time." At the door, Li Cong could feel the strength of Dai Tian's martial arts training. At this time, Dai Tian had just dissipated his breath, and the airflow around him was a little confused. This also shows that Dai Tian’s control is very good. Otherwise, the control is not good. The entire yard was ruined.

Dai Tian raised his head and glanced at Li Cong. He was very helpless for his de facto aunt. Although this guy's abilities he didn't know very well, Dai Tian believed in his feelings very much. At least now if I fight against this guy, I can't absolutely win. The one who wins in the end must be me, but he should also pay a lot of money. It feels like Dai Tian hasn't missed out for many years.

"Mr. Dai, you guys don’t give me this one. Lao Tzu is your father-in-law, you say. What is the saying about my daughter? When did you marry my daughter back? My family is like this. Yes, you are obligated. Don’t think that you’ve married a girl in my family and just leave it alone. It’s impossible. If my Dai’s family declines, I don’t see any brilliance on your face. , Isn't it?" Dai Tian is not as good-tempered as Dai Lin. Seeing this kid, he won't be angry. He ate everything. Now he is still calling himself Mr. Dai. This is not a denial. So speaking is not so polite.

"Haha, yes, yes, what you taught, my father-in-law." Li Cong is also a hero who doesn't suffer from the immediate loss, and besides, the one in front of him is his old husband, and he can't help but admit it. It is normal for an elder to say a few things "Actually, I have already meant that, but Manga has never listened to me very much. No, I'll come to your old man to tell me about it." Li Cong said with a smile, he knew it. The father and daughter didn't say much about it. Asking Dai Tian to help him talk about it was nonsense. Sure enough, as soon as Dai Tian said this, he lost his voice.

"Your kid is just that way and I will do it. I can't take care of your affairs so much. Anyway, you can do it whenever you like, son-in-law, let me tell you the truth. The days of Dai's family are really not good now. Yes, you have to find a livelier for them. In fact, according to my idea, the family will go to the Northern Empire. Although I am the patriarch in the family, all of them have feelings for this land. I don’t want to leave. If my relationship with the Tuoba family could still call them here, now it’s good luck not to be implicated by the Tuoba family.” Dai Tian still doesn’t know about Li Cong’s conversation with Dai Lin. I have to ask Li Cong to help rescue the Dai family. The Dai family is now weakened day by day. Although the power is in a county, no one denies the strength of their family. It will be a hundred years later. The family is really a county family.

"Father-in-law, look at what you said, I have already handled this matter, and I have already talked to my second uncle over there. From now on, all your family will go to my business to help me do things. This will be the first thing for now. Look, if you have any ideas in the future, let’s change it. For the time being, it can only be like this. Do you think it’s okay?” In fact, Li Cong also knows that the Dai family will definitely have their own development in the future and call them their own. Attachment is just Li Cong's wishful thinking. They really don't have any good development for the time being, and they are still uncertain about what will happen in the future.

"Hehe, I said I didn’t read your kid wrong. Things are really good, and I’m fine. It’s okay if you ask me to be a consultant or something. Those with old arms and legs can still move for a few years. Yes." Li Cong was waiting for this guy's words. How could he be a ninth-level fighter? How many ninth-level fighters are in the world? There are only thousands of people who count hard. They are all very precious, one in 100 million people. With such a person to help oneself, one can leave without worry, as long as they don’t provoke them. Very powerful people, they must be fine.

"My father-in-law really helped my son-in-law a lot. I will definitely keep this consultant for my father-in-law. If this matter is helped by your old man, I will be more powerful in the future." Li Cong said with a smile, just persuaded Dai Lin was half done by himself, and now he convinced his father-in-law that this is 100% complete. Dai Tian looked at his son-in-law happily, and it was his own business to develop his career.

"By the way, your brother-in-laws are all grown up, UU reading, you see, if they are suitable, they will help you do something. If it is not suitable, you can just ask them to get out. You are talented, not a fool." Dai Tian also knew that he would speak to his sons. Of course, he would not interfere with these things. Li had to decide on the specific matters.

"It's okay. Now when I was a servant, I had already agreed with my second uncle, and let him arrange most of the personnel arrangements. Wasn't it the only thing he did before. "Li Cong's words made Dai Tian very satisfied. To be honest, Dai Tian didn't know much about these things in the family. It was Dai Lin who was in Zhang Luo. To be honest, he really didn't know who these people in the family were capable. He doesn't worry about this when the second child cares about it.

For Li Cong, the son-in-law, this old fellow really became more comfortable. In the evening, Dai Tian called Dai Lin and several elderly people in the family. It was also a good idea for Li Cong to get to know the entire old Dai family. At that time, Lu Manjia also told Li Cong about some of the Dai’s family, but it was not as detailed as Li Cong knew. Although Lu Manjia also came in the evening, he just showed up and went to the guest room to rest. In any case, Lu Manjia is no longer as disgusted with the Dai family as he did in the past. It is a change to some extent. Dai Tian is already very happy. It was impossible to meet in this way before. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation...) Guiqiu to share

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