Energy Group

Chapter 1902:

This old father-in-law and son-in-law can’t drink together, especially when the two people are pleasing to each other’s eyes. If you don’t drink too much, you’re really sorry for the two. Li Cong and Dai Tian are like this. Li Cong’s good wine is directly Dai Tian was drunk, and the ninth-level fighter was drunk. It was so refreshing. I haven’t encountered it in years. Li Cong also wanted to indulge himself. The result was three poles in the day. The two guys just opened their eyes.

"My God, this head really hurts, and the whole body is sore. Where is this?" Li Cong opened his eyes and closed them again, as if his eyes were not used to the light anymore. , Good fellow, how long have you slept this way.

"Hmph, you are so embarrassed to say that it's been midnight, and two people still want to drink it. If it weren't for my second uncle to ask someone to send you back, I don't know what to drink. The boss is not a small person. What kind of good wine is so delicious.” On the side, Lu Manjia felt distressed and wiped Li Cong, which is like washing her face. If there are beauties serving herself like this every day, it is estimated that Li Cong will be drunk. Too much to go, this is so comfortable.

"Hehe, isn't this against your temper? Look at whose son-in-law and father-in-law can drink to this level, that is, our family. The main reason is that your dad sees me more pleasingly. Of course, this is also It has something to do with your husband’s vision." Li Cong said with a smile, and it’s good to flatter both father and daughter.

"Let’s come, he’s not a good person, he's an old and disrespectful person, and he would drink like that with a junior of you, and don’t see if it’s suitable for him. Now the Dai family is different from before. This Dai family’s safety is in danger. It's all in that guy's body. He doesn't know what to do in that way. If something really happens, I think this guy regrets it." Lu Manjia is also true. At this time everyone has the right to get drunk, but Dai Tian, ​​who represents the supreme power of the family, does not have this right. He is responsible for the safety of the entire family. It is really troublesome if something happens.

"Hehe, you can't say that. From your father's point of view, maybe he just feels that this kind of pressure is too great. So he also needs to indulge himself. Normally, there may be no such opportunity. Yes. This time I finally found such an opportunity. In fact, I want to say I did a very good job." Li Cong sat up and said.

"Don’t ask me for credit here. I’ve prepared breakfast for you. Hurry up and eat something. I guess there’s no food I ate yesterday. I still have to feed my stomach. My second uncle seems to have Once you find the people, you can go and have a look. They were all very capable people in the past. Unfortunately, because of the Warcraft Mountains, they are all at home now. If there is a performance My own stage is also very good." Now Lu Manjia already considers herself a member of the Dai family. This can also be said in the past. There is no overnight hatred in this family, let alone a father and daughter. .

"Your second uncle is really good. To be honest, I like this kind of more reliable person. I used to know many capable people, and there are many who are more capable than your second uncle. What a pity Each of those people has some shortcomings, at least for now, your second uncle has not been found by me." Li Cong ate two bites indiscriminately. Li Cong still hopes that he can Work efficiently instead of wasting so much time.

What Dai Tian drank was dizzy. Although I got up right now, I still haven't recovered. I feel uncomfortable all over my body, so I won't go out for this meeting today. Yesterday I said I would go out and give my son-in-law to stand on the platform. These people are working hard, and now it seems that this is not enough, it is better to rest honestly. Dai Lin is responsible for this matter. This is also Dai Lin’s strong point. Most of these people know that Dai Tian is the boss of the Dai family, but Dai Lin arranges specific things, so it is normal for Dai Lin to come forward. , They have no idea.

The meeting place is in the front yard of Dai’s house. It was originally planned to be in the living room, but because there are too many people, there are a hundred people, so it’s better to put it in the front yard. The area is enough. It’s big, even if you come back so much, you can pretend to be. These people can be regarded as elites in the shopping mall before. Hearing the news that they can make themselves up again, they can’t sit still one by one, anyway. Working at home is the same thing as working for Dai’s uncle.

Everyone in groups of three or five were discussing this matter together. They had no sense at the moment. Although they wanted to go out, they were not very familiar with this new boss. Dai Lin knew about this issue, so arranged After such a meeting, let the boss Li Cong meet with the shopkeepers below to get familiar.

"Everyone, everyone, be quiet, go back to your seat and sit down. Our boss, Earl Cao Ke, is coming. Please be quiet." After receiving the accurate information, Dai Lin began to let everyone else go. The place was seated, and Li Cong had already walked to the door of the yard. It seemed that Dai Lin was really prestigious. Just a few words calmed the hundred or ten people. Li Cong knew that these people would definitely follow It is impossible for Dai Lin to mix together without factions. The important thing is that he can accommodate several factions, and he can balance these factions.

Li Cong’s appearance surprised these people. They used to think that the Dai family was very powerful, but after seeing the Tuoba clan, they thought that the gap between the Dai family and the Tuoba clan was huge. The Ba family disappeared at once. They all knew from every aspect that the Cao family of the Northern Empire seemed to have received a lot of benefits from the Tuoba family. In their impression, the Cao family of the Northern Empire should be better than Tuo. The Ba family was even more powerful. I didn’t expect that the master of such a powerful family turned out to be a young man. Many people looked at Li Cong and thought that this kid is not as old as his grandson. How could he build such a huge business empire? , Is this moisture?

"Everyone, I actually didn’t invite you to come today. Everyone has seen the current situation of the Dai family. I want to make a comeback. There was the help of Tuoba clan in the past. It may be possible, but Tuoba clan now Everyone knows the end of the game. Not only can we not help us at all. On the contrary, we are still implicated by them. I thought I would be as honest as you at home and wait to die. After all, we have The money can allow us to spend the second half of our lives, but I don’t want to live like this. I still have my own ideals. Master Cao is the one who helps me realize my ideals. Now I have accepted the appointment of Master Cao. I am Now I am the person in charge of Cao’s House of Business in the Western Empire. If you want to be like me. If you want to achieve your own revenge, you can also join Cao’s House of Business. Just like the past, we will fight together.” Dai Lin stood up and said. This is something that must be said, otherwise no one will know what role Dai Lin is in here. "In addition, I have to give you some advice. I know that many of you have this concern. That is If a loyal servant doesn’t serve the second master, you don’t need to worry about this. Master Cao is not only the count of the Northern Empire, but also the son-in-law of our Dai family. My eldest brother Dai Tian’s daughter is the wife of Master Cao, which is just like a family. , I believe everyone should have nothing to say." Dai Lin said with a smile. Sure enough, after he finished speaking, many people nodded. There will still be many people in this world who care about this, and they don't only have money in their eyes.

"The second master, we used to eat with the Dai family. We don’t have any other ideas about what the Dai family decides. It’s just that we still don’t know what the Cao family business does. We people It’s still a little capable, but it’s not something we can go in if we want to go in, right?” An old man sitting on the right side stood up and said. In the past, Dai’s family ran a trading house. This trading house was from mercenaries. He bought things and sold them far away from the Warcraft Mountains. His eyes were very poisonous. He wanted to use low-order things as good things. It is absolutely impossible to pass the past. People who have been busy in this industry all their lives are definitely talented.

"I think we should let our future boss, Mrs. Cao, talk about this." Dai Lin said with a smile. He still knows exactly what he should do.

Li Cong smiled and stood up. I don’t know how to do it. When people here see Li Cong’s smile, they feel that Li Cong’s smile is very contagious. Li Cong should be a very confident person. Successful people have such a smile.

"You guys, to be honest, there may be some luck in my rise, but it's definitely gone now. Every step must rely on my own strength. The same is true in the Western Empire. My initial plan is to establish in the Western Empire. Two major industries, one is food and the other is trade. My plan is to open more than 3,000 stores in dozens of provinces in the southern part of the Western Empire in the next two years. The main business is still It's about food and trade. I think this platform is already very big. How to implement this depends on you." Li Cong said with a smile. People here heard Li one by one. I'm dumbfounded, dozens of provinces? More than 3000? This is not a joke or a dream. This is not to say that you can pass it by talking. It requires too much power. If it really has this strength, this Cao's firm is a strong firm, which is no better than the previous Dai's. Know how many times stronger.

"Master Cao, the old man took the liberty to ask, this grain can be set up without a lot of money. This trading house is different, the cost is not very high, but the volume inside needs a lot, just like now As long as a city’s trading house is close to the Warcraft Mountains, it must have more than one billion silver in it. If it is less than this number, it is basically impossible to enter the city’s high-end trading house. I don’t know. How did Master Cao arrange this?" said the old man who spoke just now. At this moment, the old man's heart is very excited. He knows that he can continue to do his job. This is the best thing. .

"What the old gentleman said is very true. Please don't worry about this. Just like you said, the trading houses in the provincial capitals and the trading houses in the border regions will have at least more than 1.5 billion silver notes. The trading houses in this county will also exceed one billion. As for some counties, I think 500 million silver is enough. The total amount is about 350 to 400 billion silver. If I don’t know, the old gentleman is still satisfied?" Li Congxiao Then, the rest of the people are dumbfounded. They have never heard of what kind of trading company they are trying to establish. If such a trading company is really established, their previous ideas will be affected. Overthrown. They all looked at Li Cong in surprise, and then at Dai Lin. What they saw was that Dai Lin was also frightened. Does this guy really have that ability, or is he talking big?

"Hehe, everyone, Cao's firm definitely has this ability." Li Cong snapped his fingers after speaking. The people behind immediately took two large boxes and opened them in front of these people, all of which contained leading silver tickets. The smallest is one million silver, and the largest one is hundreds of millions. This is also the silver ticket with the largest denomination at present. Except this is the gold ticket and the platinum ticket. It's just that it is not a currency in circulation in many cases. Few people use it.

"Master Cao, we have really seen your wealth very clearly. I hope you can give us a chance and let us have the honor to build this great trading company with you." Ten minutes later, the old guy who just spoke said. . At this moment, they really wanted to establish a relationship with the Cao family. It was a very secure relationship. At this moment, Dai Lin didn’t know what it was like. He wanted to help Li Cong and took out his own. The team, but this guy also has his own ideas, it is impossible for the Dai family to work for others for a lifetime. Even his niece and son-in-law are not good enough. The reason why he took out all the people at the bottom of the box is that he hopes that these people will not be hand-born, and they will still have their own way in the future, but now he feels like he is wrong What Li Cong can give to these people is definitely not what he can give. In a short time, they will look at their own winks and act. But after a long time, especially after the entire stall has been spread out, there are too few things that one can decide at that time, and these people may directly follow the orders of the Cao family.

The other people also stood up and bowed to salute Li Cong. This also means that they are willing to join the chariot of the Cao Family Firm. In the future, this chariot will definitely be faster because of these people joining, Li I just said that we will open more than 3,000 stores in dozens of provinces. These people are only a hundred or ten people, so Li Cong continued to talk about his idea, that is, those who can do more work. These people can bring their own leadership team in several nearby areas to establish one or two county towns. All of the trades in China, these are all possible, of course, Li Cong will not let them hold power like that. At some appropriate time, genetic medicine, which can control people, must be eaten by them.

The science and technology on the earth can be said to be the most advanced among the three regions that Li Cong has mastered. This gene medicine is now fully produced. The process of these things is already very simple. The reason for the rapid progress. That is, the amount that Li Cong needs is a bit large. Since he arrived on this planet, millions of copies have been made. The cost of each of these has exceeded 3,000 yuan. Even if it is mass produced, it costs 2,000. However, for the energy group that has ruled the entire planet, these are trivial. It is nothing more than spending more money.

Soon the hundred and ten people present began to mark the areas where they could develop on the map. Of course, it was impossible for Li Cong to hand over this area to them like this. He had to make two deputies among his own. Now, their role is to look at these people. Their money is used for investment. They must not be allowed to do anything wrong. After all, in the past, they were not their masters, and they could only say that they belonged to these people. Just a new master.

"Boss, you also know that if there is nothing to do with the upper level in the Western Empire, it is impossible to do such a scale of business. I don't know who the people above are?" Many of these people have already adapted to the life here. , It is no longer the way of thinking in the Warcraft Mountains before, they know that everything here is not that simple.

"I would have talked to a few people about this issue in a while. Now that this gentleman smells it, I will just say it. Now our strength in the upper class is not very strong. At present, we only There is a certain relationship with Prince Yulin, but the relationship is not very deep. If other people have such an idea, take it out, and the firm will not take advantage of you in vain." Li Cong also hopes that one of these people will come out. There is a high-level relationship, but this is also an extravagant hope. There is simply no way for such a person. If there is such a person, it is estimated that the Dai family would have used it long ago.

In the past, maybe they would never know who the Prince Yulin was. After all, this name was really strange to them. The Prince Yulin and the others didn’t even know it. Now they have heard about it after this rebellion. . This prince Yulin is the emperor’s younger brother, and their views on Li Cong have been adapted from this moment. They are not upper-class people, and naturally they would not understand the status of the prince Yulin among the upper-class. In their opinion, they can be The prince must not be a simple person, such a person must be very powerful. Anyway, the Dai family looked great before, but there was no prince behind the Dai family. This Li has hooked up with a prince from his wife of Gong for a few days. This is not a skill.

"Boss, we don’t expect to have such a strong relationship, but my aunt is married to the governor of a province in the southern part of the Western Empire. If you find it useful, I’ll take it out. Although my aunt is not positive Room, but there is still no problem with matching..."

"Boss, my cousin still has a good relationship with the lord of a county city, and I can take this out..." The next time is the performance time of these people. Many of them will have their own relationship. Dai Lin was suddenly a little depressed. How could he not think of this before? This Li Cong's mind is really different from his own. No wonder he can do things that people can do. If it can't be done, I always thought that they were all subordinates. Even if there are some relationships, it is certainly useless, but what I did not expect is that one is useless, and ten are not very useful. But the relationship of a hundred or ten people together is an incredible relationship. , This completely allows Li Cong to compile a good network of relationships. In fact, Li Cong didn’t expect it at the beginning, but Li Cong noticed it when a few of these people spoke out, and let the people behind him start to write them down. Collusion between officials and businessmen is necessary for business. You can't be left behind in the matter of things, otherwise it will be yourself in the end.

"Very good, very good. Thank you everyone for taking out their relationship and sharing it with our business. I am very grateful to someone for such a thing. I think so. Our Caojia Commercial Bank will soon be established. Yes, I will set up a public relations office. This public relations office may not be very clear to everyone. It’s okay. I will explain it to everyone. This public relations is just communication and relationship. It can make us shorter than others. Lu, this is the public relations office. The public relations office will follow up on the relationships you listed one by one. As long as they can be successful, each person will be rewarded with 50,000 silver." Li Cong said with a smile, 50,000 silver to be honest. It’s really a lot for ordinary people, but many of these shopkeepers have been in the Warcraft Mountains. 50,000 silver is really not good to be honest, but they have been back in human society for a long time, and they know that they can It is quite good to have bosses give such rewards. Many people have a few hundred talents. At least their bosses are still a lot at the beginning, and they may get even higher rewards in the future.

This meeting lasted for nearly half an hour. When it was time to eat, Li Cong asked the owner of the Dai family to take care of the meal. Of course, Li Cong never drank anymore. Yesterday’s meal was still not digested. Well, if you continue to drink this, it will not be a joke. Your own body is the capital of the revolution, and it cannot be broken at this time.

In the depths of the Warcraft Mountains, basically no humans will come here. Even the tenth-level warriors of humans will not come here. This is a grand canyon. This is the center of the Warcraft Mountains. The humans here are also one of the few in the history of hundreds of thousands of years. It is said that there is an emperor of Warcraft, the Black Dragon Emperor.

The black dragon emperor is an emperor among the beasts. The legends outside are true. The black dragon emperor lives in this place. His body is more than 10,000 meters long. The entire mountain is the residence of this guy. He controls a quarter. One of the various beasts, his words are very powerful in the entire Warcraft Mountain Range, and at this moment he is listening to the reports of his four major beasts.

"The great emperor, we have already received the news of the new emperor. He is not in our Warcraft Mountains at all. We suspect that the emperor has already gone to the land of mankind. As for where, this It’s not very clear yet.” A tenth-level beast said, he is the Black Dragon Emperor who is responsible for intelligence inquiries. The beasts, like humans, also have internal fighting. In the past, there were only three emperors in the Warcraft Mountains. One more appeared. The other three emperors are naturally dissatisfied. The original rights have to be divided by one-third, and they are not happy when they change who they are, and this new emperor is still a mutant beast. This is for them. It's the biggest threat. If you don't handle it well, you might end up dead and ugly. This Warcraft doesn't have so much favor to talk about.

"This kid is obedient, knowing that I'm going to deal with him. He actually ran to the human domain. This really shames our monsters. How can we do such a thing and send our people to the human domain. Let’s find out. His aptitude can definitely be much stronger than those super geniuses of human beings. I don’t believe that this guy’s feet are not exposed at all. As long as there is a little bit, you have to catch it for me, and then Bite me tightly." The Black Dragon Emperor hasn't opened his eyes for a long time. He wasn't very tired, it was just a feeling that when he didn't open his eyes, other monsters couldn't guess himself by looking at him, which was very good.

"The emperor, you are right. We are going to turn over the entire Monster Mountain Range, but there is no breath of that emperor, a great emperor. If we are in the Monster Mountain Range, we can do anything, but in humans As far as society is concerned, there is nothing we can do. We and human society are feuds. If we are in human society, those humans will unite us to kill us.” Another tenth-level monster said. They also know that the addition of an emperor will also affect their status. Many monsters now do not have level ten monsters, but one emperor can breed many level ten monsters, and their status will be It has to drop a lot.

Many monsters in the Warcraft Mountains think that those groups that have produced level ten monsters will be able to produce them in the future. In fact, they are all wrong. Ten level monsters are not born from heaven and earth, nor are they made by ethnic groups. Tenth-level monsters must have an emperor before they can appear. Only the aura of the emperor can give birth to tenth-level monsters. Of course, not all monsters can become tenth-level monsters. There must be a choice, otherwise If the tenth-level beasts are going to be overwhelmed, humans are in trouble.

"Huh, the hidden heads and tails have lost all the people of the emperor. Such a person really doesn't know what to say about him. Forget it. Since he has reached humans, we should not worry about it. Maybe among humans. Someone recognized him, and he was unlucky at that time. You only need to pay close attention to his subordinates. If a tenth-level beast appears, just kill it." said the Black Dragon Emperor.

Numerous tenth-level beasts nodded, and then left. To be honest, they are very happy to kill other tenth-level beasts. Any tenth-level beast is their opponent, the one below the new emperor. What's more, Li Cong naturally didn't know that the Warcraft Mountains had such activities against him. He had not regarded himself as the emperor of Warcraft.

What the **** is going on? How could the emperor of Warcraft live in human society? The Black Dragon Emperor is also a little confused. This mountain range of Warcraft is very big to outsiders, and even many humans say that humans live their lives. I can’t understand this, but for them and these monsters, there is nothing here. This is where they grew up. It is quite easy to do things in these places. The Black Dragon Emperor absolutely believes that his subordinates are already I have searched here, and there won’t be the aura of the emperor. Others don’t know. These tenth-level beasts are known. The aura of the five-clawed golden dragon is many times stronger than yourself. There is no reason why I don’t feel it. Arrived.

The strange place is not only here, but there is another strange place that is the reaction of humans. It is said that a human tenth-level warrior saw the birth of a five-clawed golden dragon on that day. He would definitely go back and take this The news spread, human masters should have entered the Warcraft Mountains in large numbers. I remember that when I was born, dozens of good guys and dozens of human level ten warriors besieged me. If it weren’t for my fate, I would definitely be caught by those It was killed by humans, but this time these humans have no intention of entering the Warcraft Mountains. Isn't this five-clawed golden dragon worthy of attention?

Most of the things in the Warcraft Mountains are known to the Black Dragon Emperor. Facts have proved that there really was a Beast Emperor, but from the day of birth to the present, the whole continent has been exceptionally peaceful. Is this Emperor an emperor? Counterfeit? Or is there something else? The Black Dragon Emperor couldn't understand with his wisdom for so many years.

On the day of the birth of the five-clawed golden dragon, the Black Dragon Emperor summoned all the high-level powers under his own hands. Now it seems that he is really a little underdog. The emperor himself did not appear, and he gathered such a group of masters in his Being around has already caused the various ethnic groups below to lose a lot. They should start to disperse.

Alas, since I don’t understand it, let’s just go about it. I can’t manage it...

In the depths of the Warcraft Mountain Range, it used to be the territory of some level 6 beasts, and now a group of powerful humans have come here. These people should have never been here before. They passed the most central place and ran here, as if they had come down from the sky. They set up a small gathering point here, but they did not dare to sway their own place in such a place, and they did not have the courage to get a lot of monsters, even if it was. They have tenth-level fighters that will die, too. This is the secret base of the Tuoba clan.

This secret base has an area of ​​less than 3,000 square meters on the ground, but it is a very large base underground. It took thousands of level 6 fighters to dig it out for a month. In the past, I never thought that all the young children of the Tuoba clan would have to rely on this place to survive. Now this is really useful. Many people from the Tuoba clan are not used to living in such a small place. They all hope to be able to go back to the old days. Although they are all elites, they have never been to such a place before, for them. Life these days is not as happy as death. Everyone lives in a very small house with no room for activities at all. Not to mention the delicacies of mountains and seas, even the food is quantitative. No more. It's hard to imagine that the Tuoba clan has reached such an extent now.

Many family children are very disapproving of this. They think that since they have reached the Warcraft Mountains now, the power of the imperial family must not be here. They don't need to continue lurking here. They should also go out for a while. The mercenaries should live their lives, they are going out hunting. Make a contribution to the recovery of the family, but Tuoba Yuanye, who is in charge of them, immediately rejected this request. Now their family is not short of money at all. Years of accumulation have given them a lot of money. On the contrary , These family children are now their most important thing. Killing one or two monsters is nothing, but if one or two of the family children die, it would be a big loss. After all, they will come over more than a thousand. Young people, the remaining three thousand people are all high-ranking or mainstays of the family.

Today is the day when Tuoba Yuanye took hundreds of people out to receive food. According to the agreement with Li Cong, Li Cong would bring two airships with 800 tons of food every three days. They eat for a long time, but they plan ahead. No one knows how long they will stay in this place. These thousands of people eat every day and it is definitely not a small number. They know that the food delivered by Li is expensive. , I also thought about buying food from the Southern Empire, but a few people went out to inquire about the price here and they were shocked, not as cheap as Li from over there, and the most important one is that you are from the Southern Empire. When buying food, you have to send your own people to transport it. It will take at least half a year to reach them, and it would be nice if you need ten tons to transport one ton. It is located in the sub-core area of ​​the Warcraft Mountains.

Originally, Li Cong gave them a preferential price for the food, but because they kept Li Cong completely angered Li Cong, the price was the market price. Li Cong knew that the food nearby was 120 taels per catty, so They were given 110 taels of silver a catty, so Li Cong’s airship could bring back nearly 200 million silver with every grain delivered. The Tuoba clan had never lived in the Warcraft Mountains before. This price was unacceptable at the beginning, but as they began to negotiate the price with the people in the Southern Empire, they also knew how expensive the food was.

"Hmph, these **** vampires are just some food. How can it be so expensive? We also sat in on their thing. It seems that we can't see what huge energy is wasted. These days It’s time to get here. Why can’t they give us a little cheaper? Now they seem to be sucking blood. Sooner or later they will **** up our blood.” said a young kid next to Tuoba Yuanye. Cao’s family firm is very disgusted. It’s not that they are ungrateful. In fact, in their hearts, Cao’s family firm has no kindness to them. In their opinion, they pay, and these people transport themselves here. The price is already It represents the income of Cao’s House of Business. There is no such thing as kindness or Shut up, do you know what you are talking about? If you are said to be heard by the people above, it would be really miserable for you to die. If we don’t have this food, what would we eat every day? Do you want to eat some Warcraft meat? How long can we eat these meats? You are not people without common sense. If we eat those meats every day, sooner or later we will die here because of malnutrition. People living in the Warcraft Mountains don’t like the expensive Warcraft meat the most. This is the food, this is the most important thing. Those who eat the meat of Warcraft every day are beasts. If you want to keep everything about your people, you must start with eating food. "Tuoba Yuanye loudly reprimanded these disapproving juniors. Tuoba Yuanye knew about the current relationship with the Cao family firm. If the Cao family firm really cut off their food supply, they would have to find another Out of the way, it was definitely not the problem of the silver that was lost at that time. It might cause family members to appear on the road of transportation. At that time, it was the family members who died. What is the most important thing now? It's not these white silver. , But family members, everyone is important.

It's a pity that he can see these things, but other people can't understand them, especially the younger generation of these families. They are not very clear about these things. They seem to think that Cao's firm should help themselves. . (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation...) Guiqiu to share

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