Energy Group

Chapter 1903:

Because I often greet the airships of Cao’s Commercial Bank, a large area has been cleared out in this place.

The trees here have all been cut down. Watching the huge airship slowly descend, these young people’s

In my heart, I seem to understand what Tuoba Yuanye said just now. They know that such a thing hasn't been on the mainland for hundreds of thousands of years.

There have been more things that have appeared on the mainland in the past hundreds of thousands of years, but to be honest, there is no one thing that can follow

The thing in front of them was comparable, and they also felt that they shouldn't offend the Cao family because of the silver matter. "Baidu Search Xiao# said that MM is the fastest to update the book without ads"

After the airship came down, it was the same as before. Takuhara Hara led someone to complete the transaction with the person who led the team. This is the rest.

When people get the bags of food down from above, the people at Cao’s house start to rest, and they can take off in a few hours.

Yes, of course, their staff on duty will stay there too. If they find any monsters coming over nearby, they will

They took off immediately, they were ordinary people on the land, and they simply didn't have the ability to compete with Warcraft.

The transaction was completed very quickly. The difference from last time is that this time Li Cong brought two news, one is Tuoba.

All the nearly 20,000 arrested people have been gathered together, and they will be beheaded on the second day of next month.

At that time, the Western Empire would let a lot of people watch it, killing so many people at once, none of these people have ever seen it, so

It can be considered a very good prosperous age. Another news is that Cao’s firm has already given all Tuoba’s properties to

After receiving it, we can give Tuoba the last 800 billion silver. These two news are normal for Li Cong.

Things, but for the Tuoba clan, it is not good news, it can make them depressed for a while.

For the family brothers in the Western Empire, although they also knew that those people must not be alive, they also knew that they were willing

Will definitely die. But when this day really comes, my heart will still be very uncomfortable, after all, these are all self

My brothers, hearing the news of their deaths, I can’t do anything. You must know that the Tuoba clan used to be the entire Western Emperor

The very powerful family in the country, and now even some of the family’s children can’t be kept, thinking of these people who are dying

There is a kind of sadness in our hearts. Perhaps things have not yet reached the saddest time, maybe they will be killed in a few days.

Another news made Tuoba's heart even more uncomfortable. I thought it would take a few years to fix these things

It’s done, but now Cao’s house firm has accepted it in such a short time, which makes Tuoba Yuanye feel wrong.

I'm often disturbed. At the beginning, Takuba Haraha thought that if this matter was dragged on, it would be good for them.

There is no harm, as long as this matter drags on, then these people will definitely be useful to Cao's firm, Li never did

It's also for this reason. If Li Congdu accepts it, it will definitely be bad news for them.

"Mr. Tuoba. Our young master said that because we are about to start a new transportation plan, we are all

To increase the price, you also know that our airships are all transported in two cities, and they can only be transported unilaterally to you.

Yes, this cost is relatively large for us. Every time we come to you, it takes half a month for a round trip

Well, if we are in some settlements near the Warcraft Mountains, we may only need to go back and forth one day.

The money earned in this way is much more than it is now, so we decided to increase the price to 200 taels per catty of grain. If you think

So next time we will deliver it within the specified time. If you don’t think so, next time we will

But here it comes. "The captain said with a smile, even if he is facing a ninth-level fighter, he is not very afraid, this ninth-level fighter

In fact, it's nothing. If there is no strong force behind him, life will not be so easy.

"This..." His words surprised Tuoba Yuanye a bit. He didn't think Li Cong was a short-sighted person. He is willing

I will definitely make a long-term investment in Tuoba’s body, not such an exhaustion, but the facts now

It was Li Congzhen who did that. Li Congzhen did want to make a long-term investment in the past, but now it seems not

So simple, Li Cong knows that Tuoba Yuanye is a good person, but the rest of the Tuoba family are not good people.

West, they won’t put their hearts on them. If that’s the case, then just do business directly.

, This price increase is also a normal thing. If you are willing, continue to do business with us. If you don’t want to, what will you do in the future?

That’s it. It’s also very simple. Another reason Li Cong did this is that Li Cong felt that they were Tuoba

It's impossible to get up again, and it's impossible for the Tuoba clan to pass that way.

"Huh, don't deceive others too much from Cao's firm. Grain is food. The price you want now is more expensive than gold.

Twelve taels of gold is only 100 taels of silver. You actually need 200 taels of silver for a catty of grain. You feel that there is something in the world.

Is that an outrageous price? "A junior of the Tuoba clan said loudly. He has never been very satisfied with Cao's firm.

In his opinion, so many excellent family assets had been sold to Cao’s family firm, and they dared to ask us for something like this

It’s really deceiving people too much. In many cases, they can’t do things like this. In their opinion, it’s Cao’s business that doesn’t preach.

Righteousness, but if they know this is their non-moral first, then they don’t know what attitude they will have.

"Haha, this young master, it is indeed true that the price of food is the price of selling gold. Maybe you were born before.

Living in a big family, it’s normal to not know that firewood, rice, oil and salt are expensive if you’re not in charge. It’s okay for me to tell you.

Actually, this grain is really worthless in the city. Our grain is sold for twelve cents per catty, but

Yes this is not a city. This is the Warcraft Mountains. Even at the edge, you can get 20 taels of silver per catty. Why?

So expensive? It’s because there is no grain produced here, and everything needs to be transported in by people, such as

If it is transported here on land, I estimate that 800 tons of grain will also be at this price, but you transport it yourself

It would be impossible for all these grains to be shipped here. You will die a lot because of this person, count you

Still not worth it. Of course, I don’t know if you are in charge. If you are in charge, can I understand it as

Don't you want the food now? Will we no longer need to send food in the future? "The captain smiled

Said, this attitude is really good, isn't it called us smile service, we have to implement it.

"In fact, if we wander around the gathering point twice, we will make more money than here. Do we think we are willing to

Do you live in the sky above the Warcraft Mountains? It’s also dangerous for us to live here, although the altitude we fly is flying

Can't reach the height of the line of warcraft. But maybe a mutated monster will come out someday, so we can lose a lot. "another

An outsider said sarcastically, what he said is absolutely truthful, although the food delivery has always been the owner of the Cao family business.

It needs business, but in terms of income, it can be said to be very different from transporting people.

A few young people from the Tuoba clan are about to do it now. They are all fighters of rank five and six, and they are also very powerful among their peers.

People. But their opponents are ordinary people. In the past, let alone ordinary people, even if they were more advanced than them.

People don’t dare to be so cynic and sarcasm in front of them, they feel a strong breath coming before them.

Now, they looked at the sky in surprise. It turned out to be dozens of Level 7 flying monsters, one by one at a very fast speed.

Swooping down, their abilities like these are definitely not the abilities of the monsters in the sky, although anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

Come, these monsters are a little bit more bluffing, but no one denies whether they will really attack.

Soon, a stronger breath rushed up again. Those monsters fled in all directions, as for the driving of those airships

The members, they are all ordinary people, now they are already oppressed and even have difficulty breathing.

Because of the coercion on them, otherwise they may have all their internal organs and six lungs destroyed.

"Don't be fooling around. I can take charge of this matter. Go back and tell Master Cao that his conditions are fair. We Tuoba

Just accept it, I hope not to affect our relationship because of such a small matter, you bastards, get me back

Go, if you're crazy, don't expect to come out in the future. "The breath of Tuoba came and went faster, a few seconds

Zhong’s work here has become the same again. Several people from Cao’s house also know that heroes don’t suffer immediate losses, and

They also gave their own face, and one by one nodded and thanked them quickly. As for the young masters of the Tuoba clan, although they

Although not very satisfied, but also because of the strength of Takuba Haraha, they have not spoken honestly. They forgot the old friend in front of them.

People used to be the most popular one of the Tuoba clan, the mop general who used to be a headache for people to mention.

The people from Cao’s business firm hurry up after delivering the food. They don’t want to stay here anymore.

This feeling made several of them feel like they are going to collapse, it is really uncomfortable, it is better to leave quickly.

When the two airships were far away, Tuoba slapped the faces of several people behind him with a fast speed.

Go, this slap is very powerful. Several people are already at the level of sixth-level fighters, but this is still

Let them all vomit blood, no way, they are a little too much one by one, if you don’t teach them a lesson,

They still don’t know what they are supposed to do. It’s not what they used to be, and there is no chance to make up for them.

In the old days, the Tuoba family was very successful, even if they did something wrong, this can still be remedied. Now

It. If they do something wrong, they can only eat the bitter fruit one by one.

"Don’t look at me with such aggrieved eyes. I tell you, it’s not what it used to be, and neither does Cao’s family firm.

It's before, and I know what you think. In the past, Cao's Commercial Bank was a local trading organization. Follow us

Tuoba's distance is not even a star and a half, but now I tell you. He is a beggar and I am now

Our Tuoba’s only way to communicate with the outside, you all open your eyes to see where we are, this is Warcraft Mountain

In the sub-core area of ​​the vein, the worst beasts around here are also the eighth-level beasts. Back then, our Tuoba martyrs used a lot

It took great effort to find such a place so that we can be our refuge, if you anger them,

They only need to tell people outside where we are hiding, and you should know our fate. I have been

Our Tuoba clan has many friends, but we have ten times more enemies than ours. Naturally, when we were strong back then

People dare to stand up and say something to us, but do we still have that ability now? We don't have it, we don't have that

With this ability, as long as our enemy finds us, we are dead. "Toba Yuanye said loudly. With

In his preaching, these people also understood what a stupid thing they did just now, but they were very regretful one by one.

Hate, they also knew that because of their recklessness, they almost ruined everything in the family.

"Sorry, Master Manager, we were wrong. We will surely recognize our situation in the shortest time possible.

Yes, it's just that the Cao family firm will raise prices again in the future. Is there no way we can restrain him? "Tobahong

Karma has always been the elite of the family, and he is also the first to understand and the one who can see the crisis best.

"I really can't answer your question. Now they all treat us as fat. I

All I know is that Cao's firm is only after some money. If other enemies know our existence, I think he

What we are after may be everything we have, and we will be more passive at that time. Anyway, the price is still

Within the scope of our acceptance, if we can’t accept it, I think we will find a way. These are not what you should consider

Concerned, what you have to do now is to cultivate your body and cultivate your temperament. Only when your own strength improves, can you treat the whole family

Clan’s help, if there is a tenth-level fighter among you, we can even show up

In human society, even if we are a rebellion, this is forgivable for us. "Toba

Hara Ye said, in fact, he knew that these people would never have that qualification, but dreams could still be there.

Although Takuba Haraha was very happy when he was teaching the younger generation, he was also uncomfortable in his heart.

, Indeed, even if the Tuoba family is killed now, they don’t care about such a bit of money. They still have

A lot of money, let’s say nothing else, the ones that Li Cong gave are not a few, they care about Li Cong’s attitude,

Since the last time I transported people to the present, Li Cong has been out of moths one after another. This time it is more powerful than the first time.

At the time, it was just cold words. Now this has all entered into actual action. This is not a good thing.

Tuoba Yuanye took a helpless look at the airship that was almost invisible. In fact, the Tuoba family followed Li Cong very early.

He came up with the idea of ​​buying this thing, but unfortunately, Li didn’t say his own words at all from there.

Then I said that this thing cannot be bought or sold. If you can get this thing, you can get rid of the current situation.

It’s an embarrassing situation. They can connect with human society all the time, so as not to make themselves out of touch.

, I obviously don’t have the ability to make this thing. In fact, if there is a powerful wind magic in the Tuoba clan

The teacher's words are okay, but it's a pity that they don't have this.

At this time, Tuoba Yuanye is a little bit trying to curse Li Cong. It is best for you to pay nothing, but he

Obviously, his wish was not fulfilled. A month later, he received another news that Li Cong was already married.

The direct daughter of the Yang family in Yandong Province of the Northern Empire. In this way, almost all of Li Cong’s four women were exposed. This lady naturally

It was the princess of the Northern Empire. The second wife is the daughter of the Cui family in Jiangning City, and the third wife is Yang from Yandong Province of the Northern Empire.

The daughters of the family, although the Yang family is inferior to the Tuoba clan, they are considered a hegemony in the Northern Empire.

The family’s daughter Lu Manjia, although she has not officially closed the door yet, everyone regards this woman as Li Cong’s fourth husband.

People. Everyone didn't just call it that in private, even Li Cong's people had changed to that name.

Li Cong at this moment is indeed the time to be proud of his life. It’s definitely not comparable to Tuoba’s memorizing, and now Li Cong

Not only did I marry my third wife, but I also started all my business in Yandong Province, with Yandong Province as the center.

Xin, Li Cong’s industry began to take off for the second time in the Northern Empire, in the first core position centered on Xinjiangning City

Li Cong has developed business in about 18 provinces. This time Li Cong, the second core position centered on Yandong Province, wants to develop about

The business of the 17 provinces is now 30% completed, which also allows Li Cong’s power to move towards the empire.

Eastern development. At this moment, Li Cong is in the neighboring province of Yandong Province in the eastern part of the empire. The reason why Li Cong did not place his headquarters in the eastern region

The reason for Yandong Province is that I don’t want to be under the control of Yandong Province too deeply. I can get help from them, but absolutely not.

It was their son-in-law who was restrained by them, and he was also independent.

Things on the Western Empire were basically left to Bai Er and Dai Lin, and Jiang Ningcheng let Boss Cui and Wu Liugang watch them by themselves.

I have to personally build the second core of Cao’s Commercial Bank in this east. The difference between entering here and the original Jiangning city is

The imperial family is obstructed here, and this is not the edge of the empire anymore. This is still a major industrial and mining town.

Li's main business is the mining industry, which also gave Li Cong the idea of ​​wanting to get involved in the mining industry.

The mining industry in this world is not as developed as on the earth. If it weren’t for the emergence of Li Cong’s energy group on earth,

It is estimated that the entire earth may be hollowed out by humans, and most of the places have formed collapsed areas.

The mines are much richer than on the earth. There are only a few minerals on the earth, but there are many kinds of them here.

Of course. The mineral development on this planet is still in the most primitive state, so the output is not very large, so,

Most of the minerals are extremely precious, and Li has been investigating next to a Migang mine from now on.

This rice just put it plainly is something similar to iron ore on the earth, here is another name, so that everyone can

Understand one point, I will just talk about iron ore in the future. The iron ore here is divided into ten grades, from the tenth to the seventh.

Are used by ordinary people. Such ores are basically not very precious. Although some people mine them, they are

People will never come to mine this stuff. It doesn’t form an industry scale, but most people and small businesses are

It was for this. The last day of mining, except for some handed in, I earned many times more than farming.

The sixth and fifth class iron ore is a bit important. These things can be used to make weapons for ordinary soldiers in the army.

The price is generally about 50 to 100 yuan per catty of iron. Such mines are very important for ordinary traders.

People are also very attractive, but for some big families, such mines are regarded as dispensable

Things don’t make much profit. It can only be said that the income is guaranteed by droughts and floods. They are concerned about higher levels.

The iron ore of the fourth class and above is very incredible. These minerals can be used to make weapons for warriors or archers.

Yes, how many levels can be made, and at this time another profession appeared, this is the blacksmith

, Blacksmiths make a large number of weapons in this world, and they are another special feature in this world like Alchemists.

The power class, the only difference is that their number is very large, so to speak, people like forgers

Anyone can become a forger, as long as they put in their own efforts. None of them

Alchemists are so demanding, and many ordinary people have a lifetime dream to become a forger.

Forging masters are also divided into three, six or nine grades. The highest forging master is the tenth-level forging master. Such a forging master produces every weapon

It can be called a magic weapon. A tenth-level fighter can kill a large number of ninth-level fighters, but there is a magical soldier.

The ninth-level fighter is different, although he can't kill the tenth-level fighter. But you can parry and give yourself more time

. This is a disguised form to allow yourself to run out of the tenth-level fighters, which is already very impressive.

Li Cong is just a newcomer to the mining industry. What he can do is to buy a mine as soon as possible to familiarize himself with the industry.

As for prospecting? Haha, think about the jade mines on the earth that year, they were all found by my own eyes, think

It’s too easy for Li Cong to find places with minerals. We didn’t know that there was such a good one before.

The industry was stupid, and if he didn't intervene in it, I would be too sorry for myself.

"Cao Ye. Although this iron ore has been a little longer, our people are very clear about exploration. According to the current mining time, this iron ore can be mined for at least 30 years. In time, Master Cao can definitely earn more than twice the amount of iron ore purchases." said a guy with a sharp-mouthed monkey gill. This guy is less than 1.5 meters tall, but this guy is already a rich man around him. This guy is not engaged in minerals most of the time. He is constantly developing new minerals, and then sells the ore after he opens up the iron ore. To put it bluntly, it is inverted, which can make his own profits in a short time. Internal maximization, although this approach can maximize their own interests. But it’s not always successful. Sometimes, rushing to open a new iron mine will make you lose a lot.

"Hehe, it seems that this is not as good as you said. As far as I know, there will be almost one security incident every month, and at least a few people will die each time. The government can not hold it for the money sent. But this miner is also very superstitious. Although you don’t need to lose any money, if there are problems for a long time, no one is willing to continue working here. If this is the case, I bought your mine but there is nothing. Workers working here for me are also a dead end. I think you must have thought of such a thing. It is probably because of this reason that you have to sell this place. Well, I also saw your mine. It is indeed It's very good, and it can be mined for a short period of time, but it is definitely not worth 500,000 taels of silver. I think 350,000 taels of silver. If you want to, I will do this for you. If it doesn’t work, I think I'm still looking elsewhere." Li can see everything here from a glance? This is impossible. Li Cong also relied on his own intelligence organization to know these news. These news are indeed true. This guy with a shameful look is also depressed and unclear. This guy’s investment in the past year is basically It can be said that they have made a lot of money from the above. Only this iron mine has made this guy lose money. Although most of the mines are bought slaves, life and death have nothing to do with him, and the government also They won’t take care of these things, but among the dead, there are free people. The government will definitely take care of them. Of course, the government will definitely not be asking for orders for the people. They are People who want to take this opportunity to come here to make money, no, several times and three times, all these thousands of taels have gone in, plus some of the matching money, there are 10,000 taels, which is not a small amount. He would be miserable if it continued like this.

"Hehe, Master Cao, you are really the first person I have met who understands this. I met you today who knows how to do this. I won't say much, just at your price, but there is one thing I have to tell you I understand. Among the 200,000 miners in this mine, 60,000 of them are slaves I bought before. They are worth about forty taels of silver. You have to buy them together. I don't take advantage of this money." This guy rolled his eyes and said, Li Cong smiled and said nothing, and nodded, he couldn't drive them to death. This business is not that dry. If you want to get the light, you don’t want to lose a little. No way.

The miners in this mine are indeed older people. To be honest, these people don't have much labor to squeeze. Each of these people has reached the later stage of their lives. At this later stage, they don’t care about anything. If the boss is really powerful, they might really rise up, even though there are so many things in this mine. Supervisors of more than 3,000 people, but they may not really be of any effect in the face of the riots of hundreds of thousands of workers.

"Husband, what did you use for buying such a small iron ore. The mines here have no special features. They are all useless things. If you can't make a lot of money, you can continue to operate your business if you make money. "Yang Qiu came out with Li Cong this time. After all, this is also Yang Qiu's territory.

"Hehe, I want to enter this industry. It's not enough to just marry a daughter of a mineral king. You must actually enter it to see it. In fact, I bought this mine mainly to see how it works. , How to train the miners, how the minerals are refined. To be honest, I am still not familiar with this at all. I need such an occasion to let me gradually become familiar with these things." Li Cong looked at Yang Qiu and said, Yang Qiu is still as beautiful as before, but it seems that he has gained a more mature charm these days. Only these two people know what is going on.

"I can't help you with this. Although my family does this, I have never been very involved with things in my family. But it seems that I heard that the profits are still good." Yang Qiu said, she said It’s true. I don’t know. Li Cong also investigated. The mining industry is pretty good. Even ordinary grade 10 to grade 7 garbage iron ore can make nearly 50% of the profit. of. Anyway, this thing is the more powerful the higher the king, and the one that Li Cong bought is obviously a **** mine, otherwise it would not be sold for that little money. It is the same kind of mine, if it can be mined more than 4th class. Mine, the price may be a hundred times or even a thousand times, if it can produce such a small number of first-class minerals. Immediately it was doubled tens of thousands of times. Of course, no one can tell such a thing, and it might happen.

"Hehe, it's great if you can help me to see it, and there are others that have helped me a lot. You have also seen it, but there are a lot of men here. Without a woman, I will feel it when I see it. Full of energy, it will be very comfortable to do things." Li Cong said with a smile. His words made Yang Qiu directly come up and touch Li Cong’s tender meat. Li Cong called out in a low voice, hurting me. Now, why do women like to pinch the meat on the waist, it hurts.

The formalities were completed very quickly. Although Li Cong did not reveal his identity as Sir Alex, there is Miss Yang family here. On the surface, the Yang family’s forces are all in Yandong Province, but this Which of the governor-generals of the surrounding provinces dare not give Miss Yang face? They still want to mess around. The economies of the surrounding provinces are not very good. It can be said that they are all affiliated to the Yang family. The court stipulated that the Yang family’s sphere of influence was in Yandong Province, but it didn’t say that people from the Yang family were not allowed to go out to do business. This is a designated official position, and they have been here for generations. The officials in the surrounding provinces take turns Yes, it didn’t take long. Over time, the Yang family has become a hegemon here. Of course, the head of the Yang family is not as stupid as the Tuoba family, although the Yang family also hopes that they can develop for so many years. But they all know how far they should develop. To develop to the same level as Tuoba's is that they are looking for death, and others can't control you.

The Yang family’s eldest lady has started mining? The news began to spread everywhere as if it had spread its legs. There are more than tens of thousands of various minerals, large and small, in this province. Almost every place has minerals. The people here are not very rich. Mine, they have been enough in these years. They all hope that they can sell all the minerals here, so that they can get back as much as they can. Their life is really difficult, let alone It is the affairs of this government that can make them tired of dealing with them. It can be said that each day is very difficult.

"The people outside said that I want to buy the minerals of the entire province. Why did you stop doing anything after buying this mine?" Yang Qiu asked Li Cong a month later. The two have been living here for a month. In a month, Li Cong almost understood how they refined it. This is exactly the old method used by China 100 years ago. The efficiency is too low. If you use the machinery on the earth, you can get a lot of profits. However, Li Cong did not want to adapt this place with the civilization on the earth. If that is the case, something that he could not even think of might happen. That is not what he wants. Li Cong really wants to start integrating the mining industry of the entire province. It took him a month to integrate tens of thousands of useful news. Basically, the mining industry here is too competitive. This iron ore is not at this price elsewhere, even if it is the most expensive. Tenth-class mines that are useless also cost 250 to 300 yuan per catty. Of course, there will be some shipping reasons, which are several times higher than the purchase price here. The purchase price here is so The reason for the low is due to the vicious competition among some of the miners here. If Li Cong acquires the entire province’s minerals, then it’s not the time for those scalpers to make money. There is no reason to put in huge efforts. In the end, they got the least, but those who didn't have a lot of money got a lot of money, which didn't work.

"It is not a simple thing to have actions. The most important thing is that our actions are practical and feasible. Otherwise, we blindly mount the horse, which is very bad for others or ourselves, so we still fight steadily. It’s better. Now I have basically figured it out. Most of the iron ore in this province is worthless iron ore. The best is around the fifth grade, and the price is not up to the price. But if it can be integrated, it can also be profitable. My people will be able to come over these few days. With so many iron ore in the province, I plan to purchase 540 effective iron ore. As for the remaining Basically, there are some faults in the following. What is your opinion on those that cannot be bought?" Li Cong said with a smile. Yang Qiu did not expect Li never to do it. If he did it, he would That's so powerful, you have to buy 540 iron ore directly. Even the least valuable is worth more than one hundred thousand taels of silver. These hundreds of iron ore require hundreds of millions of silver. Li Cong's handwriting is no small. , This will create an additional mining empire.

"I just talked about it casually, UU reading, don’t just enter it because of what I said. It’s not good for you. You have to find someone who can buy these things. It’s okay if you come, otherwise your iron ore will be of no use. If piled there in the sun and rain may turn into waste, then you will die.” Yang Qiu said, he said It’s also true. The mine owners here are all good and some bad because of their downstream problems. The iron ore here is different from the earth. The earth is a paradise for producers. Here But it is a paradise for acquirers, mainly because there are too many iron ore in the entire empire. Just because there are too many iron ore and there is no scale, their prices have been kept down by the acquirers. In the end there is no profit.

"Hehe, you just said it casually, but I am not. In fact, my idea is like this. I have to be different from those mine owners. Their minerals are mined and sold directly. Some merchants will extract iron. They sell the money for that money. After they are transported to some production areas, they will be processed into various things. The added value is even more and it is really in the hands of the people. When I went up, it was at least 500 liters to one tael of silver a catty, which was 20 times higher than the price they sold. What I need is this, not the original profit." Li Cong smiled Said, Yang Qiu had never come into contact with these before. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation...)

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