Energy Group

Chapter 1910:

Ouyang Qiu said nothing but said nothing. The best way to talk to someone like Li Cong is to say something by himself

Just start with the beginning, and the rest is Li Cong's own business, and he doesn't need to say anything more.

Li has been thinking about these people in this family from now on. First of all, most of these people in the family are from Jiangning City.

Among those who came here, four of them were all people who took genetic medicine. These few people will certainly not be traitors.

From the beginning till now, there is no way to crack it, and it’s impossible here, and these few people don’t even know they eat it.

With such things, they won't just go to find someone to detoxify, so they will be among the remaining people.

There are a total of 265 subordinates in this mansion. Now except for those four, everyone else is basically suspected, Li Cong

Call a few stewards and tell them to gather everyone in the whole house into the backyard. As for the guests in the front hall, only

I'm sorry you guys, let's go out first. I have important things to do at home. Those who are here are some friends of Li Cong.

Friends, I know that there must be a reason why Li summoned these subordinates from this moment, and they all left without saying anything.

The backyard of the mansion is still very big, at least it can let more than 200 people spread out and it doesn’t appear too crowded.

, The people here are ordinary people, there are no capable people in it, if they can become warriors or magicians

It is estimated that they will not be able to serve others here. Li Cong looks at the dark crowd below, calming himself down.

They are always good to them. I really don’t want traitors among them at the moment, but Ouyang Qiu said that by himself

Remember, if there is no **** in this mansion, it is not so easy for outsiders to come in, it is so short after entering

I found Xichun at the right time. Only by combining the inside with the outside can we make things successful, otherwise it is absolutely impossible.

"A very bad thing happened in the mansion today. Madam was kidnapped. There must be a traitor among you. I

This is to open up the legend of the sky, now my most important thing is not how to punish this traitor, my most important thing now is to put the lady

If you find it back, I can use my own personality as a guarantee, as long as you can stand up and say something useful. I guarantee you

Life is safe, but if you don’t say it now. If I ask you later or find your body, don’t blame me

I'm sorry, your life will be very difficult at that time. You all come from Jiangning City.

Your family members have served in the Cao’s house for many years. I don’t know how to deal with you. I used to

It is very good to you. Now that you have done something like this, I will also give you a chance. As long as you can stand

Come out and tell me something I want to know, I can’t say that I’m not responsible for the past, but I can definitely get you out of here alive,

Now I give you three minutes. If you still don’t say anything within three minutes, then I will start one by one.

There will always be some clues in the investigation. "Li Cong glared at these people and said. These people were still

He is his own enemy, but now one or a few of these people are his own enemies.

In a corner in the distance, a man stood forward, as if to say something, but he didn’t say anything, he

It was the one who betrayed Li Cong. But he won’t tell him about himself. He doesn’t believe Li Cong.

They are really good people, but if you want to continue to do that, you can only be one in your life.

People, my son and grandson will be like this sooner or later, there is no future at all. This is absolutely not

So, I have to work hard once, I will definitely be able to become a master, this time is an opportunity.

"Well, three minutes have passed, you still don’t say anything, don’t blame me, I’ll tell you,

The opportunity was given to you just now. You can leave the rest of the time. Remember, as long as you say, you and your family

It will be over. "Li Cong said with a sneer. If someone stood up just now, Li Cong would definitely spare his life.

"Master, all 35 people on this list are not in this house these days. They have all been doing things outside.

They entered the mansion for the first time in a few days, and they should be fine. "Such things can only be eliminated

Yes, in a short while, the chief steward in this mansion listed more than 30 people. These people should be fine.

My family took genetic medicine, so it is impossible for him to lie to Li Cong.

"Well, tell them to go out and do what they should do." These people are the first group of people who can be ruled out.

The name that arrived, more than 30 people went out like that, and the remaining people looked at those people enviously.

In fact, he was wished, but now the young master can't listen to anything. He can only pray that he can be free.

In addition to these thirty-odd people, there are more than two hundred people standing here. Li Cong has seen them one by one, although he can't call them out.

Comes from the name, but Li Cong also has his own impression of them. In any case, these people have served him.

Many people have feelings. Since I became a family, the salary of the people in the family has not only doubled.

It can be said that their days in the city are very good, I really don't know what they are thinking.

"When things happened that afternoon, as long as there are two or more people together, and there is no wife’s

Anyone who goes to the yard can stand up and tell me slowly what you are doing in the afternoon. "A few butlers are already

I started to separate people, and started investigating one by one. As long as I can prove that I have nothing to do with my wife in the afternoon, this

Basically, it can also be investigated. There should not be many insiders. There are only two people at most, but there are two people who come out.

More than one person proves that they are all together. In fact, few people in the mansion have their own private space.

All of them may be exposed to the public. These regulations are all made by the master. Just hope this

In such a situation, people can be found quickly, just like now.

An hour later, with the reports of the four housekeepers, nearly two hundred people had washed themselves clean. They were old in the afternoon.

Most of them are five or six people working together. It is impossible to say that these five or six people are spies, and look at one

Whether people lie or not is also very easy. Soon it was suspected that the remaining dozen people

Several people, no one can prove what they did. There is no way to prove their innocence one by one.

"Other irrelevant people are going out, this young master personally interrogates them." Li Conghu said with a face, and several housekeepers glanced at them.

The rest of the people, they also want to say something to those people, they are all from the same family, some of them are in-laws.

, But thinking that the whereabouts of the wife is still missing, don't say this, the young master of the province suspected himself.

Everyone slowly withdrew and went to this small courtyard. The person just now is among the dozen people, his face is similar to the others

More than a dozen people showed the same expressions, all of them were very confused. In fact, he was also affected by this matter.

Those who have undergone some training, otherwise, their mentality would have long been unable to withstand such pressure. He will speak out directly, Li

Has always been a magician. The mental power is more powerful than ordinary people, but now it’s just being stared by Li Cong.

Looking at it, this heartbeat is much faster than usual. Of course, these dozens of people are ordinary people, and their heartbeats are all increasing.

fast. You can’t give them just because of the heartbeat, and now Li Cong wants clues, not

All these people were killed. If killing can solve the problem, the scope has been reduced to this level. Li Congke

Will do it without hesitation, some big families want to keep their secrets. They might take the whole family

People are killed, and even members of the family can be sacrificed when necessary, everything is for the family.

"You, tell me what you were doing this afternoon." Li Cong pointed to the first person on the left and said, this guy was so scared to pee his pants.

"Master, the youngest is a gardener, who always weeds in the backyard in the afternoon. I have never been to the wife’s yard.

Son, it’s just that no one has proved it to me. "This guy said tremblingly.

They can't be regarded as human, sometimes their value can't keep up with things like cattle and sheep.

"Go and see, how much grass has been removed in the backyard? Is this guy the only one doing the grass in the backyard?" Li Cong said

As soon as I finished talking, a steward walked toward the backyard. If this is the case, it will not stand up to scrutiny if I lie.

"Master, I just went to see it. A large chunk of the grass in the backyard was removed. This guy shouldn't lie.

There are several gardeners, but everyone is not in the same place when they work, so other people should not pass

To help. "Five minutes later, the butler ran back out of breath and said.

"Well, it’s nothing for you. Did you hear or see anything in the backyard? The backyard is the highest place in the whole house.

Up. "Li Cong nodded and said, he didn't want to let go of any clues.

"Master, the little one has bad ears, so he didn't hear anything, but the little one saw Master fly out from behind.

"The guy whispered, Li Cong glanced at the butler, and the butler nodded. This kid has not been good at ears since he was young.

Yes, that's why I have been doing this kind of work, and for this reason, everyone doesn't like this kid very much.

Since this guy went out, there is no doubt about three people in a row, although these guys are all alone

, But what they said can have a basis. When the fourth person came, this guy said he was in the house.

Sleeping, it’s not working time at this time, and it’s excusable to sleep in the house, but this is what Li Cong suspects

This guy actually said that he was sleeping all the time, until someone told him to come here, there was such a big thing in the yard.

This guy was still asleep, and almost all the people came out when Li Cong started his hands. This guy hasn't come out yet. This

Something must have happened. Li Cong glanced at this guy suspiciously and found that there was a dodge in his eyes.

"Go to the place where this guy lives and see what's wrong." Li Cong's tone was the same as before, but

After he finished speaking, he found that this guy named Chang Shan had a faster heartbeat than before, and nervousness would cause his heartbeat to speed up.

Yes, but such efficient acceleration is not what he should have.

five minutes later. The steward came back with a small box, "Master. There are two hundred taels of silver in this box. In this

In the guy’s bedroom, he is the only one living with another person in his room, and that guy was recently sent to Jiangning City

Send the letter, this thing can only be his. "At this time in charge, I can see that the difference is coming.

"Hehe, can you explain to me how your silver came from? If I remember correctly, you are the mansion

A very ordinary servant in here, the salary of a month is at most one or two pennies, it is impossible to have that much accumulation

Accumulated. If you can tell how your money came from, I won’t pursue this matter, but if you can’t tell

If you come, I think I will show you some color. "Li Cong pointed to the silver in the box and said, basically certain

This guy has something to do with this, even if it doesn't matter, this guy must have something else.

"This...the money..the money.." The guy said nothing for a long time.

"Huh. Boy, at this time, if you don't tell the truth, no one can save you." Li Cong said.

"I... I said, the money was given to me by others, and I was the gangster. But I didn’t know they were going to steal the husband.

Human, they said that they were fancying something from the young master and they wanted to steal it. They said they would give me five hundred taels of silver, and they said it would be done.

I'll be transported away later, Master, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the Cao family, I really didn't know they would do this

As for the matter, if they really do something like this, I won’t cooperate with them if they are killed, Master, you forgive me

, Please forgive me, I don’t want my son and grandson to be subordinates, I don’t want to

I think they can have the status of a free person..." Seeing Li Cong’s face getting colder, this guy didn’t scare him.

Knowing what to say, Li Cong naturally can’t understand what this guy is thinking. At this moment, Li Cong doesn’t want to

What about this guy, what he wants is some clues that this guy can give him.

When other people saw something that didn’t happen to them, they stared at the traitor one by one, wishing that the young master would say to kill this guy.

When I was in, I went straight up to kill this guy. To be honest, they were all subordinates one by one, but they felt their own

Destiny is very good, not the same as this guy.

"I thought that if I treat you well, you can treat me well, but I never thought I treated you well.

But you guys didn’t treat me well, and you caused something like this to me. Don’t beg me or anything, just

Then tell me everything you know. "Li Cong looked at this guy with a calm face, although Ouyang Qiu said this

Hou Li Cong already knew that this matter was affirmative, but now that this person appears, it means it is true.

After all, it was different from the actual appearance. To be honest, Li Cong felt very uncomfortable at this moment.

"Yes, yes, the younger ones don’t know a lot, just know that the person looking for me seems to be a gangster named Hood on the street

Strong, it’s very good in the land boundary of Nancheng. As long as you know this person, he and I have always been

Contact, I don’t know anyone else..." The guy said, Li Cong immediately understood what was going on

Now, the real person of the other party probably didn't even know this Hu Deqiang, they used such a layer of contact.

Li never had time to listen to this guy's nonsense and immediately set off with someone towards Nancheng. Of course, he had to give this kid one in the end.

Happily, told the people below to kill this guy. The whole family in his family working in the south was punished to do hard labor.

Moreover, you are not allowed to enter the city for a lifetime. This is why the minions below will look at them one by one. As long as it is betrayal, there will be no

Good ending. Everyone was scared in their hearts. This was the first time Li Cong had taken his own minions.

Hu Deqiang is not in Nancheng at the moment. If at this time before, he would definitely not be in any brothel after 11pm.

Si drank with his brothers, just went to the bed of which little widow, and enjoyed it, but now

This guy is in a broken house outside the city. He knows what a terrible thing he has done, the Cao family

. I actually offended the Cao family, **** it, I didn’t know that it was Cao’s family at first.

I haven’t seen it at the time, and the people who are on the street naturally have their own reasons. Otherwise, it’s the same as the headless flies.

He was killed by others a long time ago. The true meaning of his survival is to only bully the people and not to offend the government and wealthy businessmen. Otherwise,

If you don’t know one day, your head might fall off. These people are very powerful.

He originally thought that Li Cong’s house was at most a small family, but he knew that the city was full of trouble after the accident.

Dao this turned out to be the Cao family, and the bald man in front of him was the one who gave him the money. This person also said now that he would help him to leave.

Here, he knew that these people didn't want to help him, but he was afraid that if he stayed here, he would tell them.

That’s it. Someone will take themselves out of here tomorrow morning. This is the worst thing I have done in my life.

, Damn, if it wasn't for this two hundred taels of gold, I'm still alive now, as for running around. just now

Although I left my life, but who knows what will happen in the future, I have a wife and children here.

It seems that you can’t bring one of them now, and thousands of taels of silver are not a lot of money, and you can live well in the future.

It's a child, but it's nothing compared to today. I can only find a place where I don't know myself.

"Bald, what you did is really unjust, if you had said that it was Cao’s place and killed me.

Will do this. "Drinking wine while complaining about this guy on the opposite side, knowing this bald guy was in a fight

Well, this guy fought a shot for himself. At that time, I was very grateful to this guy. Now I think about it.

This guy designed it in advance, and without this, he wouldn't be familiar with this guy.

"Hehe, don't be angry with Brother Qiang. I don't know about this, either. I will do it if the above asks me to do something. Don't worry.

Brother Qiang, as mentioned above this time, I will give you 200 taels of gold as compensation. I have asked them to come tomorrow morning.

I'll send it to you. This time you can be considered as the first biggest deal in your life. Go to a place where you don’t know yourself.

If you spend a few acres of land and marry a good family to be your wife, you can say it to yourself. Don’t think about your home in the city, brother

If I can take care of anything, I’ll take good care of you. I’ve been around for half my life, and I live with my head on my head every day.

Let's live a good life. "The bald head had been apologizing to Hu Deqiang all night, and the apology at this time was so pale.

"Oh, actually what you said was that if there weren't this time, I think I might have been there for the rest of my life.

I don't know when I lost my head, thinking of the worst plan, the current situation is not the worst.

"Hu Deqiang thought of some of his seniors, and the final result was not as good as his own.

The bald head echoed Hu Deqiang’s words, and the two of them seemed to be friends on the surface. At the end, Hu Deqiang also

My own chat box was opened, and the wine was drunk more and more. After a while, two bottles of wine went down, Hu Deqiang

This man has two problems, one is good wine and the other is lust. Now women are gone, but this wine is good

There must be a lot of them. Hu Deqiang doesn't have any scruples at this time, and now he wants to get drunk.

But you want to get drunk and paralyze yourself, but others don’t think so. Outside of this small house, there are several ambushes.

Of a guy. Just waiting for Hu Deqiang to get drunk and start his hands. They are all gangsters on the street one by one.

I had some holidays with Hu Deqiang, and they did not kill people less often, but this time they all had a little bit of their heads.

Comfortable, as if Hu Deqiang shouldn't be killed, forget it. If you take people's money to eliminate disasters, everyone else gets fifty taels of silver.

This Hu Deqiang is already very good. He can double that of others. Don’t care how beautiful you were before, this knife

Going up is a matter of a knife, you will lose your breath, and a few people will calm down when they think about it.

Suddenly, someone seemed to have heard a little movement. The movement seemed to be a little bit stronger, but a few people felt

Feeling wrong. This murder is not a good thing. It’s normal to feel guilty.

I would feel this way too, saying that people from the underworld would come before the murder, and many killers also told

They have this feeling that indicates that this thing will be successful, but there are also people, this feeling may be against

my own. Because he would die if he failed, these people from the Yin Cao Netherworld might have come to welcome him.

Indeed, their feelings were wrong this time. They just wanted to look around, and at this time they felt like they were given

Stop them, it is Li Cong's people who stop them. Li Cong ran around the city several times before someone saw Hu

Deqiang came to the suburbs, and I don’t know where. The Wizards’ Union and Ouyang’s people took the entire suburbs

I had to open it before I found this place. I asked the people around them. They seemed to have seen this guy.

Bring someone here. He is a space magician and it is easy to feel that one of them is Hu Deqiang.

Hu Deqiang in the room was already dizzy. He doesn't know anything anymore. The bald head had been ambushing for several kills.

Now it seems that you don’t need a killer at all, you can kill this guy yourself, this guy is too

I don’t have any wine, I don’t even know what time it is now. I’m so drunk. I’m sorry for this guy if he doesn’t die.

After all, the bald head slowly threw his cup to the ground, making the sound of the cup cracking, let’s play a gentleman, throw

The cup is the number, but it’s a pity that the situation of several people coming in in my imagination did not appear. Damn, these gangsters are just one by one.

It's not very useful, shit, I gave the money in vain, and everyone didn't understand what it meant.

"I said you * come in quickly, didn't you see Lao Tzu's secret code." He looked at Hu Deqiang, he looked like a dead pig, this

The guy didn't take it seriously anymore, and he said it directly, so these people still didn't come in, what happened to this *?

Bald was also agitated, he immediately pulled out his own dagger from his cuff, he also had his own defenses, and he just prepared

Give Hu Deqiang a chill. Li Cong didn’t stop this guy. Hu Deqiang’s upper home is here. Hu

Deqiang is of no use anymore. He doesn't do anything about bullying men and women, so let this guy give the gangster a lot

A perfect ending is enough. When Hu Deqiang is about to die, this bald man is also afraid of Li Cong.

Gently pushed open the door of the room, and the moment he saw Li Cong, the guy knew his end was coming.

Although Bald is a **** on the surface, his true identity is not a bastard. He has his own background.

He knows Li Cong. He is different from Hu Deqiang and the rape. They are both lower class people, but they are the same.

A big family has cultivated assassins for decades, and the money the big family spends on itself can use gold to build a self.

, His family members are in the hands of that big family, he ended Hu Deqiang’s life when he came, but his top

Having said that, he himself must understand himself. This is also a reward for the cultivation above. If you don’t do that

, I'm sorry, they can only do it. In that case, even your family will be implicated.

Bald saw that Li Cong came in and knew that his steps were going ahead. He knew that Li Cong was a magician, but now their

The distance is not too close. Bald himself is also a third-level fighter himself. He has never thought about fighting against Li Cong.

It is estimated that such a thousand will be fine. It’s impossible for oneself to run out, so the backhand turns the dagger towards oneself

My heart is pierced, and I will see you in the next life. The little master is going to the underworld to report now. There is nothing to know about

, Unless you follow, his face has a happy look. Dealing with big people is actually very simple sometimes.

If it was someone else, this guy might be able to commit suicide, but it is absolutely impossible for her to commit suicide in front of a space magician like Li Cong. This guy hammered **** himself, but unfortunately now he has no knife at all. He beat himself up for a while and revealed such a big shame in front of his enemy.

"A lot of people know that you people are used to sacrifice in the end. I also tell you, don't tell me those things that kill me. I want you to say who you are. I see a lot of tough guys. I also know that ordinary fighting seems to be of no use to you. I am a magician, and I don’t know how to deal with you in ordinary ways. Now I will give you a chance to say it is good for you." Li Cong stared at this guy and said, from everything here, I couldn't see what this guy came from, as for the people outside. Not to mention that Li Cong used intelligence organization, even if he casually went to the street to find someone to ask, the origins of those people would come out. They were all people in this city.

"Whatever you say, since I can't die in your hands, it seems that I will be planted in your hands. Master Cao, you are also a person with your own secret army, and we people will not say at this time. What? Even if you cut me a thousand times, I believe you can't get any news from me." This guy still has his own beliefs.

"Hehe, of course I know your abilities, so I just said that I will not use those things to deal with you. I want to deal with you only from your family. Although I don't know you I have a huge network of news under my staff. It is a matter of time to find your family members, that is, how much money you spend. You know how much money I have, and I know you can say it. Your family has no way to survive, so how about we make a deal now, as long as you tell it, I guarantee that your family and you are safe, I am looking for the person behind the scenes, definitely not like you If you do things like this, I won't make it difficult for you to do things like this. How about?" Li Cong tried his best to make himself rational, otherwise he might kill the guy in front of him with a punch.

"Do you really do all of this?" It seems that Li Cong's words are still useful.

"Of course, although Cao Ke doesn't have much influence, I am still a man of great wealth." Li Cong said. He could see that the person in front of him was already a little shaken. It must be his own words that moved this guy.

"Uh..." This guy didn't say anything. Li heard a little voice from just now, **** bastard, this guy was just diverting his attention. Li Cong saw that this guy was already slowly This guy is still dead. Such a person’s desire for death is stronger than anyone else. This guy has touched a certain poison on his body. Now this guy is bleeding from seven holes. Li Cong's slap in the bar, the body of this guy has become several pieces, it was this guy who made his clues so broken, it was a waste of so long.

This guy can be considered hard-hearted, if someone else would definitely be interested in Li Cong’s news, Li turned around and walked out. Obviously, all these people outside were also killed, as long as it concerns his relatives. This will all end, starting from Zhou Xue that year, as long as there is such a thing, Li Cong will definitely kill all the people involved.

"Master, the analysis from the intelligence agency has also come over. This guy once appeared with the guy from Muzhan. Someone saw the two of them conspiring or something. We also analyzed the people who might do this in the entire city. We think the possibility of the Mu family is very high, and the analysis of the Ouyang family is similar to ours.” Things are gradually getting better, is this thing really done by the Mu family or other people What did you do? After listening to this person’s report, Li Cong thought of Mu Qing’s appearance. Suddenly Li Cong thought that the Mu family was inextricably linked with the members of the Wizards’ Union, and he let the intelligence agencies of the Wizards’ Union do it. Will this matter startle?

"Prepare the car and go to Mu's house." Li Cong said, even if he was surprised at this moment, he must be surprised. Li Cong looked back at the guy behind him. There were no marks on his body. Such a talent is really dead. Of no value yet.

It’s the same recipe from last time. This time, when Li Cong arrived, the sky was about to dawn. If it was a place like this in the past, it would definitely not be impolite to visit this time. But now Li Cong But there is no such thing as self-cultivation. When I came up, I slapped the door vigorously. The person inside came out for a long time. I saw that it was Li who had come. I quickly reported it. If Li came from himself, he might still What's the matter, but Li Cong came here with murderous aura.

"Sorry, Master Cao, our master had a chill yesterday, and he won't get up today. If Master Cao has anything, he can tell me directly, as long as I can do it for Master Cao immediately. "Li Cong waited for about five minutes. The Mu family's chief steward came out. His words made Li Cong suspicious. If there is no ghost in his heart, why not come to see himself, and do such extraordinary things by himself. The first thing they had to do was to denounce themselves, but now it is obvious that they did not do that. What does this mean? Do they know something? Everyone knows about losing someone in their own family. There is no reason they don’t know. Now they are so calm...

"Really? I feel the wind and cold? I'm going to take a look in person. I didn't expect Mr. Mu to get sick so soon. I remember that when I saw Mr. Mu a few days ago, there seemed to be nothing. I went and took a look. , It's okay." Li Cong said he was about to go out. Naturally, the few in charge couldn't let Li Cong walk around in the Mu family's yard.

"Master Cao, what are you doing? How can you do this? Some of our master’s family members are in the inner courtyard. There are rules. No matter what kind of guests, they are not allowed to go to the second door. I also ask Master Cao to forgive me." The two sixth-level fighters stood behind the chief steward and said. They knew that the steward was just an ordinary person, and relying on him to resist Cao Ke was a dream talker, but two sixth-level fighters came. Can Li Cong be stopped? That is also impossible.

"I just went to visit my old friend, what are you The meeting between the masters may not be clear to you. Mr. Mu once clearly told me that when I got here, it was just like my own home. Can’t I walk around in my own house? I think you are so nervous one by one. I have reason to believe that something is wrong with you. Is it because you are all in charge? Maybe the current situation of Lord Mu It’s not like what you said. Maybe you put him under house arrest. Maybe I will leave until I see Mr. Mi. Otherwise, I will never leave. Let me go now. "Li Cong finished speaking and let go. The breath of a ninth-level fighter, this tyrannical breath, appeared in the city again. Just now, many people were speculating whether it was Li Cong. Believe it.

In an instant, several people were shaken by Li Cong’s breath, but Li Cong's strength was still very measured. They just flew out, and their bodies did not suffer much damage. All of them vomited blood. I can't get up yet, I can only watch Li Cong enter the inner courtyard like that.

The defense of the inner court is much stronger than that of the outside. In fact, the guards of the inner court noticed when Li Cong first came in. Now seeing Li Cong come in, the two eighth-level fighters rushed down instantly, no nonsense. Just hit it directly. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation...)

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