Energy Group

Chapter 1911:

The Mu family’s special operations team is led by a ninth-level fighter of the Mu family called the Mu Jun. Although the entire Mu family has many members, there is only this ninth-level fighter. The family won’t let him come out. Only one member of the Mu family is a ninth-level fighter, but there are more than 20 ninth-level fighters who help the Mu family. It’s just that the other ninth-level fighters are used to do things. Yes, there is no decision-making power at all, that is, only this person has the decision-making power. This guy can't believe his loss when he looks at his loss. How long has it been since then, this has lost more than a quarter. , The two attacks made his team lose like this, it is impossible for them to reach the eastern part of the empire.

It’s not half of the journey, so I lost a quarter. The most important thing is that I was injured just now. Damn, there is such a powerful magician. The magician just made myself feel very Fearful, the guy just released dozens of fireball skills and attacked him fiercely. For this reason, he was controlled by those things, so he couldn’t worry about his subordinates. That’s why he suffered such a huge loss from the attack of the monster. According to my guess, that guy is at most a level 7 magic stone. This is the first time such a level 7 magician himself has encountered such a powerful ability. How come you haven't heard of it.

In the past, Mu Jun thought that there were too many masters in this world, but when he reached the eighth-level fighters, he found that most of the eighth-level fighters were not his opponents, so this guy didn’t have that. He is humble. He thinks that his ability is at the top of the many 9th-level fighters. He never thought that a 7th-level fighter could hurt himself. The wooden army touched his arm. I don't have any awareness yet. The kid just now is really amazing. After a hit, there is no love at all. I immediately retreated. Actually, if I had given myself two more minutes just now, I would definitely be able to rush over, and I would definitely be able to kill that guy at that time. Who knew that guy would run away immediately? This speed is definitely something I haven't thought of, it's a bit too powerful.

"Boss, we've all seen the loss. Do we have to move on?" Mu Jun's man Daniel said, this guy is an eighth-level fighter. And he is a berserker. What kind of person can be called a berserker? That's a madman among warriors. Such a person is born to fight in his entire life. Such a person can do anything as long as he fights. What can be discarded, including his own life, hadn't the Wood Army punched this guy just now, it is estimated that this guy is still in a state of war, and the most terrifying thing about the Berserker is that he has entered a state of war. After they entered a state of war, the six relatives did not recognize it.

"Of course you have to keep going. Look around. As long as someone spreads the rumors casually, kill me immediately. Usually these people are used to sell their lives. You can't enjoy enough in peacetime. At this time, you will not give it. Lao Tzu has worked hard." Mu Jun slapped himself on the head vigorously, now he is sober. Just now, I was a little bit red-eyed. It's really this kind of battle that made me too awkward. These people didn't dare to go out for a fight in an open manner. Their combat strategy was to trap the senior fighters on their side. , And then let a large number of low-level warriors and monsters from the other side come in and kill their low-level warriors. The thousands of low-level warriors who came here basically have nothing left. Basically, these people died clean and gave their lives to themselves, but they died on the road before they got to the place. Although the wooden army felt that this mission was a failure, he went here. There is no other way. He has to face this failure. What he doesn't understand is what happened this time. No one knows what is going on, how could such a powerful enemy appear out of thin air?

"Boss, don't worry, as long as there is someone who doesn't talk about loyalty like that, I'm the first to break this guy's head off. What's more, they don't know how I usually eat." My heart is still very close to the Mu family. This guy has a very good relationship with the Mu Jun. For such a simple-minded subordinate, a cunning person like Mu Jun will certainly not give up. The usual little favors and benefits are already I can put this silly big man in his favor.

Now more than half of the people in the team are basically reluctant to move forward. They all saw the slenderness of those who died, and they were very scared in their hearts, although they didn't say anything. Come, but the expressions on their faces can prove that they are indeed a little scared, but it is a pity that Mu Jun would not consider these people's ideas.

"Boss, Boss, someone in front of me threw a letter saying that it was given to you by the Cao family, and we just want us to go back." After Mu Jun rested for about half an hour, he was about to let people go. The guy ran over, and a seventh-level fighter dropped the letter and left. This guy is very fast, even if he wants to capture this guy, he doesn't have that ability.

Mu Jun looked at the letter suspiciously. He didn’t know who his enemy was, so he didn’t take it over immediately, because he was not sure if there was something like a poison letter in it. But be careful. He remembers hearing from a friend that there is such a poison, as long as his body is stained with it, there is no possibility of being alive. I don’t want to lose my own by being so confused. Life, so this guy didn't plan to read the content above.

"Look at what it says above." Mu Jun said with his eyes closed, that looks very arrogant. In fact, this guy didn't read it because he was afraid of the poison in the letter, but now he made this expression to tell everyone that he was disdainful. Looking at the above content, in fact, this guy really wants to know what it is, especially this Cao family, which Cao family is.

"Boss, it's said that the Mu family's affairs were made by their Cao family. This Cao family is Cao Ke Cao. It is said that Mr. Mu Qing, the steward of our eastern region, kidnapped his wife and almost killed his wife. , This is revenge. If the Mu Family is willing to stop here, he will not pursue anything. If the Mu Family is unwilling, they will stay with them to the end and die endlessly." The little said, it seems that there is no such thing on it. The poison, this guy didn't want to think, what kind of poison can kill a ninth-level fighter? This is simply impossible. The people below are not all fools. Someone can still see Mu Jun's thoughts. At least dozens of people could see it, and they all showed disdain for Mu Jun.

Cao's family? Cao Ke? Mu Jun began to think about this person in his mind. Suddenly, he thought, back then, there happened to be a ninth-level fighter from the Mu family who came to Jiangning City to do errands. He had seen that person very powerful, and that person could hardly be said to be a person. Is that person's grandson? ? How could this **** Mu Qing have the courage to fight this person? Is his power really that powerful? It’s only been a long time. The Mu family has all been taken down in the eastern real estate industry, and several of the Mu family’s children in the officialdom have also been in prison because of that guy. They were pretty good with the Mu family in the past. The relationship between several capitals in China seems to be no matter what. Are these guys affected by that Cao Ke?

If you continue to walk, the whole army will be destroyed. The Mu Jun feels that he should not continue to walk. By the way, would that guy be Cao Ke himself? He is a very powerful magician himself, this The masters of the guys are all incredible people, and if you hurt such a person, you might not have a better life in the future. Even if you have the Mu family to protect yourself, your life will not be easier. Such old monsters don’t care about Mu family or Mu family. It is estimated that Mu family is not **** in people’s eyes, not at all. It should be noted that no one considers such a thing.

"Boss, we can't leave. Brothers are ready. These **** are waiting for Lao Tzu to be better. Lao Tzu has to cut all of them to pieces and avenge the brothers." Most of the people are already. I knew what Mu Jun was thinking. This guy was scared, and he didn't dare to move on, but it was a pity that Daniel didn't see it. Still so nonsense.

"Yes, Daniel, you are right. These **** must cut them into pieces, but I can't be so arrogant. The content of this letter is very important. I must return to the family quickly and give this to They, the Cao family is great, but I can’t swallow this breath, but if I can’t call this letter back quickly, I don’t know what’s going on there? I’m afraid they will make decisions casually. At that time, our Mu family’s loss will be even greater.” To be honest, Mu Jun’s acting skills are really not good, full of loopholes, and his expressions are not the same as those of generous death, but these Then I succeeded in deceiving the idiot Daniel, who still feels that Mu Jun is just like him as an upright man, because some family affairs prevent me from killing myself. This is really too much sacrifice. The worship of Mu Jun in my heart is really too high.

"Boss, I don’t think this is the case. Only you among our brothers are the fastest. This letter is so important and absolutely can’t be delayed. It’s better for our brothers to go to the nearest stronghold to take a good rest. Boss, you will work hard. Now, let’s take this hurry up on the road. If it’s late, there may be changes on the family side, but it will be our brother’s.” This is Mu Jun’s confidant, there are not many like Daniel. It's impossible for a heart-minded person to say this in a lifetime.

"How can this be, brothers are still in danger, this time I abandon you and go back? This is absolutely not possible, just find another person to send the letter back, Daniel, you send the letter back, I will take the brothers Keep going, you remember, this is very important, even if you lose your head, you must not lose him. It must be handed over to the higher level of the family." This guy's acting ability is really bad, this big cow has the ability to fight wars. It may be good, but the speed is too slow. If you ask him to deliver the letter, I don't know when it will arrive. What this guy said is simply unbelievable.

"Boss, what I'm good at is rushing. I don't know how to deliver letters. Besides, the whole Mu family, who is fond of me, most people think that I am a martial artist. I don’t even know where to eat if I dislike my words. The boss came out to speak to me when they treated me. I would not go. I would rather be here, boss, or you. You can speak well. If I go, I guess I still don't understand this matter." Daniel, the kid usually doesn't speak, and doesn't talk much. But these words are from the heart, such a single-celled animal looks like this. As long as he recognizes a person or if things are good, then he will have this idea for the rest of his life and will not be adapted.

Several other people also saw what was going on. Since the boss is going to act, they naturally have to cooperate. Sure enough, in the end these few people who cooperated followed the boss back, and they couldn’t be the boss himself on the way. , The remaining ones are either incapable. Either the background is not good, or the brain is not good, these people can only recognize bad luck one by one, but they are not fools, tell them to move on? That's okay, but you can't take as many roads every day, and you can't find places with few people to drive as you do now. They all have to go through pipes, and they all have to go to places with a lot of people, because these places are not dangerous.

The Mu Family's guards returned in this way, and the news began to spread everywhere like spreading their legs. Several big families in the eastern part of the empire were all surprised one by one. They also had their own in the western part of the empire. Spy's. Naturally, I also know how powerful the guards are. Everyone is sighing that the Cao family is not weak in military strength. In the past, they thought that the most powerful place in the Cao family was in business and politically. Secondly, the last thing is the force. Now it seems that the force of the Cao family is at least much better than that of the Cao family politically. They all seem to increase the potential value of the Cao family.

In the capital of Yandong Province, Li Cong officially announced that the Cao family had taken over the Yulan River course. This makes a lot of people dumbfounded. What the Cao family does is always unbelievable. Everyone knows that Yang Family Li can get it. The Ouyang Family’s share is also in hand, and the Wizards’ Union also followed Li Cong has cooperated. It can be said that Li Cong has all received except the royal share. Just when people congratulated Li Cong, in the Cao's mansion in Yandong Province, several imperial guards gathered around two father-in-laws. The imperial edict was read out.

The content of the imperial decree is very simple. Li Cong became the governor of Yulan River water transport. It turned out that the **** An Hai, the most popular **** beside the emperor, read the news. This old guy is said to have the skills of an eighth-level fighter. Yes, all the people present are also high-ranking officials, and everyone knows the weight of Anhai. It can be said that Anhai in the capital is about the same as a prince’s weight. From the emperor’s youth to the present, several princes. You must call the master honestly.

"The timing of Mr. An's coming this time is really good. Thank you Mr. An again." Li Cong said with a smile in the back hall. Although there are many distinguished guests in front, it seems that the word "expensive" is still in front of you. This person is the biggest distinguished guest.

"The Madam is really polite. The old slave is a slave. Although the men in the capital give the old slave a bit of face, the old slave understands his identity. If you don't understand your identity in the capital, this day may It’s over long ago, and I won’t be able to say this in the future. If you can think of us, you can tell me something later.” An Hai also knew his position very well. When he was in the capital, he was the prince’s self. I don’t even raise my eyes when I see them. There are so many marquis counts in this empire. I am a cronies of his majesty’s cronies. There are more people who want to curry favor with me. If they all know each other, I’m afraid of something. I don’t have to do anything. Although this one is also an earl, the weight of this earl is heavier than the other princes. The person in front of me is the first person in the mainland who has succeeded in dual cultivation of magic and martial arts in hundreds of thousands of years. In the past, many people hoped to be able to practice both magic and martial arts, but in the end, they all made themselves nondescript. Basically, it can be said that nothing can be done. The one in front of you can have the ability of the seven-level magic stone, or The strength of the warrior was revealed a while ago for the dual element, and it turned out to be a ninth-level warrior.

In the capital, ninth-level warriors are nothing. There may be a few from any mansion gate. They are nothing precious, but if a seventh-level magician is also a ninth-level warrior, that’s great. Just talk to the capital. The rumor is the same, this kid will definitely be the chairman of the Wizards’ Guild in the future. As long as he can go a little further, he may enter the core level of the Wizards’ Guild at his age. This is absolutely possible, and he will still have to. Flattering others.

"President An is polite. You are an old senior, and your Royal Highness often tells me. As long as the matter of Mr. An is basically unimpeded, I believe in everything. That's it." Li Cong said with a smile. In fact, the old guy Li Congqiu helped in the affairs on the Yulan River, although the shipping shares on the Yulan River were managed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It has nothing to do with Father An, but Li Cong knew it from the princess. The head of the House of Internal Affairs took the path of An Gonggong to his current position. As long as Li Cong took the path of this guy, it must be all right.

The road of this father-in-law is notoriously difficult to follow, but this guy has a hobby, that is, he likes to collect some shiny gems, which makes Li Cong even more difficult. The gems freeze the earth to death. There is something on earth here, and there is something not on earth here, but there is one thing here that is absent. That is the glass ball on the earth. Li Cong already used this thing when he was on the planet RTY, and the effect was still very good. No, Li Cong used another box of glass **** in exchange for the old guy’s favor. , This old guy came to declare himself in order to get a glass ball that is said to be the size of a fist. The **** is a very special group of people. Because they have no children or grandchildren, they lack consideration when doing anything. Most people have some hobbies of their own. For their own hobbies, they can do anything.

"Hehe, Lord Ma is really good at joking. The old slave just has his own way, and I won’t show it in front of Lord Ma. It’s also right that your Majesty is willing to hand over shipping on the Yulan River to the Lord Ma. His Majesty’s love is very much. Your Majesty heard that the Majesty and the princess have been married for a while, and there is no such thing as the little Lord. His majesty is also very concerned about it. The elderly also hope that the Earl can get away with the princess sooner. Ye's." There was a black line on Li Cong's head when he heard this. This old emperor already has hundreds of grandchildren, and he is no different from his own. How could he suddenly say this.

"Haha, please also ask the father-in-law to make it clear. By the way, father-in-law, this is the kind of gem my master has. It is very precious. I asked my master for a long time to get it for my father-in-law. To be honest, This is the father-in-law. If it is someone else, I would never dare to speak in front of my master. Fortunately, my master still loves me very much, and he is not very happy, but it is still given to me." Li Cong With a smile, he gave the fist-sized glass bullet in his sleeve to the old eunuch. In some five-star hotels on the earth, there are some chandelier on the head of this thing, but it has been made into many faces. Nothing is precious, you can buy a lot of them for a few hundred dollars, but in this place, this is absolutely precious.

The greed that he should have appeared in the eyes of Mr. An. I have never seen such things. I have loved these shiny things in my life. All my homes in the capital are all such gems, but they are similar to those in front of me. There is really no such thing. In the eyes of other people, those good things that are worth millions of dollars are ordinary goods in their eyes. Those things have long been unable to arouse their own thoughts, and those things themselves do not have any at all. He’s interested. Now this one seems to make him a lot younger. He thought about what this thing would look like, but he still didn’t expect it to be so pure. Oh my god, this thing can be seen by looking at the opposite thing. There are dozens of them. Such things may not even attract children's interests on the earth, but on this planet, a well-informed person was attracted by him for half an hour.

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Ma, the old slave has never seen such a baby before. It is really fortunate for us, ordinary people to see such a baby, that is the talent of a person with supernatural powers like your master. We are really beyond the dust to make such a good thing come out. "Although the old guy's eyes are already taken away from the glass ball, the words of praise are still coming out. This is also a normal thing. , There is nothing, nothing has been seen before, that is the most precious thing, a glass ball of one hundred or ten yuan here is definitely a real sky-high price.

"To be honest, the father-in-law is too precious. If such a thing is in the moonlight, you can see dozens of moons. How can there be such a scenery in the world?" Li Cong said with a smile. , You don’t have it in the human world, but there are some on the other side of the earth. Yes, children over there can see these things. You are too ignorant.

"Yes, yes, this thing is indeed very, yes, say serious things." This guy saw that Li Cong was a little impatient before he realized that there were serious things. This thing gave him hundreds of millions of dollars. It might not be sold, Li Cong gave this guy such a valuable gift. If this is not to give people some real news, how could this be the past?

"My Majesty. Your Majesty is getting older and older. His Majesty’s favorite in his lifetime is also the little princess. The safety of the little princess is very important to your Majesty. It’s just that your uncle participated in the seizure of the throne. In the whirlpool, the new emperor will board the plane in the next day. This southern part is a place with a lot of oil and water. At that time, you might let the consort to let this place out. You also know the principle of the emperor and the courtier, even though your majesty insists. It’s still okay for more than ten years. But no one can say what things will look like in the future. If the son can have a son early, his majesty can mention the title to you, and let your son There is also a knighthood, which is also very beneficial to the Cao family." Li Cong did not expect that the old emperor was still conscientious. In fact, it is not false that the heavenly family has no affection, but for some younger children. The emperor still has feelings. After all, they belong to his own children, especially girls. They don't have the right to inherit. As long as they don't get involved, they can get a lot of preferential treatment. This is how the little princess is. She didn't participate in the affairs of the emperor brothers, and in the end she just lived her own life, which is still very good.

"I will take this matter to my heart, so Father Xie reminded me, I wonder if the person your Majesty is really the current prince?" Li Congduo asked, in fact, other ministers would never dare to do such a thing. Asked out. But Li Cong himself was originally an emperor. In his eyes, whoever is an emperor is the same, because in the end, the seat of the emperor will definitely be in his own hands. There is no big difference between each of you. When asked about this, even An Hai’s expression changed drastically. He didn’t understand how Cao Ke, who had nothing to say about the emperor’s position, had such a view now, and he also said that he was a eunuch. Naturally, I can't realize what a person who is an emperor thinks. At this moment, I can't even hold the "baby" in his hand in shock.

"Hehe, Lord Earl is really capable, but it's okay to talk about it, but it's only limited to small talk between the two of us. What I say may also be a dream." An Hai has been mixed for so many years, and naturally knows this. How to answer the matter, Li Cong knew when he heard this, what An Hai said must be true or false. It is difficult to judge whether it is false or true. Such a thing must be his own judgment, but it is certain but this guy. Some words are useful.

"Today's prince benevolence, this is something that is obvious to all, but as the monarch of a country, only benevolence is not enough. The prince still lacks a kind of killing. It seems that the prince is not the emperor, and the emperor must be Both the front and the back have their own abilities. The prince can be the emperor in the eyes of the people, but he cannot be the emperor of the ministers." An Hai thought about it and said, these words also indicate that the prince may not be the next monarch. , But then again, there are such emperors in the history of China. Such an emperor may not be able to manage a country well. If the atmosphere of the whole country rises, such an emperor is an enlightened monarch, and This kind of emperor is what Li Cong hopes to see. In the past, Li never mingled with the throne controversy because he didn’t have the ability yet. Now he has this ability initially. If you don’t mix it up, I’m too sorry. The forces in Li Cong have become more concerned after hearing this guy say that.

"I heard what Mr. An said in my heart. After I go back this time, I hope Mr. An can say a few words in front of His Royal Highness." An Hai was directly dumbfounded by Li Cong's words. What was in his mind? Everyone can see that the prince is now a target set up by the emperor at the front desk. Although they may be replaced, this kid actually wants to support the prince? Suddenly he thought of the identity of this guy. In the future, this guy may be the chairman of the Wizards’ Guild. If supported by the Wizards’ Guild, this prince is not entirely impossible. The Wizards’ Guild has not supported any in history. A prince, but this does not mean that they are not involved in the throne dispute, on the contrary, as long as they blend in each time, this throne dispute will have huge variables. For example, when you launch a coup, you have hundreds of thousands of troops, but a ninth-level magician makes everything in vain, and hundreds of thousands of troops are not much different from tens of thousands of troops in the eyes of magicians.

"The old slave will do it." An Hai also knows how he should go in the future. Maybe he should be better with the prince in the future. He is the chief in the palace, because the emperor's pampering seems to be lost. Some directions are the same. Even if it is to the prince himself, there is no good face, and such a thing must not happen in the future. If you really become the emperor, then you will have a hard time in the future. It is common for people to fall on their heads. Fortunately, I warned people to pay attention to this change, and my own affairs have not been done yet. Well, what face is there to warn others?

Because of the emperor's support, the prestige of the Cao family can be said to have reached the highest level, but what Li Cong thought was that since such an increase had come, it could not be stopped. That is to use it to the maximum extent. Li Cong once again announced that the shipping on the Yulan River will begin to expand. All goods in the surrounding provinces can be transported on the Yulan River. Compared with land transportation, this river transportation saves a lot. The most important thing is that it is safer on the Magnolia River. There are more robbers everywhere on this land. There are also many robbers on the Magnolia River. But they were all small boats. For some big boats, they didn't have the guts. When this news came out, dozens of provinces on the Yulan River were immediately dumbfounded. The Cao family's tone was a bit louder. In fact, it’s more than a bit bigger. In this case, everyone dares to say that they accept all orders, but most people think they are bragging. If all the orders on the Magnolia River come, it will be more than a hundred times the previous. This is absolutely It is impossible.

The careful people soon discovered another action of the Cao family, that is, the Cao family began to trim a large number of warehouses on both sides of the river on a large scale. Do they really have this ability? You know that there were a lot of warehouses on both sides in the past, and now they are still pruning so many, that is, they have the ability to expand the capacity, but there are so many ships, how to expand, many people are trying to try Their goods were delivered to the port, and they all wanted to see how the Cao family got it.

Wu Er is one of them. He is a man who runs a cloth business and needs to transport goods from the west of the Yulan River to the east. Although the cloth business does not make much profit, this industry is an industry that everyone needs, so these In the past few years, I’ve done my business. Every time I need a big ship, I can do it for three or two months. In the past, if there were no ships, I could only go by land. This land transportation requires nearly 150. Only a horse-drawn carriage can be worth a boat, and the freight is more than five times higher. If you transport it by yourself, there is not much profit in the past, and you can make a lot of money by yourself.

In the past, the ship was very nervous. If you want to transport it, you have to give gifts to make a smile. But that’s how you can get a ship twice a year at most. Other times, you rely on land transportation. It’s just making money for a ship’s fainted cargo, but how much of it is a business, and I have to do it. If I don’t do it, I have no food to eat.

It’s not yesterday that these people all booked at the pier, saying that there was a boat coming today. How could this be possible? Yesterday, more than 30 big boats on the pier were already gone, and they were all looking for it. People asked, it’s impossible to come back in five or six days. Where did the ship come from today? Isn’t that a joke, but everyone has said, how can you transport your goods today? Just find a good person to carry it. No, hundreds of people are waiting on the dock early in the morning.

They were dumbfounded as soon as they came in, shit, aren't these the boats that left yesterday, and they are back today? It looks like it's still unloading. I have to wait for a while to load the goods. How did these ships come back? All that was delivered on the ships were some cotton. The cotton production area is the county town, which is four days away from here. This must have been shipped from there. I have seen the names of some merchants there on the packaging of these cottons. Could it be that it wasn't the ships from yesterday? That's impossible. The ship is not yesterday's ship. The sailors on this ship know the sailors themselves. Did they fly there?

"Brother, didn't I see you just walked from here yesterday? Why did you come back in a day's work? You flew back?" Wu Er went up and said to a sailor, if there are not many people on the boat. If you are an acquaintance, the goods can be troublesome. The hands and feet of these sailors are not very clean. You can't see it when they take the thing. They won't look at it until you deliver it. Come out, UU reading will have nothing to do with them at that time, you have all taken it back for a long time, and also said that the loss of the goods has something to do with Laozi. Isn't this nonsense? Don't come here for transportation next time. I can't afford to wait.

"Haha, boss Wu, didn’t you see that our boat is different from the previous time? Now our boat has something added... that motor, yes, it’s the motor, this thing drives fast, before five The six-day journey is now going back and forth one day a day. Otherwise, how dare you say that all your goods will be next? You can wait a while, the unloading will begin. It will take three or four hours, and they will arrive at yours after they finish it. It’s time for you to ship as soon as possible, and you will be there at midnight tonight.” This sailor’s attitude is surprisingly good. There was no such attitude in the past. In fact, this is also Li Cong's surprise governance, a monopoly. It is also necessary to have a good attitude. Otherwise, if the customer feels uncomfortable, if another company that can break his deadlock appears, his customer will have nothing, and there will be no place to regret.

midnight? What a joke, how could they have such a speed in the past? Wu Er was a little dumbfounded. Seeing that this kid had a nose and eyes, it didn’t look like nonsense, but no one believed this thing. If you run so fast, your goods will be able to use the waterway. No, you have to follow. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation...) Guiqiu to share

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