Energy Group

Chapter 1912:

"I said, I want to follow this boat, otherwise I don't worry, if you guys can't get there tomorrow, won't it be troublesome." The boss Wu said, and the surrounding sailors laughed all of them when they heard him say that. This is not the first boss to make such a request. Many bosses made this request. They all asked to follow the ship. Li Cong has already given instructions. This is no problem.

"Haha, Mr. Wu, there are people who are as worried as you. Yes, they all want to follow the boat. Our boss also said that this is okay, but the shame is in front. There are no VIPs like passenger ships. The rooms above are all rooms where our sailors live. Although it has been remodeled, it is only ten square meters. It has to accommodate four people. Sleeping and rest are fine. If you want to enjoy it, then It’s impossible. I don’t know if your boss Wu can do it?” This guy said with a smile. Both have to cost three hundred taels of silver. If it is missing, I'm sorry, it won't work.

"This is okay. If the boss is not the boss, these goods are our net worth. To be honest, if something goes wrong with this goods, I will immediately become a pauper from a boss. These things are not a trouble. When it comes to playing things, goods are often more important than our heads. What happened after you suffer a bit, but we can rest assured that, to be honest, I suffered a lot more than you. In the mines in the east, the life was really hard, and it is nothing compared to what you are now." This boss is also an old river and lake, and when it comes to the past, he is very touched. Yes, it's just that the sailors don't have time to talk nonsense with him here. They have to work quickly. Their work schedule is already full.

One thing that Boss Wu doesn’t understand is that these sailors seem to be much more diligent than before. In the past, those guys were not willing to work very much. They seemed to do more. Every job can kill them. Everyone seems to be diligent and dying. Actually Boss Wu doesn’t understand. These sailors understand that they used to work not as briskly as they are now. Now the ship just needs the motor to start. They all need sails or something, and maybe they have to paddle when encountering a headwind. This is an absolute effort. The head they work on the water is also on the waistband. Although there is a lot of money, it is not as much as I can think of. Just like the guy just now, he used to be paid once a month. At that time, an ordinary sailor was worth twelve taels of silver a month, a little more advanced. It’s 15 taels, the highest is 20 taels. Now, there has been a big speedup. Basically, the salaries of most sailors have increased by 50%. But if they can complete the task within the specified time, they can all get another 50%. If they don’t work quickly with this rule, they will have an enmity with money. There seems to be nothing in the world. People have enemies with money.

Soon, in just three hours, these porters have already unloaded the entire ship's cargo. In the past, this was absolutely fast. No one could complete the transportation of the goods in such a short time, but now this thing has been done. This is the fact. All the bosses look at the porters with appreciation. Now, they used to be coolies. They are also coolies now, but now they are not the same as before. They have their own basic salary. In the past, they used to do a day’s money and have a day’s salary. Now they still charge according to the previous method, but In addition to the money given by the guests, they can also get another salary at Cao's firm. They are all in kind, that is, one hundred kilograms of grain per person per month. This is given to them by the Cao family firm. There are also two conditions.

One is that they have to work at the dock of Cao’s Commercial Bank in order to have this money. If you are not here, I’m sorry, this is definitely not for you, and you have to complete it within the specified time. , If three times a month are not completed within the specified time, then the money is not yours. If you violate the rules four times then your salary will be deducted in half. If five times, sorry, you can directly Leaving, these things are very common on the earth, but here is not as transparent as the earth, these management measures are very useful, at least improve the current efficiency of the dock a lot, and still There are no competitors, but Li Cong has already started to operate according to the model of competitors. Even if a competitor suddenly comes out, I believe that they will not have the ability to compete with him, because at that time all the resources are in his own. In their hands, they simply have no ability to compete.

In the evening of the same afternoon, Wu Liu got on the boat. It was the first time he saw such a strange thing. In the past, the sails on the boat were all put away. He didn't understand why he had to set sail. Open it? Is it to make the sailors paddle? This is impossible. Everyone knows that it’s possible to paddle in a short time, but it takes them five or six days to get there. If the sailors have been paddling for five or six days, they probably didn’t wait for them to get there. These sailors are going to be exhausted first. He and the other bosses looked at the ship very puzzledly. How to get out of the port later? How can you reach your destination at this time tomorrow? Isn’t this bragging? We have handed in all the money, the same as before. This ship received 18,000 taels of silver. If you really told them, you can go back and forth every day. This is 36,000 taels of silver. This is simply unbelievable. Even if they work 300 days a year, they will earn 10.8 million taels of silver each year. Can this ship earn so much a year? It used to be at least six full days on the road plus the time in the port. Now they need a little more than one day?

Boom... Just when these people were wondering, there was a noise like this on the boat. Many people didn't know what was going on. How could there be so much black smoke, and the boat seemed to start to vibrate. Now, looking at the shore one by one, they are moving, and they can go without the wind. What kind of boat is this? They looked at the people around strangely, hoping that they could give themselves an explanation. It’s a pity that these people don’t know what’s going on. They are all encountering such a ship for the first time, and the speed is so fast. Such things are really surprising. This Cao’s firm has always been used to it. There will be something like this so that everyone can't find the North, this one is even more powerful.

"This...this speed is a little too fast. I can feel my hat blowing off when I stand here. There is no wind outside here. This is definitely because the boat is running too fast. The reason is. And in the past, didn’t it always say that sailing is not allowed at night? Sailors also need to rest.” A ship’s boss said.

"Yes, those people used to tell Lao Tzu that they need to rest at night, but now it seems to be nonsense." Another boss also said, the reason why the sailors did not leave at night before. Even if they were too tired during the day, it wasn't that they were hypocritical and didn't want to work hard. They couldn't do it with this body, and it's different now. The pilot can work in shifts. As for the other sailors, they are even more trouble-free. As long as they are resting in shifts, they can sail out during the day and night. This invisibly shortens the time by one time.

"Bosses, bosses, we are going to sail at full speed soon. If you are still on the deck, we hope you can grab a nearby fixture, otherwise we will have to get you up if you fall. Yes, in fact, depending on our speed, you can go into the cabin, and you can see it.” The sailors said. If it is a ship on the earth, there is no such worry. These ships are made of wood. There are indeed some dangers when the speed reaches 60 kilometers per hour. Fortunately, the river is wide enough, and the ships are not. Many, nothing will happen. The most important thing is that Li has planned some waterways from the beginning. Keep to the right. This is the most important rule. It is easy to say that the ships are in the same direction before and after. If you turn or turn, you must lean on some of the ships. The horn is making some noise, so that the night sailing is very safe.

"It's really too fast. I have taken my goods along the Magnolia River in my entire life. This is the first time I have seen such a fast speed. Your Cao family firm is really amazing. In this case, our goods will take one day. You can get there, haha, the speed at which you make money has doubled, and we have followed you all." In the cabin, a boss said with a smile.

"Yeah, we all followed it. If there is only one day, we can actually ship some items with a shorter shelf life. In that case, our profits will be huge." A boss suddenly thought.

"Yes, some wild animals in the eastern region are very valuable on our side. In the past, we couldn't transport them due to decay. Now, we don’t have so much consideration in the day. Very good." These guys are like business men, and they will soon find business opportunities in them.

At night, these guys are all excited and can’t sleep. It can be said that people only get excited when they have to witness miracles. These businessmen are also people who have seen the world, but when they wake up They were still surprised. They slept for seven or eight hours. They used to take a boat before, but none of them slept as steadfastly. The boat is really stable enough, and it has now reached their destination. They can enter the port in half an hour. This is really surprising. After more than 20 hours of full calculation, they have walked the original five or six days. The speed surprised them and the speed increased so much. The price is still the original price, and the service is much better than before. If you don't continue to choose, you will be sorry for yourself. All of them are determined in their hearts that the transportation will be Cao's house in the future.

When they got off the boat, they happened to meet some merchants here. They and the merchants who got off the boat had the same idea. They didn't believe that there would be such a fast speed. They were also prepared to pay three hundred taels of silver. Look at what's going on with Qian's money. Such a thing depends on others saying that it is absolutely unbelievable, and it is always known if you try it yourself.

"Old Wu, why are you here too? Don't you also believe this thing? How about, you are here this evening?" Boss Wu just walked down, and a guy called his name and said. This is Boss Zhang, a good friend of Boss Wu.

"Haha, Lao Zhang, I know that your kid will definitely not believe it. To be honest, I don’t believe this either. I wouldn’t believe it now if I hadn’t followed me personally. I’m still there at this time. By the way, I’m here today. Forget it, tell you that you don’t believe it. You should go up and try it yourself under any circumstances. By the way, I have joined their Cao Chamber of Commerce club. It is said that Only people in this club can book boats in one week. Others can only be waited. The annual membership fee is only thirty thousand taels of silver, but it can help us a lot. I advise You also went in. I heard that there are only three hundred people in a county. I don’t know if your place is full, but the price of this thing will go up by then.” When disembarking the ship, the captain promoted this thing with these merchants. Ordinary people would think about it for a while. Thirty thousand taels of silver is not a small amount. They account for one-third of their annual income, but when the captain told them the discount, they basically didn't hesitate. Basically 90% of their group of more than 40 people joined.

This right is still not small. First of all, it is the advantage of this ship booking. As long as the member can write down his own warrant, there is no need to pay a deposit and the remaining ship can be booked, even if it was not available at the time. The ship is for you, and I will get it for you as quickly as possible. There is another one that all members can get a certain amount of emergency funds from the Cao’s House of Business. If the capital turnover of your business is not working, Cao’s Bank can also give you some low-interest loans, as long as it is Your collateral is suitable, you can put down the money within two hours, and the interest is too low compared with other banks. The monthly interest rate is only 3%. You must know that the other banks are loan sharks. In contrast, Li Cong's interest rate is too low, so low that these people can't believe it, and other The bank approval process is too slow, they are all for that one hand, only this Cao's firm is the real business.

At the same time, Caojia Commercial Bank also absorbs deposits, which is different from other banks. In other places, you have to pay a custody fee for depositing money in the bank. Here, there is no custody fee for a penny, as long as it is You save 3% of the interest every year. Although 3% of the annual interest is less, it is better than nothing. Li makes a lot of money from the inside and outside. The interest rate of 3% is loaned out, and the annual interest rate is 3%. This is twelve times the profit.

"This member is really amazing. If it can be promoted, I think the merchants from these dozens of provinces on both sides of the Yulan River will form a new alliance. It seems that the Cao's firm is about to rise. These small businessmen can only develop with such a behemoth." Boss Zhang felt that these small businessmen were really trying to survive in the cracks. In the past, there would be a chamber of commerce and that chamber of commerce at every turn. , Now they are considered an alliance, but it is still relatively loose.

"Who said no? I didn't believe it very much at the beginning. Later, the boss Wang who came with me last year, because he had some inconvenience on hand, he signed the contract or something on the ship, and the kid took it. He made a mortgage with his family’s farm and house and other things, with a loan of 60,000 taels of silver. When he got off the boat, someone was taken to take the money. This speed is simply too fast, not the same as the previous money houses. Everyone is horribly black, and I'm still trying to squeeze you on these things." Boss Wu said that when a guy on the ship took out a loan, he was envious. In fact, he was short of money, but he was already working. The bank has got money, and besides, I don’t have any property deeds in my hand. Otherwise, I will borrow money. The gap is really too big. I have a month’s profit from the bank. They are much more than the ones here for a year. Mom's got a monthly profit. Compared with the Cao's firm, those who receive a 20% discount are also vampires.

In addition to these short-term borrowings, Caojia Commercial Bank has also put out a lot of long-term investments. For example, if you have a project, you can even apply for long-term loans, which are two to three years, and the annual interest is only 2%. Only fifteen, as long as your project has a promising future. From the perspective of those banks, this is unimaginable. On average, it is only a little more than 2% per month. Anyway, such transactions are absolutely impossible for those banks.

The business of the bank is something that Li Cong must be careful about. This bank is a business that makes money with money. Everyone is looking at this one. At the beginning, I don’t want to make too big, otherwise all the banks are combined. It's enough for yourself to get up. The main reason was that there was too much silver in his own library, and Li poured 40 billion silver into the bank all at once. Look at how much profit they can give themselves in a month. Unexpectedly, no one believes in such low interest at the beginning. They still want to usury. This is not because Li Cong just created such a club to attract some. It's easy to talk after the merchant comes in.

At present, more than half of the 90,000 ship searches on the Yulan River have already been refitted, and the rest are being carried out intensively. These refitting matters are handed over to the family from Li. Thousands of technicians, and later asked them to start installing with some apprentices, and each of them installed a lot. If you go out, there will definitely be a malfunction. Li never expects them to fix the motor. He just wants them to install it. He has brought hundreds of thousands of these things from the earth at once. Yes, as long as it is broken, it can be repaired directly, the big deal is to throw it away, and one such thing can be up to 100,000 yuan. The money I earn every day comes back. This little money is nothing.

Li Cong had also asked Anhai to help him back to the capital. There is too much shipping on the Yulan River. Even if these 90,000 ships are running at full speed, they will not dare to come over. After seeing the benefits of river transportation, I will definitely join it again, and it was not enough at that time. Only when the emperor approves this matter can we continue to increase the number of ships. Li Cong gave Anhai 5 billion silver in funds for activities. It is estimated that the matter should be easy to handle.

Shipping on the Magnolia River is a very small income for the royal family. Now they can earn 50% more income each year. I believe they will not refuse this matter. This is something that fools will refuse. I believe the royal family does not Will refuse.

Western Empire. Wu Mansion, in the old days of the Western Empire, most people probably didn't know Wu Zuoxi, but it is different now. Since the Tuoba clan’s rebellion was quelled, Wu Mansion has become the entire empire. The hottest place is that Wu Zuoxi seems to have replaced Tuoba as the first power official of the Western Empire. Naturally, he is not afraid of Wu Zuoxi’s rise as the emperor. This guy is nothing even the first power official, because of this. The guy only has some foundations on the top, and the bottom is empty. In the place, he has nothing at all. Another reason for the emperor to reuse him like this is that this guy has only four daughters, and he has no sons at all, so he will not Seeking too much power for himself, in the end, this guy doesn't want all of his own to become his son-in-law. This is something that a fool can do.

Dai Lin, the speaker of the Cao’s House of Business in the Western Empire, entered the Wu Mansion as a guest today. He came here for two reasons. The Yulan River can be said to be the largest inland river in the Northern Empire. This Western Empire There is also such a river, that is, the Red River of the Western Empire. The Red River is the largest river in the entire continent. No matter what, it is not comparable to the Magnolia River. The Red River can be said to run through the entire Western Empire. Among the thousands of provinces in the empire, the main road of the Red River crosses more than 300, if you count the tributaries, it must be more than 500. The shipping on the Red River is similar to the Northern Empire, and it is monopolized by several big families. After Dai Lin watched the development of the Northern Empire, he also moved his mind to this. This is what he should do.

Previously, Dai Lin had done some of the Cao’s business in dozens of provinces in the south. Bai Er did not do as well as Dai Lin. Dai Lin’s expansion speed was several times that of Bai Er, and the basics were It’s much better than Bai Er. Of course, this is not just for personal reasons. Bai Er does not have so many good shopkeepers. It is also a very important reason. When Dai Lin came out, he brought a large number of Dai’s shopkeepers. , They come out to do things, their ability is not comparable to ordinary heat energy, it is normal to have the current situation.

At the beginning, Bai Er could only bring a total income of 4.536 billion silver to Cao’s family firm every day, but after Dai Lin came up, he has expanded this figure by more than ten times, and according to the current development, a few months later Definitely up to twenty times. If we can win some shipping from the Red River, this number will be more objective.

Wu Zuoxi was no longer as clean as he was when he started. At that time, this kid was also retaliated in his head, and would want to be an upright official, but after he became an official, especially after he became a minister of military affairs. This is different. There are too many people looking for their own affairs. This guy has a brain, but no one is perfect. This little money is nothing. The emperor also knows that this guy has no son and has no other plans. His right-hand man is fine even if it is the little money.

If Dai Lin hadn’t figured out the reason for this, he wouldn’t have come in so hastily. It’s something to lose his head. If this guy gets him in because of bribery, then he’s really unlucky. This year The sale of the shares on the Red River is already impossible, and what Dai Lin is interested in is next year. The transportation industry that Dai Lin has established in the south is still very good, but the main thing is to use horse-drawn carts to do some nearby transportation. If this can be linked to river transportation, even long distances will be fine, although this society goes out. There are not many people, but after all, the population base is here, let's talk about it. In the past, it was also because of the traffic problem. If the traffic problem is good, these people will definitely go out, and they are not fools.

"Sit down, I read your plan, and it's really good. But if you want to put it into practice, I don't think there is much hope. How can you increase your capacity by more than five times? If you know, even if it is you first If all the money that should be paid is handed in, if there is a problem with the transportation of the Red River, it will be a terrible disaster for the entire empire." Wu Zuoxi has read Dai Lin's plan, and frankly said that if this matter is true If it is, it is a very good plan for the entire empire and myself, but if the above things can't be realized. There is a problem with his own head. Since his rebellion, the emperor has continuously handed over power to him, because the emperor believed that he would not become the second Tuoba clan, and other officials would not. I must have thought so. Those elders who seem to be laughing and joking with them are their own worst enemies.

"Master Wu, I don’t really need to talk about this. Our firm has already taken the entire Magnolia River transportation on the Northern Empire. Now you can ask someone to go over and see the shipping there. But it's going very well. Although only 50% of the original ships have started to transport, they transported more than double the original ships." Dai Lin said, he knew what Wu Zuoxi said. The reason is to benefit. This guy already knows about the Northern Empire. As the first minister of the Western Empire, it would be strange if he didn't know what happened in the other empires around him.

"Hehe, there are many differences between the Northern Empire and the Western Empire. I have also heard of your boss. It can be said that in my eyes he is a person worth admiring. Honghe and Yulanhe are also different. The total amount of shipping on the Red River is several times larger than that on the Yulan River. The entire Western Empire revolves around the Red River. Everything about the people is closely related to the Red River. If there is a little improper operation, this can happen. It’s a big deal, so I have to be careful.” Wu Zuoxi said with a smile. It said that as long as he can integrate the antiques of Honghe, he can do nothing every year. Five-fifths of the transportation stock, Wu Zuoxi asked people to check it out because of this. Now the transportation on the Red River has nearly 3.4 trillion silver every year, and there are millions of ships belonging to more than a dozen large ships. In the family, it’s really incomparable with the Yulan River. It can be seen from its width and length. The flow of the Red River is hundreds of times that of the Yulan River. The widest place is more than 50 kilometers. The narrowest place is more than 20 kilometers, and such rivers are only found on such planets. If there were such rivers on the earth, it would be the sea.

"We are all aware of the fact that Wu Da people serve for the empire. Naturally, we must pay great attention to these things. We didn't think about taking them all at once. We don't have the ability to do so. We just hope to be able to We get a part of the current share. If Master Wu thinks that we can, we can talk about the following things." Dai Lin said with a smile. It is impossible for me to make a plan and want Wu Zuoxi to support him. Wu Zuoxi also needs a certain basis. Just like what he said, this matter is not a trivial matter. If the operation is not good, Will affect the entire Western Empire.

"If that's the case, you can try it. That's good. I won't be able to get it out for the time being. I will give you 3,000 ships for now. These ships are under my name. I can only convince them if they see the effect. Theirs." Wu Zuoxi actually agreed with Dai Lin's method in his heart, but he had not yet obtained his own benefits, so he agreed. This is absolutely impossible.

Dai Lin thought for a while, this is not impossible. Even if it is on his own body, it is impossible to promise himself directly. He knows that Wu Zuoxi can be said to be an old fox, and he will definitely not because of his own words. Just agreed to this matter. It's not bad to be able to approve three thousand. He knows that at this time he will show his sincerity.

"Master Wu, we said it was good before. As long as I can get this share, I will give you 5% of the annual income of these ships. I have watched these ships. They can earn on average every year. It’s about 400,000 taels of silver. Five percent is 20,000 taels of silver. These 3,000 ships are worth 60 million taels of silver. Although the money is not a lot, it must be calculated. I will ask someone to give the silver later. Sent here." Dai Lin said, before, he just didn't practice. I thought that I could do this with my own tongue. Now it seems impossible. Wu Zuoxi needs to know this benefit. Sure enough, after Dai Lin finished speaking, Wu Zuoxi finally had a smile on his face. .

"Hehe, Guan Shi is really serious about doing things. To be honest, my life is not easy now. There are too many people in the empire who disobey me. Everyone feels that I am relying on me when I get up. Lucky, in fact, it’s not luck who gets up. Most people are similar to me, but their background is better than me. Now the emperor believes me that they both feel afraid to do it, but if one day Your Majesty the emperor doesn’t believe me anymore. My life may be miserable, so at this time I will start to do a good job.” Wu Zuoxi said with a wry smile. He also spends a lot of money. Some big families Those who need to make a back road for themselves all need money. Wu Zuoxi is not from a big family. Every penny he talks about has to be done by himself. One of his recent big plans is He has to rely on a lot of money. His monthly fixed expenditure has reached an astonishing 700 million silver. This is definitely not a little uncle for him. So Dai Lin’s 60 million taels of silver is definitely a timely rain. Let him continue his plan.

"Master Wu joked, who didn't know that you are like this in the Western Empire now." Dai Lin raised his thumb and said, "Master Wu is so clean. If you are the same as those other officials, don't talk about the money. , Even more money can be obtained. By the way, our host heard that the fourth lady in the mansion is about to come to the coming-of-age ceremony. We also prepared a gift here. We asked the fourth lady privately. I like Beihai Hanyu, and I also ask an adult to help pass it on." It’s affirmative to give these people gifts, but the gifts must also be rare and luxurious, just like this one. Dai Lin’s hands are so big. A piece of stuff, this is Beihai Hanyu. If this stuff is carried on the body, it can catch up with the sorcerer's calmness. Such a good thing is absolutely invaluable. Wu Zuoxi often goes in and out of the upper class, so he naturally knows this thing. The value of this is definitely more than the next 60 million taels of silver bills to be given to myself. There are a lot of treasures, but this one in front of me can definitely be said to be the best thing in my own warehouse, what my little daughter. Like, such things are personally liked.

"Your boss is so polite. The coming-of-age gift of a little girl is nothing. How can such an expensive gift be used on such a holiday? Don't do this next time, otherwise I won't accept it." Wu Zuoxi's eyes were almost gone, but he still had to say that. If he didn't say that, it would be no different from a corrupt official.

When he came out of Wu Mansion, Dai Lin got the operation of 3,000 ships. Basically, the recent results are enough. If there are more, he will definitely not be able to get it. The main reason is that the owner said that the motor does not seem to be. So easy to install.

Thanks to the efforts of Dai Lin and the shopkeepers of the Dai family, in fact, the transportation network developed by the Dai family in the Western Empire is even more complete than that of Li Cong in the Northern Empire. Li Cong is a lucky person. This guy is not that good at buying and selling things like that. His biggest advantage is to make money with things he knows but others don’t. If he can’t make money then he’s a fool. , I don't know how to say it, Dai Lin doesn't have that big advantage anymore, little by little development depends on himself, he also spent several times more time and money than Li Cong.

Wu Zuoxi did not go out to send Dai Lin for transportation in the Red River. He himself looked at the Red River in deep thought. There are millions of ships on the Red River. Many people see it as a piece of fat, similar to the situation on the Yulan River. Yes, if they continue to add ships, it’s okay. They would rather keep the empire’s economy from advancing for their own profits and have to guarantee their own profits. If they take their own swords, their lives will be difficult, the opposition’s. The strength is very strong.

However, thinking of the Beihai Hanyu and the 60 million taels of silver that I just acquired, this can be a risk for me to gamble once. If I miss such a thing, I may not have a chance in the future. I must seize this opportunity. Yes, anyone would think about getting out of the way. When thinking of this, Wu Zuoxi took out his paper and pen. He started to calculate various data bit by bit. This kid is best at this. People and things are expressed in numbers, and I am judging from them. This is much better than random guessing. This is also my lifelong magic weapon. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation...)

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