Energy Group

Chapter 1913:

Not everyone in the Western Empire would like to see the rapid development of Cao’s Commercial Firm. In terms of business, they have already begun to attack dozens of southern provinces. In the area centered on the Western Empire’s capital, their airship transportation has also begun. Developed, the two most popular routes can be said to have been scheduled for more than ten days. In the past, it took more than a year to change the ship from the capital of the Western Empire to the capital of the Northern Empire. But now there is no need at all. Now it only takes half a month to use the airship. There are one to two flights every day. Some wealthy businessmen and princes can all take this thing. They don’t. They care about 4 million taels of silver. For them, time is money. The richest group of people in the entire empire are waiting to book this. They have nothing to do with the Northern Empire, they just want to go and see.

There is another popular route between the capital of the Western Empire and the southern cities. Although this route is not as popular as the two empires, it can also bring Li Cong hundreds of millions of dollars in income every day. Li from below I also set up an accounting department. Forget it, so far, the biggest profit is actually this airship, which can bring nearly tens of billions of silver to Li Cong every day. Of course, this is not included in the Warcraft Mountains. If you add the Warcraft Mountain Range, this number will be more than ten times higher.

In the Western Empire, there are too many people who are eye-catching. They are not incapable of doing nothing. They have done many kidnappings and killings, but they have not obtained the technology of this thing. They also tried to imitate it, but that They couldn’t make the gas in the big skin. It seemed that that kind of thing had never appeared in this world. This made them all anxious to death. The people of the Cao’s house are really strict, no matter what. It is impossible to ask anything, which makes them feel helpless. Even the royal family of the Western Empire wants to bring this thing, but it is too ugly to think about it. It’s better to be honest, it’s a bit too much, so don’t do that.

The original Tuoba clan of the Western Empire didn’t want to see the Cao’s commercial firm develop so fast. They kept a hand when they sold their assets. Many shopkeepers left a lot of eyeliner. I also hope that one day I can make a comeback. At that time, it was time to hang Cao's house. It's a pity that their abacus is still good, but when it comes to things, there will be no such thing. They found that all their shopkeepers are now working for the Cao family. No matter how intimidating and tempting those people on their own side, they will not tell what is going on. This can give everyone on their side. I was in a hurry. You must know that some of the prices they sold were less than one-tenth. At the time they recognized this loss, it was because they felt that there was no chance to go back. Some At that time, these things were not their own, and the dangers. At present, they all know how to choose, but now there is no danger. Their minds are beginning to come alive again, they really want to get a lot of things, and they want to get back the things they sell.

Tuoba Hongye and Tuoba Zhiqiu returned to the land of the Western Empire again after a year of turmoil, but their identities have become merchants who have crossed the Warcraft Mountains from the Southern Empire. They are no longer that. The lofty young masters of the First Family of the Western Empire are here. The purpose of their return is to have a good talk with those so-called cronies in person to see if they can make a comeback. It is impossible for an ambitious family to live in such deep mountains and old forests without seeing the sun for a lifetime. This is not the life they want to live. The life they want to live is the kind of life they used to live.

"It’s better to have people. It’s really boring to live with wild beasts like that. There is no challenge when encountering a bad monster. I don’t have the ability to meet some powerful people. The people I meet every day are that. The words of a few people seem to be in mechanical form. There is really no way to get through these days. If I don’t let me visit where there are people, I think I will become a machine." Tuoba Hongye Standing at the gate of the big city in the southern part of the Western Empire, he said, this situation has been so violent in my dreams several times. Before, I would never stand at the gate of the city for a long time, but now I like this feeling.

After all, Tuoba Zhiqiu on the side is a generation taller than this guy, and he won’t express any kind of emotion like this guy, but it can be seen from the eyes of this guy, and they all feel very much. Comfortable, they are also humans, and they will not live in the Warcraft Mountains, but they just didn't say it.

This time they came out with a total of 17 people. When they got here, there were only 15 people. One of them was put in the hospital with a serious injury. They would take that guy with them when they returned. The weak is the sixth-level fighter Tuoba Hongye. The most powerful are three ninth-level fighters, and the rest are the eighth-level fighters and the seventh-level fighters. Even so, it is very difficult for them to arrive one by one. Here, it can be said that everyone has wounds. If they hadn't had the expensive pill, it would be impossible to stand up one by one now. It is too far away from where they live to human society. They didn't have much rest along the way, and after four months of walking, they encountered countless dangers. If the juniors in the family were allowed to come out, they would probably die on the road. Tuoba Hongye thought about it. The travel plan of Cao's house.

From this guy’s mind, Li didn’t know what to pretend. He knew that these people from the Tuoba clan would be too lonely. He knew that they all wanted to see the human society, so Li Cong said You can take them to the safer Western Empire. Many young generations are very yearning, but the family still refused that request. The main reason is that Li Cong's price is too expensive, 10 million taels of silver per person. The freight is still one-way, it is too expensive, at least hundreds of people want to go out to see, this is nearly 10 billion silver, this Li Cong can also open his mouth, thinking of Tuoba Hongye here, I feel that Li Cong is too greedy .

In addition to these things, I also want to revitalize the current family. If the family was strong before, Li Cong would definitely ask his family to do things. Where is the same as now, everything in the family requires this guy, although Is doing business. But most of the business is made by Li Cong. They think so. In fact, if an outsider sees it, if Cao's firm does not contact Tuoba, they will really become cages and blind men. Yes, their life is even more sad, this may be the so-called Dou Mien. It's not a good thing to give too much to promote rice grudges.

"The influence of Cao's house here is completely different from when we left. I have seen several shops on this street with Cao's house's signs, and this Cao's house is indeed different from other shops. It’s different from the family. Other families have made political efforts, but it seems that Cao’s family has made some commercial efforts.” Tuoba Zhiqiu looked at the people on the street without feeling like Tuoba Hongye. , All he saw were some substantive problems, and now the Cao family had a firm foothold in the Western Empire.

"Huh, there are no tigers in the mountains, and the monkey is the king, that is, the Cao family got up when our Tuoba clan was away. Don’t want to think that he can develop so fast without our Tuoba clan, look at theirs now Those who care about things, one by one, are proud of our affairs. Over the past year, they have made too much money on us. They don’t look at it one by one. Cause some trouble for them. Even if we don’t get the things that belong to us, we can’t just give them to them. Such things make them look good.” When it comes to the Cao family, Tuoba Hongye is not angry. When I hit it, I didn’t watch the girl from the Dai family much before, but later, I really liked it. Who knew that the family had pushed this thing for the kid, so I just went straight It became a joke. This thing has made myself a lot of shame. Among the younger generation, I was originally the best, but now it has become the biggest joke.

"I can't say that. The Cao family still has their own abilities. In fact, they might have developed without us. To this extent, it is only a matter of time. Hongye, in the next generation of the family, you are The leader is the leader, and I think it’s very good when you look at other issues. Why do you lose your mind when you talk about the Cao family’s problems? Remember, the authority of a family is not There can be weaknesses. If you are betrayed by people who are familiar with you, they will use your weaknesses to attack your family, and the loss to the family will be great then, so you can’t do this, you must Overcome your inner anger towards the Cao family, especially not to show it in front of other people, even in front of me in the future." Tuoba Zhiqiu has high expectations for Tuoba Hongye. Yes, I say that now for his own good.

"Yes, Hongye remembered it." Tuoba Hongye said in a low voice. He said that, but I don't know what he thinks in his heart. They are all young people who usually treat the Cao family. It’s not very eye-catching. This may also be the reason why Cao Ke chose not to cooperate with Tuoba. Some people and things cannot be adapted. If they cannot be changed, there is no need to continue on this road. If you keep going, it is better to return to a normal relationship earlier, just like the current relationship.

"Well, very good. I hope you can do the same as you said in the future. We are going to the house of the horse shopkeeper soon. This old boy has served us Tuoba for fifty years, and he is old. , But I heard that this kid has recently broken through to become a fifth-level fighter. This guy followed me when he was young. At the beginning, he didn't have any qualifications to be a fighter. It seems that this kid has his own at this time. It’s an adventure. I’ll start with this guy later. Our Tuoba family's industries around here are all controlled by this old guy. He shouldn’t betray us.” said Tuoba Zhiqiu, some people he was looking for They are all people he believes to be reliable, just like this horse shopkeeper. Back then, Tuoba Hongye personally picked this guy out, and he was in a field full of copycats. If not for himself, this guy would definitely be If he loses his head, he will not betray himself.

"Well, I have seen this horse shopkeeper and I am very loyal to our family. I remember that the horse shopkeeper had to bring its own guards to support us when our family was upset. It was still a letter from you uncle. Scold this guy back." Tuoba Hongye seems to have also remembered what happened to this horse shopkeeper, and now they are in peace, and everything must be done carefully.

"This guy has a spine in his brain, but he is definitely a good man in business. Cunning is all about dealing with outsiders. In the past fifty years, he has to make millions of dollars for our family. This way. If it weren’t for our eagerness to retreat, they would definitely have to take it with them. Let’s go. I remember this kid bought a small yard with two entrances in the north of the county town. There should be nothing wrong now." Tuoba Hongye took a group of people into the city so swaggeringly, things have been more than a year, they are not so easy to find. So the soldiers at the gate of the city are not looking at them anymore. What they are looking at is the entrance fee paid by those who passed by. This is the most important thing. As for the wanted criminals or something, it’s not my own business. Someday there are not so many wanted criminals in places close to the Warcraft Mountains. If everyone goes to the truth, my head will be early. It's gone, what to take to eat and drink, even if they saw it. I recognized it, and would not speak if the bounty was not high.

There is really nothing wrong with the horse shopkeeper now. The horse shopkeeper is now practicing martial arts honestly in his own home. The reason why this guy can quickly become a fifth-level fighter has been missing for more than a month from the previous few months. It matters, no one outsider knows where he has gone, because his business can only be favored by Cao's firm, but ordinary people can have a life span of 100 years, even if it is very good. If you absorb it, you will be able to work for Cao’s house for ten years at most. This is not what Li Cong wants, so Li Cong decided to turn this guy into a fifth-level fighter. Although the cost is huge, you can believe it. This guy will definitely be able to bring himself more income in the next millennium, and this is indeed the case.

After the horse shopkeeper gained new vitality. He has helped Cao’s firm to cultivate more than a dozen disciples who can stand alone in four months. When he taught his disciples after taking the genetic medicine, he taught them his skills. Those disciples We are all people with genetic medicine. The masters and apprentices who have no calculations are the fastest to learn. It can be said that the horse shopkeeper has already raised dozens of shops around this county, and it is still very good. Okay, it's a model around.

The strength of level five fighters is still very powerful. When you approached the horse shopkeeper’s home, you could feel it when it was a few hundred meters away. Today I happened to catch up with the horse shopkeeper to rest. Otherwise, this guy usually doesn’t have time to practice martial arts like this at home. A group of people may not see him at home. The horse shopkeeper's three sons in his life have grown up now. They all work in the Cao family firm. One of them is the pilot on the airship. Now every day In the sky, there are only two young grandchildren in the family besides myself, and all of them are watching grandpa practicing martial arts happily now.

"Grandpa is amazing, so amazing..." Two children under ten years old shouted vigorously from the side. In their opinion, their grandpa is the most powerful person, and no one can compare them. Grandpa's, the horse shopkeeper's heart is still very satisfied. In the past, it was difficult to walk by himself, but now the stone lock weighing several hundred kilograms can play whatever he wants.

The horse shopkeeper who was practicing martial arts suddenly felt that a master was coming in. He walked in front of the two grandsons for the first time and asked the servants to hurry up to stay with the two grandsons. No matter what happened, this level of master is not. If you can deal with it, you still have to deal with it properly. Everyone in this room knows that there must be something for the master to show such an expression.

Sure enough, after a while, the next person said that more than a dozen people were going to visit the horse shopkeeper. One of them was holding a token. The people in their house were all newcomers and they didn’t know what the token was for. , But they can also feel that this thing should be very precious, and the people who are about to come in must not be ordinary people.

When the horse shopkeeper looked at the token, his face changed drastically. If he used to go out to see who came, this was his lifesaver, but now he is already taking genetic medicine. That idea I don’t know where I went. What I was thinking at the moment was that Tuoba’s people had come out. How could they have such courage? I didn’t manage this by myself. He soon thought of this. Although the purpose of people coming here is not very accurate, one thing is certain, that is, these guys must be unkind.

In order to prevent the people outside from doubting, the horse shopkeeper ran out quickly, and tears came out when he saw Tuoba Zhiqiu. There is no doubt that the fifth-level fighters will come out whenever they want to let their tears shed.

"Master, .. Master, I didn't expect to see you in my lifetime. Last time I would go with the master. Who knows that you are all missing, right. Right. This is not the place to talk, sir. Let me go inside. This is Master Hongye, and the old slave pleased the young master..." The acting of the old horse is still in place, and he speaks tremblingly, and the tears are constantly flowing.

Tuoba Hongye and Tuoba Zhiqiu helped the old horse up. In their opinion, this was what should be done. The horse shopkeeper had been working for them for so long, and he was so loyal. , They would certainly not doubt that the old horse is not on their side. After listening to what the old horse said, they also knew that they were right this time, and they would have the news they wanted in a while.

At this moment, the horse shopkeeper’s heart is also sitting and ideological struggle. Is it to prevent his two grandchildren from coming out to see them? If they meet, it will be exposed. If they know that they have betrayed them in the future, the two grandchildren It will definitely not end well. But if you don't let them meet, your previous act will be wasted. At this time, the role of genetic medicine will appear, and the horse shopkeeper will make a decision when they enter.

"Master, Master Hongye, these are my two young grandsons. Come here quickly and greet the old and young masters. Alas, this world is really impossible to say. If our Tuoba clan is still there, these two boys will be ten years old. , I can read something for the little master in the house as a book boy. When I gave birth to these two little bunnies, I still thought that they would be the same as me in the second half of their lives. Who knows that our family has encountered such a change? , Master, although the two of them have little skills, but they treat the Tuoba clan like me. If I can't do anything in the future, the master will just ask them to do things. "This kind of faithfulness is nothing. Having said that, these guys were moved by the old horse one by one, especially for young guys like Tuoba Hongye, tears were coming out.

"Oh, Ma, I know that the Tuoba clan is also somewhat unfair to you, but fortunately, the worst is over. No, the family wants us to come back and see how things are going on here. I still care about your family. At the beginning, you also knew that we didn’t dare to notify you. If we had a little contact with you, now all of you will be destroyed. I called you back. This is the same as not to go past. If you follow the past, you will definitely not be able to save your life. How great is this. Isn’t it the same for you to be us here? By the way, how did you have a fifth-level fighter? Skilled?" On the surface, Tuoba Zhiqiu is still very easy-going, but when he asks this sentence, there is also a clear look in his eyes. He is not confused by the words of the old horse. This is the most important thing. of.

"Hey, speaking of this matter, we have to start with the great changes in our family. At the beginning, I was responsible for keeping a batch of important medicinal materials. When the family was killed, Master Tuoba Yuanye brought some people to take away. , I just waited for them to get the second batch. Who knew they never came again. Those who came were all from the government. I was afraid that the medicinal materials would be exposed, so I left with some precious ones. Thinking of the aura of heaven and earth exposed by the medicinal materials attracted robbers, I knew some of the effects when I kept them, so I just ate some casually. At that time, I just wanted to reduce the aura of heaven and earth. Who knows when I wake up I was full of strength. When I came back to find someone, I became a third-level fighter. In the past six months, my body has continued to grow stronger. It didn’t stabilize until the fifth-level fighter. I haven’t given it to you. The master is pleased. At that time, I arbitrarily took the initiative to eat the medicinal materials, and I will be sorry for the Tuoba family for the rest of my life.” This old guy knelt down and kowtowed as soon as he said that. The loss of these medicinal materials is also lost. In their hearts, Lao Ma is more important than those medicinal materials.

"Hehe, it's okay. To be honest, our family has lost a lot of things. If we liquidate them one by one, we don’t know how many things will be. You are not an outsider, and things are considered to be used on your body. It’s a good result. By the way, how are you doing with Cao’s house now?” Tuoba Zhiqiu doesn’t have so much time to care about a fifth-level fighter. What he cares about now is his own affairs. Whether the guy can help himself or not, this is the main thing. The horse shopkeeper also knows that it's his role now. The things just now can be said to be nonsense. Will he care about himself? Don't be funny, the horse shopkeeper certainly didn't have such an idea before, but now such an idea came out immediately.

"Hey, speaking of my current situation, it's not very good. I can't get the trust that I deserve from Cao's house. They did leave some things to me, but secretly there are some left." Ma The shopkeeper said with embarrassment.

"Yeah. This is what it should be. Although they don’t know your relationship with Tuoba’s family, but how to say these properties are also taken from your hands, they should not trust you, but for so many years You should have your own team when you come here. They won’t ignore you right now, right?” Tuoba Zhiqiu asked the point in one sentence. It’s normal that you are not trusted in the Cao family. But your own subordinates should be no problem, they should be very good to you.

"Speaking of these bastards, I get very angry. These guys are deeply favored by the Tuoba family, and now they are all ungrateful. Every day, it’s Cao’s parents, Cao’s family, especially my apprentices. Now they are all amazing. Everyone has become a shopkeeper and is at the same level as me. They don’t even know me as a master. Except for the fact that they can live a good life every year, these guys are all If you don't come here, they only have the Cao family in their minds." The horse shopkeeper said filled with indignation. After these words, Tuoba Hongye's face is even more ugly than the horse shopkeeper's face. They didn’t even know that Tuoba was their boss. In their opinion, the horse shopkeeper belonged to their boss. They didn’t even know the horse shopkeeper. How could they know Tuoba when they used to It was the object of their fawning, but now it was the object of their avoidance.

"Oh. Forget it, people's hearts are separated by the belly, you just pretend that you didn't have these apprentices before, besides, we are ready to do something when we come back this time, and we can't make these villains too proud." Tuoba Zhiqiu comforted. Said, he is very disappointed in his heart now. He originally thought that he would be able to make a turnaround with the horse shopkeeper, but now it seems impossible. The horse shopkeeper’s life is not so good, he Several of my apprentices have seen them before, and they don’t seem to be that kind of person. It seems that it’s not the same thing anymore. It seems that the current events can really bring up different people and bring people out. The dark side of was unearthed, these people have now betrayed the Tuoba clan, they are no longer needed.

"Yes, look at me, I said some useless things, sir, what are we going to do? Do we have enough strength to rebel? To be honest, what is the ability of the current royal family? It’s not because of our Tuoba’s great help. They are ungrateful no matter where they are today.” The horse shopkeeper’s performance can be said to be in place. The anger on this face pretends to make Tuoba’s uncle and nephew very satisfied. In any case, there is no Tuoba clan in the Western Empire now, but it is really rare to have such loyal subordinates. Why didn't you promote such a person in the past?

"It's affirmative to rebel, but it's not now. Now we Tuoba are planning. We come back to see if we can gain more strength so that our future actions can be safer." Tuoba Zhiqiu's face also It’s not red, this guy’s lie is very good, what rebellion, they don’t have the ability at all, each of them is about the same as the scared bird, and even rebellious, this is to say to people like Lao Ma That's it, I am laughing at them here when they are replaced by others. When they retreated, they were bereaved dogs. Can they now have the power of rebellion?

Get more power? Lao Ma now knows what they mean. What you need to do now is to stabilize these guys first, and then quickly report to the above. Otherwise, these people will rely on their own ability. Not to mention, just say that these three ninth-level fighters are not able to cope with the forces in the city, perhaps they should rely on the power of the government.

"Master, to be honest, now that you come back, you don’t know much about the situation here. Many people are now different from before. They are all wolf-hearted. I'm so cruel. Why didn't I watch? To tell the truth about them, to be honest. Each of these people has the right, but they may not be able to help. I don't know what the master thinks?" said the horse shopkeeper. His words made the uncle and nephew very much Sad, but I also know that the horse shopkeeper is kind.

"Oh, what else can we do? What we think is to call the old department of the family. We can see if we can get them to try to get the family assets back. When we sold it to the Cao family, it was even ten The price of one of them is not enough. Just like some real estate in this city, the transfer was completed after less than 180,000 taels of silver, but the Cao family could sell millions of silver after changing hands. Let the Cao family make money, we want to see if we can let our people manipulate it, and get back as much as we can get back." Tuoba Zhiqiu said, the sale is over, this guy still thinks that The assets belong to them. Such shameless things are probably what their Tuoba clan can do. And doing it so honestly.

"This thing shouldn't be so easy to handle, but it's not hopeless. Or, should I go out and make an appointment with those old guys? They are probably the same as me, but they have deep feelings for Tuoba. , It’s just that their apprentices and children are gone. The Cao family has given them too much. And the most important thing is that now the Tuoba’s reputation is treason, they will not risk their heads. To help you, it’s better to start slowly from those who fished a little.” Lao Ma seriously analyzed, Tuoba Zhiqiu and Tuoba Hongye both nodded, there is no doubt that this is the horse shopkeeper. Get out of it.

"Uncle, I think this method is still possible. Just like the horse shopkeeper said, we still have to narrow this range, not too big, after all, people are separated by the belly, and we don't know what these guys will do. Yes, the horse shopkeeper, in your opinion. How many people in this county can we believe?" said Tuoba Hongye, and Tuoba Zhiqiu felt very much that this kid had spoken without his own consent. Dissatisfied, this kid simply didn't take himself seriously. Now your kid is a good guy of the elders, but he is definitely not a high-level one, but I think that I have to save some face for this kid in front of the horse shopkeeper. He didn't say anything, and what the kid said seemed to be serious.

"Master, I can’t tell you this. There are about 70 properties in this city that belonged to the Tuoba clan. Now the Cao’s family has more than 30 shops. The remaining houses and so on. Cao’s family only left some very luxurious ones. Some ordinary houses and everything were sold at a price five times higher than the purchase price. Then they took advantage of the chaos and bought a lot of shops. Now the Cao family is in The county town can be regarded as a big family in business. At least the food and trade in the city take up a major share, and their airship transportation industry. The former treasurers are now somewhat managed. There are a lot of things. I think there are five or six of them that should be fine. If the master wants to see them, I will go out and talk to them?" The horse shopkeeper said carefully, his words are pure farts. Yes, the other shopkeepers use genetic medicine like him. They are fine when they are fine, but it is not the same when it is related to the Cao family. Meeting Tuoba should be fine. Yes, but it is estimated that none of the things Tuoba wanted to do.

In dozens of industries, there are only five or six people who might come, or they might not. Both Tuoba Zhiqiu and Tuoba Hongye seem to have fallen into the ice cellar. What they had originally thought was. It’s different from the present. They thought that those people were very concerned about their old feelings. Even if they didn’t have the old feelings, they couldn’t forget them so quickly. To know how much time has passed, it’s just At the time of compensation, these people don't know them one by one? This is too fast.

"Okay.. Then you can figure it out. By the way, the people I brought will borrow your place for a rest. If there is any interruption, you can include it." Tuoba Zhiqiu is weak. He said that at this moment, he can't care about maintaining his posture in front of his subordinates. Everyone can see his appearance. It's like losing everything in the casino.

"My lord, what are you talking about? I can live as long as I want to live here. I am here as my lord's home. If it was haunted without the help of the lord, I still don't know where to go. Where is everything now." The horse shopkeeper said, that looks like you are very satisfied and comfortable living here.

After the horse shopkeeper saluted them again, he hurried out. When he went out, he called a few of his confidants over and told them to look at these people carefully. He also knew that he could not stop these people from moving~www Let alone them, it’s impossible even for the top people in this city. They are all high-ranking fighters, and the power of the government is estimated to be hanging. Besides, I’m here, the Cao family. The firm has an important stronghold here, but according to what the old horse knows, they can't stop these people.

"Uncle, this horse shopkeeper is pretty good. To be honest, I didn't expect our power to be destroyed so quickly now. Many people here don't know us Tuoba anymore?" Long time later Tuo Ba Hongye just said that.

"Hehe, this may be the so-called tree falling and falling. We can no longer be their big backers, and they don’t need to mess with us. They actually do it to protect themselves. At that time, I thought that they had actually broken with us on the surface. In fact, they might still be connected with our Tuoba clan in their hearts, but what I didn’t expect is that these guys really broke with us, and I was puzzled along the way. , We released so many secret signals, and no one contacted us. I thought it was the empire that destroyed them all. Now it seems that it’s better to be destroyed by the empire.” Tuoba Zhiqiu He had never been so decadent in his life. He was really uncomfortable. This was not the result he wanted. Tuoba Hongye was also on one side with his mouth open and didn’t know what to say, even in his head. what. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation...) Guiqiu to share

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