Energy Group

Chapter 1958:

Frozen forest, this is a forest on the back of the entire continent. To the north of this place is the endless sea. The temperature here is below minus 30 degrees all year round. Even in the hottest time, it is a piece of ice and snow. No one has ever seen the land in the frozen forest. There is only snow here. If there is land, it can only be seen by monsters. There are almost no resident humans here. If you live in it, you don't have the skills of a sixth-level fighter, and the cold alone may freeze people to death. Only a sixth-level fighter or above can ignore the outside temperature.

Most of the people in the frozen forest are mercenaries or adventurers, or those who run around for missions. It can be said that this is not the same as the Warcraft Mountains. There are still some fixed gatherings in the Warcraft Mountains. Yes, but there is absolutely no gathering point here now. No one will do business in such a place. People can freeze to death. Moreover, the number and variety of beasts here can’t be compared with the mountains of Warcraft. The place here is different from the Warcraft Mountains. There are many ice magicians here. It is cold and snowy. So for the ice magicians, this is their paradise, and they have to feel their own here. Spiritual power, gain one's own promotion.

In fact, the above news is the news that ordinary people know. In fact, there are many things that ordinary people don't know. For example, in a place that is 700 miles deep into the ice-bound forest, the interior of the two mountains here are basically hollowed out. Inside is the headquarters of the Thunder Gate that Li Cong wants to track down. Don’t look at such a huge place. In fact, there are only less than thirty people here. These thirty people are the absolute core of Raiden Gate. Of course, there are tens of thousands of ordinary people. Their mission here is to do a good job. Serve these thirty people, they are not afraid of these people running out, these guys are ordinary people, even if they can run out, they are not afraid of the threat of drugs. The ice and snow outside could also kill them. Every time they contact the outside world, they rely on a flying beast in the frozen forest. Only when they have to step on it, someone will go out.

Christiano can be said to be very close here, at most only 1,500 miles away, but he didn't even know that the place he had been curious about all his life was here. He thought this place would be in the core generation of the frozen forest. It was impossible for the ninth-level fighters to survive in the past. He also wanted to investigate, but unfortunately he didn't have the ability, so the matter was stranded. But Li Cong is not someone who gives up easily. Li Cong is already preparing to study the frozen forest. Of course, the most important thing is to find the Thunder Gate quickly.

Of the 30 people inside the Thunder Gate, two are the masters, and the other 28 are the bosses of various departments. They will never go outside at all. Many people say that the masters of the Fourth Wind, Rain and Thunder will be there. Outside, it’s not like that at all. There are about forty vice-hosts outside to help them with their affairs. They just need to share the news with you at the monthly meeting, except for the four of them. The others are the bosses of various parts. In addition to Fengyu Leidian Four Halls, there are other departments, such as the procurement department and the training department. They all know the importance of these two departments. They are not much worse than the Four Halls. It is said that they are the fundamentals of the Fourth Hall. Without the people they cultivated, the Fourth Hall could not easily occupy so much territory and resources, so even if there are contradictions, everyone should be polite.

Today is a monthly meeting. The issues they want to discuss basically do not have the current problems. Although the speed of flying monsters is very fast, the news they received is basically half a year ago. In this news In the unsmooth era, they can only do what they did half a year ago now. This is also destined. Of course, Li Cong’s airship can ease it, but what they don’t have. They can only rely on their flying monsters. .

"Everyone, please report the news that you have received in the past month. Let's discuss it." A guy sitting on the left said, this guy's eyebrows seemed to have such a fire, this person He is a ninth-level fighter, a ninth-level high-level fighter, but this person is not the same as an ordinary ninth-level fighter. This person has the root of his strength. It is estimated that only one of 10,000 ninth-level fighters can Once recognized by the root of power, this guy's strength will also be greatly improved. Only people with a level 8 fighter or above can get the recognition of the root of power.

Li has never seen such a person from the time before. Among the people he knows, many people say they are ninth-level pinnacle fighters, but those so-called pinnacle fighters are compared with those recognized by the source of power. They are not even bullshit, they just say that Lu Manjia’s old man Dai Tian, ​​that can be said to be the most powerful ninth-level fighter Li Cong has ever seen. If the person who just spoke with Dai Tian fights against each other, it is estimated that Dai Tian will not It will turn into meat sauce in half an hour, and the difference in strength is that big. Many people know that if you do not want to fight between the 9th-level fighters, you can definitely escape, so they can defeat the enemy very much. It's easy, but it's a troublesome thing to kill the enemy, but it's a very simple thing for guys who have the root of strength to admit, they can easily defeat the average ninth-level fighter.

"Let me report on the Southern Empire first. Recently, the Southern Empire has been shaken up and down. It is the thing you said in the past called Cao's Commercial Firm. Now it has begun to bloom everywhere in the Southern Empire, and our people have investigated it. , They are doing very well in all kinds of business, especially the alchemy activity they did last time. I estimate that they can circulate tens of trillions of silver at once." said a guy in black clothes. It was the hall master who was in charge of the southern empire. This guy was only an eighth-level fighter, but he was also recognized by the source of power. Even the ninth-level intermediate fighters will definitely not suffer.

"The Cao's House of Commerce was only the top 20 large chambers of commerce in the Northern Empire last month. If they can earn tens of trillions of dollars in a short period of time, I think they can rank in the top three. Famous." The guy who spoke first said that what Cao's House of Business can make them pay attention to is the ability to collect money. As for other things, it is impossible to attract their attention. The people here don't know what happened. The things in the Forgotten Land, if you know it, it's probably not as calm as it is now.

"Hehe, it's a coincidence. What I want to talk about is also about Cao's Commercial Firm. A force controlled by our ninth-level fighter in the Northern Empire is trying to carry out a series of actions against Cao's Commercial's fleet. But you know the final result. What is it?" This guy is the person in charge of the Northern Empire. This guy likes to talk to people's appetite. This guy is a ninth-level fighter, but he has not received the recognition of the root of his power. Although not so powerful. But this guy's brain is not comparable to ordinary people. He is the only person here who has not been recognized by the source of power, but this guy does not feel that his status is much lower than the others. Many people are very important to this guy. Especially this guy's head, what he said is very important.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, just say it, such a huge guy will collide with us sooner or later, but now our strength is not very strong, you should not forget our purpose, just a little collision. But it is absolutely not allowed to have a large-scale conflict. It is a matter for others to make money. I am enthusiastic when I look at it like you, but the money is not something we can get. At this stage, we have to rely on our own strength. Things may pit us in the end.” The guy in the first seat said, he is either the master or the deputy master of the Thunder Gate, and only the two of them are qualified to sit there, and the others are here. Harmony, they didn't have the guts to sit there.

"Our guy directly bought a lot of bandits to do this thing in the past, dozens of teams did not succeed, I also regarded this as a joke at the beginning, but now I don’t look at it that way, I think This Cao’s family firm must attract enough attention from us. Their guards are very powerful. According to their organization, their regiment can withstand the attacks of tens of thousands of bandits. Their current guards are definitely quite large. If it continues to develop, it is a very big hidden danger." This guy has no smile just now. The people in this organization are like this. If there is no serious thing in normal times, everyone can talk about it. If there is This is impossible if things are serious.

His words made everyone here basically sit in jeopardy. This is the first person to propose a threatening organization in the past three hundred years, whether it is a mercenary group or an empire, whether it is a large family or a powerful person, Regardless of the degree to which they have developed, basically no one said that they are threatening the Thunder Gate, but the words have been said today. Some people said that they are threatening. They all know the people here. Don't talk nonsense, since he said it, it must be.

"What about your opinion? Do you think they are a threat?" said the guy sitting on the main seat.

"The sect master, the meaning of the next is the same as what he said. This is not so simple. How long has the Cao family firm stepped on since it appeared, their strength may not be a threat to us, but their development speed It’s really fast. Although on the surface they are making money, but what this money is, the money is the root of the world’s rotation. Many people say that strength determines everything. I admit this sentence, but strength cannot Many people are willing to do things for you, but silver is possible. One trillion silver and a tenth-level fighter, who do you think is more reliable? Tenth-level fighters can do many things, but one trillion silver can do it. More things, they are madly gathering wealth, which can explain a problem. These guys may have other ideas. Now they may just want to do business, but when the assets in their hands reach a certain level, Then it's completely different. At that time, they will naturally have the idea of ​​dominating, so this must attract our absolute attention." Everyone in this room also began to express their opinions.

"I agree with this statement. We must attach importance to the Cao Family Firm. In the past, we thought that only the royal families of the four empires and their magician guild were our enemies, but now I think this Cao Family Firm It may become our enemy. Therefore, I propose that the entire organization collect some news about Cao’s business from us.” The old man who has not spoken said that he may be the oldest person in the entire organization. They are all very weighty.

The other people nodded their heads, their sense of anxiety was still very good, and just like that, a resolution was passed. If they knew that Li Cong had already controlled the Forgotten Land. Maybe they are not just as simple as calling people to investigate, they will definitely take some other actions, then things will not be that simple, and Li Cong at this stage will not be able to sullenly develop. It will definitely face great challenges.

These people launched an investigation into Cao's house. Although Cao's house firm knew that there were such enemies at this moment. But at this moment, they don't know what to do. They don't know what kind of order Raiden Gate has issued against them. This order of Raiden Gate can be said to set off a huge wave. Many people in the Thunder Gate and many forces are hidden in the dark. Perhaps Li was caught in the trap of the enemy without knowing it. Such things may happen frequently in the future.

Li Cong tried several times to help the third force in the Forgotten Lands, and found that they were not the subordinates of Thunder Gate, as Cristio said. Li Cong even arrived at the boss's on a dark and windy night for a month. I knocked this guy out in the room, and checked that guy well, and there was no sign of thunder and lightning at all. At this time, Li Cong stepped on it and felt relieved. Christiano once said that everyone has thunder and lightning. The sign of the door, as long as it is their person, this sign is necessary, since there is no sign on his body, it means that this guy may not be there, so Li Cong is planning to put it in two to three years. This sharp gang is eaten up, and the entire Forgotten Land becomes his own in five to eight years. This is a long-term goal, but Li Cong himself is absolutely confident to kill them.

A few months later, Li Cong has basically become the number one power in the Forgotten Land. At this time, a problem that is not considered a difficult problem before Li Cong is that the ticket number of Cao’s house has received a large amount of gold and silver. In the past, no matter how many trillions of silver or tens of trillions of silver were, they were all silver or gold tickets, but now they are all real gold and silver, and the Cao’s firm doesn’t even have enough silver boxes. Ten thousand boxes have been shipped, but it is still not enough. This is mainly because the people here basically don't use silver bills. They also ask people to carry silver for transactions of millions of silver.

"Master, now we have 11 billion silver in cash. These things are very terrible. I finally know what it means to be too much money. It's hot. Damn, how did the people here transport the silver? Well, look, how big is this golden mountain and silver mountain." 002 took Li Cong to the warehouse behind them, and Li Cong was also surprised.

Damn, 50 grams of silver is one tael of silver, twelve taels of silver is a catty, and 20 taels of silver is 1,000 grams. This 20,000 taels of silver is one ton of silver, and 11 billion silver is a total of 550,000 tons of silver, even on earth. This 550,000 tons is definitely not a small amount. It is also terrible to transport with mechanized things, not to mention that there are not so many mechanized equipment here. Most of them are transported by bullock carts and the like. , These people can get so much money here, it is definitely their own ability, and Li has also lamented this from this time.

"Hehe, don't be surprised. In fact, the people who can come here are all capable people. The incompetent people are probably killed when the people of the Northern Empire are caught. They will naturally have the talent to come here. Besides, it has been deposited here for tens of thousands of years. The silver here has always been brought over and cannot be brought out. All the silver accumulated here is definitely a very large amount. "Christio will leave soon. However, during the days before leaving, he still helped Li Cong deal with some things. Li Cong also agreed with this guy's cooperation. This guy is still very particular.

"Yes, now it's just a channel for them. It's very good. 30% of these money is ours. I really don't know how easy this money can be made. Forget it, I will do it myself. Do it, let people concentrate all the money here, I will have a way to get them away." Li Cong said with a smile, when 002 called Li Cong, I knew this was the case. Li Cong was sure There will be space rings, but I didn't expect Li Cong to have such a big one.

Christio on the side didn't expect that there would be such a large space ring. It is true that there is no such a large space ring. But Li Cong's own internal space is possible, and Li Cong's internal space is still constantly being enlarged. Li Cong estimates that although it is not as big as this planet. But there are several earth as big as it is no problem. It is a piece of cake to load these things, and these things don't need to be transported to the mainland at all. Some of the ticket numbers over there are silver. How is it possible that you can't even get this money. And when they get there, at most they can change the cash tickets themselves. A fool can carry so much money. Isn't that recruiting robbers? Those robbers are one by one, but they have very eyes.

The people below all encountered a strange thing this afternoon. Yesterday they also transported several carts of silver and gold in, but I don’t know what happened, as if all the silver was gone today. Where did most of the silver go? Yesterday it was like a mountain. The silver guys, it seems like a small mountain today, they are all surprised by such a change. Where did the silver go? Is it that there is no more? Who might steal the silver? Although it is very chaotic in the Forgotten Lands, it is estimated that no one has the guts to come here to rob silver?

Li Cong looked at them one by one and had so many questions, but he didn't explain to them. These people don't need to know so much. They just do some things and only need to transport. As for the rest, you don't need to know. So much, knowing too much is not good for them.

On the largest square in the Forgotten Lands, today the director of Cao’s House of Business wants to recruit some adventurers here. The recruits must all be level six fighters or above. Ordinary people are also possible, but they must enter the ice. For those who work in the forest, it’s no problem for ordinary people to go in for a month or two, but Li always wants to go deep. They can’t enter too much in a month or two, so they can only wander around. , This peripheral place doesn’t need them to investigate, so it takes so many ordinary people to do, but the salary is very strong. In the past, as long as you saw such recruitment information, it was estimated that these guys would leave immediately. Yes, because once they go to the frozen forest, they just use their heads to fight. It’s not necessary. It’s better to rob a few newcomers in the city. In this case, life is called a comfortable life, but today But many people come to see this, and they all feel that the treatment here is really good.

After a one-year field trip, as long as you write down everything you see, you will be paid more than 2 million taels of silver. Of course, don’t think you can find a place to stay away from work after you go in. There are airships in the sky every day to transport foster care to people in a certain area, unless you are sick, otherwise if you are in the same place for two days, I’m sorry, your expenses will be reduced, but if you find out Your salary will also increase exponentially if you find some large metal veins that other people have not discovered. You will be rich in your life.

Many sixth-level fighters are also excited at this time. Although they can get this number in a year in this city, the money cannot be saved. Normally, they can basically spend the money by eating, drinking and playing. It’s been cleaned up, and it’s impossible to have so much money left. If you join this expedition, you’ll just walk in the frozen forest and write down everything you know. This job is said to be Very good, that is, there is so much money in a year, and I also said that as long as people who are not lazy and behave well, they can basically be sent to the Southern Empire. This is a lot of money. Yes, if they were estimated to cost tens of millions of dollars in the past, they would definitely not make this money. Of course, Li Cong would not be able to send them all, and directly sent dozens of them. This matter is all right. If they are all gone, what should I do with my own business? It is said that these people can't worry about it one by one.

In one morning, more than 60,000 people signed up at the thirty-five registration points in the Forgotten Lands. There are even eighth-level fighters in it, but whether you are an eighth-level fighter or a sixth-level fighter, as long as you don’t get any news, I’m sorry, you can only have a basic salary of 2 million silver, and these people who sign up are Li It’s never possible to have all of them. If you want them, I’m probably going to empty your pocketbook. Li Cong only needs 5,000 people, and the rest can only be sorry for you.

The test will be held a week later, and each of them is a little nervous, and they finally have the opportunity to make so much money at once. This must keep stepping on. Only one in ten people was needed. The Forgotten Lands was full of rushes this week. In fact, this was one of Li Cong's methods to weaken them. So many people were still level six fighters or above. Their combat effectiveness is also very objective. If you can't control yourself well, what turmoil will be caused here. It's me who suffers, and I absolutely don't want to suffer, so I'm sorry. You can only kill each other.

When the number of people was counted again a week later, everyone was dumbfounded. There were only 10,250 people left. Nearly 50,000 people died. The remaining people are basically the more powerful of these people, some of them. People were selected to enter the frozen forest. As for the remaining unselected Li Cong, they also gave them a salary of 1.5 million taels to help them stabilize the law and order here. Although the money is not much, the victory lies in insurance. In arrears, some people usually have nothing to do. They all work hard for the opportunity to go to the Southern Empire. This kind of thing does not happen every day. If you prepare your own money, it will be 60 million taels. They are definitely not complete, only those who originally lived in the innermost have the ability, and not everyone in the innermost has that ability 63+

. Only a small part can be.

It would take 40 years to earn according to this job. For ordinary people, 40 years may be a long time, but for these people, 40 years is not that much. They can easily In the past 40 years, these people have been here for hundreds of years, so the 40 years is nothing to them, just pass by.

In the outermost area of ​​the frozen forest, Li Cong also recruited 300,000 ordinary people. They all searched the border areas of the frozen forest one by one, and it was very easy to supply supplies in remote areas. In fact, Li Cong’s idea is to block the frozen forest. Since they are all sure that the lightning gate is inside the frozen forest, they will definitely have various contacts with the outside world. By then, as long as these people are exposed I can always catch them.

Most of the people in Forgotten Lands are desperadoes. They can’t survive at all when they get to this place. Li Cong wants to recruit ordinary people, let alone 300,000 people, even 3 million people are fine. From the beginning What these guys want is to mess around, but it’s different after they eat the first meal. The output of genetic medicine can be used by hundreds of millions of people, and so many can be produced every year. These people can do it one by one. They are all very dedicated.

On the first day, Li Cong used dozens of airships and tens of thousands of sleighs to send these guys to the predetermined location. In the first month, they just built a huge camp in the surrounding area, and then there was a lot of food. Bring some warm things over. After they leave here, Li Cong will still let more people come, so this is a permanent fortification.

The temperature here is very low for ordinary people, but Li Cong on the planet rty has felt that the temperature is lower than this. This low temperature is really nothing to Li Cong. These below It's not the first time that people have entered the frozen forest. Some things that need to be noticed don't need to be said by themselves. They all know it very well.

"Master, if this Thunder Gate is really inside the frozen forest, we are doing things with such a big fanfare, they should have reacted." 002 looked at the hundreds of people in front of them digging the ground and said, they want to put half of the tent. It is built underground, and the other half is outside, otherwise it will be easily blown away by the wind outside. The wind here is definitely not small.

"I feel that way too, but we have been here for a while, and the sixth-level fighters have already reached 300 miles, and still haven't found anything. Although there are some people living in it, they are all One or two withdrawn people, these people are not normal people here at all, let alone thunder and lightning." Li Cong is also a little unsure at this moment, is it Christian or not? Their headquarters may not be in a remote area, but hundreds of thousands of people have entered the frozen forest, and Li Cong did not let the people below seal up. As long as they met people, they would ask them about the Thunder Gate. Things, if the headquarters of the Thunder Gate is really here. It is absolutely impossible not to know.

"Maybe the place where they live is still inside. Let's just continue to wait. The airship has already reached 500 miles to investigate, and it can reach 600 miles tonight. I really don’t know that they are all in such a cold place. How do you live." 002 obviously didn't know how the guys on the airship spent time. The temperature over there is absolutely minus 30 degrees.

Li Cong did not answer him either. Just smiled. In fact, those guys can easily weather the severe cold. Every airship that is operating here is already equipped with heating equipment, and the outside is minus 30 degrees. The inside is fifteen degrees above zero. They naturally won’t feel any cold, let alone entering 600 li, even if entering 6000 li, it’s nothing, besides, the innermost and outermost temperature It’s not much difference. In history, the people in the mouth can't go forward when they are about 5000 miles away from Li. It’s not because of the previous temperature problem, but the number of monsters inside. Decline has no effect on Warcraft, because they have lived here from beginning to end. For them, temperature is their best partner, and their greatest enemy is humans. Those who want to kill them take them and sell them for money. For human beings, temperature is the most harmful to humans. In fact, some of the less fatal injuries are nothing to humans, but if humans are in a low temperature environment, they are likely to become fatal injuries.

The Thunder Gate said it was in the frozen forest. In fact, they are just under the two hilltops. As long as they are less than a hundred miles around them, it is absolutely impossible for them to see the surroundings. They have a little bit of other places. They were not in the mood, because they knew clearly that no one would come in in these places around them. Even if someone came in, they would be some mercenaries. Let them go without threats, and kill those who threaten, as long as they are not coming. Tenth-level fighters and ninth-level magicians can easily kill those people. Of course, except for some special tasks, it is impossible for such a place to have such powerful people. Those people will not If it's okay to waste time in a place like this, they must cultivate well.

The people of Raidenmen still live according to their original habits, but one morning, they heard some unusual voices. Many people here are very powerful people. Many of them know the outside world. Any voice, such a voice is impossible for them. Could it be that some powerful warriors and magicians have appeared here? Recently, the internal organization has not been very calm. Several adults are already very patient. If possible, killing these people and letting them vent their anger is much better than holding back one by one.

Several people in charge of observing slowly walked to their posts. From the outside, it looks like a very thick tree, but from the inside, it’s empty inside. It’s very convenient for people to and from inside. Everyone inside can observe the people outside from here. No one except the space magician can know that this is an observation post, and even the airship in the sky cannot know it. At this moment, the sky is a small airship, and he is using it. Cruising at a speed of 30 kilometers per hour, the reason why they use such a slow speed is because they have to see everything outside, even they are used to make bait. I hope the people at Thunder Gate can find them and launch an attack. , They will have a good harvest.

Their goal is huge. Such a thing has never appeared here before. Now everything here is very clear. This voice comes from that thing in the sky. Many people I can see clearly, the surrounding observation posts are now thinking about what it is. The people here must have been out for fifty years. There was absolutely no such thing outside fifty years ago. This thing is fifty years old. The things that appeared during the year, no one now thinks that this thing is for them, they just feel it is strange, what is this thing for?

Several high-level members of the Thunder Gate also saw this thing. The distance is a bit high. A ninth-level fighter can kill this thing with a full blow, but I don’t know the depth of this thing. Is it a bit too reckless to attack now Well, the high-level people don’t know what to do at this time. Most of the people are watching. Just when they were watching, this airship flew past them. The speed of this thing is very fast, then A short time passed by this mountain.

This airship also didn’t find anything below because they didn’t see anything different at all. This place is the same as the hundreds of miles they passed, and everything around here is It’s the same thing, everything here is the same thing. It’s impossible for them to find the Thunder Gate by observation, but they are so tall that it’s a bit difficult for people to attack them, except High-level warriors and magicians, it is impossible for ordinary people to attack them.

The senior leaders of Raidenmen are not fools. When something like this appeared, they immediately wrote a lot of letters to the guys outside, asking them to tell themselves what it was, but it would take a lot to come and go For a long time, the speed of these flying monsters is very fast, but they can't fly for 24 hours, and their level is not very high.

The second airship also passed this way safely. It will take several months to wait for the people behind to come over. At least they will be safe during these months, for both parties. It's safe, but as long as they meet, both parties can...

Li never went in easily in the border area. From this moment, Li felt the threat of thunder and lightning to him. Unlike the others, if he went in like that, the one who suffered the loss might be his own. It was on the queen's body this time, and I didn't expect it to be here again. It feels really not good. (To be continued...)

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