Energy Group

Chapter 1960:

It’s not the first time Li Cong has come to Qinzheng Hall, but every time he comes, he will be shocked by some of the artistic effects here. Some of the sculptures here are really amazing, even if Li Cong feels like he is a person who has seen the world. These sculptures can also leave a deep impression on Li Cong. For Li Cong, these things are like a batch of works of art, that is, value.

In addition, what makes people feel the deepest is the strength of the emperor. It should be said that the strength of the imperial family, the strength of the empire, as long as people who have not been here may not feel how powerful the empire is. The three hundred and fifty around the Palace of Qinzheng A guard is the top strength of the royal family. They are the real imperial guards. They are all ninth-level fighters. Although there are more ninth-level fighters, there are also many ninth-level peak fighters. This is just the surface. In addition, I don’t know how many people there are in the dark. Those Li Cong in the dark can feel that they are around him, but they can’t see them. This shows that the people who are more capable are here. This kind of defense is impossible if you want to rush in. No matter where the emperor goes, these people will follow. Therefore, since the establishment of the four empires, no one has been assassinated. These guards are the least. It’s been thousands of years. They don’t seem to know that they are tired. The royal family can make so many people loyal to them. It is absolutely impossible to rely on royal money to complete it. There must be another meaning. of.

The two ninth-level magicians standing in front of the main entrance belonged to the royal family. Who said that magicians were noble. Although they were wearing warrior clothes outside, Li could tell from a glance that these two men were magicians. Because they were afraid of talking too much on the magician union, they would not run in wearing magic. These people were among the magicians. The other one, the so-called court magicians, seems to have not changed for many years, and if one disappears each time, someone else will soon be able to make up for them. The source of these magicians is still everyone. Know how it came. But they do.

The entire Qinzheng Hall is like a huge monster. Li Cong felt as if he had devoured himself. To say where he saw the most powerful aura, it might be here, and he glanced at the sculpture on the middle aisle. I don't know why the royal family likes to say that they are real dragons. Li Cong smiled helplessly in his heart. Those people are not real dragons, the real dragons are themselves, and they are the real dragons. The five-clawed golden dragon, that guy is still slowly growing in his body.

After entering, Li Cong found that there was no one on the emperor’s throne. Also, most emperors would not sit in the hall often, but only met a few courtiers. If they were all on the throne, it would seem too deserted. At this time The emperors are usually in the Imperial Study Room on the east side of the Palace of Qinzheng, which is also the place where the emperor often meets his courtiers in private, but being able to enter here can be said to be the absolute high-level of the empire, that is, if some princes have no skills That is also impossible.

The chief **** took Li Cong toward there on Monday. The **** in chief had a very good attitude towards Li Cong along the way. The eunuchs are the closest people to their rights, but the eunuchs’ life is also the saddest. The rights are very close, but these people have no rights. They can only rely on the masters behind them to pretend to be powerful. The law of the empire stipulates that eunuchs must not interfere with the government. If they are discovered, the lightest one is also a three-thousand-mile exile. It's okay to lose your head more seriously.

For such a chief eunuch, Li Cong is not a fool. Li Cong will not just give a few gold ingots to the **** and do things right. According to information received by Li Cong, this old **** is himself this Monday. The strength of a seventh-level fighter, an **** without masculinity can still make himself to this level is already very powerful, not to mention anything else, it is said that Li Cong also admires this guy, this guy on the surface I don’t want any bribes, but it’s not the case in private. This guy’s salary of 3,000 taels a year belongs to the middle class in the empire, but this guy’s assets, Li Cong, have been checked, and he has hundreds of millions of property. , If he doesn't reach out privately, can he have such assets? Do not make jokes.

"I heard that my father-in-law recently adopted a stepson. How are you doing? I heard that my father-in-law loves that little son very much." Li Cong said with a smile. The **** like Monday is most worried about his death. No one burns paper for himself, so the first thing he has to do is to implement this matter. The first thing he does is to get his nephew from a brother in his hometown. All he wants is a young one. , I don’t remember anything, that brother’s money naturally won’t be foolish. Besides, the peasants in the country see that the county magistrate is so coy with his brother who is an eunuch, what’s in my heart? Will give birth to some other ideas, in their opinion, the magistrate can do anything.

"Thank you, Sir Alex, for your concern. This kid is fine, but I don’t know what will happen in the future. Hey, when I had no children, I naturally wanted one, but when I have one, I have to worry about his future. It’s really embarrassing. "The old **** said depressed.

"Really? Father-in-law, don’t worry too much. By the way, I have some level 6 monster cubs. They have just been transported to the capital recently. The number is not very large. If the father-in-law is interested, come to me to pick it up. One, it’s not bad to be a bodyguard for the little son in the future.” Li Cong said with a smile. The children of the powerful people in the capital would usually adopt a monster cub when they were very young. Teachers, like those who have concluded soul treaties with the monsters, rely on cultivating a good relationship with the cubs when they were young, and they will live very well in the future. There are countless things like this, but since the last 200 years, they want to get monsters. Cubs are not that easy anymore. Now the price of a level 6 monster cub is as high as tens of millions of silver. Li Cong naturally does not need to bother to get these. There are two considerations for Li Cong to do that.

The first is to make a fortune by relying on them, but Li Cong is the emperor in their hearts, so they can break into the rich and powerful, and it is very convenient to listen to some news. Since ancient times, no one has ever thought of Warcraft. Will deliver messages to people.

The smile on this face came out on Monday. This guy really didn’t know what to say. This Li Cong is really interesting. You can do things like this. Before, I thought Li Since it is a payable person, now it seems. This person's ranking is going to rise straight in his heart. It's just that I haven't found such a valuable thing for a long time with his own power. He gave it to himself so directly. Could it be that he has any thoughts in his heart? I thought that the smile on Monday's face was gone, but at this time I couldn't ask Li Cong carefully what was going on. They had already arrived at the door of the Yushufang. This is going in immediately.

I sorted it out on Monday and quickly went in to report. The emperor also asked Li Cong to go in. Monday's heart was like a cat's claw. He thought that his child could have a monster. Everything is complete right now, but for what, he is thinking about this problem himself, he wants the emperor to hurry up after seeing Li Cong, so he can go up and ask what is going on.

After entering the house, Li saw an old man with white hair sitting 30 meters in front of him. This man was the emperor who ruled the Northern Empire for thousands of years. During his reign, it can be said that there was nothing obvious in the Northern Empire. The progress of the emperor, but there is absolutely no obvious decline. The people of the Northern Empire have a very good reputation for the emperor. At least during the emperor’s tenure, there will be no large-scale wars and no major disasters, of course. , He couldn't stop the Warcraft Mountains in the south.

"I have seen your majesty the emperor." If Li Cong is an imperial earl, now Li Cong must kneel down and talk to the emperor, but in addition to this identity, Li Cong has another identity, that is, a magician. Li Cong now has The strength of the ninth-level magician has the name of the eighth-level magician, so even if you see the emperor, you just make yourself bend down. As for kneeling, it is absolutely impossible. The magician’s legs don’t. Curved, this is a fact recognized by all magicians, and later this evolved into a fact recognized by everyone, and there should be no disrespect for magicians.

"Hehe, my son-in-law invites you, everyone is a family, you may come to the capital a little less, but I am a weird old man who likes family atmosphere very much, this is not the former, it is my study room, I think You probably won’t bow to your other father-in-laws in this way. Just like them, just call my father.” The old emperor glanced at Li Cong, and Li Cong also looked at it from this, with this look. It is very sharp. It is absolutely impossible for such a person to abdicate in a short time. This old emperor should at least be the emperor for decades. Although Li Cong felt strange in his heart, he also understood these things. He has nothing to do with himself for half a dime, and he will not interfere with their royal family.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, it's better to narrate the national etiquette first. The law of the country is as big as the sky." Li Cong said, neither humble nor humble. The old guy scolded Li Congxiao the fox in his heart. Damn, the law of the country is as big as the sky. Next talk, you magicians are all like this. The feeling to outsiders is how polite you are, but it’s true, you don’t understand anything, it’s because you contempt our imperial power so much. In fact, there is another reason why the emperor treated Li Cong so kindly, that is, the emperor wanted to improve the relationship with the wizards’ union. It is impossible for the old wizards to discuss with them. In their opinion, what they did. Everything is right, it’s just that you only need to do it afterwards. As for the things you want to report to you, don’t think about it. It’s absolutely impossible. Those guys won’t. Listen to you, this is what those **** magicians do, they are doing things that the royal family hates almost every day.

"Hehe, son-in-law is still a person who values ​​etiquette. He is the same as your father. Back then, your grandfather and your father helped me guard the south for hundreds of years. They also made great contributions to the empire. Unfortunately, it is about you. The cause of his father's death has not been explained to you. The people of the imperial supervision department are really stupid." The emperor said angrily, and Li Cong sneered in his heart. This Cao Zheng is a stranger to himself. Whether you are willing or unwilling to pursue it, Lao Tzu will not care about those things. These things are the same as him.

"About my father, I actually care about it all the time. It's just that my ability is really limited over the years, and I hope that His Majesty the Emperor can help me." Li Cong said lightly. He and Cao Zheng have no feelings. That guy Cao Zheng might have thought about it for himself later, but it was mainly because he discovered that he was a magician who stepped on it. If he was not a magician, he would never do that. The emperor would never talk about this for no reason. He must have his own ideas when he said so, and Li Cong would also see what this guy thinks.

The emperor said a few words about Cao Zheng and he knew that the old man Cao Zheng was unpopular with Li Cong, and he also knew what life Li Cong spent with Cao Zheng in the past. The emperor didn't think it was wrong. This concubine has its own difference. If the concubine and the concubine were the same, the whole society might be messed up, and at that time, he might be punished by a lot of old scholarship. As an imperial emperor, he didn't want to be like that.

"Well, I will pay attention to this matter. The empire is now in troubled times. I don’t know if Son-in-law is interested in helping me in the empire. I know you have your own business. The recent development of Cao’s family firm is very good. I also see it in my eyes, but a business is a business, and it is not the same as politics. In the whole society, politics is the most important." This was said from the mouth of the imperial emperor. If this is heard by other people, it would be crazy. But for Li Cong, politics himself has to participate, but it will definitely not be now. He is developing rapidly in all aspects. If he is tied to himself Living in the imperial court, the loss would be great, so I would never agree to this.

"Thank you, His Majesty, for your love. I think this matter needs a long-term perspective. First of all, I am not very suitable for making political achievements. I can say that I have no ideas in politics. I I do everything according to my own preferences. My firm is mine, so I can decide whatever I want, because that’s my own, but the empire is yours. I If you make a small mistake, it will affect the entire empire. This is absolutely impossible for me, and it is the same for you. Secondly, I have no interest in politics. , You have seen it, it is the fief you gave me that I have never been to once. It’s not that I don’t want to go, but I don’t know what I want to do. My fief may be the worst among most counts. I really don’t know how to manage them. I always thought that as long as it was money, the people in my fief earn much better than other people. But in the end, I was really wrong, not only There is no improvement, and it makes the ordinary people too greedy one by one." Li Cong said helplessly.

Li Cong took a good look at the emperor when he was speaking. This old guy definitely didn't really want to let himself help him. If Li Cong had this opportunity before, he would definitely join in quickly, but now Li Cong also understood that the emperor was afraid of entering politics. The more ignorant he was about politics, the better. Li Cong's impression of the emperor was like this, and most people knew about Li Cong's fiefdom. In a county with a million people, what Li Cong has to manage is how chaotic and chaotic. In the past, it was not a good place, but it was still good, but after Li Cong took over, all kinds of welfare were not. As a result, the people there have developed the habit of eating and lazy. Not only did it have no good results, but it also made the people who were hard-working people suffer.

The old emperor took a deep look at Li Cong, as if he wanted to see through everything in Li Cong's heart, but Li Cong didn't evade in the slightest. His face was as if he had just drunk bitter tea. The old emperor looked at it. I didn't see anything for a while. Either Li Cong was really not interested in politics, or he really didn't want to do this.

"Since you don’t want to do this, let’s talk about the problem of the ocean-going fleet that you told me last time. Our Northern Empire also has a lot of outlets to the sea, but most of them are closer. Transportation. It's just some transportation within our own border. We really haven't been in the distance. I also believe that you said that it is a good idea to transport our goods to the Southern Empire by freighter and then the Southern Empire will transport it back. However, the loss on the road is definitely not less. We don’t know what is going on in the vast sea.” The emperor said a little worried.

The four empires on this planet all rely on the sea. These four empires are all on a single continent. The surrounding area is naturally the sea, but they have never developed sea transportation, mainly because of their sailing technology and the sea. They didn’t move on because of their fear, and these things were not difficult for Li Cong. As long as you are willing to spend time on research, there is no problem. Now it's just a matter of asking the emperor to express his opinion, and of course it has to give others certain benefits.

The Northern Empire also had its own trade with the other three empires, but the trade volume was too small, and the annual trade volume was tens of thousands of tons at most. This is nothing. This is very different from the trade between several regions on the earth. Not to mention that this place is thousands of times the size of the earth, the population is hundreds of times, and the trade volume should be much larger than that of the earth. But not now, not even a fraction.

Some things in the Northern Empire are very popular in the Southern Empire. Profits can definitely be more than ten times or even hundreds of thousands of times. This is all possible. Li Cong uses airships to carry out such transportation now, but from In the long run, the sea route is better. Land transportation has to be stopped because of the existence of the Warcraft Mountains. Even if Li Cong is the emperor of the Warcraft Mountains, he can't make a road from the Warcraft Mountains. This is absolutely not. Possible thing.

"I have considered all these things that your majesty said. This is a route map made by my men on the sea. Please take a look at it." Li Cong took out a nautical map and said that this planet is similar to that on the earth. The ocean is very different. There is not much wind on the ocean on this planet. If there is no power, it is absolutely impossible to sail from the southernmost port of the Northern Empire to the northernmost part of the Southern Empire. The port is about 35,000 kilometers, the nearest port to the Western Empire is 19,000 kilometers, and the nearest port to the Eastern Empire is 220,000 kilometers. The port of the Southern Empire is not a suitable place for large-scale transactions. If you want to trade with the Southern Empire, Li Congjian There are nearly 80,000 kilometers to the nearest place from the sea. This is definitely not a short distance. It is not a short time according to the current fastest speed of the modified ship. The maximum speed of the modified ship can reach 110km per hour. It takes more than a month to sail 80,000 kilometers per hour, and various supplies on the sea require a lot. Therefore, to do business in the Southern Empire, the fleet must be large, otherwise it will not be. The middle seat has nothing to eat for himself, and he still does fart business.

Of course, Li Cong would naturally not tell these guys that his fleet can arrive in the Southern Empire in one month. In that case, how should those high freight charges be calculated? Is it possible to make a sky-high price? That’s impossible, so you have to make the price too high. The ship kings on the earth can make a lot of money. You have to learn from them, otherwise you can. He is really a fool who doesn't do that thing by himself.

"It seems that you have really studied this matter a lot. Our empire encourages similar things, but I can say the shame on the front. The three seaports you promised on the map are all for you. The imperial court will not pull out the money for you.” The emperor didn’t have any confidence in this. It wasn’t that no one had done this before, but their results were all car crashes. Now, there are many such things, and no one will do it. Most people don't even get their lives back.

Li Cong smiled and nodded. The government does not invest in asking others to pay for it. What about himself? Get you a piece of land that is not used very much. This is yours. Of course, the emperor is not as shrewd as the officials on the later earth. Those people tell you how many years you have the right to use this land. Yes, here, the land given to you will always be yours, and now the old emperor is still very happy, this Li Cong is a fool, this has drawn three circles for Li Cong, although the land in it There is also a lot of arable land. But at most it is only 60%, and the remaining 40% are some mountain beaches or something. This is based on the area of ​​arable land, which is a full 3 billion mu of land. This will cost more than a dozen provinces’ tax revenue. Every year there will be nearly five billion dollars in extra money, my mother. Why don’t you do this kind of business? No one wants the land left there, and those in the coastal areas The people are not so obedient to discipline. They often don't listen to what the government says. If you get into trouble, you just get on the boat and go overseas. There are many islands overseas. These three areas are in the eastern coastal area of ​​the Northern Empire. The emperor is very generous. All these places were directly given to the little princess. The place will always belong to you couple. As long as you start paying taxes, it was not bad for these places to earn 300 million silver per year. What about now? It has expanded nearly twenty times. The emperor was also happy for his actions, damn, more than 4 billion dollars a year, he can form two main battle regiments, so many things do not need to be managed by himself.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, what I promised will be no problem. In addition to the taxes in the three regions, if the imperial fleet is formed in the future, the emperor will be able to get at least one billion yuan in tax each year." Li Cong He smiled and said that he was going to throw the emperor into this trap step by step. One billion tax revenue is the tax revenue of two provinces. The emperor will not be too much. The point is that these things will be paid every year. Yes, this is not a one-off deal. I just talked to Li Cong for a while, and he can increase the income of the empire by 6 billion silver. It is okay to be the emperor himself, but the emperor is still shrewd. He saw At a glance at Li Cong, he felt that this thing could not be so cheap.

"Uh, I remember that you still have a pearl-picking business in the east. I can’t just take advantage of you with this money. After all, we are all a family. That’s fine. The tax revenue from pearl-picking is not needed. I’ll collect it from the trade fleet in the future.” The emperor said generously. This is an explanation for Li Cong. The old emperor’s abacus is very good. After receiving the money, will they tell themselves what they dug what they did not dug? It's impossible. We don't know whether those things are only themselves.

"Thank you so much, Your Majesty." Li Cong said with a smile. This emperor is really a fool, his own pearl-picking business? My own is not picking pearls, my own is cultivating pearls, but I am cultivating pearls. The pearl culture technology on the earth is already very good. Basically, the pearls produced are not natural or domestic. Now that I have earned more than 100 billion in revenue every year, I just haven’t said it. Now you don’t want to collect money, then our jewelry store is about to open up, and then you can I feel distressed. According to the jewellery industry’s tax rate of twenty one tax, at least tens of billions or more of tax will be required each year. It is estimated that the old emperor will cry to death at that time, but these discussions will be used later by the Imperial Household After the contract was signed, the emperor was afraid that Li would not pay himself taxes from now on, so he had to do these things better, otherwise he would be afraid not to pay.

"Your Majesty, I actually have another thing I want to talk to you this time. I don't know if you have time now?" Li Cong said with a smile, and the emperor also nodded with interest. For a long time, I will be able to increase taxes of 6 billion silver every year in the future. How can I not have time for such a good deal?

"That's it. Recently, I may need to take some actions in the frozen forest in the northern part of the empire. I will ask my people to block the frozen forest and find an organization that contradicts me. I don't know if the Emperor can do it. Do you support my approach?" Li Cong said, what he said is very straightforward, but the old emperor was taken aback, mother, to block the frozen forest. You kid dare to say that. You are really courageous. Before, no one dared to say this. What is wrong with your kid? Is that frozen forest that you can block if you want to block it? But the old emperor wouldn't think about that now. What he considers is where he can get what benefits.

"It seems that that person should have a serious contradiction with the son-in-law. That's good. The Storm Corps in the northern part of my empire can dispatch 700,000 cavalry for you. It is better to ask them to help you in the past. They don't It’s not a problem to do things like that. Blockade is still okay. They used to act in frozen forests a lot. It should be okay to teach them.” The words of the old emperor surprised Li Cong. This old guy has never It’s when you take advantage of it. When will you take the initiative to help yourself? Is there anything wrong? Li Cong also felt a little guilty in his heart. Does this old guy also know about the Thunder Gate? Probably not. The emperor represents the highest interests of the empire. If the emperor knew it, he would definitely do that right away. I will never wait.

"This is naturally thanks to my father. I just sent the empire's army to do some personal affairs for myself. Isn't it a bad influence? The imperial historians in the imperial court are not for casual food." Difficult to say, in fact, these two people understand Yushi. When they need to deal with someone, these censors are their guns. If you don't need to use your words. Then it doesn't matter, just do what you should do.

"This son-in-law is right, and I thought of it for son-in-law. In fact, the Imperial Stormtrooper has not gone out for training for a long time. I am afraid that their combat effectiveness will also decline to a certain extent. It's better to let the northern army go to the frozen forest to zip it up. This good son-in-law is not short of this amount of money. You only need to pay the money. During their garrison, you can pay their military expenses. "The old emperor said without embarrassment. Li Conggang wants to raise some objections, good fellow. This old man said he was sleepy. Damn, he was still very energetic just now. He is going to be sleepy just now? This is too fast. How can I fall asleep so quickly? Although Li Cong was not satisfied, the emperor said, in this age of supremacy, what he can say, he can only be honest go back.

The empire’s legion is like this. If the legion without a title is a general legion, only the emperor’s pro-army will have its own title. This is how the Stormwind Legion is. The Stormwind Legion is full of people who have been exploited. When the beast tide broke out in the frozen forest, it blocked the progress of the beast tide in the frozen forest and protected a lot of people. Of course, they could stop it, but the Southern Legion could not stop it. This is also for a reason. Their combat effectiveness is strong. Yes, the other is also because the monsters in the frozen forest are not so powerful, which is also a very important reason.

There are nearly fifteen divisions under the Stormwind Legion, each of which has nearly half a million people. Damn, is the military supply of a full seven million people belong to Lao Tzu? However, this matter can also be considered from another side, that is, for the time being, I can lead the Stormwind Legion. Of course, it is limited to outside the border. When it comes to it, I don’t have any control. The Stormwind Legion has more than seven million people. The regular army, as well as tens of millions of servants, must know that the people who can enter the Stormwind Legion are all selected from tens of thousands. Although it cannot be said that all of them are fighter-level, they cooperate almost every time. One can reach the combat effectiveness of a third-tier fighter, and millions of third-tier fighters, no wonder they can be so powerful.

When Li Cong returned home, the documents of the Imperial Household Department came. The old fellow, Shang Shu Tian Congdian, was happily drinking good tea here. He and Li Cong are also related. The little princess’s mother’s cousin is this guy’s wife. If they are called by relatives, this is the uncle, but two people know that now there are so many household officials here and they are not talking about relatives. When two people call each other, they open their mouths. It's Master Zhongtang, and the other one is naturally the former Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Do Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Do not there.

After signing some official documents, the **** chief of Qinzheng Temple taught Li Cong the tiger symbol symbolizing power. This is the token of the Stormtrooper regiment that Li Cong is going to go to. Although there are documents signed by the imperial emperor, there is no such thing. It’s still useless. Now it’s already exporting official documents from the Ministry of War. It takes several places to be able to say that this thing is completely possible. Otherwise, it’s absolutely impossible. The transfer of a legion can be. It's not that simple.

Li Cong was also taken aback when he saw it, mother, what's going on, is there something wrong with the empire, is there something wrong with the emperor, the document says that he is the prince of the empire to lead the entire Stormtrooper regiment. The legion and its tens of millions of servants, when necessary, can even mobilize millions of local troops in dozens of northern provinces. From this news, Li Cong can see that the emperor is definitely not supporting himself. It's simple, he must also know some news about Thunder Gate. Li Cong wondered if he should also talk about these emperors with the Western Empire. After all, the Western Empire also had a part of the border with the Northern Empire, and there was also a province. It was at the border of the Frozen Forest. If there was another main battle legion over there, then Thunder Gate would not be able to do anything except to fight with himself.

It’s just that Li Cong quickly suppressed this idea of ​​his own, and what he thought was still very good. If UU reading really cooperated with him there, the emperors of these two empires would After thinking a lot, they can easily believe in themselves, but they will never believe in the emperor of their neighboring country. This is not in line with their thinking at all. It must be impossible and cannot be done like that.

This is not for me, my mother. The Stormtrooper spends at least 17.5 billion dollars in the empire every year. Forget it, I can bear this for the Thunder Gate. It turns out that this is a big pit that the emperor dug for himself. It also saved Li Cong a lot of time. It turned out that Li Cong wanted to seal off the frozen forest with his own strength. In that case, he might spend more money. This little money is still for Li Cong. What can come out is that I don’t know how long I’m going to lock down. Li Cong, a large organization like this, never expected to be able to solve it in a short period of time. This is a bit illogical, and they will definitely waste a long time. Time, if the time is short, it can be said to be able to sustain it. It is so long every year that it can't be supported by myself.

"Hehe, Sir Alex Ferguson is really generous this time. I keep the money bag for your Majesty every year. Your Majesty will either increase your expenses here or there. This year, hundreds of billions of dollars have been spent. I rarely see that your Majesty can increase the income of the national treasury. Sir Sir Alex is here to vote for a share." What Tian Congdian said was all from his heart. Li Congdian actually gave 20 billion silver from here, and Li Cong did it. At that time, I also thought of bleeding, but I never thought that I would have so much blood. This is a bit big. (To be continued...)

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