Energy Group

Chapter 1961:

"Master Tian is really joking. The person in the empire who has the most money is you. How can you say such a thing? We often need your helper, just like now my business firm deals with the Imperial Household Department every day. I heard that the Ministry of Households recently needed a large loan. I wonder if the ticket number of our Caojia Commercial Bank might cooperate with you?” Li Cong said with a smile. The person in front of him cannot be offended. In fact There are many people who are interested in borrowing from the court. It’s just that the court’s repayment time is relatively long, and the interest will definitely not be too high. They are definitely not satisfied with the court’s interest, but Li Cong has already paid for the interest. I was very satisfied, that is, when I bought the national debt, it would be harder for the emperor to admit the national debt than killing him.

Originally, Tian Congdian thought about it and said a few words to Li Cong and he was about to leave. He and Li Cong didn’t have much close friendship. Although there will be a lot of lawsuits to be fought in the future, it still doesn’t matter. People on the side don’t need to be so close to Li Cong. He became interested when he heard that Li Cong was interested in borrowing. When he came out of the Palace of Qinzheng, the emperor also said that he should follow Li Cong. To talk about this loan, it’s just that the amount is too large and the interest rate is so low. So far, less than one-third of such a large share has been raised. Tell Li Cong that the rest are also I can’t listen to you. People’s private loan business is much better than yours. Why do people listen to you? Your court’s insurance is not profitable.

"Haha, no wonder your majesty said that Sir Alex Ferguson would definitely give consideration to the empire. He was dissatisfied that Sir Alex said that this year's loan can only be repaid for at least five years. According to the previous regulations of the Ministry of Households, only December It is for interest. After five years, the principal will be returned in one lump sum. The annual interest rate is a lot higher than last year. The annual interest rate is 20%. I wonder if Sir Alex is satisfied with this figure?" Tian Congdian I can’t say anything about it. You have to know that the foreign loan sharks just get one or two hundred percent interest. That is, the interest rate of Li Cong’s Cao’s house is relatively low, but it’s 30-40% every year. In between, this 20% of my own is really unspeakable, it is a bit too low, and this figure feels a bit ugly on my face.

"The interest rate is a little lower. If I want them all, I think the court will have some discounts." Li Cong said with a smile. In fact, Li Cong has too much money in his hands, so he has to find a way to keep his money in value. Now Li Cong throws all his money in Li Cong’s body, and he can throw it out. The imperial emperor was frightened, so Li Cong was very interested in the loans issued by such countries. Anyway, he didn’t expect them to give himself much profit. As long as he didn’t put it there to rust, he was himself. As for the purpose of other investments, it is nothing at all. Especially the money that Li left from refining medicine last time was the most. There were tens of trillions of dollars in silver alone, and there were even more precious medicinal materials.

"Hehe, the court is going to borrow 300 billion silver this year, and now it has sold nearly 100 billion silver. If Sir Alex Ferguson is interested, I can do some procedures for you at any time. As for some preferential terms, it is on interest. I don’t know what Sir Alex means?” Tian Congdian was a little excited, but these things annoyed him. The emperor didn’t care about it. He took this thing when he opened it. Now that the money is available, he will give some appropriations to the following governors and generals. It is also a white bar. The people below will naturally come to the household department to collect the money. If they can’t do it well, they will definitely go back and continue to make trouble with the emperor. In that case, the unlucky officials are the officials from the household department. This is the most important thing.

"If I buy them all. I hope that the annual interest should be 25%, and if I can, I can pay them right away." This point is issued by the account department itself. This time is different from the future. Yes, we still need to hold meetings and other things to decide, but for the current era, these things can be decided by the Ministry of Households Shangshu, five points higher, this Tian Congdian glanced at Li Cong, mom Yes, these years, there really are not such easy-to-send people. The price this guy wants is really ruthless. Five points a year, 200 billion silver can be 10 billion silver, five years can be 50 billion silver, which is absolutely It's not a small amount, but at the moment, there is really no one who can buy it, shit, anyway, this thing is not his own, just when this guy hesitated, Li Cong opened another temptation.

"If Master Tian can agree, I will be able to subscribe between 200 billion and 300 billion at this exchange rate next year. Of course, it will be very tiring for Master Tian to be busy, and the imperial government is also very tiring. There are certain rewards, so that’s good. If this contract is taken, 30 million taels of silver will belong to Master Tian when I receive the interest every year.” Li Cong said with a smile, the number is not very large, and the Hubu Shangshu is not too big. I look at the 30 million taels of silver, but this thing is a long-term one. If you have this money every year, it is not a small amount. Anyway, the 150 million silvers in the past five years is no problem. If you can solve your own work problems, you can still benefit yourself. Why don't you do it yourself? Many people come to do things with themselves for these talents, but the things they let themselves do are a little uneasy, and they have never encountered such things before.

"Hehe, happy cooperation, please call someone to the household department within three days to hand over, and the people over there will take care of these things." Tian Congdian measured it and said, 25% Although the interest rate is a bit high, this is still within Tian Congdian’s decision. You can still do something like this. If you don’t do it, someone else will do it. You have to know. In addition to himself, the Ministry of Household also has a scholar.

"Thank you, Master Tian, ​​a little disrespectful, it is purely for the children at home to play." When he left, Li Cong asked someone to send a beautiful box over, which looked like a very good thing, Tian Congdian He smiled and took it personally. The box couldn't be bought without a tens of thousands of dollars. The eagerness of An Nai held his own and opened it after he got into the carriage. Good guys, colorful pearls, in any color, each pearl of this size can cost at least hundreds of thousands of silver. At this glance, I can see a box full of at least hundreds, thousands of dollars. Ten thousand silver. This Li Cong's shot is really generous, indeed. The fact that Li Cong can walk away in the capital has something to do with his generosity.

Many officials in the capital also thought that it would be difficult for Cao's firm to do something at once. Wouldn't it be possible to get more benefits if this was the case? It’s a pity that their idea was wrong. There was an attendant in the household department who wanted to embarrass Li Cong two years ago. That guy received Li Cong’s 4 million taels and didn’t help Li Cong. Since he was angry, Li Cong directly spent more money to get that guy out, and almost lost his head. We are a businessman. But we have never been a bully businessman. You think you can make irresponsible remarks to Lao Tzu in the presence of a small official. That is impossible, and you can't do it. We won't let you do it. Since then, all the people who want to be Li Cong are dumbfounded. They all understand that this person is not something they can offend. Just collect money and do things honestly, anyway, people give a lot.

Li Cong has basically completed the main things on the capital side, but the little princess has just started. Although it is very simple for them to enter the capital, if they have such an identity Frequent visits are not so good, anyway, the little princess also needs a few days to complete the visit in the capital. Li Cong was also going to inspect the property in the capital, by the way, to see if there is any business in the capital.

Living in the capital is not easy. This is everyone’s idea. All people in the capital, whether they are officials, businessmen or ordinary people, understand this truth. The capital has not been expanded for more than three hundred years, and the price of land in the capital is also It has reached a very surprising point. It is very normal for a shop to have several million dollars. That is, every year the royal court’s land tax is quite a lot. For the royal court, the income of the capital is more than dozens of provinces. Of course, if the income is large, the expenses are definitely a lot. Many, just rewards have already made the emperor bother.

According to the regulations, when the clan’s children are over twenty, the clan’s mansion will ask for a title. Just like Li Cong’s son, if he has a son, he is now an earl, but he is a hereditary earl. Such a title is much more powerful than some dukes who cannot be hereditary. Lifetime titles are among the nobles, and they are ordinary people. They are not true nobles. This is a matter of hereditary nobles. There are no fewer than hundreds of people for the second knighthood. Among them, from the prince’s son to the lowest Qingqi captain, there are all of them. If you want to be knighted, this is not a free talk. It is for others. Good houses, farms, people and houses, these people all have the same mouth. Therefore, Prince Lingxian of the clan family's residence heard about Li from the Ministry of Finance and immediately came to the door. Nothing. Meaning, we also came to borrow money.

Li Cong happily received this uncle in the living room of his home. The prince Xian can be said to be the first person in the prince’s class of the Northern Empire, second only to the prince. He is also the younger brother of the current emperor’s relatives, and he has been nearly 200. The decree of the ancestor’s palace in 1 year was issued. At the time of the imperial court, the decree of the palace was to be in front of the six books. It was definitely a very decent person. His arrival made Li Cong and the little princess feel very Light.

"Uncle, you eat this. I brought this dragon fruit back from the Western Empire. It is the freshest thing. You can taste it. If you eat one more, it will give us face." The relationship between the little princess and the Prince Xian It’s still very good. It’s not to his emperor Lao Tzu that he didn’t do this, so he did it to this uncle. He also saw that his uncle was really a little old. In the past few years, he was really worried about the affairs of the clan. It’s too much. These centuries have been the fastest time for their royal family to expand. Every year, tens of thousands of royal children grow up. Although the emperor has already issued a clan decree, the number of people in the clan is still growing. The emperor also thought of ways to control the continuous growth, but it is always an ancestor, and this cannot be said too much.

"Well, this dragon fruit is really good. The dragon fruit of the Western Empire is indeed a fruit that the whole continent likes. It's a pity that the shelf life of this thing is too short, even I can't eat it often. That is to say, your husband and wife have airships to transport this thing here. Otherwise, this old man of mine would really not be so lucky. It is really not cheap to sell this thing outside." Prince Xian himself likes it very much. Those who eat fruit are also the ones in his family, but the fruit in front of him is the size of a child's fist, and it is not that he can eat it every day. This kind of thing is actually not a valuable thing in the Western Empire, but it can only last for a month at most. It turned into **** after a month. The place of production of this thing is nearly 100,000 kilometers away. It is joking to walk with people. It is the reason why the airship was replaced in the last month.

The second-level airship has modified its engine, which can more than double its speed. The fastest speed can reach 300KM per hour, but the volume of cargo transported has been reduced by one-third to only 300 tons. It can take an airship of 7000KM a day, and it takes half a month to transport it from the pick up, so the price is naturally very amazing. This item is sold individually, and each one costs at least 300,000 taels of silver, and one can be at most. It is 300 grams, and Li Cong's two airships go back and forth once a month. Transporting some fruits from the Northern Empire and the Western Empire also made Li Cong's trade extremely popular.

They have already transported it twice. The 2,400 tons of fruits have benefited Li Cong a lot, and the profit per catty is more than one hundred thousand silver. In total, this has brought Li Cong nearly 500 billion silver in income. , There are naturally a lot of rich people. Many people are trying to eat this break head, especially in the capital city. There are too many rich people. What do they do every day? Naturally, it costs money and compares. It can be said that Li Cong has been able to grasp the veins of these guys very well.

"Uncle, what you said is really right. In fact, the transportation of this thing is also very expensive for us. It takes more than half a month to transport it from the Western Empire to here, even with airships. Our airships can be used. The magic core of Warcraft is used as fuel with some other precious metals. Every time we come down we will have a profit of several million silver." Although the little princess does not know how much profit is actually made, she will never believe it. It was the number that the husband said, but the husband told him to say that, and he had no other ideas. The husband said what he said, and he did not need to lie. Anyway, according to what he knows is this number and what is the specific thing. But it's not our business.

"Oh, the life of your couple is really good, but the hundreds of thousands of families in the capital are not so good. If the royal family is close to the family, at least the title will not be low, but a lot of it from my early years The people who are knighted, their life is not so easy. These people are now the lowest knights in the clan. They are all third-class Qingqi captains, and they are paid 10,000 taels of silver per year, plus some others. Food and other things are at most less than 20,000 silver. Life in the capital is so difficult. They are not willing to leave the capital one by one. They can only be subsidized by the clan mansion. When the royal special bill came out, there were not so many. The royal family of Beijing needs subsidies, and now suddenly there are more. My life is really difficult.” The prince Xian is really not complaining. What he said is true. The royal family of Beijing has its own mark, that is, they are all With a piece of royal jade pendant, this thing can only be carried by the royal family. It doesn't matter if you are a prince or a third-class Qingqi captain, it is the same. As long as you are still alive, you can't take it off casually.

Li Cong heard this and understood what was going on. It turned out that it was a difficult time to come here to find money. It’s just that these clan men didn’t usually have other hobbies, they just liked eating, drinking and having fun. They gave them as much money as possible. Not enough, the emperor really has no way to deal with them. In order to prevent the royal family from expanding again in the future, the emperor issued a special clan bill. However, Li Cong didn't know what the title was, and Prince Xian patiently explained it to him. After all, he asked someone to do something. If this is not good, then don't ask someone to do something.

The system of knighthood here is basically the same as that of the Chinese Qing Dynasty. Princes, county kings, dukes, marquis, earls, viscounts, barons, generals of the first-rank pillar country, generals of the second-rank town, generals of the third-rank Fengguo, and fourth-rank Qingqi Du Wei, this is the knighthood of the children of the clan. Generally speaking, there are three types of knighthood, one is hereditary. When this happens, your title will be the same. The second is the ordinary title. This is that every time a patriarch dies, the eldest son will inherit it, and then it will be downgraded to one level. The prince and county prince to the lowest viscount can be hereditary. Instead, the duke to the baron can be replaced by the third-rank Fengguo general, and the remaining titles are all replaced by the fourth-rank Qingqi captain. At the beginning, this kind of thinking was afraid that there would be so many people, but now it still appears. There is no way, this royal family has been developed for tens of thousands of years. It has long been not the royal family of that year. Now the entire population of the royal family exceeds 10 million. If it is in accordance with the ancestral law, it would be terrible, exceeding 8 million. The third-class Qingqi captain, among other things, said that the annual salary of 10,000 silver is 80 billion silver, and this plus other only pays 200 billion silver to the person with the lowest title. Is that possible? It is absolutely impossible, so there is a special bill.

The special bill stipulates that the lowest grade 4 Qingqi captain must be stopped after the tenth generation, and an exam must be taken from the eleventh generation. Those who pass the exam can continue to be your Qingqi captain. , But your son still has to take the exam. I am sorry if he fails the exam. You have nothing to do with the royal family. Your royal jade pendant or something will be taken back, but in order to show the tolerance of the empire, you can still receive 500 taels of living expenses per year. If you do business, you can do it for the first five years. No tax. Although the preferential terms are still acceptable, what is this to those clan masters?

There are forty princes in the Northern Empire, and 4 of them are hereditary. These four iron hat princes have made great contributions in the early years of the empire. Otherwise, they are now very capable. According to the rules of the empire, the prince’s salary all the same. Unless it is someone who has made a significant contribution to the empire, they can get the prince’s salary each year. The prince’s annual salary is 200,000 taels of silver, plus some other income, which is 300,000 silver. This amount of money is estimated for those princes who spend a lot of money. It’s enough for them to spend a day, and they won’t be short of money. Those who are really short of money are those at the bottom of the clan. According to the imperial law, the prince’s eldest son can be named the prince’s son when he is 20 years old. Can be opened independently, the annual salary is half of the prince’s, the prince’s other concubines are all named marquis, and the other concubines are named viscounts, but they are not hereditary, even if the prince is hereditary, there is only one prince The hat is just that, the others are to be downgraded.

There are 70 county kings in the Northern Empire, of which 8 are hereditary. According to the laws of the empire, the annual salary of the county kings is 180,000 taels of silver, and the total annual income is about 250,000 taels of silver. Most of the county kings are stationed in other places. There are very few people in the capital. In the capital, it’s an empty palace. According to the laws of the empire, the prince can ask the prince’s son when the eldest son is 20 years old. The salary is half of the prince’s, but not. When opening a mansion outside, the status of the prince of the county prince is the same as that of the duke. The other concubines are all earls, and the other concubines can only be made barons.

The following is the Duke. The Duke’s annual salary is 100,000 taels. The eldest son of the Duke is named an earl. After he becomes an adult, the title is taken back. The treatment is half of his old son.

The Marquis has an annual salary of 80,000 taels of silver. The eldest son of the Marquis is named Viscount, the other sons are barons, and the concubine is the second-rank General Zhenguo.

The earl’s annual salary is 60,000 taels of silver, the eldest son of the earl is the baron, the other is the first-rank general of the pillar country, and the concubine is the third-rank general of the Fengguo.

The viscount’s annual salary is 50,000 taels of silver. The eldest son of the viscount’s son is the general of the first rank of Zhu Guo, the other sons are the generals of the second rank of Zhen Guo, and the concubine is the fourth rank of Qingqi captain.

The baron's annual salary is 45,000 taels of silver. The eldest son of the baron is the second-rank general of Zhenguo, the other sons are the third-rank generals of Fengguo, and the concubine is the fourth-rank Qingqi captain.

The generals below all gave birth to their eldest sons one level less than their own, the other sons are two levels less, and the **** are three levels less. Of course, if you are a Qingqi captain, then all the sons in your family are It is this title, and there is no difference. Generally speaking, at this time of theirs, their relationship with the emperor is very far away. It is impossible to have anything to do with the emperor, and the emperor will not care about them. What is going on at home?

Clan Mansion is the place set up by the empire to take care of these guys. The Clan Mansion is responsible for distributing some of their money every year, and the Clan Mansion is also responsible for lending to these people. If the royal children can’t eat one by one, this will be a shame. The Clan Mansion will check themselves for a hundred years. Last year’s account was completed just now, and it turned out that thousands of clansmen from the clan’s palace forced them to sit in front of the palace. All of them claimed that they couldn't live their lives, where would there be any money to pay the bills, and that one by one was filled with indignation. The emperor could only decreed that these clan children would pay back the debt slowly, but there were hundreds of billions of silver on the book, which would embarrass the Prince Xian.

The empire put the property of some speculators and criminals into the income of the clan mansion, but the clan mansion still has a deficit of tens of billions every year. There is no way, there are too many people in the royal family, and Many people will bribe the person in charge of the exam. At the beginning, they thought that at least half of the people did not have the title, but now at most 20%. Those who went down instead said everywhere that the empire was not.

"I don't know what the prince thinks I can do? The people on the household side have the evidence to borrow money, and they all have their own money to give me. The income of the clan family is now so much every year. I’m losing money. If it’s not good to say, if I borrow the money and don’t repay it, it seems that I can only pinch my nose and recognize myself, right? If this is the case, this matter will not be easy to handle." Li Cong slowly Said, after listening to the prince Xian long-winded for so long. But Li Cong never thought about helping them. This is just a joke. It is impossible for him to take care of this. There is money to be made from the household sales, but now they don’t have any income. Not a fool. I can't do that by myself.

Naturally, Prince Xian would not think that Li Cong was a fool. If he said something casually, someone would send you the money. This is nothing. We are not that kind of person. Prince Xian can be a few hundred. The Prince of Nian thought naturally whether he was like a child, he wouldn't do the empty glove white wolf thing.

"Hehe. It's like this. I heard that my nephew wants to open a lot of shops all over the country. If no one puts you in these places, it won't work. The clan children in my hand are doing other things one by one. No, it’s okay for the fox to fake it. They are the best at doing things like this. If you want, I can recommend them to do things with you. I don’t know what you mean?" Prince Xian turned out to be. Under such a guise, it is true that Li Cong’s sale of land has a lot of trouble, some because of the local, some because of the government, no matter what the trouble, if there is such a clan’s child to help him, I believe they don’t dare to mess around. Everyone who sees this jade pendant will be scared. At least they will not look for things. Don’t think they are not a role in the capital, but when they get to the place, the royal family will have all the top ones. It's not a bad idea, but Li never wanted to use it.

"Hehe, your words from your Royal Highness are very good. They can indeed help me do a lot of things, but the princes of the court are not idlers. If they knew that I hired the children of the clan, what would they do? It is said that this social atmosphere is not allowed. In that case, it is me who suffers. In one place, these clan children have really arrived. Although they can help the Lord and deter some younger generations, there is another problem. What can they do if they are the one in trouble? I will be responsible for this when the time comes. After thinking and thinking, this method will not work." Li Cong said with a smile. The proposal of the Clan Mansion is very good, but if it is If you do this, you will suffer a heavy loss in the end, and the clan's children will most likely be eating, drinking and having fun.

"We all have our own thinking about this. We will definitely do this well. The most feared thing for the children of the clan is the roasting. The so-called roasting is an exam every year. If they can test well, then They can continue to be in this title. If they fail the exam, they may be kicked out. The nobles are most afraid of not having that title. Many people don’t care about this because they don’t care. That income, but what they care about is the title. Without that title, it’s like they don’t have a talisman. So what I think is that the annual test is that they have to serve one of your shops for half a year. In time, they have to ensure that everything is done there. Of course, it is not possible to exceed their permission estimate, so that their two-year baking will be qualified, and there will be many clan children rushing to do it." Prince Xian said with a smile, since they found Li Cong's head, they naturally wouldn't come here unsure. They had already figured out how to do things.

"It is indeed very good. I think it can be done, but I only need up to 4000 people per year. I can only give you 30,000 taels of silver per person during the first half of the salary, so you can accept it? "Li Cong said, in fact, he knows that if there is such a person in a county to help him do things, it will definitely save hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, besides this, there will be more income. The reason why he said that is to wait. Significantly, the prince had just bargained.

"What? I said Mr. Cao, what you said is a bit too much. Who doesn't know that you are giving an excellent shopkeeper at this price. If our people only have that little money, they would be regarded as royal children. , No. This number must be large, it must be large, and you should also have a small number of people." Prince Xian stood up and said, a clan child is worth 30,000 taels when going out, what a joke.

"Hehe, don’t worry, Uncle Wang, I’m just a suggestion. To be honest, I need one at most for a county, but some counties do not need it. Some counties don’t need it. They must all be. Only those with titles are fine. I would never ask for those without titles. This is my highest price for 50000 taels of silver per year. If they do well, I will give them more at the end of the year. The number of people is 4000. It’s just the beginning. If they do well in the past six months, I will hire them on a large scale. It will take about 15,000 people. I think you can change your baking seal. I’m talking about one year. Let them work for me for a year. It’s okay if you don’t bake them for three years. I will be responsible for all the food and drink that I work for me within a year. Besides, as long as there is one qualified by me I’ll give the Clan’s Mansion more than 10,000 taels of silver, how about?” Li Cong smiled and said, this is Li Cong’s real idea. If this is said as soon as he speaks, bargaining will be impossible. .

Prince Xian also knew that this might be Li Cong’s bottom line. People at their level don’t need to conduct some temptations everywhere. Whatever they say, it’s boring if there are more temptations. Now he has millions of people. The lowest-ranking ones, they want to get some silver from the clan mansion every day, but the clan mansion will not produce silver by itself. The imperial court gives so much money every year, so do you let yourself have more money? I don't have that ability myself.

"Okay, no problem, but there is a condition attached. I want a loan of 20 billion silver, and the conditions are the same as the borrowing silver of the Ministry of Households. Although the family government has been economically poor in recent years, But as long as the money borrowed from the loan, it’s all with others. Besides, these people are all brothers when they talk to you.” Prince Xian said, but the rest is for the little princess. The sentence is not very boring. It is so boring. There are so many princes and grandchildren in this capital. Why are they related to me? If you want to say that, so many princesses, why don’t they come out? .

The Clan Mansion has indeed had a lot of borrowings in recent years, but the credit is still acceptable, and generally they will be returned. As for those who have not returned, most of them belong to the kind of people who have no power and want to lend usury. The loan sharks in the capital will definitely not be given to the clan’s children and the powerful children. When these people fall out and have no money, what can you do if you come to the door? Their Laozi beat them out with a stick, but You will never admit their debts, what can you do to them? You can't fight, you can't kill, you can't do both, which means that no one has paid off your debts, and you are absolutely losing money.

"Uncle Wang promised so readily, and I have nothing else to say. This matter should be settled down, and we can do that as well. As for the rest, you can come up with a solution." Li Congxiao He agreed to the proposal.

Having settled these matters, the prince is also very happy. In the future, Li Cong can at least solve the food and drink problem of tens of thousands of people in the clan mansion every year. They have a good life with Li's annual income of 50,000 taels. After that, their annual salary of 20,000 taels of silver is not a problem as long as they live a good life. But if you eat, drink, prostitute and gambling, then I’m sorry. You may not have that life. How about doing it yourself in the future.

The clan’s children were not very satisfied at the beginning of this decision. They can only earn 50,000 taels of silver in one year after they go out of and they have to do a good job. They can’t wait to take Cao immediately. The door of the home firm was broken. What is it for? Disgusting, aren't the young and old in our clan? However, Prince Dang Hyun said that if anyone dares to trouble Cao's family firm is to have trouble with the court, his title will be lost in the future, and all of them will be quiet immediately. What else can they do without the title? This is what is happening now. A year later, many people are rushing to do this errand. Every year, their days are very leisurely. They just go to a county town and sit in town. Most local officials have heard of this, how many People will be a bit filial, and there is an income of tens of thousands of silver in a year, plus the income from Li Conggi, one hundred thousand taels of silver a year if you go out, and just like traveling, there are people enshrining it everywhere. If you don't do it, there are people rushing to the past. Of course, these are all things to do. Anyway, there is still a while before they start work.

Two successive yamen have raised money from here, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs can no longer sit still. We have to act a little bit. In other words, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has a lot of resources, and we are no less than them. Yes, we can also get a lot of money. This is not waiting for Li Cong to rest. The Minister of the Interior and the Prince Li also came to the door. Although he is not as good as the relationship between the Prince Hyun and the princess, he is also a good one. Nephew, it looks kinder. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation...)

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