Energy Group

Chapter 2009:

During this period of time, shipping in the eastern empire’s coastal areas could not be said to have suffered a huge blow, but it was definitely very uncomfortable. Most of the fleet had contacted Cao’s fleet, and either was robbed or robbed. If I was robbed, or even the people and the boat were robbed, Li Cong was really helpless to do such a thing. Originally, he thought that he would not do anything to the people’s property, but now he can’t think so much. Now, the situation in the northern battlefield has changed every day. I can only cause huge panic on the southern coast and make the entire Eastern Empire pay a certain price. They will transfer the northern army to the south. Now the Eastern Empire’s navy It is already ready for a large-scale search to send out this mysterious pirate. m

This time, the Eastern Empire replenished one-third of their navy to more than a dozen cities along the southern coast. After learning the news, Li Cong asked his subordinates to gather all his fleet together. Originally, Li had to be with Wu Zuoxi from this time. After talking about things, we have to go north to the northern battlefield. Now, the southern sea area is more powerful than the northern battlefield. If you are accidentally surrounded by this fleet, you will have to build a navy with your own hard work. It might be gone. These ships’ artillery is not worth anything at all. They are just transported from the earth at high speed. Those who can build these things at full power, the most important thing is the crew on these ships, they After studying for a while, I have become very familiar with this thing. In the future, these are all elite naval officers, and they can help them train more crew members, so they definitely can't go back.

In this battle, Li Cong decided to command himself. Even if several admirals with good commanding ability emerged from the navy, Li Cong felt that he needed to do it himself, even if he was watching by an advisor. At this time Li Cong is a little bit thinking about the advanced equipment on the earth. If there are radar satellites and the like, this war will definitely win the battle, but now he does not have those, but compared with the naval fleet of the Eastern Empire, he already has It is very insufficient. Look at the engines of your fleet, and then look at the artillery and shells. At present, the navy of the Eastern Empire still uses some ropes to circle people on the ship or go directly to knock the ship over. There are some small weapons on the ship, this kind of thing can be said to have no threat to Li Cong's fleet, as long as they are not allowed to approach.

However, the navy of the Eastern Empire was not a fool. After a period of fighting, they also knew that the weapons in their hands were not a threat to the pirate. Even if they have a large number of ships, they can only rely on fighting for losses to keep the other side behind. Although the Eastern Empire is rich, it is not yet at the point where it can throw money everywhere, as if they are passing on every warship. About 302,000 silver or more, these silvers are definitely not a small amount. One-third of their naval fleet will definitely not be missing. For the Eastern Empire, it is no problem to draw out 3000 warships casually. Now there is such a huge fleet waiting for Li Cong’s fleet. Both of them wanted to quickly find out that Li from this side also wanted to concentrate his fleet to kill the other side. They also thought the same way. It depends on who is acting fast.

The number of the Eastern Empire assembled this naval fleet is too large, the number alone is 30 million. There are more ships. If all these ships are assembled and arranged on the surface of the sea, Li Cong’s fleet is like a small black sesame seed cake. It may be said that the sesame seed cakes are a little underestimated. Double, even if Li Cong is so powerful that his fleet is surrounded by such a fleet of ships, they will not have any chance of running out, even if they are exhausted and left behind by you. From this point, you can see that the Eastern Empire has really lost its blood this time. If you don’t catch all of these people, they will never give up. With this meaning, you must be more careful, and you must not go crazy, as before, you can attack everywhere until you fail in the end. .

In the two days that Li Cong had just entered the naval fleet, Li Cong discovered a very bad phenomenon, that is, the naval officers and soldiers in his hand, they all have a very proud mood, in their opinion The navies of these Eastern Empires are simply not navy. If they are going to fight head-to-head with themselves, they can definitely kill a dozen or even twenty of them with a single ship? As long as one's own cannonballs are sufficient, as long as one's own strength can't finish them, it's okay to want to kill them all. Li Cong also understands from the side, it's no wonder. In recent months, they have been winning battles and even a single ship dared to go out to provoke a fleet of others. In the end, they won’t be able to do anything. The motor on their ship is really fast, and the artillery is really good. Too fierce, even a ship can make their fleets fail, this is an absolutely indisputable fact.

With such a remarkable record, it is not surprising that they can think this way in their hearts. What these people think in their hearts is, what about the number of naval vessels in the Eastern Empire? As long as we keep a certain distance from them and not reach them, they will not pose any threat to us. During this time, we will not find their land and want to rob. We are in the sea, keeping such a distance from them. You struggle, unless you can fly over, otherwise you can only be passively beaten. Even if we are surrounded, we can also pass quickly by our own high speed. Of course, the encirclement should not be too thick. If it’s really too thick, they can’t pretend it. Try to be careful not to be surrounded by them. This is because naval officers think that as long as they are not surrounded by them, there will be basically nothing else, but Li Cong But I don’t think so that fighting at sea is different from fighting on land. You can find support on land at any time. I want to support at sea. It’s too sleepy.

For their thoughts, Li Cong felt that they had to be resolved before the decisive battle. If they didn’t resolve it with them next month, they would suffer a big loss if they went to the battlefield with this mindset. Li Cong summoned his own hands. Thousands of captains, these people are the core of a small team after they go to sea. As long as they don’t panic, the entire ship will not panic. Nowadays, a ship generally has more than one hundred people. This captain seems to be Their souls are the same, if you see the captain all right. His calm expression will make everyone feel okay. If he panics himself, the ship will be finished. What Li Cong told them is, don’t think that the Eastern Empire can’t deal with you. They can assemble like this. The huge fleet must have their own methods. Li Cong listed a few things on the spot, and I can adapt them. If you do this, their fleet will also face threats.

Things are the same as what Li Cong said. The Eastern Empire has indeed cultivated a number of new weapons specifically designed to deal with Li Cong’s fleet in the South China Sea. These weapons can be said to be long-range attack weapons, although there is nothing new. . But after testing, it is much stronger than before. For example, they were transported from the Army’s crossbow arrows. This thing can be launched at a distance of nearly two kilometers at sea. In the past, their attack distance was definitely not that far. If the crossbow bolt is in the middle of the warship, it will also bring certain damage to the warship, although the outside is wood and the inside is iron. If the hit does not pose too much threat to them, there will be some losses, and the most important thing is that the number of people is huge. If ten ships treat you alone, it will be fine. You will be hit. In time.

The other is the so-called suicide ship composed of some prisoners of the Eastern Empire. This is also a very powerful weapon of the Eastern Empire. These suicide ships can carry about three or four people on them, and they are all very fast. The whole ship had nothing but sails and some flammable things were put on it. Although the speed was still not as fast as the warships of Cao’s business, it was also much faster than their original speed. They bloomed some flammable things on the ship. Once they catch up with Cao’s big ship, they will light up some of the things on the ship, and then rush up at their own speed, so that they can light up the Cao’s ship. Of course, the people they rushed over will never go back alive, so these days they are called suicide boats again, and the number of these suicide boats will definitely be very large. The specific combat capability is still not very clear.

According to Li Cong’s guess, the number of suicide boats to attack will definitely not be less than one hundred. There are more than one hundred suicide boats approaching in an all-round way. Even if you have thousands of artillery on board, it is impossible to take this Hundreds of suicide boats have all hit the bottom of the sea, and there will always be one or two fish that slip through the net. If these fish that slip through the net rush over, it will cause you heavy losses. The warships of Cao Jiashang are also wooden. , As long as it is pointed, the entire ship may be burned, so the thing to remind these naval officers now is that these ships must never be careless, the first thing to do when seeing them go out is not Fire at them, but let your speed add up to at least exceed their speed. Keep a certain distance to attack them, and you can't let your speed down because of the expansion of the results.

The following captains were indeed a little surprised after listening to Li Cong’s introduction. They did not expect that the Eastern Empire had produced such a powerful weapon in such a short period of time. They had all seen the crossbow. He, they also know that their attack power is not very strong nor terrified. This is the first time they heard of this suicide ship. In the past, their warships were generally injured and could not continue. Fight, stay and sink the enemy's warship, but that is rarely successful, because your warship slows down after it is damaged, but people's warships are not exposed to water, and the speed is generally twice yours. Twice, what you want to die with others, you don't want to die with you, the other is that there are so many suicide boats that they didn't want to go back when they came up.

What they have to do is come and die with you. The people above are all prisoners of the Eastern Empire. Originally, they couldn’t see the sun in the prison. The Empire gave them this opportunity, as long as they could talk to others. Can their family members get some rewards for working hard? Anyway, I have been in jail for a life of nothing. If I go out and do something for myself, why not do things like that can bring a lot of wealth to my family? According to the spy report that Li Cong planted in the Eastern Empire, the Eastern Empire is vigorously developing this type of suicide ship, which is like the kind of asymmetric warfare on earth. He clearly has a strong military strength, but people simply don’t follow suit. You fight head-to-head and people want this kind of suicide boat. You have nothing to do with them. If there are mines, you don't need to be afraid of them for the time being, but there is no such thing in this society now.

"Master Cao, don't we have a solution to this matter? If the number of suicide boats is really moving, we have to keep our distance from them and attack them. This is really a very difficult thing. Moreover, you also just now When talking about the purpose of the suicide boat, the goal is really too small. Our boat has more than a hundred soldiers just like looking at the surroundings all the time, you may not be able to see it. Although the sea is vast, but this This kind of action pays attention to coordination. If we find that the suicide ship will mess up our hands and feet, it will bring a lot of confusion to the combat steps of the entire fleet." Li Cong said from the background, a captain came down from the background. His words also represent the doubts of most captains. These people don't know how to deal with suicide ships? Obviously, the method of keeping distance proposed by Li Cong was not considered to be an effective method.

"You said it very well, this is the problem you mentioned. I have considered the problem, but so far we have not had a very good way to deal with their suicide boats. First of all, I have never seen them commit suicide. The ship, even our armies, have never played against them. I don’t know what their combat power and speed are like. Everything is brought to us by our spies in front. Although the information they seized is accurate, most of them are not. After our analysis, we didn’t see the actual situation with our own eyes, so I decided to send one of our squadrons in the last few days to see what happened to them? Get first-hand war information in During the war, only what we saw with our own eyes was true. The news from others can only be used as a reference. Information from the intelligence department can help us a lot, but sometimes we too believe that they will eat too. It's a big loss."

Li Cong nodded to the captains below. Indeed, what Li Cong said is correct. If you don’t have a look on the battlefield, you will definitely not be able to know some of their specific parameters by relying on your own guesses. The small-scale fleet is easy to turn around and you can find out their details. It is indeed a good way. If the large-scale fleet rushes up by then, their fleet will be a very large sea area, and a large number of suicide ships will rush over. The warship on the tail is out of tune, but the warships in front in the middle can't escape because of the slowness of the warships behind, so the loss can be too great, and then they will let the Eastern Empire see that their suicide ships are effective. When they would build this thing on a large scale, that was when Li Cong had a headache. If the coastal areas could not put pressure on the Eastern Empire, the back battlefield would become much bigger than it is now.

The captains outside heard that they had a chance to go out. They haven't been out to sea for a long time since Li Cong gave the order, and they have all been huddled in their own harbor. There is no way. They have not investigated the enemy's situation. Taking his own fleet up to death is almost the same. Li Tong believes that the lives of each of his crew members are very precious. It is absolutely impossible for him to be sent to death. Li Cong calculated for them. An ordinary crew member needs 500 silver to be trained, and a slightly more advanced officer needs thousands of silver. Just like the captains in front of him, I feel that gold is not enough to equal their weight. He could afford to lose so much gold, but if these people were lost, they couldn't afford to lose. Seeing that these people wanted to play with him, Li Cong signaled them to calm down.

Li Cong has already calculated who to take out or not. It’s not that you stand up and yell and yell loudly. I have to listen to you. If that’s the case, I guess all these people now They all yelled. These people sat down one by one after seeing Li Tong’s gestures. They also knew that the performance they had just now was sometimes at their usual level. They were an officer and an excellent navy. Military officers, things like that are similar to those of the market shrews. For things that he can't do, Li Cong is also very satisfied with their performance. At least for now, they are the only disciplined army on this continent. , The other armies are considered to be disciplined. He is not at their level in this respect. At the beginning, they felt very dissatisfied with the training method of kicking the right foot. Now it seems that all of them are still good.

In maritime operations, we must especially talk about a coordinated combat force. Li Tong’s army kicks the ground and trains for a week at most, but these people are different. They have two to three weeks to train these things. . Just wanting them to enhance their sense of collectiveness and abandon all individual heroism does not mean that they do not develop this kind of individual heroism. It is better to fight together in a real war than individual heroism. At the beginning, they also think of their own personal abilities. It is much stronger than the ability for the team. After this period of training, especially after they have become a training method like a platoon group, they also feel a sense of collective honor. Especially in the smallest squad, they felt that the squad leader and deputy squad leader gave them some correct guidance. It is certain that they will become squad leader and deputy squad leader when they leave the fleet in the near future. Up.

"I'm going to take only ten warships out for this operation, and the rest will continue to stay in the port for training? Just after Li Tong's words are just finished, it is as if the pan has been blown up. There are thousands of warships in it and you only bring ten. After the warship goes out, we have more than 900 captains left. What are we doing here? We are still training. We have been training for a long time. We are training in the same way as before, and there is no training at all. Of course, Li Tong knows the difficulties in their hearts for the new tactics. After training them, they are trained to become a pack of wolves. They have to go out to bite talents, but they are all wolves who treat them as dogs to raise them. In their own home, this is a very difficult day for them, but now they can’t cast their ropes to send them out to die. The hunter episode over there has polished up their hunting grounds. Complaining that Li Cong simply ignored him.

It’s not that I don’t think about their ideas. It’s that these people have no way to think about it, and they don’t have a solution to this matter. It’s better to ignore them. The captains of the ten warships selected by Li Cong are happy at this time. When I got started, I yelled out my promise to complete the task. Li Cong nodded and nodded these guys. He didn’t want some so-called elites. Didn’t you say that you are all elites, so I will just click a few randomly. Some of the captains who were sitting were not convinced at this time, and stood up and said angrily how could he be called? His 125 ships are far worse than my warships. How many warships can he destroy every time he goes out? How many warships can I destroy every time I go out. Our two grades are not in the same grade at all. Why do we call him? Go or not let me go. "This is what a captain is complaining about, and what he said may be the truth. But Li Tong didn't have much idea about what he said. He glanced at him and just nodded.

That guy's thinking is also very simple. The thorn in the army usually attracts the attention of their boss. He wants to be the thorn. Unfortunately, it is regarded as a thorn. He successfully attracted Li Cong's attention. But Li Cong didn’t give him this opportunity. Li didn’t even think about it since he was a child, so he went out and left a handful of dumbfounded shopkeepers. Of course, the ten selected captains became besieged at this time. They all wanted to take advantage of that Li Cong's breath to escape quickly. Now only these people are left to surround them quickly. When these ten people go out, their clothes will be caught and torn. Now, look at the expressions on their faces, although they are painful, but they are only happy, because they have been chosen to go out with their bosses, and don’t need to stay in this place. As for the danger that will happen in the future, They are not worried.

From the day when they first became the navy, they never thought about how long their lives could be retained. Although they were more careful to keep their lives a little longer, they also knew that it was possible to ask for life on the sea. Lost their own lives. These things don’t need anyone to tell them. Every time they set sail, they know this very well, so they don’t think so much about their lives over time. On the contrary, they all have great hopes for victory after war. They hope that they can live in wars like the deep forest every day, because they always win battles before and their losses can be said to be minimal. , The losses are all on the enemy's side, there is no loss at all on your own side? Of course, I wanted to go out to fight. Although there would be danger this time, they were not afraid or retreat.

Some senior navy officers also blocked Li Tong and Cao Ye at the intersection. Is this matter under careful consideration? The number of ten warships is really too small. When we take the time to attack an enemy city, there are 20 to 30, right? Ten warships really can't do anything? If you really rely on these ten warships to get out, once you are surrounded by the enemy, the chance of getting out is gone. They are also very worried about Li Cong’s safety. These people are all people who have taken genetic medicine. If Li Tong really shows up They would never survive on their own. They also hoped that Li Cong would go out with a large army. Li Cong smiled and didn't say anything? Looking at these people, he knew what they wanted? Worrying that he is good, he himself made the biggest mistake if he took a large army out.

Is this time different from before? You have to know that in the past, you played the governor because we are familiar with our enemies and their attack methods. You all go, but now they have new varieties, we don’t know even though our intelligence department provided it. Some information, but I also said at the conference just now. If you don’t see and hear something with your own eyes, you can’t take it seriously. Since it’s to test people’s combat effectiveness, why do you have to bring a large fleet of your own? Then, our test has lost its meaning? So you don’t want to see me anymore. I’ll just take these troops out. You should think about things for the better. Maybe I’ll come back with ten warships intact. Li Cong just finished speaking. He took his adjutant and left, leaving several senior navy officers to look at each other. The boss's mind is really powerful, and their militants are not as bold as him.

In the Eastern Empire, the Jia family and Linghu’s family were waiting for news. The news that Linghu’s family got was some of the parameters of these suicide ships, but the suicide ships were listed as the top secret of the Eastern Empire. This was not the case of Linghu’s family. In charge, the news that Linghu got home was very limited, and the kid Linghu also wanted to help Li Cong very much when he came back. On the southern coast, the strength of their Linghu family can be said to be basically out, so the more the damage of those people's power, the more useful it will be to them. After Linghu came back, only his own people began to collect the South China Sea on a large scale. The news he gave so far is very correct. Today he also went to a port in the sea. He hoped to see the suicide ship with his own eyes. The heir of the Linghu family, he wanted to see that this suicide ship naturally had his own strength, although it was the top secret, it was open to him.

Now, what is the relationship between the royal family of the Eastern Empire and the Linghu family? What should be done on the surface, the young master of the Linghu family wants to see what the top secret of the empire is. They and the imperial royal family were originally a family. Although most of the news was unknown to the common people, many high-level officials already knew it. This is also the result of Li Cong’s release of the news. I feel that they have to do some means of self-protection. If there is no means of self-protection, they will lose them once the court takes action on them. They can understand that they can disappear from the territory of the Eastern Empire. Now they have to meet the thunder and lightning. With such a huge pressure pressing on them, the Linghu family and the court did nothing. Once this pressure disappears, the two of them may turn against each other. The internal wars are often more intense than the external ones. This is why everyone Is very clear.

"Master Linghu, this is the suicide boat we are currently developing. At present, about 500,000 suicide boats have been manufactured in the southern coastal area. We have also recruited more than 10 million people in our cells. These people are willing to bear these ships and fight the pirates to the death. Now I dare to say that as long as the pirates arrive, they will have no return," said the navy officer in the southern coastal area to Linghu. Although Linghu this kid There is no official position in the imperial court, but where is the influence of others, such things are also very common in the Southern Empire. Although there is no official position, the position is still necessary. Linghu frowned when he heard his introduction. Wrinkle, the navy officer thought he had introduced it in detail, but Linghu was actually worried about Li Cong.

"Don’t say it’s so nice. You built it on such a large scale without actual combat. If these things don’t work for the pirates, your losses this time will be really great. It’s okay. Our empire is still losing. The most important thing is to count time. If these things you created during this period of time are of no use, how should we face pirates? Now the traffic on the southern coast of the empire has been cut off. Nearly one-third of the time, the connection between major cities is no longer available by sea. We are different from the other three empires. They have their own transportation network on land, but we are too dependent on For these reasons for sea transportation, our land transportation network is basically in a bad state without being developed." Linghu didn't give this guy a good face. This guy was also said to be sweaty.

"In response to Master Linghu, we have rarely found those pirates recently. We feel that they have also noticed the new weapons here, so we won’t come out for the time being. We have already formulated the attack on these people. The battle plan. It must be possible for them to come back and forth.” This guy is very confidential even when facing Master Linghu. What is their battle plan? Although Linghu wanted to know very much in his heart at this time, he couldn't continue this way. His identity should only focus on some general directions. Small things like this, such as combat plans against the enemy, are all military. Regarding the ministry, there is no need for him to ask this question. Everyone believed that he would not betray the Eastern Empire, but once the news was leaked, anyone who knew the news would be implicated, and he would definitely not do it himself.

For the Linghu family, they have less time at this time. Linghu now only gathers 20% of the entire family, and the remaining 80% is not in his own hands, but Linghu is more fortunate. Yes, 50% of them are willing to fight the court like him. Only the remaining 50% thought that their relationship with the court could last for such a long time. The dreaming minds of these people made Linghu feel very strange. Now that this situation has come, people are already sharpening their swords. , You still put your face up here, what is it for someone to chop you up? There is really no way to tell these people about such things. They are simply unreasonable. Linghu must help Li Cong. To help Li Cong is to help himself, and the power of the Eastern Empire must be drastically reduced.

He didn't get the suicide ship's combat plan. He didn't know how to help Li Cong at this time? Suddenly she saw thousands of suicide boats in the harbor. It would be great if it was possible to give Li from the news. His fleet only needs to come here for an assault. These suicide ships were all killed. At that time, the Eastern Empire wanted to formulate a new combat plan. It would take some time. Li From then on, you can continue to looting some Shanghai on the southern coast of the Eastern Empire. Now the Eastern Empire has also changed its plan to board and travel. In the past, only a few ships were driven out. Now it is completely different from before. There are large-scale ships. The Navy's fleet is escorting them. Although the threat of encountering pirates has been reduced a lot, if Li Cong really wants to come to fight with them, these people can't make your navy fleet too weak.

After Linghu arrived in the Eastern Empire, for the sake of confidentiality, he didn’t get in touch with Li from there anymore. Even if he wanted to contact him, he used some very cryptic information to send it. If this news was made public, Linghu himself might There is no place to die. Not only the Eastern Empire’s imperial court wanting to kill him, but also the members of the Linghu family will never let him go. So everything needs to be done carefully. The fat here is big but hunting. Fox will not risk giving the news here to Li Cong. Now he can only pray from the bottom of his heart, hoping that Li will never let himself down. He feels that Li has never been a peaceful person. It was calm, but within a few days, Li Cong would definitely bring his fleet over in a few days. God knows what will happen then.

Just when Linghu was also thinking about Li Cong, Li Tong was already leading his fleet. After eight hours of voyage, ten warships found his first target on the sea. This is the southern coast of the Eastern Empire. Province. Another province of mine transports cargo. There are about 30 merchant ships in it, including six naval fleets. Li Cong didn’t say anything when he saw them because they didn’t have the so-called new weapons. Not to mention the suicide ships that caused Li’s headaches. After that, the warships lined up these merchant ships in a straight line. It was considered cooperation. Before Li Tong’s warships fired, the white flags were immediately hung. What do you mean? Later, they were robbed by Li Cong warships a lot, and they also learned well. As long as the white flag warship is hung up, the only thing they won't be able to fire is to come up and grab people's things. What they have to do now is this job.

"I really didn't expect our fleet to reach such an extent They saw that our fleet would automatically hang the white flag. Well, yes, I like this better." Li Tong brought a splint to enjoy. Hehe speaking, he really didn't expect that his fleet could be like this now. This is also a more prestigious thing. The other captains on the ship also laughed and can show his face in front of his boss. Such things are rare. They all stood on the deck and waited for the opponents to surrender. The navy of the Eastern Empire was indeed scared and daunted now, and they had no intention of resisting at all. They understand that the densely protruding artillery mouths can send them all to the sea to feed the fish within ten minutes, so they will never do it if they are useless to resist. They also accepted their fate on board. As long as you can save your own lives, the richest people are the most unwilling.

They were the ones who suffered the most after being robbed. Although they were yelling on the boat for these sailors to set sail and run quickly, but after they finished shouting, they found that the sailors were looking at them with idiot eyes. Are you all? Is it stupid? What are we joking about when we set sail now. I don’t know how many times faster than ours. We mainly sail our ship. It is estimated that in less than ten minutes, we will be torn apart by others at least by you. Fragmented, you are going to die, don’t drag us to die with you. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qn) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m.qn to read.) 9

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