Energy Group

Chapter 2010:

The sailors drove the ships one by one. They were attacked by these pirates before. They knew that they didn’t kill people very much. As long as they were obedient, they wouldn’t even look down on your ships. If it is, it is estimated that you will get out. They didn't bring the merchant ship, and the ship was not some valuables. It is estimated that they just came to have a look and left. m

Sure enough, a few ships came, and they didn’t fire any guns. A small boat was dropped from the ship. Some inexperienced sailors and merchants were afraid to die one by one. Some old sailors were not so afraid. , They hurried to the boat, ready to pull those people up, which is strange, shit, how can this be so enthusiastic with the pirates? At this time, several consignors are a little bit old and the monk can’t figure it out. Could it be that a few people on this ship have colluded with these people.

However, this matter seems a bit unreasonable. They are all recruited temporarily. If the collusion is true, this place is not far from the port. If you go further, there may be a lot of people. It’s guaranteed. It’s better to do errands at that time. Watching the dozen people come up, the cargo owners on this ship think that there are actually only a few people who came up. If they can take these people as their hostages. It might be better, maybe it might be a victory this time, but their ideas may not be so good. Several sailors may have seen the ideas in their hearts.

"I said you guys shouldn’t be foolish. See what they are carrying? Ten crossbow arrows can be fired in an instant. Just the few of us are not enough for the first round of attacks. , If possible, they can kill us all in one minute, besides, if you detain them, the people on the boat over there are angry, what will happen in the end? All of us might be killed Yes. You have never seen their artillery, but I have seen it. I don’t want to die in this place.” A sailor said, they are very familiar with such things. These merchants have only silver in their minds. , I don’t know that sometimes silver is of little use, but your head is more important.

Several wealthy businessmen stopped talking. They glanced at each other and greeted them with the other sailors.

"Several military masters please here, please here." Li Cong brought about twenty people over. His subordinates are not very worried. They are all under his control, and Li Cong himself has The strength of a ninth-level fighter. If the people in the north can get hold of it in such an environment, then just find a piece of tofu and hit it to death. It doesn't need to be so hard.

"Hehe, you know the rules very well, yes, this time our boss came with us, let’s talk about it. What you are on top of, what you are doing, we will report clearly to us. If this is the case, we I will consider letting you go. After all, it’s not easy for you. Everyone eats at sea. We can’t control natural disasters. Although you think we are all. But as long as you are all good. Cooperation, this matter is nothing, we are not snakes and beasts, and we have no fun in killing people. What we want is only some things, right, it's not guilty that we lost our heads for these things." A soldier said with a smile. Indeed, this time these people hung the white flag without waiting for the cannon to fire. Their faces are really good-looking, and Li Cong has praised them several times. This is the first time that Bei Licong gave awards to these brothers. Looking at the expressions on their faces, it seems that the profession of pirates still feels very promising.

"What the military master said is, how can we not understand things? Just now, we all relied on the mercy of several military masters. If you think we are not pleasing to your eyes, why would you tell us so many things? Just kill us. We don’t have many ideas. What we also want is to save our own lives. Many times we have no other ideas. It is the best thing to keep our lives. A few are the owners of the cargo on the ship, and they will tell you these things one to five to ten.” The ship boss led the soldiers to the rich businessmen, wondering whether these guys would be because of themselves. The people in North Korea were robbed and felt very uncomfortable. They would take any retaliatory measures against Li Cong. If this is the case, don’t wait for these soldiers to do it. They will go straight up and take this guy. It's okay to get rid of your own life, but if it takes all of our lives, it won't work.

"You guys know what's in this box?" The soldiers themselves used to be among the toilers, and there was nothing to say to these rich people, but they didn’t speak at all to the crew on the ship. Naturally, those crew members won’t be troublesome. These lords have always used Lao Tzu, just like the big belly in front of me. Just now I disliked the conditions on this ship as so hard. In fact, these are all miser. It is said that merchants will not follow their own goods, especially when it is more dangerous, they will pay a lot of money to invite some people to follow, but now they all follow by themselves because they want to pay To save it, it is right to think from their hearts. The goods on this ship are worth less than 10,000 taels of silver. If one person is hired, it will cost at least 1,000 taels of silver, which is a tenth of the cost. First, when it comes to things like settling accounts, most people are not able to catch up with the merchants. They are the most powerful, but now all of them are a little regrettable. One-tenth of the money makes them lose their lives. Here it is really not worth it.

"In response to a few military masters, this place is ours. Our goods are all in it. They are all worthless things." This guy smiled and brought a silver ingot of fifty taels of silver, hoping This thing can be useful.

"Hehe, there is still money, yes, I know you are definitely not some cheap goods here, I will give you a chance, if you can automatically take out your money, I will not say anything, if it is If you don’t take it out, I’ll take it out later, but it won’t be that simple. I don’t know what you mean?" This guy smiled and said, this guy who was going to give gifts was just dumbfounded. How could this happen? What about the matter, the purpose of my own use of these silver is to bribe you, and now it's fine, it has directly become my own curse, such a thing is really uncomfortable.

"This army. The ship is really not silver or anything like that. Our entire ship has at most a few hundred taels of silver. What we transport is some goods such as sails and canvas, which are all short-distance transportation. Yes, from the re province to the gh province, we will be there in just one day. There are not many valuable things.” Another businessman said honestly, in fact, what they said is correct, don’t look at this There are many people in the fleet, but these things are not very good at all.

"Sails and canvas?" The officer glanced at Li Cong. Li never said anything. He glanced at the soldiers behind and immediately two soldiers ran over. They wanted to open it to see if it was the same as what this guy said. Five minutes later, they spot-checked a few things in the cabin, and it turned out that they were just like what this guy said, they were all canvas and the like, really nothing. Valuable things, several sailors over there said the same, but they didn't know if there was anything in these boxes. At this time, they are all the mud bodhisattvas who cannot protect themselves by crossing the river. Naturally, they will not care about these things. If they can’t handle them well, they may take their own lives with them. Naturally, they cannot do anything like this. of.

"As far as I know, there should be such things in your coastal areas. Why do you want to transport these things to the gh line? Is there any problem there? There have been no major storms recently, why do you want You are transported." The officers' vigilance is not half high. Half of their news is transmitted by the spies of the Eastern Empire, and the other half are told by these people. The news of these people is generally very accurate, much more accurate than those of the so-called guys. Of course, this has something to do with their lives being threatened at the moment, and they don't dare to talk nonsense.

"If you return to the army, we don’t know the above things. We just know that the northern court has taken away everything over there. The price over there is more than 20% higher than ours. We will ship it to Local businessmen, they give us 10% of the profit, and then they change hands to make another 10% of the profit." The businessman said honestly, they really don’t know what the above means, they just know that they can get 10%. Of course, they thought about the possibility of encountering these pirates at sea, but the money is really earned too fast. It only takes a day to run. Besides, It’s been a long time since I saw these pirates. It’s said that the navy has some new things, and these guys dare not come out. In this context, this guy rented a fleet with a few merchants on the road. I didn’t expect them to...

The officer didn’t say anything. He walked quickly towards Li Cong and told Li Cong the news. Perhaps they should be on the route. Go to this gh line to see. Maybe that’s where these new warships were built. If you can find this place, it should be okay. Even if you make a mistake, it will take up to an hour to get there. Their speed is so slow, but ours is not slow. Attacking any place is not an attack. Besides, they are only a probing fleet. They can do anything. The highest leader on the ship is here, and they can change orders at any time.

"Your speculation is completely reasonable. Ask them about the situation in that port. Ask the people who have been to that port on our warship to describe the specific situation there and quickly change our combat plan. Of course, we also have to Be careful. Let these guys be interrogated separately. If nothing happens, gather them all on one of the ships, and all the others will be sunk directly. Although there are not many supplies, it is the Eastern Empire anyway. Lost." Li Cong thought for a while and said, now he also feels that this matter is a bit weird. Li Cong has never known the place where the Southern Empire was built, and Linghu did not know this place. Now he did not expect to send it. We are here, so we must pass.

Soon transcripts of other people’s inquiries came up. Their words were similar to those of the guy just now. It seems that the Southern Empire really concentrated this matter in that place. Two sailors were the county town. The native man grew up just because something happened in the local area. This elder brother was a runaway. The two brothers had no choice but to spend their lives on the boat. When they arrived on land, they had to be careful. Hearing that they were going to attack the court of the Eastern Empire, the two brothers were very happy.

"It is said that you are both from the Eastern Empire. Why are you so happy when I am going to rob your hometown?" After returning to the warship, Li Cong looked at the two cheerful brothers and asked. How could there be no response at all?

"Master, I think you should be one of their bosses. Actually, I'm not afraid to tell you. The biggest rich man in our county occupied the land of our family back then, and killed our grandfather alive. , His son later used the same method to force my father and two uncles to death. The two uncles were about the same age as ours. Later, when our two brothers grew up, they tricked our two brothers. Sign, sign a contract that you don’t know what it is. You know, we are all from poor people’s homes. How can we read those so-called words? We can only sign honestly, and then we realize that it was us. The two brothers gave them a contract to sell them as slaves for life. We were angry, we rebelled, and they were beaten all over with bruises. If they don’t go out to work, they would have such a beating every day. But I heard that they have Northwood. For those killed, we have no choice but to obey first, but we are not fools, we are also looking for opportunities to avenge. Just by chance, we got the opportunity to give the old man medicine, and I told The eldest brother strangled this old guy to death, and it was regarded as revenge for my grandfather, and the two of us were also in trouble. The people in their family were looking for us day and night. They um, the lords in the government are very Familiar. Our two brothers became wanted directly. There is no way, we can only get on the ship, and since then we rarely go back. Even if we receive work there, we will never get off the ship. Yes, Lord, this is to rob, how can we be unhappy.” The guy said happily. Li Cong nodded. It’s not surprising that there is such a hatred and such a reaction. The two brothers have tolerated the time. It's really long enough.

Although some other sailors did not say that they support or not support things, they can see it in their eyes. They have no feeling for pirate robbery because they have nothing in their hands, even if If you robbed us, it would not have a great impact on us. The biggest thing is those wealthy businessmen. If there is nothing, their family will break some things at most, and then they can live a good life, especially those in front of them. Pirates, they don't steal the homes of ordinary people, and they throw some money when they pass by the door of some ordinary people's homes.

"In fact, there is oppression everywhere. We didn’t live very well in the past. Being a pirate is not what we thought. We came to robbery to live. Of course, the main target is these big households. I’m here.” Li Cong said a few words to the two brothers and left. The two brothers could agree to the guide. They were familiar with that big family. After some distance, these two guys actually wanted Joined, this kind of thing cannot be promised to them for the time being, who knows what the story is about, the faces of the two brothers are still very simple, but this matter is not that simple. Let's talk about it, now we will take in a few of them first.

Two hours later, Li had already reached the gh province from them. This speed made the two brothers feel a little courageous. They have been at sea for a long time, but they are definitely not so fast, especially they. The speed of some of the ships is simply incomparable compared with this. It seems that there are no sails on the ships. There is a machine that keeps ringing. What is this thing? How can it be so powerful? No wonder The empire that others can fight can not find North.

The gv port in the gh province can be said to be the largest port within hundreds of miles around. Before that, Li Cong’s staff also thought that this might be the gathering place for suicide ships, but later they The place was rejected. Although the port here is relatively large, there are not so many people here. If so many soldiers suddenly come, they may not even be able to solve their food problem, so I chose another place. Now it seems that the commander is not a fool. People also understand what it means to be slammed and give you a false message. The rest is your business. If the guess is correct, you have won. If the guess is wrong, then you are in luck.

Li Cong looked at the port with a telescope. This is a natural port, but it is still a bit insufficient if it is used as a military port. Some of the protruding places behind this are too close to the coast, and there is no way to form some defensive posture with the ship. It is still very easy to attack here, Li Cong continued to look at it. The population on the shore is not very large. There are not many ships here, and the economy is considered moderate. It seems that I have made a calculation mistake. There are not so many ships here, that is, it is not the location of the suicide ships. It took ten minutes. People on the shore found them, but unfortunately they haven’t seen those modified ships. Li Cong asked the artillery to start bombing some targets on the shore. They came all the time, and they couldn’t just go back. When we were about to go down, things came, and the highlight came.

"Master Cao. Look, there are a lot of boats appearing over there, and their speed is very fast. Is this a so-called suicide boat? Seeing that their speed is already half of our speed, and they are relatively scattered. Yes, even if we use cannons to kill them, it is more difficult." An officer said, pointing to the sea to the west. These boats all seem to have rushed out of the ground. Each boat is about four meters long. There are two people and three people on it. Some of these **** have already ignited some of the sulfur on the boat. What a fool. When you come over from such a distance, you will probably be burned to death. Such stupid things can also be done. , How can it not fail?

The people on the boat seemed to have lost their minds, all of them were yelling. These guys thought they could come over at this speed? Don’t be delusional. Just when Li Cong was about to order the guns to fire, another soldier was reporting that about two hundred ships of this kind appeared to the east of them. They were also very fast. Li Cong took a look and flanked left and right. With such old tricks, if you have the ability to appear behind Lao Tzu, that's your ability. If you don't have this ability, you'd better die sooner.

Of course, they can't appear behind Li Cong, because Li Cong is behind the sea. It seems that I looked at them a little bit before. These guys don’t have any abilities, and there is no need to be afraid of them. .

"Do you want to shoot at them?" The adjutant stood up and said, their speed has reached 80%. It is impossible for these people to rush over. They can attack them in five minutes, only these five minutes. It’s time to attack, and the speed of these suicide boats really brought a lot of oppression to Li Cong. In the past, they could calmly attack these people. Now the attack time must be accurately calculated. , Otherwise the loss is not small.

"Hehe, of course it is necessary. Do you still have to wait for them to come over, so that the warships are ready, and they will soon enter the attack range. Tell the captains not to fight too hard later, we will go out slowly , Let them catch up, now they are still too scattered, even if we are accurate, we probably have to waste a lot of shells, we are testing them, they are also testing us, let them know that this thing has If it works, there will definitely be more problems in the future, and now we have to let them know that this suicide ship is not our opponent." After Li Cong finished speaking, the flag soldiers began to send orders to the surrounding warships. It immediately became a straight line and began to move slowly from the north to the south.

These suicide ships on both sides of the east and west are also the first time to come out to fight. Their requirement is to rush up quickly after discovering these pirate ships. There is no need for tactics at all. At the beginning, the distance is very close, why is it so short? After a while, these guys started to run away. Are they scared? The prisoners on these ships were so happy. This was the first time they drove these pirates away. They were not regular troops, but temporary troops, but they did what the regular troops did. How could this not be allowed? They were happy. It seemed that they were also scared. One by one, they took advantage of this opportunity to work harder to get their boats close to them. They were not far away. At this time, they all started to turn with Li Cong’s fleet, and the artillery on the ship was about to fire, but because of the relatively long distance and their faster speed, the hit rate was not It's very high. Many people on the ship are yelling, saying that these pirates have nothing to do with them. The barracks on the shore also began to blow trumpets to cheer them up, which really lifted the hearts of these people.

Li Cong’s ten warships were divided into two teams. One team continued to be their target and began to wander around with these ships. The other five vessels were changing their formations. They had to change from penetrating to south. Cheng penetrates eastward. Because their artillery is on both sides of their own, they did it when they were about to fire their guns. Naturally, these suicide ships would not feel this, because they saw that the five ships were already too far away, they simply There is no possibility of catching up, but these five ships are farther away from them, and they should be able to catch up. At this time, some of them also felt something was wrong. For example, the suicide boats coming from the east and west seemed to be getting closer and denser. They all wanted to take the nearest waterway. In addition, there is no one to command them. They are all close together. They are not regular troops. I didn’t have the idea of ​​coordinated combat, one by one, I was thinking about being able to rush up, so everyone wanted to give in to each other. The beating and scolding can be said to be everywhere. The Eastern Emperor on the shore was also a little puzzled at this time. What do these pirates want to do, why don't they all run out?

When the five ships leading them scurrying began to tell to accelerate. The people who were observing on the top of the mountain on the land finally understood. At this time, he immediately ordered his subordinates Mingjin to retreat. Otherwise, these guys might die there. Unfortunately, the distance is too far. They don't have time even to retreat. These fools continue to move forward without knowing it. They don't listen to the subsequent retreat orders at all. They still think that they may be the first to kill and wound. This is a great reward.

The five boats in front of him quickly threw them away. Some people with brains also understood at this time. They are on gear, but it is easy to get into this trap. It is not easy to keep going out. The five ships are already waiting for them.

Boom.... The artillery began to roar. Thousands of artillery on the five ships began to fire violently. They were all very close. Generally speaking, they were bombed directly if they were unlucky. If it doesn’t work, they may lift up the surrounding water and directly capsize several small boats. Such things are also very normal. Your small boat can make you fast and turn around. , But your weight is also very small. The big ship is nothing in front of the water column, but your boat is different. Thousands of shells have come over, and these suicide ships have all become human. It’s hell. What I just thought about was how I would go back after winning. I don’t have that kind of thoughts anymore. Everyone thought about how to survive. Damn, I didn’t think of this just now. What are you doing? Is there a problem with your mind? I am a fool. It is too late to regret now. It is not that simple to go back.

These prisoners began to regret one by one. They did not expect that the war would be so cruel. At the beginning, everything went smoothly. Of course, they would not have thought of this, and even thought that they would be able to save it if they drove this boat up. Their own lives, what is called a suicide ship, is to exchange their lives for the enemy’s ship. They all want to be the fluke, but how can there be so many flukes in this world? They watched the surrounding boats have begun to enter the water, or they just turned over. There are some dead people and some wooden debris on the sea. Now they don't want to fight with others. What I think is how I can go back and save my life, even if it is sympathy, or being a lifelong coolie for others, as long as I can live, I can do anything.

The senior generals in the army on the land were also directly dumbfounded. They only sent a total of about 600 such ships, but in the end they found that there were only less than 20 ships that could sail on the sea, even if they were left. The few boats they got were also overturned by those who were in the sea. They had no so-called collective consciousness at all. It was not far from the coast. If some people with good water quality can swim back by themselves. , But they didn't think about swimming back by themselves, instead they stretched out their hands when they saw the unsinked ships. I have to climb myself up. The result is that the speed of the ship, which is still very fast, slows down. The artillery of the pirates over there is not just looking at this, as long as a large number of people gathered around these ships will be shot The cannonball is coming, it's okay, none of you need to pull all of you will be reimbursed by this cannonball.

About 3,000 people were dispatched and it is estimated that even 30 people would not be able to return. This is the so-called new tactics of the Eastern Empire, the so-called suicide ship. Now they understand that this tactic may have failed, but there are also some far-sighted people among them. They saw that the pirate ship did not attack at the first time but made some deployments. If this time they were not onshore to observe However, if another team uses this time to rush up, it is likely to achieve some results. Anyway, people on both sides have their own reasons for arguing. The Eastern Empire now has no other good solutions. This is considered a non-solution. It can only be consumed slowly with the enemy. Otherwise, what else? The failure of this suicide ship plan was tightly blocked by news. They could not let the entire empire know that the way they came up was stupid.

If the citizens of the entire empire know that they have spent a lot of manpower, material and financial resources to create things that are still the enemy’s cannon fodder, this will undoubtedly make the situation worse for the people of the entire empire. They have no hope for this war. Up. There are so many people who die every day, but there is no good news from the front line. In addition, there is such a thing in the southern coast. He feels that the empire is being attacked on the back and the back. Is that lightning gate really that important? Now even if they can bring back the Raiden Gate, their loss is not small. The high-level people of the Eastern Empire have also said that they will give up the Raiden Gate, but the families that have huge interests in the Raiden Gate don’t know how they can give up. , Besides, now that the loss is huge and the Thunder Gate is abandoned, the Eastern Empire may even be reduced to a broken situation with the other three empires at that time. It's not just that you can't help but the safety of the entire empire is also a problem.

Li Cong led his own fleet and began to return. Now he also understands the capabilities of these suicide ships. It can be said that as long as they are used properly, these suicide ships are still as threatening as before. Of course Li Cong Not a fool, he also saw that the other party is also a temptation to himself, if the other party has a large number of suicide boats. Let them lie in ambush in some areas, and their team is very likely to suffer losses. The return of ten warships intact has made the navy of the Caojia Commercial Bank happy for a long time. Although only less than 3,000 enemies were wiped out, and there was nothing to be robbed, some of their fears disappeared. The fear of suicide ships disappeared. They no longer feared such ships in their hearts. They think they can defeat these ships.

The court of the Eastern Empire began to surround the suicide boat and wait for me to get up. This kid from the Linghu family also got the battle report. He also has his own right to speak in the court, although he himself cannot stand on the court and speak normally. , But there are a lot of people who can speak for him. At this time, Shangshu of the Criminal Ministry stood up and said that he was the spokesperson of this kid, "Your Majesty the Emperor, dear sirs, although this new tactical exercise has failed, But compared to the previous time, we have already achieved a lot of results. In the past, these ships will definitely bomb some of our facilities on the shore, and nothing is left, but this time is different. We There was no loss of any facilities on the shore. Even if all the boats were hit and broken, only some prisoners would die. They really deserved to die if they could keep our property. What do you think?"

The words of Shangshu of the Criminal Ministry have a certain weight in the court. Many people look at him and think of the Linghu family behind him. In fact, when he thinks about what he said is correct, these prisoners are usually kept in jail. Here, the empire’s food was wasted for no reason, and now they can show them a way out. They are also actively signing up. They can save some food when the empire is dead, and use these people’s lives in exchange for the empire’s property. It’s worth it. If these pirates bombed the sea in the same way as before, the entire port may become a ruin. At that time, hundreds of thousands of people may work for a year to get this port. Many people nodded their heads thinking that the plan was okay, and the sacrifices were relatively small and many.

"Your Majesty, the veteran believes that this thing cannot be done in this way. Practice has proved that these so-called suicide ships are useless at all. Those pirates just changed their formations and killed all these suicide ships. They also carried a lot of flammable materials on the ship. As soon as they sent something like that, they could directly burn the surrounding ships and the people who went to work would naturally die. UU Reading This is just one trial and we have lost thousands of people, and the cost of these ships is not cheap. Compared with the number of them, the final data is also very huge. We should think of other ways to resist these pirates. , If this continues, it is not the gospel of our empire." The prime minister stood up and said.

The prime minister's words also made many people think about this question. Are they doing it right? If you continue like this, you can contain the opponent, but it is impossible to achieve some results. These people are not fools. Now is the time to express their views. In the past, these pirates weren't what they were. , But now they have to deal with these pirates. It can be said that sometimes the losses caused by the pirates are much more severe than on the northern battlefield.

"Since the Prime Minister thinks this thing cannot continue like this, I don't know if the Prime Minister has any good ideas?" Doctor Yu Shi is naturally a member of Linghu. They have already been notified, so they have to do this. Yes, they must enter such a state for the empire to spend money but cannot receive any results. This is what they must do. Only in this way can they weaken some of the fighting power of the Eastern Empire to the greatest extent. Only in the future hegemony can I survive smoothly. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m. to read.)

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