Energy Group

Chapter 2011:

"At present, there is no good way. They are not growing so big in a day or two. In fact, the old man still has an idea whether these people have their support within us. These guys are one by one. It’s very clear about our merchant ships and things. M" The prime minister actually said this has no other meaning, he just wants to divert his attention, a prime minister himself has no idea about these things, this said. People will definitely talk about themselves when they go out. It’s not a good thing to come down like this. I didn’t expect that his words would cause many people here to shrink their necks uncontrollably. Don’t even say this thing, the Prime Minister will tell you. In it, many people here are **** dirty.

"My Prime Minister, it might not be appropriate to say this at this time. Our empire is now in crisis. If we start an inventory check from within at this time, then the hearts of the people will fluctuate very greatly. Now we need What is about stability is how to stabilize our northern and southern battlefields. Our empire can now be said to have suffered from the enemy. If insiders are still suspicious of their own people at this time, it is probably very unfavorable for the entire empire." He quickly stood up and said, he didn't want to continue investigating this matter. He naturally knew what was going on with the little son of the Linghu family? If this is to be dug up during the investigation, the Yushi doctor himself will not end well. This is absolutely impossible and must be stopped.

"Yes, I also feel that this is not the time for conflicts within ourselves. What we have to do at this time is to think about how to catch these pirates. Since we have no better way, this suicide ship It should continue to produce and let him form a certain scale. It’s not as if there is a saying, a certain quantity can become a qualitative change, and we can make this quantity larger. Our Eastern Empire has been compared with the other three empires for so many years. The accumulation of money is already very rich. The silver in our treasury has even flowed out. If we don’t use this silver in useful places, should we put them in the warehouse? The emperor suggested that we should continue to know this Suicide boat." The Ministry of War Shangshu thought for a while and said, he has absolute right to speak about this matter.

"Well, what you two said is basically correct, Prime Minister. Naturally, we can't do these things now. I'm also sure that no one within us has contact with these pirates. Who are pirates? Who? You are the pillars of the empire, the ministers of the empire, and those pirates can be said to be a group of untouchables. If such people get in touch with you, I think you will feel bad on your face. Just follow everyone’s business, Continue to make a large number of these suicide ships, and at the same time send our merchant ships to conduct further searches on the sea, must find their base camp?" At this time, the emperor has concluded that everyone is not having any differences. Up? This emperor should be considered acceptable, at least after he said a word, no one else had any opinion. Much better than other empires.

After retiring from the court, his majesty the emperor returned to his bedroom with a shady face. He slapped the table fiercely, and immediately two eunuchs came over. The strange thing is that these two eunuchs are not normal at all. The people who served the emperor’s daily life, the two of them had never been here before, but their faces seemed to be very familiar, making you look like you met often. But you don’t know these two people. They are the spy leaders of the Eastern Empire. On the surface, they are no different from ordinary eunuchs. In fact, they are ninth-level fighters. I touched the threshold of tenth-level fighters. The two of them are engaged in the private intelligence system of the Emperor. They are completely different from the Imperial Intelligence Department. It can be said that their capabilities are very strong, especially in the Eastern Empire. Territory.

"You two go down and check it out for me. Is what the prime minister said is true? I observed it in the court. This is a list. The ministers on this list will check me one by one, regardless of his position. How high is the task at hand? You must check it out for me. Because when the prime minister said that there are internal rapes, these people's actions are not so natural. They must have hidden secrets. You guys. Remember to do it completely secretly, all with your own power, no matter whose power you can borrow." The two intelligence chiefs glanced at each other and then quit. His Majesty does not often doubt himself. The minister, but if you have any doubts, you must find out. He feels that the task on his shoulders is very heavy.

This year, the emperor of the Eastern Empire just reached his middle age. It can be said that it was just when he was young and strong. He felt very disgusted with the extremely large organization of the Linghu family in the country. It was not his father who told him when he was dying. The Linghu family reacted too fiercely, otherwise the entire empire would be defeated, which might lead to the division of the entire empire. There were large-scale wars within the Eastern Empire, so the other three empires would certainly not stand idly by, for so many years. Since the other three empires are already looking at the empire being extremely powerful, they can’t wait to find any opportunity to come to the empire to weaken it. If there is a problem inside the empire, they will seem to be the first to rush up like a hungry man. The empire is torn apart. At that time, the Eastern Empire may not exist anymore. It is a good thing to be strong, but if you are a little softer, you will face war.

The emperor walked around in his room a little anxiously. Could it be that he didn't ask Linghu's family to continue to grow bigger, right? That's not okay. Now the Linghu family has penetrated the entire empire, even after the Thunder Gate returns, it will be of no avail. The Linghu family on the Thunder Gate is almost equal to the empire's power, and each party holds a hundred. At 50%, some high-level powers in the Linghu family are even stronger than the imperial family. This is one reason why the imperial court is not determined to bring the Thunder Gate back. There are many ministers in the imperial court who are close to him but follow Ling The fox family has a lot of good relations. If it is really opposed, it may be a split. He even feels a little regretful now. Why did his ancestors make such a thing?

Back then, the entire royal family was split into two parts and one part continued to the other part of the royal family to go out and become another family. This can be said to be very beneficial to the entire empire, but now the empire is already well developed. , Which is the so-called death of the cunning rabbit, the time has come for the running dog to cook, and the mission of the Linghu family has been completed. You can no longer continue to exist like this. Your existence is not good for the continued development of the empire. On the contrary, your existence hinders the continuous development of the empire. The most terrible one is that the empire’s commands cannot be unified, and other families No matter how powerful the big clan is, it would not dare to disobey the emperor's order, but when it comes to your Linghu family, it will be different. What you think in your heart is that you are a royal family, and we are also a royal family. We have done more work than you, and we are more capable than your royal family.

If only one or two members of the Linghu family think so, it’s nothing. At most, it’s just to communicate with the mother-in-law to get these two black sheep out. But now most of the Linghu family thinks that way. The old conservatives believed that they should continue to dive as the protection of the royal family. What most young people thought in their hearts was that if their royal identity was recognized, they would not be born of such a prince, but a person with a title. The Eastern Empire's title is still relatively difficult to get the children of the Linghu family? It can only be said that the direct children have the title. If they are admitted to the royal family, no matter what kind of child is born, they will have the title. No matter the high bottom line, at least I can't sleep in this life! To say that they are selfish is to say that he has no other ideas, or that they think that way anyway.

His Majesty the Emperor has made up his mind at this time, although the Eastern Empire is also a time of internal and external troubles. The series of actions of the Linghu family are also known. The pirates in the southern waters of the empire may have something to do with the Linghu family. What the Prime Minister said just now is quite correct. It should be that someone contacted them inside, and several of them were immediately involved. A minister, and these ministers are in more important positions. They are not very close to the royal family but have a better relationship with the Linghu family? Since they all felt scared, then the emperor had absolutely reason to believe that these pirates had an absolute connection with the Linghu family. You have already started. If the royal family doesn't do anything anymore, you may really become a royal family in the future, and the original royal family may become ordinary people, and you won't even be able to save your own lives.

The emperor clapped his hands again. This time two people came in. The difference between the two people was that they did not have such high strength. These two people were only 7th-level fighters at most, but when you observe them carefully, you will find them. They couldn't speak even a single sound in their throats. This is the closest person to the emperor. The two knelt down and kissed each other. The emperor said, "You two will check the Linghu family carefully. If there are any clues about something wrong, please check it out for me. You will check the obstacles and difficulties for me. I want to see what the Linghu family wants to do now? Do you feel that they are already capable of overthrowing the empire." The emperor said that the two men did not have any luggage directly. I went out. The emperor didn't care much about it, he himself! Take care!

At this moment, a fierce debate broke out in the Linghu family mansion in the capital of the Eastern Empire. The older generation of the Linghu family could no longer stand the actions of the new generation of Linghu family. They felt that such a sharp approach would Pushing the entire Linghu family to a point of no return, for many years, their mission of the Linghu family is to help the royal family rule this country. Although they belong to a subordinate position, the Linghu family has not commanded them in recent years. It is growing steadily. They believe that as long as the Linghu family does nothing, the royal family will never deal with the Linghu family? After all, are they all an ancestor? It is said that everyone is a brother who is closer than others, but the younger generation don't think that there are few things that do harm to Xiaoqiang? You guys are stubborn, you don't know how to die like this?

The result of the meeting was still unhappy. The young master of the Linghu family summoned the group of people around him. These people are also the most powerful opponents of the royal family. He now has 30% of the strength of the entire family. , If he continues to take his time slowly, he may master 50% or even more, but now the prime minister’s sentence has brought it out? The ministers of the imperial court belonged to the Linghu family. To be precise, they came with him. These people were revealed by His Majesty the Emperor. The capital is such a big place, and the various forces can be said to be missing teeth. Your Majesty the Emperor Sending his own secret force over there to investigate these things, this kid Linghu knew what was going on right away? He must have his own response plan, otherwise his head may be lost for no reason? When the emperor does things, he will not consider what family heir you are? He can do anything as long as he threatens his rule.

"How are our people preparing? Some masters may appear recently. I feel that there are some changes in the power in the capital. The emperor does not believe that our Linghu family is in the imperial city. Some of the imperial army has begun to change houses, especially Those imperial forest troops didn’t train much before? I heard them shouting on the playground these days, but the sky shook the sky. Our defensive strength should be strengthened to prevent the royal family from attacking us suddenly." Young Master Linghu replied After I got to my study, I called the generals of the Linghu family. Asking the civilian officials about military affairs is a waste of time. It is better to give these people orders directly, and most of them follow them. Idea. They think that power comes from politics, and they have a large number of troops. Although they are a bit weaker than the royal family, they really don’t know who wins and who loses.

"In response to the young master, our people have recently been taken away by the emperor's majesty. They have recently ordered us two legions around the capital to go to the northern front. In fact, we can handle this matter. , You don’t need to send the two legions to the northern front. It’s a pity that the old people in our family are stubborn. They think that the empire is now in troubled times. If the Linghu family’s army is not at the forefront, it is not defending the empire. After receiving the order from the family elder, the two army came to me without saying a word. This really maddened me. I wanted to chase them back. Who knows that the elder almost always I'm under house arrest." This kid and Linghu Shao are also a generation. He is the rising star of the Linghu family in the military, although he is not very powerful, but there are a lot of following.

"Yeah! The second brother is right. I knew it at the time. It's just that my official position is relatively low. It's just a small defense. I don't have any right to speak for the transfer of the legion. , But I can keep 3,000 of my own men. They are the most elite fighters in the family. I have hidden them in the west of the city. They can rush in as long as you say something." Speaking of light, Young Master Linghu has no idea what this family is saying. Three thousand people, three thousand people in the entire capital, what are they? A drop of water can't be compared, even if your 3,000 people are here, you can solve the court with 30,000 people with one enemy to ten. There are approximately 2 million troops in the entire palace. What is 30,000 troops? A three thousand people really rushed over and couldn't make a bubble.

Even though he thought so in his heart, he definitely couldn't say that to his target. These people are all his old team. If he disregarded their faces and said this directly, it might cause them to be distracted. Now is a very important time. You can never do such a thing yourself. He patted the guy on the shoulder and said, "You are in battle. The chance to kill the enemy, as long as they are trained and skilled, they can survive the war. It is a pity that all the elite troops of our Linghu family are on the northern front line. If something really happens at this time, it will be to our Wuwu family. It’s absolutely unfavorable. By the way, Cao Ke naturally has our weapons. I think his weapon that can connect bows and arrows is absolutely good. This time I asked him for five thousand weapons. "The weapon Li Cong made for him has already reached the Eastern Empire, and his soldiers are already using it.

"Don't say anything about Master, this thing is really very powerful. After our people use this thing and conduct a small-scale exercise, I dare say that as long as our people hold this kind of serial crossbow sword, They can definitely be ten or even twenty. They are all skillfully using this weapon. They have been training them for some time recently, so I don’t think they should be given any tasks. When a military conflict really breaks out, they should be at the top. In front." This army administrator said only what he meant. Young Master Linghu disagreed. Seeing Xiaoshuai Linghu shook his head, the two men looked at each other. Did Xiaoshuai have other thoughts in his heart. Not long, do these people still hide in snow?

That's right, this is what people want to hide from the snow, Young Master Linghu already has their use in his heart. Young Master Linghu cleared his throat, and both of them looked over. Young Master Linghu was very satisfied with how he felt now. The three of them are the younger generation of the Linghu family, but the two of them are willing to be under him. Listening to his own words, he feels very fulfilled. Sometimes ordering his brother is better than ordering an outsider. And let yourself be more accomplished.” Regarding these five thousand people, I am not going to put them first when they are positive. They should be our last reserve army. We can only take them if we really are about to fail. If we don’t come out, we won’t be able to take it out. His Majesty the Emperor has more hole cards than ours, and now we only have this one hole card. If we take it out, he won’t have a hole card."

"What the young master said is that it is too simple for the two of us! We just want to improve our situation at this stage. We did not expect that there are still many secret troops in the hands of His Majesty the Emperor. We should save this force. It will definitely kill them without leaving a piece of armor. Although the emperor’s people have seen such a weapon on the northern front, they did not train this weapon at all. If they really fight against us, they will suffer. It may be very powerful. These guys are all desperate masters one by one. There are many people like Yulinjun High School. They will definitely rush up desperately, and there will be more dead by then." The three people laughed one by one when they heard such words, and they hoped that these imperial forest soldiers would act like this.

"However, there have been some things recently that we should have become alert. Let's take the recent case! There have been a lot of strangers in the capital. We don't know which power these strangers belong to? But I'm sure They will definitely have a relationship with the royal family. These people have not appeared in the capital before, but they have not left any bad records. Even if we want to investigate them, it is not very easy. But my people use several strategies They were all sent to the cell, but after a month or two, they came out again. Although the face has been changed a little, my people can still recognize them at first sight. I think these people It should be against us." One of the guys thought of something that had happened in the Eastern Empire process recently and said it.

"How big is our capital, and how many people are there? In such a large city, in a city with such a large population, more things may happen every day, not to mention that it is still an eventful time. Everyone in the entire capital can be said to be countless, there are as many as cows and hairs, and they are not stupid. They also feel that they are about to be born, so each of them must mobilize their cronies to their side. Don’t you feel that there are so many masters in the capital? In the past, the eighth-level fighters can be said to be relatively few, but now there are as many dogs as the eighth-level fighters on the street, and even the ninth-level fighters are here. Quite a few, as for the army, take a look at the military camps around the capital, right? Some came directly with dispatch orders, and some came without dispatch orders."

Regarding some recent things, Young Master Linghu asked to be a Diaoyutai, there is nothing to worry about. In his opinion, things like this on the eve of the coup are very normal, and part of the Linghu family was immediately confronted by the royal family. When I get up, there are actually some people in the royal family who are unwilling to fight against the Linghu family. They think the same thing as those older generations in the Linghu family? Everyone is a family, why should we meet each other? It’s just that the younger generation is tired of these words. They don’t have the old people’s thoughts and Qin Qing. What they think is that as long as they can kill their opponents, they have to do it regardless of whether they are their own brothers or their own. ? Otherwise, the person who died may be himself. The political struggle must not be soft-hearted. The soft-hearted party will definitely fail, and none of these young people will soft-hearted.

"Although there are not many people in this capital who can control the political situation, there are definitely a lot of powerful people. If we can't rectify these people properly, when we really fight against the royal family, if they are It's okay for the two to stay in their own home without helping each other. The main reason is that if they really come out, it will be a very troublesome thing for us. What will we do at that time? It's really embarrassing." Young Master Linghu sees Looking at the map of the capital, it is said that there are at least hundreds of companies in this capital that have been exhibited for thousands of years. It is absolutely impossible to say that there is no resistance in their homes. These are more or less hidden at home. One or two masters, although one or two in a family is not a majority, it is not comparable to the Linghu family. If hundreds of thousands of families are assembled, this is a very large force that the royal family cannot resist. .

"The young master is okay. There is something big, something big, the emergency report from the northern front line, our Eastern Empire army has been defeated, and when the three people were about to discuss something, a book boy came in and he was panting. Speaking loudly, after hearing his words, Young Master Linghu's eyes lit up. Is the Northern Battlefield finally defeated? This is the truth he needs. This is the motivation he needs. It seems that the court needs a lot of troops to adjust. To the northern battlefield. He immediately asked this person to come in to see how the frontline Dongdi team failed? Although most of them are elites from the Linghu family, it's nothing? Anyway, those troops will not listen when they stay in the capital. On your own terms, why don't you just go to the northern battlefield to save them, and see how you **** died?

The other two people's faces were very ugly. They were not as hard-hearted as Young Master Linghu. Their uncle and brothers were on the Beidu battlefield. Those people are also unwilling to go to the northern battlefield desperately. What can I do? The court order has come down, unless you risk your head against the court, the Linghu family has not yet torn from the court. As military generals, they should obey the military's dispatch and obey the emperor's orders. The northern battlefield has failed, don't they know they are still alive? These two men also stretched their necks to see what the battle report in the hands of Young Master Linghu was saying? They don’t know what the paper says now. They can only see that the expression on Master Linghu’s face has turned anger into peace, and peace turns into happiness. If they try to figure it out slowly, it should be a failure in the northern battlefield. incredible.

It is true that there is no mistake in the northern battlefield. This defeat can be said to be quite powerful. It lost nearly 600 miles of land, which is equivalent to the land of fifteen provinces, and 25 counties on the northern border of the Eastern Empire. . All were occupied by others. In just one month, Cao’s army occupied the 25 counties and cities of the Eastern Empire. This still has a tendency to move forward. Two provincial cities are already under the enemy. what's going on? Isn't Cao's army in a defensive position? How could you suddenly attack so powerfully? What are their people thinking in their heads? However, this is no longer what Linghu Young Master cares about. What Linghu Young Master wants to care about is what the army will mobilize next, will he get some benefits from it?

"Hurry up, you two, don't be silly here and go to the Ministry of War to find out the news. By the way, the people from the Ministry of War and Taiwei who called us will come over and ask to see what they think. Nearly 30 million people were lost in the northern battlefield this time. They will definitely have to deploy a large number of troops in the past. This is not the main thing. The most important thing is that a dozen provinces on our northern border have already fallen, and they are with the common people there. Don’t know how to live? The war is burning on the territory of our Eastern Empire. I think His Majesty the Emperor will definitely transfer a large amount of money in his anger! This is what you two should pay attention to is to see what army he wants to transfer. It is impossible for the second light to dispatch our Linghu family army. We are already losing too much! Even if he asks the senior management of the family to be unwilling to see if we can get some benefits from it." Young Master happily said that this is strange? He was very happy that his country failed.

In fact, if you think about standing next to Young Master Linghu, you may have the same expression as him. What Young Master Linghu lacks now is an opportunity. If the battlefields on both sides are not too troubled, hoard them. These armies around the capital will continue to be hoarded here. No matter how powerful your Linghu family is, but your emperor is fighting against this is a rebellion. On the surface, there will not be too many people supporting you, and the common people will also scold you. You are prosecutors and thieves, you are more likely to fail. If you want to rebel, you must be stronger than the imperial family. But now their strength is not so strong. The large number of troops in the northern battlefield will definitely be. Transferred to the north, at this time there will be a defensive emptiness in the capital, and I have to take advantage of this emptiness to do something, and the fate of the imperial family is at stake.

The little things at home are little things for the other two people in this room. After hearing the words of Young Master Linghu, they immediately threw their uncles and brothers aside. We are all alive or dead on the front line. Can't help much, now we still have to do our own thing, that is, go to the military headquarters to find out what army will leave the capital, just like Linghu Xiaoshao also said. We also want to gain benefits. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Although they knew that Young Master Linghu was in contact with Cao Jia's firm, they did not expect that they would attack on a large scale for Young Master Linghu. Those who killed a thousand enemies and harmed themselves eight hundred, the Eastern Empire had casualties of tens of millions of troops, and the Cao’s army would certainly have many casualties. Young Master Linghu also knew that this was an opportunity for him. It may be that Li Cong gave him this opportunity but he could not grasp it, then such an opportunity may not be there in the future.

At this moment, the people of the Eastern Empire already knew this bad news that couldn’t be more bad. His Majesty the Emperor convened an imperial meeting overnight. The ministers who had just returned home and hadn’t had hot butts immediately hit the palace. It can be said that his failure was completely beyond their expectations, and General Linghu should not be such a person. He is very confident in fighting. What is disgusting is that this time the battle report also said that General Linghu himself was injured. It is no wonder that a wounded general can't do anything on the front line? Moreover, he has already failed. For the soldiers on the front line, the confidence blow is the most powerful. There are hundreds of millions of soldiers who have lost 30 million and can still survive. But if the confidence is gone, this war is not far from defeat. Up. The thing to be resolved now is to immediately send another general to lead the frontline army.

According to His Majesty’s intentions to increase troops to the front line should continue to weaken the Linghu family. The Linghu family currently has 15 legions in the Eastern Empire. Their total number of 50 legions has been transferred to 35. Legion, now if you continue to drop these legions, you can relieve the empire’s urgent need, but after this plan was put forward, some ministers in the court began to stand up against it. It was either that the legion was needed there, or that this was often just from the front. Withdrawing, but still unable to mobilize, this reason is really varied, but this will also allow His Majesty the Emperor to see which of his court ministers is really following the Linghu family. There are a lot of people who follow him, he didn't expect this to come forward to speak to the Linghu family, don't say that you are considering the empire, it is absolutely impossible for people who can achieve this position without standing in line.

The imperial court can be said to be in chaos up to now. Even among the people, the people are also a little afraid to speak. They are also afraid that those people will fight directly from the north. How can they lose so quickly for a month? Time has lost dozens of counties. If the war continues like this, it will be just around the corner to reach the capital. The common people are all panicking. At this time, bad news has also spread in the southern coastal areas, that is, the presence of a large enemy fleet. There are about a thousand warships, how is this possible? In the past, when they attacked, there were at most a dozen, hundreds, or even two hundred. This is the most. It is absolutely impossible for such a large-scale battleship to appear. When the Emperor of Power Nation received this news, he collapsed directly. So much bad news?

I have been an emperor for so many years. What I did in the first half of my life was smooth and smooth. How come there are so many troubles? General Linghu had never lost a battle in his entire life. How could he be defeated at this time? The pirates on the southern coast did not come early or late, but they came at this time. Is all this a coincidence? His Majesty the Emperor heard the re-report of these court ministers? Then he looked at the ministers of the Linghu family below, and found that these guys looked dodgy in their eyes. What do they mean? Could it be that their entire Linghu family’s tradition was not good, and the frontline defeat was deliberately made by them. Suddenly, he felt that the emperor felt that his hands were shaking. The frontline was brought by General Linghu. He It may not be easy to win this war, but he wants to lose this war. It is a very simple thing. He just ran away directly. If the pirates on the southern coast have something to do with Linghu, when will he come to him? When will you come?

No, now this matter absolutely cannot proceed according to the original plan. It is not clear to me what the situation is. If the Linghu family's army continues to be sent, they will form an unprecedentedly large group on the front line, even if they mobilize themselves. It was impossible for all of the pro-military forces in the past. The Linghu family’s armies were assembled immediately. This is a very terrible signal to the Emperor. Now what he has to do is to spread all over the country. Linghu’s army continues to disperse, they must not be brought together, and the ministers of the Linghu family in the court should kill them and kill them. The place where they get **** is **** fucking. It is absolutely impossible for them to continue to participate in things. They participate in it, but there is no good thing for There is basically no good news these days, but the bad news comes one after another, the first bad news It was the people who had been evacuated by the Cao’s family of more than 20 cities in the north. Those people did not stay. The hundreds of millions of people were taken away directly. It is said to be a coolie. The things on the highway can be said to be very hard. Even if it is a road with water or something on a rainy day, it must continue to move fast? If the emperor of the empire was very interested in this thing in the past, but now his empire cannot be protected, what use is there to make such a thing? The second bad news is that the pirates have continuously attacked in the south. Dozens of cities, this time is different from before, they turned out to be attacking with an army. After they all attacked a county city, the army would go up and occupy the county city, and there was no intention to retreat. The most is just grab some money.

It seems that they have ambitions for the territory of the Eastern Empire, and things like money are not attractive to them. The Emperor of the Eastern Empire feels as if it is the end of the world. In just one day, the northern part lost twelve counties and the southern part lost. Thirty-seven counties and cities, if you add up to both sides, one hundred counties and cities are no longer under your jurisdiction. How can you make yourself suffer? I usually say that I am the greatest emperor of the Eastern Empire, and my previous vitality has not lost my own territory, but now I have lost my own territory. This treatment of the great emperor is simply a joke.

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