Energy Group

Chapter 2017:

It was night when Li returned home. The candle at the door was already lit. As soon as he entered the door, he felt a gust of wind blowing. Li Cong knew that someone had attacked him, and he could tell from the speed of the wind. It seems that this guy is still a novice. It’s impossible to attack him with this ability. Soon, Li Cong realized that he was his son. Li Cong’s toes were a bit fierce. She jumped to her feet and escaped the attack. As expected, it was this son. Now she has the strength of a seventh-level warrior, and progress is very fast. His pearls have played a big role, but you are just like you. I came to attack Lao Tzu, not afraid that your Lao Tzu would hurt you as soon as he shot it. Seeing his father easily avoided his attack, Xiao Ao's face still had some disappointment. m

"Your brat is so courageous. If you are so capable, you will be able to fight against a master like your father. This means that you have run into me. If you run into other people, they may kill you at once and give it to me later. Absolutely remember, don’t mess with masters before you reach that level of strength. You must know that these masters have their own dignity, and even some people have direct personality quirks. He may kill you or not. Say why, even if I am very powerful, I can kill him to avenge you afterwards, but your name is gone. You should cherish your own life, understand?". Li Cong said, the last time he sneaked into the casino of the Eastern Empire, he was almost detained by the man from the casino. He is still a little scared in his heart. Xiaoao also knows what happened to me last time. My father left a lot of psychological shadow. He nodded quickly and said that he would not do anything like that. In fact, he just wanted Li Cong to compliment him and let him see how much progress he has made now.

"Father, pearls are really very useful. The energy absorbed is the energy I need. After absorbing them, I feel that my current ability can reach 7th level fighters or more, even if I fight with ordinary 8th level fighters. Get up and start fighting. If he doesn't have a good weapon in his hand, I will definitely not lose. What do you think of my speed just now?" This guy is also happy when he talks about the strength he has just improved. In this world, as long as there are people who are a bit pursued, who don't want to become stronger. The strength of this kid is still very good. It should be said that he has developed very quickly. Li Cong also has a lot of secrets about this kid. What is his inheritance memory? Li Cong knew as long as he spoke. He will definitely tell himself this. But he is a person, he is a plant life. Although he called his own father, there were many differences between the two people. Even if he told him, he couldn't use it for himself.

"Just now, I have seen that your speed is indeed very fast, but there is still a shortcoming that is not accurate enough. The speed is there. If your accuracy can't keep up, such an attack will waste your own strength. , There is no harm to your enemy. If you continue to walk like this, it is useless. From now on, you should abandon training your speed. It is time to practice your accuracy. These feelings are still in your eyes at this stage. If you can use it, it’s not an eye issue if you improve it further. When you look at the masters, they can feel where their enemies are even if they don’t look back. They treat their enemies like this Well, why is that? It’s just relying on the feeling of the test to feel the surging of the air around you, you can simulate where the person is, and simulate it in your own mind." From this time, Li also began to teach his son some by the professor. Actual combat skills, this kid is good, but he doesn't have any skills.

This so-called actual combat experience is even more absent. There is also a comparison between ordinary people or those whose strength is very different from him. Just like what he said, if you really encounter an eighth-level fighter, you will be abused. His strength is at this level, but if some other things can’t keep up, it’s his own loss. Xiaoao nodded herself and she now understands it. It’s not the same as before. It’s that pride. The older one was thrown away by him. The Eastern Empire encountered something in the casino. He still remembers it in his heart. If his father hadn't arrived quickly, he might have become someone else's now, even if he didn't give in to himself for the rest of his life. I won’t see the sun anymore in the days to come. I absolutely cannot live such days. From this point of view, my father gave me a second life. The person in front of me helped myself so selflessly. I really don’t know what to say. Although the father and son don’t use these, they are still moved!

The accuracy rate, what Xiao Ao is talking about now, he used to cultivate slowly by himself, but no one came to point him, Li was never convenient to point him, he only said when Xiao Ao wanted to ask, because Li From the feeling that he is a person, Xiaoao is a plant life. Although the two people get along with each other, there is a difference in the end. Xiaoao has his own memory of inheritance, and Li Cong is also afraid that some of his own experience may be passed on to him. If there is a conflict with his inheritance experience, then it is not a small matter. What if he may develop into a nondescript? At that time, I regretted it, so it’s better to talk less at this time. Xiaoao now hears Li Cong reminding him as if he is initiating. I didn’t find my shortcomings in the past, but now I find myself The speed is fast enough, and what we need to do now is to develop in an accurate direction.

Li Cong told Xiaoao for a while to do his own thing. Although he has finished his work here, the outside world is about to change. The first is the strong counterattack of the Eastern Empire on the northern battlefield. When Li Cong was talking to the generals in the Northern Empire, they could already suppress the arrogance of the Eastern Empire, but now the Eastern Empire has invested a lot of manpower and material resources, so that the dozens of cities that have been accumulated first have been completely destroyed. The seizure went back, because the army is now forced to change to defense because of insufficient numbers. A tug-of-war has formed. Today I attacked several of your cities and you will be arrested tomorrow. It can be said that everyone is not doing well now? It has completely turned into a complete war of attrition, and the three empires are also suffering from a terrible headache. They can no longer afford blood transfusions.

For example, in a battle that took place in the northern battlefield a few days ago, tens of millions of people on both sides fought for nearly a day. The casualties of the Eastern Empire were as high as 13 million. That is, the three empires plus Li Cong. The loss was also close to 10 million people. It can be said that the corpses have really become a mountain. It is also because the two sides will not immediately launch a larger war in the next month. At this time, the senior officials of the Eastern Empire were considering whether to pay such a high price for the Thunder Gate. According to the current loss, even if the Thunder and Lightning all come back in a few years, they will also have to keep their blood on it, and the Eastern Empire will have a second battlefield and a third battlefield. This second battlefield is the battlefield established by Li Cong on the southern coast. Almost two hundred cities have now fallen into Li Cong's hands. This is nothing to them.

The area of ​​the Eastern Empire is very large, with 200 counties and cities. They still lost. But the most terrible thing is the peasant uprising in the east. The peasant uprising has swept hundreds of cities in nearly 30 provinces. The appeal of these peasants is simply super long. The Eastern Empire has always used forceful methods to suppress these peasants, but the actual situation is that these peasants’ rebound is very strong, and they seem to have used a very strange They don’t go head-to-head with you, they will retreat when your army arrives, and they will come again when your army retreats. This has caused some local wealthy businessmen and bureaucrats. They stayed at home for a month. I don’t know how many times they will be robbed by these peasants. It can be said that they have become peasants now. Anyway, they have nothing. They can do it directly with these people. Of course, another thing has happened, that is, these landlords. The class began to build its own arms.

At the beginning, the senior officials of the Eastern Empire strictly prohibited the following landlords and wealthy merchants from forming their own armies, and they continued to convince them of the court that the court would resolve this matter. At the beginning, these wealthy merchants were also all I believe in the court, and I didn’t do anything excessive, but when they were robbed several times in their home within a month, they simply didn’t have any confidence in the court. Your court always said let us wait. But what are we waiting for? Your army has waited for all these peasants when they came in. After they came in, they burned, killed, looted and did no evil. Maybe they used to be very happy to these landlord classes. They have bullied others for so many years. Send it over to bully yourself? This kind of reasoning probably didn't make sense anywhere, so these landlords began to spend money to arm themselves, recruiting all the people around to give them weapons.

In this way, a certain landlord regiment training organization was formed. In these regiments, they usually work in their own homes, and there are also some people who are safe and honest, that is, they will be in the landlord when the peasant army is about to come. Under the call of "Peasant Army", they combined to fight with these peasant army. Compared with the peasants, their armaments and weapons are still very good, because most of the peasant army’s items are household items and cannot be used on the battlefield. The things they used were bought by landlords, but their will to fight was far worse than that of the peasant army. The peasant army seemed to understand that they were fighting for themselves now, and these people wanted All they have is the salary given by the landlord’s family. On the real battlefield, they still want to save their lives. There is no need to sacrifice their lives for the money of less than a few taels of silver a month. The landlord’s family is also the last thing to save. Money has nothing to do with them, right?

The court of the Eastern Empire saw that it was no longer able to manage this matter, so it gathered some landlords in various places and directly gave them some official positions. For example, you are the landlord of this small town. There are more than a thousand people, so you are an eight-rank official of the imperial court. Of course, the imperial court will only issue you a letter of commission. There is no salary or official uniform. These will be recovered after the flat-topped peasant army. Yes, you are also responsible for your army. When the court has an order, you must do it. When the court does not order it, you will naturally take care of it. These landlord armed forces also need a title from the court. The empire's ability to control various places can be said to have dropped by a level. In the past, there were no other people except the government and the army. Now these landlord armed forces have grown up. It is absolutely impossible for them to listen to the imperial court.

The landlord is a very greedy person. The reason why I treat this is to keep my property. Want to listen to the court often in the future? how can that be possible? Did the court buy him anything? When these peasants came in, he relied on his own lives to protect the household’s property every day. The court had nothing, right? The court only told them that the army was coming, but after waiting day after day, are there any troops waiting to come to the court? So the imperial court’s order here is basically a piece of waste paper. This is what Li Cong saw and wanted to see. He also thought that the landlords of dozens of provinces had other ideas. In this case, it is possible to segregate this area. Of course this is the eastern part of the Eastern Empire. Li Cong's hand is not that long yet, and it is impossible to develop here. Right now, the scope is not wide enough. If they want to rebel, they will probably be destroyed by the Eastern Empire. Just wait slowly for yourself to grow stronger. When the Eastern Empire couldn't eat them, it was time for them to develop.

In view of the current situation in the Eastern Empire, the other three imperial imperial families did nothing. They also have their own eyeliner in the Eastern Empire, slowly importing some weapons, food, and the like through their own eyes, and the defense areas of the Eastern Empire have also defended their fortresses. It is absolutely not allowed to flow into these things from the three empires. At this time, they thought of the fleet, but the fleet of the three empires is not so powerful at all? It is impossible to support these peasant uprisings by sea transportation, but Li Cong has this ability. He doesn't want the three empires to also intervene in this matter. It is enough to support these peasant uprisings by themselves. The three empires have made enough money, and in the future, he can completely control this armed force in his own hands. Why should he score with the three empires? He rejected Ting of the three empires and prepared to do it alone.

The Raiden Gate headquarters is also definitely anxious. The Raiden Gate was originally an accessory produced by the Eastern Empire. Now the Eastern Empire is already in danger. How can the Thunder Gate sit securely? The Raiden Gate executives have already met and discussed several times. It’s the second time, but the result is the same. Nothing and nothing have been discussed. A group of activists among them have already rushed out of the frozen forest. Taking advantage of this time, the army of Cao’s house is already large. Some of them were transferred to the front line, and there were very few troops blocking the frozen forest. If they could rush out at this time and then get in touch with the people of Thunder and Lightning Gate, they could cause huge trouble to the three empires in the rear, the Eastern Empire. In fact, the high-level officials at Raiden also wanted to change the current situation at the expense of Raiden Gate, but both sides have not yet found a good running-in point.

Li's losses from this period of time are also very huge. Just like the previous battle, Li lost nearly three million people from his side. The money spent every day is just like running water, although Li Cong's ability to make money is very good. Strong, but tens of billions of shadows are thrown in every day. This is also very embarrassing for Li Cong. It is okay to throw in the silver if there is a prospect, mainly because if there is no prospect, he can’t continue like this, so Li After choosing to retreat in the northern battlefield, the armies of the three empires have also personally gone up. They also know that the army of Cao’s business alone can no longer resist the army of the Eastern Empire. The number of the two sides is very different, even if It was Cao’s army that had advanced weapons like artillery, and it was not able to withstand the Eastern Empire’s army. Li Cong unloaded part of the artillery from the warship to the army.

The effect is quite good, but there are too many people who can’t stand the opponent. Hundreds of thousands of people rushed up in one charge. You only have dozens of artillery here, even if these dozens of artillery keep firing. One shot in one second can't stop all of these people. The people of the Eastern Empire swarmed up like they were desperate. The people in front of them were blown to pieces. The people behind stepped directly on the people in front. Li Cong’s body rushed forward, which also surprised Li Cong. I really didn’t expect these people to be killed to this extent. The war must continue. Li Cong has no other choice but to continue to support the front line. It has already begun to develop in an aspect that Li Cong can't control, which is the worst ending Li Cong said. At present, even the royal families of several empires have no way to grasp the direction of this war.

In fact, all empires and all forces have their own opinions, but the most trapped among them is the Eastern Empire. The emperor of the Eastern Empire can say that there are strong men who have broken their arms. He must solve this problem first. He has found People asked Li Cong to go to the Eastern Empire to negotiate. The first thing to solve was the southern coastal issues. He knew that the northern battlefields were not so easy to resolve. Li never promised that he would cease the war in the north, even if it was Cao’s firm. If the army retreats in the north, it is impossible for the northern battlefield to stop. Because the northern battlefield has now joined the armies of the three empires. No matter how great the Cao’s business is, it can only drag out its own troops. If the troops of the three empires do not withdraw, the northern battlefield will continue, but Li Cong can solve the battlefield in the southern waters by himself. The emperor of the Eastern Empire knew this very well. Therefore, he should talk to Li Cong about the southern issue.

At present, from the perspective of the army, Li never possessed the essence of head-to-head with the Eastern Empire Army. Mainly because the strength gap between them is too big. But in the navy, it's completely different. Li Cong's navy can be said to be the most powerful on the entire continent, but now the cooperation between the navy and the Marine Corps has reached its limit. Some areas along the southern coast of the Eastern Empire have all been taken down by the navy. If they continue to go deep inside, they need to send a large number of troops. They don’t have that kind of army to land from here, and they don’t have the energy to continue going inside. Development, so they must also personally take some actions in the south, but these things are unknown to the Eastern Empire royal family. The news that Li Cong is looking for is that the southern coastal area is now accumulating strength to prepare for a large-scale battle. The royal family of the Eastern Empire also believed the news. Otherwise, they wouldn't negotiate with Li Cong so quickly.

Before the negotiation started, Li Cong had already figured out what treaty he should conclude with them. First of all, it is impossible to spit out these places by himself. You can appoint the management of the fund, but you can never station troops. , Taxes and all costs are still yours, but I want a certain percentage, which will allow Li to slowly start to eat the empire. Of course, if you don’t want to, we won’t negotiate and keep the current That's it. Unless you can gather a large number of troops to attack us in a short time, we will return to the sea. If you can't gather a large number of troops yourself, you can only turn your southern region into the Cao family. The territory of the trading house, wait for decades and hundreds of years before giving it to them. It is really the domain of the Cao’s trading house. It has nothing to do with your Eastern Empire. Of course, the Empire cannot afford to sacrifice, but these The territory is still nothing. The most important thing is the good luck overseas. Without good luck, their economy and trade will cease.

A large part of the Eastern Empire’s transportation was supported by sea. If Li Congyang blocked out the South China Sea, it would be impossible for them to transform the entire empire. This would be a terrible disaster for the Eastern Empire. For now, the peasant uprisings in the east are getting more and more intense. They can only send soldiers on the land continuously. The fundamental solution in the past has not been solved. They have to transport a large number of soldiers from the sea. It is a pity. It’s no longer painful to still go up this passage. I was killed by Cao’s fleet. It’s not that simple to want the past. Li grew up here waiting for Xiaoao’s health to get better, at least It was only after this stage was passed, but the Eastern Empire had already launched this issue one after another, so Li Cong set foot on the airship to the Eastern Empire that night.

Regarding the private negotiations between Li Cong Kendong Empire and the three empires, it can be said that the three empires are very dissatisfied. They immediately reported the matter to Cao’s family firm, hoping that Cao’s family firm could treat it cautiously when the four parties formed an alliance. But it is said that neither party can negotiate terms with the people of the Eastern Empire alone, but Li Cong also has his own difficulties. If this matter can be fixed in the form of a treaty at this time, the Eastern Empire wants to If you take these areas back, you will have to use force to **** them. At that time, I am not very afraid. I am justified, because you signed a contract to give me this area. You are thinking of fighting over it. This is an aggression. Moreover, Li Cong is absolutely capable of developing this area into a piece of paradise. By then, those people may wish to run to the south and no one wants to go to the Eastern Empire.

The accusations against the three empires. Basically, Li Cong adopted a non-response strategy. Some insignificant people dealt with them, but most of them were still negotiating with the Eastern Empire. Various conditions and various things were thought of. The loopholes are based on the conditions that are most beneficial to them. For the Eastern Empire, they also want Li to almost withdraw from this area for just gaining a little benefit, for example, to compensate you and then give you Just a few ports and the like will do, and the rest will not be discussed. Of course, Li Cong will not give this to you so easily. Although occupying these places by yourself is not a big waste of energy and financial resources, these places are simply very important to your Eastern Empire. How could they be handed over to you so easily. Don't forget that we are all still at war. The daily loss of tens of millions of soldiers in the north is not a joke. Our hatred is not so simple to solve.

People from the three empires saw that Li Cong was already in the Eastern Empire, and they also understood that something might be wrong, and they couldn't feel Li Cong's every move. The people of the three empires will have a tacit understanding and return home immediately. After they go back, they need to discuss what to do in the future? It is impossible to continue to rely on Li Cong to resist the Eastern Empire, and these three empires suddenly thought of one thing at this time. In fact, if the major empires are united, it would be good to unite with the Eastern Empire against the Cao family business Yes, of course, I would immediately abandon this. It would be great if Cao’s family firm could be killed directly at this time, but their idea is just to think about it. Now their biggest enemy is not Cao’s family firm, but Dong The empire, if the flower that kills Cao's family firm will eventually suffer.

Although the Eastern Empire is not as good as before, the lean camels are bigger than the horses. They are also very capable now. Once Li Cong talks to them, the Eastern International will fight them out with all their strength. The peasant uprising in their own country will be able to organize a large number of troops at that time. At that time, whether the three empires can be kept in the counterattack is another matter. If the masters of the Thunder Gate come out again, they will definitely combine them with The combined forces of the three empires are in a tie. Maybe they can catch up. The three empires also don’t believe each other. Raidenmen and the Eastern Empire have no concerns about this. They have to go back and discuss urgently. What should we do about this? They came to persuade Li Cong personally, but they couldn't control him. They had to go back and discuss with the highest level in their own country, that is, the emperor's level talent. After all, this is something that concerns the entire continent.

Naturally, the Eastern Empire does not care about the reactions of the three empires, because what they are most willing to see now is that the three empires of the Cao’s House of Business are making trouble at home. It’s not as stupid as they thought, but the senior leaders of the Eastern Empire knew that the representatives of the three empires went straight back instead of making a quarrel in Li Cong’s place. They knew that the people of the three empires were not fools, and they would not be aware of the Great Wall. Even if they had some disagreements with Li Cong, they would not turn their faces with Li Cong at this time. At that time, Cao’s house might be united with itself, but it’s unlikely that the Eastern Empire could not achieve its goals. Turn around and think carefully about what you should do in the future, especially now that you are negotiating with the people of Cao's Commercial Bank, you must take the best interests in your own hands. These people just pay attention to the negotiation table. The matter of the above is completely different from that Li engaged in, and Li engaged in not believing this.

That is, the things that cannot be obtained in the negotiation have to be achieved by war. Now the negotiation has not yet begun. Li Cong must give them an unforgettable record. Only in this way will they put their own on the negotiating table, so Li Cong made it. A very crazy attack plan. The navy took out hundreds of ships that were the fastest. They didn’t need to land, just to make an attack on the eastern coast of the Eastern Empire. Li Cong occupied most of the cities on the southern coast. , This long-distance raid on the eastern coast can be said that the materials and various supplies needed are definitely not a small amount, and the eastern part of the eastern empire also has a large number of islands. If it is really surrounded by them, I want to escape. It's not that easy, but everything is risky. High risk means high reward. As long as this raid can be successful, the Eastern Empire will definitely make a lot of concessions at the negotiating table.

Li Cong's flowers are also very simple, each of the fifteen fleets has its own specific mission. It was to quickly rush to the eastern coastal areas of the Eastern Empire and conduct a frantic bombardment of their cities. In the eastern region, it caused a certain social panic. Now the most feared thing in the entire Eastern Empire is social panic. Most of the people are I don’t know when they can live. They are afraid that the war will hit them. Li Cong awakens them with the sound of artillery. Maybe they will join the ranks of the peasant uprising, at least not. Go to the battlefield. Because they saw the war it meant that this person would be afraid. A person who is afraid has no ability on the battlefield, and he may not help. This is definitely an idea with one stone and two birds with one stone. The corresponding conditions at the negotiation table will be much simpler.

The Eastern Empire can be said to have no defense against their eastern coast. It is more relaxed than the southern coast. At this time, the southern coastal areas gathered a large number of warships and suicide ships of the Eastern Empire. But the eastern coastal area can be said to be an undefended area. Even where there is a seaside, the navy has been transferred to the south. They are like a naked girl. Whatever you want? This matter does not need to be considered. Li Cong’s fifteen fleets had already begun when Li Cong’s airship took off. The fifteen fleets quickly moved towards their goals under the cover of night. Li Cong smiled when he received the report. I hope that these fleets will give me a satisfactory answer tomorrow morning. At that time, I should have arrived in the Eastern Empire. He is afraid that it has not started yet, but the high level of the Eastern Empire will definitely know the news quickly, and they will be surprised. of.

The senior leaders of the Eastern Empire still don’t know what’s going on there at this moment. They are still fully preparing for another negotiation. The lineup sent by the Eastern Empire this time can be said to be very strong. They talked about the leader of the group as the Prime Minister. Yushi doctor, Hubu Shangshu, and the official department Shangshu, as well as some more senior officials, these people are usually talkative people, and they all hope they can help the Eastern Empire get something back at the negotiating table. Come, and then take all the hole cards over it is impossible. The emperor of the Eastern Empire also thinks that this negotiation is a slow-down strategy. I will bring it back to you when you are happy. When the Northern War is over, We will unite with Raiden Gate to regain the entire face. At that time, no matter how powerful you are, you will not be able to serve as the army of the entire empire. His abacus is indeed good, but this is impossible.

But Li has never been a fool. He will still have his own plan. He wants you to pay a lot but not much. He wants you to have no more and no less. Of course, they are all very important areas. In this era People look at a place as important or unimportant. It can only be viewed in a simple way. There is no such comprehensive analysis yet. Li Congyi has used the most advanced analysis technology on the earth. What he wants in this city is only ten. That’s it, but as long as these ten cities are well controlled and some rapid reaction forces are added, a large area of ​​the southern part of the Eastern Empire will be under the control of Cao’s house, even if the army cannot be controlled. Li Cong is a certain threat to you. Li Cong clearly knows that if he sends an army to the Eastern Empire, he must arrange at least five soldiers to look at his own soldier. They will use five times the army to look at him, no It's okay to let yourself cause trouble, otherwise the Eastern Empire will ultimately suffer.

There is also the issue of opening ports. Li Cong has no way to enter the Eastern Empire when he manages a large number of commodities in the Cao’s house. Some products of the Eastern Empire are not traded with the other three empires, although they are doing it with Jia’s family. Smuggling, but the smuggling transaction is something that is not on the table. There is a very important article in the Li Cong treaty that it is very important for them to open a trading port and set up an embassy area. This kind of condition is absolutely impossible on the earth, but in this era None of them know much? If you don’t give it to me, use a cannon to open your door. Then you remember what a senior said at the time. This sentence was written down by Li Conggei. Now he did the same. He did not open the customs. He just didn't want to open up to do business for the other three empires, so Li Cong would open the sea gate and dump his various goods.

The Eastern Empire also has its own maritime trade fleet, but their speed is compared with those of Li Cong's fleet, which is simply not on the same level. If you really open your own customs, think Competing with Li Congyao's team, they may lose even their pants. No matter what you think, I can exchange goods between the four empires. The trading company itself is Right? No matter how you all come, this huge trading company is going to be realized, and now Li Cong feels that he already has his own territory from the Eastern Empire to the south. If he moves the headquarters of the entire Caojia Commercial Bank here~ Cao’s family firm also has great advantages. As long as you are at home and occupy several large islands outside, you can form your fifth empire.

It can be said that what is on the table is that the compensation plan proposed by the Eastern Empire is too far apart from what Li Cong thinks in his heart. The compensation plan not proposed to me does not even have one-tenth of the unified requirement. This is the first few people from both sides to talk about after they meet. Li Cong’s task is to increase to 70%, and the Eastern Empire’s inheritance is to increase to 40%, except for this 40%. No money is given, and they don’t want to spend their own money to buy their own things. This is a very big shame to the empire, and even if the negotiation is settled, they will try their best to flatten the book. Especially the emperor of this term is really so happy. How could he let himself bear such an infamy at the last time? I am so sorry for myself. No one knows the bad things that the whole empire knows about.

The negotiation between the two parties started under such circumstances. Li never wanted to start so early, but it’s okay to take it slowly. Anyway, no matter what you say, we just don’t agree to you, and we are all very reasonable. Those who refuse you, wait until you know that there are flowers for pirates in your eastern region. It is estimated that you will have to catch up and let yourself agree to this condition. It may be less than 70%. (To be continued...)

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