Energy Group

Chapter 2018:

It has been nearly half an hour since the negotiations between the two sides began, but in this half an hour, except for the few people under Li Cong who quarreled very badly with the top of the Southern Empire, Li Cong He didn't say a word, and the Prime Minister of the Eastern Empire didn't say anything either. The Prime Minister watched Li and saw from the performance of this person what he wanted to do in his heart. The prime minister is an ordinary person, without the keen reflexes of a fighter, but the prime minister sees you very well. It seems that he is already very impatient now. They look at the Cao family firm’s team at all. Those who came to negotiate with them seemed to be procrastinating. Grasping a detail issue would waste too much time on this detail issue. There is no sign of going on. What are these people here for? Is it just here to waste time?

The prime minister felt that this matter was not so simple. They would definitely have their own goals. When the prime minister came to negotiate with the huge organization of Cao’s house, he already understood all of them. They are not the kind of organization with a mere name. Everything is very efficient, but what are they doing now? Do you feel that all these things are very simple? That is impossible, what are they waiting for? Suddenly the prime minister thought of this issue, and then looked at Li Cong. The man was lying on a chair leisurely with his eyes closed, his toes were still tapping bit by bit, as if he was thinking about something proud. Now the negotiation has been completed. Is he stuck in a deadlock, what can he be proud of? That is to open the deadlock at the negotiating table and negotiate according to his will. M is wrong, he may possibly take some action.

In an instant, the prime minister’s expression changed drastically. Look at the people on his side who are still picking up the words. This is not the time when the words are being pressed. The prime minister slowly stood up and walked to the seat next to Li Cong. This kind of negotiation is carried out in this way. These high-level people do not need to have too much time to sit there and watch others arguing. They just tell their subordinates their bottom line before they come, and these subordinates will follow suit. The prime minister and Li Cong negotiated with the bottom line, and they would fight for the last share of interest for themselves based on reason. Let the opponent shed the last drop of blood. This is what the negotiation should do, and as the highest leader of the negotiation, they are often the easiest, because they can completely pat the table and leave when they cannot agree. This matter will not continue to be discussed. Set aside the dispute and continue to see below. So now they two are the most relaxed people.

"Master Cao is really relaxed. Are you so confident in this negotiation with our Eastern Empire? I don't think you have transferred your energy to this negotiation table from beginning to end. Could there be other things that made Master Cao like this? Are you calm?" The Prime Minister walked over to Li Cong and said, his eyes were paying close attention to Li Cong's expression when he was speaking. I hope that I can get some answers from Li Cong’s expression. Li Cong only smiled politely when he saw him coming, and then pointed to the seat next to him and asked the Prime Minister to sit down, showing no other difference. Come, this makes the prime minister's heart very annoyed because the prime minister has his own principles. He will not rush to make moves until he sees his opponent's psychology clearly, but now he has made moves, but he still doesn't know Li Cong's What are you thinking about? This is a very dangerous thing, he feels the danger.

"The Prime Minister should actually come here and sit here just like me. The negotiation is left to the people below. Both of us are already at a psychological bottom line. Just like this negotiation, you definitely want me. Retreat from your country’s territory if you don’t need anything, but I also have my difficulties. I will form this fleet and make so many weapons to recruit so many soldiers. Now if you ask me to withdraw in a word, My loss is really too great, so I have to get some rewards for my own efforts. I feel that the conditions I put forward are normal returns. If you don’t want it, we can’t do anything, but slowly It’s just a matter of consuming it, or we’re going to put up a posture and continue to fight, but what I want to do is not a good thing for both of us. Whether it’s your eastern empire or our Cao family firm, the losses in the war have been Very big."

Li Cong's words are simply useless scenes. It can be said that they are nonsense. You feel very upset when the Prime Minister said these words to Li Cong. When is it now? What do you mean by such a scene? Am I here to listen to your scenes? If you listen to these scenes, Lao Tzu can go to any place to listen to it much better than you said. The Prime Minister is very disgusted with Li Cong’s uncooperative attitude. If he would have dropped his teacup in the past, Gone, but now it’s not the same as before. With Cao’s business, the Eastern Empire needs to end this war in the south. Many people in the court have also begun to attack him. If the Prime Minister can complete the peace talks, he His position in the court can still be guaranteed. If he can't complete it, his own position will be in danger. Many people have looked at his position for a long time.

No matter how dissatisfied I am, I can’t help it. Who tells me that I am asking others? Whether it is from the big aspect of the empire or from the small aspect, I now need a beautiful battle and need to complete this negotiation. , Complete it well, let yourself get the most benefits and minimize the loss of the empire. Of course, when he came, he knew that this negotiation was a chore, and it was negotiated with other ministers. If I fail, I’m afraid I’m going to cling to my head. Whoever calls himself the prime minister, who calls himself the highest official here, loses national interests, loses his own interests. This principle has been understood since childhood. So no matter how hateful and annoying Li Cong's attitude is, he still has to negotiate with Li Cong and say it well. The prime minister adjusted his emotions. Then said to Li Cong.

"The thing that Master Cao said is really correct. To tell you the truth is that our Eastern Empire is really suffering from internal and external troubles. From the northern battlefield, we have entered a stalemate. Our losses are much greater than your losses. , After all, we are the offensive side. We must shoot twice as much force to achieve the current results, and you just have to defend in fixed fortifications. The peasant uprising in our central region is already intensifying. If we don’t If this wind is suppressed, hundreds of provinces in the entire central region may be thrown into chaos. The hundreds of provinces in the central part of our Eastern Empire are the foundation of the empire. There is absolutely no chaos here. There will be the South. You people in the south are really too powerful. You can take down so many cities in a short period of time. It is necessary for us to come down to accept the war in the south." The Prime Minister said. He said these words to show weakness. There seems to be a door.

"The Prime Minister does not need to say that. This matter is actually not as simple as you said. As far as the northern battlefield is concerned, although I have my army there. But most of the army there is no longer mine. It’s the people of the three empires. My generals can only stand aside and listen to other people’s orders, so I also need to end the southern battlefield, transfer a large amount of money from the southern battlefield to the northern battlefield to increase my voice. As you know, the hostile relationship I gave you is not too serious. The reason why I was inserted here is because of the relationship between Raidenmen and me. The kind of grievances between me and Raidenmen cannot be solved. Both of us must Only one can fall. Although your eastern empire is facing internal and external troubles, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse. If you really dare to add your own country, I don’t think other empires can resist. Live yours."

"Our Cao Family Firm is very powerful in linking the three empires, but compared with your Eastern Empire, there are too many people who want to have command in this powerful internal empire. I want to have the final say, I am very uncomfortable with the cooperation with the three empires. The people of the three empires are arrogant about everything they want, but they don’t know how to contribute money and effort. I do all the things I do, and they do all the things I do. If I want to change this situation, I need to talk to you. I want them to know that I have an equal opportunity with them. Of course, all The royal family doesn't want people like me to come out of the people, that is a major challenge to their power." Li Cong said, Li Cong also showed a heart-to-heart look, at least now makes the prime minister feel very comfortable.

If the Prime Minister on one side kept talking about how weak the Eastern Empire is, and Li Cong on the other side kept talking about how strong the Cao’s House of Commerce and the three empires were, then this conversation would not be possible. Even if the prime minister had his own goals, he would also He wouldn’t try to belittle his motherland and make people laugh at him. Now Li Cong has reported the shortcomings of Cao’s firm. As long as two people have found a common language, Li Cong clearly remembers that there was no political struggle. Eternal enemies, only eternal interests, and of course no eternal friends. The combination of himself with the three empires is temporary, and Li Cong suddenly discovered that the alliance of the three empires is not as good as the alliance with the Eastern Empire. At least the Eastern Empire has only one leader to talk about, and the three empires have three leadership levels. If you want to cooperate with them, you must get all the royal families of these three empires. That's too much work for you. Not very good either.

"In fact, we all have our own difficulties, so we all have the obligation to end this war. I wonder if Master Cao can make a little concession? The conditions you put forward are too difficult for us to accept. Such things, if I take If I go back to the court to speak, I guess my official position will immediately fall. The whole court wants to attack me but there are more people. In the past, I was cautious in doing things. They could not find a way to attack me. But if I sign this contract now, don’t talk about my black hat after I go back. Even my head may fall off.” The prime minister said honestly, he knew that he wanted to be like Li Cong in such matters. If you make trouble, you are looking for death. The person in front of you is not slower than you. If the trouble is not good, it is definitely not what you want.

"The Prime Minister shouldn’t be so embarrassed by what he said. In fact, the Prime Minister is absolutely credited with this matter. If it weren’t for looking at the face of the Prime Minister, how could I personally come and meet him? Only on this point, the Prime Minister can go back. In front of the gang of powerful and powerful people in the capital, I asked for credit for myself. The failure of the negotiation is a matter for both of us. If we don’t slap on the palm of the hand, on the one hand, if we want to negotiate on the other, we can’t do this thing. I believe Those people in the capital understand this truth, and they will not embarrass the Prime Minister too much. Why did the Prime Minister think that we should make concessions? Couldn’t the Prime Minister make concessions? Li Cong smiled and put two cups of tea into it. On the table between the two of them, those who were still negotiating at this time also raised their ears and listened to what their master said? They also hoped to make me this huge weather vane, and if the master gave in, she would negotiate more easily. This is how the stalemate stays if he does not make concessions.

Li Cong, who was heard by the prime minister, can be said to be very dissatisfied. What do we mean by concession? You people are already some invaders. Some robbers, pirates, all the things in these places originally belonged to us, but now they want to cut meat from us even so high-sounding. The performance of the prime minister is just 0.01 seconds as shown on his face. Then there is nothing. He knew that if a negotiator recorded his facial expressions at such a time, it would only be a tragedy, which would allow people to grasp the handle, but would not solve any problems. Moreover, the other party will disrupt your mind and give the other party a chance. He is an old oiler, and he is absolutely impossible to make such a simple mistake. The prime minister sorted out his clothes, think about it, and said.

"In fact, this kind of negotiation is nothing more than slowly. The things we can give up are too small and what you want is too big. We can only find a balance point between us. As long as this balance point is found, ours The negotiation is considered complete." The prime minister said with a smile. Li Congxue nodded his head. He agrees with the prime minister's view. It's just that the people on the table now don't seem to be looking for a balance. They all seem to be doing it. In the war, all the noisy people were blushing. These people heard the dialogue between the Prime Minister and Li Cong next to them. They also knew that the two senior leaders did not reach an agreement on this matter, and it was the prime minister who took the initiative to find someone. It also means that the Eastern Empire is actually a little weaker, and the people of Cao Jiashan on the table are even more arrogant. They are qualified to be arrogant and will definitely continue.

The negotiations between the two parties on the first day at noon could say that nothing was achieved. It was all you said. I said that the two sides couldn’t say it together. It’s no wonder that they drank a lot of tea. A negotiating member basically didn’t have his mouth idle all morning. It’s a certain thing that they lacked moisture. These people saw that it was almost noon, and then they closed some documents in their hands, indicating that today The negotiation in the morning was over. At that time, Li Cong was a bit unable to sit still. Why did the battle report of the eastern coastal area have not come yet? If it came, the negotiation in the afternoon would not need to be like this, but I think I will understand it. The coastal area is still far away from here, even if you use an airship, you can only arrive this evening, not to mention the speed of the Eastern Empire’s high level receiving news, it will definitely be slower, or continue to waste time in the afternoon. !

The lunch at noon was prepared by the Eastern Empire and it was quite rich. In the morning, the people who were so noisy and red-faced started to enjoy the wine at the lunch table. The cocktail party during the negotiation is also an art. Both parties will draw closer at the cocktail party. Distance, let one’s own point of view into the other’s mind, the reception can be said to be very smooth, but nothing fun was done in the middle. Both sides were talking about some political issues, that is, Prime Minister Li Tonggen. What they talk about with a smile is also the issue of mutual complementarity. They cannot become friends. At present, they are opposites. The point of opposition between the two sides lies here, that is, who occupies more areas and who occupies areas. The question of whether to garrison taxes or not, as well as the reparation of land indemnities, is a series of major issues.

After dinner at noon, the afternoon negotiations started again. Unlike the morning, Li Cong and the prime minister did not attend the afternoon negotiations. Li Cong drank a little wine at noon and his head was a little awake and went back to his room. After taking a break, the Prime Minister’s entourage told him that Li was never at the negotiation location, and the Prime Minister naturally couldn’t lower his worth. In the entire negotiation team, the two of them are equal, except when both of them are there. , No matter what other people are acting like? They won't go there to see, this is a kind of capital for both sides. Without this kind of capital, then your own momentum will be weakened. You are the leader of your own negotiation team. If you don't have this kind of momentum, how can the people below yourself have confidence? ? They will also start to think of this as something that can be done or not, and some interests can be pursued or not pursued, and the negotiation will fail.

However, Li Cong and the Prime Minister who were not at the negotiation site were completely different behind him. Li Cong drank a little wine at noon and was still not used to the wine on this continent? Just drinking two glasses, now Li Cong's head is already a little bit painful. Under the service of the two beautiful maids, Li Cong slowly leaned on these recliners and enjoyed the massage, closing his eyes and enjoying. Life, smell the house. With a very fragrant smell, Li slowly fell asleep from this moment. He is enjoying life and the prime minister on the other side is not like that. The prime minister's room is much more luxurious than Li Cong's. After all, he is the host, and he will definitely keep the best things for himself. But the prime minister was not in the mood to enjoy it all. Goodbye to let everyone in the house go out. The prime minister walked over in the room, wondering what Li Cong was thinking. What is he going to do? What is their bottom line?

Now that the bosses of both of them are not at the negotiating table, these people are starting to be lazy, and a question has been emphasized many times in the morning. That was for my boss to see. In the afternoon, the boss is not here to eat so hard to support himself? There are few foods and drinks on the table. The people on both sides seem to be chatting in the afternoon and they have no intention of negotiating at all. Cao’s house is naturally calm and they have to wait for the latest report. The negotiating officials on the Eastern Empire didn’t have that idea either. The people in Cao’s Commercial Bank just didn’t want to give in and continued the morning argument, and it didn’t mean anything. They had to go from other places. Time, since it’s a waste of time and don’t let yourself enjoy it, the food and drink here are very good. Talking to them about some things in other empires can be considered a long experience.

There are naturally some very anxious people outside the negotiation room, that is, some local officials of the Eastern Empire. The original areas of these local officials have been occupied by the Cao’s family’s army. Since the day that the Cao’s family of companies occupied, they They were expelled, and they could only be expelled with their family members and their own clothing. Many of their family assets, including some real estate in the fields and houses, were in that area. They all hoped that the court could help them. After bringing those things back, the court responded positively. As long as they belonged to the Eastern Empire’s army, they would not want any of them or their empire. They are also nervously waiting for the outcome of the negotiation. If you go to you, you will definitely beat those negotiating officials. Lao Tzu's all wealth is gone. You can still talk to these robbers here. I really don't know what your mind thinks. It's a big deal tonight. Go to your house to sleep.

It doesn’t matter if the Cao’s house is good in terms of fundamental interests. Anyway, the occupied area is not its own. Occupying one more day can get more benefits from these hundreds of cities. The Eastern Empire is different. In these hundreds of cities, there are a lot of things that can be produced every day. Other than that, it is not a small amount even if it is tax alone. If these are all cheaper than Cao’s business, these indemnities would seem to be paid. It’s twice the same. I think that the Prime Minister here and the people in the negotiation room over there are a bit unable to sit still. If they can waste this time, they can’t waste this time. The Prime Minister feels it necessary Some issues that the two sides reached a consensus quickly signed to prevent changes later, that is, his idea, so that the Eastern Empire would lose a lot of things in the future, such as the issue of compensation.

Regarding the issue of compensation, both parties have some consensus, that is, this compensation is necessary. Of course, the Eastern Empire will not admit that he was defeated. Li Cong admitted that he had won, but the other party did not admit that he was defeated as a winner. What's the taste? Of course, the Eastern Empire will not treat this money as compensation. He can treat the money as a trade with you Li Cong. Li gave them some worthless things and they bought them at a very high price. That's it, the Eastern Empire, which is also very different on this amount, is only willing to spend 20 billion silver to compensate for this matter, and Li Tong wants the Eastern Empire to take out trillions of silver as Li Cong said. To compensate for this. The gap between the two sides is as high as 500 times, and this matter has persisted, but the prime minister believes that this matter can be resolved. The prime minister's bottom line is 600 billion silver. It depends on what Li wants from there?

After receiving instructions from the prime minister, the negotiators of the Eastern Empire began to concentrate on the issue of compensation. More than a dozen people put aside their work and began to discuss the issue of compensation with the Cao’s family firm. The person other than Li Cong who can live is the boss Cui. The boss is the most familiar with such things, so Li Cong gets him to talk about these issues, except for the territorial issue, other things can be done. Concession. Li Cong also wanted to end this war quickly. But to reach the bottom line for Boss Cui is to get his own best interests. The Boss is still very good at measuring this interest, as if he has already seen that the other party wants to reimburse the issue and reach an agreement. The trillions of silver that I requested is indeed a lot of money for others. It is also possible to make a slight concession. It depends on what the other party thinks? "You guys, we have reached an agreement on the issue of compensation, that is, the money must be paid, and the amount of compensation is what we both need to discuss. I feel that you have no sincerity in such negotiations. First of all, you The number that has not been mentioned is too large. The trillions of silver is equivalent to about one-third of the income of our entire court. Although our income in the court is a little more than the other three empires, the trillions of silver are for It is also very uncomfortable for us. If we take out this money, our court may not have any money in the next few months. Our empire also needs support and money. A negotiating team member of the Eastern Empire patted the table and said, everyone else was quiet. Everyone knows that this is the time to start talking about serious matters, not a waste of time. Everyone from Cao’s house has been lost. Being lazy, began to respond seriously.

"Regarding the issue of compensation, I don’t think my conditions are a bit harsh. First of all, we now occupy 307 cities of yours. The average annual tax revenue of these 307 cities is about 120 million silver. If you don’t pay this money If you give it to us, we will continue to occupy these more than three hundred cities. On average, we will have an income of hundreds of millions of taels of silver every day. This is also a very big loss for you. Besides, we have lost in order to win these places. It's really too powerful. Our soldiers lost nearly 50,000 people. Although this number is not very large, our soldiers are all soldiers who volatilize our new weapons. I will spend nearly 502,000 silver to train a soldier. You come to calculate the amount we want to eat. It's really not much. I urge the boss to think about it. This guy is the best at talking things.

A high-ranking official in the Eastern Empire wanted to rush to the boss to beat him. How could this guy be shameless to this point? We didn’t invite you to fight. It was you who came to us to fight. Now that you have received the loss, you still have to pay for it. I want us to pay you compensation. I really don’t know what to say about this kind of thing. If you do this one by one, you don’t know what you are thinking about. The same person said that the origin of the war should be your responsibility. We did not provoke this war. You provoke this war and now you want us to pay so much compensation. We cannot accept this aspect. Yes, we can only pay out 50 billion silver compensation at most. If you can accept it, I think we can continue to negotiate. When it comes to 50 billion silver, Cui boss snorted even if he asked for it. It's not even a fraction, if I agree to go back, I will have to be skinned by my brother-in-law.

"50 billion silver, I think this uncle is joking, do you see that my profile picture seems to lack so much silver to come here to negotiate with you? I will not say anything else, I can be at this negotiation table The people from are all the highest level of our Cao’s firm. How much is your salary for a year? If I’m not wrong, this adult should be a big official, but I think your salary for a year is in the dozens About ten thousand silver, plus some of your other income of more than one billion dollars a year should not be too much. All the officials here are embezzled at the rate of tens of billions of dollars a year. You just compensate me. How can it be justified to buy 50 billion silver? That is equivalent to a few more officials like you. Do you think we will accept it?" Boss Cui's words made these people's faces blush, you are talking nonsense here what? Who is embezzled? Who said that ruining you is not farting and insulting.

"Sir, please speak. Please pay attention. We are all imperial officials. We will only take our own salaries. We will never move any other money." Another official of the Eastern Empire said that Boss Cui knew that he was just now. What I said was a bit too much. It was all done under the table. If I said it myself now, if there were officials from the Eastern Empire Supervision Department, they might have to go back under investigation. The official governance of the Eastern Empire is quite good among the four empires. At least on the surface it seems to be very incorruptible. Whether these people have taken the black money is not something that I want to pursue, but after Boss Cui has so disturbed the rest of these people and talked. Also pay a lot of attention. I won't just mention something that Cao's firm cannot accept. They also know that the person in front of them speaks unscrupulously, but they are the ones who will lose out.

"Of course, if you don't agree with my compensation plan, we will carry out some activities in our group in order to make up for our own losses." The activity he said was not a simple organizational activity. Up. The officials of the Eastern Empire are all like human beings. They also think of the local officials outside. They are still waiting for themselves to help them get their property back. It is certain that some valuable things in the house must have been moved. Now that Cao’s firm wants to use its brains, it must be the real estate of these people. If all these real estates are sold, there must be a lot of them, but to whom they are going to be sold is a big question. The local wealthy businessmen had no money in their hands, and they were all cleaned up by the Cao's firm. It can be said that hundreds of cities are all impoverished now!

"Don't get me wrong, I know what you are thinking about now? Those land and other things are not worth a penny now. Even if I beat them out, who will buy them at a very low price. The rich people in the Eastern Empire will not come to buy it for the time being. The other three empires are not familiar with this place. Of course they will not come to buy it. What I want to consider is your heads. There are more than 300 cities. I believe you have a better understanding of how many people than I am. One billion people. I can take out all these one billion people and sell them to the other three empires as slaves. I just don’t know if your Eastern Empire dare to sacrifice this. Things, if you sell them all? Although the compensation I want is not as much as that of the **** I want, it can also supplement us a lot of funds. Then, if we taste the sweetness in this respect We will continue to attack other counties and cities. At that time, we may have even more money. Don't regret it." Boss Cui said shamelessly. It is estimated that this guy can do such things. , And it’s so high-sounding, as if you should do something like this, you don’t give it, it’s okay, we just sell slaves, this idea is really good.

Boss Cui’s flower directly made these Eastern Empire officials dumbfounded. They have seen shameless people, but they have not seen such shameless people. They are about to start trafficking their people. What is this guy's mind? Is human trafficking something you can do if you want to? Everyone can’t wait to grab this thing from the table and hit this guy directly, and if the entire empire knows, then their minds can’t stay there anymore, and they probably haven’t returned to the capital yet. It was killed by some people in the world. Such a shameful thing is so terrible. What can you do if the people of your own empire can't protect it? It seems that the problem of indemnity should continue to regress, otherwise they must arrest these people and sell them, even if they take those places back to use, it is just a piece of land. Land without population is about the same as dead land, more than a dozen. Years had no other effect besides the long grass. The Eastern Empire would suffer even greater losses, and they would never allow this to happen.

"Things are not non-negotiable. Everything is settled slowly. As far as I know, you have obtained a lot of gold and silver treasures after occupying the city. Can those be compensated for part of the compensation amount? If they add up to trillions, I don’t know if it’s okay?” The officials of the Eastern Empire had already begun to make concessions. They had already received some news from various quarters. The Cao’s merchants had robbed these hundreds of counties. The money inside is estimated to have exceeded a trillion taels of silver. Even some other valuable things add up to several trillions or even ten trillions. Tens of trillions of silver may be available. After all, the southern part of the Eastern Empire The coast is a very wealthy is just some of their official warehouses robbed, and there may be hundreds of billions of silver. Can these things be worth the compensation of the Eastern Empire? What does Cao's firm think?

"This gentleman, I think what you said is a bit one-sided, and some do not understand the previous situation. Our army will never do this kind of robbery when it reaches a certain place. Such things are not disciplined at all. It’s done by the army. After our army gets to a place, we get along with the people very well. I think there are already hundreds of ordinary people of your Eastern Empire outside this building. You can go to our occupied area. Ask them if we have robbed their home? There is no such thing. For those who we have robbed, you can find them to confront us." Cui boss said with a laugh. This is also a characteristic of Li Cong. Ordinary people in all the cities in China are absolutely forbidden to enter the homes. The looters are those who commit crimes and are very wealthy. No matter how your money comes from, I will take it if your family has money, and those who are officials. Of course the people will not oppose them anymore.

The people of the Eastern Empire stopped talking about this matter. The people from the Cao’s house were telling the truth. Basically, these people did not oppose the Cao’s house. The main reason was that the people from the Cao’s house robbed the warehouse. People will give out some worthless things to the common people. These common people are happy and unclear one by one. This is really a good thing. (To be continued...)

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