Energy Group

Chapter 2019:

"In fact, you can’t say that. The ordinary people of our Eastern Empire have always been very honest. They don’t understand these things very well? For ordinary people, you people just give them some small favors. Of course they don’t. Oppose you. When the time is short, they will not oppose you, but after a long time, they will not be like this. They still hope to return to their own motherland. Your Cao’s commercial firm occupies a large area of ​​land here. It’s a bad name. If you make any trouble here, the resistance of these people will be amazing. In the future, if you want to retreat, you may not be able to retreat. These people are now yours, and in the future they may People who will become us may help us oppose you together. "At this time, an official sitting behind the Eastern Empire stood up and said, what he said was very sharp. It's not a good bird to see this guy, but his words also make a certain sense, and everyone here can listen to it.

"Yes. That is, they don't have any culture at all if they know what they know, and they will follow whoever feeds them. Although your Cao's commercial firm occupies a large area, you are very, very rich, and we also know that The money you made in the other three empires is also very impressive, but you can invest all of your money in this place, all of these people, but it is absolutely impossible, our Eastern Empire, as long as it is a small amount of money It’s hard to tell who will be standing next to them if we distribute it to these ordinary people, but I think the chances of them standing next to us may be greater.” Another official of the Eastern Empire said. They are now working hard to convince the people of Cao’s house that what you are getting is not a piece of land, but a piece of trouble. Your relationship with these people is only temporary. These people may stand up against you first. It is possible. These ordinary people can be said to be happy, angry, and fickle, and you don’t know the ending.

"What this gentleman said is, but we will have another idea. The common people are the theme of building the entire society. In the past, the upper echelons of your Eastern Empire didn't pay much attention to the ideas of these common people. Their ideas simply couldn't be heard. Come to your mind. It’s that you didn’t put yourself in your place to think about them. Many things are like this. That’s why the people from Cao’s House of Commercial Bank took advantage of your emptiness, and we have now succeeded in this emptiness. Go in. Don’t you understand what I mean? After we go in, we won’t retreat easily. Now it’s you who beg us to retreat. We are vested interests and we will want me to ask you for a lot of things. Now you Don’t think we’re asking too much. If these ordinary people don’t resist us, they will become our people, and that’s when Li Cong hurts.” The people of Cao’s house are naturally unwilling to show weakness and target the East. The questions raised by Emperor International were answered and the answers were sonorous and powerful.

"None of us can tell about the future. We can only say that 50% may be good development and the other 50% may be bad development. What you all said to me is development that is bad. Many people in the Cao’s House of Business are talking about developing things in a positive way. There is a 50% chance on both sides. No one can say that it is inaccurate. Another point is that our Cao’s House of As you said, they are indeed very rich, and the people’s appetites are also very small. As long as they are given a little benefit, they will stand by your side. The benefit we give them is not just a little bit. In the future, we will also increase support for them. If we turn this place we occupy into a happy land, I believe many people will come.” Many people in Cao’s Commercial Bank have received professional training in psychological warfare. Yes, arming them with something on the earth is definitely not what people in this era can think of, and sharp teeth and mouths are their current characteristics.

"You people in the Cao family firm shouldn’t be proud of it for too long. Now it’s because you robbed some of our government warehouses and some big households’ belongings can be distributed to them. These ordinary people will follow you, but then you What should you do? It’s impossible for you to come from the other three empire movements and distribute to them. If there is no benefit, these ordinary people will become your biggest trouble. Don’t think that they are chasing you now, and you will be beaten back in the future. After going back, it is probably them. After all, our Eastern Empire has ruled this place for a long time, and it has some people's hearts of its own. Even if you occupy these mature ones now, you can guarantee that you completely control these cities. That is impossible. We are also our own eyeliner in this. If we want to make trouble, then you will not be able to stop it." The smell of gunpowder on both sides is really getting stronger, what the representative of the Eastern Empire said. It can be said, and you can see how far they have been upgraded? One by one was already shaking.

"I have just said that none of us can understand the future. 50% may be good and 50% may be bad. What you said is bad, but we people are very Optimistically, we don’t believe those things will happen to us, and we also believe in the truth of knowing gratitude. Now these people are basically not living very well, because of our reasons, their lives are still very good. Okay, so I believe they are very grateful to me. Even if some of your elements are inciting them to arrive, people who do not understand the truth in a short time may follow you out to make trouble, but for a long time, they will not They will do this. Your Eastern Empire gave them only pain, and they would never look back without any good memories." The people of Cao's House of Business smiled and said that we are not angry when you are angry. This is what we occupy the most. When you have an advantage, it will make you more angry. This is our goal. Let us finally get the benefits we need. This is our goal. The people of Cao's Commercial Bank are still very principled.

"Okay. Let's not say some useless digressions. Now we are going to return to the issue of compensation. Our Eastern Empire must have discussed it. The maximum amount of compensation can be 300 billion taels of silver from Cao's house. In addition, you have to surrender the cities you are currently occupying. You can reserve up to fifteen port cities. Others are impossible. This is our final bottom line. If you think it is possible, we can continue to negotiate. If you think it is not possible, we will temporarily adjourn the meeting. When will the negotiation begin again, then I don't know when it will be." The people of the Eastern Empire changed their previous weak and tough style. The people of Cao's house were surprised. What kind of confidence do they have to speak like this? Are they really planning a large-scale operation? The occupied area is absolutely unstable. Anyone in the Cao family firm knows this very well. After all, people have ruled for so many years and you only occupied it for a few days. The gap is too big.

"I'm sorry. This matter is too far from the requirements of our Caojia Commercial Bank. We have no way to reply to you now. If you feel that we don't need to continue talking, this matter can be stopped. I don't guarantee us. What will the military action of the two sides of the quarrel look like next? It is impossible for our people to be idle in these more than 300 cities. We will also attack some surrounding counties and even some larger cities. Your loss may be even greater then. Now you are comfortable. Don’t blame me when you regret it later.” Boss Cui knocked on the table and closed the folder in his hand. Now he I don’t want to continue negotiations with these people in the Eastern Empire. Just let the time go on for a few hours. After a few hours, maybe they won’t think so. A few hours later, the eastern coast of the Eastern Empire. When the news comes, they will beg us to come back to this negotiating table again. At that time, the conditions were completely different from now.

The negotiators of the Eastern Empire did not expect that the Cao’s family members would be so tough, but the words have been spoken from their own mouths, can they still be taken back? It was absolutely impossible. It was too difficult to take these words back. They all learned to urge the boss one by one, closed the folder in their hands and went out first. It seems that they went out first to take advantage of Fengyang. Many people in Cao's House did not intend to grab them. They all sat in their seats and waited for them to go out. Then they went out with a smile and grabbed. The limelight at this time is not what they need at all. What they need is that vast land, a wide range of people, and huge interests at the negotiating table for a while. This is a big taboo for a negotiator, if even this emotion If you can't control it, your life will be really sad in the future, and you will be uncomfortable in all aspects. This is what Li Cong told them and learned from the earth people.

Li never expected that their negotiations would end so quickly. He saw himself while enjoying life in his bedroom. The negotiating team members came back one by one. There should be something wrong with the expressions on their faces. , Because those who did not smile came in with a trace of doubt. These negotiators were all wondering why the Eastern Empire suddenly became so emboldened. Could it be that something has changed on the battlefield? What kind of changes will this impossible thing have? Why did our intelligence system not mention this change? Li Cong waved his hand to let the two women in the house go out. It was inconvenient for women to be present when he was doing things like this. Besides, these two women were If the Eastern Empire arranged for them to deliver any news, they would suffer a great loss. Although there will be no bugs in this era, Li Cong still let his men search the house well. After a while, I don’t need to find out something that I’ve missed.

"What's the matter, why are you all coming back? Aren't you negotiating? Look at the expressions on your faces, it should be something unexpected happened. It's okay to say it, just listen, don't give yourself too much Don’t put too much psychological pressure on yourself. At this time, what you have to keep is a good mood. You have to give them tremendous psychological pressure. If you let them see your present expression, they might want to drive. The bottle of wine is a good celebration, and I’m a little happy to come. The snacks on the table are still good. I just tasted them, and they are still to my appetite. I believe you need to replenish your energy for so long. The negotiation is like this. 80% of the time is nonsense and only 20% of the time is when doing serious business." Li Cong's let his negotiating team sit down, then point to the snacks on the table and said, it's a pity that these people seem to be all now Without appetite, I was thinking about what made the people of the Eastern Empire so stiff.

"Don't be so optimistic. We still don't know exactly what happened, but looking at their expressions, they should have found some way to restrain us. Could it be that something is wrong with us? . We don’t know yet. If this were the case, our killer would come sooner and let them feel some pressure. This can only be done in two ways. One is that they pretend to be relaxed. There is no such thing. They do it by themselves, which makes us feel the pressure. The other is the most terrifying thing. That is they really hold our handle in their hands. If this is the case, the next negotiation will be very difficult." Boss Cui At the beginning, he was not so optimistic, his brows are now frowning and he can definitely kill flies. The expressions of other people are basically similar to him. These people are still too tender and have not experienced the test. .

"On this issue, I can't think of anything that they will catch recently. How much progress can they make in the northern battlefield? That is absolutely impossible. During the negotiation, I already told the big team there. The general is now, tell him not to rush in, as long as he defends the current territory, there should be no other places. Could it be that our fleet sent to the eastern part of the Eastern Empire was discovered by them, it is impossible even if it is discovered by them I doubt that the speed of our fleet can easily get rid of them. What can be embarrassing for us.” Li Cong fell into contemplation. At this moment, classmate Li felt that he was not as optimistic as he was just now. It’s too strange. People in the Eastern Empire should be very nervous right now. It’s absolutely impossible to have the scene just now. Just like the boss said, I also hope that the first aspect is that they are cheating, but why? Are you so upset again?

The people in a room have been discussing here for half an hour and don't know what is wrong with them in this regard. The people from the Eastern Empire are also in a large conference room to discuss at this moment. They did get Li Cong’s shortcomings. This shortcoming was something that Li Cong did not expect. That is, Cao’s family firm was in the other three major Some important strongholds of the empire were found by them. How did they find it? Thanks to the high-level leaders of the other three empires. Now the strength of the two empires is staggered. Li has united the three empires to resist on the one hand, and the Eastern Empire has acted as a two-faced person with the Eastern Empire. After sending this news, I believe that this thing will be a huge weight in the negotiations of the Eastern Empire for a while. If this thing is taken out, Li Cong will have some concessions. I really did not expect the people of the three empires. Will eat inside and out like this.

"Master Prime Minister, is this information in your hand true? If it is true, we can completely overthrow all the previous treaties. We can establish treaties according to our own will. Although the Cao family firm is very large, it is As we said, they are just a chamber of commerce, without a strong ruling system. Although the defensive power in various places is not weak, it is very easy for us to focus on them. Counting the number of masters, Cao’s firm is still But how could it be compared with our Eastern Empire? The other three empires did not have a direct reason to attack her, so they sent this news to us. They also want to see that we both fight very hard. We help They wiped it out, Cao’s family firm should thank us.” One of the negotiators said happily. He really didn’t expect the Prime Minister to get this thing in such a short period of time. In fact, this is not the prime minister’s credit. They are about to wipe out Cao's business for the credit of the empire.

If Li Cong were here, he would definitely scold the high-levels of the three empires for some who could not see the future. These people only temporarily felt the danger and started to do such things. They did not want that the Cao’s commercial firm was really affected. If it weakened, a vacancy would be vacated on the northern front line. If the people from Thunder Gate took this opportunity to flee back to the Eastern Empire, then it would be the time when the three empires suffered. These people just had no brains. They saw the threat to them from the Cao's House of Business now. Couldn't they see how threatening the Eastern Empire would be to them in the future? The Cao’s family firm did some things under their noses, and they couldn’t make a lot of trouble. If the Eastern Empire really had such a huge strength, they would all become slaves to the country by then, even now. What about the three emperors? At that time, the Eastern Empire really took down your empire, and you still want to be an emperor, even if you can save your lives, that is not easy.

The two parties did not start negotiations again until dark, but the two parties still had to eat together. This is a kind of etiquette, high-level etiquette, although Li has never been very comfortable with such etiquette. But also followed them. What Li Cong did not expect was that the Prime Minister of the Eastern Empire was already sitting waiting for Li Cong. Looking at the expression on his face, he should have obtained something important, or that it was the handle of the Cao family firm. Otherwise, he wouldn't laugh and even his beard would be up. The Prime Minister is also a person who doesn't show much expression? But Li Cong saw everything he did today. There was also a bad feeling in Li Cong's heart. This matter is just like what I just said. The second aspect is not the first aspect. They are not bluffing, but they are really right in their hands. Got something. Only this can make them really happy. At this moment, Li Cong's heart is a little unhappy.

It’s no wonder that the two sides are opposites. The things you are happy about are originally things that I’m not happy about. If you want to do things here, you just let me go. Li walked slowly to the Prime Minister and sat down opposite the Prime Minister. It seems that there is something happy to say. Let us all be happy together. Looking at the smile on your face, I really want to know why you are so happy?" Li Cong sat down and said. The Prime Minister glanced at Li Cong. It also said, "To be honest, I do have some happy things, which is why I waited for you so early. If I follow my heart’s thinking, it’s the best thing that I don’t want to meet you in my life. , But I have to tell you this now, otherwise you still don’t know what you should do tomorrow. I got a piece of information from the three empires, and the top of the three empires gave me "After the Prime Minister said, he pushed the folder to Li Cong.

Sure enough, it was the high-levels of the three empires who ate things inside and out. Li Cong cursed secretly in his heart, he lent you his money and shed blood and desperately. You demolished your platform behind, because you felt a little threat. , The threat of our Cao’s family firm is more powerful than the Eastern Empire. You don’t know which one is more powerful than the Eastern Empire. You still have to be friends with yourself. Li Cong didn’t show it on his face. On this basis, he is more sophisticated than the Prime Minister. The prime minister is also a little surprised that such a young guy has better psychological quality than himself. It is impossible to say that he is not jealous. Li Cong slowly opened the folder that the prime minister had brought, still The original expression is really a pity for the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister wanted to see Li Cong's anger. As a result, Li Cong did not reflect such a thing at all. It is inevitable that the Prime Minister will feel a little disappointed in his heart. How much is this kid? The deep psychological quality is not shown at all right now.

"Master Cao, how about this report in this hand should be very important to you, right? The places marked on my small map have been visited many times before. People from the Eastern Empire got this The report can be said to be a very coincidental opportunity. We are making a deal with people from the Northern Empire, and one of them is this deal. As for the other deals, it’s not convenient for me to tell you. You don’t want to know these things. Now this one. I think the contract is enough for you. How can I lower your negotiation standards? I can ensure that these places on the map are safe. At least, if something goes wrong, it will not have any connection with our Eastern Empire." The prime minister smiled. Li Cong poured wine into his glass. This time, the prime minister had already acted like a winner. There was no such thing as little belly chicken intestines at all. What he didn't know was that his crisis had also come and looked at the hurried doorway. The officials who came by knew that something happened on the Prime Minister's side, and the Eastern Empire was not peaceful.

For this person who hurried over, you can say that the Prime Minister is very dissatisfied. Have you not seen me showing our talents to our opponents? Show us how good it is? Show our strengths, why come to me at this time to report work. How important is the work that can make you come over at this time, the Prime Minister looked at this guy very dissatisfied, if he usually quits slowly, but now he hasn't done this and bowed his head. He whispered something in the ears of the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister was very disgusted with these things. Before he heard what he said, he pushed this guy away. "What are you doing? I didn't see me entertaining our empire." Your guest, although this guest is someone that our empire doesn’t like, but we have to show what we deserve. Your manners are, you’re so rude. Get out of here quickly. Otherwise, don’t blame me for treating you. It's convicted." The Prime Minister said loudly and everyone around was looking over here.

The prime minister's idea is to have no connection with Li Cong, so that everyone can come and see what Li Cong's expression looks like when he waits. If she had known what this person was going to say, he wouldn't be like this. The person who was pushed away didn't bother to stand up and walk to the Prime Minister's side, whispering that he did not give the Prime Minister at this moment. At the opportunity, he directly said the words in his mouth, "The big thing is not good. We are on the eastern coast of the Eastern Empire. The first-tier cities have been attacked by pirates. At present, they have suffered heavy losses. Fifteen cities have been beaten. It’s not what it was like before. They are still rushing to other cities. I think our loss will be even greater." Although this guy's voice is not loud, it is because everyone's attention is here at this moment. Most of the people in the hall heard what he said, and these people were dumbfounded. How could there be pirates on the eastern coast where they have been? Did you hear it wrong?

"You...what are you talking about? The Prime Minister said that this guy is a little unbelievable, he doesn't believe that such a thing will happen, what is going on? A minute ago, he still had the advantage and wanted someone from Cao's firm. Now that the demand for negotiations is lowered, such a thing happened on the eastern coast of my own in an instant. Dozens of cities have been hit one after another. By the way, this must be Cao’s tactics that have appeared many times in the southern coast. This time, he looked at Li Cong and found that now Li Congzheng is looking at them with a smile. Isn’t his expression exactly the same just now? It’s really ten years in Hedong, ten years in Hexi, and it’s just a minute of time for himself. It became like this. Did you threaten others just now? Is it your turn to threaten yourself now? Wait to call and see that these people around you look at yourself like fools. If they know themselves The conversation with Li Cong just now might even laugh at his incompetence!

"You guys, don’t look at this here. Our banquet has just begun. If you are watching me and the Prime Minister like this, I believe that the meal for the two of us tonight will not be able to eat. If we don’t want our body If you have any questions, it’s better to let go. "Li Cong saw that the prime minister, who was already trembling, knew that he could not do too much at this time. He also has the handle in the hands of others. If the Eastern Empire mobilizes itself If the masters of the three empires attacked those strongholds on their maps, they would have suffered a lot of losses, so this matter has returned to a balance point. It depends on how this matter should be done? Moreover, Li Cong now has a vicious plan in his heart. Today, the three major empires are so unreasonable to frame themselves, so there is no need to save face for them. Perhaps the person in front of him is his partner, not forever. The words "Only for Eternal Benefits" appeared in Li Cong's mind again. He had to do this to let the three empires know their pain.

"Whatever you look at, let's go back to my seat, nothing is going on here." Several other people also came over to make the rounds, and these people around all dispersed one by one, waiting for the Prime Minister to walk to Li Cong's. The other side looked at you and smiled painfully. "The things in this world are so weird. I was laughing at you a few minutes ago. After a few minutes, we all became like this. I really don’t know how the matter between us should be resolved. Now our two sides may be back to the first starting point, and it’s time for a tug of war. We have a lot of steps in the dark. I believe you won’t be idle. Even if the steps in the dark are too much, we won’t be able to keep up with you. Our empire The eastern part of the country must not be chaotic. We will not produce other moths, and hope you will not." The Prime Minister said this and he could start to be soft. Li Cong nodded. It can only be so, but the negotiation has not moved.

"The Prime Minister, in fact, the saying that people don’t kill themselves for their own sakes is really true. You are for your Eastern Empire and I am also for our Cao Family Commercial Firm. Neither of us is wrong. The people who are really wrong may still be there. It’s fun there. If the two of us are quarreling red-faced and turn this place into a big battlefield, after our Cao’s family firm starts a full-scale war with your Eastern Empire, the strength of both of us will decline. Our Cao’s family firm may not Re-existing, but your Eastern Empire will also pay a serious price. Who will be the happiest then, of course, the three people who provided the news will be the happiest. At that time, your Eastern Empire has returned to the same level as them. Of course they are very happy. Because if you look at it this way, they have no status? You are on a starting line again, and the biggest loss is your Eastern Empire. So now we have to start some new methods."

The Prime Minister had no idea. Li Cong was the first to break this silence. Since the Prime Minister has bowed his head, Li would never go up aggressively and give others a look. Li Cong's words began to weaken and he looked up. Li Cong glanced at him, he really didn't understand what the young man in front of him was thinking. He has already thought about some things he hasn’t thought about. The young man’s mind is really calm. It’s terrifying to analyze it. After just a while, he has already seen that the three empires are playing tricks. And now that he has done what it should do, it should be done like this now. Both of them should put aside the dispute between them for the time being, and have to react to the three empires, otherwise they It is the chess pieces of the three empires. Neither the Eastern Empire nor the Cao's House of Business will have their own benefits in the end. Only the people of the three empires will benefit in the end. He also nodded and began to agree with this proposal.

"Then I don't know if your man has any good opinions? We are still negotiating. On the surface, we are still facing each other." The prime minister said, I don't know how to proceed. Indeed, the war between the two sides is still continuing. Continuing, it would seem a little uncomfortable to unite with Li Congtai at this time, but Li Cong is not that uncomfortable. His mind changed quickly. He took a sip of wine and said, "In fact, the enemies of our two sides are now They are all three empires, and some of my industries within the three empires have also been threatened. I need a place to stay, a place that is very large enough for me to stay. I don’t know if the Prime Minister can provide me with this place. If you can provide me with everything, we can start talking again.” Li Cong thought for a while and said that indeed now he is in the area of ​​influence of several empires, no matter how strong his commercial power, politically, he There is no room for words.

Some of Wu Zuoxi’s plans for herself have officially begun to work, but those plans also take time. Now she doesn’t have so much time to implement those plans. Now she is like a child. They really want to turn their faces with themselves. If you do, I will make them hurt at most, but I will be over. What I need now is my own territory. The territory that the three empires and the Eastern Empire can’t reach is the best. Even though I’m on the sea. He opened up a huge island, but that island is not big enough for the whole business. He needs a bigger place. If there can be a business there, he can rely on his powerful navy to continuously attack the three empires and The Eastern Empire, when the four major empires, will have frequent headaches, just like some wars on the earth. Mastering the ocean by themselves is equivalent to mastering the world. Now they don’t understand this truth. Wait until they understand. It's already very late.

"Where to stay? I don't understand what you mean. What kind of stay do you need for Cao's firm? Don't you have a lot of stays now?" The Prime Minister hadn't understood Li Cong for a while, and he would not have thought of Li Cong. The plan of Li Cong is really because Li Cong’s plan is too powerful. It is impossible for a brother firm to fight against the four empires in anyone’s mind. Even the current Prime Minister thinks that Li Cong will take his own The wound has progressed to this level and it is a peak. It is definitely something unprecedented, and there will be no such wounds in the future. The Thunder Gate is an anomaly and was made by their Eastern Empire, but this Cao family The commercial firm is even more of a different kind. The strength of the Cao's commercial firm surpasses the Thunder Gate. It is just around the corner. The four empires, including the Eastern Empire, will not let such a thing happen again. What exactly is the foothold Li Cong said? Mean? The prime minister is constantly thinking, but also constantly wondering.

"What I said is very simple. This is not the time when we go around in circles to suspicion each other. We should now open our hearts to get to know each other well. UU reading www.uukā all I need is A huge island, with an area of ​​at least hundreds of provinces or more islands, and a certain distance from your eastern empire. I am not very clear about such a place, but I know you people in the eastern empire must know such a No matter how bad the natural environment on this island is, I can transform it into my own territory. If you agree, we will be united now, especially in the northern battlefield. I can provide you with something more. The news broke, and my army will watch from the sidelines. You can take the people from the Thunder Gate back to your country. As for the future, we will do it slowly. I don’t know how this proposal is? Li Congshi is shocked. He said that the Prime Minister would be dumbfounded by what he said. Can things that have not been done after so many things be done now?

It’s just unimaginable. The prime minister looked at Li Cong with some suspicion. After all, he couldn’t believe the young man in front of him. Both of them have spent so much time on the battlefield. It might be because of just a few words. Can words change the whole thing? The people of the three empires are not casual food, and they will not let Li Cong and the Eastern Empire put them in the palm of their hands. What Li never said at that time is that the four empires will definitely fight after the Thunder Gate returns to the Eastern Empire. Yes, at that time Li Cong’s opportunity came. Of course, the Prime Minister couldn’t think of those things, but he thought that there might be dangers in it. He didn’t have a reporter who promised Li Cong, but he just wanted to suppress this matter. Say not to cooperate with Li Cong, after all, this is a good opportunity. (To be continued,!

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