Energy Group

Chapter 2020:

The Prime Minister did not expect that things could develop into this way. An accident between the two parties brought both parties together, and it could also make the future of the treaty so easy. The Prime Minister looked at Li from a glance and felt that the person in front of him should not be lying. , They have problems and they seem to have problems ideologically. The threats faced by both sides are basically the same. At this time, two people who are in danger will come together, and two people who feel the threat will come together, and they will back to back. Facing the enemies from the Quartet, maybe both sides can rely on him at this time. I still can’t call the shots about you for the time being. I will use the fastest speed to discuss with the top of our empire, and it won’t take too long. No. M "The prime minister left with this sentence, and he didn't want to delay every minute.

Li Cong nodded with a smile. The banquet is still going on, but most of the people are very harmonious at this time. They have already seen the actions between Prime Minister Li Conggen just now, maybe the two have reached something. The agreement, now speaking, the matter between the two parties is no longer at war, so things like drinking and eating are natural. The next step is no longer acting but sincere. The top leaders of the Eastern Empire will give Li Cong a satisfactory answer. Yes, for now, they are on the same front. If they don’t follow this path, they will have entered the trap of the three empires. They know exactly how the three empires dealt with them, really. Follow the route set by the three empires for them, just as Li Cong said, Cao's House of Commerce may lose the Eastern Empire and suffer heavy losses, and both sides of the fight are exhausted. All the hard work for tens of thousands of years is gone, which is absolutely impossible.

"What percentage do you think the Eastern Empire can accept your proposal?" The boss slowly walked to Li Cong's side and said. He still couldn't understand Li Cong's whimsical way of thinking. The method is too unreasonable. If the prime minister is a person who is thinking about his own interests, he will not agree to this matter. After all, for now, it can reduce the losses of both parties. If the Dragon Empire should agree to this proposal from a long-term perspective, it just doesn’t. Do people who know the high-levels of the Eastern Empire have that vision? Li Cong looked at Boss Cui, the boss was a qualified general. But definitely not a marshal. It can be seen from this that his grasp of the long-term vision is really lack of insight, just like Li Cong and the prime minister, they are both standing tall and far-sighted people, there is no reason why two people do not want to make progress.

"You can rest assured about this. It's not just good for us. It's the most beneficial thing for the entire Eastern Empire. What is their greatest enemy? What are they most want to do now? You haven't analyzed this matter clearly. The enemy is not us but the three empires. Although on the surface we will prevent the people from the Thunder Gate from returning to the Eastern Empire, but who is actually preventing it. It is the people of the three empires who are preventing us. The main force is not us, we It's just a **** standing in front. If the masters of the Thunder Gate really come out, do you think those people relying on us can stop them? It's impossible. They didn't come out because they were afraid of this. It was because of the three empires. The masters were staring at them. As long as they exposed, the people of the three empires would pounce like a wolf. The thunder gate might not exist anymore. It was the biggest blow to the Eastern Empire. Li Cong smiled. Said, this is also a truth he has realized long ago, he is not a fundamental problem, he is not qualified.

"You said that this contract may be signed. What is our next strategic goal? Our navy has already been completed in the world. If an agreement is reached with the Eastern Empire, their chances of going to the battlefield will be much less. Now, is it too cruel for our navy officers and soldiers? After training for such a long time, they are equipped with weapons and everything and they have to rest at home. I don’t think everyone of them can understand such things. , I have visited their New World before urging the boss, and I have also seen those navies, knowing their high fighting will, if they are told to rest at home for a period of time, I guess these people will really not accept it. Yes, the role of returning the army was created to create war. They didn’t come for peace, nor did they come back for the **** of merchant ships. What they have to do is to launch war and use war to survive for Cao’s firm. This is their responsibility.

"Of course it’s not that simple. On this sea, we can reach any port of the four empires, and we can let anyone in the four empires see our navy glow. Why should we stop such actions? The treaty was signed with the Eastern Empire, but things will change rapidly in the future. No one dares to say that this kind of thing is over. We will only end this war temporarily. We can start the war at any time when we want to go to war. The right to speak in war is only in the hands of the strong. On the sea, whether it is the Eastern Empire or the other three empires, they are all weak, and they are not able to fight back against me, so when I want to gain some benefits We have to have this interest. We can’t get some of our property in the three empires, so we need the protection it deserves.” Li Cong thought about it and said, in the future, his enemy is not only the Eastern Empire, other The three major empires are also possible.

Boss Cui also felt very strange about Li's idea of ​​making enemies everywhere. It can be said that he still had a little fear. How can this kind of thing work? If you make enemies everywhere, we will suffer in the end? You and the three major empires are enemies, and the Eastern Empire is also an enemy, so there is no ally. If this is the case, he will not work. If the four major empires really unite to deal with Li Cong, it will not be easy to handle, but believe Li Cong I already have a way to deal with it. Can the four empires unite? That's impossible. There are intrigues between these empires. The three empires are united. Such a mess. If the Eastern Empire is added to their internal conflicts, I don’t know how long the dispute will last, let alone. Said to unite to deal with myself. What if you unite to deal with yourself? Is your navy okay? It takes a long time to build a powerful navy.

The banquet that night was spent amidst everyone's suspicion and wonder. Many people returned to their rooms and still couldn't sleep. They were all wondering what their boss had just talked about? Why two people hurriedly went to the other and stayed happily and continued to drink? What they didn’t expect was that they received an order to end the negotiation quickly, and both parties could reduce it. My own request, especially Cao's house firm no longer insisted so much, and the Eastern Empire also raised some of the bottom line of negotiations with Cao's house firm, in order to quickly end this. There shouldn't be a war. For things to pass, the end of the war is an imminent thing. For Cao’s family firm to free up its hands to deal with the other three empires is also something that must be done. The two sides hit it off in such a relationship of interest, and they have a new look. The enemy of that is the three empires.

No one thought that the contract that had been wasted for several days without reaching any agreement would be fully completed this morning. Of course. This is also attended by both Li Cong and the Prime Minister. The high-levels of the two sides will only proceed if they have established a consistent principle. The content of the treaty between the two sides is as follows, and the contradiction between your Cao Family Commercial Bank and the Eastern Empire ends. To maintain a certain permanent peace treaty, Cao Ke, the owner of the Cao's House of Business, signed these treaties with the prime minister of the Eastern Empire.

This treaty between the two parties is called the Cao Dong Treaty. Cao naturally represents Cao Dashang. Dong naturally represents the Eastern Empire. The main content of the jump is that after the signing of the treaty, the Eastern Empire agreed to Cao’s family members with their family members. Fifteen ports along the coast of the empire for trade and commerce. Five, managing the territory of the empire, special administrators, and managing the affairs of the place. The Cao’s house of commerce filmed consuls, stewards and other officials, fifteen cities, specialized in managing business affairs, and local officials of the Eastern Empire Official document exchanges clearly record that it is necessary to pass through the Cao's House. The second is that the Cao's House is a long way, and the shipping ships are often damaged. A large coastal island should be given to a large coastal island to facilitate repair and hoarding of materials.

The emperor of the Jingdong Empire allowed the long-term management of an overseas island to Cao’s family firm, and all rights to the Cao’s family firm were handed over to the Cao’s family firm. The Empire’s 300 billion silver loss compensation. The Eastern Empire should pay this indemnity within ten years. The annual interest is 60 million silver. This interest is already very small. According to Li Cong’s previous ideas, it would be a lot, but Now the two parties want to unite this small amount of money.

The number of fifteen ports is really not much, mainly because Li Cong wants to consolidate and establish his own power. He will build marine power instead of land power. Some power on land can also be slightly smaller. To reduce it a little, there is no need to break the Eastern Empire even more for this reason. Moreover, if you really want to manage 300 cities by yourself, you won’t have that ability. The management of 300 cities is a very huge project. It is absolutely impossible to do it by yourself, so let’s leave the aftermath to the Eastern Empire. Moreover, your navy can reach this place at any time. If you want to get it back, it will only take one day, the Eastern Empire’s army. They are totally incapable of resisting the attack of the Cao’s merchants’ navy, and they will not vigorously build a luxurious city in the coastal areas. For them, this is a danger. A large number of wealthy businessmen will not go to the mainland. Continue to stay in the coastal area and wait for Cao's firm to rob.

It would be very terrifying if the country gave up the ocean. This has been confirmed in some countries on the earth. Of course, most people in the Eastern Empire would not think of this. They think that as long as it is the sea. After coming out, all the wealth will go to the inland. This is the best thing for them, but what they didn't expect is that if you vacate such a huge land by the seaside, you still need people? This gives Cao’s House of Business an opportunity. You can take a step back and we can go further. Since ancient times, it has been a convenient place for development. The location by the sea has developed faster than the location of Kaonei Road. After occupying this place, according to Li Cong's development strategy, how could it be impossible to relocate this place better? This step of the Eastern Empire was a very wrong approach. It will gradually show up in the future, and it will be too late when they regret it, and the rule of the Cao Family Commercial Bank has stabilized.

In addition, the members of the Cao’s House of Business also obtained consular jurisdiction from the Eastern Empire. This consular jurisdiction is also the power of consular judging by many members of the Cao’s House of Business in the Eastern Empire. If there are any problems in the Eastern Empire, the local officials of the Eastern Empire have no right to judge them. For the interrogation, all people must wait until the consul of Cao’s House of Commercial Firm to handle this matter. At the beginning, the people of the Eastern Empire thought it was an insult to their empire, and they firmly disagreed with this matter. Here comes the next words, and it’s nothing, anyway, the places where Cao’s house will be taken will be less of our people. Even their own people will let them manage by themselves, that is, the settings including local officials will be handed over to Cao’s house. . The Eastern Empire was about to abandon the coastal areas. Since I don't want to manage that area, what if I hand it over to Cao's firm? You can do it whatever you want. Anyway, we won't care about it in the future. For the Eastern Empire, this right has now become dispensable, but I will regret it afterwards.

It is nothing to the Eastern Empire to give up their own empire's territory casually. For them, these fifteen cities along the coast are nothing. They don’t even have these fifteen cities. But it can be exchanged back to the remaining hundreds of cities, and they will settle accounts and say that this is a very worthwhile thing, which can give a large area a good treatment. It doesn’t matter to sacrifice a small part of the area. For Cao’s firm, acquiring these fifteen cities is a stronghold and a nail to hold the eastern empire firmly, and set up some fast speeds in these fifteen cities. The reaction force can capture 20 surrounding cities in one day, 30 surrounding cities in two days, and return the original 300 cities to their own hands in one month. A strategic vision.

The most important thing is to allow trade on the land of the Eastern Empire, and allow Cao’s businesses to open their grain, trade, and jewelry shops in any city in the Eastern Empire. Other things are temporarily not allowed. Cao This is the main business of the family business. They don’t think that a small Cao family business would pose any dangers within their empire? Although the three major empires have developed into very powerful strengths, for the Eastern Empire, their territory is larger and the domestic commercial power is more complicated. Even if they have now agreed to the requirements of the Cao Family Commercial Bank, it does not matter. It’s impossible for the Cao’s House of Business to grow so large in the Eastern Empire. Chambers of commerce and business groups in various places will bring great resistance to the Cao’s House of Business. They believe that the Cao’s House of Business cannot continue to develop, so It feels okay to agree to this condition.

The other is the issue of tariffs between the two parties. The two parties signed a treaty on the taxes collected by the Cao’s family of goods shipped to the Eastern Empire. The Eastern Empire must negotiate with the Cao’s family of companies and cannot set the required taxes by themselves. That is to say that Cao’s family firm participated in the Eastern Empire. This was a further violation of their sovereignty for the Eastern Empire. However, the Eastern Empire did not seem to have such a thing. The amount of taxes collected on the goods of the empire needs to be negotiated. They seem to have already fought a battle with Cao's firm. The big principles have already given up such small principles and there is no need to control them. In addition, the amount of tax on the goods shipped by Cao’s house is certainly not much, but when they know later, they will definitely be dumbfounded. At that time, they will lose a lot of money. money.

Of course, the officials of the Eastern Empire also got back some contracts that gave them face. For example, the Cao’s family firm promised to return all the local officials in the hundreds of cities where it was located and the real estate that hurt people. At the same time, the Cao’s family firm would also take their losses. Make some compensation. As for how to compensate the two parties, they didn’t say anything. This kind of thing stays in this contract. Specific things will never be replaced. That is to say, it only gives the Eastern Empire a face. Nobody will do the real thing. The Eastern Empire will not pursue this matter. The local officials can only return to their house, except for this house. Nothing in the house has been removed. No, you can only continue to buy things in your home. Of course, these local officials also feel that they have a lot of face. Look at those wealthy businessmen who have not brought back anything, and we will take our own home by then. Take it back. It's still very good or very well placed.

The signing of the Cao Dong Treaty can be said to be a comprehensive sovereign aggression for the Eastern Empire. At this time, the people of the Eastern Empire had no such thoughts about this. They also signed the first dispute with Cao’s house in their history. Many ministers of the Eastern Empire are still happy about the Equality Treaty. They think that some issues on the southern coast of the Eastern Empire have finally been resolved. Not only did they get back a large amount of occupied land, but also when the Southern War ended, they could The south sent a large number of troops to the eastern region to suppress the peasant uprising, and it was possible to transfer the troops from the central region to the northern battlefield. The two sides also signed a secret contract about the northern battlefield. Li Congyi promised the Eastern Empire to let the Eastern Empire's army in in some necessary open spaces and his own army would not care about these things, and let them bite the dogs of the three empires. It's up to you who can beat anyone who can eat this.

For the Eastern Empire, the fact that the treaty was signed had a very large impact. First of all, it turned out that the Eastern Empire was in a semi-closed state, and their entire domestic material circulation was carried out in their own country. There is no foreign power at all. After the jump is signed, a large amount of goods from the Cao Family Firm will surely rush into the Chinese Empire. The empire believed that their own business system was already very complete. It was impossible for the Cao family firm to get up in their commercial atmosphere. The Eastern Empire did not expect to use administrative orders to reach the Cao family firm’s entry, and I wanted to use merchants from all over the country to form a strong Great Wall to defend against the entry of Cao’s House of Business. This was later proved to be infeasible. The people of Cao’s House of Business might not be good at politics, but for business, the merchants of the Eastern Empire were It's far behind. The gap between business philosophy and management philosophy is too big, just like an adult and a child.

Another important thing is that the high-level brains of the Eastern Empire began to change. In the past, they thought that their territory was nothing for others, but now they saw that there were 15 cities in exchange for peace. Once this kind of thought enters their minds, it is still endless. Li will also launch wars against the Eastern Empire in the future. Every war will get some cities, and these cities will be recorded by contract. , It’s completely different from the previous arrogant strategy. After the contract records these cities, they will all belong to the Cao family firm. The Eastern Empire wants to take these cities back. It is absolutely impossible. Even their citizens are thinking about these issues. They are also wondering if this matter will be settled by themselves. The residents of these fifteen cities also think that they are no longer ordinary people of the Eastern Empire, but ordinary people of the Cao's house, which they did not expect.

The propaganda of Cao’s house in the area occupied by it is also very in place. He did not tell these people that your original Eastern Empire had abandoned you and you are no longer their common people. The signing of the treaty clearly stated yours. Taxation, your people, your land, and your cities are now all owned by the Cao’s House of Business. These common people also had some rebellious psychology at the beginning. Although their lives are going very well under the Cao’s House of Business’s governance. Just like the Eastern Empire official in the referee said, their hearts are also uncomfortable. Cao’s house is still an invader in their hearts. A short-term occupation is fine. They also think in their hearts that the empire will regain it. , But now they are trapped by the content of the treaty. The Eastern Empire gave up on these places. They also felt a great sense of loss in their hearts. In a short period of time, their emotions would be affected, but in the long run they were happy. Up.

In the following year, these ordinary people did feel the benefits of Cao’s house for them. The life under the leadership of Cao’s house was indeed much better during the imperial rule. They paid less taxes and provided benefits. The whole city has become prosperous, some goods have also become more, and there are more opportunities to make money. This is what the people told me about some Eastern Empire officials a year later, and the people in some surrounding cities are not fools. As long as they can live their lives well, they can come here. Not to mention that the rule of the Eastern Empire is not very good. Even if it is good, they will not be able to keep up with the Cao Family Firm. Notice, the Eastern Empire has a large number of people. They are all willing to come to the city of Caojia Commercial Bank, so in a few years these dozens of cities have developed into very large cities. Some are stronger than some provincial cities in the Eastern Empire. It is very easy for seaside cities to develop, and it is easier than inland cities.

Once again, the most serious impact is the issue of indemnities. Although it seems that the number of 300 billion silver is not a lot, the Eastern Empire is now engaged in wars. Both the central and northern parts of the South have their own wars. The losses in the war are also very large. Yes, this amount is also very powerful for the Eastern Empire. They borrowed the money from the Cao Family Commercial Bank to repay the money, using their own taxes as collateral. The annual interest is not a lot. However, the repayment period is very long. For them, they can use some of the money in the future to repay the money of Cao's Commercial Bank. Now they don't need to pay their own money. They still feel very happy. For Cao's Commercial Bank, it is to help your government. This is how the indemnity plan is settled. The Eastern Empire was also the first to accept such government and private loans. In the future, if they are short of money, the Cao Family Commercial Bank will also lend to them. Still use sailors as collateral.

The two parties were very satisfied with the signing of this contract. Cao's family firm got what they wanted, and the Eastern Empire also successfully concluded a truce with Cao's family firm. As long as the southern war can be stopped, it is a very important thing for the Eastern Empire. They can give up some of their interests, because the contradictions within their empire are already showing up. If these contradictions are not eliminated at this time, then that is. It’s very difficult, especially for the high-levels of the Eastern Empire. They think that the peasant uprisings within the empire, especially the central part, are the wars they need to fight most. It seems that the southern coast will seem very fierce, but the Cao’s firm is after all It is still very difficult for outsiders to gain a firm foothold in the territory of the Eastern Empire, but these farmers are different. They are all natives. It is too easy to gain a foothold here. Can't give these mud legs time to get up.

In some investigations, they also found out that the peasant uprisings in the central region were more or less related. The Cao’s family firm provided them with some funds and weapons. Now that the two parties have already signed the contract, the contract is the same. To stop this kind of thing, he can't take other people's money on the one hand, and on the other hand support these peasant army against the Eastern Empire. This is really unkind. Now he can only say that he is sorry that it is the peasant army. , I need you when you are making trouble, and I won’t support you if I don’t need you, but now these farmers have also developed. They don’t really care about Li Cong’s support. They rely on If one's own power can overthrow the rule of the empire, of course, this is when Li Cong frequently attacked the southern coast. If the contract is signed, they will be eliminated sooner or later.

According to the three empires, they already knew about the negotiations between the Eastern Empire and the Cao’s House of Business, but they felt that this matter should not be discussed within two months. Their high-level officials also sent some people to the Eastern Empire. I went to some violent materials, hoping that the Eastern Empire could cause some trouble in their borders. Many local officials also expressed their support for the entry of the masters of the Eastern Empire. They will not come out, but they need to be closely monitored. As long as they don’t care about the forces of Cao’s House of Business, they will not care if he may give them some convenience, but unfortunately things have not developed according to their intentions. They are thinking about weakening Cao’s House of Business, and Cao’s House of Business will naturally have it. According to its own plan, Cao’s family firm has reached an agreement with the Eastern Empire. How can the Eastern Empire give you the pace of the three empires? The three empires have betrayed themselves and their friends. They will be punished. On the northern battlefield, today they can be punished.

The reason why the northern battlefield was able to withstand the fierce attack of the Eastern Empire was mainly because of the defensive line repaired by the Cao Family Firm. The people of the Eastern Empire could be said to sit very bravely, and their combat power was much higher than those of the three empires. , If they are put on a plain for the finals, it is estimated that the people of the three empires will lose quickly, and the people of the eastern empire will win quickly, but because of this blockade, the people of the three empires will be They were not defeated either, but they must be led by someone from Cao's Department Store, because they were not adapted to this kind of positional warfare at all. Did they use that kind of field fighting? After a while, they discovered that fighting this kind of positional warfare can cost them half of the Eastern Empire, and they also fell in love with this kind of positional warfare. But the Cao's House of Business withdrew their troops and let them defend this period of their doomsday. The line of defense was assaulted three hundred kilometers in one day.

The three great generals of the empires are angrily pointing at the great generals of Cao's house on the front line and swearing vigorously? However, this general has already received Li Cong’s instructions. His boss has already negotiated with the Eastern Empire. Whatever you say, I will directly withdraw my army to add. In the past, our army was here. When we were fighting the empire alone, I didn’t see you to support us. Now I just watched that we couldn’t defend it and we didn’t move forward. Even if it’s a room change, it’s my army’s turn to rest. Just defend yourself here. , Anyway, we have left you the position and weapons. You can't blame us if you don't know how to use it. No matter what the people of Cao's house do not care about the people of the three empires? They still insisted on retreating to an army camp 500 kilometers behind, where they were going to rest. The people of the three empires immediately sent a large number of troops to the front line. At this time they had to fight with the Eastern Empire. This is just a war that loses some money to them. Now it is a luxury.

The top leaders of the three empires also sent someone more than Li Cong for a positive talk. But Li Cong is now visiting some scenery of the Eastern Empire in the Eastern Empire. For the time being, they will not return to the territory of the three empires, although they want to meet with Li Cong as soon as possible to discuss future matters. But now Li has never had time to meet them, and they can't follow the Eastern Empire to complete this thing. The final result is that they cursed Li Cong vigorously. The situation is still deteriorating step by step, according to the current trend. It is estimated that in three months they will be able to open up the passage to the ice-bound thousands of miles. At that time, if they are tired, the masters will also come out. The combination of the two sides is a nightmare for the three empires. The three empires are united. , No electricity, no problem, I have something, but if you want to stay with the Eastern Empire, their advantage will disappear for the longest time. Large-scale melee between the two sides is inevitable, and the emperor in that empire has white hair. A lot of it, it was too sudden, this matter.

For the people of the three empires, the thing they are most afraid to see is that the Cao’s house of commerce has united with the people of the eastern empire. If they unite, the people of the three empires will have no place to win. The image of the battlefield already shows that the Cao’s House of Business and the Eastern Empire are already uniting. Are they going to jointly launch an action against the Cao’s House of Business? On the one hand, the development of the Cao’s House of Business in their territory has reached a very large scale. Position, if they don’t take any action, they might end up losing money. On the other hand, the three major empires are also very short of money. The Cao’s family firm is like a piece of fat on their lips. If they don't eat it, they feel very uncomfortable, but they think of another aspect. If they forcibly take Cao's business, what will the people in the country think? What if their private property is not protected?

The Cao’s family firm also has some strengths within the three empires. These people dare to speak to the Cao’s family firm to persuade the empire’s senior management not to do things too badly. If they really get things to that point, both parties will If there is no room for maneuver, I will deduce the Cao’s family firm as a whole to the Eastern Empire. The Cao’s family firm is now a fencer. Look here and see where you have your own interests. This kind of thing made the three empires of the Eastern Empire feel very angry, but they have no other way. After all, Cao's House of Business is what they need to fight for. They are not here to wait, they will wait there. This is also no way. It can be said that this section of Cao’s House of Commerce is like a fish in the water. The people of the three empires begged to negotiate with Li Cong. The people of the Eastern Empire played hard to entertain Li Cong. They would take whatever they needed immediately and hope Li would do it. It is the best thing for a rich man to stay in the Eastern Empire forever.

The hatred between the Eastern Empire and the Thunder Gate, the Thunder Gate also said that it would forgive the past. Of course, Li Cong would never believe their nonsense. On the one hand, Li Congyi was paralyzing the people of the Eastern Empire and on the other hand, he also found someone to build the three empires. People, of course, the most important thing is not these two. After working with the two of you, I am also in a weak position. You can always take me down. I must have my own protection. The Eastern Empire began to build its own bases on his huge islands, and in addition, stepped up to build naval bases on some of the more important islands at this location, and at the same time notified the manufacturing plants on the earth to begin large-scale manufacturing of warship artillery and shells. These things are the most important thing. As long as you have your own battleship and your own navy, no matter what the people of the four empires think, how can they repeat themselves? It doesn't matter how you unite with yourself. If you have the strength in your hands, if you want to cooperate with you, you will hit you if you are unhappy.

A month later, the situation on the entire continent has undergone a fundamental The northern battlefield ended with the defeat of the three empires. Of course, they are still holding on to the last line of defense. This last line of defense is also Li Cong. When arranging a very important position on this blockade, the three empires also deployed their own armies. Every day, the army has passed by up to two million, and the number of losses ahead is several times that. They want to reach the front line quickly. It was also impossible. At this time, they thought of the Caojiashan Airlines plane. If they were transported by airship, the cost would be too high. However, the situation on the front line no longer allowed them to think about it. What should they do now? Looking at the Eastern Empire, they have already seen the dawn of victory and they will soon be able to unite with the people of Thunder Gate. This is what makes them the happiest thing.

Li Cong will naturally have his own ideas. If the people of your three empires want to negotiate with me, I have to negotiate with you happily. This is absolutely impossible. I also have my own ideas. , First of all, Li Cong must have his own interests to restore his army to control the line of defense. For example, some of his strongholds in the three empires need to increase the army, and at the same time he has the rights of his brother. Yes, otherwise Hua herself would never agree to this matter. Lao Tzu’s own people will sell your life and you will be threatened later. It is estimated that this kind of thing is unacceptable to anyone else. You must do it well. It's okay to reflect on it, this is also afraid of the repetition between the three empires, they are a bit too jerk. (To be continued...)

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