Energy Group

Chapter 2021:

Within the three empires, the power of Cao’s commercial firms can be said to have spread to all corners of society, especially the food stores of Cao’s commercial firms, which have taken root in every city, and their grain business has been The surrounding grain merchants have all been defeated. If the three empires really dare to deal with Cao’s business, some of the people in their country will encounter huge troubles in their production and life. Cao’s business is also very fond of this. One point, so some threats to the three empires are not in your mind. If you want to ruin the entire society, you will start your plan. We have nothing to resist you anyway. There is a way, so you just have to do it. If you can't do it, then we have nothing to do. We can only continue to bully you, and you can prepare yourself for this. M

Among the three empires, the power in the southern empire is arguably the weakest. It is very easy for the southern empire to destroy Li Cong in one fell swoop. The top of the empire has already formulated a series of plans. What the empire needs to do Things are faster than the other two empires, and they also want to take this opportunity to directly uproot the various businesses of the Cao Family Commercial Bank. Especially the bank of Cao's House of Business. How much money did the Southern Empire also borrow from Cao's House of Commerce recently? Their tax revenue has been mortgaged for several years, and from the perspective of the common people, they also like to use some currency poured out by Cao's Commercial Bank. Some high-level household officials in the empire have already seen the future. They believed that the empire’s economy was going to be monopolized by the Cao family firm. Let’s look at the Cao’s commercial firms’ total economic output in the southern imperial state. It is very easy to get rid of his words now, but if it continues to develop like this in the future, people at the top of the empire think that now is the time when the long-term pain is not as good as the short-term pain. Short-term pain can bring everything to an end. If it is long-term pain, it They will continue to control themselves like a malignant tumor. Although most people understand this truth, the risks to be taken in this matter are too great, and they dare not come to take this risk, especially now. Legend has it that the Cao’s House of Business had a naval issue, and the powerful navy of the Eastern Empire signed such an alliance under the city under the pressure of the Cao’s House of Commercial Navy. What navy does their Southern Empire have? What sea power can fight? If the Cao’s Commercial Bank’s navy aimed its empire, the loss he would end up with would be huge, and he might not be able to alleviate it.

The Northern Empire didn't have that much thought. The entire country of the Northern Empire had closer ties with Cao's House of Business. Li Cong was also the son of the Northern Empire. Also has a lot of various resources in the Northern Empire. It is even more difficult for the empire to deal with Cao's business. The Northern Empire is also at the forefront of the battlefield with the Eastern Empire. Their eastern region is already a city that has been destroyed a lot. Therefore, it is said that the losses are the greatest among the three empires. The Northern Empire is now the weakest. They are also afraid that Cao’s family firm will bring about something in their territory. They most want to act against Cao’s family, but they dare not. Do it, if you are afraid of doing it, Cao’s family firm will cause trouble in the country. The senior officials of the Northern Empire have now clearly seen that it is absolutely impossible to be tough. They can only do things in some more euphemistic ways. Build a good relationship with Cao's firm, and coexist and prosper with them.

It would be really shameful for a huge empire to achieve this level. Thinking about the Northern Empire’s history of hundreds of years, there has been no such thing. People in the entire empire have to please people from a chamber of commerce. This is already the royal family of the Northern Empire. It is an insult to say, but they are very comforting. They also said that everything is for their own empire and everything is for their own family business. What kind of sacrifice is worthwhile, and now The Cao’s House of Business is a commercial organization that developed within their empire. The development of the Cao’s House of Commerce will also bring some development to the empire’s economy. They use this way to comfort themselves and slowly take Cao’s Li Cong is naturally happy to see such a thing. He has to approve several loans applied by the Northern Empire government. Your government has been completely kidnapped by me. It seems that his own currency reform will be necessary. In the Northern Empire began execution.

From looking for someone to calculate, the Northern Empire is the empire that owes itself the most money among the three empires. The Northern Empire’s original income is not a lot, but their royal family is still very happy, and all kinds of phone fees can’t be wiped out. Of course, all kinds of defense systems have also been set up here, and some cities are also being renovated. This is the result of the public opinion of the Cao family firm. These people here don't know what huyou is? Whether the people of Cao's House of Commercial Bank were like these local officials or the officials of the central government, they fudged them hard and made them continue to work on some very large projects. Where did the Northern Empire get so much money? In the past, the annual cost for these infrastructure constructions was at most 10% of the annual fiscal revenue, but now they have reached more than 50%. This amount is already a very dangerous amount, which makes them feel it. Very surprised, if they do a little calculation, they will find that they don't even have the money.

Take a county in the southern part of the Northern Empire as an example. In the past, there was no money. The annual administrative expenses of 20 million silver was enough for them. However, since the people of Cao's house became the staff of the city owner, the money was almost a fraction. Not enough. First of all, the streets in their city need to be repaired, and some businesses on both sides must be demolished. The government compensation for demolishing will be enough for the previous year's administrative expenses. Let alone such repairs. With things like road beautification, the people's life is indeed very good, but what should we do if we leave such a mess? The city lord sometimes thinks about this, but then he thinks that he has no money anyway, so he can borrow it from Cao's House of Business. Some of their money is used for future taxation to mortgage. It will not be paid this year or next year. The next year, if this kind of thought took root in his mind, it would be a very scary thing.

Neither the city lord nor some high-ranking officials in the city would come to think about this, in their opinion. What about these debts? It's not your own debt. Would the government still not ask a private person for money? If they can do a good job of reconnaissance now and make calculations, they can see that the government is really not going to pay people's private money.

They don’t calculate the money. Other businessmen have already started to calculate. These businessmen all understand that Cao’s house has already controlled the brokerage artery of the entire city. As far as it is now, the government has already posted a notice. The new tax policy is about to be implemented, and the amount you pay remains unchanged. But what you teach will be different from before. In the past, it was possible to directly use the ticket numbers of various silver numbers, or silver tickets and the like, even if you directly carried the silver to the government, it would be collected, but this year is different from before. The only thing the government had to collect was the currency of Cao's firm. Cao’s banknotes. The silver dollar of Cao's house is what the government wants to collect. Except for these things, the government doesn't accept it. The value of these things is also increasing today. Just as the value of the shortage of materials in the society is basically the same, the society is really out of stock at the beginning.

It is because of such a shortage that all major businessmen began to hoard these things, such as silver dollars. Originally, his dismissal was only one or two silver dollars, but now you have to pay an extra 50 cents of copper in exchange for one. Silver dollars, many people’s homes will also bring out things like him. It seems that a little bit can be used in other people’s homes to save yourself. It’s the same as weddings and funerals in ordinary people’s homes. If you can sleep on a silver dollar, or if you use the original silver dollar to pay for the betrothal gift, it will make you feel very face on your own face. It does not mean that other silver dollars are not silver, but at this time, This forms a fashion, a fashion that makes everyone feel crazy. This makes most people feel very happy, and their hearts are very comfortable. This is the charm of the silver dollar.

Some other ticket numbers also began to change their strategies. They also began to print some silver notes similar to those of the Cao's firm, but in the end they found that the things they printed were not the same, even if they were. No matter how exquisite you design, no matter how gorgeous the pattern is, it is not so good when it comes out, but it is no different from the printing on ordinary paper, so that those merchants will not use it again, because your thing will be completely There is no grade, why use yours? The thing that others Cao’s firm produced is so beautiful. We not only used it for convenience, but also felt pleasing when we held it in our hands. Moreover, Cao’s firm also gave a big businessman some so-called wallets. In the past, they were all purses. Look at people's wallets that are all leather. It seems to be called something like leather armor. It's really good.

The people in the Caojia Commercial Bank also started to make these things. The purpose of making these things is to make the common people and some wealthy businessmen like this thing. Now that they have completed the first stage, the currency reform has been completed. The first stage and the second stage is to allow the empire to recognize this currency as the empire’s legal tender. Of course, this task is not simple, and it is still impossible for now. Cao’s house is in the process of lending to the empires. I have not yet done all the silver dollars or silver bills. At Cao’s house, it seems that these things have to be carried out slowly. You can’t make a fat man with one bite. If you are too impatient, it will make the empires feel. To be dangerous, if the royal family of these empires feel dangerous, they will launch their own currency, and now it is more safe to come slowly and step by step.

The northern battlefield is a good breakthrough point. In the northern battlefield, the armies of the three major empires have already defended the last line of defense. They can no longer retreat. The people of the Eastern Empire also saw the hope of victory at this time, and naturally they continued. Conscription to the front line. Now the Eastern Empire’s army can be said to be strong. The defense forces in the southern coastal areas have all been transferred to the central area. The peasant uprisings in the central area have been extinguished. These peasant uprisings have too many limitations. They didn’t establish the right hope. They just thought that they could enjoy themselves. It would be sooner or later that they would be destroyed by the army of the Eastern Empire. At the beginning, Li Cong had already predicted After long-term cooperation to achieve your goals, then retreat as soon as possible. This is the best choice, otherwise it will cause you to burn yourself. Now it is what it is now.

After the peasant uprising in the central part of the Eastern Empire was put out, a large number of troops were vacated. Moreover, the newly formed army to fight these peasant uprisings has also been vacated. These troops are not a small number. About 300 million people went directly to the northern battlefield. The Caojia Commercial Bank also has its own bottom line. It is the last blockade that cannot be passed, but Li never tells his bottom line. The people of the three empires will continue to guess. You can just think about it slowly. The people of the three empires don’t have time to guess. , They can only quickly fall into the army in the country. From 2 million people a day in the past to 5 million people a day now. Even this is not enough. The local area has caused some large-scale plagues, mainly because the corpses of the dead are not treated? Of course, because there are not many people around, the plague is also prevalent in the army, and it will not cause harm to society.

One is a person, and the other is money. Now for the emperors of the three empires. They close their eyes and think about money. I didn't know what happened some time ago? There are so many large-scale projects built across the country, and each one needs money, not only has the money in the treasury been spent. And let yourself be paid in advance for all taxes for next year and the next year. Now I really don’t have any money in my hands. The frontline battlefield is like a bottomless pit and I burn a lot of money every day. Where should I go? What about the money? When the emperor of Beijing woke up at night, he just opened his mouth and said where is the money? It scared the eunuchs and court ladies next to him, and the emperor was worried that he had no money. That was really huge news. They all have to worry about whether their salary for next month will be issued as usual. It is said that the emperor has cut all the expenses, so don't reduce it to them.

Because of the war, the people of the three empires have lived a very miserable life. From the day the war began, they began to teach other expenses. These expenses accounted for 30% of their total living expenses. There are many plans to do other things, but now they have to hand over the money to the imperial court so that the imperial court can support this unwinnable war. It is a trap set by Li Cong to clean up the flow of people from the three empires. Blood, they are bleeding slowly now, are they not thinking about making up the wound, or how do they want to make each other bleed? Now that you have this idea, Li Cong doesn't mind to add to the flames. First of all, Li Cong will give them an improved serial crossbow. Everyone can see that this weapon is powerful on the battlefield. It is the Cao family. The firm refuses to sell such things.

If such a weapon is really equipped with an army on a large scale, its absolute lethality will definitely increase a lot. On the other hand, the army of the four empires will suffer more deaths and injuries. At that time, the war may enter a more severe stage. For example, the weapons used by soldiers nowadays, you can kill two or three people at most in a fight, but what if you use the new weapons provided by Cao's house? If you are lucky, you may kill dozens of people and you can kill one or two people at least. Whoever has such a weapon can say that he has the initiative in war. This is absolutely no problem. Of course Li Cong would not sell them the real technology. They only shortened the range. The serial crossbow that can only fire five bows and arrows at a time. The one that fires more and has a longer range is of course his own. If people come to use it, how can they be available to the people of the four empires?

You can never hand over what you have in your hands. If you hand over it, it is estimated that you will suffer. Li is very clear about such things. He will never teach the tiger the ability to climb trees. In the future, there will be no place to hide. People in the four empires really want this weapon for sale. They also understand that what Cao’s firm sold to them is only some substitutes, and they want these substitutes too. Yes, because the weapons in their hands have not caught up with this alternative, especially the three empires. The three empires have shown signs of defeat in this war, and various domestic anti-war alliances have also begun to form. Get up, although the power is not so powerful, but if the frontline does not return some good news, right? They might really be submerged in this ocean eventually, and purchasing weapons is the first thing they have to do now.

During this time, Li Cong has not had any contact with the top people of the three empires. The people of the three empires also know why Li Cong treats them like this? Obviously both sides are allies in the war. But because of the betrayal of the three empires, Li Cong suffered a great loss. Without the secret plan handed over by the three empires, the negotiations between Li Cong and the eastern empire may not be over yet. How could there be only 15 ports in the area? Can the city negotiate peace with the Eastern Empire? You know that Li Cong still gave up nearly three hundred cities. The original plan had to take at least fifty cities. Now it has shrunk by nearly two-thirds. If this account is not counted on the three empires, it would be nothing. Sorry for them, Li Cong also has his own ideas about stimulating the war. For example, he directly donated 50,000 pieces of this kind of serial crossbow ready to be sold for the soldiers of the Eastern Empire to try. If it really worked, it would be too great. All right.

Of course. Li Cong also got the height of the Gendong Empire, he didn't say well in advance. You can't come against my position with such weapons. You can only come against the positions of the three empires. Li does not want this position to be broken now because once the positions are broken, the war between the two sides will be It is impossible to control it. It is impossible to be controlled in such a small area. After the Thunder Gate returns to the Eastern Empire on a large scale, everything will definitely attack other empires on a large scale. Other empires will also engage in full-scale wars. For Li Cong, this is not in his own interest. It is in his interest to let the four empires bleed slowly, and it would be terrible to mobilize the entire society. At that time, the wealth of the entire Cao Family Commercial Bank will change, and nothing is left. For Li Cong, it feels a bit more than a loss. It is definitely not possible to proceed like this. It is really a loss. It is better to take time. .

When the latest weapons were delivered to the front lines, many soldiers of the Eastern Empire still couldn’t use this. Unlike the soldiers of the other three empires, soldiers of the Eastern Empire had never seen such a strange weapon before. It's not very heavy on the body, is it just that powerful? But in some exercises, they saw that this thing is indeed very powerful. Just today, 50,000 people equipped with these new equipment stepped onto the battlefield neatly and surprised the people of the three empires. The more long-term view of the empire is to see that troops in the Eastern Empire are equipped with such weapons. Of course, they have seen people from Cao's Commercial Firm use such weapons to kill combatants in the Eastern Empire. I don't know why? At this moment, there was a shadow in their hearts, because they seemed to have seen themselves as if they were about to be shot by the enemy. They were not willing to lose their lives by doing such things, who would? The people of the Eastern Empire were about to attack at this time.

The remaining positions of the three empires are only 15 kilometers deep. If they continue to retreat, the cavalry of the Eastern Empire will be able to see the big trees in the frozen forest with one charge, so now they must withstand this wave of offensive. , The three empires prepared nearly two million people here, and there were about 800,000 soldiers from the Eastern Empire on the opposite side. After the last large-scale melee, the war of tens of millions of people had never started because they also felt If so many people are added directly, the losses on both sides will be huge, and the strategic goal will not be reached. We can only start testing with such a small-scale war. This is also very beneficial to the Eastern Empire, because they have There are not many new weapons of this kind. This kind of war with hundreds of thousands of people is the most suitable for them. If there are too many people, they can’t even make a bubble and they will all be killed. Li Cong’s observers have also arrived. On the field, they want to see how effective this export-type weapon is?

If the combat effectiveness is very weak, they will ask the manufacturing department behind to adjust this thing slightly, so that their combat effectiveness can reach a considerable situation, if it is too strong, then it must be adjusted, too strong will not work. What should I do if I face the people of the Eastern Empire in the future? When the time comes, they will shoot their own people with their own weapons. This joke can be regarded as a big one, so it is not allowed to say that it is too big or too small. It is possible to be in an intermediate position. The mission of these military observers is With my size, as long as they can grasp it, Li Cong can use this weapon to hold the empire and take away all the money in their pockets. It can also make the loss of war even greater. Li Cong's idea is really Kill two birds with one stone. The effect of these serial crossbows is beyond the consideration of the Eastern Empire. In the fifteen minutes that just ended, the Eastern Empire’s order has been delivered to Li Cong’s table. They want a large area of ​​this. Kind of stuff.

The 50,000 people in the Eastern Empire used this new weapon to repel nearly 300,000 people in the three empires. The ratio of one to six wars accounted for the people in the Eastern Empire. From the start of the war until now, they have been the one who paid more. On average, there are two people on their side. Only one person is on the other side. Now that they are better than one Six people can die on the other side. Although the Cao’s family firm said that this kind of thing is very expensive, it’s not a problem to wait for the soldiers’ lives to come. The Eastern Empire is different from the other three empires. Their treasury Some are money, some are silver, even if it is temporarily unable to open up turnover, their empire's assets are very strong. The empire is also very rich. Some other methods can be used to raise money. Besides, even if none of these methods work, isn’t there a loan from Cao’s house? We can use tax as collateral to borrow money. Everything is developing in accordance with Li Cong's trajectory. The Eastern Empire will soon enter this trap.

Compared with the Eastern Empire, the other three empires immediately saw the prospect of this new weapon. They and Li Cong are still in a superficial alliance. How do they say they belong to the same family. If this weapon can be brought to the market, you have no reason not to sell it to them. They also quickly found the top leader of their own domestic Cao’s firm, hoping to purchase this on a large scale. People from the four empires came to Cao’s firm to discuss business with great enthusiasm, but the Cao’s firm beat them all at once. Going back, the price of this item is 120 silver each. If you want to order it on a large scale, the price may be higher. Because these materials are very few, we can’t sell it on a large scale. Each time it is sold in limited quantities. It is only a reserve price that you can get 120 silver by grabbing yourself. Whoever pays more silver will sell it to whoever. To put it bluntly, this is an auction. It is what we want to spend clean money on.

The four empires all felt very disgusted with the sales method of Cao’s house, because they felt that they could have spent 120 silver to buy one, but now they may have to spend more money to buy it. They feel very sad for the money to buy something that is not worth the price, but now there is no other way to avoid it. Except for the Cao’s Commercial Bank which can sell this thing, it is impossible to eliminate these things in other places. I want to imitate it myself. Although it is a batch made, the effect is greatly reduced from the factory, and the service life is too much. Why not make bows and arrows? Attacks are common. The rate of fire and burst function can’t keep up with this, so they still have to compromise with Cao’s firm. They have to do what Cao’s firm says and sell them at any price. It's really helpless to buy at any price!

Of course, in order to whet their appetites, it is also possible to do some marketing propaganda appropriately. The people of Cao's House of Business took these weapons to the northern battlefield and distributed some to the people of the four empires. Of course, this is all It's free, and the number is not very large, probably only a few thousand. For your empire, I will give you some of your empire, and I will also give you some for you to see if this thing is powerful? If it’s something inefficient that makes you spend so much money to buy it, you are of course unwilling, but if it can change the course of the war, I believe you will all be willing to tighten your waistbands to buy these things, Cao’s family firm This method has even more stimulated the people of the four empires. They have already seen this kind of thing on the battlefield, so no matter what price Cao's firm offers? They will buy it frantically. As long as they can win, what is the point of looting the wealth of the people in the other's territory? All the top empires think so.

No matter what the two sides think? The two parties were unwilling. For the first time, the Cao’s family firm started selling. Everyone on both sides has arrived at a place specified by the Cao’s house. This place can be said to be regardless of the region and the four empires. The strength here is very weak. This is the Warcraft Mountains region. Within the Warcraft Mountains, Li Cong has now established his own complete system, not just to have a good relationship with him in the surrounding towns. That is, the entire human gathering area within the Warcraft Mountains needs to have a good relationship with oneself, not for anything else, just for owning an airship, and landing wherever you want to land, if you have a bad relationship with me , Lao Tzu will not deliver to you immediately, let you slowly return to the time when you used the car to pull things, and then your loss would be heavy. No one will continue to be willing to come to you.

For trading in the Warcraft Mountains, the people of the four empires can be said to be very agree, because they do not have their own power in the Warcraft Mountains, even if they do, it is impossible to do whatever they want here. The permanent residents of the Warcraft Mountains are a group of mercenaries. These mercenaries usually choose to live in the Warcraft Mountains because they are not willing to be bound by the four empires. Now you have to put a yoke on them. It is absolutely impossible. Now it can be said that the most powerful in the Warcraft Mountains should be the Cao Family Firm, a gathering point for tens of thousands of human beings in the Warcraft Mountains. Most of them have to cooperate with Cao's house firm. Without the cooperation of Cao's House of Business, they would not be able to continue on this specific point. This is why Li Congyang chose here. Compared with them, it can be regarded as his home court.

The place Li Cong chose was quite good, it was far away from the base camp of Warcraft. That is, the place where you just entered and exited the Warcraft Mountains is surrounded by some fifth and sixth level beasts. When I entered the Warcraft Mountains, I felt very comfortable physically and mentally. Really his own monsters are, Li Cong glanced at them a little apologetically, that is, their hometown is here. Because of my own reasons, I pulled them out and struggled with me. Following me, it happened that they didn't have any nice coats? It’s cruel to them, but these monsters shook their heads one by one when they saw the guilty look in Li Tong’s eyes. They are empathetic and understand what you mean. They are sincerely willing to follow Li. From going out to establish this hegemony, they also want to see what the outside world is like? It's just that after going out for a long time and returning to my own home, I feel a little bit emotional. Humans and Warcraft are the same in this respect.

The four major empires have sent their own military ministers here to purchase things. The number of serial crossbows sold by Li from this sale is not very large, that is, between one million and two million. It is said that such a small business is not a round. Did Li Cong come here? Li Cong didn’t want to take care of such things, but Li Cong had the final say. These things will affect the entry of the entire war into the city from the end to the Four Empires. The war can now be said to affect the direction of the entire continent. Li Congyi is going to sell some products every time, just like the auction of magic arrows, and the springs inside are also used for about one month. That’s all, how long can you use for this kind of thing you want to buy? 120 silver is a lot for ordinary people. For Yucao’s house firm, they really don’t like this scattered silver. What they need is more. Many benefits.

"Are you thinking about how to sell it? Just like our magic arrow, the one with the higher price?" The urging boss also returned with Li Cong to the East Empire. He really didn't want to be there. ? Although the Eastern Empire treats him very courteously, he can also feel that the Eastern Empire is not very friendly to Cao's firm. It is no wonder that the two sides cannot really stand together because of one or two things. , I can only say that they are standing together on the surface. I am afraid that only oneself knows what is going on in the heart. I heard that there is a fun auction here to urge the boss, how can people who like liveliness sit still? Of course, I will follow Li Cong to this place to take a look, also to see how the financial resources of the four empires are? Just bragging one by one is very powerful, seeing the real situation, whether they can do these things, many times these things should be done like this.

"Of course I thought about that. The first one we launched was about two million. This number must not be bought by one of them. It should be distributed among the four empires. Given that the three empires are one Overall, so they can count as one. The four empires when the Middle East empires themselves are independent, they can also be regarded as one. When auctioning, remember to give them an average. Even if the three empires are a little less, after all, they They are responsible for the defense. The Eastern Empire is responsible for the offense. Their strength must be balanced. I don’t have to maintain a relationship with this side, but also to maintain a relationship with the other side. Now we are leading two dogs. People don’t let a dog pull us here, nor can they receive another pair of trousers. We are the masters, and we have to control these two dogs.” Listen to Li Cong, the four empires are more than two. The dog boss Cui laughed himself, this kid is really bold.

"The people in the world who can compare the four empires with two dogs are probably you, but with our quarreling ability, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are dogs. They are all begging us now. I have a little bit of myself. It’s fluttering.” Mr. Cui laughed and said, indeed, as the shopkeeper of a chamber of commerce, he can do this. It can be said that there is no one before and after The senior officials of the four empires have come to flatter themselves to know themselves. But an ordinary person, if he were a 9th-level magician or a 10th-level warrior, surely he wouldn't mind these similar things? But now they are an ordinary person, an ordinary person who can no longer be ordinary, they have to come to fawn on themselves, this is because the Cao family firm behind them, with the Cao family firm, they can become human on this planet. People's real life is not the kind of people who sit on the well and watch the sky. There are fewer people, and even the high-levels of the four empires need to fawn on themselves. It feels really very comfortable.

Li Cong’s auction of the four empires can be said to be extremely annoying, but now they can’t do it if all the people can’t get this new weapon, and they don’t need to spend it anymore. I’ve planted money, but it’s impossible to look at it now. If you don’t have anyone in your hand, the balance of war will tilt toward others, and you will suffer. The domestic pay a greater price. The recruitment of soldiers is now different from before. There were still many areas to be checked in the past, but now there is no check at all. As long as you have no physical disabilities, you will be brought to the front line. There is a shortage of soldiers, and large-scale wars have not yet been fought, but the four empires now feel the exhaustion and powerlessness. If this kind of thing continues, they will not be able to hold on, and they think too. Hurry up and end the war, and this weapon is the best thing. (To be continued...)

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