Energy Group

Chapter 2136:

Li from his own abacus is very good. He thought that the army on the front line would probably not be able to support it. Who knows that those people really believe in the above-mentioned matter of patience and humiliation, all in their minds I don’t know what they think, but Li Cong's currency crisis through the Southern Empire has swept about a hundred billion dollars from the Southern Empire. It can be said that the Southern Empire has a dozen. The annual tax revenue is not as great as what Li came from this one. It should be enough to be satisfied, but his army will eat hundreds of billions of silver every month. It is also a gold swallowing beast. He can afford to eat money, but he is not soft at all. The next thing Li Cong has to do is to take care of the people in his occupied area, so that they can develop the economy properly, and also get a little bit of tax revenue. If you can’t get them right, no matter how much money you throw in, you can’t make people’s lives better. Li Cong understands the truth that teaching people how to fish is better than teaching people how to fish. Not to mention, just talk about the current situation. The people in the occupied area are much better than outside. The price of their food is the same as before the war, fifteen cents per catty, and if they have Cao The banknotes of the family firm can be exchanged for them in full, but they do not have many people to exchange it. An important reason is that the various shops of the Cao family firm only accept their banknotes. Would you go today? I exchanged the silver and exchanged the banknotes tomorrow. This is a personal trouble, but no one will do such a thing. In their opinion, the Southern Empire is not an opponent of Cao's House of Business, and the money is fine.

Of course, in order to distinguish them from the other banknotes in the Southern Empire, Cao's House Commercial Bank issued some new banknotes. These new banknotes have more things that the people of the Southern Empire did not find, that is, there are more under the banknotes. Numbers, these things are understood by some people in Cao's house. They are known by their bosses. This thing is called Arabic numerals. I don't know how to call it such a name. But after they learned this thing, those arithmetic and other problems can be much faster than people on this planet. The main reason is that the accounts of Cao's house are too much. If you don't use this, who knows when it will be, it is not necessarily enough to build a huge central computer according to Li Cong's idea. At that time, I don't need the millionaire bookkeeper. But it is not very realistic to get that thing now. It's better to get this thing honestly. As for other things, you don't have to start early. The numbers on the banknotes are for the people in the occupied areas of the Southern Empire. The previous banknotes in your hands are about to expire. Although the blockade is very strong, it is difficult to determine whether the people from the northern part of the Southern Empire will bring a large amount of banknotes to exchange it. If this is the case, they will really suffer a lot. With this, it can still hold down some preferential conditions for the Southern Empire government. Now that we have these figures, you can see at a glance whether the northern banknotes of the Southern Empire can be understood. Li Cong also accepted Wu Zuoxi’s suggestion. The banknotes in each region of each empire are different. If there is any conflict, use this to restrict you immediately. Of course, this cannot be used frequently. If you are deceived more often, the common people will also You will feel that this banknote will not work, and then there will really be a problem. Many people will no longer use it, and your ticket will be useless no matter how good it is.

Wu Zuoxi and Gu Xin’s airship can be said to be the slowest airship ever. They will never let this speed go too fast, because some of their things in the southern empire have not been completed yet, if they go now. Soon, many things may not be able to be done, because what is needed most now is time. Some people in the Southern Empire are not mindless to do things. When this financial war is about to end, they also feel it, why do domestic There will be so many rumors at this time. If they wanted to find the source of this rumor some time ago, they could really find some people on the street, and they could find some evidence along the way, but now those people are already After the matter is finished, why do they still come out? Naturally, none of them are fools. In this way, the Southern Empire has suffered such a big loss for nothing. It is estimated that it will not be able to alleviate it in 20 to 30 years. In one plan, the frontline army of the Southern Empire will be hungry. The influence of the regional rebels, especially the saber, they have already controlled a lot of transportation channels, and now less than one-third of the troops on the front of the southern empire can eat regular food. Others People simply don’t have that possibility. Either one meal a day or the rotten food that can’t be rotten. In addition, some local officials near the battlefield colluded with the generals in the army, but these people directly The rations were pulled out and sold. Anyway, so many insurgents said they had been robbed, and they would believe this.

If they didn’t have the courage in the past, but now it’s different, isn’t it? Now many people know that the most important thing for the rebels to rob is food, and they can do anything for food. Without them, let alone hundreds of tons of food, even if the local officials lost hundreds of catties of food, they might be caught by the Southern Empire officials. Now so many places have lost hundreds of tons of food. Thousands of tons were lost. This thing is no longer a rare thing. If all these local officials are removed, the Southern Empire will find so many people to do business somewhere, so the above has also acquiesced in this. Besides, the few soldiers who starve to death are nothing but untouchables. The following people are not fools when they get the silver. Naturally, they have to send some upwards, otherwise these people don’t have any thoughts. How comfortable and how can you live well? Of course, it is necessary to give them certain benefits. There are mouths up and down, and each one gets what they want. The worst thing is the soldiers on the front line. Protecting those so-called territories with their own lives. But in the end, they have nothing. They can't even keep their stomachs. How many soldiers like this will sell their lives with the people of the Southern Empire? Look at the Cao's business that is opposite to them, but they continue to give It’s delicious. Let’s look at the treatment of others. Although they can’t go to Cao’s house yet, they know that the war will be over one day. They can pass by themselves at that time, and Cao’s house can be considered for that time. Just lay a foreshadowing.

For these insurgents in the middle. Li Cong also has his own arrangements. Although the front-line war is over, they are also a very important reason for the instability of the Southern Empire. If all of them are killed, the Southern Empire will be several years later. It doesn’t even take that long. The entire empire will grow up again. The hatred with the Southern Empire this time is already in the bones. They will not let it go, they will definitely find a chance to find it back in the future. Rather than being in trouble at that time, it is better to continue to support them. Anyway, all support is underground. The frontline battlefield just ended. There are still a lot of military supplies that are useless. It is better to directly Just give it to them. Anyway, it will be difficult to transport it back. If you hand it over to them, it will save a lot. So in the evening, a large number of Cao’s commercial airships started this transportation. At that time, I just threw something casually and never showed up. At that time, the investment was a lot, but it was nothing compared to this time. Now that the investment is so huge, it is natural to be with these people. For a good talk, Chou Niu is a representative of the Cao’s family firm. He is responsible for meeting the leaders of the rebel army and discussing some current matters and some more important things. The rebel army will not care. What people from Cao's house of business, what they fancy is the materials worth tens of millions of taels in Chou Niu's hands, these things are what they need most.

The Chinese zodiac is basically the rising star of the Cao’s business intelligence department. They are all in charge of their own piece. Originally, the boss should be called the mouse, but that guy has no choice but to call him a mole. Anyway, it is a code name. , Whatever you want is your own business. This guy has been in charge of the Southern Empire for a long time. This kid has contributed a lot to this financial war. Behind him, the ugly cow is already He started to take action. The task Li Cong gave him was to use these materials in his hands to firmly control these rebels, and make these rebels become the alliance of Cao’s business houses, although they were all like this before. Relationship, but this relationship has not really been determined. The insurgents do not think that the Cao’s family members are their bosses. The reason why they cooperate with Cao’s family businesses is because they all need certain things. Only under the stimulation of things, will they cooperate with the people of Cao’s house. What Chou Niu has to do is to give you things, but you must listen to our greetings. If you are not obedient, then I’m sorry. It will be given to you, and you have to unite with those who are obedient to kill you, this is the most important thing.

Although Chou Niu carries a girl in his name, this guy is not a high man. From the outside, this guy is the same as a scholar, but he is not a scholar. He knows this guy. Everyone knows that he is really cruel in doing things. This time he came to the mountain area to meet with the leaders of the various rebel forces. He had planned well. He can listen to his own best. If you don’t listen, I will keep you. Nothing else. This guy came with a company man. His own mount was a seven-level Tila Chi wolf. In the past, such a thing belonged to the wolf king, but now, such a thing is not I know how many wolves have been reproduced. Most of the wolf cavalry in Cao’s house use this. In fact, according to his idea, the two companies do not need it, but the above feels that he has to come here. There are some manpower, and he also has a lot of good things on his body. If something goes wrong, it's not good. Although he is a seventh-level fighter himself, there are a lot of masters here. When he leaves, this guy That’s not bad, but after entering the southern empire, he scattered his men and rushed into the central mountainous area with a few wolf cavalry. He didn’t need a family’s past contact. Anyway, my own people have already sent the news, as long as those people's minds are okay. You will go to the place you have agreed upon. If you don’t want to go, it’s okay. You won’t need our assistance in the future.

There are about a dozen insurgents in the central area of ​​the southern empire. If the upper echelons of the southern empire destroy them severely, these people will come over and loyally express it, but if there is no southern empire's army, they will also start Those who rob territories, there are competitions in this world all the time, these people are not fools, they are all striving to use the greatest strength to strengthen themselves. They all understand. In the past, it was all because the people from the Cao's house were staring in front. The Southern Empire didn't have that powerful force to deal with them. In fact, they should all see themselves clearly. To put it bluntly, they are a clown. As long as the army on the front line of the Southern Empire surrounds them by a tenth. They have no solution at all. Many people have also said, shouldn't it be the people of Cao's House of Commercial Bank to assist us, but now what is your use. Why did the people from Cao's house help you? Unless there is a problem in their minds, no matter what they do at this time, they need a return. You can help us cut off the transportation line of the Southern Empire before. Of course, we will help you. No need now. You guys, what do I give you so many things for? In fact, at the beginning, these people didn’t want to be captured by the southern empire. At that time, what they said for the people is still true, but now they are all With their own little abacus, all they think about is their own territory and so on. As for the people, they are all gone.

Sabre’s organization can be said to be the one closest to the place agreed by Ugly Cow among the dozen or so organizations. Although Sabre himself has a lot of brains, his team now has more than a dozen due to the focus of the Southern Empire. Ten thousand people, it can be said that it is the least among these forces, but they do the most things. They are also ranked first on the aid list of Cao's House of Business, so Saber comes to participate in this occasion. Very emboldened, they are completely different from some people who look very powerful but useless. Now in terms of the number of people, they have the most people under the red beard, more than a million people. Occupying more than a dozen counties and cities, almost reaching the area of ​​a province, but what they did was not very good. As long as the government troops came, they would escape. A few days ago, the Southern Empire The 7000 cavalrymen regained a prefecture he had occupied. At that time, there were nearly 100,000 people under him. With a gap of more than ten times, his people would not dare to fight it. One was theirs. The reputation is also the worst. Red Beard has never done anything for the people since he got up. The things they do are basically robbery to get money, and basically they don’t do other things. The time they came here, they can be said to be the most guilty one. They all got the news ahead of time. In the future, the assistance of Cao’s Commercial Bank will definitely be given partly. There is even some competition mechanism. If they cannot complete the above In terms of tasks, there is nothing left.

Ugly bull riding his beast on the mountain quickly, it can be said that his own idea is correct, if he does not throw those people down, it will take them half a month to wait for them to come here. Now it took me three days to get here. There are already a few bosses here, but the ugly cow did not run out quickly. He has to wait for everyone to arrive. If it comes out too early, doesn’t it mean that one’s own face is not good enough and that one is not reserved enough? Women often use this term. In fact, it also means this for men. Ugly cows did not expect the saber to come. So early, although the saber is very close to the location here, the saber has also read the information, and he is very arrogant. This time the saber is also listed as stabbing the head. Will this guy use it? My military exploits made me do some difficult things, but as mentioned above, this dumb guy had to stay. What he did was several times that of others. Let’s talk about the houses he sent. , That is, this guy is using the best one. Now the soldiers on the front of the Southern Empire hate this guy to death. If this guy hadn't cut the main artery, it would be impossible for others to help. Those who can't go up, during the war, especially in the hearts of the soldiers, it is very difficult to figure out. As long as it is a little bit bad, the whole thing may become ugly.

"Boss, we have already checked it clearly. They brought thirty people here according to your requirements. There are quite a few masters in these rebels, but most of them are level five fighters. , If the army in front of the Southern Empire really comes down, they can’t resist anything at all. I also took a look at their combat skills. It’s not a problem to bully the people. If you encounter the army of the Southern Empire, Zhendao The last time the real gun came, their chances of winning were at most three achievements. If there weren't those things we helped, it is estimated that they would not be in Chengdu. That is, the army on the most powerful second silly army is basically the same. However. The main reason Ersha can do that is that this guy’s brain is easier to use. If he hadn't thought of blocking the road with huge rocks, the transportation line would be fine. The discipline of his people is very good. Although these people used to be ordinary people, they have all learned how to bully the ordinary people. These people bully the ordinary people one by one, but they can do everything, but the second fool is better. , His people rarely bully the people, so his team is going to eat more than those people around.” A guy under the Ugly Cow said, there are many in a dozen provinces around here. The people who have received the favor of Cao's House of Business, it seems that the Ersha team is almost the same as when it was first established, and the other people have forgotten what their origins are, and they are all fooling around.

"Hehe, these people should be like this. Basically, they don’t have much abilities. What they think of after getting up is not the so-called righteousness. The first thing they think of is their own enjoyment. They know why they always It’s because the site came so fast at the beginning, but it’s basically not increased much now?” Thinking of those guys’ ugly cows’ eyes full of contempt, he really doesn’t think much of these people. They are all doing well in time, but don’t talk about expanding recently, that is, some of their own forces may not be able to defend. Seeing the people shook their heads, the ugly cow is helpless. Why are his subordinates so dumb? He said, "These people are uneducated, and they are all small and wealthy people. These people are now afraid that they will be destroyed by the army of the Southern Empire. They are all energetically recruiting troops. The most important thing for these people is not to liberate more people. They think more about how to keep their own territory. It’s really shameful for our Cao’s business to cooperate with them, but the negotiations have not started yet, we have to rely on it. These people have given us some help. That’s okay. You just continue to investigate. When they are all here, I will go out and talk to them about our affairs. If they are obedient, it’s okay, if they are not obedient, I just give them a little color." A strange light appeared in Ugly Cow's eyes, and several people here also felt that the surrounding temperature seemed to be lowered. His boss is really capable, and the temperature can be lowered.

Ugly cows also saw a lot of things along the way. To be honest, these rebels were very good at the beginning, but now they have changed their tastes. At the beginning, they occupied a city most of the time. They were all robbing some things in the official mansion. Who knows that they started to go to the landlords’ homes later, which is nothing. After all, these people did some bad things in the past, but later At that time, these people even needed things from the common people's homes, and even did things that bully men and women. Some local people have said that some of their ways of doing things are more abominable than the Southern Empire. At the beginning, many people supported them, but now these people hate them, and even in some places they have to help the officers and soldiers to destroy them. Li Cong also knows about these things, so this time let the ugly Niu will give a good talk about the things here. They must not be allowed to develop like this. An army without the support of the people has no effect at all. In the end, these people may still do bad things. It’s better not to be with them at that time. Ugly cow doesn’t want to tell them at all, because he knows that these people will not give up this in their minds. This is how uneducated people are, but the above let himself say, You can't resist your orders, either, just take education with you. If you don’t listen, we’ll just go to our own in the future, and take a look at the wolf-eating wolves underneath ourselves, hurry up and look elsewhere, maybe there will be some new discoveries.

Looking at the high-levels of the Southern Empire, they could not bear the actions of the Cao Family Firm, but they had no other way. They did not have as much money as others. Besides, the empire killed hundreds of millions in this war. There are so many people. Lost dozens of provinces. For the Southern Empire, this is the biggest loss since they have seen it. Many people are blaming that the current emperor is already incapable. The emperor has no choice but to kill some scholars at the beginning. It is these people who make trouble. But you can't kill all scholars. Many of them still have some strength, and the officials in the court are all scholars, and they kill a lot. It’s no good for anyone. The Southern Empire’s treasury is now empty. They thought of a very important issue at this time. If they negotiated with the Cao’s family, they would definitely say that the previous debts must be admitted. Yes, in this case they will not be financially independent even a hundred years later. Therefore, before the peace talks, the people of the Southern Empire also began to lobby the other three empires, hoping that they could help themselves bear some debts, even if the worst The Southern Empire brought back some important taxes. Otherwise, this matter would not be easy to handle. The people in the Southern Empire thought well, but the people in the three empires were all fools? What would they do? You didn't think of us when you spent the money. Now that you have no money, you really don't know what you think if you want us to bear debts with you.

The people of the three empires were also very angry about how the people of the Southern Empire put forward such a condition. The people of the Southern Empire also had their own ideas. When they were working with the Cao’s Chamber of Commerce, you were all involved. Didn’t you say that at that time, the three companies are going to advance and retreat together, but how come you don’t have that courage now? Now that we are defeated, this matter will become our own business. If our Southern Empire can take the Cao family If the people of the firm get rid of it, things will not be the case. It is estimated that you will confiscated the property of other Cao’s firm immediately, and the money owed to Cao’s firm will not need to be repaid. Your calculation is very good, but it’s different now. You have to bear it with us. Otherwise, our secret contracts would have to be announced. Anyway, there is nothing left in the Southern Empire. If you can’t bring you into the water together, I’m really sorry. The people of the three empires are really angry when they hear that the people of the Southern Empire say that one by one. I really didn’t expect such a thing to happen now, they too. I dare not directly offend the people of the Southern Empire. If the people of Cao's House of Business really want money, they won't be able to do so. They did say this at the beginning, as long as they were from the Southern Empire. If they can get rid of the people of Cao’s House of Business, they will also check the property of Cao’s House of Business together. Who knows that they have not yet started preparing for the food crisis in their country. Where are they? I had the courage to confront the people from Cao's House of Business. I didn't expect a little bit of benefit and didn't make a fuss. Now there is such a thing, which is a loss.

The most needed thing for the Southern Empire now is to restore food supply. Although some areas of the Southern Empire have a lot of food storage, there are already starving people in some places, and many people are going crazy when they are hungry. No, it’s not that there is no food. It’s actually the food in the world. The upper level of the Southern Empire thought it was the big families who had bought the food. They wanted to make high profits? In fact, this is really a wish for them. They don’t have that meaning, because they don’t have much grain in their hands. Since Cao’s business started doing grain business, no one has been doing this business at all. There is not much profit anymore. The price of Cao’s house is always the same. No matter how fluctuating, the weather is like that. The most important thing is that the food they sell is more delicious, and there is no other way. Compared with them, whoever comes and goes to do this business anymore. Now that the imperial court buys such a small amount of food, the price is naturally higher. Those who have money can have food, and those who have no money can only have food. They starved themselves to death, and that's how it happened. What they hope now is that the people in the Cao's Commercial Bank can quickly sell food in the Southern Empire, if they can. They can even make concessions for this, but the people in Cao’s house are walking slowly now, and the airship is slower than the carriage. It is estimated that they can do things like this. What’s not moving is that the airship needs to be overhauled. Or it’s troublesome like this, anyway it just doesn’t go fast.

But even things that are wasting time have to have a time. Just like now, the time is basically up, if they go too slowly. It is estimated that everyone in the world will talk about them. How could it be so slow? The Southern Empire didn't pay much attention to the negotiators of Cao's Commercial Firm. In fact, they took it seriously in their hearts, but because of the face problem, they couldn't send people who were too powerful. If this is the case, it is estimated that many people will say. They would say in their hearts. They had to give them a disarm. They also understood that when negotiating, they should make the other party weaker, and they also organized a lot of people to protest where they landed. This point is also learned very quickly. They can all enter the senior level of Cao’s business, but they have only learned a little bit of fur, and it is not a time. What if you are a victorious country It’s all okay, but now you are defeated. If you don’t have to hurry up, let people get better, so that they can quickly sign a truce contract with you. You are still making trouble here. This contract is what you are going to sign. If you don’t like it, they might go back, so at this time, it’s no good for them to make noise, and Wu Zuoxi is not half of them. He is not a fool, and he will naturally understand what’s going on. Yes, people give me power? Are you kidding me? Lao Tzu used to give you this, but now I am you.

Seeing that there are a lot of things written outside that Cao’s family firm is going back, and the people of Cao’s family firm are assholes. Anyway, they didn’t say that the people of Cao’s family firm were good people. Under such circumstances, Wu Zuoxi was still happy. Hehe, the person who came to greet Wu Zuoxi was the level of the mayor of the capital. In other words, he was also a third-rank official. If this level is not low for ordinary people or ordinary businessmen, but the whole capital is better than him. If you don’t have ten thousand people, you have to have eight thousand people. If you bring such a person, you have made it clear to us that they are ugly. We are very clear about the abilities of these people. It doesn’t matter, anyway, as long as there is a person who can give a message, other officials are not needed. Now let’s see what you have. If it doesn’t work, we can go back directly. The blame on the above must be your cause. The people who caused trouble on the two sides probably didn’t have any fruit to eat. Looking at them one by one, they all saw Cao’s businessmen coming. It’s called even harder. In fact, these people are all extras. They are all subordinates of the Southern Empire. Their master told them to come here and shout, they just come. As for other things, they don’t need to know. As long as the things that the master teaches him are done well, the rest of the things are okay, and in the future, they will definitely have their own benefits.

"Hehe, I thought that when we came here, many people would welcome us. I thought I was here to liberate these people. It doesn't seem to be the same thing now. These people all look at it one by one. Those who are not on us, these people are hostile when they look at us. Each of these people feels that we are their enemies. They look at our eyes, look at us, you see, these people are not good people. They all feel that we are like beasts, and we all understand what these people do. Since the negotiation environment is like this, I don’t think there is any need for negotiation. If we continue like this, I feel that my mood will be very different. Okay, if I’m in a bad mood, there’s no need to talk about this. When I do things, I look at my own mood. If I’m in a good mood, I can do everything, but When I’m in a bad mood, I don’t want to do anything. It’s better for us to go back. Come, pass the order and let the airship take off again." Wu Zuoxi said with a smile, that is really not the way I want to negotiate, directly I went back, I loved this city lord and was so dumbfounded. If he really left, he would probably have his head cut off. It was so easy to call someone. If he was giving it to me because of such a small matter. It’s the way it is now. If you don’t lose your head and whoever loses your head, you immediately let the people around you get out of here. There is no point in making trouble now, but many people in the court feel that this matter can be troublesome. , Okay, you are making trouble like this ~ People are not like you, they are still making trouble, and the future of the entire empire is wiped out during the trouble, a bunch of **** things.

"No, no, Lord Wu, please stay here. This matter is really not done. As you know, we are in a state of war with dual broadcasting. The people on both sides definitely owe consideration when doing things. These people understand what they have in their minds. A few random people who fan the flames immediately ran out. Don’t worry, our upper-level people have a deep understanding of this.” This guy hurriedly stood up and said, Wu Zuoxi just smiled when he heard what he said, what happened to your upper class? Don't the upper class hate us?

"Oh? I didn’t expect it to be like this. Hearing what this lord said, it seems that your upper echelons are very friendly to us. Is that understandable? The people on your side feel good to us. , This thing is also good, these people of you will definitely have something wrong in doing things. This war is said to be your fault, isn’t it?” Wu Zuoxi said with a smile, just killing the one opposite him The guy will not give this to the next, what did he say? How can we talk about the latter from the people's troubles? How can you admit that your empire was defeated? If that's the case, you will definitely be beheaded when you go back. If you let yourself choose, it is better to let them leave here and beheaded, at least you can be tough once. (To be continued...)

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