Energy Group

Chapter 2137:

Wu Zuoxi is just talking about it. It’s enough to make it difficult for these people. If you continue to make trouble, it will not do you any good. Everyone here is not willing to talk to himself, but he has to talk to them. With one cry, you must all understand what we mean. This peace talk is not what we want to talk to you. You told us to come. In fact, according to Wu Zuoxi’s opinion, I have already defeated you here. How can we get to you? Negotiations on our site, we must ask you to negotiate on our site, so that we can, how can we easily let go of the home court advantage, but Li Cong is his. If you do, no matter how beautiful you are or how powerful you are, you are a part-time worker. This cannot be changed. You must do that. Wu Zuoxi will understand that he is not soft or hard. Suddenly the troublemakers disappeared. Looking at the expressions on their faces, Wu Zuoxi must have been officially organized by the Southern Empire. Whatever happened to the people, they all wanted to get their own rewards. The entire war had a great influence on the Southern Empire, but these people really didn’t pay much attention to the front-line war in their hearts. For them, the war is still relatively far away from them. If there is a war, it will be hit. If they were killed in the capital, they would not believe this. The empire has existed for hundreds of thousands of years, so how could it be killed so easily? In fact, their guess is also reasonable. Did the people from Cao's house come to the peace talks? They must have come to seek peace. Many people think so. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

Next, the mayor of Beijing didn’t have so many thoughts, and he didn’t want to do so many little tricks. This time he can be said to be a juese who entertains people. The people in the court were crying and shouting to give The people in Cao’s house are a bit powerful. Damn, they are a group of guys who don’t do human affairs. The people on the frontline are misled. They are not the real situation of the frontline. Isn't it the people who go to the court these days? You **** know everything one by one. Now that people come to negotiate, they don’t say it's good to entertain them, but they are still doing things everywhere. It's not what you think in your mind. If only the incident was taken away. If you want to bring this grandpa in front of you to the negotiating table, at least you will have to lose tens of millions of troops, and you will cry. It’s really not how you think about it. Just to make yourself feel better, you will lose tens of millions of soldiers. That is the artery of the entire empire. Now the empire has not shaken its foundation. According to his thoughts, dozens of soldiers will be lost. There is nothing like province and some money. As long as it is through this difficulty, no one will win in the future. If you don’t ask at this time, you will offend the people of Cao’s business and leave, and they will have the opportunity to develop in the future. It’s gone. Such a thing is the most stupid thing. I don’t know how to do it anyway. As for you, keneng is a sinner of the entire empire. Although he really wants to tell what he thinks. He came out, but obviously he didn't have that kind of ability. The people above wouldn't listen to a little nonsense like him, so he would just do his own job, and don't think too much about it.

The guy in front of Wu Zuoxi is a big official in the eyes of ordinary people, but he can't actually do much, but in any case, the guy in front of him can be said to be a local snake. He obeyed his orders. It also had to show something. Wu Zuoxi gave a face to the person next to him, and this guy immediately took out a beautifully packaged box. Is this a gift? If there were no wars before, it would be the most important thing for the Cao’s business people to give gifts. Everyone is not a fool. The Cao’s business people have always been very generous, but now the war has just ended, if you take it yourself As far as their money is concerned, this is a traitorous country. Those yushis don’t have nothing to do every day. Their seat as the mayor of the capital has also come to an end, but many people are staring at their seat. A little careless keneng became someone's seat. There is definitely keneng in this matter, but I also wonder what is in it. Is their shot the same as before? The value of the box on the outside must be right. The patterns on the top are decorated with gold silk. Although the wood inside is not made of any material, it should be of high value. I already smell it. There is a faint scent, and it must be the old wood. I really want it.

"Hehe, a little gift is not a tribute. We are still going to trouble you in Beijing this period of time. This adult is definitely not the same as those short-sighted people, please accept it." Wu Zuoxi naturally would not do such a thing. Yes, this kind of little thing is done by Gu Xin next to him. Gu Xin did this well. Corroding these people is what they must do. If they can’t corrupt them, it will be difficult to follow their own way in the future. People from the Cao’s House of Business can do everything like a fish in the water. You must do the homework in this area. Otherwise, you won’t be able to keep up with the form. Gu Xin opened the box as he talked, and there was nothing inside. A thing can be seen clearly with the weak light. It seems to be the kind of gems often produced by Cao's house in the past. It is very fragile. Such things can emit colorful light under the light, Cao The people in the family firm called him bright, and something like this can indeed match the name. I remember that when Cao’s family firm was still doing business in the Southern Empire, such things were invaluable, one the size of a quail egg. It costs millions of silver. The one for myself is about the same as a baby’s fist. The price of such a thing is more than 8 million taels of silver. This is still the previous price. Now because the Cao’s house is no longer there. The Southern Empire has produced this thing, and the price will definitely be more expensive. There are tens of millions of dollars worth of money, and this guy has a greedy look in his eyes. Because this is in the carriage, there are only three of them, so it's nothing. He didn't expect that the people in Cao's house were more atmospheric than before. In fact, there are a lot of such things in Guxin’s space ring. He doesn’t know the value of this thing, but his boss has a lot of this thing at hand. Every year he sells this thing. Can be hundreds of billions of silver. Where did the boss find such a thing? It's really rare.

What he doesn't is, such things can be obtained for a few dollars on the earth, and Li has hundreds of thousands from there, but such things cannot be taken out at once. Just take out a few thousand each year. Things are precious. If the streets are full, this thing is worthless, of course. If some rich people’s elder brothers get angry and throw them away, they will have keneng, but they have money and don’t care about it. Glass products are not so good on the earth. Many people like to use some porcelain, because They all feel that it is the thing that is more upscale, but glass products are the most precious thing on this road. It is said that after a glass ball like this is broken, the scum can be sold for money. Diamonds on the earth are valuable. If they can produce this thing on a large scale on the earth, they will not have any expressions, they must have a feeling of being pitted, but it is estimated that it will not be many years after they researched glass. In the future, this era will be like this, and Li Congzhan is too cheap.

"Hehe, my lord, this matter is different from before. Besides, we are all meeting each other for the first time. Besides, both of us are distinguished guests from Cao's firm. I am not the same as those ordinary people. Just tell me directly about anything. My ability in other places is still very limited, but in the capital, I can definitely be regarded as a local snake. As for this gift, I should put it away. Now our empire Those yushis are all staring here. We dare not do many things the same as before." This guy greedily glanced at this thing in front of him. As the mayor of Beijing, he has never seen money. The kind of person, but now he really dare not take this thing in front of him, unless it is to lose his political career, otherwise it is really worthless for a thing like this, Gu Xin smiled and put this thing in In his hand, it seems that this thing must still be accepted.

"Hehe, adults don’t need to be so real. There are only three of us here. This is just a small gift. You just receive your space ring directly. Unconsciously, no one will want to check your ring. "Yes." Gu Xin pointed to his spatial ring and said. This guy didn't expect this, but others have already said that. If he refuses, he will not give others face. Such things are If it offends people, he puts things away halfway through, and the smile on his face is not to mention ugly.

Keneng was to take care of Wu Zuoxi and Gu Xin’s emotions. The place where they lived was the headquarters of the original Cao’s firm in the capital of the Southern Empire. It seems that it has been repaired again. When it retreated, it was a hundred thousand taels. Everything above the silver was taken away, and now some of the things here are gone. At the beginning, they were all fakes, but there was also a lot of money. Gu Xin originally counted this and all the things in the headquarters at the time. Add up to hundreds of millions of dollars. It is estimated that there is nothing left. Although the Southern Empire wanted to give back all the things it had originally, many things were left privately by those soldiers. They really didn’t. The way to get them back, these people are not fuel-efficient lamps one by one, what they want to do is really not an official can stop, now they are asked to vomit out what they eat in their stomachs. People would rather quit their job and go home, and the salary for a year is just that little. After searching the headquarters of a Cao’s house, they immediately got a salary for several years. Although they are fakes, they are all valuable things. Now that we are deprived of the opportunity to drink soup, you are still not humans. For this reason, the Southern Empire also put this matter down. It’s not that we don’t want you to come back. This is too difficult. We can't let our lower-level soldiers resign and go home. That way we can't bear it.

"Everyone, please rest here, I will go back first. I still have some vulgar things to deal with. There are many things that you don’t like, but I have to go back to deal with it. At night, our Prime Minister will I invite you to attend a welcome banquet. We can talk a little bit about the negotiation during dinner. We will discuss the specific schedule with you in the evening. Are you still satisfied with my proposal?" Nan The people of the empire really considered it very thoughtful. In the past, how could they come to solicit your opinions on such a chamber of commerce. Just tell you what to do. As for the rest, they didn't bother to talk nonsense with you. Now everything is coming to ask Cao's firm. It seems that after a war, the status of Cao's firm has indeed improved a lot. Gu Xin glanced at Wu Zuoxi over there. After seeing him nodding slightly, he happily sent out the mayor of Beijing. Wu Zuoxi had come to this place often before, and seeing everything brand new in the house, it seemed that there was nothing here at all. If the army of Cao’s House of Business did not win, it is estimated that this is not what it is in front of them, and those people will regard it as what it is, but they are the winners, and this will become the site of Cao’s House of Business in the future. In the future, the Cao’s House of Commerce will come to this place with a more powerful face. Anyone who dares to use force with the Cao’s House of Commerce will feel the pain of the people’s heart. They will not have a good life. This is a possibility. For sure things, they will from now on, this matter is not as simple as talking about it.

After the outsiders in this room went out, Wu Zuoxi relaxed a bit. In this era, there is no need to look for something like a wiretap, but it can save the surrounding security personnel a lot of effort. Wu Zuoxi signaled Gu Xin Sit down and all the other people in the room went out. It seems that the two people have something to talk about. It has been two hours since they got off the airship. There will be something to talk about as much as two people. "Have you seen it? This time the matter is not as simple as we thought. Everyone in the Southern Empire is very shrewd. They don't want to pay too much for negotiating with us. In their view, the final We will succumb at the time. Such things are not very important to anyone. Do you have any opinions on how we should go below?" In the past, Wu Zuoxi was not a big fan of Li Cong's people. Yes, in his opinion, the level of loyalty of these people is definitely not there, but the brain is not that simple, but as the understanding deepens, this old heart is a person who can use his brain, sometimes this The guy’s brain wandered a lot faster than Wang Quantai’s old guy. It was for this reason that he won the respect of Wu Zuoxi. He was originally a deputy, and Gu Xin would basically not say anything. Yes, but the boss asks, he has to tell him his own affairs.

"I can see this, Mr. Wu, the Southern Empire's despise of us this time is actually a manifestation of their guilty conscience. I would feel strange if they didn't show us anything, but now they The behavior is the same as that of children. Wouldn’t we retreat if some ordinary people make trouble once? This is definitely not a keneng thing. The minds of these people are too simple. Another is that we must ask them Repay all of our previous things, but I don’t think they will keneng to restore us to the original state. We can use this as an excuse. These people will definitely not satisfy us. Then we can give them a little bit of power. These people are not. Fools, they will definitely find this for us, but I think they have no other way to deal with it. We can still use this to deal with them. Earlier we said we would make friends with a few officials from the Southern Empire. Now it seems to be a little difficult. The guy just now is not very up to the grade. It seems that it is not that simple to get in touch with the high level of the Southern Empire." Gu Xin’s observation ability can be said to be very strong. I got so much news within a few minutes. Of course, these are all guesses of this guy. He is not sure that these things are true. After all, he is not as accurate as his guess, but Wu Zuoxi is a little bit on the side. Head, such people are not very common nowadays. Half of the people with strong observation ability have poor analytical ability, just like the guy in front of them. There are too few guys with various abilities. The guy in front of him can do things. It seems that Li Cong will have another good helper in the future. It may be okay to retire by himself.

"That said, Gu Xin, I always felt that the observation and analysis abilities of these first-level managers in our firm were not enough. From your body, I felt that it was a mistake before, and now I really start to know you. Boy, first of all, what you said is very important. We have to consider these when we do things. You should get a list as soon as possible. Although our people have withdrawn from this place on the surface, in fact There are still a lot of clues left, but before the end, don’t let them be exposed and let them get in touch with Min De. It’s a bit difficult for us if we can’t get into their high-level circles. At night. Whoever goes to this dinner must find this list. We don’t need to be friends with them, as long as they don’t hate us, basically it’s okay, and the rest is easy to do. If these people are hostile to us , Things are not that simple." Wu Zuoxi said with a smile. Wu Zuoxi has always been the first counselor of the Cao family firm. Although he came in relatively late, this person Li Cong still believed very much, and brought the following people with him. They also have a good impression of Wu Zuoxi. Hearing that he gave him a task, Gu Xin quickly agreed to go down and do something. Min De's line is generally not allowed to be exposed, but now it must be It's time to figure out these things, so this line must also be started, and everything must be negotiated.

After Gu Xin returned to her room, she began to tidy up indiscriminately. At the door, two ninth-level fighters watched around vigilantly. Outside are some more rigorous bodyguards. Every first-level manager of Cao's house is very precious Yes, it can be said that any loss is fatal, so their safety is insured, just like Gu Xin, this kind of defense, even if the tenth-level fighters come, it will not necessarily achieve any results. At that time, they were not surrounded by such a strong force. Since the last time that Xiaoao had an accident, Li Cong has increased their security. Although their security costs cost millions of dollars a day, for Li Cong This little money is nothing compared to their safety. These people must ensure their safety no matter where they go. Otherwise, their entire business empire will lose hundreds of millions of dollars a day. One percent of the cost can guarantee their safety. Such things are cost-effective no matter what anyone says. Of course, Li Cong will not save this money, and sometimes he will strengthen it. These people didn’t feel that they needed to be so strict at the beginning, but later, as the enemies of Cao’s house became more and more powerful, they all felt that this security was okay. If it was not enough, their safety was really good. Although they haven’t found out who made the attack on Li Cong, they, the guards around them, can’t resist the attack. If those people’s targets are themselves, keneng won’t be able to eat them. Small losses, so no matter what, they still have to pay attention to it, this will not do any harm, it will not do any harm to themselves or the business.

"You all follow me at a distance. I will go out once today. If there is nothing to do, don't lean over." Gu Xin is now like a 40-year-old man. When he came out, he was talking to some housekeepers in the house. They came out together. After they came out, these people began to wander around and start shopping. They were all from the Cao family firm, and they were all protected by people from the Southern Empire. The two people who protected Gu Xin heard what Gu Xin said. I immediately turned around to look at the things on the roadside with those people. Of course, these two people are not really going to buy things, don’t look at their eyes 90% of the groceries on the roadside, but That ten percent locked Gu Xin. The two ninth-level fighters looked at him, surely nothing would happen. My own people looked at him and felt relieved, but this place belongs to the Southern Empire. There will definitely be many people who want to look at themselves. Except for their own bodyguards, others are not willing to let them watch. Just like now, Gu Xin started on Caishikou Street, the most prosperous Southern Empire. After strolling around, his figure is also very fast, because the intelligence department of the Southern Empire is also not worried about these people in the Cao Family Commercial Firm, although they are some not very important stewards on the surface. But each of these people has keneng who will participate in the peace talks, so it’s better to collect their information. Just like now, it’s important that the guy in front of you has keneng. On official records, ancient times The person Xin plays is to manage vehicles. Today is just a break time, and he won't go to work tomorrow morning. Besides, everyone is already in the Southern Empire. It's okay for him to want to play.

Two seventh-level fighters followed Gu Xin at a distance of 30 meters. Gu Xin has also discovered these two guys. It seems that the capital under the Southern Empire this time is really not small. She has become an ordinary steward and has such a master to follow her. If she comes out, it will be repaid. What would they look like? These guys don't worry at all. Just following this way will not necessarily give you any information. Gu Xin was very confident about dumping these people. Gu Xin walked into a hotel on the side of the road. This hotel was the contact point of Cao's Commercial Bank in the Southern Empire. In the past, there was nothing to be seen here, because the man who ran this place was an old man in the Southern Empire. A relative in his family was still a local official in the capital of the Southern Empire. This was all filed with the Southern Empire intelligence department. Yes, this restaurant has been open for nearly two hundred years. Such people will certainly not have anything, but they will appear where they don’t. This has something to do with Cao’s gene medicine. The boss is the liaison of Cao's House of Business. Seeing Gu Xin came in and greeted him with enthusiasm, then two intelligence agents also walked over. The two guys were talking loudly one after the other, and they watched as they ate here. There is no difference between other people. If they hadn't been scanning the drum core from time to time, everyone would have thought that they were here to eat, but Gu Xin had already seen them through. It's useless to conceal them. These two guys look for them. I did it in a place not far from Gu Xin. They had to watch them motionlessly if they wanted to watch. Gu Xin didn’t mean to avoid it. Just let them come over one by one, which can attract everyone. Come here.

Soon, Gu Xin shopped a few small dishes, and then drank it by herself, and then one pot after another, like a drunkard, and often said some drunken things. The guests around the tables were reluctant to follow one of them. People were sitting, and the shop owner came out and said a few words about this guy. That meant that he had seen him before, how did he come back after walking for a while, and the old problem of drinking is still the same. The boss hurriedly followed the others around. The table guest explained, and of course also explained to the people from the two intelligence departments. They are not as disgusting as the others. In their opinion, the boss must be telling the truth, this guy. It used to be a liaison shop of Cao’s Commercial Bank in Beijing. I used to come here often for drinks. I didn’t come here recently because the people from Cao’s Commercial Bank left the capital. They are now back. Naturally, they revisited the old place. They really want the person they followed is such a useless one. They have been in the intelligence department for such a long time, and they are all too. If they want to get promoted, it must be their own credit. , But this credit is not something you can get right away. Sometimes Keneng will lose his head. It’s better not to do such a thing. Otherwise, the one who suffers in the end must be his own. So they would rather live a lifetime like this without error and no credit. This is the best. Can you save your life?

One hour is like this, two hours is still like this. Seeing that the afternoon is approaching, the banquet over there should start to be prepared. This guy is still drinking vigorously here, and this guy often takes out the Cao's firm. The banknotes came to ask for wine, and the boss hurriedly put them back in. When is this? These things were like waste paper some time ago. After seeing them, some of the guests around wanted to come up and beat this guy. They all had a big loss for one meal. If it weren’t for this Cao’s firm, their keneng wouldn’t eat in the lobby like they do now. Some people in keneng would eat in the upper box. Yes, for this reason, Gu Xin is very unwelcome to see here, but when he sees the people around, he just talks casually, and these two intelligence personnel don’t care about them. They have to monitor these people. , Another aspect is to ensure their safety. If these people have any trouble in the capital of the Southern Empire, I can't afford it. When the time comes to blame, I can’t eat and walk around. Gu Xin’s acting is almost done at this time, and it’s time to play in the mall. I have a few minutes to play. These people get rid of them, and they still need to attend the welcome banquet in the evening. If they don't go, they will guess what.

"Damn, what are you doing to stop me? These **** Cao's business people. If it weren’t for them to get this **** banknote. I wouldn’t exchange all the money at home with this thing. A group of bastards, it turned out that this thing was like waste paper, a full 300,000 taels of silver. In the end, it was changed to less than 30 thousand taels of silver. I’ve spent a lifetime’s hard-earned money. Aren’t they here to negotiate? I am going to abolish this guy today, if it weren’t for them. Can I be what I am now? My wife is gone, and my children don’t follow my wife. The creditors in the family have more hairs than me. You must **** kill this bastard.” A guy came downstairs and said, seeing his appearance, it’s no longer enough for him to drink. A lot of people around went up to pull him, and so did the two intelligence officials. They don’t want such a person to cause any damage to the heads of the Cao’s business. If that’s the case, if this guy is an unimportant person, it’s okay to say, but there are such people in the capital of the Southern Empire twice. They also joined the ranks of persuasion. There are still many people in the Southern Empire who have brains. They, Cao’s businessmen, can’t move casually at this time. If they do any harm to them, it will affect the empire. At that time, all of these people would be able to decapitate their heads. Everyone didn’t want this big man to pass. Whose Gu Xin actually stood up? Many people thought that if this guy can get out Okay, what kind of war has started here in the province, otherwise it is really hard to explain if it really starts.

"Fuck you, why didn't you see you crying here when you used our banknotes? Back then, we all issued limited editions. Did we not want your banknotes? It's your Southern Empire The government, did the government of your southern empire seal our ticket number? Did they all take away the money? What does it have to do with us? They took the money away and wanted to give it to you Does it mean? It definitely doesn’t mean that. Your money was taken by people from the Southern Empire government. It has nothing to do with us. We are going to talk about this in this peace talk, as long as the peace talks are completed. , The money can be exchanged for you in full. If you don’t want to use it, you can use whatever you want. In short, you deserve it. Those people in the previous paragraph are from the Southern Empire government, and they all come out to exchange this thing. Don’t believe me? Okay, you can check it out. Is there no one from the Southern Empire government to redeem those banknotes? Why? People just want you people to suffer a dumb loss. You are all cheated. I’m still reading about other people’s goodness here. The people who exchanged money are also looking for them from the Cao Family Commercial Bank, but we can’t find them. Why? It’s not that they are all members of the government and the court, if not for them , Can we not find them with the power of our Cao Family Firm? Don’t be kidding.” Gu Xin said while practicing, not to mention, this guy said that he has a nose and eyes, and everyone around him wanted to beat him. , But every one of them stopped in the middle. It seemed that what this person said made sense. If that weren't the case, what did the Southern Empire government's banknotes do?

The two intelligence personnel are also low-level intelligence personnel. They both felt that the people of Cao's House of Business slandered the court of the Southern Empire and they were uncomfortable, but they didn't care about this matter, but they were in their hands at the beginning. The banknotes of the Southern Empire were indeed taken away by the upper echelons of the Southern Empire. In fact, the reason why the Southern Empire did that was to collect some while the price was low, and when they negotiated with Cao’s House of Business, they gave them these notes. As for the profit Yes, I really didn’t think that way. When it came to my own affairs, these two guys thought about it for a while, that is, after such a while, the few people were already in a group, and no one was watching at this time. A guy who looked exactly like Gu Xin came out from the next room, and even the clothes were the same. It was mainly because the people on the second floor were in a melee, and no one beat themselves. This was attacked. Naturally, people became angry. These guys started to fight back one by one, and no matter what kind of person they were in front of, as long as they were called, they were given a check, especially the two intelligence officials. They were beaten the most. They actually They wanted to protect Gu Xin. As for Gu Xin’s two bodyguards, they weren’t ready to come in at all. The people who did this were ordinary people. Gu Xin’s body was strengthened. UU Reading is even standing. If you ask someone to fight there, nothing will happen, and it's all about arranging things, there is no need to go up.

The sound of fighting here soon attracted people patrolling the road. After all, this is the capital of the Southern Empire. There are a lot of patrols on the road. There has been no such trouble for a long time. Generally speaking, Those who dare to make trouble in the capital are the more powerful brothers. Except for them, the people who come back here are not so courageous. The water here in the capital is very deep, and these people are not so easy to deal with. For this reason, sometimes the capital is very safe and no one dares to make trouble. When you come up to see, there is not a useful person here. They are all ordinary people. This is even more careless. The kickers separated these people, and the boss here is a relative of their boss. This is the frozen ground on Tai Sui's head. If you don’t show you the color of the shop, how can you do this? These **** things They have to be cleaned up one by one. Otherwise, how could they be the capital here? Gu Xin had already sneered into a private room on the third floor, and the guy below had already replaced him. An intelligence officer also found a soldier and said twice. The Cao’s merchant went downstairs with them. The rest of the troublemakers were not so lucky, and they all faced fines. , As for the people from the Cao’s business firm that caused trouble, they didn’t have the guts to make trouble in the past. Besides, there are people from the intelligence department. Our courage is not so fat. The people in the intelligence department are the most cruel. Yes, killings are often done. (To be continued...)

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