Energy Group

Chapter 466:

Later, He Chaoxiong was also frightened by the boss’s huge plan. Frankly speaking, this was the first time Li had confessed his plan in front of an outsider. If he wanted to be the number one in the world, he had to be the number one in every aspect. First, He Chaoxiong is also happy that he can be a part of the boss's plan, but when he can not call him the boss, it will be fine.

   Jinan Yaoqiang International Airport

There were a lot of rumors about the relocation of the headquarters of the energy group, but later they were detained after Li Cong’s statement. This time the energy group has acquired Hong Kong strongly. It stands to reason that the headquarters should also be moved to Hong Kong. After all, compared with Hong Kong. Jinan really did not have the advantage of becoming the headquarters at all, but Li Cong was a nostalgic person. He started in Jinan, so he stayed here, just like the land of Longxing by the ancient emperors.

Since the establishment of the Energy Group in Jinan, Jinan’s international airport has been expanded. It has been expanded until now and has basically become a major international airport. For no other reason, the Energy Group itself has dozens of passenger and transport aircraft that need to use the airport. The partners of the Energy Group also need to take a plane to the headquarters of the Energy Group. Let’s take a closer look at the partners of the Energy Group. They are all powerful energy suppliers, either by charter flights or their own special planes, the original Jinan Airport. Of course, it’s not enough, but the domestic aviation industry is not allowed to be privately operated. Li Cong can only expand the airport through sponsorship. After several years of construction, it is now basically the fourth largest in China after Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. The airport is out.

After learning that the chairman of the board of directors of the Energy Group returned to the headquarters, the top and second leaders of the provincial party committee all went to the airport to greet him, but Li Cong didn't understand very much that these two leaders had changed, and they were no longer the elders he knew The people here are a bit confusing for Li Cong. What does the central government mean?

In fact, Li Cong’s attendant’s office had already received the news before these things were done. It’s just that Li never cared much about official matters. In his opinion, we are legitimate businessmen and doing things to the country. With so many contributions, even those of us who are in power will not be able to offend our powerful businessmen and governments. But at this time, there is something wrong. I looked at my sister in the crowd with a questioning look, and when I saw my sister nod I started to talk about the official accents of these officials. Now Li Cong's official accents can’t be said to be proficient, he is definitely level. No wonder the chairman sometimes jokes that this guy can be a deputy governor at his level. .

"What do these two new leaders mean? I think they are very young. Didn't we get along well with the previous two leaders? Didn't the central government change the person to ask us?" Li Cong asked his sister what was going on. Although the conversation just now was perfect, it is always a little unsatisfactory to do things without acquaintances.

"This is a meeting ceremony arranged for you by your powerful friend in Beijing. From now on in Shandong, we have the final say. These two people also know our relationship with the Great Wall Club. Bai Chen personally arranged it for you. I didn’t figure out why the Great Wall Club became friends with us for a while. Recently, some of the Group’s domestic projects were given the green light by people from the Great Wall Club, which saved us a lot of things inside and out." Only the two of them knew about the affairs between Bai Chen, and even Li Yan, who was the director, was not very clear, so this question was raised.

"What's the matter? Your brother, I am the biggest sponsor of the Great Wall Club. It is not bad for him to give us this benefit. It turns out that it is such a thing. If you say so, I will understand. It turns out that it is the boy Bai Chen who wants me Knowing the strength of the Great Wall Club makes me feel that I did not spend money on him in vain. In fact, why bother?" Li Cong shook his head a little noncommittal, and suddenly thought that his son had already "inspected him a few days ago." "Yifan Energy Group."

Just when Li Cong wanted to ask, Li Yan said in advance. After all, this is not a trivial matter. In ordinary families, it’s okay for children to go to the place where their father works, but in the Li family, this is an attitude problem. Li Er is not the Li family. The average child is the next president, and the attitude of the group to him is also very important.

"Don’t talk about those things for now. Xiaoer has been in the company for a few days and tried to deal with some things. I think they are not bad, so I just implemented it directly according to his opinion. Our children are better than others. Smart, a ten-year-old child can already give correct guidance to such a large group." When Li Yan said this, the pride on her face can be seen by individuals. This may also be praised by her own blood. One way.

Although Li Cong is also proud, he just feels that his son started to intervene in the group too early. It is better to go back to the United States to study for a while. Now the children in the family are still young, and his daughter can't afford it. It is better for Li Yin to be in the United States before Li Yin grows up.

"There are a lot of smart children in our family, but it seems to me that my nephew is smarter, but my sister, why didn't you let him join the group to help you." This question has been raised several times by Li Cong, and his nephew is a He knows what kind of child he is best. He should be no less intelligent than Li Er, but his sister just blindly let him study. According to the family property of Li's family, it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t go to university, he can directly find some people to teach some. Business experience is necessary, but Li Yan strictly followed the country's education system to allow him to finish high school and go to college. In Li Cong's view, this is a waste of time.

Li Yan also knew that it was kind for her younger brother to transfer his son into the group, but at the moment there is no shortage of money in the family, and he does not have any good demands on rights. If his son comes in and mixes with his son, it will always be a little bad. , It’s better to let him go to school and leave him alone. Besides, his son likes the little brother at home, but he is not very interested in the big one. Why should he be arranged to go together? Li Erxiao At a young age, he was so careful in his mind, and within a few days he could tell that this cousin did not like him, so how could he let this cousin stay in the group? It would be better not to get in after being kicked out.

"Your nephew is not the material for doing business. Now he just went to university and was studying Chinese. I sent him to Beijing. Besides, he is also lazy and doesn't want to work very much. He just takes the money you gave him. Live a luxurious life, but there is one thing that your uncle can't compare to him. He has successfully broken up with his 15th girlfriend in his freshman year." I can see that my sister is very happy to talk about her son. That is, the son’s private life is not very careful, and in the eyes of the mother, the son has become attractive. On this point, Li Cong is indeed too far away from his nephew.

"Haha, this kid really knows how to enjoy life. It's been a long time since I saw Let him come back this weekend. I can't ask him to continue playing like this with such a carefree, I can't I listen to you. If you continue to play like this, you will have a prodigal at home. I don’t know what your mother thinks. I have to arrange a good job for him anyway.” In fact, Li Cong has already arranged a job for his nephew. , That’s the vice president of the New Energy Group’s chain stores. After integration, the Energy Group’s Wal-Mart Group and the Great Wall Home Appliances Chain Monopoly, plus the acquisition of some other large chain groups, have formed a super market with more than twice the market value of Wal-Mart. Chain hypermarkets, and the president is the former president of the Wal-Mart Group, let his nephew learn from him, and the president can be laid off after one or two years.

Li Yan smiled and didn't say anything. The meaning is obvious. I don't care about the things between your uncle and nephew. As long as you can please move him, then it's okay. If you don't move, I won't be my mother Blocked, his son can rest assured that he shouldn't get involved at this time.

Liang Zhen, who was going to school in Beijing, sneezed. I don’t know who is thinking about him again. Recently, my sneeze has become more and more. It may be because of the cold weather. I quickly give my millions of roadsters. Put up the shed. There are a lot of sports cars in the university, but there are not many with NY on the car license. Almost half of the university people know that this guy’s uncle is the boss of the energy group, but Liang Zhen is at school His reputation is very good, either helping his classmates or donating money. There is no pretense of being a young master, and he is also a brother to his classmates, but it is not so good among girls. The number of girls abandoned by him reaches 15 a year. , So although Zhang is handsome, no girl dared to pick this thorny grass, but when the grass leaned over, no one could resist his magic.


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