Energy Group

Chapter 467:

Li never went back to the company first but went home first. After all, he left his parents in the U.S. for so long a while ago. It is not his own responsibility. Now that he is free, he will be filial for two days. Anyway, the Energy Group is now undergoing renovations. It's about the administrative staff of my sister, and the pioneering boss of my own kind should not be concerned, otherwise it will be the same as Chiang Kai-shek's blind intervention in those days.

After two days of leisure at home, I was very happy when I watched my parents return to the days before leaving the country, but my son didn’t want to go back to the United States very much. He probably understood that even if he was useful, he would always stay away from power. The words in the center are not good, but the U.S. is an important place in the end. I don’t worry if I don’t have a son there, and on the other hand, the big guys on the Skull and Bones are not at ease. They all know the current situation of the energy group. Difficult enemy, let alone a family in the Skull and Bones, even if the two families combined, I am afraid that there will be no power group. If such a family is not its own ally, no one can sleep peacefully.

Li Er actually understands these things best, but the birth of his younger brother and the love of his grandparents for his younger brother have made him feel a crisis. Moreover, the Skull and Bones side is no longer as important to the energy group as it was when he was abroad. For many years, people in the family have basically no affection for themselves. Except for grandparents who treat themselves as usual, even their close relatives are mostly polite. After all, it is because of not living together for several years. He also knows that the energy group is in the future. In the past two decades, it must have been a family-owned enterprise. With his father’s temperament, he couldn’t open up these so-called royal families. Take my aunt, who used to be the second-in-chief of the energy group. Certainly, the position of director will not be tainted by others for at least ten years. My aunt treats herself indistinguishably from her younger brother, but she has no intention of leaning towards herself, so it is necessary to cultivate relationships with family members at home.

Today’s sun is very good, and it’s rare that both father and son have time. Li Congbian called his son to jog around Liyuan’s golf course. Before, he always felt that he had nothing. The most important thing was time, but now he doesn’t. So it’s the same thing. My son Zhang is so old, and he did not exercise more than ten times with his son. Basically, it is almost once a year. However, after each time, Li Cong always feels that his son has grown up. The average child is very precocious.

"Why don't you want to go to the U.S.? Are the days bad over there? You are the son of your father, and I have never treated you as a child. You have to understand that if you don't go to the U.S., all parties will be disturbed. "Although Li Cong knows what his son means, he has never said so positively. The father and son have often avoided such topics before.

   Li's eyes are a little complicated, and he glanced at Li Cong, don't he go back? All forces?

The Skull and Bones will definitely count as one, and the one who is more dissatisfied may be his "mother", although I believe that in Zhou Xue's name, my mother is not a city government, but I am not her at all. Come out of my stomach, when I don’t have a son, I might treat myself well. With my own son, I may not have the same interest in my own son, right? Is it a pillow for my father? No, based on what I know about my father, my father should be pretending to be his mother in his heart. Other women's fathers have love for them, but they are definitely not better than his own son. Is the father testing himself?

"My son wanted to stay at home for a few more days only because he missed his grandfather. Besides, the group has nothing to do. It's not that I don't want to go back when I take care of things in the United States. My son has adapted to life in the United States. My grandmother always keeps her son these days, so she stayed for a few more days." Li Er couldn't figure out what Li Cong meant. It's better to tell the truth. It's true that a grandmother rarely sees himself as a grandson.

Li Congda took a deep look at his son and said that there is no father and son in the heavenly family. As expected, he began to cover up his father. This is only a ten-year-old child. What's the matter? If I use this heart on outsiders, I am not very afraid. If I use it on his brothers and sisters, is it a reincarnation of Yongzheng? Thinking of this, Li could not help but smile again. There has also been news from the United States that Miss Yeke is pregnant and her reproductive ability is too strong.

"I don't interfere with you too much in the matter of your stay or stay. If you want to go back, go back, but don't want to go back. You will start working in the group tomorrow. The ancients are a ten-year-old official who worships Xiangguo. Although you are smart, you are compared with others. It’s still a lot worse. Let me be a confidential secretary. You should learn to do some things. As for the Skull and Bones, let your older sister get used to it. She has studied with your aunt for a long time, so she should go. I went out to take a look. It’s just that you should stay with you for a while, so that your sister can be familiar with it.” Li Cong looks at his son because he is softhearted. It is not as good as others to teach him. The son's character is so withdrawn.

Li Er rarely looked at his father with a simple and honest expression. He knew two things from his father’s words. One was that he was still his father’s sharp-hearted man. His father was going to personally train the president of an energy group. The other was My sister will definitely become the next Chief Executive Officer of the Energy Group. For this sister, Li Er also likes it in his heart, but I don't know what my sister thinks about herself. If you want to say that the adult children in this family are threatening to herself, you should This is the older sister. She knows her aunt's skills, but she doesn't know how she learned her aunt's skills.

"Is the father really saying that? If so, I don’t think I should go to the U.S., otherwise I have to stay with my sister in the U.S. for a year and a half and come back again. The things over there are too complicated, not my son. Boasting to be clever, it is true that if the sister goes there without the guidance of her son, I am afraid that she will have to take some detours of the son." Seeing the appearance of the little adult Li Er, Li Cong wanted to laugh, but thought that this child would still It’s not bad for someone who cares about his sister. In fact, from Li Er’s eyes, Li Cong saw that the child showed emotions when talking to himself and his I can’t wait for anyone else. Reject people thousands of miles away.

The spokesperson of such an energy group in the United States was replaced by Li Cong’s eldest daughter. The Skull and Bones also accepted this fact. In the eyes of Americans, sons and daughters are almost the same. After all, Americans are all descendants of British. The British can call a woman the queen, which shows how popular feminism is in Europe and America. In their eyes, sons and daughters are the same, as long as someone is there.

The mother here welcomes Li Er to stay in Jinan. The old man loves his eldest grandson. Although he has a little grandson like Li Yin, he is just a baby in the baby. It is incomparable to the one who can run and move. It's just that Zhou Xue thought that her daughter would go to the United States at such a young age, and she couldn't let it go, but on the surface she was still Li Er's mother, could she let her son go, this daughter could not fall? Besides, Li Cong had already arranged it. Who would dare not say anything in the family, but the eldest daughter went to the United States happily, saying that he was going to see where his younger brother lived.

Before leaving, Li Cong also handed over US$60 billion worth of industries to his daughter, and asked Li Er to stay with his sister for a longer period of time in the United States, saving her homesickness. In order to comfort his wife, Li Cong specially ordered from Boeing. I got two planes, one for my daughter and one for Zhou Xue, so that their wives can meet at any time. According to the rules, only Li Cong and Li Yan have special planes at home, and Li Er’s special plane is also assigned by the Skull and Bones. It is not funded by the energy group.

  Giving my daughter's assets is to allow her daughter to manage it when she is fine in the United States. As her own daughter, she should have this consciousness. Going to the United States is not only as simple as a proton, but also to train herself like Li Er.


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