Energy Group

Chapter 892:

Anderson doesn’t know what the minister thinks about. Anderson only knows that he needs this guy to do things for himself at this stage. Sometimes it’s not a bad thing to draw a pie for him. Anderson pulls his clothes and leaves. The fool minister who dreams of President Chunqiu.

Americans have always moved very fast. Just after seven hours of the meeting, a new round of counting began in the largest weapons reserve in Nevada, USA, with hundreds of counting staff. All the weapons that need to be scrapped here must be taken out within 48 hours, and then loaded on the train and shipped out. As for the destination of the train, these people don’t know, but they just know that this time they are definitely not going to be scrapped. If the field detonates directly, it may be sent to a third world country to fight a civil war.

The storage capacity of this weapon arsenal is approximately 250,000 tons, most of which are made in the 1990s. It has been about 20 years since now, and some young counters are even worse. One of the cannonballs here is old. These things seem to the American soldiers to be old-fashioned things. They refused to bring such weapons to the battlefield. Maybe they weren't killed by the enemy, so they gave them an expired cannonball. It’s too wrong to be killed.

But these things are simply the best weapons for the traditionally impoverished third world countries. The Soviet-style weapons produced in the 1960s are used in those countries. They are all very extravagant things, basically only their boss can have some.

After dozens of hours, this bullet library released about 70,000 tons of weapons and ammunition that need to be scrapped. The largest of these items are tanks, artillery, and bullets. These items can basically arm a division. There are US troops, but this is measured by the standards of the US military. If we go to Africa, it is estimated that these things are enough for 20,000 to 30,000 people.

With the operation of dozens of large transport vehicles, this mountain-like weapon is constantly changing, and eventually there will be nothing left after dozens of hours.

This kind of thing is happening in the United States, in European US military bases and other places where there is a US military arsenal. It seems that the US arms group is really going to make a big fortune this time, but there are also US military officers handling this matter. After coming out, the world is probably even less peaceful because of these arms, and these arms will at least cause more than 100,000 casualties.

In general warfare, there are three to five civilian casualties for every soldier killed or injured. So, if you add up the total, nearly 500,000 people will die from this batch of arms. In Africa, where there is basically no security, this number is still Will increase.

Los Angeles Energy Group Division

Today's Li Er just started to inspect all the second-level and above branches in the Americas. He was watching the operation of the group and saw his secretary walking towards him quickly. Generally, Li Er hated it very much when he was doing something. I was disturbed by another thing, but the most important thing is also done. Seeing the secretary looks like this, Li Er knows that today’s things can’t be done anymore, but since I arrived in the United States, what things can I do? It.

"Master, if something goes wrong, the U.S. military has begun to deliver weapons on a large scale, but we still don’t know the end point. These weapons and ammunition have been counted out last night, and the people in their hands are all U.S. soldiers. Jīng British character, our infiltration plan with the investigation department failed." Li Er heard such a news after calling everyone back.

The U.S. military is the largest armed group in the world, and their every move is related to the operation of the entire world. The reason why my father allowed himself to come to the United States and the lair of the Skull and Bones to be minister, I am afraid that he has to be here to reflect himself. The value of it.

"I see, you just keep working hard. By the way, at the Caesars in the evening, help me meet my playmates in the Skull and Bones. If you want to come, don’t force it. I haven't seen them in the United States for such a long time. It's really impossible to explain." Li Er did not show a panic, and said that this man is more calm than his old man.

Li Er’s playmates in the Skull and Bones are basically the first and second heirs of the major families of the Skull and Bones, but at this time in Los Angeles, if Li Er offers them, he can only make appointments to the second heirs of their major families, because The first heir is now at the headquarters of the Skull and Bones. This month happens to be when the Skull and Bones is holding its general assembly. Li Er, who is familiar with the statutes of the Skull and Bones, must have his own meaning. The secretary promised to leave. out.

"It seems that some of the lines I left in the Skull and Bones are now finally being used. I just don't know if these guys can surprise me." Li Er quietly said to himself, as Li Cong's son, Energy The next president of the group, he stayed in the Skull and Bones for so long, how could he not leave anything? If it is really like that on the surface, then he is too incompetent. I guess my father understands that he has such a queen. The hands will arrange themselves.

Gertsen Yec is the seventh grandson of Anderson Yec, and his talent belongs to the upper reaches of the entire Skull and Bones. Originally, if he didn’t have his perverted brother, I’m afraid this guy would have to be the next heir of the Yec family. It’s a pity that he still has a wicked younger brother like Li Er. It turns out that Li Er and his younger brother are known as the most talented young people in the generations, but he can only hide behind his younger brother. This makes a person who is an older brother very dissatisfied, but his grandfather's eyes are always on his younger brother, and it is obviously very difficult to think of himself.

I came from a nuclear family and I would definitely join the board if I didn’t make a mistake when I grew up. However, there are 20 directors after the reorganization. These 20 directors are a superior existence to others, but for Gertson He said that as long as he is an adult, this is what he deserves, and there is nothing to show off. What he needs is that the gold council above this council and even the five giant conferences have their own seats.

Looking at the invitation in his hand, and thinking of the Chinese boy who used to rectify himself before, Gertsen’s face showed a bad smile. At that time, Li Er was a stranger in the entire Skeleton Club because he was A person of the yellow race, although there is no racial discrimination in the Skull and Bones, it is still very different. Everyone wants to bully this yellow guy. But after everyone suffers, they honestly stop messing with this guy. Among them is Including this twenty-year-old Gertson.

At this time, Gertensen naturally knew what this son was going to do, so he was hesitating whether he should go or not. If he did, he would be suspected by the family no matter if he had done anything to sell the family. , Maybe my second heir’s seat will be unstable, but if I don’t go, then I will lose a lot of it, maybe I can only die in the second heir’s seat in my entire life, waiting for my cruel one When the younger brother ascended to the position of Patriarch, he would not leave himself behind, because he knew that only himself among a dozen brothers could threaten him.

Although the power of the energy group in the Americas has decreased drastically in recent years, its overall strength is still greater than that of any individual family in the Skull and Bones. This is the so-called skinny camel is bigger than the horse, if you It's just betrayed this time, if you use this guy's hand to get rid of the younger brother in front of you, the family will have no choice at that time. Your other brothers are either idiots or làngdàng sons. Would the family put themselves to death? That is absolutely impossible.

"You go to Master Li, saying that I must be there at night." After thinking for a long time, he finally made such a decision. Of course, he also knows how difficult and difficult it is to get out of this step. Maybe if he gets it right. I will be the future president of the Skull and Bones. If I am wrong, maybe I will have no bones in the future. Isn't it necessary to be a human? Let yourself be a member of the board of directors for a lifetime.

The assistant glanced at the young master who had been serving him to the elder in surprise. There was no **** in his eyes. He nodded and went out. He understood his master’s choice very well. Unfortunately, he was sent by the master to teach the young master. Now the young master is going to do something wrong. If it’s just one thing, then the master will definitely be happy to see the young master eaten up, because that can promote the young master’s growth, but this time it’s not possible, because what the young master does will damage the whole Skull and Bones, so the assistant did not hesitate to call Anderson Yeke's phone after leaving the mén. This matter is no longer a matter for him to decide, and the chairman must decide.

It's just that at the moment this entourage took out his mobile phone, his life has come to an end. A knife has cut the blood vessel in this guy's neck, and blood spurted out instantly, and the red blood looked so terrifying. The glass in front of him turned into red. He knew that the young master’s personal guard had this ability. He didn’t expect that all this was what the young master expected. He regretted it a little bit. If he didn’t call, maybe this would happen. The child will not die by himself.

"Twenty years, Uncle Clark, I thought you would be on my side. I didn't expect that grandfather is more important to you. Then I will ask you to meet God first. My plan is very important, so You can't live anymore. I will send your family down to reunite with you soon. This is the price you paid for betraying me." The young Gertson walked out of the house and motioned to his guards to take this shameful traitor. Tow away.

In this situation, similar things have happened in three other places throughout the United States. It’s just that some people are directly much smarter than Gertson, and they didn’t even alarm these families to send people to take care of themselves and say to monitor themselves, so they can do so. To the point of not screaming.

Even Anderson himself would not have thought that his grandson would betray him one day, Li Er, who he called a talented fellow, unexpectedly disintegrated the next generation of the Skull and Bones in silence.

In fact, these things were learned by Li Er at the Skull and Bones. Every big family will have some proud and unwilling heirs. As a sè's ruling power, you are definitely not the proud heir, because that No one will give you anything. The one who gives you the best benefit is the unwilling heir...

This passage is from the textbook compiled by the Skull and Bones. The young masters who came to this room today understood this sentence. Li Er also used this passage as his opening remark.

"Unexpectedly, so many years have passed. You still remember our textbooks. Today we just verified this sentence. Let’s just say, what kind of ease do we need to push me or us into the leader of the Skull and Bones. Layer.” Gertsen and the other four looked at Li Er in front of him. This guy has grown up and his height is about the same as his own, but if he wants to talk about his mind, he might not be able to keep up with the guy in front of him when he is tied together.

"Hehe, the things the teacher teaches are sometimes useful. I always feel that the things we learned in Skull and Bones are far more brilliant than the things we summarized after we came out. Don’t be so straightforward, everyone for so many years. No see, let’s have a drink, but I brought a few bottles of good wine, this is my dad’s collection, it has been opened for several times." Li Er snapped his fingers, and naturally someone put it away. The red wine of the last century was brought up. This thing is not something you can buy with money. This gadget is very rare. According to legend, there are only less than ten bottles in the world, and the price of each bottle is as high as hundreds of thousands. The euro, I didn't expect a bottle to appear here today.

Although the young masters here are very wealthy, this thing is not something you can buy with money, so it is also very precious to them.

"It's really a good wine, but I want to know the purpose of your coming to us, or the question I just asked, how should we cooperate." Gertson's patience used to be very good, but it is too much today. Be nervous. I am afraid that no one knows the relationship between the Skull and Bones and the energy group better than the people in this house. They came here to prove that they were sitting on the hardest thing in their lives and betrayed their family. In exchange for their own interests.

"Our cooperation is a very large plan. Now let's talk about the first thing we want to cooperate. I need to know the destination of the US military arms. What I paid is 2 billion US dollars per person." Li Er I also know that I can only do this right now, and I can give them not much when I first arrived in the Americas. This question is very simple for these people.

A few people obviously feel inappropriate to the price offered by Li Er. Although two billion US dollars is not a big amount, it is only a year's pocket money for these people. They will not spend the two billion dollars in pocket money. It is really worthless to put money on the back of a betrayal organization betraying the family.

"Li Er, if you don’t have the sincerity of cooperation, then I think we’ll just drink more wine and talk less about business today." said a young nv next to Gertsen. This young nv is the one who fell in love with Li Er back then ǎo girl, now she is a very beautiful young girl, even when Li Er sees her, she will look nostalgic.

"Hehe, you guys, Shaoan, don’t worry, I said that this is only our initial cooperation, and don’t you think I’ve paid a lot? Look at your side, although you have felt this way before, but you I don’t know what the other party is thinking. I asked you to meet each other. In the future, you will all be in the same boat. This simply forms an alliance for you, a second heir’s alliance, this But it's priceless." Li Er said, shaking the glass in his hand.

After hearing what Li Er said, everyone suddenly felt that this guy really made sense. The four people here belong to four families. They are all dissatisfied with the current situation, but it is difficult to change anything with their own strength, although they usually I am clear, but I didn't say it. This is really a good alliance. If they are to build it on their own, it will definitely cost more money and time. It is very troublesome to test each other.

Although they have agreed with Li Er's statement, these people will not follow Li Er's words. They are all very clear people. They know that a lot of profits can be made in this matter. Will they stop like this? That's too sorry for themselves, they know how much the intelligence in their hands is worth.

In a broad sense, Li Cong's people in Africa are worth trillions of yuan, hundreds of billions of dollars. Is it possible for Li Er to take away billions of dollars?

"Hehe, I said that this is only the first time to cooperate, so the money still brings a favor of course, only one of you can share this favor, if anyone wants to come to me If you can help, other people have to agree. If you still hold on, then our āoyi can be cancelled, and after you go back, you will not get anything and face family inspection. You are here but Doing things that the family is not satisfied with." Li Er was like a devil at this time to coax these teenagers.

Li Er’s favor is very valuable. The two billion dollars this guy gave should be able to buy the family responsible for the assessment. This trouble of his own should pass, and as he said, this is the beginning, and there will be more in the future. The opportunity for cooperation, if the meeting ends without getting anything, it will eventually be a few people who will suffer. After a few people changed their eyes, they decided to cooperate with this guy.

"Okay, this cooperation has become āo." Gertson, as the eldest brother among them, made a fist with Li Er. It was a verbal agreement, and Li Er immediately asked the secretary to transfer 8 billion U.S. dollars to them. On the account.


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