Energy Group

Chapter 893:

Episode 893

In fact, Li Er is not very sure that these guys will definitely cooperate with him. Perhaps the benefits he proposed cannot move them. He is not 100% sure about anything, and he may even leak his own after he made this request. Intention, then nothing is done, and if you sell yourself, you will become the biggest loser.

Now that eight billion dollars plus one favor, I have gotten something that I haven't figured out. I have made a lot of money. This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that I finally managed to fix the restlessness in the Skull and Bones. The factors are combined. After the existence of these people, the Skull and Bones may not be so stable.

In fact, there are many people like them in the Skull and Bones, but there are not so many people who have the courage of them. If you are not adventurous, you will not get a lot of cooperation with him in the end, but as long as you have the strength and don’t If you are stingy, you might want to know some news.

"Li Er, I think I have something you like very much here. You will pay a big price to buy it. It's better to talk about it in private. I first declare that I got this thing accidentally. For us people Basically it is of no use, but it is very useful for Li Er. It is about a political family in China." Gertson said, seeing other people's suspicious eyes and quickly explained.

Li Er gave this guy a surprised look. What can this kid have for him? I have a lot of money in my hands. It’s not bad for these people to have 2 billion US dollars a year. But now that these people become the league, they will never be satisfied with 2 billion US dollars a year. They want to keep going. In order to get more money to buy more people, in the entire Skull and Bones or the entire United States, nothing can be done without money.

"I would love to see what I am interested in Gertsen, if you have time, go out and play a few, if you come to the Caesars Palace and haven't gambled a few, it is really white Here, although it’s not as good as Las Vegas, I’m sure it’s a little bit worse than there. My subordinates have prepared a bargaining chip worth 10 million dollars for everyone. Everyone has fun."

Naturally, such a little guy who knows how to live Li Er would not let these young masters sit here and wait for him. Several people also like gambling. They all took a look and smiled and walked out. They still stay here. Talk to these two guys about serious matters. Ten million is not too much, and less is not too much. Every time they enter the casino, it is basically 30 to 50 million dollars to play. This little money Skull and Bones can still supply them. of.

Moreover, this is not China. It is normal for the young master of a large family in the United States to play hundreds of millions of dollars a night. In China, Li Cong's sister Li Hui is 30 million yuan a night.

"I'll show you half of the things first, and see your bid. I'll see if I want to give you the rest." Gertson took out his own mobile phone, although it looks like an Apple on the market. The machine is the same, but the function is more than ten times more.

"Hehe, Gertensen, you are so careful. You should have known since you were a kid. The last thing I lack is money. If your news is useful, there will be no problem with another two billion dollars." Li Er looked at He knew the news by the way he was obviously very useful, and this guy was short of money, he would definitely not come out with general information. Sure enough, this guy's eyes brightened when he heard Li Er said two billion dollars. At once, naturally he also knew that this news could not be sold at such a high price.

The projector that comes with the phone shines on the wall, and the waiter next to him dimmed the light in order to make Li Er see more clearly, so that Gutson could not see the expression on Li Er’s face. It’s impossible to judge the price of this item correctly. Gertson obviously realized this, and gave the waiter a fierce look, but this is Li Er’s place, and he’s not good to go crazy, but if this is a good thing If that is the case, Li Er shouldn't play with himself for the long-term benefit.

What appeared on the screen were some famous buildings and commercial centers in the United States. The most important thing was a bustling street in New York, USA. Li Er really didn't understand what this guy was doing to himself.

"Could it be that because I am a Chinese, Gertson, do you want me to see these American monuments? But don't forget that I grew up in the United States with you." Li Er looked bored. He knew that Gertson would definitely have the following. Although he was boring, he obviously wrote down these places in his heart. Even if the business fails for a while, if he asks people to check these places, he will quickly find out. of.

"Hehe, of course not. The things I showed you just now belong to the same family, a Chinese family, a Chinese political family. As far as I know, this family is still a bit out of your family. I don’t know this. How much money can the news sell for?" When Gertson said that, Li Er immediately realized that these things belonged to the Qiao family.

Li Er concealed his shock. It is not unusual for a political family like the Qiao family to be rich, but it is surprising that there is so much money. These things add up to more than 30 billion US dollars. It is simply impossible to get the strength of the Qiao family. This can only show one thing, the Qiao family is not clean, and if his father masters this, it will definitely stop the Qiao family immediately.

"Actually, you Chinese have been rumored a long time ago about someone's street. Now it is here. What they said is true, but you have not figured it out. If you need all the evidence from these owners, I will help. You are done, you also know that it is more convenient for me to do things in the United States than you, but I also charge a fee, but this time I don’t want you to use the money to give it to me, I want to lend you a contact from your Li family in Los Angeles The place is the Caesar Palace at your feet, how?" Gertson’s offer is obviously also very amazing. The value of the Caesar Palace is far more than two billion US dollars.

An extremely large entertainment center covering an area of ​​more than 6,000 acres, the entire energy group spent a full five billion dollars on this happy nest. Although this guy is talking about borrowing, who knows when he will return, here With annual profits exceeding one billion U.S. dollars, this guy has an American background, and he will definitely be even more brilliant in his hands.

Although Li Er was reluctant to bear this Caesar Palace, he even more hoped to get the information in this guy's hand, and said after thinking and thinking.

"I can’t call the shots when it comes to the core assets of our group, but I can promise you something within my jurisdiction. I can’t lend you this Caesars Palace, but I can give it to you. Your 49% of the shares is my biggest bottom line. If it’s not possible, then I will apply what you just said that our trading will stop.” This is actually not Li Er’s greatest authority, Li Cong The authority given to him is that he can buy and sell any industry in the United States, and he can sell anything as long as he thinks it is beneficial to the group.

"Haha, very good, I said Li Er, can you organize a welcome ceremony? I want a beautiful check-in ceremony. As usual, I am already the second largest shareholder here, or I should be better than them tonight Good point, I should have more bargaining chips." Gertson also knew that his request was okay. The so-called wild asking price, Li Er just paid the money on the spot, and his goal was achieved.

"No problem, I will do it beautifully, as long as the day you give me the information, dude, you will be the chairman here and I am the deputy. Of course, you can play at will tonight, and I will pay for everything. "Li Er smiled and opened the heavy mahogany door for Gertsen. Gertsen also enjoyed this courtesy. In his impression, Li Er had never done this to others before, and he was indeed the first one. Up.

Gutson has always had a problem with gambling. Most of his money went to the casino, but it was all casinos under the Skull and Bones, so his name was not targeted by the American media, but In general, this bet can't miss his business. After finishing the business, his hands have already started to itchy. Watching the waiter send tens of millions of dollars in chips, it seems that he will be playing all night tonight.

If there is no such information from Gertson later, it is estimated that Li Er will follow them to play together at this time, but Li Erke will not have the ability of his old man to win every gambling. When Li Er was gambling Usually like ordinary people, ten bets and nine loses, so he is not very interested in this thing, it is purely for fun, every time he loses a few million and stops, it is purely a small bet for pleasure. .

Now that I knew such important news, I naturally couldn't continue playing, but hurried to the command center at the bottom of this building.

"Give me everything out and pick me up Jinan right away. No matter what my father is doing, find him right away." Li Er also knows the importance of this matter. He knows that although the Qiao family is not doing anything now, it does not mean it. The Qiao family is easy to bully. He knows the affairs between his father and Qiao Mengyuan. Can the Qiao family give up? A political family like the Qiao family would certainly not be so easy to deal with.

It was still morning in Jinan at this time. Li Cong was jogging with his father in Li Yuan's yard. It should be an important thing to see Number One coming over with a phone.

"Master." Number One gave the old man a gift first, and then said to Li Cong, "It's the video call of the young master. I heard the master say that he missed his grandson a few days ago, so I quickly sent it to him." Yes, I also know that in front of the old man, don't tell him the bad things outside. The old man in the province is worried. Originally, the old man was angry at Li Cong's sending his grandson to the United States.

"Huh? It's small-eared, hehe, hurry up and give it to me, you two get away from me, and our father talks." As soon as the old man saw his grandson, he threw his son away. Li Cong followed the black thread of No.1. But he walked away, who knows what their grandparents are going to say.

Li Er saw that he was grandpa, and he was very happy. He thought that grandpa should be walking with his father during that time. When he saw grandpa’s concerned eyes, it seemed that the so-called important things just now were not important anymore. Now Li The ear is homesick like a child.

The grandfather and grandson talked for almost half an hour before the old man gave the phone to Li Cong. He also knew that it might be something about the company. He didn’t understand those things, so he didn’t listen to it. Let’s go for a stroll. No. followed the old man and went to answer the phone in the pavilion.

Li Er briefly reported his findings to Lao Tzu, especially this accidental discovery. It seems that Qiao's family really has many loopholes. Li Cong owns one, and now his son has discovered another one. , If the original one made the Qiao family hesitate, then the current one should make the Qiao family completely surrender.

"This matter should be carried out in secret first. This is not anxious. I still have a hole card that can hold Qiao's family. The most important thing now is two things. One is to rely on them to figure out the whereabouts of the arms, and the other is to Perfecting your network is very useful in the future. You have done a good job. Keep working hard, little guy. When you see you like this, Dad feels a little old. Seeing you become a good person is more happy than I am doing things. A lot.” Li Cong praised his son very rarely.

Li Er was also very excited. His father had always been very strict with himself. Sometimes he envied his little brother in the family. He didn't need to learn from this and that since he was a child. He did everything a child should have. Yes, some toys have not even been seen by himself, and he does not want to learn those business things at all. His daily idea is to play everywhere, and his father loves that guy very much. It seems that he wants the eldest son to inherit the family business. , The second son came to enjoy the blessing.

Li Cong hung up after a few more words of encouragement. It seems that he was really right to send this kid to the United States. He really didn't let himself down. This guy received such an important message in just a few days. The cultivation of this kid over the years has not been wasted.

"Haha, I caught you as a bastard, and I knew that spraying water on Grandpa, spanking, or crying, haha." When Li Congzheng was thinking, not far away his father was playing with his little son. Well, this scene made Li Cong really happy in his heart, and it was a very happy feeling to see his family living happily together.

Li Yuan is very safe, but Li Yuan’s safety needs many reasons. He, his eldest son, and the tens of thousands of core personnel in the energy group are protecting these things. Looking at the happiness that he protects, it is really accomplished. Feeling, Li Cong also joined this grandfather and grandson. After playing for a while, the mother in the main building in the distance called the servant to come and ask them to eat breakfast. The other little princesses are already in the house. Waiting.

Because it was Li Yinluan’s birthday the day before yesterday, Li never asked her daughter to go to Australia for her birthday. He waited until her birthday before going to Australia. She seemed very calm about her being in charge of Li Yinluan, although she did not have the same kind of brother Li Er. Talented, but the cost is to be very calm, to do everything without fail, not to ask for merit, but to ask for nothing. As the executive director of the next-generation energy group, it is really a good candidate.

"Dad, my sister talks about a lot of songs now. You should spend more time with your younger siblings at home. Xiaoer and I have both grown up. We only need to leave the company's affairs to us. The family also needs a father." Before Li had sat down, Li Yinluan criticized him. In the past few days at home, he found that his father's eyes were always focused on himself and Li Er, and he was basically not very concerned with the other children in the family. Questionable.

Li Cong smiled awkwardly, and looked at the circle of small heads on the table. Yes, he is too responsible for them. Some children are not very familiar with him when they are born, just know that person. It is his own father. Compared with the childhood that Li Er and Li Yinluan spent in Li Cong’s office when they were young, they are far worse. When their sister told them about the days spent in the office, their eyes Envy is everywhere.

"Hehe, why don't I return to the mode of looking at children in the office from today? Are you okay?" Li Cong thought of a way to alleviate the he is not always in Jinan's office, but As long as they are not in a dangerous place, they can still be taken with them. Anyway, I have thousands of square meters in offices everywhere, so there is no problem finding a few hundred square meters to play with the children.

"Okay, long live Dad." A bunch of children shouted happily, but in the end because of the father's opposition, this plan can only be reduced. Only two people can go to work with Li Cong every day, and the others still have to stay at home. The old man plays, and the old children also need someone to accompany them.

A street in Qiao's house? Haha, Li Cong thought of this question in the car when he was at work. It seems that no matter what kind of person the Chinese are, they will think about their children and grandchildren first. This is also the case for themselves, but this is for the people of the entire country that trusts him. Does it seem too much.

What a high reputation Qiao has in the whole country, if he exposes both of the two items in his hand, there may be a political earthquake in the whole of China, so he can't say it without a last resort. Besides, there is also Qiao Mengyuan’s level, and she can’t do things so absolutely. The best way is for Qiao’s family to know about this, and then take the initiative to make peace with herself, so that both parties will be in peace, but Will the Qiao family do that? Li never knew that this is a future thing, and no one can master it, but it is best not to hurt both sides. His main enemy now is the Skull and Bones. He doesn't have too much energy in the country, and he has no skills. RV! ~!

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