Energy Group

Chapter 911:

Episode 911

After leaving Mén, the prime minister went to his own special plane and was still thinking about what Li Cong had said. This is too much. It is really annoying that a large national enterprise should use the rights granted by the state to openly leave. This is really a blow to the hearts of private enterprises. How much pressure Li Cong can withstand to win such a situation for the country. Two pricing for one kind of goods is originally an aspect that has caused disputes. People in his own country do not want to thank Li Cong still has someone making money with this, which is really unacceptable. m

"Prime Minister, I have found the information you want." The first secretary of the Prime Minister came over with the information of PetroChina. He didn't know what happened just now. Why the Prime Minister suddenly became interested in oil companies, and it was still the original The two largest domestic oil companies, although the two major oil companies are not as good as they used to be, they are also absolute behemoths. If the prime minister wants to work on these two major companies, I am afraid it will not be so easy to handle, but a secretary of his own does not ask. Talking by yourself is a big taboo.

"Well, you sit down too. I don't know much about this, and I have to ask you a lot of questions." The prime minister took the information and looked at it. Obviously, the information was edited by the secretary. Some high-level officials have added a note after the name. This is a code word between the prime minister and his secretary. Only these two people can understand it. At this time, the code word above refers to which faction this person belongs to, and he stands behind him. who.

The prime minister did not pay much attention to the first few people. They are all at the highest level. Such people are basically a benchmark in themselves. There is no need to rely on others' names. It depends on the middle and high-level cadres. On the third page, two people finally came into the sight of the Premier, one named Wang Zuoyi and the other named Li Lanhai. Both of these guys belonged to Vice Chairman Wang, and one of them was the director of the CNPC’s External Liaison Office. The other is the head of PetroChina’s office. If these two people want to do what Li Cong said just now, it should be very common.

"Do you know anything about the information of these two people, especially about energy consumption." The Prime Minister pointed to these two people and said. He was sure that his secretary knew more detailed things than he knew. That is to say, if Wang Shaobin really had the possibility of leaving, the two of them would definitely not pick themselves out.

The secretary glanced at it and knew exactly what was going on. It must be a matter of energy loss. This is already an undisclosed secret at their level, and everyone looked at Vice Chairman Wang’s face and turned a blind eye. For a glance, Wang Zuoyi is Vice Chairman Wang's nephew nv son-in-law. It is strange to say that this matter has nothing to do with Vice Chairman Wang.

"Prime Minister, these two people are Vice Chairman Wang’s people. They both joined PetroChina after Vice Chairman Wang entered the Politburo. They have been able to work in recent years, but their hands and feet are not very clean. Rely on your own rights to spare some energy." The secretary hasn't figured out what the prime minister means, so naturally he can't say too badly. Maybe the prime minister is also interested in this way. Living is to find someone to cooperate.

"Put up some energy? I think it's going to go out with sī energy. What's the specific number?" The prime minister looked at his secretary a little angrily. This guy was also very aggressive when he followed him. He didn't expect the past few years. After the days of the State Council, this boy has reached this level. Where did the big boy go.

"In the past few years, they just dumped some electricity. Since last year, they have moved to environmentally friendly oil. Last year, four million tons were sold out. They were all in Japan and South Korea. The profit should be very objective. When it comes to Japan, it is cheaper than international energy, and they can earn at least about 10%." The secretary also saw the prime minister's efforts and answered honestly.

Ten percent? Ten percent of the four million tons is 400,000 tons, and the net profit is also billions. Moreover, four million tons can be enough for a provincial capital city to consume for a year. Li Cong’s report to himself is that the amount from China There are more than 50 million tons of environmentally friendly oil flowing out in this way. If this number continues to expand, Li Cong will consider reducing China's share.

"Húndan, how dare they? The country has cultivated them for so many years, they will do this? Ask me immediately to ask the chief of customs, the minister of public security, and the minister of energy to go to the State Council for a meeting, and ask their leaders to come over. Let me dig it out and kill the monkey. Let me see how many people feel that their necks are stiff enough to see if they are afraid to chop." The prime minister thought it was a fight, and I thought the number given by Li Cong was a lot. Fictitious, but when I investigate it myself, this is just one person and there are 4 million tons per year. Then the 50 million tons per year that Li said is also a conservative figure.

"Yes, don't be angry, I will do it right away." The secretary was really scared at the moment. He wanted to ventilate those people, but originally thought it was the general ideal to give them a look, no Thinking that the Prime Minister is going to play for real this time, he will directly investigate and deal with them. Now I can't talk too much. If the Prime Minister's plan is disturbed, then my path will end.

The Prime Minister has a headache and a little sad. These people really forget the interests of the people when they see a little bit of petty gain. Now this turbulent society says that nobody really listens to this, but these people's actions are really too great. Too much. If Li Cong takes this as an example to reduce domestic supply or restore unified pricing, then the people will suffer.

"The Prime Minister has made an appointment for you. You can disembark and talk to them as soon as you arrive in Beijing, um.. There is one more thing to report to you. Actually these two people are not the biggest, the biggest oil. The sī is still in Fujian. The largest sī in our country every year is there, but we don’t have enough evidence, it’s just a guess, um..." The secretary can’t say anything here, there is really nothing left. It's hard to tell the next words.

"What the **** is going on with you today? I didn't see you hesitating before asking about things. Why are things bureaucratic recently? Use your energy back then. If you are in such a working state in the future, I can only give it to me. I’ve gone to find another secretary. You’d better find another job.” The Prime Minister said impatiently, the leader and the secretary should be the two closest talents. This guy hides himself so much, so what else will he do in the future? Do it for him.

"Don’t talk about the useless things, I don’t know you anymore. If you don’t have complete evidence, how could you come and tell me about this? Although you have only been with me for five or six years, I think I’ll see Human skills are still okay." The Prime Minister said angrily.

"Prime Minister, in fact, the person who presided over Fujian is your daughter-in-law, Wang Yue." After the secretary said this, he felt as if he had been released after serving his sentence. It was too constrained just now, but if this cancer is not removed, , The prime minister's future official career may have various troubles, perhaps even the peaceful completion of this term is impossible.

"What? Which Wang Yue? My daughter-in-law fù? ǎo Yue? Can't it." At this time, the prime minister felt all his blood rush to his brain. How could this be possible? My daughter-in-law fù was in a university. My teacher, he is less than forty, how could he do such a thing?

The prime minister’s daughter-in-law fù Wangyue is the nephew of Vice Chairman Wang, and the cousin of Wang Shaobin, because he used to be very close to Vice Chairman Wang, but because of his disagreement with the Energy Group, he left recently. It’s a bit far away. In the prime minister’s heart, the grievances of sī people are the problem of sī people and cannot be brought to work.

At this time, the Premier remembered Li Cong's tone just now. He only reminded PetroChina, but the way that guy said he didn't intend to just say this. Did he already know it? Is it just because of your own sī person relationship that you didn't tell yourself all? It's really sad. If this thing is true, and I call the second generation of anti-corruption and anti-government in front every day, there is such a thing in my own family, then who I am, how is it different from those who have been investigated by myself? ?

"Prime Minister, don’t worry, this matter has not been confirmed yet, just the rumors I heard, don’t worry." The secretary did not expect the Prime Minister to be in such a hurry, and quickly took out the Prime Minister’s heart-saving pill. Give it to the Prime Minister. If something goes wrong, your own responsibility will be great.

After five minutes, the Premier drank a glass of water and finally it was better. He signaled his secretary not to be nervous and sat down.

"You have been with me for five or six years, and you should know me. I am one person and two are two. What I hate most is the problem of corruption and privileges. I didn't expect that the things that happened all my life would still be There is a problem in my own family. I have to say that the people all over the country know what face I have? How can I educate others? Tell me about it. Does my rebellious son know this? It's their husband and wife. Did the two do it together, or only Wang Yue did it?" The Premier also felt extremely uncomfortable when he said it. What's the difference between doing this kind of thing alone and doing it by a couple, just let yourself be relieved.

"Prime Minister, your son did not participate in this matter. The chief planner of this matter is your daughter-in-law. The son of Vice Chairman Wang and the two people just now can only be members of their group. Subordinates, they are not a few of them, the least year they get more than 10 million tons, the most year is tens of millions of tons. It is said that Li Cong’s people have already dealt with them, but they don’t. After knowing the reason, it stopped." The secretary honestly replied that although the prime minister's son did not participate, he might not be able to escape this time. Those political enemies will definitely attack them with this.

Naturally, I know the reason why Li Cong didn’t do it. He has been fighting with Li Cong for more than ten years. He was the governor of Shandong Province when he started in Fei City. When I came to the central government, the No. 1 Chief Executive was still alive. I did not expect that he hadn't forgotten his affection for more than ten years. It seems that this matter must be handled by himself, no matter what, he still has to do things in his own family. It's over.

"Please sort out these information for me, and also help me push the appointment with the ministers just now, and take me home directly after getting off the plane, telling the children to go home to see me, don't say yes This matter is said to be going home for dinner. You take the guards and wait at the mouth of the mén. I tell you to go in and you can come in again." The Premier said weakly. This has been the case for decades. The Premier himself absolutely abides by the party discipline and state laws. , Your family members have to be the same as yourself, otherwise you will be sorry for the red flag on your head and sorry for the trust of the 1.3 billion people in you.

"Yeah." The secretary agreed and went out. When he went out, he seemed to be very relaxed. It seemed that he had gone back to the time when the Prime Minister wanted to choose the secretary a few years ago. At that time, he was chosen by the Prime Minister because of his courage. Unexpectedly, it was really right now. With the Prime Minister’s encouragement, what would I dare not to do in the future? Even if I failed, I would be able to take my own conscience and be worthy of the world.

After the meeting in Jinan, Li Cong wanted to call the prime minister to explain it, but after thinking about it for a long time, he still didn’t pick up the phone. He and the prime minister counted as a pair of years. This matter should trust the prime minister’s ability to judge. Although I also have elements of attacking Vice Chairman Wang, the bigger aspect is to be responsible to the people of the whole country. Now that domestic energy prices are so cheap, they account for double pricing. But if the situation becomes more and more serious, There will still be a serious energy shortage in the country. If you have stock here, you can give them a top, but what should you do when you don’t have it, raise the price? Wasn't my original intention just for nothing? What I got in exchange for my kindness was the stuff of these people.

The reason why Li Cong didn’t move Wang Yue was because of the Prime Minister. Li Cong felt that it would be bad for him to take down his daughter-in-law if he didn’t discuss with the Prime Minister. Li Cong absolutely believes that the Prime Minister will not go wrong. Yes, let alone the prime minister's daughter-in-law, even if the prime minister's son believes he will not escape, of course, vice chairman Wang may be involved in the middle. After all, your son and nephew nv are also involved.

"President, you don’t have to be so unhappy. We can’t blame us for this. If we don’t do anything now, the arrogance of these people will be even more arrogant. The people will lose the most by then, and the good things we have done will be It will turn into a bad thing." Wang Lingling persuaded Li Cong to look sad.

"What do you know when you are a girl? We Chinese people value feelings more than those foreigners. To be ashamed of one person is to be ashamed of the whole family, especially in the prime minister's home. The prime minister is a face-saving person. He is fighting corruption and privileges every day. I thought that I ended up at my home, and I didn’t have any news at all. I still relied on an outsider to wake him up. It seems that it will be difficult for me to see the Prime Minister in the future." Li Cong said helplessly. In terms of the prime minister's temper, he really won't have any contact with Li Cong except for official business. Maybe he feels sorry for Li Cong.

ǎo Girl film? It seems that I am not a few years older than you. I am not even younger than this girl. If you are over fifty, how would you appreciate this girl’s face every day, and the girl behind did not hear clearly, just listen clearly With this, the Ye Zijun sent a message to himself recently when he was okay. Maybe he really fell in love with himself, and didn't look at yourself, like a rogue. How could auntie see you?

"Hey, I said, did you wake up from sleepwalking?" Just as Wang Lingling was cursing the **** Leaf Army in her heart, Li Cong pushed her a bit. What's the situation, she was so stunned in broad daylight. .

"Ah...? What, what's the matter, what did you just say?" Wang Lingling looked a little flustered, she just lost her mind?

"Hehe, nothing, I didn’t say anything. Just looking at you, I think you’ve got something wrong. Have you fallen in love recently? I don’t know how old you are, and you should find someone next time. My aunt came to introduce you and put me on the top. What if I am addicted to this, what if you really fall in love with me." Li Cong said with a smile on his face. He had never done this with Dai Lai before. It’s a joke because he knows that Dai Lai doesn’t make such a joke with But Wang Lingling is different. The two of them also have a "part" at the beginning. Whether you admit it or not, let's follow it. You have met the parents, this is a fact.

Look at Li Cong, Wang Lingling’s brain has a black line on it. If she records all this and sells it to reporters, she still doesn’t know how much money she can sell. How could this guy not be with herself? It's a formality. No matter what Li Cong continues to say, he turned around and left. Is it true that he is in love with him? It's impossible. Since I saw that guy last time, I haven't said anything except for sending messages, and that guy has sent more and less by himself.

Wang Lingling can't feel it herself, but if you need to observe carefully, you can still tell that this girl will look at her mobile phone if she has nothing to do, and she also put her mobile phone in a silent state, as if she can see a text message like that. Very happy, if you are prepared, there will be no sense of surprise.

It's just that when Wang Lingling was looking at his cell phone, Li Cong also looked at his cell phone. A text message was not long.

"I'll take care of the sī thing, and have a drink in Beijing the next day." Li Cong felt a lot better when he saw this text message. It seems that the officials are not all under the protection of the officials, and there are good ones, at least this prime minister is One.

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