Energy Group

Chapter 912:

Episode 912

Li Cong took a look at the clock on the wall. There was basically nothing to do at this point. It was time to get off work. Who knew that Liu Ruhua broke in in a hurry. He never knew when he entered the door and stopped knocking. It seems that Li is her office from here.

"What's the matter? My chief minister, it looks like you seem to have annoyed you. Tell me, what years are these years, and anyone dares to live with us?" Li Cong knew it must be because of his own reasons. Otherwise, people can't come here to play.

"Who did you say that messed with me? You made this plan. You said that you will stay for two days after the meeting. But you refused to meet all the guests. I took care of everything. This group It’s not that I’m paid at work. I can’t meet so many people for ten minutes every two days. Let’s take a look at the purpose of these people. I have to talk to me about whichever one I can. Did you do the master’s?” Liu Ruhua saw that Li was so angry that he was a part-time worker. It’s okay for you to push me to the boss’s seat, but if you don’t give me the boss’s rights, I just Accompanied by drinking water to eat?

Li Cong scratched his head a little embarrassedly. You still have to do this job. Now there are mainly two or three companies in one area who want to do business with energy groups. Naturally, Li Cong can't just decide who to do it with. , Naturally find someone to test what kind of benefits they have given. This person has to be very familiar with everything in the group, and he doesn’t have much work at ordinary times. In fact, both Li Yan and Liu Yan can do this job, but One of the two is the director and the other is the executive vice president. Whichever one can't move after half a group, Liu Ruhua is a suitable candidate. Li never wanted her to do it and I am really sorry for her.

"Look at your behavior. How can this be done? If you have difficulties, you have no difficulties to create difficulties.. Well, I know you have worked hard." Originally, Li Cong still wanted to educate, but he looked at Liu Ru When drawing the murderous eyes, it turned off immediately. At this time, if this girl is annoyed by this girl, turn around and sing an empty city plan to herself, would she have to grind his teeth with those guys in person?

"But now the group is really familiar with you and them, and you understand the situation of the group, and you can find their way as quickly as possible. If others go, they can’t get back so much information, isn’t it? This is a manifestation of reusing you. Ah, how about I double the salary this year." Li Cong knew that he was wrong when he finished speaking. Is Liu Ruhua the greedy person? After the money reaches a certain level, it will be more so. It basically doesn't matter if it's a little bit less.

"Huh? This big president is really big money. My after-tax salary last year was 400 million U.S. dollars. That's not counting other bonuses. Is it someone who lacks that little money? Even though I don’t have money as you , But I will spend the rest of my life without any worries.” Sure enough, Liu Ruhua put the teacup heavily on the table as soon as he heard this, and the voice could be heard two miles away, and deal with it. The methods of ordinary employees are really useless against people like Liu Ruhua.

Li Cong couldn't wait to slap himself directly. At this time, he said this, which is really not the pot that is opened or the pot.

"Hehe, Comrade Minister, can't I make a mistake? I know that Minister Liu is a good young man with ideals. It is definitely not because of this little money. After a busy day, let’s go, boss, I will invite you to eat. Yes, the restaurant told me a few days ago that a batch of Japanese premium abalones were brought to me. I went to eat them. Originally, these things were meant to entertain a few guests. Now it seems that those guests are far away. Which one can have Our Minister Liu is precious." Li Cong said with a smile. Anyway, I'm fine at night, and I don't suffer from eating with a beautiful woman.

"Extreme abalone? What's so delicious about that thing, I think you just don’t feel good about it, so follow me to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, go home and fry two dishes for me. I have eaten too much of that stuff. How?" When Liu Ruhua finished speaking, he felt that his face must be at least one hundred degrees. Why did he say this? Isn't it too obvious?

Li Cong never thought that Liu Ruhua would say that. For a while, he didn't know how to answer it. However, if he refused, it might be that Liu Ruhua would not be so close to him in the future, but if he agreed, this The girl would definitely think of something else.

"What's wrong with that, our cooking skills can't keep up with the national first-class chef, and the second-class is no problem. Let's go, I will give you a hand today, as long as you don't bite your tongue and rely on me." He picked up his coat and told Liu Ruhua to leave.

"Cut, you know bragging, but I also bought instant noodles at home. If I really can't eat it, I can just eat that, and I can't let your cooking poison me." Liu Ruhua pouted. Followed Li Cong out.

It’s okay for people at the group secretariat to see Liu Ruhua coming out with Li Cong. One is the group president and the other is the head of the public relations department. Maybe Li Cong and Liu Ruhua go out for dinner together. It may have caused gossip, but if you talk to others, the company will be full of rumors the next day, but if the people here know that these two people go out to eat alone, they must have other thoughts. If a couple goes home for dinner, it is even more thoughtful.

The two drove directly to a vegetable market near Liu Ru. Li Cong felt that he had not been here in ten years. Before, when he had no money, his family wouldn't let him go out to buy vegetables. I don’t have anything to do with this. I think that the last time I came to the vegetable market was due to the acquisition of a certain vegetable market to change the energy base, but I can’t remember exactly where it is. There are so many acquisitions by the group every day. How can I remember everything?

"I really can't see that women like you will come here to buy food?" Li Cong glanced at Liu Ruhua, who was covered with famous brands and this Ferrari sports car worth millions, came here. Most of the people who buy food are ordinary people who come on foot. This Ferrari can still make many people look back. With such a beauty, there is really nothing to say about the rate of return. It is estimated by international stars here. Not as high as this.

"What's wrong? As long as the group has no other entertainment, I will buy food from here and go home to eat. It's just that I don't drive here. Isn't it the reason why you are afraid of walking today? They all cost hundreds of millions. If you are tired, I can't afford it." Liu Ruhua said mischievously, locked the car and pulled Li Cong into the vegetable market.

Looking at Liu Ruhua’s proficiency, Li Cong believes that she really often comes here to buy vegetables. Some grocery buyers call her white-collar sisters. It is estimated that she looks like ordinary white-collar workers, but this white-collar worker is just Only Li Cong was hired, and the salary of several hundred million dollars a year was changed to other company bosses for a year.

"I said, why do you buy so many vegetables? How many kinds of vegetables do you know?" Liu Ruhua saw that Li had bought several kinds of vegetables in a while. It's cabbage and rapeseed. This guy usually does I never heard of how he would cook. I thought this guy would buy two different kinds.

"I'm not noisy even with the same food, but tonight, aren't we going to eat hot pot." Li Cong smiled slyly. For hot pot, he doesn't need any cooking skills. Liu Ruhua was helpless aside. My eyebrows, that action really made the few vegetable sellers around me almost miscalculated. Usually, this white-collar girl came by herself. Why did she bring such a person today? It seems that she is still a couple, too. How could such a woman be single? The most terrible thing is that when Li Cong walked to the sheep seller, that guy was bandaging his hand. You don’t need to ask, you know that he looked at each other when he was working. Liu Ruhua broke his hand with a glance.

"I think a fairy like you can't run around, otherwise the impact on the whole society will be too great." Li Congsheng said in Liu Ruhua's ear, Liu Ruhua felt a rush of heat, his own The heart beat a few violently for no reason, this Li Cong was too careless.

"Fuck you, then you look at me every day and you don't see anything wrong with you, it's because they have no determination." Liu Ruhua ridiculed the net, but this reason is also very past. What Li Cong wanted to tell her was that when he was looking at her, he would be a little fanciful.

The two of them quickly bought what they needed. After hua bought less than 200 yuan, they went back. This pricelessness is indeed a lot higher these years. In the past, the family had a hot pot at home. It looks like more than one hundred. Now it costs two hundred yuan for two people to eat. This is still the case where discounts are given for grocery shopping. It seems that there is a discount for everything with a beautiful woman. Right.

"I see if I should consider transferring you to the purchasing department. I am really envious of the way people give you discounts when you buy things. If you go to the purchasing department, wouldn't we save thousands of dollars every year? Tens of thousands or even hundreds of millions?" Li Cong said jokingly.

"Hurry up and stop it, do you think of me as a panacea? Naturally, these people are willing to pay for this amount of money. But if you get too much money, you think people are stupid. After negotiations these days, these people basically want According to last year’s contract price, and the profit share it took was not a lot.” Liu Ruhua felt wrinkled when he thought of his work. Li Cong was a little bit afraid that this girl would grow old soon, and he would Er really meant to change her job, but now that she can't transfer her without the group public relations department, let's forget it.

"You are also stupid. You have to let them compete. I don't think you will meet each other from tomorrow. You will still be the same as before. Three or four companies in a region will enter together, so they can quickly bī say Their bottom line is now. It is estimated that when they see their competitors, they may be able to weigh the cards in their hands again. If they don't want to play, they have to be taken out by their opponents at this time. Of course, it is us that takes advantage in the end. "Li Cong is teaching his own method of fraud, but Liu Ruhua feels that this is really a good method. It saves his time and allows him to complete the group's tasks quickly, without having to spend so much money on himself. Time to wrestle with them.

"Stop it, don't tell me about work during the off-hours, otherwise I will strike tomorrow." Liu Ruhua felt that the tone of this speech became more and more wrong, so he quickly became his own president, himself I've had enough of this guy in the company during the day, and now I'm off work, and I still use this tone to talk to myself, then I can't be crazy.

"Hehe, I'm used to it. Why don't you go to the suburbs to live in a villa." Li Cong looked at Liu Ruhua and drove the car into a district of the city. Although it was also a large apartment, it was about 160, but it was similar to the suburbs. The group's luxury houses are of several grades.

"I'm not a big family like you and live together in a lively and lively life. I'm the only one who lives in such a big house, and there are no people in the suburbs. I naturally want to make my home in the city. Yes, I rented out 300,000 mansion from the suburban group a month. I don’t need all kinds of miscellaneous property fees and money to get it. What a great thing.” Liu Ruhua explained to Li Cong. The villa is over a thousand square meters, and there are swimming pools and gardens. I rented it to a real estate agent. The guy didn’t actually rent it for living. He just wanted to open a club or something. .

Li Cong hasn’t been to such an area for a long time. Seeing that the cars downstairs are basically coming on the road, he is so happy. The more cars you can make, the more money you can make. The parking lot Liu Ruhua is not so happy. The parking spaces in this area have not been sold collectively, so people from other areas always come to park downstairs. Maybe this is not as good as his own luxury house in the suburbs.

"How many people don't like to live in such a high-rise building, hoping to have their own villa, it's okay for you, if you have a villa, you have to live in such a place." Li Cong watched Liu Ruhua press the 22nd floor. The elevator said that there was a couple in the elevator who was a little surprised by what Li Cong said. Could it be that they are two rich men who come to experience the feelings of the people with him.

Liu Ruhua smiled at the couple, very dissatisfied with Li Cong's words, as if he were a stranger, Liu Ruhua gently took Li Cong's arm, the action is really very beautiful, but Li Cong's expression It's not so harmonious anymore. With a painful look, Liu Ruhua whispered in Li Cong's ear, "If you don't want my arm to hurt anymore, just shut your mouth for me."

Li never glanced at Liu Ruhua angrily. This girl is really cruel, and his arm must have changed color right now.

Unexpectedly, this couple is also on the first floor with Liu Ruhua, but they have not met before. Naturally, the boys in this couple dare not say that they have paid attention to Liu Ruhua for a long time, but they came back by themselves before. There is a couple right now. Having such a good neighbor will always make you want to be wrong, but today I broke my dream, just like those uncles in the vegetable market, go home depressed.

Upon entering the door, Li Cong felt that the scenery is still good. Although the greening rate downstairs is not very high, the air at high altitude is still very good. The decoration in Liu Ru's painter is still very tasteful, a bit simple, not so much The hustle and whistle things in the hua, the combination of east and west is very good, and it is a bit inconsistent with some people.

Although this meal was made by Li Cong for Liu Ruhua, this is after all someone’s house, a girl’s house. Li Cong is also inconvenient to search for things, if something bad comes out. It will blush. For example, Li Cong is a little irritated when he looks at the lilac kùkù on the balcony. This thing looks so powerful. What a beautiful picture if he wears the beauty next to him.

"What do you think about you, you look like you owe you a beating." Liu Ruhua looked at Li Cong and then looked at the place where his eyes swept. How could he not know what this guy is looking at, his face was irritated and shy. It’s like Li Cong. If you change someone else, you don’t even have a chance to come in. Li Cong knows that basically no men have come in here, and there are even a pair of men’s slippers at home. No.

"Ah? I'm just looking at the scenery on your balcony. Look at you and think of where to go. It shouldn't be too I'm a serious person, you don't want to look at it casually. Now, just prepare quickly. A girl’s family doesn’t know what Hu Siluan thinks every day.” Li started to take out the things he bought while chattering. It looked like Liu Ruhua did something wrong. The same thing should be done.

"You?" I've seen shameless people, I haven't seen such shameless people. Liu Ruhua really slapped this guy. It was obvious that you hadn't thought of anything good there just now, and now I blamed it again. , I really don't know what you usually think about.

In order to prevent Li Cong from visiting the scenery on the balcony, Liu Ruhua pulled the curtains to death. Before turning on the light in the room, the light in the room dimmed instantly. Li Cong was taken aback. Situation? It's dark, what is this girl doing, pulling the curtains to death, what does this mean? Isn't this an unnecessary idea for others?

Seeing Liu Ruhua’s graceful figure printed on the white curtains, Li Cong really felt that he was a little bit enthusiastic. The conditions here are too suitable for him to do something like that. He’s not a Puritan, so he should do it. Things have to be done, just when Li Cong wanted to do something, the light in the room turned on.

"It's getting cold now, it's getting shorter and shorter. When the curtains are closed after six o'clock, it's so dark." Liu Ruhua said unintentionally, not knowing how "dangerous" he was just now.

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