Enlightenment overnight

Chapter 335 The fleet sets off and travels across the North Sea

On April 25th, everyone from Taishangdao gathered and prepared to set off.

The seventh son of the Supreme Emperor, Taishang Pilgrimage, personally saw everyone off.

Here he announced that the seven sons of Taishang had changed, Taishang Xinwu, Taishang Yuanpu, and Taishang Chuer, and the three of them left.

Among the sects, three people were selected to replace the Supreme Seventh Son.

Du Baizhuo, Chen Shouzhuo, Yue Pialing!

Du Baizhuo, an old monk from the sect, has been promoted to the realm of spiritual gods for seven thousand years. He has been handling the affairs of the sect. Although his reputation is not well-known, he has set the sea divine needle for the Supreme Tao.

He just works quietly, has served the sect for five thousand years, and is about to be promoted to the Earth Ruins realm.

The Seventh Supreme Son gave him an honorary reward, and when he was promoted to Dixu, he would naturally give up his position.

Chen Shouzhuo was one of the seven sons of Taishang, named Taishang Shouzhuo.

Yue Piaoling was one of the seven sons of Taishang, named Taishang Piaoling.

In this conference, Chen Shouzhuo led the Taishangdao team!

This time, although none of the forty-nine heavenly tribulations went, a total of fifty-one heavenly monks went.

In addition, the middle force represented by Wang Wu and Ajiu has twenty-three Dharma figures.

In addition to them, there were fifteen old ministers of the sect.

Many of these old Dharma images were from when Chen Shouzhuo entered the inner sect and came to select people.

When they came here to choose heavenly monks, they didn't expect that these heavenly monks now have grown to the realm of Dharma, and are no different from them.

However, the Dharma Realm is a big dividing line. If you want to advance to the spiritual realm, it will be extremely difficult.

As the team leader, Chen Shouzhuo knew that these were superficial monks.

This time, the real leader of the team is Taishang Dao San Da Dao Yi!

The blue sky turns into snow at dusk, the dusty mountains in the north fall, and the fresh breeze blows from all the tops.

Jue Qingmu Chengxue, she was lurking in Lu Tai's shadow, silently escorting and protecting him.

Handing over the stone tablet by herself was the way she led her into the Supreme Path.

Beichen Huayueqing, this Daoyi, Chen Shouzhuo has never been exposed to.

But what left him most speechless was Wan Dian Yuan Qingfeng, who was surprisingly the deacon of the outer sect at that time.

At that time, he presided over the meetings at the outer gate with his loud voice.

Who knows, he turned out to be Dao Yi.

No wonder he kept saying that the outer door was safe. It turned out that he was guarding it.

These old guys just like to play and play in the world, who knows who they will become...

You must look humble, be kind to everyone, and never suffer any disadvantages!

The Three Great Dao Yi secretly protects him, and they will not take action unless absolutely necessary.

You can pretend they don’t exist!

Under the three great avenues, there are fifteen deities.

They are protectors of the people and protect them secretly.

Under Tianzun, three seventh-level battle fortress flying boats were dispatched.

For every flying boat, there is a Dixu sitting in charge, which has become one with the flying boat.

Master Fei Zhouchen, whom Chen Shouzhuo met last time, also participated in the operation this time.

The reason why there are three flying boats is because once the three great avenues are dispatched, the king will not see the king, and there will be one flying boat for each person.

Under the ruins, there are thirty-eight spiritual gods, who are directly assigned by Dao Tianzun.

Then there are Chen Shouzhuo and his gang of Dharma True Lords.

Although Chen Shouzhuo is the team leader, he is basically just a decoration.

The external facade...

The one who really commands the flying boat is Dao Yi above, and below there is the blue sky, jade seal, red sun and moon, jade, green fire, golden eyes, and sky.

These two people are old Dharma ministers, well-informed, good at fighting and breaking attacks, good at socializing, with perfect logistics and good command.

They are the deputy team leaders, but actually the two of them are really in charge.

Chen Shouzhuo was also happy to do this, otherwise he would command men, allocate ships, arrange rooms, distribute supplies, arrange vigils...

So much trouble, so much trouble.

However, Chen Shouzhuo was not the team leader for nothing and immediately gave the order.

"Tianzun Jiugonghe, please come over to me and join us in the operation to protect my path."

Tianzun Jiugonghe, a Taoist soldier, for this kind of conference, he is a carrot and a pit, he is not qualified at all.

But when Chen Shouzhuo spoke, Jiugonghe was immediately summoned to accompany Chen Shouzhuo on his trip.

Jiugonghe was extremely happy to be here, almost speechless with excitement.

Chen Shouzhuo smiled and said, "Senior, let's set off together!"

"Okay, great!"

Jiugonghe was very happy for his original decision.

Looking at Ah Jiu among the crowd, Chen Shouzhuo said:

"I have a classmate Baili, what's going on now?"

The deacon replied:

"She was injured during the mission. Wenyang has recovered in the past few years and is at the sixth level of Dharma.

But the potential was exhausted, and that was that. "

"Call her here and let's act together!"

"But Baili's potential has been exhausted and her strength is meager. She is not qualified to participate in such a conference."

"I'm the team leader, and I told Tiao Baili to accompany me!"

In this way, Baili was also summoned to attend the grand meeting together.

She was also extremely excited when she saw Chen Shouzhuo, but she didn't show it. She nodded towards Chen Shouzhuo to express her gratitude.

At this point, you’re almost ready to hit the road!

The Supreme Lord made a pilgrimage to see everyone off!

Present Dharma flags, swear oaths, worship heaven and earth, worship ancestors...

After a series of procedures were completed, Chen Shouzhuo announced his departure to represent Taishangdao and attend the Luotian Conference!

In addition to these formal personnel, the three major flying boats also attracted more than 10,000 people.

They are respectively Holy Domain, Zifu, and the weakest Dongxuan, all of whom are Taishangdao monks.

In such a conference, all Dharma Masters will bring some disciples of the younger generation to accompany them and gain insights.

There were also many well-connected households, powerful sects, and big families in the sect, including young and old, who took the opportunity to attend the meeting and watch the fun.

This is also normal, and it is the same for all major sects.

Depending on your strength, connections, and family wealth, if you can board the flying boat, you will be qualified to broaden your horizons.

It is difficult to accomplish great things by simply practicing behind closed doors.

However, since ancient times, there is a saying in the world of immortality: there is no good banquet and no good meeting!

The so-called banquet is very dangerous, there must be someone causing trouble!

When attending such a grand event, be mentally prepared that you may die outside!

The flying boat is soaring, and it is on the road here. After leaving the Taishang Road, it can't stop moving forward, passing Yueguan Pass, and flying away from the Rongli area!

The three seventh-level flying boats were fully deployed and soared into the sky and the earth.

It's too easy to pull in more than 10,000 people.

Three seventh-level flying boats, finished in the shape of a glyph, were placed on top of the flying boats. Twenty-eight six-level flying boats were released and soared.

The seventh level of Feizhou is a watershed.

The seventh level is the battle fortress, which is known as one boat and one world. It is the real world and can only be refined by using a world as the core of the battle fortress.

How could such a battle fortress be flown without guards?

The twenty-eight sixth-level flying boats are the guards, and each flying boat is controlled by a spiritual god.

They formed a twenty-eight-star formation to protect the three seventh-level battle forts.

The seventh-level battle forts are aircraft carriers, and they are escort fleets.

Then these sixth-level flying boats continued to release other flying boats.

Some go as far as 300,000 miles away to explore the terrain and investigate the situation.

Some sense the heaven and earth and change the weather and storms.

Some are in the rear group, blocking the rear and covering for everyone.

Layer by layer, line by line, the entire fleet is extremely safe.

Soaring above the North Sea, all the way forward to the Beichen Sect of the East China Sea!

Chen Shouzhuo was in the central control room of the seventh-level flying boat Feicicada Clear Sky Boat, motionless.

The navigation matters were all left to Yucheng, Jade Fire, Golden Eyes, and Yue Kongwu.

He is an old man from Taishangdao, and he is best at air escape.

Along the way, personnel allocation, fleet escort, cave arrangements, and logistical supplies were all his job.

Jueqing Tianshu Jade Seal Zhu Riyue is responsible for many matters of the conference.

In addition to the two of them, there is also Fairy Beichen Wuzhen. His detective skills are the most powerful and his innate intuition is astonishing.

He had already left the airship and was leading the ship at the front.

The flying boat was controlled by Yue Kongwu, while Chen Shouzhuo sat in the captain's seat, silently in a daze.

He is planning this trip.

We have just set off now. After a while, when the road is stable, Chen Shouzhuo will look for his friends one by one and ask about their situation.

"Shou Zhuo, what have you prepared for the sect this time?"

Yue Kongwu asked casually.

Chen Shouzhuo was stunned and said, "What kind of thing?"

"Ah, you didn't bring anything?"

“For such a conference, when monks from all over the world come together, there will definitely be a trading place.

Bring some sect specialties, you can make a lot of money there, and you can also buy extremely hard-to-find treasures.

If you're lucky, you might pick something up and get rich all of a sudden! "

Chen Shouzhuo was speechless. No wonder the master asked him to prepare for three days.

It turned out to be time for him to carry the goods.

Chen Shouzhuo didn’t know either and completely missed it!

No wonder these people, looking for connections and connections, attend grand gatherings. It turns out there is such an opportunity to make a fortune.

Yue Kongwu continued:

"Wherever ordinary goods arrive, there will be buyers who will take action as soon as possible to accumulate spiritual stones.

Before the conference, there will be an auction where monks from many sects exchange what they have.

There will be lots of great stuff at the auction, don't miss it.

Last time I was short of one hundred thousand spiritual stones and missed the Tianyun Pill. "

Chen Shouzhuo nodded and said, "I remember the auction."

Zhu Riyue, who was listening to their chat, said:

"The competition in the conference is just a reason. The real purpose of everyone is to gather together.

The understanding of the unknown, the good relationship promotes feelings, and the enemy decides life and death.

This kind of conference is very interesting. "

Yue Kongwu said: "Thirty-six hundred years ago, the Tianluo Conference took place.

I participated and made many high-spirited and good friends that year.

Unfortunately, after so many years, many people have died, and some have been promoted to spiritual gods.

Alas, only an old loser like me is still a Dharma sign. "

Zhu Riyue smiled and said: "Dharma is perfect!

You're not the only old guy, I am too.

Alas, when Shouzhuo and the others entered the inner sect, I was the one who came to guide them on behalf of my own lineage.

In the blink of an eye, they all had their Dharma images.

This time, I took a chance.

No matter what the harvest is, when I come back, I will hit the spiritual realm and decide life and death here! "

Yue Kongwu said: "Well, actually I still have five hundred years of optimal cultivation time.

But, no wait, I will attack the Spirit God when I come back! "

Fly in a flying boat and travel over the North Sea!

In fact, the North Sea does not stop, there are countless demons, sea monsters, and all kinds of weird ghosts!

Under such a fleet, nothing happened, it was peaceful and all evils retreated.

If you don't retreat, the seventh-level battle fort will smash you to pieces with one shot!

After flying like this for two days, Yue Kongwu said:

"Beihai Jingwei Island ahead, one of the large islands in the North Sea, is the side gate of Chenjian Sect.

Where shall we rest for the night? "

It seems that I asked the tour leader, but in fact the itinerary has been arranged long ago.

Chen Shouzhuo nodded and said, "Okay!"

Yue Kongwu said: "Chenjian Sect has nineteen kinds of good things such as Jingtiejian Pills, Leijun Jianchen, Zhoutian Sword Box and other special products.

However, they will also participate in this grand event and naturally bring their own specialties. There is no profit at all for us to buy and sell them.

However, there is the Jianchen Water Bath here, which is one of the best baths in the world. It has the effect of cutting off hair and cleansing marrow for monks taking a bath for the first time.

Shouzhuo, if you haven’t washed yourself before, you must go and wash yourself! "

It was already evening, and the flying boat landed, stayed here for the night, and set off early the next morning.

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