Enlightenment overnight

Chapter 336 Chenjian Sect, Jianchen Water Bath

The sect had already made arrangements to stay at Beihai Jingwei Island.

Setting off tomorrow, Chen Jian Sect's team participating in the conference will set off with Taishang Dao and accept the protection of Taishang Dao.

When they arrived here, the flying boat landed, and a large number of monks from Chenjian Sect came out to welcome them.

San Dao Yi appeared quietly and was directly picked up by Chen Jian Zong Dao Yi.

Those Heavenly Lords also had their own Heavenly Lords to receive them, but they all disappeared silently.

It seemed that Taishang Daochen Sword Sect had nothing to do with him, but Chen Shouzhuo felt this contact.

Chenjian Sect is definitely one of the secret chessmen of Taishangdao. If it is just an ally, it is also a deadly alliance!

Close relationship!

Chen Shouzhuo and others were received by the head of the secular affairs of Chenjian Sect.

Chen Sword Sect, Sword Chao Xinghai!

One of the eight hundred side doors, the poem in the door reads: The sword moves across the stars and breaks through the sky, sweeping across the eight wastelands and destroying the Liuhe!

The Chenjian Sect is a sect of the Sword Sect. The flying sword they practice is called the Star Sword Technique. This kind of flying sword is better said to be a flying sword than a sword pill. Each disciple is practicing dozens or even hundreds or thousands of swords at the same time. pill.

It is said that the Tianzun of this sect has as many Star Sword Pills as there are stars in the world.

There are three avenues of cultivation in this gate.

One is that the stars in the sky fall into the mortal world, absorbing the power of the stars in the sky to make sword pills. After casting the spell, countless sword pills fall from the sky, containing the power of the stars, to kill the opponent!

One is that it will disappear after thousands of turns. This sword method is to use the rebound method. The sword pill is sent out and rebounds endlessly, making it unpredictable.

One is Sword Chao Xinghai Flooding the World. This sword technique emphasizes the rapid movement of the sword. In an instant, hundreds of thousands of sword pellets are launched out like a tsunami, killing the opponent.

The Chenjian Sect doesn't know why. It may be because women have an advantage in the Chenjianjian Jue. There are more and more female disciples of the Chenjian Sect, and their status is getting higher and higher.

The successful female monks are all very charming, with double peaks, and they will burst out laughing wildly when they use the sword tide sea of ​​stars.

Therefore, it is said in the world of immortality that the prosperity of Chenjian Sect was achieved by entering the devil's path and sacrificing his disciples!

The head of the Chenjian Sect's secular affairs who greeted Chen Shouzhuo and others was a beautiful woman, extremely charming, named Miao Cuilan.

After she greeted him, Chen Shouzhuo and other Dharma Masters followed her and entered the gate of Chenjian Sect.

Of course, the sect has its own arrangements. Some people guard the flying boat, while others guard the surrounding areas.

Some people don't like this kind of excitement and practice alone to rest.

The accompanying young monks dispersed on their own.

Friends who have friends will receive them, and those who have no friends will play by themselves.

Under the guidance of Miao Cuilan, Chen Shouzhuo and others entered the gate of Chenjian Sect.

The banquet here is also very strange.

Located on the top of a mountaintop, the large hot spring is like a crater, covering a radius of three to five miles.

The banquet was placed on a special magic weapon, on a floating hot spring, and drifted with the current.

Miao Cuilan brought everyone here and said with a smile:

"When you come to our Chenjian Sect, you must take a bath in Jianchen Water.

So today's dinner will be held in this Jianchen Water Bath. Fellow Taoists, please enter the spring water. "

After saying that, she did not take off her robe and went directly into the water.

The others who accompanied Chenjian Sect Faxiang Zhenjun all fell into the water.

Like dozens of swimming fish, ethereal in the water, with graceful figures.

Chen Shouzhuo and others looked at each other and fell into the water.

Unexpectedly, Miao Cuilan and others entered the water, and their robes faded slightly, turning into short clothes. It was almost the same as not wearing any clothes, showing off their perfect figures.

It's full of glamor here, but there's no sense of obscenity, it's elegant and graceful.

Everyone entered the water and looked down. Under the pool, there was an endless abyss.

After entering the water, many people also put away their robes, wore short clothes, and played in the water.

Many Dharma Masters who came here for the first time suddenly changed their expressions after playing in the water.

This Jianchen water bath really has the effect of cutting hair and washing marrow, and I have benefited a lot.

This is the best Jianchen water bath, specially supplied to Chenjian Zong Faxiang Zhenjun.

The Jianchen water baths at the foot of the mountain and on the island are not as good as here.

However, these old guys like Yue Kongwu and Zhu Riyue have been washed away long ago and are of no use to them.

They had a great time talking, drinking and chatting with Miao Cuilan and others. They had known each other for a long time.

In the silence of Chenjian Sect, nearly a hundred female cultivators appeared, all real people from the Holy Realm. They silently joined the pool to serve everyone.

Chen Shouzhuo felt silently here, and the feeling of cutting away the hair and washing the marrow emerged.

But Chen Shouzhuo's physical body, Taoist body and demon body, this so-called cutting off the hair and washing the marrow, only numbed Chen Shouzhuo and had no effect at all.

He couldn't help but shake his head, but he didn't expect that two beautiful Chenjian Sect True Lords would slowly come to his side.

"But Fellow Taoist Chen Shouzhuo?"

"No, should I call you Taishang Shouzhuo?"

"The Seventh Supreme Son, I never thought that I could actually see the Seventh Supreme Son alive. I'm so happy!"

Chen Shouzhuo replied with a smile. It was obvious that the two people were arranged by the sect to approach him.

Ning Qianxue, Fu Caihua!

After chatting for a while, the two people actually wanted to exchange the True Spirit Name Thorn with Chen Shouzhuo...

Chen Shouzhuo excused himself for not refining the True Spirit Name Thorn, but accepted two of their True Spirit Name Thorns.

In fact, they are similar to the Seven Supreme Sons, the proud sons of Chenjian Sect.

In the world of immortality, it is also a high-ranking fairy, surrounded by countless licking dogs.

However, in the face of Chen Shouzhuo, he could only take advantage of him.

Chen Shouzhuo is now the seventh son of Taishang Dao, and he belongs to the first wave of genius sons in the universe!

At this moment, Chen Shouzhuo felt the preciousness of the Seventh Son of the Supreme Being!

After chatting with them for a while, Chen Shouzhuo left and went to find his friends.

When she went to find Dugujing, Changsun Xuan and Kou Wushuang were beside her, and their besties were inseparable.

Everyone was very happy to meet again and talked about their experiences over the years.

As soon as they chatted, the strong fortress Fu Chenju, the bright holy sun covering the sky, the heart-melting flame demon Fei Wuji...

Everyone came over, and dozens of people from the outer gate gathered together, laughing from time to time.

His Majesty Tingfeng Shen Junwen stayed away and looked at Chen Shouzhuo with disgust.

Yue Shuangyan, the Voice of Spirits, was hated by Kou Wushuang, and she could never integrate into Chen Shouzhuo's side.

Among the ninety-nine-day monks who entered the inner sect back then, seven of them, including Wang Tai with withered flesh and blood, Zhao Yuan with gold-plated flames, have died over the years.

The sect selected seven more monks to become heavenly monks.

Heavenly monks are always ninety-nine!

Among them was Ajiu Wangwu whom Chen Shouzhuo knew, and they also became heavenly monks.

That year, all ninety-two people from the outer sect were promoted to Dharma ministers.

These people, Taishangdao has put so much effort into cultivating them.

From the time they settled in their hometown, thousands of years of construction, to the bloodline of their ancestral families, to their entry into Taoism and practice, various adventures, and countless treasures and secrets, as long as they did not die and cultivated magnanimously, they could easily enter the realm of Dharma.

However, after reaching the realm of Dharma, the sect began to weaken with the help of the sect.

The Eight Scenes of Condensation Yuan Sheng, the Mysterious Cave Climbs to Heaven, the Purple Mansion Opens the Grand Plan, the Holy Domain Locks the Dao Domain, and the Dharma Transforms into Its True Form!

The secret method of Taishangdao reaches the Dharma Appearance, and after the Dharma Appearance, you are promoted to Spiritual God, and your future cultivation is all up to you!

Everyone got together happily and toasted each other.

The Nvzhenjun of Chenjian Sect also came over to add to the fun, and it was extremely lively.

Chen Shouzhuo silently avoided everyone and chatted with Wang Wu Ahjiu.

After seeing each other for decades, everyone has been promoted to Dharma Prime Minister, and they can’t help but boo.

Chen Shouzhuo silently felt that Wang Wu had surpassed Ah Jiu in the realm of Dharma.

Wang Wu suppressed himself in Dongxuan Zi Mansion and practiced hard in various ways. Now he was promoted to the Dharma Phase, and his potential exploded, surpassing Ah Jiu.

And Ah Jiu has only been promoted to the first level of Dharma Realm in decades.

He was promoted to Dharma Appearance by chance. After Dharma Appearance, cultivation became difficult.

In fact, this is normal. It has been difficult for Dharma Master to advance to the first level for hundreds of years.

Then Chen Shouzhuo found Baili again and asked about the situation.

Chen Shouzhuo walked around in a circle with everyone here, talking to each other and building relationships.

There were the Taishang Dao Zhenjun and the female cultivator of Chenjian Sect, chatting and feeling comfortable, so they left here and went to have a good time!

After drinking until midnight, I finally calmed down.

Here, the Chenjian Sect has a fine wine called Xingchen, which Chen Shouzhuo likes to drink very much.

It tastes great. After drinking a glass, you will feel tipsy and intoxicated.

Floating in this water, the wine bottle is suspended above your head, and the wine line flies up from the entrance from time to time. It is really comfortable.

Chen Shouzhuo suddenly felt something in his heart, and his body sank towards the bottom of the pool!

I don’t know how deep this crater is, give it a try!

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