Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 6: The Error of Empiricism

"You're awesome!" After a heated exchange, the atmosphere between Wang Qi and Ai Changyuan became heated. Wang Qi is now able to hold a jar of wine, put his arms around Ai Changyuan's shoulders, and call him brother: "So this method can still be used like this!"

"The arrangement of the restrictions in this ghost soldier's body is also very interesting!" Ai Changyuan marveled: "Although most of them are recreated based on my magic base..."

"There is also a part that relies on the natural algorithm to iterate on its own. I don't know why using it this way will produce a more powerful effect, but using it this way is stronger!" Wang Qi patted the ghost soldiers under the table: "It relies on it , I successfully used the method of time!"

The place where the two of them were was moved from the lobby compartment to a more private box. And the things they used to "go with the wine" were no longer fresh fish, but drawings. After this exchange, both of them felt that they had benefited a lot. Although Wang Qi learned a lot of laws in the field of gravity from Ai Changyuan, Wang Qi's superior knowledge in the field of physics also gave Ai Changyuan a lot of inspiration.

"To be honest, if I knew you were here, why would I have been running to the sea every day for the past six months? What a waste of time!" Wang Qi began to hate the time he wasted at sea again: "I just accepted such a crappy mission..."

"Is fighting against the demon clan a part of training?" Ai Changyuan casually dealt with Wang Qi, while inserting his hand into the ghost soldier: "I see, that's it... The way of heaven's evolution, 'accumulation' and 'change', It’s indeed a sight. Brother Wang, can you lend me this for a few days?”

"As long as I'm still on the shore, you can use it as you like." Wang Qi generously pushed the ghost soldiers to Ai Changyuan: "Speaking of which, Brother Ai, are you already preparing for the elixir formation?"

"It only took a few years. It would be good to use the Great Unification Dao to form elixirs, but the current situation is not optimistic. All methods may not be credible." Ai Changyuan shook his head: "What about you, Old Wang?"

"Me? I practice too many techniques. I even designed a magic base to put them together before. None of the existing golden elixirs can bring out the characteristics of my techniques."

"Indeed. Foundation building is just a stack of spiritual restraints. Golden elixir is the hub, which creates a stable system for the flow of mana and paves the way for the soul. The golden elixir itself is not the problem, the problem is the harmony with the whole." Ai Chang Yuan nodded: "But I remember that your method is based on calculator theory, so... it should be okay to settle for the next best thing."

Wang Qi shook his head: "Actually, I already have an idea." Then. He expressed his idea of ​​"double golden elixir".

Ai Changyuan's eyes lit up: "This is a good idea. The golden elixir serves as the real 'hardware'. There is also a 'golden elixir' operating within the golden elixir as a hub for circulation."

"It is different from the existing method of multiple golden elixirs. I am embedding golden elixirs within golden elixirs, rather than inserting golden elixirs into other acupoints. The 'outer layer' and the 'inner layer' are both It is relatively independent. The golden elixir of the outer level 1 is still there, and the inner level 1 golden elixir can be dispersed and rebuilt at any time. It is as simple as reinstalling the calculator system. "

"It's amazing." Ai Changyuan's eyes lit up and he clapped: "This is great! The way to move the world around could be scattered at any time..."

Wang Qi waved his hand: "I don't despise the Guiyi and Piaomiao factions. It's just that the flow of heaven and earth is getting more and more weird now. Textbooks are changed every month, and we must be prepared to overthrow the existing system tomorrow. . On this basis, I really don’t dare to entrust the foundation of immortality to undetermined theories.”

Ai Changyuan nodded: "I understand. Arithmetic is self-consistent. And the other 'Tao' is just the way of heaven copied by people - hey, you said it makes me want to study arithmetic on the side."

"It's still too late for you to practice the Yaoding Sutra and reach the minimum standard for forming a calculator-type golden elixir."

Ai Changyuan thought for a while but did not act immediately: "I'll think about it again. However, your idea of ​​compiling all the spells and exercises into the Tianyan Catalog to create supernatural powers is also quite interesting. How did you do it?"

Wang Qi took out another drawing: "This involves the way of life..."

"He is indeed the winner of the Taoist Prize! Let me see..."

After three rounds of drinking. The two communicated happily. Wang Qi couldn't help but want to deepen the topic and asked in a low voice: "Speaking of which, what were you studying before? I only heard that you seemed to be very vocal in the Guiyi League, saying that it was possible to win A Daogen Award."

The "Tao Root Reward" is similar to the Tao Weapon Reward and the Tao Seed Reward, and is specially prepared for low-level monks below the Yuan Shen level.

The heavens flow and the Tao becomes all things. "Objects" and "flow" are the foundation of this world. It is the root of the Dao, so it is called the reward of the Dao root.

Wang Qi was a physicist in his previous life, but in this life he only won prizes in mathematics and biology. He was still very curious about Ai Changyuan.

Ai Changyuan first looked back at the people sent by the Guiyi Alliance to look after him. The middle-aged monk was non-committal and acquiesced. Ai Changyuan then took out a pile of papers and said: "Most of the ideas have been verified by predecessors."

The contradiction between the two great principles of mist and phase is just like the contradiction between Yuanli and Tiange. Once done, the road to immortality and sainthood will be smooth. I don’t know how many people are exploring this aspect.

"It's... quantum gravity?" Wang Qi felt a little complicated after seeing something familiar. Although the symbols have different expressions, these theories have all appeared on earth.

Similarly, each of them has problems of one kind or another. Just like the explanation of wave function collapse, there are many different opinions, but none of them can convince everyone.

"The main one is the last one, about the space-time model derived from quantum gravity." Ai Changyuan pointed to one of the articles and said, "If it is to be established, time needs to be expressed in imaginary numbers. In imaginary time, time cannot be distinguished from the direction of space, and the past and the future are equivalent. When I first deduced this, I made myself uneasy. However, in the end, accepting this, my cultivation level soared - then I came here, and was forbidden to think too much about such things until my mind was perfect."

The past and the future, returned to one body... Wang Qi looked at Ai Changyuan in amazement. According to the ancient method of cultivation, Ai Changyuan has found the way to a high-level immortal, until his magic power is higher, he can obtain the characteristics of a high-level immortal.

Wang Qi read Ai Changyuan's paper again and again, but found that there were some places that he was still unfamiliar with. So, he asked, "Brother Ai, do you have the latest stuff on the art of comparison? There are some ideas here that I don't quite understand - you seem to have used some unproven conjectures?"

"Unproven? How is that possible?" Ai Changyuan took out a spiritual bottle. But when Wang Qi reached out to take it, he suddenly retracted his hand: "I'm sorry, Lao Wang, this is the confidential part of the Immortal Alliance. It's not that I don't want to show it to you."

Wang Qi was surprised and said: "How could it be? The theoretical aspects of the Immortal Alliance are all open, how can the theory be confidential?"

"Indeed." Suddenly, Feng Luoyi's voice appeared in Wang Qi's mind: "There is a part. In order not to shake people's hearts, the Immortal Alliance concealed the picture of the universe and our exploration of the universe. In fact, there are some anomalies detected in the starry sky that can directly prove certain theories. However, you can also see that most of the results of Xuanxingguan have been deliberately locked by the Immortal Alliance."

Wang Qi was shocked: "This is unfair! Why is it confidential to me?"

"Don't you know some confidential things too?" Feng Luoyi said: "Do you think you are the only one who approaches the 'ultimate picture' on your own or accidentally joins our war with the immortals?"

Wang Qi was shocked: "Ai Changyuan also knows?"

"You can try."

"Brother Ai. Come and see this." Wang Qi activated the calculator and sent a spiritual message to Ai Changyuan. This spiritual message was written in a special cipher. To ordinary people, it looks more like a matrix or garbled code. This is the cipher Liu Yi taught Wang Qi. It is used by the "special personnel" of the Immortal Alliance to prove their identities to each other.

When Ai Changyuan received the spiritual message, his eyes condensed: "Oh my God, you too..."

Wang Qi smiled wickedly: "It seems that the degree of our exchange of secrets can be deeper."

"That's no problem." Ai Changyuan threw the spiritual bottle in his hand to Wang Qi.

"Brother Ai, I am very interested in 'that' version of Wanxiang Tianyin, but I don't have the merit to exchange it for the time being. As the descendant of Master Yuanli and the heir of the Ai family, you actually have the right to give it away, right?"


"I won't hide it from you, how about the unique experience of 'Dongtian Ruler' and 'Jumping out of the Long River'?"



The result of the new round of exchange also made both people very satisfied. Wang Qi obtained the method of Wanxiang Tianyin to borrow the gravity of celestial bodies, solving the problem of low output of gravity-related magical powers. Ai Changyuan obtained the method of using gravity to escape the reference system in the Dongtian Xiangxing Ruler.

Ai Changyuan looked at the sky and said, "It's getting late. I have something to do. Old Wang, please do as you please!"

Wang Qi sighed, "I can't help but want to go out to sea and find a few monsters to beat up, to practice the inspiration I just got."

Ai Changyuan was a little surprised: "Beating monsters can hone your skills, but it has little to do with verifying the theory, right?"

"As long as it is a theory that can support magic, it must be self-consistent." Wang Qi gulped down a jar of wine: "At least it can prove that this idea works."

While packing up, Ai Changyuan said, "But, a feasible idea does not mean that the theory is correct, right? Even a wrong theory can support magic. On the contrary, many spells are now supported by incomplete theoretical systems."

"Huh?" Ai Changyuan's words made Wang Qi feel like he was falling into an ice cellar. His excitement caused by alcohol disappeared in an instant.

"I have something to do in the next few days. I will come back to study your ghost soldiers tomorrow. Gone!"

Wang Qi woke up after Ai Changyuan had been gone for a long time. He drew his sword, waved it casually twice, and sighed: "Damn, I made the mistake of empiricism again." (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Second update, monthly tickets and recommendation tickets are coming soon!

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