Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 7 The Road to Reality

That is, endless one-dimensional silk thread.

The whole field of vision is filled with one-dimensional strings. There is no end to the thread, and no end to the thread. Wang Qi knows what he is looking at.

That is the world.

The world is such a terrifying ball of thread. It is so terrible that people can't find the rules, let alone feel the "beauty of rhythm".

Wang Qi Han Jue's own hands desperately searched in this pile of threads. Every time he pulled a string, he would pluck several strings. When he finally found a certain pattern and wanted to untie this "thread", he found that he had only pulled off a small part.


"What a nightmare..." Wang Qi was awakened by a chest tightness. He pressed his chest, dissolved the sluggish magic power, and then leaned on the bed to breathe slightly.

"Going into the devil?" Zhen Chanzi asked in the ring: "Can't you control the magic power well when you fall asleep?"

Wang Qi pressed his forehead and waved his palm to shake open the window. The refreshing sea breeze slightly reduced the stuffiness in his chest. He calmed his breath and shook his head: "No, nothing."

Zhen Chanzi asked in confusion: "You seemed to have lost your soul after talking to Ai Changyuan. What on earth were you thinking about?"

"I suddenly felt that my magic power was an illusion, and that my thoughts were all wrong... That's all..."

Zhen Chanzi was shocked: "Boy, are you okay? Doubting your own path is not a good thing!"

Doubting your own path will shatter your heart, and the affinity between your soul and magic power will decrease. You can no longer control your magic power.

How can this kind of thing be "just that"?

Wang Qi shook his head: "I'm fine... accept some new ideas... new ideas..."

"New ideas?"

"I always thought that the exercises I practiced had a solid theoretical foundation. In fact, this theoretical foundation is not as solid as I thought..." Wang Qi shook his head: "They just look solid."

Zhen Chanzi was getting more and more confused: "Just... look..."

"Because they can be mathematically self-consistent and become a well-founded model. Then they can indeed be used to construct spells and achieve the effect of 'heaven and earth are the same force'." Wang Qi looked at the light on his hand that kept changing colors and frowned: "But is the 'system' we built really in the same direction as the Tao?"


Wang Qi suddenly clenched his fists, as if he had extinguished the light in his palms, and said: "I was deceived."

I was deceived by the appearance of things, and I was deceived by myself.

This world. Any technology does not necessarily need a correct theory to support it. Primitive people have a certain probability of realizing nuclear fission by drilling wood to make fire.

Because I know the concept of "technical black box" and know that you don't have to know every detail of a technology to use it, so I ignored thinking about this aspect.

We haven't figured out everything about aura yet. How many details have we figured out about a spell? At the microscopic scale, what form does a spell take?

I used many unverified theories in this world... I didn't deduce a version with aura for quantum chromodynamics or even unified field. I used the earth's meta-aura version. But they all worked. They can support spells.

This is unscientific, very unscientific!

If wrong theories can support spells...

"What's the meaning of developing physics in this world?" Wang Qi felt extremely nauseous.

Zhen Chanzi felt that Wang Qi's mana was surging, as if something was brewing. He knew this reaction. The mind was lost, the heart demon grew, the foundation of Tao was damaged, and he fell into the mortal world forever... Although these things didn't happen often, he had seen them anyway.

"Jinfa is just lucky to have found the appearance of the great way combined with mathematical models." Wang Qi seemed to be unaware of this, and still said in a trance: "Is our theory... true? What's the point?"

Wang Qi thought of the string theory in his previous life. Although this theory is considered to be the system closest to the grand unified theory and the hope of turning over the next chapter of physics, the theoretical physicists who truly recognize string theory are not in the majority.

The reason may sound ridiculous. Mathematics is the foundation of physics, but string theory is too mathematical. In string theory, physics is more like a manifestation of mathematical rules.

Not only string theory, any model pointing to the "theory of everything" has more or less such problems. They lack the meaning of physics and lack "physical reality"

In the current universe, this phenomenon is even more serious. The strange physical properties of aura allow it to interfere with almost all phenomena. Jinfa's system can even be considered to be defined and built with mathematical laws to build an aura system. Then give it physical meaning based on the phenomenon.

And using aura to build a system does not necessarily require the use of mathematical laws.

"After all this fuss, what is the meaning of this method?"

"Good question." Feng Luoyi suddenly appeared and stood in front of Wang Qi. He motioned Wang Qi to sit down, and then said slowly: "This can be called the most profound question at this stage, right?"

Wang Qi pressed his forehead: "Teacher Feng, you don't know the answer to this, right?"

"Of course." Feng Luoyi nodded: "Many people are thinking about this question, but no one has been able to answer it so far."

Wang Qi took a few deep breaths: "Then what's the point of me thinking about it..."

Feng Luoyi suddenly shouted: "Keep thinking!"

"Keep thinking?"

"I just told you today that the world of mortals refines the mind. Everything you do is 'experience', and everything you think about is 'thinking'." Feng Luoyi said: "This issue is also the 'eternal life' of today's Dharma cultivation. Everyone All monks will go through this mental calamity at some point. If you figure it out, you will be free for endless years; if you don't figure it out, your long life will only be ruined."

"Everything you do is 'experience', and everything you think about is 'thinking'..." Wang Qi seemed to get some inspiration from Feng Luoyi's words, but he was even more confused: "Since the ultimate goal is 'immortality' and 'attainment' …Since the ancient method can lead to immortality, why should we destroy the entire universe?”

"You have to ask yourself this." Feng Luoyi pointed at Wang Qi's chest: "Why? Think carefully."

"I firmly believe that we are closer... But if we are not necessarily the shortest route..." Wang Qi thought quietly: "If you put aside factors such as 'I like'..."

For a long time, Wang Qi shook his head: "I don't know."

"You don't know? Is this your answer?"

Wang Qi nodded: "I can't answer this question. Maybe I won't be able to answer it until we have no way to go. But, I am almost sure. Our path is shorter than anything I have ever seen."

"It seems that you finally realized it." Feng Luoyi looked at Wang Qi and smiled slightly: "You once said to Lord Bai Ze that seeking the truth is like walking on thin ice; and when it comes to golden elixirs, you also said that our theoretical system It may not be correct, and I dare not entrust the road to immortality to it. But until just now, you didn't really realize the weight of the word "walking on thin ice."

"Although you have not lost your stability, you have always failed to think outside the box in your actions. You are too fond of using loose theories, unproven conjectures, or flashes of ideas."

Feng Luoyi attributed all the thoughts in the past life that Wang Qi inadvertently brought out to "a loose way of thinking", which made Wang Qi smile bitterly. However, he changed the topic and said: "But now, I can probably congratulate you - Wang Qi. You have finally started."

"getting Started?"

"For those who have been watching for a long time, this is the only way to achieve enlightenment." Feng Luoyi smiled and said: "A long life will only make us more and more paranoid about our own theories. If we can't do it, we can't believe it or not." If you don’t believe in it, you are not suitable to be a seeker after all.”

Wang Qi suddenly thought: "So that's it..."

Aging scientists do not always reflect positively on science. The state of mind required for earth scientists and China's modern law cultivation is absolutely different.

"Don't be afraid of confusion, don't be afraid of denial. We have reached today through self-denial step by step." Feng Luoyi patted Wang Qi on the shoulder: "But don't let confusion overwhelm your mind."

Wang Qi nodded: "I understand, teacher."

"If you have thought about it well, let's break through to the late stage of foundation building." Feng Luoyi said: "After you have figured this level out, your mind will be a little closer to the freedom of immortality."

After listening to Feng Luoyi's words, Wang Qi quickly closed his eyes. Organize your thoughts and calm your mood. Then between breaths, he connected to more "long rivers of energy". The spiritual energy of heaven and earth, which operates according to the laws of physics, gathers naturally. Under Wang Qi's command, Wang Qi began to add spiritual taboos and talismans to the legal basis according to thousands of previous deductions. The mana continues to pile up, causing qualitative changes. He started to feel a little blocked. But before he could feel it carefully, this "hysteresis" burst naturally like a soap bubble.

between understatements. Wang Qi broke through to the late stage of foundation building.

Feng Luoyi looked at Wang Qi's clear eyes and found that he had not been taken advantage of by his strength at all. He nodded with satisfaction: "It seems that you have seen your own path clearly? What are you going to do next?"

"I realize now that I was confused by the Piaomiao Wudingyun Sword, and subconsciously accepted the nonsense explanation of the 'observer effect'." Wang Qi scratched his head: "Maybe I should try these aspects? In addition, And arithmetic, um... some things in the field of logic. Maybe I have been bound by the old thinking for too long."

"Bullshit?" Feng Luoyi frowned: "Well, this is indeed ridiculous, but there is no better explanation at this stage..."

No, there should be.

However, the appearance of the Misty Cloud Sword deceived almost everyone! There must be a deeper mechanism here!

The observer effect is definitely not the essence of physics!

"In any case, you have already gone your own way." Feng Luoyi shook his head and temporarily gave up the topic: "At this rate, maybe in a few months, you can break through to the foundation building perfection, and you don't have to stick to the sixth level. Years of training are limited.”

Wang Qileng said: "Teacher, haven't you always reminded me not to make any rash advances? Why did you suddenly speed up your plan?"

"New variables have appeared." Feng Luoyi said: "Something strange suddenly appeared near Shenglongyuan, and a large number of high-level demon clans and ancient magic cultivators moved abnormally. On the other hand, the sea monsters in Western Xinjiang also rioted at the same time. "

"You must break through to the foundation building perfection as soon as possible, and then go overseas to investigate the changes in the Holy Dragon Abyss!" (To be continued ~^~)

PS: I'm sorry, I have a bad headache today, so I owe you an update. . . Three updates will be added on Saturday. . .

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