Enter the Room

Chapter 200

At the gate of the imperial kiln factory, Mr. Yan caught up with Song Jiyun and said, "My niece, don't be sad. How can this person not go through some ups and downs in his life? Don't worry, I have decided not to work. Our Yan family kiln factory I’ll give my place to you!”

Afraid that she would have any scruples, he also said: "When the time comes, you can just come to my kiln and sell it when the rice is ready!"

To avoid being discovered by Eunuch Wan.

In this case, Mr. Yan can be regarded as a timely help.

Song Jiyun was very grateful and said: "Old man, no need. I have a countermeasure."

Just as these words were being said, Mr. Wu and others had already chased after him and said one after another: "Boss Song, we will follow you. We will still send the porcelain blanks over for firing. Wan Gong-in can not care how much porcelain I bake in a year. Why can't I make it successfully? I can more or less support the masters and apprentices in the kiln. Otherwise, it will not be so easy to bring these people back after they leave."

Song Jiyun thanked you repeatedly and said: "When I need your help, I will definitely come to you. But I won't use it right now."

As she was talking, more and more people gathered around her. Everyone was talking to her, either giving her advice or asking how they could help.

Song Jiyun thanked them one by one, and suddenly felt that his life in Jingdezhen was quite beautiful.


In the Yin Yu Hall, Yuan Yunzhong raised the tea cup. Remembering that Song Jiyun had made it specially for him before, he put it down again.

He walked back and forth in the yard irritably several times before the anger in his heart gradually subsided.

He asked Shao Qing: "You said that Jingdezhen sells 150,000 pieces of porcelain every year, but he only gave the Song Kiln Factory a quota of 8,000 pieces?"

"Yeah!" Shao Qing nodded, not forgetting to tell Yuan Yunzhong the news he got, "There are many other kilns and workshops, except Miss Song's. He gave the Song family kiln factory's annual sales Liangyu Kiln Factory. Liangyu Kiln Factory promised to give him three points of profit for every piece of porcelain sold, so that the eunuch would be tempted to help Song Tao do this."

Yuan Yunzhong sneered, his face seemed to be covered with a thin layer of frost, and said: "Let him come to see me!"

Shao Qing hesitated for a moment and said: "Just now in front of so many people, that eunuch mocked Miss Song for hugging Jin's thigh so that she wouldn't take him seriously. We have to go back sooner or later, Miss Song. We will continue to live here. After we leave, that eunuch may come back to take revenge on Miss Song."

Yuan Yun said coldly: "He dares!"

He stood tall and straight in the middle of the yard: "Tell Wan Xiaoquan to go back to the wine and vinegar game and clean the toilet!"

Shao Qing couldn't laugh or cry.

Wan Xiaoquan's godfather's godfather, Qian Fu, was from a jealous family background, while Wan Xiaoquan was from a Zhidian prison. In the past, he was not cleaning toilets, but sweeping the floors of Baohe Hall.

If Wan Xiaoquan's godfather hadn't died, and Qian Fu had become too involved with Qin Fang, the current chief eunuch Bingbi, Wan Xiaoquan would not have been thrown out of the army and sent to Jingdezhen to supervise Tao. Official.

Shao Qing had no choice but to say: "Although it would be good to get Wan Xiaoquan away, we can't help Miss Song all the time... Besides, I don't think Miss Song is so unintentional. It's better to take a look at the situation first."

Yuan Yunzhong didn't speak for a long time.


When Song Jiyun returned to the kiln, he summoned Luo Zixing, Xiang Yang and others for a meeting.

Several people ran over excitedly.

The kiln factory's business was very booming during this period, and they knew that this year's dividends would definitely be much larger than in previous years without even calculating. But when they looked up, they saw Zhou Zheng's face drooped, looking like he was about to cry. Several people's hearts clicked, and they all had an unpleasant expectation.

Sure enough, before they could sit down, Zhou Zheng had already told them angrily about going to the imperial kiln: "...it was clearly aimed at our kiln. Eight thousand pieces of porcelain are fired a year, and even the masters, apprentices and kilns are given. The wages are not enough to start work, are they trying to force us to death?"

The most valuable thing in a kiln factory is a skilled master. Without a generous income, it is okay for a short time. Everyone thinks that Song Youliang and Song Jiyun will stay in the Song family kiln factory for their sake, but after a long time, everyone will still If you want to eat, you will definitely not be able to keep people around.

At that time, they will only reduce the scale of porcelain firing.

Songjia Kiln Factory will definitely not be able to maintain its position as one of the best in Jingdezhen.

"That's too much!" Everyone was very angry, but there was nothing they could do. They couldn't help but look at Song Jiyun, who had remained silent.

When Song Jiyun saw it, he coughed lightly, pointed to the refreshments in front of each other, and said, "Let's sit down and talk! This can't be explained clearly in one or two sentences."

Everyone sat down in order, feeling a little downcast.

Song Jiyun turned the tea cup in his hand and then smiled and said: "Eight thousand pieces of porcelain is not a lot for us."

Everyone looked at each other and didn't understand why she said that.

Only Luo Zixing was moved.

At that time, some people saw that the business of the Song family kiln factory was good, and when the contracts of several master masters expired, they poached many people and left, leaving no one to work in the kiln factory. Song Youliang also said similar things, and then their kiln factory Launched jade porcelain, participated in the bidding of the imperial kiln factory, and within a few years became one of the largest kiln factories in Jingdezhen.

He couldn't help but said: "Master, what do you mean by this?"

Song Jiuyun confidently sat on the Taishi chair and said with a smile: "What I mean is that we no longer bake plates and bowls and the like. We bake plum vases as high as a foot and offering plates as big as faceplates. We can hold them with both hands. flower vat."

These are not easy to burn.

Especially the flower vat that can be held in both hands and burned by the imperial kiln factory, that is, the dragon vat.

Jingdezhen cannot burn two fires a year.

In other words, they give up the low-end market and only focus on the high-end market.

The accounting room suddenly felt like it was exploding: "Why didn't I think of that?"

"This is a great idea! Jingdezhen does not fire more than 3,000 pieces of custom-made porcelain every year, and no more than 20,000 pieces of high-end porcelain. If we only fire 8,000 pieces of high-end porcelain, it would be equivalent to four out of a hundred, which is almost the same as before. .”

Zhou Zheng immediately started thinking about it.

He excitedly said to Song Jiyun: "My boss, I have calculated that we can sell more than a thousand Buddha statues every year, and there are still about 6,000 quotas, more than 4,000 glazes, and 2,000 custom-made porcelains. Completely Even if the kiln factory can be restarted, the income will not be worse than in previous years. We have also avoided the daily blue and white porcelain that everyone makes, so we will not take away the jobs of other kilns and workshops."

He laughed a few times and said, "Is this a blessing in disguise for us?"

He still deliberately looked embarrassed and said, "I don't know whether to resent them or be grateful to them?"

Everyone laughed at him.

After laughing, Song Jiyun reminded him: "The imperial kiln factory made it clear that we are only allowed to bake 6,000 pieces of blue and white porcelain and 2,000 pieces of other porcelain."

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