Enter the Room

Chapter 201

Song Jiyun's words were like a ladle of cold water, soaking the enthusiasm of everyone present.

But since she can say that she will only make high-end porcelain in the future, she must have made a plan in her heart.

"Boss!" Zhou Zheng looked at her with shining eyes, "We will definitely follow you. We will fight wherever you tell us, without any ambiguity."

"Then!" Song Jiyun really needed such fighting spirit at this time. She responded boldly and glanced at everyone. Seeing that everyone was looking at her eagerly, she smiled and said, "Since Eunuch Wan only allows us to burn six One thousand pieces of blue and white porcelain and two thousand pieces of other porcelain, we will burn them according to his instructions.

"And not only do you want to burn it as he said, but you also have to render him speechless."

She told Zhou Zheng and others her plan: "Leave aside the blue and white porcelain for now, I plan to use all the quota of 2,000 pieces to burn Buddha statues."

Zhou Zheng and others looked at me, and I looked at you. They all saw shock in each other's eyes, and they didn't speak for a while.

Finally, Luo Zixing broke the silence and said tentatively: "Miss, are you saying that we won't burn sacrificial porcelain for the imperial kiln?"

You must know that the Songjia Kiln Factory has such a reputation today entirely because for more than ten years, the Songjia Kiln Factory has fired imperial porcelain for the Imperial Kiln Factory every year. If we give up firing imperial porcelain for the imperial kiln factory, the reputation of the kiln factory will be damaged. There will definitely be opponents like Li Zixiu who have been eyeing their kiln factory to add insult to injury and create rumors that they did not receive the imperial kiln factory this year. The order was placed because their kiln factory’s technology was not good enough. It will also have an impact on other businesses of the kiln factory.

"We don't have a quota!" Song Jiyun smiled nonchalantly and spread his hands, saying, "It's the lesser of two evils. There are so many people waiting to eat in the kiln. I can't ignore the bigness of the kiln just for the sake of reputation. Live or die for the master, young apprentices, and kiln workers!"

It feels a bit like if you want our family to burn sweet white porcelain for worship, you have to give me another place, and you are proud of your skills.

But will Father-in-law follow this trick?

Luo Zixing and others were very suspicious.

Zhou Zheng, on the other hand, believed in Song Jiyun wholeheartedly.

I feel that others may not be able to do it, but Song Jiyun will definitely be able to do it.

He no longer struggled with the matter of firing porcelain for the imperial kiln, but asked Song Jiyun to explain: "How do we bake those six thousand pieces of blue and white porcelain? Foot-high plum vases are the best sellers, and they are offered in the nave of every household. A pair; and then there is the flower tank, the nobles in the north like to keep goldfish in their yards; for the basin-sized offering plate, you have to look at the drawing."

At this point, he had an idea and discussed with her: "What do you think, we burn the Eight Treasures of Buddhism or the Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara? If you can't afford the Buddha statue, you can buy an offering plate!"

Song Jiyun felt that Zhou Zheng's idea was a good one, and the two began to discuss what kind of offering plate to burn.

Luo Zixing and Xiang Yang did not say anything.

In this way, they can't burn the glaze color.

It's a pity no matter how you think about it, that such a good business has been stopped abruptly!

But Song Jiyun's arrangement also makes sense.

Whether it's plum vases or offering plates, as long as an identical pair can be produced, it can be sold for a sky-high price.

The two sighed secretly, tried hard to change their moods, and began to merge into the discussion between Song Jiyun and Zhou Zheng: "The people in the kiln factory need to make adjustments. More manpower is needed for the Buddha statue, and for the blue and white painting, water separation, and glaze application. Everyone needs to increase their manpower.”

Song Jiyun agreed, but the kiln probably didn't need so many manpower.

"But everyone must find a way to stay." She mused. "It is not easy to train a master. It takes ten years to sharpen a sword."

Everyone understands the truth, but once the kiln factory no longer has so much work, even if these masters are willing to support them, their skills will be wasted in the increasingly decadent process, and they will no longer be the same as before. The more top masters are, the less willing they are to be like this. Killing time.

Song Jiyun said with a smile: "We can let these masters recruit apprentices, start classes, and find something for them to do. And the less we work, the fewer positions we have, and the greater the competition. As long as we guide well, maybe bad things will happen." It’s going to be good.”

If this matter were placed today, Luo Zixing and others would immediately understand that she wanted to involve the masters, apprentices, and kiln workers in the kiln factory.

It's a pity that Luo Zixing and others didn't know. They just thought that this idea was quite good, and they began to discuss the matter enthusiastically.

When Song Jiyun opened his first kiln after Wan Gonggong divided the quota for porcelain firing, it happened to be the day when the imperial kiln factory would bid for the porcelain.

Song Tao waited and waited, but did not see Song Jiyun.

She resisted not looking around, but Li Zixiu, who was sitting next to her, couldn't resist.

He quietly stuffed a few pieces of silver into the waiter in the hall, and said softly: "Why don't you see Boss Song from the Song Family Kiln Factory?"

He heard that Mr. Yan and Mr. Wu had visited Song Jiuyun a few days ago. He wanted to make porcelain with Song Jiyun as before, but Song Jiyun still refused.

He always felt that Song Jiyun was not such a resigned person, and he didn't know what kind of medicine she was selling in the gourd?

The boy whispered to him: "Boss Song is not here yet!"

Li Zixiu nodded and saw Song Tao walking in with Song Ren.

"Boss Li!" Song Tao took the initiative to greet him, "Did you come alone?"

Anyone with an eye for what happened that day would know that it was Song Tao and Eunuch Wan who caused the trouble. Li Zixiu didn't think highly of her, and didn't want to offend her, so he exchanged a few words with her indifferently, and Eunuch Wan said: He walked in surrounded by everyone.

The first thing he saw was the chair reserved for Song Jiyun, and his face instantly turned a little ugly. When he sat down on the main seat, he said with ulterior motives: "You can be late for such a big occasion, so you can't take this thing seriously." Keeping this in mind, I don’t think you will participate in this bidding.”

Everyone lowered their heads and remained silent.

You can hear a needle drop in the open hall.

Eunuch Wan's face became even more ugly.

A boy ran in and said, "Sir, the auspicious time has come!"

Song Jiuyun still didn't show up.

Eunuch Wan's expression looked a little uncertain, and he sat on the Grand Master's chair without speaking.

Time passed slowly like this for a quarter of an hour, and then another quarter of an hour!

At this time in previous years, everyone had already submitted their bidding documents, and the bookkeeper who presided over the bidding began to sing and cheer on each company's bidding documents.

Everyone kept exchanging glances below.

The veins on Eunuch Wan's forehead were pulsing, his eyes were sinister, and he said solemnly: "Start the roll call!"

When Song Jiyun comes later, he will let her know the consequences of offending him!

The chief bookkeeper hurriedly sang and shouted: "There are ten companies participating in the bidding this time, among which Liangyu Kiln Factory is the new entrant..."

Song Jiyun didn't show up until he finished singing the names, read the bid documents, and identified the three kiln factories that had successfully bid.

Everyone here realized belatedly that Song Jiyun did not participate in today's bidding for the imperial kiln factory! ! !

how so?

Is Boss Song so tough? How dare you break up with Eunuch Wan and openly oppose him?

Everyone's eyes brightened a bit, and they all quietly fell on Eunuch Wan.

Eunuch Wan obviously didn't expect this at all.

He couldn't hide the shock on his face and sat on the Grand Master's chair in astonishment.

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