Entering Taoism from the womb

Chapter 114 Mother and son meet in the army, Jiang Shuyue is shocked

The five instructors assigned to Jiang Pingan by Taiwu Mansion are extraordinary. One is a top-level expert in the Hualong Realm, named Hu Guishan, and the other four are all experts in the fifth level of the Shenzang Realm, named Zheng Zhong, Lu Jianyuan, Song Sanjie and Tang Lingfeng.

When Taiwu Mansion was first established, it decided to train its students to become generals, so many instructors have very rich military experience, and some of them even retired from the position of generals.

Except for Hu Guishan in the Hualong Realm, the other four instructors have been promoted to military Sima in the army.

Military Sima is an important mid-level officer in the Dagan National Army, usually a subordinate of a general or a lieutenant, assisting the general in managing the army. Its main responsibilities include participating in military decision-making, executing combat missions, and managing the daily training and life of soldiers.

Military Sima generally leads an army with a number of hundreds to thousands of people.

Taiwu Mansion sent a Dragon Transformation Realm instructor to Jiang Pingan to deter the troublemakers in the army. Four instructors who had served as military Sima assisted and instructed Jiang Pingan, and they taught Jiang Pingan hand in hand.

On the way to the front line, Jiang Pingan learned about the situation of his army in advance.

The army he led is currently deployed in the Tongyao Pass area to resist the Rakshasa tribe from moving south.

One year and nine months ago, during the second training of Taiwu Mansion students, they were attacked by traitors colluding with the Rakshasa army, and more than one-third of them were killed or injured. Emperor Gan was furious and sent troops to the north to force the Rakshasa tribe to hand over the list of traitors. A large-scale war broke out again between the Dagan Kingdom and the Rakshasa tribe.

To this day, the war is still going on and intensifying.

Tongyao Pass was originally the territory of the Dagan Kingdom. It was occupied by the Rakshasa tribe decades ago. Now the Dagan Kingdom has launched a northern expedition to recapture Tongyao Pass.

However, the Tongyao Pass area has been managed by the Luosha tribe for decades, and it is rich in resources. The Luosha tribe regards it as its inherent territory, so the Luosha tribe is fully deploying troops and preparing to retake it back.

At present, the Dagan Kingdom has deployed more than 100,000 troops in the Tongyao Pass area.

Jiang Ping'an initially understood the general situation of the army and couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart. This is forcing a duck to the shelf, letting him, a person who has never really led troops to fight, face the most tragic battlefield.

It's too exciting.

It's too unreasonable!

He felt a pair of big hands pushing him forward in secret.

Suppressing distracting thoughts, Jiang Ping'an continued to understand the inside story of his army.

The highest-end combat power in the army is the seven top powerhouses in the Dragon Transformation Realm. When Jiang Ping'an saw the list of the seven top powerhouses in the Dragon Transformation Realm, he couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

Because there is a name on this list that he is very familiar with, Jiang Shuyue.

"Is it just a coincidence that the same name, or is it my mother?" Jiang Ping'an frowned slightly.

He immediately learned more about "Jiang Shuyue's" file, and was struck by lightning.

It was his mother!

"Mother, didn't you say you were going to travel around the world? Why did you join the army? And you went to the most dangerous battlefield front!"

He was confused, but then he understood his mother's difficulties.

It was all because of him.

"Mother, you survived many hardships and fought bloody battles in the army. Did you do it to obtain a large amount of cultivation resources as quickly as possible?"

"You are so anxious to improve your cultivation. It must be to protect me."

"That day, Su Yingluo, the poisonous woman, came to kill people, and you lost to her. You felt that you were not strong enough again and still couldn't protect me, so you..."

Jiang Pingan murmured to himself, his eyes were wet, and his heart was full of self-blame.


Jiang Pingan used a flying boat to travel. In just one day, he carried Chen Donglai and five instructors to Tongyao Pass.

After various procedures, in the evening, Jiang Pingan officially entered the barracks of his army.

Three lieutenants led a group of military commanders and staff officers, more than 100 people, to welcome Jiang Pingan in front of the military camp.

Jiang Pingan looked around and didn't see Jiang Shuyue.

However, he was not surprised.

Because Jiang Shuyue was not promoted to a general in the army, but only used high-end combat power to kill or deter the enemy.

Many top-level masters in the Dragon Transformation Realm were unwilling to serve as generals because leading the army delayed their practice.

Since they were not subordinate generals, if they didn't want to delay their practice, there was no need to come out to welcome the arrival of the main general.

After checking that the tiger talisman was correct, Song Sanjie, who served as a staff officer, introduced Jiang Pingan to the lieutenants and military commanders loudly, saying: "This is Guangling Hou Jiang Pingan, and he will be your main general from now on!"

The lieutenants, military commanders, and staff officers were immediately shocked, and their eyes fell on Jiang Pingan.

At first, they thought Hu Guishan was their main general, because Hu Guishan had the highest cultivation and was a top-level master in the third level of the Dragon Transformation Realm.

In the army of the Dagan Kingdom, the cultivation level of the lieutenants usually reaches the Dragon Transformation Realm, and the main generals are 100% in the Dragon Transformation Realm, or even the Dharma Image Realm.

They also noticed Jiang Pingan at the beginning. After all, he was the only young man among the visitors. He was handsome and outstanding, but they could only see that Jiang Pingan's cultivation level was the Shenzang Realm.

However, after they were surprised, they quickly reacted and bowed to Jiang Pingan respectfully: "Greetings to the Marquis of Guangling."

They knew very well that only military merits could be awarded in the Dagan Kingdom. Although Jiang Pingan was young, being awarded a marquis meant that he had made at least 300,000 military merits.

Therefore, they did not dare to neglect Jiang Pingan just because he was young.

Moreover, there were many geniuses in the Great Wilderness, and there were also rumors of geniuses who were promoted to the Dragon Transformation Realm at a young age.

They just thought that Jiang Pingan's cultivation level was too high and they could not see through it.

"No need to be polite." Jiang Pingan said loudly, "Since this marquis is your main general, we will be one from now on, and we will share life and death."

Jiang Pingan continued: "Who is General Huang Zenian?"

A captain in battle armor with a gray beard immediately took a step forward, clasped his fists in salute to Jiang Pingan and shouted: "General Huang Zenian pays homage to Marquis Guangling!"

This army has a total of four battalions, each battalion has 2,000 soldiers. Except for one of the most elite guards battalion, which is led by the general, the other three battalions are led by three captains.

Therefore, the three captains are the most important subordinates in the army. It is necessary to know each other when they meet and show their respect.

Jiang Ping'an nodded to Huang Zenian and said: "General Huang is always strong and strong, very good."

He then named the other two captains, and like Huang Zenian, they all stepped forward and saluted Jiang Ping'an.

The two school counselors are named Zhang Xuanfeng and Lin Xiaolong respectively, and they are both at the Dragon Transformation Realm.

After getting to know the three captains one by one, Jiang Ping'an, surrounded by all the soldiers, officially entered the military camp and took charge of the general's tent.

After letting the three captains take their men away, Jiang Pingan immediately took control of his personal guard camp.

Hu Guishan was appointed as the captain of his personal guard to protect his safety, and Zheng Zhong, Lu Jianyuan, Song Sanjie and Tang Lingfeng were appointed as military commanders of the personal guard camp.

When the previous general left, he basically took away his cronies, including all the army commanders in the Guards Battalion, so Jiang Ping'an's appointment did not encounter any opposition.

After some appointment and dismissal orders, Jiang Ping'an successfully took control of the guard camp.

Finally, Jiang Pingan asked Chen Donglai to invite Jiang Shuyue to meet.

As a general, he had to sit in the main tent of the Chinese army when he first entered the military camp, so he could not see Jiang Shuyue in person.

After about a stick of incense, Jiang Shuyue entered the Chinese army's tent.

When Jiang Pingan saw his mother, he immediately stood up and ordered others to exit the tent.

Only mother and son Jiang Shuyue and Jiang Pingan were left in the big tent.

Jiang Pingan walked quickly to Jiang Shuyue, knelt down and said, "My child is unfilial..."

Before he could finish speaking, Jiang Shuyue had already helped him up and said happily: "Ping An, I didn't expect it was really you!"

"You are already the commander-in-chief of the party, and my mother is very happy."

"Now we are mother and son soldiers."

Jiang Ping'an couldn't react, and said with a wry smile: "Mother, you have suffered."

"Actually, it's not bad." Jiang Shuyue disagreed and smiled cheerfully, "Mom has those two five-color jade plate magic weapons. She can move forward and retreat freely without any danger. She has also made a lot of achievements because of this. She is like a fish in water."

"Really?" Jiang Pingan asked.

He looked at his mother's face and saw that her skin had darkened and become rougher. Not only did she smell of killing, but she also had a faint smell of blood.

Jiang Shuyue pretended to hum: "When did mother lie to you?"

"You have lied to me for two years." Jiang Ping'an said with a bitter smile, "You said you would travel around the world..."

Jiang Shuyue said with some guilt: "Mom is afraid that you and your grandpa will be worried."

Then, she changed the subject and asked: "Why did you join the army? Taiwu Mansion was disbanded?"

"Taiwu Mansion is fine. I joined the army because Taiwu Mansion arranged for me to come in for training." Jiang Ping'an replied, "Including me being able to serve as the commander-in-chief is also the operation of Taiwu Mansion."

Jiang Shuyue nodded, and then said with some worry: "Although you are the commander-in-chief of an army and you seem to have a high position, the war between Daqian Kingdom and the Rakshasa tribe is fierce now, and the commander-in-chief can easily be beheaded by the strong men sent by the Rakshasa tribe. You must be careful."

"Mom, please don't worry." Jiang Ping'an revealed his strength, "Even if I face the Great Rakshasa, I can still fight."

Jiang Shuyue couldn't help but be shocked. She had seen the strength of the Great Rakshasa from afar. His strength was so terrifying that it was comparable to the half-step master of the seventh level of the Dragon Transformation Realm.

"Really?" She was a little disbelieving, and then sighed, "You have really grown up."

After the two talked for a while, Jiang Ping'an took out the top-grade cassock and gave it to Jiang Shuyue.

When Jiang Shuyue learned that it was a top-grade cassock, she immediately declined and was shocked in her heart.

High-grade robes are often several times more valuable than high-grade mysterious weapons such as swords, just like armor among mortal weapons is several times or even hundreds of times more valuable than swords.

A top-grade robe is a priceless treasure in the eyes of countless monks.

Jiang Ping'an smiled and said: "I have a very good body-protecting magic weapon, but I don't need it. If I had needed it, I would have already worn it on my body. Mother, the battlefield is very dangerous. You put it on, and I will be a little more careful." Peace of mind.”

"Okay." Jiang Shuyue reluctantly accepted it after hearing what Jiang Ping'an said.

She unfolded the high-quality cassock and looked at it. She saw that the cassock was novel and elegant in style, and it exuded a trace of spiritual light. It was really beautiful.

She couldn't help but like it.

Jiang Ping'an introduced: "This robe not only has a defensive shield that can withstand the full blow of the half-step power of the seventh-level dragon realm, but also has a fire and water defense formation that can make people invulnerable to water and fire. As for Ju Yuan Needless to say, wearing it will save a lot of trouble when practicing. "

"It's so good." Jiang Shuyue couldn't help but sigh, touching the cassock fondly, "Ping An, thank you, mother likes this cassock very much."

"This is what a child should respect you." Jiang Ping'an smiled and shook his head. He then took out ten Five Elements Hunyuan Golden Light Jade Talismans and gave them to Jiang Shuyue: "Mother, these are the Five Elements Hunyuan Golden Light Jade Talismans. Keep them."

"Ah, the Five Elements Hunyuan Golden Light Jade Talisman!" Jiang Shuyue couldn't help but exclaimed.

Since she joined the army for two years, she has always wanted to exchange her military merit for a Five Elements Hunyuan Golden Light Jade Talisman to save her life at critical moments, but she has been reluctant to exchange it.

Because the Five Elements Hunyuan Golden Light and Jade Talisman is too expensive, the military merit required to exchange for the Five Elements Hunyuan Golden Light and Jade Talisman is enough for her to exchange for the spiritual elixir and practice for a long time.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Pingan took out the Five Elements Hunyuan Golden Light and Jade Talismans, and there were as many as ten of them!

No wonder she lost her temper and exclaimed.

Jiang Pingan was slightly stunned: "What's wrong?"

Jiang Shuyue came back to his senses from the shock and declined: "I already have a high-grade robe, so I can't take your Five Elements Hunyuan Jinguang Jade Talisman. The Five Elements Hunyuan Jinguang Jade Talisman is very expensive, and it's not easy for you to get it."

"On the contrary." Jiang Pingan shook his head and smiled, "I can have as many of these things as I want. Because these Five Elements Hunyuan Jinguang Jade Talismans are all refined by myself."

Because he dared to sell only a small part, he accumulated dozens of Five Elements Hunyuan Jinguang Jade Talismans on hand, and they were all of the best quality.

"Ah!" Jiang Shuyue couldn't help but be deeply shocked.

Her son could actually refine such a precious thing, and he could have as many as he wanted.

After a while, she came back to her senses and said in disbelief: "Really? Only the Grandmaster of the Five Elements Mixed Origin Golden Jade Talisman can refine it, and ordinary Grandmasters of the Five Elements Mixed Origin Golden Jade Talisman cannot refine it. I heard that it takes a year to refine one."

"Don't lie to me, keep it for yourself, don't give all the good things to me."

Jiang Ping'an had to take out another bag of Five Elements Mixed Origin Golden Jade Talisman to prove that he was not lying, so that his mother would be willing to accept it.

Such a precious Five Elements Mixed Origin Golden Jade Talisman was actually put in a bag. Jiang Shuyue was more than shocked, and even suspected that she was dreaming.

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