Entering Taoism from the womb

Chapter 115 The whole army is shocked

After letting Jiang Shuyue accept the Five Elements Hunyuan Jinguang Jade Talisman, Jiang Pingan then took out a bottle of Huitian Dan, two bottles of Jinyuan Dan and a bottle of Lingxiao Zui for Jiang Shuyue.

A year ago, although he disliked the fact that using Jinyuan Dan for cultivation was almost the same as using the top-grade Yuanshi, he still refined two or three more furnaces in case of emergency.

As for the two bottles of Lingxiao Zui given by Princess Bailing, he entered Yulong Mountain for cultivation not long after receiving them. He had not drunk much and there were more than one and a half bottles left.

After learning that Jiang Shuyue had joined the army to fight in order to quickly obtain a large amount of cultivation resources, he felt very guilty and hated himself for not thinking of sharing some of the resources with his mother.

Although he himself did not have enough cultivation resources, it was because he needed too many cultivation resources. He only needed to share some of the cultivation resources to be enough for his mother to use.

"Mom, this is Huitian Dan, a top-grade healing elixir that is better than Dahuan Dan." Jiang Pingan introduced.

Jiang Shuyue asked, "What will you do if you give me such a good elixir?"

"I still have several bottles. I can refine the Huitian Pill myself." Jiang Pingan smiled.

Jiang Shuyue was surprised again: "Have you reached the master level in alchemy?"

"Not bad." Jiang Pingan replied.

Jiang Shuyue praised sincerely and happily: "Pingan is awesome."

Jiang Pingan smiled and then introduced: "This is the Jinyuan Pill, which I also refined myself. It can be used for cultivation and improve cultivation."

"Yes." Jiang Shuyue replied.

Since her son refined it himself, she would not refuse.

"This bottle of spiritual wine is Lingxiaozui, which contains some vitality and can be used for cultivation. But the alcohol is a bit strong, so you should be careful when drinking it." Jiang Pingan continued to introduce.

Worried that his mother would not accept it, he introduced Lingxiaozui in a casual way.

Jiang Shuyue had no idea that a bottle of Lingxiaozui was worth more than 100 top-grade spiritual stones, so he accepted it without thinking much.

After seeing his mother put the elixir and wine into the Qiankun bag, Jiang Pingan continued to take out a large bag of Yuanshi for Jiang Shuyue, including top-grade Yuanshi and high-grade Yuanshi.

Seeing this, Jiang Shuyue's face changed slightly and she refused flatly: "Pingan, mother is not old yet."

There was displeasure in her tone.

Jiang Pingan said anxiously: "Mother, I can draw talismans and refine elixirs, it is easy to earn Yuanshi, and Taiwu Mansion has given me a lot of resources. This Yuanshi is nothing to me. I have too many Yuanshi to spend. Please accept it, this is a little filial piety from the child."

Jiang Shuyue still refused firmly: "It is true that you can draw talismans and refine elixirs to earn Yuanshi, but it also takes effort. Maybe you have enough Yuanshi now, but what about the Dragon Transformation Realm in the future? The resources required for practicing in the Dragon Transformation Realm are dozens of times more than those in the Shenzang Realm!"

"You have given mother a lot, mother is very happy."

"But..." Jiang Pingan still wanted to persuade his mother to accept it.

Jiang Shuyue interrupted immediately: "No buts!"

Jiang Ping'an felt frustrated when he saw that his mother was determined not to accept him.

Jiang Shuyue stroked Jiang Ping'an's face and said softly: "Ping'an, mother knows that you have grown up and are very promising. I just heard Chen Dong say that you were also made a marquis, and mother is very happy and proud. When mother was pregnant with you, she knew that you were born extraordinary. Mother also knows that one day mother will not be able to keep up with your pace, but mother never wants to be a burden to you..."

"Mother, you are not a burden!" Jiang Ping'an couldn't help but interrupted.

Jiang Shuyue smiled and said: "Yes, mother is not a burden. So, you can't give all the good things to mother and make mother a burden."

"Do you know?"

Under Jiang Shuyue's gaze, Jiang Ping'an reluctantly replied: "I know."

Jiang Shuyue showed a happy and happy smile, and suddenly said: "You grew up too fast when you were a child, and mother didn't have time to hold you a few times. It's a pity."

Jiang Ping'an was slightly stunned.

"Okay, I'm going back." Jiang Shuyue reluctantly withdrew her hand and turned to walk out.

She knew that Jiang Ping'an had just arrived today, and as the commander, he must have a lot of things to deal with.

Back in the independent stone room, Jiang Shuyue was in a very happy mood and wanted to drink to cheer herself up.

So, she took out the Lingxiao Zui that Jiang Ping'an gave her.

As soon as she opened the bottle cap, colorful rays of light immediately rushed out from the bottle mouth, and the rich aroma of wine also escaped.

"What kind of spiritual wine is this?" Jiang Shuyue was surprised, "It seems extraordinary."

She had never seen a spiritual wine that would emit rays of light.

She filled a glass of white jade wine glass, and then took a sip of it curiously. It felt like drinking fairy dew, and she couldn't help but drink the whole glass.

After drinking the wine, she didn't have time to savor it, and immediately felt that the glass of spiritual wine turned into a very huge Yuan Qi.

"No, there is something wrong with this wine!"

Her face changed drastically, and she immediately sat cross-legged on the bed and practiced with all her strength.

However, the ball of Yuan Qi was still too huge, and she couldn't refine it in time.

Fortunately, at this time, the special effects contained in Lingxiaozui came into play, helping her to greatly increase the speed of her skills.

For a time, a large amount of vitality was refined, and the refined dragon essence did not enter the Yuanhai, but directly tempered the skin, making Jiang Shuyue's whole body radiant with golden light.

Four hours later, Jiang Shuyue finally finished refining the cup of Lingxiaozui, stopped practicing, and opened her eyes.

She couldn't help showing surprise on her face: "A cup of spiritual wine actually made me break through and advance to the second level of the Dragon Realm."

Her eyes fell on the bottle of Lingxiaozui still on the stone table, and her face showed a happy helplessness: "This kid deliberately made this bottle of spiritual wine light, and almost killed me."

In the next four days, Jiang Ping'an focused on familiarizing himself with the affairs of the entire army and fully mastering the personal guard camp.

In just four days, Jiang Pingan, with the assistance of five instructors including Hu Guishan, completely mastered the Guard Camp.

After completely mastering the Guard Camp, Jiang Pingan ordered the entire army the night before, and the entire army gathered at the parade ground at 9:00 tomorrow morning, and he would give a speech to the entire army.

Tomorrow morning, the weather was not good, with dark clouds covering the sky, low pressure from leaden clouds, and strong winds blowing. A heavy rainstorm was about to come.

"My Lord, there will be a heavy rainstorm at 9:00. Please order the cancellation of the entire army's assembly as soon as possible." Song Sanjie, an instructor who served as a staff think tank, persuaded Jiang Pingan.

Jiang Pingan looked up at the sky and knew that a heavy rainstorm was coming.

As a new commander, if he insisted on letting the entire army gather in the heavy rain for a speech, there would definitely be complaints from the entire army. However, as a new commander, if the first order to the entire army was canceled or changed like this, it would be very unfavorable to establish the majesty of enforcing orders.

"No need." He said decisively, "Military orders are like mountains. Once issued, they cannot be changed. Since God is not good, I will let God do what people want!"

During the second training in Taiwu Mansion, he led a guerrilla cavalry squad to fight and suffered from lax military orders, so he must not let the old things happen again.

Song Sanjie asked doubtfully: "Do you have a way to delay the arrival of the rainstorm?"

"A heavy rainstorm is the power of heaven. I have no ability to delay it, but I can still prevent rain from falling within the military camp." Jiang Pingan said.

Song Sanjie was surprised.

Jiang Pingan continued: "Song Jiaoshi, please strengthen the supervision of the Royal Guard Battalion to gather on time at the parade ground."

As for the other three battalions, he did not need to send people to supervise. As long as they did not deliberately provoke him, they would know that the military order remained unchanged when they saw the Royal Guard Battalion insisting on gathering at the parade ground.

At 6 o'clock in the morning, 2,000 soldiers of the Royal Guard Battalion left the barracks and gathered in the parade ground two quarters of an hour in advance, with the other three battalions as an example.

Huang Zenian, Zhang Xuanfeng and Lin Xiaolong, three lieutenants, gathered in a military tent to discuss something. Suddenly, a personal guard came in to report that the personal guard battalion had already gathered at the school.

The three lieutenants looked at each other, and Zhang Xuanfeng said, "They really insisted on gathering the whole army at 9:00 p.m. It seems that our new general is a bit strong."

"Since Guangling Hou insisted on gathering the whole army at this time, we will just obey his orders." Huang Zenian stood up and said.

Zhang Xuanfeng and Lin Xiaolong also stood up, left the military tent and returned to their own military camps, and ordered the whole camp to gather at the parade ground.

They had no hostility towards Jiang Pingan. In fact, they also hoped that Jiang Pingan, the main general, would be powerful. After all, the Rakshasa army would invade within three months at most. It would be a death wish to still be scheming and not united before the war.

But they all thought that it was not wise for Jiang Pingan to still insist on gathering the whole army at 9:00 p.m.

As the personal guard battalion finished gathering at the parade ground, the other three battalions also began to enter the parade ground, but they were generally delayed, the team was scattered, and the soldiers kept looking up at the sky, refusing to gather under the heavy rain.

Jiang Pingan stood on the earthen platform, watching the soldiers gather.

Huang Zenian, Zhang Xuanfeng and Lin Xiaolong arrived at the training ground and climbed the platform to salute Jiang Pingan.

Jiang Pingan nodded in response, and then asked: "It's going to rain heavily soon. Do the three generals have any good ideas?"

"..." Huang Zenian, Zhang Xuanfeng and Lin Xiaolong looked at each other in surprise. They didn't expect Jiang Pingan to throw the problem to them.

After two or three breaths of silence, Huang Zenian said: "The heavy rain is the power of heaven. I have no way to deal with it."

"I will do the same." Zhang Xuanfeng and Lin Xiaolong replied.

Jiang Pingan smiled and said: "Since the three generals don't have a better plan, I have to use some tricks."

After that, his body slowly rose into the air until it was about twenty feet above the ground.

As Jiang Pingan rose into the air, most of the soldiers couldn't help but focus their attention on him.

Jiang Pingan opened the solar meridian, circulated the true essence with all his strength, and quickly pinched the magic formula with both hands, and the surrounding heaven and earth energy quickly condensed.

A giant dragon made of black Xuanshui, more than two miles long, was quickly generated.

"Roar——" Xuanshui True Dragon let out a deafening dragon roar, and flew in the air, lifelike and full of spirituality.

Jiang Pingan felt that he had turned into a dragon.

A trace of his soul was sent into Xuanshui True Dragon, making Xuanshui True Dragon become a clone similar to him.

With this trace of soul, Xuanshui True Dragon can maintain itself, he can cast other spells with all his strength, and he does not need to use spells to control Xuanshui True Dragon to fight.

On the training ground, everyone was shocked by this Xuanshui True Dragon.

The soldiers looked up at Xuanshui True Dragon, their mouths half opened, and they shouted in shock: "Wow——, what a big dragon!!!"

Huang Zenian, Zhang Xuanfeng and Lin Xiaolong were more surprised than the soldiers. They were all top masters in the Dragon Transformation Realm, and they could not tell what spell Jiang Pingan was casting.

"This spell is at least a Xuan-level spell. No, Xuan-level spells are not that strong, I'm afraid it's a Di-level spell!" They couldn't help but guess in their hearts, "Could it be that Marquis Guangling is a half-step great power in the seventh level of the Dragon Transformation Realm, or even a great power in the Dharma Image Realm?"

"He can be made a marquis at such a young age, he is indeed unfathomable!"

The spells and martial arts used by the cultivators in the Dragon Transformation Realm are generally of the best or Xuan-level. The higher Di-level spells or martial arts are not only very difficult to obtain, but also very difficult to practice.

Often only the cultivators in the seventh level of the Dragon Transformation Realm can barely practice Di-level spells or martial arts, so they are revered as half-step great powers.

For example, the Di-level spell of Xuanshui Zhenlong requires a trace of soul to enter Xuanshui Zhenlong, which is something that most of the Dragon Transformation Realm cultivators cannot do.

The four Dragon Transformation Realm peak masters who have not yet arrived heard the shocking dragon roar and immediately rushed out of the barracks or stone chambers to check the situation.

When they saw a two-mile-long Xuanshui True Dragon flying around Jiang Pingan in the air, they were all surprised: "Guangling Hou is so strong!"

Jiang Shuyue thought to herself: "It turns out that Pingan is really much stronger than me. I must practice harder."

The Xuanshui True Dragon flew around Jiang Pingan two or three times with great spirituality, then flew towards the dense and heavy black clouds in the sky, trying its best to disperse the black clouds.

Under the shocked and amazed eyes of all the soldiers, the Xuanshui True Dragon quickly dispersed the black clouds within a radius of more than ten miles in the sky, as if it had created a big hole in the sky.

There were no clouds above the head, so it would not rain.

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