Entering Taoism from the womb

Chapter 116: Conquer the military and start the war

Jiang Pingan was somewhat satisfied with the power of the Black Water Dragon, and he slowly landed back on the earthen platform.

In the Great Wilderness world, great power belongs to oneself, and the strong are respected, especially in the army. As a commander, he can easily establish prestige and gain the hearts of the army by showing his strength appropriately.

As for exposing the magic of the Black Water Dragon, it is only a matter of time, because the upcoming war does not allow him, the commander, to hide too much strength.

Moreover, he has always been known for his extraordinary comprehension, so it is not too abrupt for him to learn a magic across levels.

"My Lord, you have great magical powers, and I admire you very much!" Huang Zenian, Zhang Xuanfeng and Lin Xiaolong immediately stepped forward to pay their respects.

Jiang Pingan smiled and said, "This Lord is also sympathetic to the soldiers. I can't bear to let them get sick in the rain, so I have to resort to this last resort."

At 9 o'clock, the entire army gathered neatly on the parade ground and remained silent, including the four top-level masters of the Dragon Transformation Realm who were not leading the army.

All the soldiers looked up at Jiang Pingan standing on the earthen platform.

Jiang Pingan gave a speech to the whole army as scheduled.

The content of his speech was actually very simple, which was to let the soldiers know his military policy: strict discipline, clear rewards and punishments, and fairness and justice.

Another purpose of the speech to the whole army was to let the soldiers recognize what he, the new commander, looked like.

Jiang Pingan announced the end of the speech after only a quarter of an hour.

In the evening, Jiang Pingan hosted a banquet to win over the seven top masters of the Dragon Transformation Realm in the army, accompanied by five instructors including Hu Guishan.

In order to control this army, in addition to the support of the three lieutenants, the support of the other four top masters of the Dragon Transformation Realm was also crucial.

After three rounds of wine, Jiang Pingan put down his wine glass and clapped his hands.

As the applause rang out, Chen Donglai came out with a tray with twelve small wooden boxes on it.

Chen Donglai placed the small wooden boxes on each person's desk, including the five instructors, one by one.

At last, Jiang Pingan smiled and said, "We met for the first time, and I don't have anything good to give you. I will give you a Five Elements Hunyuan Jin Guang Jade Talisman as a token of my appreciation. I hope everyone is safe on the battlefield."

He didn't dare to sell the Five Elements Hunyuan Jin Guang Jade Talisman in large quantities, but it was okay to give it to others.

Besides, he had only traded with the Seventh Prince, and few people knew that he could refine the Five Elements Hunyuan Jin Guang Jade Talisman.

Everyone couldn't help but be moved by the eight words "Five Elements Hunyuan Jin Guang Jade Talisman", even Jiang Shuyue was surprised, this son is too generous.

Not only that, some people couldn't help but immediately pick up the small wooden box and open it.

"Ah, it's a top product!!!" A top-level strong man in the Dragon Transformation Realm couldn't help but screamed.

Others were even more moved. Except for Jiang Shuyue, everyone couldn't wait to open the small wooden box and take out the Five Elements Hunyuan Jin Guang Jade Talisman to see, and found that theirs were also top products.

For a while, everyone couldn't help but be excited.

A fine five-element mixed-origin golden jade talisman can only be exchanged for a lot of military merits. If you buy it on the market, it will cost at least 500 high-quality Yuanshi, and it is not available if you want to buy it.

For people who fight in the bloody battlefield, things that can save their lives are always the best gifts.

Jiang Shuyue stood up and clasped his fists to Jiang Pingan, saying: "My Lord, we are willing to be driven by you!"

Hearing Jiang Shuyue's public statement, Hu Guishan and other five instructors immediately followed up.

Seeing this, other top-level masters in the Dragon Transformation Realm stood up and expressed their willingness to be driven by Jiang Pingan.

These top-level masters in the Dragon Transformation Realm thought that Jiang Pingan was so generous, and they expected that Jiang Pingan would not steal their military merits, so their vigilance against Jiang Pingan was greatly reduced.

Jiang Pingan smiled and said some polite words to win him over.

Demonstrating during the day and giving benefits at night, including the lieutenant, the seven top masters in the Dragon Transformation Realm were willing to obey Jiang Pingan's orders.

Even five instructors, including Hu Guishan and Song Sanjie, could not help but look at Jiang Pingan differently and began to no longer regard themselves as instructors.

After basically gaining the hearts of the army, Jiang Pingan took the initiative not to interfere in the affairs of the other three camps, and only made requirements in terms of military discipline and training.

Jiang Pingan put his main energy into practicing formations in the personal guard camp.

After knowing that he would lead the army to fight, Jiang Pingan invested more energy in formations while learning the way of the army from Li Zaidao, and invited Liu Xixu to help and create three new formations together.

These three formations are the Five Elements Virtual Bagua Formation, the Seven Star Killing Formation, and the Eight Trigrams Long Dragon Maze Formation.

The Five Elements Virtual Bagua Formation requires five soldiers to form, which is exactly a squad. There are also five elements formations in the army, but the five elements formation often requires five Yuanhai realm cultivators to play a role. Ordinary soldiers are only in the early and middle stages of the Tongmai realm and cannot use the five elements formation at all.

When the Five Elements Eight Diagrams Array is used against the enemy, it is half real and half virtual, making it impossible for the enemy to hit the real real place, thus avoiding ordinary soldiers from being killed or injured when facing the Rakshasa soldiers.

The Seven Star Killing Array is an intermediate array that requires 70 to 100 soldiers to form, and the master needs to carry a Seven Star Killing Array disk.

The Eight Diagrams Long Dragon Maze is a large array used for two armies to fight against each other. By dividing and encircling the enemy, the enemy soldiers are trapped in fighting on their own and cannot find the direction to escape.

Time flies, more than half a month has passed, and the logistics baggage team delivered a large amount of supplies and military pay on this day.

It turned out that Jiang Ping'an not only asked his superiors for sufficient supplies and military pay, but also asked for the previously owed supplies.

In fact, he did not do anything, just applied for it in the normal process.

It can only be said that it is easy to get things done if you have someone in the court.

Jiang Pingan personally presided over the distribution of supplies and military pay. The soldiers were all very happy and excited, and began to sincerely support Jiang Pingan.

It turned out that due to tight financial resources and various reasons, it was normal for the army to be in short supply and pay. The soldiers were overjoyed when they could get 70% of the supplies and pay.

The three captains Huang Zenian, Zhang Xuanfeng and Lin Xiaolong were also happy. He was a good general if the soldiers could have both supplies and pay.

After more than a month of training, the Guards Battalion finally completed the Five Elements Virtual Bagua Formation, the Seven Stars Killing Formation and the Bagua Long Dragon Confusion Formation.

Jiang Pingan invited Huang Zenian, Zhang Xuanfeng and Lin Xiaolong to test the results of the three formations.

Huang Zenian, Zhang Xuanfeng and Lin Xiaolong immediately agreed.

So, eight thousand soldiers gathered in the school field, leaving the center empty.

The first thing to test was the Five Elements Virtual Bagua Formation. The Guards sent fifteen ordinary soldiers to form three Five Elements Virtual Bagua Formation. The other three battalions each sent one Tongmai Realm Perfect Elite soldier who was equivalent to ordinary Rakshasa soldiers to attack.

Witnessed by eight thousand soldiers, the ordinary soldiers of the personal guard withstood the attack of three Tongmai Realm Perfect Elite soldiers for a quarter of an hour with relatively small "casualties".

Seeing such a result, all the soldiers couldn't help but be moved.

In particular, the soldiers of the other three battalions were eager for the Five Elements Virtual Bagua Formation and were full of desire.

You must know that if there is no formation, it will be easy for a warrior with perfect Tongmai Realm to kill five early or middle Tongmai Realm warriors.

On the battlefield, being able to withstand an attack for a quarter of an hour is a huge change.

"Master Marquis, what formation is this?" Huang Zenian, Zhang Xuanfeng and Lin Xiaolong stood up and asked Jiang Ping'an, "Please teach it to us?"

Jiang Ping'an laughed loudly and said: "This is the Five Elements Virtual Bagua Formation, which I studied together with another formation master."

Huang Zenian, Zhang Xuanfeng and Lin Xiaolong, as well as the people around them, all clicked their tongues in surprise when they heard this.

It was actually a new formation, and Jiang Ping'an was one of the founders.

"Since I have made this formation public, I must pass it on to the entire army."

Huang Zenian, Zhang Xuanfeng and Lin Xiaolong shouted: "Thank you so much, Mr. Hou!"

The test of formations continued, and both the Seven-Star Killing Formation and the Bagua Changlong Confusion Formation were easily victorious, basically achieving the effects Jiang Ping'an and Liu Xixu originally expected.

Jiang Pingan passed the Five Elements Virtual Bagua Formation, the Seven Stars Killing Formation and the Bagua Changlong Confusion Formation to the other three battalions.

More than a month later, and less than three months after Jiang Ping'an led the army, the Rakshasa army finally began to attack.

The position where his army was deployed was not the main attack direction of the Rakshasa army, so the pressure on him was not great, and the casualties among his soldiers were not great.

The Rakshasa tribe fought fiercely for about a month and a half in the early stage, but failed to break through Tongyao Pass and had to slow down and enter the stalemate stage.

That day, early in the morning, Lin Xiaolong came to the door to ask for a meeting.

"Master Marquis, it's not good, there is a powerful evil spirit in my camp!" Lin Xiaolong's face was pale and anxious.

The evil spirit appeared three days ago. He tried to solve it by himself, but he didn't expect that the evil spirit was getting stronger and stronger and he couldn't suppress it.

Last night, twenty-one people died in his camp. All of them had their skin peeled off and their internal organs partially eaten away, but they had weird smiles on their faces.

Not only that, among the twenty-one people there was an Army Sima whose cultivation was at the third level of the Divine Treasure Realm.

However, when the dignified and powerful person in the third level of Shenzang Realm was killed by the evil spirit last night, he did not make any sound.

Last night, he, Lin Xiaolong, stayed up all night, monitoring the whole camp with all his strength, but didn't notice anything.

Hearing this, Jiang Ping'an immediately ordered to his left and right: "Whoever comes, immediately block the forward camp and strictly prohibit the soldiers of the forward camp from leaving the barracks even half a step!"

There are many evil spirits in the north. The battle at Tongyao Pass lasted for nearly two months, with numerous casualties on both sides. It was expected to attract evil spirits.

Jiang Ping'an, as an ancient holy body, is invulnerable to all evil. He is confident that he can quickly deal with the evil spirit. His only worry is that the evil spirit escapes and harms other armies.

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