Entering Taoism from the womb

Chapter 117: First Great Achievement

After the Guards sealed off the Forward Camp, Jiang Pingan, accompanied by his generals, walked to the Forward Camp.

Jiang Pingan looked up at the sky above the Forward Camp and saw the evil aura that others could not see. These evil auras faintly formed a huge evil outline.

The overall outline of the evil was somewhat like a white-faced civet cat, but there were many long braids on its head. These braids twisted like countless snakes, which made people's scalps numb.

This kind of evil is called black braids. The body like a white-faced civet cat is not its body. Dozens or hundreds of braids twisting like snakes are its true body. Every time a creature is killed, one more braid grows. The stronger the creature killed, the longer the braid.

Huang Zenian and Zhang Xuanfeng hurried over with a group of generals, all of whom looked solemn and even nervous.

Jiang Shuyue and three other top dragon-transforming masters also rushed over after hearing the news.

The top masters of the Dragon Transformation Realm are afraid of evil spirits. If they cannot control them, they can only escape.

Jiang Pingan ordered: "Except General Lin who will accompany me in, everyone should stay outside."

"Watch carefully. If anyone escapes from inside, force them back immediately."

Huang Zenian, Zhang Xuanfeng, Jiang Shuyue and others responded in unison: "I obey your orders!"

They immediately dispersed and surrounded the forward barracks again.

Jiang Pingan walked into the forward barracks, followed by Lin Xiaolong.

After entering the barracks, Jiang Pingan walked to the bodies of the soldiers who were killed under the guidance of Lin Xiaolong.

All the bodies were skinned, their abdominal cavities were opened, and some of their internal organs were missing, but each body had a strange smile on its face, which made people shudder at the sight.

Jiang Pingan looked closely and saw two braids left on two of the bodies.

These two braids were invisible to others, only he could see them.

The reason is that he is invulnerable to all evil, and the evil's hiding methods have no effect on him.

However, he did not immediately clean up.

These two braids are just two clones left by Wu Bianzi, not the real body. Cleaning up the clones rashly will easily alert the enemy.

So, after looking at the corpse, Jiang Pingan turned away and patrolled the entire barracks, and found that there were still braids attached to the soldiers.

In less than a cup of tea, Jiang Pingan found Wu Bianzi's real body.

I saw a slightly deformed white-faced civet cat lying on the head of an ordinary soldier. On the head of the white-faced civet cat, there were seventy or eighty braids of different lengths twisting like snakes. The white-faced civet cat looked very painful and wailed silently.

Jiang Pingan walked over casually, and suddenly grabbed the evil Wu Bianzi's real body with lightning speed, and pulled it off the soldier's head.

Wu Bianzi immediately launched various attacks and curses on Jiang Pingan, but Jiang Pingan was invulnerable to all evil, and those attacks were like some phantoms, which had no effect on Jiang Pingan.

Jiang Ping'an slightly circulated his true energy and held the black braid a little tighter. The black braid suddenly wilted like an eggplant hit by frost.

However, Jiang Ping'an did not take the opportunity to kill it.

The black braid had another use.

Moreover, once the black braid's body was killed, the clone it released would immediately transform into a new body.

The soldiers around were all frightened and hid far away. They covered their ears, their expressions were distorted, and they were holding back something.

Even Lin Xiaolong stepped back seven or eight steps, his face was pale, and he was obviously uncomfortable.

It turned out that after the black braid was caught in Jiang Ping'an's hand, it revealed its true form, and others could see it.

Jiang Ping'an didn't feel anything when he saw the black braid, but others would have a very distorted visual impact when they saw the black braid, and they would also hear special screams and wails, which made them feel strong mental and physical discomfort.

This was a kind of sight that could not be seen or heard.

Jiang Ping'an squeezed the black braid harder, and the black braid finally became obedient, reducing the impact on others.

While Jiang Pingan grabbed the black braid, he found the small braids one by one.

Several soldiers possessed by the small braids tried to escape under the control of the small braids, but they were forced back.

Jiang Pingan did not destroy the small braids, but let the black braids take them back.

Finally, Jiang Pingan grabbed the black braid and flew into the air, performing the rainbow escape to fly towards the Rakshasa camp.

Flying close to the sky above the Rakshasa camp, Jiang Pingan threw the black braid towards the Rakshasa camp with force.

Although it was still a few miles away from the Rakshasa camp, the black braid would sneak into the Rakshasa camp by itself.

Evil spirits do not only harm humans, all living beings are their targets, naturally including the Rakshasa.

At this time, several flying Rakshas noticed Jiang Pingan's breath and immediately took off to intercept him.

Jiang Pingan flew away without stopping and returned to his own camp.

Under the gaze of all the soldiers, Jiang Pingan slowly descended from the sky and announced with a smile: "The evil spirit has been dealt with, it's okay."

"Thank you, Lord!" All the soldiers saluted Jiang Pingan in gratitude, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Jiang Pingan easily eliminated the evil spirit, which made them respect, admire and support Jiang Pingan sincerely.

At noon, Jiang Pingan summoned three lieutenants, Huang Zenian, Zhang Xuanfeng and Lin Xiaolong, and their subordinates, the military commander, to the central army tent for discussion.

Jiang Shuyue and other four top dragon-transforming masters were also summoned to discuss matters.

In the central army tent, Jiang Pingan said: "I threw the evil spirit into the Rakshasa camp. It is estimated that in a few days, the Rakshasa camp will be panicked and have no intention of fighting. Let's choose a suitable time to attack."

The whole place was silent, and everyone was shocked and showed incredible expressions.

"What do you think?" Jiang Pingan asked.

Still silent, because Jiang Pingan's words had a great impact on them and they were difficult to digest for a while.

After a few breaths, Jiang Shuyue asked worriedly: "We attack, what if the evil spirit infects our soldiers again?"

"This is simple, I will exorcise the evil spirit again." Jiang Pingan said confidently.

Lin Xiaolong said: "I agree! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

He saw with his own eyes how Jiang Pingan easily caught the evil spirit, and he fully believed that Jiang Pingan could exorcise the evil spirit again.

Then, Huang Zenian and Zhang Xuanfeng also expressed their approval.

Jiang Shuyue also expressed his approval, and the remaining three Dragon Transformation Realm cultivators agreed.

"Since everyone has no objection, then prepare for the attack immediately after returning!" Jiang Pingan announced.

Four days later, Jiang Pingan looked at the Rakshasa tribe camp from a distance and saw that the sky above the Rakshasa tribe camp was shrouded in a thick black braid evil spirit aura.

The black braid had as many as three hundred braids.

That is, about two hundred Rakshasas were killed by the black braid in the Rakshasa camp.

The black braid had ruined the Rakshasa camp in four days, and Jiang Pingan was sure that there was no big Rakshasa hidden in the Rakshasa camp.

When the two armies fought, the high-end combat forces of both sides did not dare to attack the camp easily, because they were worried that there were more powerful people hidden in the other camp, or there were powerful magic weapons, and they would lose their lives instead of attacking the camp.

Late at night, Jiang Pingan led the entire army out of the camp and rushed to the Rakshasa camp.

As Jiang Pingan expected, this Rakshasa army had been tortured by the black braid to the point of collapse. Faced with the sneak attack led by Jiang Pingan, they directly blew up the camp.

Jiang Pingan led his army to slaughter and chase one-sidedly, and only two or three flying Rakshas could escape.

They kept killing until the sun rose the next morning, and the ground was full of corpses of Rakshasa people.

Jiang Pingan gathered the troops, checked and cleaned up the twenty or so braids attached to the soldiers.

As for the body of the black braid, he deliberately let it attach to a flying Rakshasa and escape.

If nothing unexpected happens, the black braid will enter a larger Rakshasa camp.

As for whether it can harm another Rakshasa camp, it depends on luck.

Although the evil spirit of the black braid is powerful, there are also masters in the Rakshasa army.

With very little casualties, a Rakshasa army was completely wiped out, and 2,164 heads were captured, including 13 flying Rakshasa heads and 173 elite Rakshasa heads.

The victory report was sent to the desk of Ji Tietang, the commander of Tongyao Pass. Ji Tietang was stunned: 8,000 human race soldiers against 2,500 Rakshasa, and they were completely wiped out, and the casualties were less than 100.

You know, 8,000 human soldiers against 2,500 Rakshasa soldiers are definitely at a big disadvantage. Under normal circumstances, human soldiers can only defend with the help of fortifications and magic arrays, and it is impossible to take the initiative to attack.

If it is true, it will be a great achievement.

Because it is not just as simple as annihilating a 2,500-man Luo army, but also tore a hole in the western flank of the Luosha army, giving the Tongyao Pass defenders an opportunity to counterattack, which has changed the situation to a certain extent.

"Your Majesty's secret order to take care of Jiang Ping'an really makes sense." Ji Tietang said secretly.

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