"These tunes, are they really made up by the guy named Bai Xingjian?"

"Director Feng, I asked someone to ask Director Zhang Yimou, he wrote it, and many people in their "Golden Armor" crew know that this Bai Xingjian even fought the piano with Zhou Jielun. "

"Who won?"

Hey, this kind of topic, anyone will be very interested in winning or losing.

It is said that Bai Xingjian admitted defeat by himself, but others felt that there was no difference between victory and defeat. "

"Photography, fashion, music...... Where did this man come from?"

"I've inquired, a student of the Beiying Photography Department, and I'm out of school. "

is still the same sentence, Bai Xingjian has never taken the initiative to hide himself.

It might be difficult to find him out at first, but for now..... Those subdivisions can be lifted out for him in minutes.


What's the matter? Forget about Beiying, you're still unemployed?

Bai Xingjian's story feels like he can write a press release similar to Bill Gates.

When someone dropped out of school, he dropped out of school, but it's almost the same~

Of course, one is to drop out of school and do a big career to make money, and the other is ..... The big cause is definitely out of sight now, but it can be regarded as a breakthrough.

Tsk, a proper poisonous chicken soup story.

After knowing Bai Xingjian's origins, Xiao Gangcang naturally became a little interested in him.

Coincidentally, he is preparing to shoot the new movie "Night Banquet", and the old man's "Golden Armor", right....... Not to mention that the types are exactly the same, in general, they are similar to twins.

The background of the story is invariably selected in the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, and the costumes, shapes, layouts, and backgrounds of the two basically refer to the style of the Tang Dynasty.

It is all based on the struggle for the power of the king and the queen, and ends in tragedy with a general explosive banquet.

Kingship and Ethics, Lust and Lust.

The story of "The City Full of Golden Armor" comes from "Thunderstorm".

The story of "The Night Banquet" comes from "Hamlet" and "Macbeth".

are all adapted from this kind of drama.

Now everyone knows how similar these two things are, right?

After hearing the background music of "Golden Armor", Xiao Gangcang wanted to take it and use it directly.

Of course, he would only do that if he was criticized.

If it's the back music of a foreign movie or something, just spend some money and use it.

The movie that Lao Mouzi just made, you just use it directly?

The expected release time of his two movies is one after the other.

Unless the audience and film critics are deaf, they will have to spray him to death if they grasp this.

What then? He wants to use that music again....

Of course, there is a way, just find the arranger and be done.

This is the reason why the small steel cannon checks the white line, the simplicity and the origin.

As for why he asked Zhou Xun to help contact Bai Xingjian?

It's simpler, if you want to contact someone, unless you really can't find the middle bridge at all, in that case, you can only find his contact information, and then call him coldly.

This method may be regarded as a liar by others.

The best way is to find someone who knows both sides and build a bridge.

It happened that the crew of "Night Banquet" was almost done, and Xiao Gangcang asked the leading actors in the crew if they knew Bai Xingjian.

Coincidentally, there really is.

Zhou Xun and Zhang Ziyi, both of whom said they knew Bai Xingjian.

Then the little steel cannon said again, "Which of you two has a better relationship with him?"

Well..... Zhang Ziyi didn't speak, and Zhou Xun raised his hand like a primary school student.

So, this is the text message that Bai Xingjian received when he was negotiating with the senior management of "Men's Clothing".

"So, the little steel cannon wants me to compose music for him?"

"That's right, you know how to make music?!"

Zhou Xun, who was sitting in front of Bai Xingjian, said with a surprised expression.

From the moment she entered the door, she had been looking Bai Xingjian up and down, as if she had met him again today.

"I know a lot of things, I'm young, I want to play with everything. "

Bai Xingjian's answer is outrageous, but it is also in line with Zhou Xun's perception of him.

When someone has already amazed her once, it is not so difficult to accept that they come again in other aspects.

"Then what do you say, do you want to take over Director Feng's job?"

"Hey.... I thought at first that you were contacting me to date me~" Bai Xingjian diverted the topic at this time, winked at Zhou Xun and said.

Zhou Xun was almost blushing when he said this, and he dated anything...... Is this kid still worried about himself?

Well, Bai Xingjian really thinks about her...... A platinum treasure chest on the head.

"Then you take this job, I'll date you~"

Zhou Xun came to such a sentence very naturally at this time.

The backhand is the general, and he almost can't make it simple for Bai Xing.

I don't know why, when he gets along with Zhou Xun, he always wants to tease this sister.

may be because although she is older than herself, her height and appearance are different from her age........

But the big sister is the big sister after all, and she won't think like Yang Mi, a real eighteen-year-old girl, who was easily handled by Bai Xingjian.

The backhand is a sentence of "Come on, date", and he gave Bai Xingjian a frame.

Fortunately, he is not a good stubble~

If it was really a twenty-year-old innocent boy, it was certain that he would be pinched, but he ...... But the old rascal.

"Okay, let's make an appointment for a photo shoot first, and go on a date after the shooting, how about it?"

"Uh..... Photo shoot?"

"Oh, I recently went to a fashion magazine, and I was going to make this brand the first in the mainland, so I naturally thought of you. "

"Why did you think of me?" Zhou Xun said curiously, holding his chin.

"If you haven't photographed Zhou Xun's fashion magazine, you will never be able to be the first in the mainland~" Bai Xingjian said with a wink.

"Wow, you're ...... that too Let me tell you, I'm still matching Zhang Ziyi, she is the protagonist of the movie, you just find her to shoot. "

"I've already found another Mou girl, if she's it, let's line up first. "

Bai Xingjian's words were extremely arrogant, let Zhang Ziyi line up?

"Another Mou Girl...... Gong Li?!"

"Yes~ She is the cover character of the first issue of the magazine, with her Zhuyu in front, I can't find any female artists who don't have enough coffee seats, I thought of you at the first time. "

Zhou Xun was a little embarrassed at this time, "My coffee position can't be compared with Gong Li......"

"In my heart, you are comparable. "

"Flim Flam...... Okay, I promised you, then you will give me a good design when the time comes. While Zhou Xun readily agreed, he also put forward some small requirements.

Bai Xingjian waved his hand, "I won't make you eighteen-year-old, and I won't do this business in the future." "

"Don't ..... I beg you, you give me a more mature shot!"


Seeing Bai Xingjian's puzzled eyes, Zhou Xun shook his head, "I don't want to play a little girl for the rest of my life, so I have to make some changes in my image." "

"Understood, big heroine, right? Bai Xingjian pondered for a moment, and suddenly had an idea in his heart.

Hey, it's not over for Zhou Xun to draw her in the shape of a fox demon in advance.

Now Zhou Xun really has to find a way to get rid of that girlish feeling.

It's not that girliness is bad, because not all characters are suitable for this kind of girlishness.

If Zhou Xun wants to play the role of the heroine, she needs to add more elements on the basis of her own girlishness.

"What do you understand?" Zhou Xun asked curiously.

"Confidentiality for the time being. "

"Mysterious ..... Don't fool me~"

"I'm still counting on dating you after taking a photo, how could I pit you~"

Hey?!, really dating..... Bai Xingjian's repeated emphasis made Zhou Xun a little uneasy.

Not kidding?

Is this kid really?

Not sure, try it again~

"I heard that you have a good relationship with the little girl named Yang Mi in our company?"

"Huh, do you know her?"

"I know, she has developed quite well recently, not only relying on "Dragon Babu" to become a small hit, but also very lucky to enter the crew of "Golden Armor", the second female hey! I am only the second female ...... in "Night Banquet".

When Zhou Xun said this, Bai Xingjian always felt that she was hinting at something.

"It's definitely different, she..... She relies on luck, you rely on strength, and besides, I don't think Xiao Gangcang is good, why does Zhang Ziyi play the heroine and you play the second daughter? I'm the first to disagree!"

Good guy, in front of Zhou Xun, directly start arranging the little steel cannon? (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But don't say it, just say it, it makes Zhou Xun very comfortable when you listen to it.

However, there are actually other reasons for her to take that movie.......

"Then why is she so lucky?" Zhou Xun blinked, as if he didn't intend to let Bai Xingjian go easily on this issue.

"Luck, it's hard to say. "

"Hey, you're still pretending to me, didn't you get her in?"

"Uh..... Why do you think that I have such a great ability?" Bai Xingjian said with a puzzled look.

Zhou Xunhuan looked at him meaningfully, "Your ability is great...... Now Director Feng is also begging for you. "

"There are too many people with the ability, I am at most a temporary curiosity, if they are willing to find it, I am not irreplaceable. "

Zhou Xun: ......

How to say it, Bai Xingjian, this guy, can always switch back and forth between arrogance and modesty, and he doesn't feel stiff at all.

Just now, it was natural to say that it would be the No. 1 fashion magazine in the mainland.

This kid is really good at pretending to be garlic!

Sure to be very good at deceiving girls!

Zhou Xun really wanted to roll his eyes at Bai Xingjian, express his condemnation of this little scumbag again, and finally say "Date, date you big-headed ghost".

However, she didn't say anything.

Is it a default or a default..... I don't know~

Having said that, the current Yang Mi is famous within Rongxinda...... It's huge.

After all, she inexplicably got similar resources as Rong Xinda's first sister Zhou Xun.

If you have to compare the old man and the little steel cannon together....... Well, the resources she got may be a little better than Zhou Xun's.

What is this concept?

Yang Mi may not have counted this matter herself, but within Rong Xinda's company, there is already a sensational effect.

Little girl ascends to the sky in one step!

It's not that Zhou Xun wants to pay attention to her, but if she doesn't pay attention, she can't do it.

And then ..... The relationship between Yang Mi and Bai Xingjian is actually not difficult to dig out.

At the very least, Yang Mi's agent Zeng Jia is Rong Xinda's person.

Ask above, even if Zeng Jia does not reveal the intimate relationship between the two, other normal relationships will naturally not be hidden.

Originally, Li Xiaowan, the boss of Rong Xinda, thought that Yang Mi was a big guy next to him.

As a result, after knowing the situation, I have to sigh at the luck of this little girl......

A young and handsome little brother who is also very capable and willing to help her...... This is said to be the envy of those actresses who want to throw their hearts on middle-aged greasy men.

Love and career are all taken into account, where can I find such a good thing?

No, as soon as I returned to the company after the announcement, I was intimately received by the boss Li Xiaowan, who took her hand and asked for warmth for a while.

Said: The company is your home, and I will definitely cover you with the boss.

Yang Mi was a little confused, this kind of enthusiasm from the boss was enjoyed by her when she signed the contract.

Fortunately, Zeng Jia told her the reason afterwards.

"'Zhou Xun's contract is about to expire. "

"Huh, won't she renew her contract?"

"There is a high probability that she is going to sign a contract with Huayi, Rong Xinda is still not enough in terms of film resources, and her current coffee position needs good film resources to continue to improve. "

"So ....."

"So, our boss may want to train you to be the second Zhou Xun. "


Such a big piece of cake fell down, and Yang Mi was really a little flustered.

In this panic, I kind of wanted to make a phone call with Bai Xingjian......

And then she did.

"Hey~ Mimi, what's wrong?"

"I'll tell you something, don't think it's outrageous. "

"What's the matter, so mysterious?"

"My boss seems to want to praise me as the company's first sister. "


"It seems to be true, Sister Zeng said so, and said that Zhou Xun's contract expired to sign Huayi..... When she leaves, the position of the first sister of the company will be vacant. "

"Zhou Xun told you?"

"How could she tell me this..... I haven't even spoken a word to her....."

"Okay, how about I ask for you?"

"Can you help me ask?!"

Yang Mi on the other end of the phone was directly stunned, and couldn't understand what Bai Xingjian was talking about.

Bai Xingjian, who was on the phone with Yang Mi, didn't hang up, and looked up at Zhou Xun, "Are you going to sign a contract with Huayi~"

Zhou Xun blinked, "Where did you hear that?"

Bai Xingjian gestured at his phone, "I just heard about it." "

"Yes, I have this intention, but I haven't completely negotiated it yet.....

"Then you talk about it as soon as possible, there are people here waiting for you to leave Rong Xinda so that you can hurry up to the position~" Bai Xingjian said with a smile.

Zhou Xun was directly amused, "Who~ I haven't left before I think about the top?"

Yang Mi, who was listening to the conversation between the two on the other end of the phone: ......

Can she quickly find Bai Xingjian now, and then beat him up?

No, how could he be with Zhou Xun?!

Yang Mi had a feeling that she was dying in society.......

However, after a few seconds, the voice on the other end of the phone changed.

changed from Bai Xingjian's voice to a slightly hoarse female voice, "Yang Mi?"

"Uh.... Sister Zhou Xun..... It's me. "

"You've been doing really well lately, keep up the good work. "

"Thank you, Sister Zhou Xun, I will continue to work hard. "

"Don't tell anyone about Huayi, it won't have a good impact on the company. "


"Well, let me give you a thorough explanation, next year, when my contract expires, I will indeed leave the company, whether I can take over any of the first sister depends on your own efforts. "

"Ah..... Okay, no, no, no..... I, I'm not as good as you, Sister Zhouxin...."

Listening to Yang Mi's incoherent state on the other end of the phone, Zhou Xun showed a "blame you" expression to Bai Xingjian.

"Okay, that's all for now, go back to the company and invite you to dinner. "

"Ahh Thank you, Sister Zhou Xun. "

"You're welcome paw. "

"Finished chatting?" Taking the mobile phone that Zhou Xun returned, Bai Xingjian said with a wicked smile.

Zhou Xun's face was a little helpless, and he stretched out his finger and nodded at him in the air, "You are really..."

"Wait a minute~"

The phone hasn't hung up yet~

"Mimi, now you have a number in mind, right?"

"Bai Xingjian, you go to die!!"

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