After teasing Yang Mi, Bai Xingjian felt that the weather was brighter today.

Hey~ This little girl is really interesting, she jumps up when she teases.

Fortunately, he hung up the phone quickly, otherwise Yang Mi's "roar" might have been heard by Zhou Xun.

Skin, very happy.

Moreover, Bai Xingjian felt that through Zhou Xun's own determination, Yang Mi should be able to understand his situation more intuitively.

That's right, Zhou Xun is leaving, and Rong Xinda really wants to carry her.

Roar to roar, Yang Mi's heart is actually a big stone on the ground.

After counting them, this work is more motivated.

From time to time, you can also scold two sentences of white lines, to cheer yourself up.

What a beautiful thing.

"What is the relationship between the two of you?" Zhou Xun couldn't help but be curious, this relationship is too unusual, right?

Bai Xingjian didn't hide it at all, "Confidant, just like the two of us." "

"Who is your confidante..... Little brother, you're quite narcissistic~"

"Brother is brother, don't add a small word, otherwise I feel that you are insulting me. "

"What's wrong? I'm nine years older than you!"

"Ten years old, right?" Bai Xingjian said uncertainly.

"Nine years old!" Zhou Xun emphasized again.

"Okay, okay..... Nine years old is just three gold bricks, why don't you have a candlelight dinner tonight?"

Wow, this kid kicks his nose in the face!

But I don't know why, Zhou Xun doesn't hate it.

"Eat your candlelit dinner, I'm not interested in that at all. "

"That.... Eating at a roadside stall?"

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, don't you have to go see Director Feng first?"

"Little steel cannon, what am I doing when I see him?" Bai Xingjian said with some doubts.

"Didn't you just promise to help make the background music?"

"Tell me what music you want, and I'll write it down for you right now. "

Zhou Xun: ....

Well, it's time to switch to arrogance mode again.

This kid is really ......

"No, you have to join the group, I promised Director Feng to take you over. "

"Is that a hassle? By the way, does Xiao Gang Cannon know my charging standard? When the time comes, don't pick and search if you ask him for money. "

"Huayi's family has a big business, can you still lack your remuneration? "

Bai Xingjian believed this.

Maybe I'll give a little more.

Xiao Gangcang, a director who started making commercial films, suddenly started to make movies like "Night Banquet" 343, doesn't he just want to make his big director brand more stable.

If this is a small reward and spreads, it will definitely be said that he is a child, and he is not comparable to a genuine director like Lao Mouzi.

The little steel cannon can't afford to lose this man.

After agreeing with Bai Xing about the time he went to the crew, Zhou Xun didn't stay long, and hurried back to the crew.

However, Bai Xingjian was not in a hurry to rush to the crew of "Night Banquet".

Xiao Gang Cannon just wants him to have some background music, and the style is estimated to be similar to "Golden Armor", and it is estimated that he will be a music director at that time.

It doesn't have to be like "Golden Armor", which needs to be filmed with the crew most of the time.

Moreover, Bai Xingjian himself is not that interested.

It's like eating a big meal, he just ate enough at Lao Mouzi's, and now he doesn't have the same curiosity about watching how people make movies.

When the time comes, it's almost enough to go for a few days.

Well...... In other words, Zhang Ziyi is also in the crew of "Night Banquet", and it seems that she can make an appointment with her for filming by the way?

It should be possible.

After all, Zhang Ziyi, who is also a Mou girl, has been compared with Gong Li by the media.

Bai Xingjian can naturally use Gong Li to stimulate her~

However, what Bai Xingjian didn't expect was ...... It's not over yet!

The crew of "Wu Ji".

Liu Ye, who had just finished from "Golden Armor", came to the crew of another big director almost non-stop.

Of course, he is not mixed with the protagonist, and he is still a supporting role.

But Liu Ye himself..... I think it's okay, after all, it's a big director's play~ The supporting role is the supporting role.

However, I am still a little aggrieved in my heart.

After all, in the crew of "Golden Armor", he matched Zhou Runfa.

But in the crew of "Wuji", the fan position fell straight down......

The Korean Zhang Dongjian, the neon man Sanada Hiroshi, and the Gangcheng artist Xie Qiwang, and then it was his turn...... Male number four.

If it weren't for the fact that the director was Chen Kaige, Liu Ye really didn't want to take this scene.

Today, when he passed by Chen Kaige, he was going to say hello and flash people.

As a result, I happened to hear Chen Kaige talking to the producer of the crew about the soundtrack...... said that he was going to buy the copyright of foreign music and something.

Buy a foreign one?

Abroad again?

Foreign Artists, Foreign Music ..... Why do you like everything abroad?

Liu Ye really couldn't hold back and interjected, "Director Chen, in fact, we also have masters in China." "

When Chen Kaige heard this, he became a little interested, "Oh?

"As soon as I finished finishing the film on the crew of "Golden Armor", Director Zhang found a very powerful soundtrack master, and the other party directly took care of all the music of the movie, an absolute genius. "


How talented is it?

Chen Kaige would not believe Liu Ye's words directly.

But right..... Hey, it's still the same sentence, the old man's brand, it's hard!

Chen Kaige and Lao Mouzi have an indissoluble bond...... As we all know, Lao Mouzi used to be Chen Kaige's photographer.

As a result, it seems that he is a bit bigger than Chen Kaige now.

Chen Kaige's current "Wuji", to a certain extent, of course, there is a factor of wanting to compete with the old man.

After the old man started the blockbuster era, he also wanted to prove himself.

"Which soundtrack master did Director Zhang invite?"

"It's a young man. "

"Young man?"

To be honest, when Liu Ye called to contact him, Bai Xingjian really didn't expect it.

has been in the crew of "Golden Armor" for so long, of course, he has also dealt with Liu Ye.

It's just that the relationship is not particularly good, nodding friends?

That's pretty much the relationship.

However, for the sake of politeness, we still exchanged contact information.

"Uh, Brother Liu, what do you mean...... Director Chen Kaige wants me to try the soundtrack?"

"That's right, have you been free lately?"

"But..... I just promised Director Feng that I would go to score "Night Banquet..... I'm afraid there will be a conflict in terms of time. "

"Huh, how long will it take over there?"

"One, a week or two?"

Bai Xingjian originally wanted to talk about it for a day or two, but it sounded like a fake.

At the same time, as soon as he heard the names of Chen Kaige and "Wuji", his first reaction was..... Damn! Big.

But after thinking about it again, the evaluation of "Golden Armor" and "Night Banquet" doesn't seem to be very good.

Of course, the blockbuster works of these three big directors are not very well evaluated.

The worst of them is "Wuji".

Suddenly, I felt a little emotional, is it so fate for me to be with these blockbusters that are not well evaluated?

If it's really a match, when those film critics pull these movies out and whip the corpses, will they also nail him to the pillar of shame by the way?

Well..... This probability is very low.

And quite the opposite.

Since ancient times, bad movies have come out of the divine comedy~

The worse the movie, but the more attention it gets, the easier it is for people to pan for gold in.

Maybe Bai Xingjian can still come up with a wave name...... The only desirable point in a bad movie? (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Haha, that's so much fun.

Of course, Bai Xingjian would not agree to others just because he wanted to make up this kind of "achievement".

He's been really busy lately.

"Men's Wear" is preparing for the shooting of the magazine, and it should start after a while.

He still has to go to the crew of "Night Banquet" to get things done over there, and if he talks to Zhang Ziyi again, it will take at least a few days.

and then "Wu Ji..... , Bai Xingjian will be a little embarrassed to tell Yang Mi about not mixing in the entertainment industry in the future......

He's everywhere.

However, the crew of "Golden Armor" (AJAI) asked Gong Li to shoot the magazine, and the crew of "Night Banquet" had Zhou Xun and Zhang Ziyi.

So, which female star is in the crew of "Wu Ji"?

Well..... Zhang Baizhi. []

Bai Xingjian scratched her head, she didn't seem to need to take pictures of her herself, someone would take pictures of her when people turned around.

And most importantly......

Bai Xingjian looked at the ticket in his hand.

He wants to go to Changbai Mountain to shoot the heavy snow and cover the mountain....... Tickets are all bought.

Forget it, no matter, go first and then talk about it!

Bai Xingjian's willful energy came up, and he was also a master who didn't care.

Great director?

Let's wait for now, just forget it if you can't wait, just treat everyone as if you have no fate.

"Uh..... Director Chen, that...."

"How's it going?"

"He's gone to Changbai Mountain. "

"Changbai Mountain, why are you going to Changbai Mountain at this time?"

"Go and shoot the heavy snow and cover the mountain......" Liu Ye felt that Bai Xingjian most likely didn't want to take this job, so he found a reason to refuse.

Alas..... I knew that he wouldn't intervene at that time, don't let Chen Kaige feel that he was playing with him.

Unexpectedly, hearing such an answer, Chen Kaige's eyes lit up, "This person is a little interesting!"

Liu Ye: ???


"When will he come back from Changbai Mountain?"

"In a few days, when he comes back, he still has to go to the crew of "Night Banquet" to score Director Feng......

"Tell him, I'll wait for him. "

Okay, it is worthy of engaging in literary and artistic careers, Liu Ye said that he didn't understand the brain circuits of big directors a little.

The old man is better, this Chen Kaige..... It's really a little incomprehensible.

In a sentence, he went to Changbai Mountain to shoot the heavy snow and closed the mountain, why did he still say that he was excited?

Could it be that this is the resonance of the so-called literary and artistic youth?

"Teacher Bai, we have preliminarily screened a few candidates here, and they are all found according to your requirements...... Photos and documents have been sent to your email. "

Bai Xingjian, who had been squatting in Changbai Mountain for two days, received an email and phone call from the magazine as soon as he returned to the hotel.

After it was confirmed that the magazine would be distributed in two categories, the entire magazine began to run wildly.

Not to mention, the work efficiency is quite high.

Since the model invitation of A magazine has been accepted by Bai Xingjian, the rest of the people naturally have to pay attention to the selection of B magazine models.

Bai Xingjian didn't have that much effort to choose people, so he just let them select a few according to certain requirements for him to confirm it finally.

Of course, the first issue of the magazine is still very demanding, and it is best to have a preemptive effect.

Backed by a fashion group, "Men's Wear" can be set up in the early stage, but the content must be able to hold up.

Therefore, Bai Xingjian did not let them find a few models at random and finish the job.

Instead, some exact requirements were given.

First of all, you have to have a little popularity, and you can't be a complete amateur.

It's better to be an artist who has made your debut, eh..... It can't be too good, but it can't be too bad.

Secondly, you have to be young.

Bai Xingjian didn't want to shoot any old aunt at this time...... The group of customers in category B is male.

In the end, the ferocity must be great.

Yes, that's a simple and crude request.

While there can be many definitions of sexy, the first installment ...... Bai Xingjian just wanted to shoot a big one.

Starting from the most popular aesthetics is the key to firing the first shot.

Photos and materials sent by the magazine...... These people almost all met Bai Xingjian's requirements.

And Bai Xingjian clicked on it and took a look, well, sure enough..... I don't know anyone at all.

After all, there are still a few famous people in the entertainment industry, similar to a pyramid structure, the higher you go, the fewer people there are.

The lowest level is the large number of group performances in Nahengdian.

When he stayed in Hengdian before, Bai Xingjian saw many people chasing their dreams with their heads covered......

In particular, after the Wang Bao Wall just came out this year, the number of group performances in Hengdian is much more than before.

In other words, Bai Xingjian's current selection ..... For these alternative girls, is it a turning point in their lives?

He seemed to suddenly understand the feelings of those bigwigs in the circle.

To some extent, to be able to decide the fate of others...... Tsk, to be honest, it's really easy to get people up.

It's just that Bai Xingjian is not addicted to this feeling.

What could be more fascinating than the magic of nature.


When he saw the photo of the last girl, Bai Xingjian suddenly felt a little familiar......

It's not the same as the previous ones, this girl's photo is dressed quite formally..... It's not even easy to tell the exact size of her figure.

The first few are more straightforward, and the photos sent are all swimsuit photos, which is called a clear one.

Large and small, there are also full-body photos.

As a result, this one ..... It's a bit perfunctory.

It's actually a photo in a suit.

As if he wanted to hide his figure......

That's right, it's definitely hidden, because Bai Xingjian recognized her.

It's not ..... Yanagi Yan?

After a careful look at the information, it really is.

Liu Yan at this time seems to be a host...... No wonder the photos sent are quite formal.

It's just that the information says that she just signed a contract with Guangxian Media this year.

can be regarded as jumping out of the position of host and officially entering the entertainment industry.

Bai Xingjian was suddenly a little curious.

Did Liu Yan provide this photo herself, or did her agent send it?

Everyone else is trying their best to show themselves, but she is wrapped tightly here......

Is it because I don't want to take sexy photos?

But he seems to remember that Liu Yan seems to have become famous later by virtue of his figure, right?

Forget it, I don't understand, I don't want to.

Bai Xingjian saved Liu Yan's photos and materials, and then sent them back.

"That's it. "

Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!Ask for rewards!Ask for monthly tickets!Ask for reminder tickets!Ask for customization!

Today's portion is the second five thousand.

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