Yanagi.... This is a very strange entertainer.

In Bai Xingjian's memory, I feel that there is no way to define her by "red or not", and even that she doesn't seem to be even a "star".

No matter how I thought about it, I didn't think of any black scandals or anything about her, and there was only one word "sexy" back and forth.

In other words, this kind of character design, just look at it~ just look at it.

The entertainment industry~

How many so-called "pure jade girls" are wandering in the background, all kinds of gold godsons.

In a few years, let's see how many female stars dare to use what "jade girl" people dare to use when they debut.

Of course, Bai Xingjian was not very interested in these things.

He only knows that Liu Yanhui is a very suitable artist for magazine covers.

Since he found out, let this girl rely on the label "sexy" in advance.

However, he soon received a reply from the magazine.

"Teacher Bai, this Liu Yan..... I caused trouble some time ago, should we reconsider? It's that the people at the bottom don't take things seriously....."


Bai Xingjian became a little interested, "What's wrong with her?"

"When she interviewed director Chen Kaige, she was thrown into the microphone....."

I learned a little about it.

When Liu Yan interviewed Chen Kaige, he asked a regular question.

Probably that means, you have a hard time making this movie, what if the response is not good?

As a result, Director Chen was a little glassy: "I'm holding a full moon wine for my movie, and you actually curse it to die, what are your intentions?"

is talking about the "Wuji" that is being filmed.

"That's it?"

"Uh.... That's Chen Kaige. "

"Okay, it's her for the bigger fart. "

“.... Okay white teacher. "

Today's Bai Xingjian, in "Men's Clothing", is not said to be covering the sky with one hand, but at least it can be said to be the same.

And to be honest, as far as Liu Yan is concerned, it is actually not a cause of trouble.

Of course, not everyone may think the same way.

As the staff of the magazine said.

That's Chen Kaige.

Great director.

If the other party really wants to make trouble, it will indeed make it difficult for Liu Yan to move in the entertainment industry in the future.

Basically, you can declare your career over.

Ahem, this probability is not very high.

Chen Kaige is crazy to fight with a little host.

You won't necessarily remember Yanagi's name when you look back.

But how to say .... Sometimes the Lord doesn't remember, but those who hold stinky feet have a very good memory.

For example, if you enter a new company, on your first day of work, you are scolded by the chairman who happened to be in a bad mood because of a trivial matter.

After the chairman scolds you, he won't remember who you are at all.

However, your immediate superiors, your colleagues, may alienate you and ostracize you because of this incident...

Human nature, sometimes that's the case.

Of course, the career of the entertainment industry has nothing to do with the fashion industry.

On the contrary, it is.... If Chen Kaige really doesn't give up, maybe this shooting is still an opportunity for Liu Yan and another opportunity for the track.

Coincidentally, and Liu Yan's agent thought so too.

"I've inquired, and this is definitely the best opportunity you can seize!

The agent's expression was helpless and regretful, because the photo was passed by Liu Yan himself.

asked her to take a few photos showing her figure, but she still got a suit photo.

"However, I've heard that the scale can be very large. Liu Yan hesitated.

"What is the scale, and it won't let you show your point!"

"But ......"

"Liu Yan, do you know who is behind the new magazine "Men's Clothing"?"


"Bai Xingjian. "

Yanagi: ???

She struggled to recall the name, and then said helplessly that she really didn't know who it was.

"Do you know Gao Yuanyuan?"

"I know. "

"Some time ago, Gao Yuanyuan's set of photos that caused an uproar in the fashion circle were taken by this Bai Xingjian, I checked his details, this person is very powerful. "

"How awesome?"

Liu Yan asked this question to her agent.

How powerful is that?

I can't really describe it.

This is not an exam, and how many points you score shows how good you are, and you can't express it intuitively.

Fortunately, the agent struggled for a long time, but still came up with a saying, "He took millions of remuneration from the crew of "Dragon Babu" just by taking photos. "


Liu Yan understands now!

Directly linked to money, you can let people know at once.... This guy is absolutely amazing.

Isn't it amazing, can you make so much money?

She immediately regretted it a little, as if she had really missed a good opportunity.

But.... It's not that regrettable.

After all, the scale is large.... She is only in her early twenties, and when she went to take such large-scale photos, she felt panicked, how would she find a boyfriend in the future?

Even, if you take those photos and are seen by your family.... It's hard for her to explain.

That's why she only gave a suit photo in the end.

Tangled, too tangled.

However, at this moment, Liu Yan's mobile phone suddenly clicked.

She subconsciously picked it up and took a look.


"What's wrong?"

The agent noticed something was wrong and stepped forward.

"Sincerely, Miss Liu Yan, I came to our company to sign a magazine shooting contract in XX..... Please reply within three days.."

"Ah?!can you choose this?!" Liu Yan looked confused, she never thought that she could be selected to shoot a sexy magazine if she posted such a serious photo.

Well..... It stands to reason that it is indeed unlikely to be chosen.

Her photo really hides her figure well.

But there is no way, Bai Xingjian saw her face and knew what her figure was.... This is a dimensionality reduction attack, and it is impossible to hide.

And her agent was overjoyed, "Great!"

However, when she found that Liu Yan's expression was not so happy, she was a little strange, "What's wrong?"

"I ..... I don't know, I'm still struggling. "

"Do you know how much money they give?" the agent decided, and went straight to the kill.


"Assigned to you, you can buy a car directly, of course, not too expensive. "

In terms of remuneration, "Men's Clothing" does give a lot.

After all, this is for serious artists to take large-scale photos..... Since the family is taking this risk, it really can't be justified to give more money.

And this reason made Liu Yan also convince himself.

The money is given a lot, and the traders are big hands in the fashion circle....... If she still doesn't want to go, she will be more or less ignorant.

Although there are still some things psychologically, but, let it go.

Eyes closed and opened..... It doesn't seem to work, she doesn't let people go to the unspoken rules.

She still has to pose for pictures, and her eyes can't be closed.

With mixed feelings, Liu Yan replied to the message of "Men's Clothing".

Then, early the next morning, Liu Yan's agent took her to the "Men's Wear" magazine.

After signing the contract, Liu Yan asked a little nervously, "This.... When will you start shooting?"

"Just for a few days, Mr. Bai..... I went on a business trip, and when he came back, he could shoot directly. "

Let's talk about business trips.

After all, Bai Xingjian went to Changbai Mountain to play..... It's a bit outrageous.

"Can I see what I'm going to wear, then?" Liu Yan only hoped that the fabric would not be too much.

"I'm sorry, the style of the clothes has to be decided by Mr. Bai, and I can only measure your body size today. "


In fact, after signing the contract, Liu Yan basically didn't have much thought.

The contract is clearly written, no dew point photos are taken, and she has to cooperate with any other type.

If you want to break the contract...... Let's take a look at the liquidated damages.

"See, no. "

When leaving the magazine, Liu Yan's agent said suddenly.

"Ah, what do you see?" (Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"The models over there, they're talking about you. "

"Talking about me?"

"That's a vain line..... Silly girl, you don't know him, people in the fashion industry know him too well, and they envy you. "


Liu Yan turned around and found that there were really a few models standing there secretly pointing at her and whispering something. []

It seems that as the agent said, she has become the envy of others.

"Are these models here to shoot for magazines?"

"After inquiring, they are your human flesh background board, and they may not be photogenic, and in the end, it depends on the photographer's decisions and ideas. "

After several "brainwashings" by his agent, Liu Yan's thoughts became more and more calm.

That's right! This is an opportunity that no one else wants, and how can I have the right to pick and choose.

Sexy style is sexy style...... Just to take a picture.

Just take a lingerie advertisement?

Thinking about it this way, I am more calm.

There is even a slight sense of satisfaction in my heart...... No matter what, it's much better than those human flesh background boards~

It is only in comparison that people will get psychological comfort.

"Brother Xiaobai, what have you been doing lately?"

As soon as Bai Xingjian came back from Changbai Mountain, he received this short message from Liu Yifei.

"Just came out of the mountains, what's wrong?"

"I'm going to neon after the New Year......"

Haven't been there yet?

In fact, Bai Xingjian thought that Liu Yifei was sending him a message in neon at this time~

But also, "Dragon Babu" has not yet reached the finale, how could Liu Yifei run out of the country at this time.

She needs to participate in some publicity, interviews, and other activities.

Even Yang Mi was dragged to participate in several propaganda.

Of course, in fact, Zhang Jizhong also found Bai Xingjian...... The power of that actor experience card is really a bit fierce, and the popularity of his "Murong Fu" may be close to the leading actors.

Well, to put it bluntly, the TV station did a simple popularity survey.

The popularity of the character of Murong Fu ranks fourth.

In front of him, there were only Qiao Feng, Duan Yu and Fairy Sister.

Just rushing to the heat, the crew has long wanted to get Bai Xingjian over to a few shows or something.

But there was no way, what he signed was not a serious actor contract at the beginning.

Instead, he signed a labor contract.

In other words, I will be in charge of the part-time job, and the rest of the matter is completely irrelevant to me.

Therefore, even if Zhang Jizhong wants to catch Bai Xingjian's strong man, there is nothing he can do about him.

And the most uncomfortable thing is that Bai Xingjian is not yet developing in the entertainment industry.

I can't even handle it if I want to.

By the way, the crew of "Dragon Babu" still owes Bai Xingjian some money that has not been completed~

If you dare to ask him to participate in propaganda, he will ask for debts in person.

Although Bai Xingjian also knew that the money would not be given to him until it was divided in the later stage, he himself was not in a hurry..... However, it's good to be disgusted with Zhang Jizhong once in a while.

Yesterday, he called Nima with Bai Xingjian for more than half an hour, persuading him to go to the last show or something.

It's far away~

Ahem, back to Liu Yifei's message.

Bai Xingjian replied, "When are you going, tell me in advance." "

"Brother Xiaobai, are you going to send me?"

"No, I'll go over first and pick you up at Neon Airport. "


These words made Liu Yifei's heart bloom.

Can it be like this?

It's really possible.

Bai Xingjian is free, he can go wherever he wants.

Even if there are any photos in "Men's Clothing" that he wants to take, he can't say, "Let's go, go to the neon to take an exterior shot." "

Public and private use or something, there is no psychological burden at all.

Anyway, they all take money from fashion groups, and they can be reimbursed.

However, Bai Xingjian only found out after seeing the next piece of information..... It turned out that it didn't go far just now.

Good for you!

"Brother Xiaobai, I wanted to see you recently..... Can you accompany me to record a show?"

Bai Xingjian: .......

Bet a hundred yuan, this is definitely what Zhang Ji explained.

Old boy, play this trick with him.

It's not good to grind hard and bubble, just find a girl to give him a beauty plan?

Be a man!

The girl is only sixteen years old!

Bai Xingjian didn't know how to reply to Liu Yifei.

That's when the call came in.

"Little White Brother~"

With that crisp and pleasant voice, Bai Xingjian surrendered directly, looking helpless.

He wanted to refuse, but people called him brother......

"Okay, okay, but it's okay, just once! Don't help Zhang Jizhong fool me in the future...... Let me tell you, that old boy is not a good person, and when he has a bad stomach, he knows how to calculate..... I didn't even let go of a zero-fix construction site, and you were fooled by you......"


"But what?"

"Producer Zhang is next to him~" Liu Yifei said in a low voice.

"Hey, did he hear that?"

"No, I just finished recording the show, and the crew had a dinner~"

"Oh, Sissi, you turn on hands-free. "


Ten seconds later.

"Zhang's beard is very bad, let you, a little girl, fool me over, and have a bad stomach...... I don't let go of a part-time worker....."

Zhang Jizhong: .....

Liu Yifei's eyes also widened, good guy, she thought Bai Xingjian was joking.

In her imagination, after she turned on hands-free, Bai Xingjian would definitely change her words and boast about Zhang Jizhong.

Aren't all the reversals in the movie like this~

Outcome..... Really just complain directly?

"No, I'm listening~" Zhang Jizhong couldn't help it, interrupting Bai Xingjian's chatter.


"Okay, you can just come here, you have to give an explanation to your fans. "

"I came out to mess around, who should I explain to?" Bai Xingjian said in an arrogant tone.

At this time, a gentle voice suddenly spoke, "This is Teacher Bai, right?"


Bai Xingjian suddenly stopped talking to Zhang Jizhong, "Ah?

"Hello, I'm He Yu, Sissi and they want to go to the base camp, and I proposed to let you come too. "

"Ah~ Teacher He, I've been looking up for a long time. "

Bai Xingjian swore to the sky that He Yu's sentence was definitely made up on the spot.

He also offered to let himself pass..... Emotional intelligence is high, and he directly raised his hand in Zhang Jizhong.

After all, Bai Xingjian is not familiar with Teacher He, so those words of complaint are not suitable to say.

After a casual greeting, he hung up the phone.

"This Teacher Bai.... Sure enough, it's the same as the rumors, it's a very interesting person!" He Yu sighed with emotion.

Liu Yifei listened to this, and laughed there, hey, she likes to listen to others praise her simplicity.

Her demeanor made Liu Xiaoli a little unbearable.

It's so obvious!

patted her lightly, and then asked Liu Yifei to put away her expression....

Liu Xiaoli: How do you feel.... Or is it early love?

Today's third five knife thousand.

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