Entertainment: Escape from the Stars

Chapter 1 Celebrity Escape (Please collect)

"Good morning, dear viewers, welcome to the broadcast of "Celebrity Escape" exclusively sponsored by Black Bull. I am the host Li Wei.

The nine contestants will start their escape journey at ten o'clock, one hour later.

At this moment, they have gathered in a community in Jinling, and there is still one hour of planning time. After that, there will be 12 pursuit team members, under the command of the retired detective, to arrest. "

Ning Zhou's heartbeat was racing at this moment, not because of Huang Lei on the left, Zhou Xun on the right, and the other four stars.

But the table in the middle of the round table.

Just now, the sixty-minute countdown started, and the numbers kept beating, making people feel nervous for no reason.

"Celebrity Escape" is a new type of reality show that several first-tier TV stations have spent nearly two years preparing.

As the name suggests, you can hide and catch at the same time.

There are nine people in the escape party. At present, it seems that the leader must be Huang Lei. He is the oldest and most senior. He is also resourceful in variety shows. The other five stars are Zhou Xun, Bai Jingting, Hou Minghao, Yang Mi, and Zhang Jingyi.

The other two are audience representatives like Ning Zhou, the OL girl Lin Danrong, and the glasses guy Wang Jiaxuan.

Ning Zhou, 25 years old, 1.75 meters tall, previously worked in a brand snack business.

Half a year ago, he accidentally saw the registration information online. After filling it in casually, nothing happened.

Last month, Ning Zhou became unemployed, mainly because of the arrival of a busy leader. The young man couldn't bear this anger, and wrote a letter of resignation in anger.

When he was having a headache about what to do with the mortgage loan of more than 3,000 yuan a month, the program team informed him that he had been selected for this program.

Others don't know what to do. The contract they signed is 3,000 a day for the first four days and 10,000 a day after the fifth day.

To put it simply, if Ning Zhou could survive two months on the show, his mortgage would be settled.

The remaining two amateur contestants were also lucky ones drawn online.

As for the pursuit, the twelve people knew very little. They only knew that they had five hours to escape. After that, the opponent would launch a pursuit. If they were completely controlled, they would be successfully captured.


Huang Lei looked at the expressions on everyone's faces.

"We only have one hour left, so I'll tell you my opinion first."

Then he flicked the envelope in his left hand.

“For the first task of the program team, half of the team arrived in Magic City and were rewarded with 20,000 yuan.

I have been back and forth many times before. It takes about four hours to drive, and a little more than two hours by train.

I personally tend to complete this task, what do you think? "

Zhou Xun agreed: "Our start-up capital is only 10,000 yuan, which is about 1,000 yuan for each person. If we complete this task, we will receive a reward of 20,000 yuan, which will be of great help in escaping work later."

"Then take the high-speed train. In two hours, we still have enough time to escape." Hou Minghao continued.

"As the old saying goes, if the city is hidden in the city, there will be more people in the magic city. It should be easier to hide yourself when you go there."

Basically, the six celebrities were discussing with each other. The more they talked, the more excited they became, and the more determined they became. They were almost ready to make a decision and wanted to leave the train station right now.

"You are Ning Zhou, right?"

Huang Lei glanced at the young man next to him. Although his appearance was unremarkable, his name was easy to remember. The people we just talked about were his own people, so we should give amateurs some opportunities.

"Hello, Teacher Huang."

"What do you think?"

Ning Zhou nodded: "I have some ideas."

After speaking, he stood up, went to the blackboard and drew several circles of different sizes.

“This represents us nine escapees, this is the magic city.

The news that can be confirmed so far is that the pursuers probably don’t know our destination. If the program team hadn’t given us a mission, we would have even discussed where to go.

Their most powerful weapon is definitely surveillance. If the nine of us set off from the train station together, the target is too big and we don’t need surveillance. We can all know where we are going next from the mouths of passers-by. "

"So what if we find it? We'll already be in the Magic City by then." Hou Minghao didn't care.

Ning Zhou smiled: "Actually, the fleeing party is at a big disadvantage, because you can't control the thoughts of the crowd. Maybe someone will cover for you, or maybe it's just to watch the fun and not take it too seriously.

Our only advantage is the five hours of hiding time.

If everyone discovers where to go next in advance, this time advantage will be lost, and we probably won’t even be able to sleep well tonight.”

"This young man can do it."

"The analysis makes sense."

"It's a pity that he looks like a passerby and can't drink it."

"Do you understand? Being average-looking only gives him an advantage when he is on the run. No one will care about him."

Huang Lei nodded: "Are you giving up the reward?"

"Of course not," Ning Zhou looked at him: "I think the first thing is to break it into pieces, and the nine people disperse and set off.

Teacher Zhou Xun, who do you think our escapee captain will be? "

"Teacher Huang Lei."

"Yes," Ning Zhou snapped his fingers: "Not only you, I believe everyone here and the pursuer think so too, so his movements are the most critical.

My idea is that Teacher Huang Lei must not take the high-speed train, otherwise, it will be easy to guess the purpose of the large army.

As for how to get there, the safest option is definitely to take a ride.”

When Ning Zhou first joined the show, everyone was a little confused. Ning Zhou said that he had a nose and eyes, and he was very reasonable. When Ning Zhou was analyzing, his mind started to race rapidly.

"Next, I suggest that everyone except Teacher Huang go to the train station."

"What do you mean?" Hou Minghao didn't understand again: "Didn't you just say that it would be easy to get checked if you go there?"

Ning Zhou looked at the time and saw that there were still thirty-five minutes left before departure.

"My previous job was as a salesman, and I was traveling for three hundred days a year. This has been true for several years. Actually, you have all forgotten one thing.

That high-speed train does not only have one destination. "

Bai Jingting's eyes lit up: "You mean, get off the car halfway?"

"Yes, there are buses outside almost every station. We currently have more than a thousand yuan per person. After getting off the bus halfway, we can take the bus to the Magic City.

Even if the chasing team behind finds clues, it will take a long time to analyze and search. In this way, we can arrange the next plan.

Teacher Huang is the captain of our team. His direction can easily allow pursuers to determine where the entire team is going, so he must hide himself. "

"But..." Bai Jingting seemed to have thought of something: "We got on the high-speed train. Although we got off at different locations, the general direction is the Magic City, so we will still be exposed."

"Exposure is certain," Ning Zhou was not surprised at all by his question: "As I said before, our disadvantages are too great. All we can do is buy more time to escape. It is impossible to disappear completely!"

"I understand, Ning Zhou, you know a lot."

"Don't worry, I'm not a walking five millionaire. I just like to watch foreign escape programs and know a little bit about them.


(Everyone, today is the first round of recommendations. You need to catch up on reading. You can support it, but please read the latest chapter first. Thank you, thank you!

PS, the names have been changed later. If you find something wrong, you can help mark it! )

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