Entertainment: Escape from the Stars

Chapter 2 Escape from Jinling City

[Congratulations to the host, the system is successfully bound.

Physical strength: 83 points,

Intelligence: 118,

Escape skills: basic city understanding, passers-by’s faces

Get a big gift package:

Intelligence +10,

Physical strength +10,

S-level anti-tracking ability]

Just when the one-hour timer started, Ning Zhou obtained the system. He didn't feel much physical strength for the time being, but after adding ten points of intelligence, he began to analyze inexplicably. 128 can tell such things. If it keeps going up, I'm really looking forward to it.

"Nothing, Teacher Huang, what is the other task?"

Huang Lei was surprised: "How do you know there is still a mission?"

Others are even more confused.

"When you opened the envelope just now, through the light, you could see that there were a lot of words on it, and after you finished talking about the first task, your hand never left the card, which means there may be something that worries you."

"Okay, young man," Huang Lei clapped his hands: "There is another option here. If completed, it will give us four mobile phones that cannot be tracked temporarily."

In fact, the program team did not confiscate the fugitive’s mobile phone, credit card and other items.

Even if you don't know what to pay attention to, you can learn from film and television productions that personal items cannot be used, and they can be easily tracked and discovered. This is the main reason why you need to obtain mission funds.

"Having four cell phones, that's a big help."

"What mission?"

"After the game starts, one team member must stay in Jinling for three hours. The first 2.5 hours are free to move around, and the last half hour must be in Xinjiekou before starting the escape."


Everyone fell into silence. It was really hard to get the reward.

There is only five hours of escape time in total, and the pursuers will set off. Not only will you be delayed for three hours here, but you will also have to appear at Xinjiekou.

What is that? One of the most prosperous areas in Jinling. The sky is full of eyes, which is equivalent to being completely exposed to the eyes of opponents.

However, if they follow the plan of several people, the time of arrival in the Magic City will definitely be different. Although they can find a place to meet, it increases the risk. If you have a mobile phone, it will be much more convenient.

"Isn't this taking a person and exchanging a mobile phone?"

Bai Jingting found out the truth. In everyone's perception, five hours is not necessarily enough. It means sacrificing a team member in exchange for a reward.

You look at me, I look at him.

The show has just started, even if you are an amateur, you don’t want to be caught on the first day, let alone a celebrity.

"How about we still..."

"Let me do it!"

Before Huang Lei could finish saying "give up", Ning Zhou stood up again.

“Mobile phones are so important to us, it’s a pity to give up like this. I am quite familiar with Jinling and have lived here for more than half a year.

Groupings will also need to change.

I will be in a group, and the eight of you will be divided into two groups. After getting the mobile phones, we will discuss the meeting place."

Before doing this, Ning Zhou definitely didn't want to be the one who stood out. After all, he was here to make money.

However, the system issued the task.

[Publish task:

"Leave Jinling Safely"

Mission reward: randomly obtain an escape skill]

If you just escape from Jinling City, you will definitely have enough time. Wealth can be found in danger.

Moreover, it really gave him more than two hours to escape. After all, the pursuer could not lock his position immediately. If he wanted to survive for a long time, he must have the skills to stay with him.

The stars were all moved. Ning Zhou's analytical ability gave them a little bit of confidence, but...

"It doesn't matter. I'm familiar with Jinling City. The chance of escaping is still very high. After I'm done, I'll contact you on my mobile phone."

Ning Zhou paused.

“In case, I mean just in case, I get caught and they use my mobile phone to contact you for fishing, they still have to set up a password.

My suggestion is to be a bit more cheesy. The one who hits you picks up the fight and doesn’t say anything. The called party beeps three times, and then responds by saying that he can eat grapes without spitting out the grape skins.

If something is wrong, hang up the phone immediately! "

After hearing this, Zhou Xun raised his hand: "I'm shaking, it feels so exciting."

"Me too, very excited!" Bai Jingting glanced at Ning Zhou: "Although I have participated in many variety shows, this is my first time escaping. Do you have any other suggestions?"

Ning Zhou nodded: "I don't know if that's right.

Before pursuing them, they will definitely study our information, such as connections in the circle of friends and so on. Is anyone from Jinling? "

Lin Rong, the girl with glasses, raised her hand. The stature on her chest made several men quickly avert their eyes. This was a live broadcast, so it was inappropriate to stare at her.

"I have lived in Jinling since childhood, twenty-four years."

"Well, I guess they will study you thoroughly and even monitor your parents' home."

"Then I won't contact them!" The young lady was very serious.

"That's not necessary," Ning Zhou smiled: "Don't forget that we have five hours to escape, so we have to make good use of this gap.

Please wait a moment for my thoughts. "

The audience was not happy. Ning Zhou actually dragged Lin Rong into the small room next door. It took him five minutes to come out. The young lady's face was even red.

"What secret are you not letting us hear?" Bai Jingting asked the audience's thoughts.

"When the time comes, you... No, you may not know."

Ning Zhou was noncommittal: "I think the most important thing when escaping is to correct your mentality. We are currently fugitives to the pursuers, but we actually don't have any criminal record.

Normal people don't care at all about who is next to them, unless of course they are recognized.

So before setting off, you must put on a little makeup, as normal as possible. It doesn’t need to be too exaggerated, it should be close to reality. "

"Leave this to me," Lin Rong raised her hand: "I am a professional makeup artist, and."

She pointed to the side room.

"I saw a lot of clothes and fake beards over there."

"With so many of us, can we make it in time?"

"There's enough time. It's just a dress up, not a party makeup. It's mainly about peripherals. You should start moving. Remember, don't exaggerate.

It's summer now, so hats and sunglasses are fine. If you can, don't wear a mask as much as possible. You have to have faith that you are just ordinary people. "

Speaking of this, Hou Minghao was quite confident: "I'm sure there will be no problem."

He put on a beard and his whole person completely changed.

"In short, as long as we are not discovered by the crowd, we have a high chance of escaping. Even if we face a pursuit team, we should try to run to crowded places, such as markets, subway stations, etc.

I can't think of anything else at the moment, just take it step by step. "

Huang Lei patted him on the shoulder: "It's already pretty good. Come on, let's work hard and try to get everyone together in the Magic City tonight!"

While the fugitives were having urgent discussions, the camera turned and a scene often seen in movies appeared.

The staff wearing headphones facing the computer, the huge screen, the glass wall with photos of the escapees, and the pursuers

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