Entertainment: Escape from the Stars

Chapter 3 Which side is the good guy?

"Damn it, it's Teacher He. Did he and Teacher Huang turn against each other?"

"And Wei Cheng, his performance in "The Great Detective" was very good."

"Chen Weiting is probably responsible for physical strength."

"Reba is here too."

"The lineup is so strong."

The camera panned one by one, showing twelve celebrities sitting left and right with expressions of concentration on their faces, and finally it stopped at the face of an old man.

Audiences who follow criminal investigation news are already sighing.

Li Tong has been a police officer for more than 30 years and has cracked more than a dozen major cases. What made him famous is that he spent two years and traveled more than 12,000 kilometers from south to north to catch A fugitive from ten years ago.

Compared to the nervousness of the others, the old man looked relaxed.

All this time, he has been facing real criminals. When the program team sent an invitation, Li Tong was very worried.

After all, it took so much money and so much time to prepare. What would happen if they were all caught within a week?

If you are just playing by yourself without professionals, then it doesn't matter. I'm here, it's a bit unfair.

However, since the program team insisted on the invitation, he naturally would not refuse and readily agreed.

As Ning Zhou expected, there was a pile of A4 papers on the table in front of them, which contained the information of the nine escapees.

From age, weight, school graduation, to connections, etc., everything is covered in detail.

Of course, if they want these things, they have to pay a price.

The escapees did not know that the original escape time was only three hours, but because Li Tong obtained this information, he was given two more hours.

The old man understood where the program team's confidence lay.

If all equipment and systems could be deployed at will, maybe they could all be captured within twenty-four hours.

The increased difficulty not only did not make him feel discouraged, but also made him interested.

"Teacher Li," Teacher He naturally knew who the big boss next to him was: "What should we do later?"

As soon as he said this, several other people also turned their heads.

"It's very simple." The old man nodded on the table: "Study the information. People will have habits. After studying the information, you can naturally understand some of their habits.

For example, the means of transportation you usually travel, the restaurants you like to eat, the environment you live in, etc.

Moreover, as the ones being chased, we would think that walking in a group would give us a sense of security. We might even have a chance to win the battle from behind.

However, those of you who are responsible for the pursuit should pay attention to a few points.

1. Try to be as low-key as possible.

Because he is a celebrity, it is easy to attract attention. If he is watched, he will be alerted and the difficulty of arresting will be much higher.

Therefore, I have to put on makeup and hide it in the car when not necessary. "

There were three amateurs in the escapees, but the pursuit team was all stars. The old man still had two brushes, and he pointed out the disadvantages sharply.

"2. Cooperate with my command here and communicate the situation on site at any time..

3. Be prepared to stay up late for a long journey. So far, we don’t know where the escapees are. Five hours later, we will give the birth point. It will be very difficult to investigate, and it will be very hard for you.


Experience is valuable. From arriving at the studio to understanding the situation, it only took less than two hours. Li Tong quickly made a plan.

When the time came to ten o'clock, a voice sounded.

"Dear viewers, "Celebrity Escape" has officially begun.

In the end, let us wait and see whether the nine contestants will be able to escape when faced with the pursuit team, or will they be captured."

"Start, start."

"Wow, why am I nervous too."

"I just got here. Who is the good guy?"

"Of course it's the pursuer. I didn't see Li Tong there."

At the same time, Li Tong stood up and forwarded the information to the chasing team members. Now he rashly attacked. If he wanted to find nine people in the huge Jinling City, he would undoubtedly be looking for a needle in a haystack.

The correct plan is to wait until the five hours are over and check the surveillance near the escapees' birth points.

As for the nine people who had been dressed by Lin Rong, only their genders could be seen. As for who they were, it was impossible to tell who they were unless they looked at each other carefully.

The moment he stepped out of the room, Ning Zhou felt his blood boiling and his adrenal glands soaring.

"Let's disperse according to the previous plan."

After Huang Lei finished speaking, the other eight people did not answer. They nodded slightly and dispersed.

Ning Zhou, who was teaming up with Lin Rong and Huang Lei, was anxious, but still slowly followed the residents of the community out of the gate.

Although it is clear that there is no pursuer at this time, he still wants to look around.

"stop looking."

Ning Zhou reached out and stopped a taxi.

"Confucius Temple."

When the vehicle started, he saw Bai Jingting walking out. The two looked at each other without saying hello.

"You can make a phone call!"

As soon as they got in the car, Ning Zhou reminded him.


Lin Rong took out her cell phone and turned it on.

"Dad, it's me. You can drive to Confucius Temple to find me later. Yes, remember to fill up the gas. The three of us will go to Ma'anshan first, instead of taking the expressway. Yes, you wait.

Master, we can be there in twenty-five minutes. "

"Not necessarily. From your accent, you are also a native of Jinling. Although it is not a peak period, it may take half an hour to wait at a few more red lights."

"Okay, thank you, master."

The audience is curious.

"Just call dad to pick him up. Isn't this a food delivery?"

"What are you going to do in the saddle? Transfer train there?"

"Five hours, it's already here. Let's change it then."

"I can't understand it a little bit!"

It can only be said that Lin Rong's makeup skills are good, or maybe everyone doesn't care much about the situation of fellow passers-by.

The three of them stood at the door of Confucius Temple. People were coming and going, but no one noticed Huang Lei among them.

He was wearing short sleeves, a hat and glasses, and after adding a beard to his chin, he had indeed changed a lot.

Moreover, the attentive Ning Zhou observed that Lin Rong also changed her clothes.

She was wearing short-sleeved shirts before, but now she is wearing a loose shirt. Apparently she knew that when she went out, she would attract the attention of many men because she was too majestic, so she hid it.

"Come on, let's go in."

After staying at the door for a while, Ning Zhou entered the Confucius Temple first.

It is indeed a nationally famous scenic spot. Even in the hot summer, there are still many tourists.

As they walked, the audience looked at them, and suddenly they discovered,

Hey, why did three people become two? Where did Ning Zhou go?

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