Entertainment: Escape from the Stars

Chapter 36 I said I wanted to play with you, do you believe me?

On the other side, the pursuers who had been hanging around the Magic City TV for more than half an hour decided to give up.

The main reason is that there are more and more people watching. Even if the escapees are nearby, they will definitely run away when they see the movement.

Due to the time difference during the live broadcast, the audience provided mostly false clues, including all kinds of clues, so Quan Dang didn't hear anything and got on the bus back to the hotel in annoyance.

Especially Chen Weiting.

He is a tank in many variety shows, good at charging into battle, and his physical strength is absolutely OK.

But within forty-eight hours after arriving here, I was molested by Ning Zhou twice. Besides being a blow, it was a pity.

Before the show started, the chasing team members were all interviewed.

Many members boast that Haikou can definitely catch all the escapees in three days at most.

After all, we have advantages in numbers and equipment, and there is a big boss like Li Tong sitting in charge, so it would be strange to not have confidence.

But when I really got into the pursuit, I found that that was not the case at all.

Even if they are close at hand, they can miss it. When there are no clues, they are at a loss and don't know what to do.

The car was very quiet at this moment, there was no sound, everyone looked out the window, not knowing what they were thinking.

As one of the team leaders, Teacher He wanted to comfort the members, but when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back.

How to comfort?

Given such obvious clues, they were actually allowed to escape.

Although we have little experience in pursuit, the other party is also a novice in escaping.

Especially for me, I was completely led by Ning Zhou. This feeling of being crushed and powerless was not good.


Li Tong's voice came from the watch, making the chasing team members sit up straight.

“It’s a pity that the pursuit in the afternoon has a good chance of catching the fugitive.

If the speed is faster, the encirclement is larger, and the two of them are left on the road, they may gain something.

But it doesn't matter, experience is gained from failure. It's only the second day, so it's still early.

I am checking the surrounding surveillance video here, because there are about thirty probes, and even if I have an approximate time, I have to watch it for a while.

I’ll give you a mission, visit Chen Chichi at home, Brother Chao. Don’t tell anyone, and don’t reveal your whereabouts in advance.”

"you mean"

"It's just possible," Li Tong said truthfully: "As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest place. It would be great if they could fight back."

Several people thought that it was indeed the case, and they all contacted and communicated with each other. Who would have thought that the escapees would still stay in the magic city.

"But many people don't know where they are."

"I only know one."

"Where's Teacher He?"

Teacher He also shook his head: "We usually have gatherings outside and rarely go to home, unless we are particularly friendly and know that he doesn't care."

I can also understand that when there are too many people in a house, things like hygiene can be a headache. Real friends will consider each other.

"Well, those who can get to home should go first. Don't make other calls for the time being, so as not to alert others."

If someone is on the side of the pursuer, they must be prepared to inform the other side.

"Hey, do you know where Tan Songyun lives?"

Wei Cheng asked.

"She, I feel, is definitely a good friend of the escapees. If they had not left, they would most likely live in her place."

It’s not nonsense. On the way to the TV station, Teacher He called Tan Songyun again.

Everyone knew that she came to the appointment to help with the task, and there was something wrong with her tone of voice.

However, the young lady is very loyal. Under Teacher He's various temptations, she bit herself to death and did not go out. She stayed at home.

"Okay, let's go to Tan Songyun's house first. Remember to knock on the door without notifying him in advance."

After hearing this, Li Tong expressed his support.

"I have made new discoveries here, and I will inform you all in time."

Suddenly having a goal, the members felt much better, at least they could move.

Although no one among the six knew the location of Tan Songyun's house, it was not difficult to solve it.

I called Daxun directly.

Many people outside the industry know that Bai Jingting, Daxun, and Tan Songyun are a mixed vocal group, and their relationship is not good.

Daxun was filming. His agent answered the phone and saw that it was Teacher He who was very polite.

When I heard that Tan Songyun's address was needed, I sent it directly to him without going through Daxun.

"Well, being so straightforward at least means that the fugitive is not with Daxun."

Someone in the pursuit team was trying to analyze.

"Then let's walk?"

Now that I have an address, although I will be hungry, thirsty and tired, at least I have a goal and a head to head towards.

The traffic in Shanghai is terrible.

Originally, the three Hongqi cars were still together when they set off, but before they had gone far, the taillights of each other's cars were no longer visible.

The destination will not be lost, it doesn’t matter much, it just takes a lot of time.

At six o'clock, with the afterglow of the sun still in the sky, the nine members arrived at Tan Songyun's community.

The guard scanned his face directly, and when he saw Teacher He in the car, he let him go.

"Chen Weiting and Fan Chenchen will be guarding the door later and must block it."

"Do you want to pretend to be a property?"

"I think it's feasible."

After briefly discussing the countermeasures, the nine people got on the elevator "aggressively".

Tuk-tuk-tuk. Tuk-tuk-tuk.

Zhao Liying knocked on the door, while several others were squatting beside them, always ready to charge.

"Hello, I'm the property staff. Downstairs, they said your bathroom might be leaking, so I came to take a look."

Seeing no one responded, Zhao Liying turned her head, and Teacher He signaled to continue.

Maybe someone is really inside, and they are afraid to open the door due to their own evil intentions.

Tuk-tuk-tuk. Tuk-tuk-tuk. Ding-dong-ding-dong

However, no matter how Zhao Liying knocked on the door and shouted, there was no movement inside.

"what's going on?"

This is not a hotel. You can get a universal key card. If the door really doesn't open, there's nothing they can do.

After persisting for almost ten minutes, Teacher He shook his head and was about to give up.


The elevator door behind opened.

"Why are you here?"

It wasn't Tan Songyun or someone else who came out.

Well, that's a little embarrassing.

"I said I came to play with you, do you believe it?" Teacher He stepped forward and gave her a hug.

"I don't believe it," the young lady looked at the people behind her with her eyes rounded: "You don't believe me, so come to the house and have a look. Come on, come on."

As he spoke, he simply opened the door and made a gesture of invitation.

Now that we are here, it makes no sense not to take a look, so Teacher He visited as a representative.

"Songyun, don't be angry, we are pursuers after all."

Because I was in a hurry, since it wasn’t available here, I didn’t waste much time.

"The mission is to catch them. You have to understand that the nine of them are now C-class fugitives. They are robbers, break-ins, and under house arrest. They are very dangerous."

Tan Songyun suppressed a smile: "Don't worry, as long as you come, I will definitely repay you. That's all."

"Okay, no further interruption, let's go first."

Another trip in vain.

"Who should we look for next?"

Fan Chenchen touched his chin: "Why don't you ask Zhao Lushi? After all, she helped Ning Zhou escape."

(Thanks to Brother Nan for the 5,000-point reward, thanks to the severe cold for the 1,500-point reward, and thanks to Ba Chang, the bosses are getting rich!)

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